Black Butler Matchups - Tumblr Posts
Greetings and salutations, hope I don’t bother you to much. May I please have a matchup for Black Butler? My pronouns are She/They and I’m bisexual with a preference to masculinity. My Myers Briggs type is INFJ and Enneagram type is 4. My star sign is Taurus. Im about 4’11..not to happy about it. I’m rather introverted, and can be considered not a people person. Because of me dressing in all black and taking a liking to gruesome things like slashers and murder documentaries. A friend of mine even likes to call me “discount vomitboyx”. I’ve come to the conclusion I just scare people off. In reality, I’m intimidated by everyone around me and find it hard to start conversing, which may or may not come off as rude to people. When I finally become comfortable with someone I start to become really sarcastic and joke around with them with witty banter. Most of my humor comes off really insulting, but I’ll apologize and say it’s a joke if it becomes a problem. I’m not good with overly sensitive or dramatic people at all, and I can’t stand kids. I’m a huge animal person though, I adore cats. I have my moments where I can get really feisty, or very quiet and closed off. I’m the type of person that has very strong morals and opinions. I keep them to myself and bottle them up. If pushed far enough I’ll become unforgiving, and become aggressive. Especially with the types mentioned above. I find the most comfort in just being in my room drawing, reading and or listening to music ( My Chemical Romance, Godsmack, Mindless Self Indulgence, Get Scared, sometimes Tally Hall or Mother Mother ). I’m a plushie maniac and when I fall asleep you can always see me cuddled up to one of them. I find it because I’m really touch starved. I’m guilty of being very submissive, and I suffer from Aspergers autism, depression and anxiety. I have small tics, but they only flare when I’m overly stressed or mad. I’ve also been developing a eating disorder. If you do get to this, thanks for your time. - coii
Salutations to you too! Thank you for requesting! We actually share the same Myers Briggs type, I'm an INFJ too! That said, I match you with: Undertaker

Undertaker is definitely someone who has no problem with socializing, but keeps to himself.
He doesn't come off as intimidating, not that he can't be, he's one of the most powerful shinigami in the (after)world, but as we've seen, there's a more silly vibe to him.
He is very curious, so it makes sense he would take interest in you and try to make you warm up to him.
He also likes dark clothes, and prefers comfort over fashion imo, but he's still a ray of sunshine and your dark, but kind of cutesy appearance would draw him in like a moth to light.
Despite the theatrics he puts on, I think that when nobody's around, he's pretty laid back. Very easy to get along with.
If you have a hard time talking to him at first, he doesn't mind it. He can talk for the both of you, but if you don't want to, that's fine with him as well.
Would love your humor, even if he was the butt of the joke, but if you could tell him some dark ones as well, he'd be over the moon!
Undertaker likes all things gruesome and gory, listening to true crime documentaries/podcasts will be one of his favourite past time activities with you!
He would definitely like if you'd share your hobbies with him, I can definitely see him jamming to a few bands that you mentioned.
He is very intrigued how your entire behaviour changes when you're around animals. Although I don't think he is much of a animal person, people are more intriguing to him imo, he'd love to watch you snuggle a stray kitty and would definitely let you bring it back home. Not permanently, but to feed it and let it warm up. If you want to feed stray cats, that's fine with him as well. Just put some milk and treats behind the backdoor and wait.
I'm pretty positive you'd hate Ciel. Because even though he is incredibly strong mentally and pretty smart for a 12yo., he is still a spoiled brat. And if you think Undertaker wouldn't laugh his ass off watching you quietly seethe whenever the young earl and his demonic butler came to his humble shop, you are gravely mistaken. He doesn't mean anything bad, he just can't help but find it hilarious.
He is a very cuddly/touchy person. So you can kiss touch-starvation goodbye and send it to someone you hate! Istg this man could live off of hugs, cuddles and handholding. Maybe he is some sort of vampire, anything is possible with him, really.
He would find the fact that you sleep with plushies very cute. They make cuddling so much more enjoyable too! He likes this little fact about you, at least he knows what to give you for birthdays etc.
He may not seem like it, but like I said earlier, he's not as much of an airhead as he presents himself to be. Quite the opposite actually, he is very intelligent and perceptive, having been around people for such a long time. He would definitely notice if something was off with you.
He'd ask you about it, but wouldn't force you to tell him anything that you don't want to. He is curious about what goes up in your pretty little head, don't get me wrong, but he just wants to know what's wrong, so that he can figure out/ask/study how he can help you.
He wouldn't coddle you or anything like that, if you need time alone, he'll give you just that, but he wouldn't like seeing you struggle. He always let's you know that you don't have to handle all these things alone, that he'll try to aid you however he can if you let him and that you are loved and appreciated for who you are.
He's really great at being there for you without it being overwhelming or forced.
Hey, could I ask for a Black Butler Mashup?
My pronouns are She/Her and I am romantically attracted to men. I am a gemini and a Slytherin INTP. My favourite aesthetic to look at is like early 2000s y2k pastel pink (pink is my favourite colour!), but the truth is I usually dress either pretty simple (Black T-shirt and some jeans/shorts) or pretty goth. I have natural curly dark hair that I cut myself (it’s up to my shoulders) and usually have in a ponytail.
I am smart when it comes to academics ( Literature class is my faveourite! I love discussing what the author could have meant!) and i am fluent in 4 languages but I will 100% get lost or be late if you ask me to meet you anywhere. When it comes to socialising with my friends I am always super loud and bouncy and talky and excited that they are there!
I am the mom friend that needs a mom friend lol, because I always want to bake for my friends when they come over and give advice a lot, but when it comes to myself it’s hard to follow that advice. My hobbies are reading and swimming (I grew up with the ocean nearby so I absolutely adore it. Hopefully this summer I can start surfing lessons!). My music taste, like my personality, is all over the place. I love mindless self indulgence, Kesha, AJR, Musicals and everything in between.
TLDR: Most of the times I have the same energy as a very exited Labrador, that is also very stupid, but means well.
Omg, i love literature as well! Mom friends are extremely underrated and no, I don't take constructive criticism. I love water as well, but at the same time I'm terrified of it, especially the ocean XD That said, I match you with:
William T. Spears

Making friends with Will would be hard for any other person, since he's a workaholic.
But he seemed to naturally gravitate towards you, seeing as you seemed to be the only one he knew that he could have a serious conversation with.
He really doesn't care what you dress like, no matter how extravagant you decide to dress any day, truth is, he's probably seen worse (ehmehmGrellehmehm). However, he does think your style suits you and that you look pretty ;)
Will would seem like he's annoyed by your attitude whenever you two hang out. He says stuff like "You shouldn't be so loud, it makes you look stupid. You're surely better than that."
Don't pay any mind to these comments, he just feels like he needs to keep some sort of appearance, with his high position among the shinigami. You can bet your ass that when you become quiet, he's gonna ask if there's anything wrong, with a small amount of concern slipping past his cold mask.
Please get him out of the office, he needs it. That's another thing you two have in common, being the mom friend, because Will definitely is a mom friend, just with a twist. Imagine a mom friend, but tsundere.
Since he's a workaholic and more often than not gets immersed in his work, he forgets to take care of himself. However, if you manage to get him out, and trust me, for you he will find the time, his mind starts to actually register the state his coworkers/friends are in. And that's when he starts fussing over you, discreetly of course.
Would love to have reading dates with you. It takes his mind off of things and believe it or not, but also having deep conversartions about the meaning of the works you chose is his favourite way of relaxing. His favourite genre to muse about is poetry, just saying...
Will probably isn't into any type of loud music, he only listens to it as background noise for when he works, so definitely enjoys classical and also lofi beats, but he has them playing on the lowest volume.
He would love to dance with you though, but don't expect anything less than waltz. If you don't know how to waltz, don't worry, he's gonna teach you. And since your his favourite, he may even go easy on you ;)
You're basically the only one who ever gets him to relax and he wants to pay you in return by taking care of you and making sure you're alright <3
If matchups are still open and if it isn't to much trouble may i have black butler (male) matchup please. My pronouns are she/her. Im a Capricorn, my Mbti type is infj-a/infj-t. I tend to be shy around new people but I can be somewhat loud with people who im close to. I have medium length brown hair, green eyes i wear round glasses,pale skin and a lot of freckles. My height is 5'0. I also would consider myself helpful. If someone asks for help with work or something ill try my best to help them. Im not very athletic and im not a big fan of sports but i love to go roller and ice skating. I also love to read books and to also cook and bake food. I also like to garden. I've been playing the violin for 6 years. I love animals and im planing on becoming a wildlife veterinarian. I like to Watch nature/animal documentaries. I also like sweets. My aesthetic would probably be cottagecore. Some things i dislike are people who bend or ruin my books and people who speak over me when im trying to talk. I hope this is ok, sorry if i spelt anything wrong. Hope im not bothering :)
Hello fellow INFJ, welcome to my humble blog! Enjoy your stay! I also considered being a vet, but I'm scared of dogs, so I dropped the idea XD Anyway, I match you with:

This man is a literal sweetheart. He wouldn't even think of teasing you for being shy, if anything, he gives you some space if you need it.
He is definitely attracted to your kindness, it is something that he values, along with loaylty.
The domestic vibes I'm getting right now, omg.
He would love you even more if you got along with Soma, even though he can act more spoiled than Ciel and Alois combined sometimes.
Even if he had a hard day, he finds the energy to take care of you. Agni would love to do stuff for you, like cooking or washing your hair.
But he loves it even more when you do those things together. Basically anything that you like doing, cooking, tending to the garden, he'd love it if you could do it together.
Although he owes Soma his life, you give him something that he had never had in his life, warmth. And not just any kind of warmth, the kind that only true love can give.
He doesn't want to lose that and so you quickly become his number one, along with Soma.
The young prince is so supportive of you two, just saying. He loves to hear Agni talk about what you two do, because he loves seeing Agni happy. He also may or may not scold him to be good to you from time to time (only jokingly though, because it's clear as day that that man is smitten with you).
It is most likely that Agni has never been ice or roller skating, but he wouldn't be opposed to trying. He'd fall down a few times before getting used to it. Once he does it comes surprisingly easy to him.
He would love watching you ice skate, he thinks you look so graceful, like a ballerina.
If you fall down or get hurt, he gets really worried, please reassure him that you're fine.
I don't think he'd be too into dates since you're spending so much time together as it is, but apart from the skating, he would also like trips to nature, picnics in fields, mushroom picking, making flower crowns (he'd definitely blush if you put a flower crown on his head out of the blue, bby)
He is in awe of your choice of profession. It's one thing to be kind to humans, but a whole other to do the same for animals. Agni thinks it is much harder, since you can't easily articulate to them that you want to help and that makes him admire you even more.
All in all 10/10 supportive, cute boyfriend <3
Others I can see you with: Finnian - I think that he is very much like Agni in many ways, so I'm not gonna repeat myself and tell you some other things that I think would apply for Finny. You could actually teach him how to tend to the garden so it doesn't die. The poor boy is always afraid of hurting you with his inhuman strength and would train in secret with the other servants to learn to control it better. He would be more into taking you out on dates, if the young master gave him permission, he'd love ice skating, but would be terrified of roller skating, because whoa, there are wheels on his feet and omg what does he do now?? But his favourite would definitely be trips to nature, it makes him feel even more free than in the Phantomhive mansion.
Hey! I love your matchups and I really want one with on the black butler characters.
I am ISTJ and even though I was born in America I come from a Mexican family. So I am fluent in Spanish and English. Along side of Mandarin Chinese (still learning) and Japanese (still learning)
Appearance wise, I have olive skin, long wavy/curly hair that reaches my tailbone (i like putting it in side braid). I also have long bangs that quite often fall over my glasses. And just too lazy to move them. I also have dimples when I smile. I will bite anyone who try poke them.
Personality: I can get hard to know at first because I have trust issues (my heart has been broken okay) . Not too mention people don't try to get know me because of my major Resting Bitch Face. They think I am judging them or that I am scary. But I am not... I am attentive so I will stand up for myself and anyones else. I am patient. Also, after you get to know me you will realize I am a chaotic crackhead with a melodramatic persona. Like "your star is here!" "The stage is calling for me. Move out of my way" "the spotlight is on me so could you move you crusty face?" I like to tease and flirt with the people I am close to. I zone out or daydream a lot. And in the worst times. It could be a serious meeting and I am chuckling because of something in my head. Which have scared people. It could be during a conversation and I will stop listening. But I will always feel bad and apologize.
I also like to scare people. Like tell them the unsolved cases or horrific cases that I know (I love unsolved cases) . This is also why my little siblings hate me. Turns out talking kids murder cases and disapperinv cases was not appropriate for bed time story... woops.....
I like to pop out of nowhere and either flick or playfully punch my friends and say boo. I do accidentally roast people. I don't think before I say things. And don't realize until hours or days later. And I am like "shit"
I am sarcastic and that has gotten me in trouble before. My friend asked for my advice and I didn't know she was being serious. So I gave her a sarcastic advice and she came back to me mad. I was like "shit you believed me?"
Likes/hobbies: i like my anatomy class and I like to read, write, meditate (because I get stressed a lot). I really like to dance and listen to music. Which my music taste is everywhere: Kpop, classical music, jazz, jpop, Spanish songs, rock, metal. Every music genre except for country. I like to play the violin.
My passion lies in the arts and crafts. I would like to do illustration and photography. More specifically street fashion photography and and event photography. Like weddings and funerals. Yes funeral photography does exist and I will like to do it. Since it is also special event. I draw a lot of portraits and landscapes. I have been told that my art is either scary or mysterious. Though I can get a little caught up with my passion. I practice to get better with no rest.
Flaws/toxic traits: I am not empathetic or sympathetic. People always thought I didn't care about my friend's issues. I do i just don't understand them. My compassion does make up for this and will give advice. My other flaw, is the high walls I build to protect myself. I am there for other people. But people were never there for me. People have manupliated me and that cause me trust issues. I don't know how to handle negative emotions like depression, anxiety, self doubt, procrastination. So I just isolate myself in these moods. They really take a toll on me and make me think I can't do my passions. I am afraid of commitment because of toxic relationships i had before.
Love language: I am not obvious with affection. (Because no one ever gave me it). I show it through my teasing and flirting. My love language is however Act of Service. I will help my s/o with anything they need. Chores, work, advice, etc. Sort of the mom of my friend group. But a Savage mom as I have been told. "Stop crying, here I made you a cookie" "do I need to hurt someone" "don't worry I can get coffin with a lock in it". I am also an aggressive supporter. Like "No YOU are beautiful. YOU are gorgeous!" (This happened when someone gives me affection and time try to turn the attention to them as way to hide my fluster)
I will call my s/o like "stupid" "idiot" but in a endearing way. Okay. Occasionally I will use "beloved" and "Cariño/cariña"
I am not good receiving verbal affection or physical affection. I was never given affection so I am not used to it. I will start blushing and stop working. I will also probably say "idiot" or turn the attention to them like "no.. u" but I think fails because I am terrible at hiding my blush. I get easily flustered with affection okay. But I won't ever admit that I like it. Though it is obvious.
Sexuality: i am bisexual so it doesn't matter what gender I am paired up with.
Funt fact i guess?: I love small plants, plushies, and banana milk. Like I have hundreds of different kinds of plants and they each have their own name. Like GGmo, Lily, Melody, Edward. I love Banana milk as I said. I drink it every evening. It always get me happy so when I am sad or had a bad day. I drink banana milk and I am happy. It is also to make up for my coffee addiction. I am addicted to coffee. My friends said no coffee and I was like fine banana milk then :)
This is getting long now... bye.
I'm glad that you like my matchups, I'm trying my best tbh😅 I match you with:
Sebastian Michaelis

Sebastian is very curious in nature, so he definitely wants to know what you're really like, not the front you put on.
He's also very charming when he wants to, he makes it very easy to open up to him and get comfortable around him.
Sure, he, as a demon, doesn't really care much for humans, so when he doesn't have to play the polite, kind butler, he probably has a RBF as well, however, I think that changes when he's interacting with someone he loves.
His sweet words may have been a mask at first, so he could see the real you, but the closer you two become, the more he means every word of praise, encouragment or comfort he utters.
He would most certainly be amused by your crackhead self once you do get comfortable around him, but it's not really his vibe. He wouldn't scold you for being loud, brash or inapropriate, like he does the other servants.
If he's in a really good mood or when the situation calls for it, he can be dramatic as well. Sometimes he'd do it just to get on Ciel's nerves XD
One big pro of being with Sebastian is that he lets you off the hook a lot. If he was talking to anyone else and they'd space out, oh honey, he would stare them down so hard, it's sending chills down my spine just thinking about it. But if it's you it's like a complete 180, Sebastian can't possibly be mad at you, everyone spaces out sometimes, those things just happen.
The other servants make sure to be on your good side so that you could intercede with him on their behalf.
You can't scare him with your true crime stories, but you sure as hell can scare the others. And you can bet your ass Seb's gonna help! The plan is: You tell the story and then he's gonna pop up out of nowhere behind them, giving them mini heart attacks.
If you try to scare him though, you'll need to be on guard 24/7 until he gets you in return. And even if your on guard all the time, he finds a way to scare the life out of you.
Your humor is practically the same, I mean, Sebastian is great at off handed remarks/roasts and sarcastic comments that you have to look for to really see them. You two could be talking shit about anyone and everybody would be like "Oh yeah, normal conversation, yes"
Sebastian would love to dance with you. And trust me when I say this, he is good at any type of dance. If you two are ever at a ball, prepare your feet, because he's not gonna let go of you the whole night (unless his master is in danger of course).
He would be your #1 supporter, he'd go with you out to take photos, and if you asked him to look at some, he'd take a good long look at each and every one of them and describe in detail how he feels about them. Also would go to any art shows you'd host if it came to it.
When it comes to sympathy and empathy, Sebastian also has a hard time showing these feelings. He's been alive for far longer than any human on Earth and he's a demon. He's never had any of the problems humans have, so naturally he doesn't kniw what it feels like to have them. Plus, before you came into his life, he didn't care much for them either.
However, he's gonna be there for you whenever you need him, emotionally or practically, even though he doesn't get your feelings.
You both have walls put up, you because of bad past experiences, him because as a demon, he has major issues with being vulnerable in any way. And I'm not talking just emotionally here, but demons are almost undestroyable, yet they have very few weaknesses that they just need to hide away.
It's rare Sebastian has a problem, but even if he had, you wouldn't know, because he thinks you, as a human, wouldn't understand and so he won't burden your mind with it. However, he's very perceptive and so if your behaviour changes, be it due to anxiety or a depressive episode, he'll know.
Now, he's not the type of person to try and break down your walls by force, but in situstions like these, where he's not sure how to help, you gotta talk to him and he won't leave you alone until you tell him how he can help.
He's not above carrying you around and doing everything for you until you're embarassed enough to tell him
He is very appreciative of your help around, since the other servants are good at everything but what they're supposed to do.
You with your tough love and Sebastian with his teeth rotting compliments and affection, it'd be honestly really funny to watch. He adores how you show affection, because it's different from most people he's known. But on the other hand, you can't expect him not to spoil you afte all the hard work you do every day?
He would really shower you in love and affection, because you deserve it and because it makes you flustered XD
Hello there! I hope you are fine. May I have a Black Butler matchup?
So uh I'm 17, INFP, a pisces and a pan. I have short, straight black hair with black-ish big eyes. I have an round face with chubby cheeks even though I'm a bit of the thin side.I have long eyelashes and wear glasses. So basically I have baby face and I don't show my age at all! As for my height I'm 1.70 cm.
For my personality, I'm that mom-friend that every friend group has. Need some painkillers? BAM! Need some pads? Do you need 1 or 50? You are hurt? Don't worry I have an aid kit. Your stomach or head hurts? Honey, don't you worry I have a various kind of herb teas with myself.
If someone needs a shoulder to cry on, that person is me. If somebody hurts my friends I go like "So you are saying that he/she/they broke your heart? Okay give me the names and addresses. Now."I would deal with them and then say "So do I need to break some more faces?" I'm not that violent but if they touch my family and friends.... May God help them.
But I'm actually very kind and smiley. I'm the kind of person who smiles at strangers, hold the door for them, talk with a waiter casually and smile at them as well. I never judge someone for their nationality, skin color, language, sexuality etc. And If I see someone bully another person for these reasons or another one, I stand against the bully and if needed I beat them.
I may seem like an cold and serious person at first meeting but over time I'm the biggest goofball and crackhead you can ever see! Sometimes I'm a bit sarcastic and tease my closest friends a lot- ofc I never offend them. I know what they are insecure about( if they are, WHICH isn't allowed on my watch.- and My friends always tell me that I kinda flirt with them but I never realize and When I actually try to flirt, I can't? But I also know how to be serious as well.
For the hobbies; I love watching anime, literature, myths, listening and observing people, comforting people or just listen their rantings, reading, listening music and singing.... I am not that good at gardening and stuff but sometimes I do this as well...
Thanks a lot in advance and I'm glad I found you blog!😍😘
Hi, I'm doing amazing, thanks for asking! I honestly wish every mom friend out there a very pleasant existence. Don't forget to take care of yourself, huns! I match you with:

This dude, omg. He'd declare his love for you the day you two meet.
Of course, at that time he isn't really in love with you (yet), but he definitely wants to spend more time with you.
And oh boy does he spend more time with you. As soon as he finds out where you live, he'd be at your doorstep every day, asking if you wanted to hang out.
If you'd say no, he'd give you the most convincing and iressistible puppy dog eyes that you've ever seen.
This man child is very clingy, but Agni holds him back to an extent, because everybody needs time for themselves.
Btw, Agni is your biggest shipper and fan, you have his infinite blessings from the start.
But as soon as you set some boundaries (and trust me when I say you gotta do it firmly, because he can be a bit thick, if you know what I mean), he'll become the cutest, most selfless boyfriend you've ever had.
Mans is enchanted by your kind and helping personality, but he'd rather if you both got pampered by Agni (who is honestly just really happy for you two so he doesn't mind) than you doing the work.
However, if you're insistent, he'll just sigh and later on brag to everyone (ehmehmCielehmehm) about how kind of a girlfriend he's got and how you're his entire life and he'd give up anything for you if he had to.
Have you ever forgotten to take care of yourself, since you're taking care of others all the time? Well, not anymore! Soma makes sure that if you're adamant on taking care of him and others, you will get taken care of as well!
That said, sometimes he gets jealous of Agni if you spend too much time with him, assuring that he's ok too or anything else. He'd pull you away to do something and act pouty around Agni and the poor khansama has no clue what he did wrong.
Soma plans days off for you two, be it so that you could just be lazy all day and stay in bed or have a picnic or go to a spa.
Sometimes he gets insecure about his personality, worrying that he's "too much" and overwhelming (usually after getting scolded by Ciel).
He'd love if you just cuddled him and reassured him that you won't leave him because he's too loud.
He's very handsy as well, kind of like Lizzy with Ciel, just not as forcefull. He won't yank you around, but he is the master of surprise hugs and suddenly picking you up off the ground.
He's not really a crackhead, but definitely a himbo. So your energies go very well together <3
Agni would tell the both of you stories and myths from India, sing you their songs and Soma would try to teach you some dances if you'd like. If you say yes, he's over the moon! He can't wait to dress you in their national robes, you'll look like a princess that you basically are now.
In return, you can share some myths from your country and get them both familiar with your culture in return.
Soma would just be such a great and fun boyfriend!
I can also see you with: I wanted to say Joker, because I feel like he's also very kind to those around him, but I don't have that good of a grasp on him yet, since I'm in the process of watching Book of circus. But definitely Grell Sutcliff - She loves to get pampered and taken care of. Would love it if you listened to her ramble. But she knows not to just take from someone. I feel like she'd love to spoil you almost as much as she loves to be spoiled. Like, this woman goes all out. Spa days and makeovers and shopping are a must. She'll give you her honest opinions on outfits that would look good on you and trust me, she has a keen eye ;) You just need to remind her sometimes to slow down or calm down a bit, she's very excited since there's finally somebody who gives her the love and attention she deserves <3
hello if mashup is still open can i ask you for one ? ( it’s my first time to ask about mashup and idk how to ask )
i’m female she/he/they infp
i’m bisexual and i’m 5’3 i have tan skin and very dark brown that is close to black and very dark brown eyes
i’m shy and hard working and i talk too much when it’s someone that i like or intersted in i love jokes or humor and i keep making jokes and meme mostly also i’m a cheerful person ( all of these infront of close people or people who i feel comfortable)
i’m lowkey sensitive and i overthink over small things
i love wearing 80s or 90s style and with purple aesthetic
my english is really bad sorry:(( hope you have a great day !!
Don't worry about it lovely, I understand you just fine <3 Next time requesting, I'd maybe advise you to add more info, like your hobbies etc. ;) I match you with:

This man is so amused by your shyness, it's hard to believe honestly.
He would tease you for being shy. Not too seriously, but he likes seeing you blush, so he'd tease you with his words or maybe with some well placed innocent touches.
However, as soon as you open up to him and show him your energetic side, he's over the moon! And definitely wouldn't go back ;)
If you start rambling around him, he won't stop you, he'll let you talk about whatever you want, smiling an amused smile as you do.
This man loves jokes. He could do his job with jokes as a payment if that was possible.
So you can bet your ass he's gonna listen to every single one you make around him.
And if you explained memes to him??? This man would become an instant memer. The student would soon beat the teacher as they say.
I headcanon that his favourite ones are the most nonsensical, purely gen z ones.
Undertaker would def. have a Tumblr given a chance.
He's great at taking your mind off of things. If you worry about something a lot to the point where it consumes most of your energy and/or makes you anxious, he'll pull you aside and try to do stuff with you, like baking his signature cookies!
He's also great at calming you down. If somebody unintentionally hurts your feelings, he would reassure you of the truth and mutter sweet nothing to you.
But if somebody tries to hurt your feelings intentionally...well, your boyfriend still is an undertaker and they should be reminded of that.
Hello dear! I would like to request a black butler match up 💓, I’ll leave you my info
I enjoy drawing (animals, mostly), taking random naps during the day, drinking unhealthily sweet tea, visiting art museums, going to fancy restaurants, eating pastries and mostly anything that has sugar in it. It’s also worth saying I’m a cat person 🐈
Generally i am a very quiet, kinda lazy and not so friendly with strangers, i have a sarcastic and sometimes dark sense of humor. I’m someone who takes lots of care of their appearance, means I’m always trying to look my best at all times. Favorite colors are pink, beige and soft blues
Match up with male characters only pls 🎀, gender neutral is fine. Thank you so much 🍓
Hi darling! Here you go, I match you with:
Ronald Knox

Your and Ronald's personalitites would complement each other very well. Kind of a yin yan situation.
Chances are he aproached you first and attempted to talk your ear off. He can be very persistent, so once he set his eyes on you, no amount of unfriendly behaviour you showed him scared him away.
And good for him, because in you, he found a treasure.
Not only are you easy on the eyes, you have a great personality as well!
Ronald definitely appreciates your sense of humor. He listens intently to all your jokes and his laugh is always as natural as can be. Same goes for listening to you ramble about your favourite art styles, artists or techniques. He might not be one for art or understand it, but he loves watching your eyes light up with excitement when you see a piece that intrigues you.
He is an easy going guy, but trust me when I say he wants only the best for you. So he might prefer pubs to fancy restaurants, but he'll still take you out to those from time to time, when time allows it.
He loves to spend his free time with you. I think the lazyness is something you both share and was the factor I chose him to match you with. Although he loves accompanying you to galeries and restaurants, he adores just finding a cozy space and just cuddling up and taking a nap. He'll wrap his arms around your middle and bury his face into your neck. That way, he can have you all to himelf.
Hi! i’m not sure if matchups are open but if they are can i have a matchup for either diabolik lovers or black butler if that’s ok!
I’m 5’4, i use they/he pronouns and i’m a intp
i’m really shy when you first meet me and i have pretty bad social anxiety but i’ll warm up to people as i get more comfortable around them i become really chaotic. i’m really clumsy so i tend to just kinda stumble over my own feet a lot. I have a hard time talking to people and making friends so i have two really good friends and that’s about it. I also don’t really like talking to people. I’ve been told my my friends once i warmed up to them i’m a really good listener and easy to talk to so they tend to come to me if the need to rant or need advice on something. I’m also pretty patient and good with kids but i don’t want any of my own. Im a night owl so i’ll stay up till 4 am and then sleep all day i’m just more productive at night. I’m pretty chubby and normally wear jeans a tank top and a button up when i go out but besides that i’m always in sweatpants.
Thank you so much and i hope you have a wonderful day!
Hi! I match you with:

He basically adopted you. Doesn't matter if you didn't speak to him or if you were awkward at first, that man took one look at you and went "Yep. This one."
Then he started asking you to keep him company in the shop. Even if you didn't speak, he'd make up for it with his nonsensical chatter or a comfortable silence, where he'd beckon you to watch him work.
As you get more comfortable and more chaotic around him, he only enjoys your company more and more, because he finds you so incredibly funny. Even your clumsiness is funny to him and every time you trip or fall or bump into something, you can hear him chuckle.
But remember, he's not really laughing at you, because you're clumsy, he's laughing, because he finds it cute. If you don't like it tho, just say so and he'll try not to laugh (he still snickers into his sleeve though).
He always checks up on you if you're alright after you fall or bump into something, too.
He knows you are kind of awkward and unsure around people, so he'd be more than happy to accompany you anywhere you'd like! He won't speak for you, but he'll be there, holding your hand and just being there for support <3
Undertaker doesn't have many worries or problems that you could help him with, but he enjoys seeing how kind and helpful you are to others. Consoling grieving clients of his or gifting orphaned children on the streets with little knick knacks, he can't help the small smile that forms on his face. In those moments he realizes how happy he is to have you and how undeserving he is of someone so amazing as you.
His work keeps him awake until ungodly hours also, so he'll be awake with you. He always makes sure you get plenty of rest tho. As a shinigami, he doesn't really need sleep, but he enjoys taking naps with you from time to time.
He doesn't mind that you're chubby at all. He looooooves to hug you and cuddle you, no matter who's watching, he's just all over you, but like, in an elegant way (not like a certain red haired diva XDDD)
Hey I was hoping for a Black Butler match up? I'm a pan girl with no preference on who I get. I'm a November Scorpio with medium dark brown hair and blonde streaks. My eyes are brown and I look like a vampire very often. I'm kinda sadistic but an overall nice person. My favorite colors are red, black, and gold. I'm pretty melodramatic and funny and good God don't get me started on how much I sing!
I love sweets and cats, and I love dark creepy things...and I'm hella weird. Thank you and have a nice day. ❤
Okok, call me basic, but I match you with:
Sebastian Michaelis

You two even look aesthetically good together omg.
While Sebastian isn't naturally melodramatic, he is very sarcastic and that goes hand in hand. If he catches you being a drama queen, he IS going to join you, maybe jst to piss his master off, but oh well.
He loves your sense of humour, especially if you prefer dark humour. He will drop discreet jokes around you, waiting for you to notice them, turning them into inside jokes.
Sebastian is a demon, but even his nonbeating heart stops at your singig, be it at work or during your free time.
If you have a sweet tooth, he isn't above making you any sweet you desire, only the best for his lady <3
You two just have so much in common, your love for cats and dark, creepy two are the best fit, really!