Blind Betrayal - Tumblr Posts
Blind Betrayal: What I Wanted To Say
Maxson: Flesh is flesh. Machine is machine. The two were never meant to intertwine.
Me: Don't you have cybernetics? You have more metal than Danse!
I completed blind betrayal AGAIN last night. I have notes
Maxon has such a tiny waist and large chest. Why don’t people know this
Maxon is also very angry. How can a person be so angry. He’s just got that leftover ✨gay teenage angst✨
the protections killed me. Also if you chop off their arms they just walk towards you and explode???
danse still has his hood. I have taken it from him over TEN times. Why????
I’m a lesbian but still… I love my autism virtual boyfriend
he’s too easy to convince that he’s worth saving. It took me a while irl to convince my friends of the same things.Make me struggle! Make it more sad!
I tried to kill Maxon but he. Just wouldn’t die. I’m mad. Why is this not an option
I want to be a voice actor now.
Maxon counts on his fingers!!!! The animation is really good
am I actually gay
my boy won’t come with me to murder his evil friends. Why not
i like that I can shit talk Maxon to his face. Good job Todd Howard
I came back and danse has a full set of X-01 PA. Where did you get that? It sure as hell ain’t mine
can danse summon power armor
is that a strait guy thing
He had ANOTHER hood.
overall, 9/10. Questions about identity takes off points. Great quest otherwise
am going to cry
I just don’t know why, if you save Danse’s life, that if you turn on the BoS he hates you. Like, come on, homie, I put my neck on the line for you, and then because I turn on the people who WANTED TO KILL YOU, you’re giving me the silent treatment?
It hurts my soul, Danse Danse Revolution.
The fact that it’s possible that Elder Maxson does not always kill Paladin Danse (or force you to kill him) at the end of blind betrayal is honestly baffling to me. Here you have an extremist whose goal is literally to destroy the institute and all their synths but he leaves this one. Why? Because he values you?
If this experience taught him anyting it should be that anyone he trusts could be a synth. The Sole’s instistence on sparing Danse should be a sign that they’re a synth sympathizer. They don’t line up with the Brotherhood’s ideals. Maybe this person that just popped out of nowhere claiming to be from a random vault is a synth too.
At least if he does end up sparing Danse.. He shouldn’t let YOU come back. He shouldn’t promote you. It makes no GODDAMN sense. YOU LITERALLY DIDN’T EVEN DO WHAT HE TOLD YOU TO. Idk man that decision could have been a really difficult one to make if there were actual consequences… It should have been the Brotherhood or Danse’s life.. no way you should be able to have both…

Sad Victoriam