Bloody Painter Headcanons - Tumblr Posts

2 years ago

Hello i have an idea . So how does masky red angel helen and hoodie react to a female reader who cooks great food? reader makes dishes that taste at home. the reader cooks home cooking. and these dishes make you feel comfortable like at home. it's like a mother cooked these dishes. I hope you know what I mean. have a nice day. I hope you do it

Hi! I don't write for Red Angel, as stated in my rules.



This man is very passionate about cooking. He was raised partially by his grandmother, so he learned a lot of his skills from her - he definitely prides himself on making a good meal.

So when he finds out you can do it, too?? Yay!

Weekly cooking sessions together will be a must. This is one of his favorite hobbies, after all, and he's more than pleased to share it with you!

Every time he eats some of your food, he gets flashbacks of open windows, spring breezes, and creaky floorboards. His food may be great, but it doesn't quite have the same kind of nostalgic feel to it as yours does.

It doesn't seem to matter what you make, you will always get his praise. He loves your cooking, and that is made obvious by the way he is always ready and willing to eat it.


This one is a little more difficult to read...

If he smells food that he knows you're making - and trust me, he'll know - then there is always one definite reaction.

He'll subtly slink toward the kitchen and linger around that area, snapping at anyone that questions it, until the meal is declared finished.

Since he's often the first person you see when you're done, you will offer him the first plate, and begrudgingly he'll be like, "okay, fine, whatever. Don't expect me to like it or anything."

Of course, he'll like it, and he knows that, hence why he stalks around the kitchen like a hyena. If you watch closely enough, you can catch him coming back for seconds.


Helen is not someone that usually eats large, healthy, or tasty meals, so you were hard-pressed to get him to try this new recipe you were trying to perfect.

Once he caught a good whiff of its enticing scent, however, he complied, and you could literally see the moment his eyes lit up with a sparkle that said, "oh wow...this is good".

You are the only person - anywhere - whose food he will eat. It reminds him of a secure home with a nice family; something he never had.

What you make is a staple for his creativity and inspiration. It seems, each time you feed him, that he thinks of a new idea or is motivated to paint something new/finish a painting he had neglected.

He doesn't exactly show it, but he's super grateful to you for letting him be part of your life in this way, and that something so simple makes him feel so cared for.

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2 years ago

Hello! I was wondering if you could write about The creepypastas with a type 1 diabetic S/O, and they find out because their S/O had to give themselves some insulin to lower their blood sugar? Thank you, have a good day or night!

You did not specify which Creepypastas you wanted, so I chose three at random. Hope that's okay :)



Kinda confused at first honestly. Wasn't sure what to think, since he'd never been around anyone with that sort of problem and he was pretty much clueless about diabetes.

All he knew was that the needle looked like it hurt. He had to turn his head; it made him borderline nauseous.

"Y/n? Are you, uhh…alright?"

You explained what you were doing to him and why exactly you had to do it, and he listened intently, making a mental note to do more research on the topic later.

Now he tries to remain aware of how you're doing at all times, and if he thinks your blood sugar is getting too high, he'll get you to a less chaotic place and sit you down, but you're gonna have to be the one to give the insulin. He ain't touching that needle.


Immediately eager to help.

"What can I do? Do you need something to drink? You look tired, we can go nap together if you want."

He'll even offer to inject it for you, if you feel too drained. He's more experienced with this subject than most people; one of his foster moms had diabetes, and from the few months he lived with her, there were plenty of moments he needed to assist her with something, and she made sure to be thorough in quelling his curiosity when he asked questions.

He wishes you would have told him sooner, so he could have prepared the things you need in his room, in case you had a spell when you were in there with him.

He also ensures you have a bottle of insulin on you at all times, especially if you're about to leave the house. He can't have you going anywhere and not be ready in case something happens.


"Woah, that explains a lot."

He pretty much just watches with growing interest, tilting his head and sitting down beside you.

Then he'll get the 'puppy-dog' eyes and poke his lips out. "Why didn't you tell me? I may be immature but that doesn't mean I can't comprehend the basic idea of chronic illness."

Basically you have to reassure him that his claims were not the reason that the topic never came up, although it takes some insistence on your end before he fully believes you.

Once he's alone, he starts reading about diabetes, so he doesn't have to assume things or talk your ear off with endless inquiries. Definitely expect to be coddled a bit more than usual though.

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1 year ago

Nickname Head canons

FEAT: Jeff t.K, E.J, Liu, 'Ticci' Toby, Masky, Hoodie, Bloody Painter, BEN.


He likes to give nicknames but doesn't enjoy having them for himself. He gives certain names depending on what he thinks of you/what you mean to him. Like, if you're a close friend, like BEN, he'll name you after an inside joke or something to piss you off. EXAMPLE: He would probably call BEN 'short-circuited' as a joke, but his nickname would be something like 'Moon child' just to piss him off. Doesn't answer to nicknames he's given until you get the point that he hates it. Pet names for s/o consist of stupid bullshit that would make you angry: Doll, pet, etc.

Eyeless Jack-

He doesn't mind depending on how close you are. If you're really close, then he doesn't mind your nicknames. He hates his name, though. Refuses to answer to 'Eyeless Jack' but will respond to 'E.J' or Jack. Doesn't often give nicknames unless it's to his s/o. Would not answer to 'Eyeless Jack' if the person calling him knew that he hated it. However, if it were someone who didn't know or hadn't really been reminded, then he'd correct you with patience. Nicknames for his s/o consist of sweetheart, my love, darling, dear, beautiful, and lovely.

'Ticci' Toby-

Depends on the nickname, honestly. The nicknames he grew up with were ones meant to demean and degrade him. Like, 'Ticci' Toby, and stuff his father would call him. If it were something nice, then he'd be okay. Actually, he goes by 'Toby', and his name is 'Tobias', which is technically a nickname in itself. He enjoys giving nickname, but often doesn't in fear of weirding someone out or making himself seem too comfortable and coming off as disrespectful. Nicknames for his s/o consist of baby, babe, hon.


He's not a huge fan but doesn't really care. It takes him a bit to get adjusted to the name because he forgets you're talking to him, even if you're the only people around. Most likely won't call you by something other than your name or coverup name (like how he goes by Masky instead of Tim for his work, understand?) Okay, he would only give you a nickname in private, and he wouldn't let you tell anyone that you have one. Nicknames for his s/o consist of dear, honey, a shortened version of your name, and dumbass.


He's okay with giving you one and not so okay with getting one. It reminds him of how he has to go by a nickname for his work, and he doesn't exactly like his line of work. Giving you one would show trust, even though he doesn't care what you go by. He might tease you with a nickname or do it to make you mad, like Tim and Jeff. However, he'd stop if you got actually upset. He wouldn't want that. Nicknames for his s/o consist of sweetheart and babe.

Helen/Bloody Painter-

No. Just no. He will not answer to Bloody Painter or BP. He finds it stupid and prefers to just go by his name unless his crimes, or 'art', is being discussed on the news or amongst naive and unknowing groups of people who have no clue that the gruesome murderer they're speaking about is within hearing range. He finds his anonymity delightful when it comes to his 'art'. However, wouldn't be displeased if it came to be that his identity was revealed, being fully aware that his name wouldn't be forgotten. (What am I getting into, jeez). Will not give or receive nicknames. If you were to give him one, then he would remind you once, maybe twice, that he doesn't like it, before reprimanding you. Will not give nicknames unless it's to a partner. Nicknames for his s/o consist of darling, muse (generic, I know), angel, dear, and beloved.


Enjoys the child-like innocence of nicknames. He thinks they're cute and a nice way to show affection to anyone. Calls his friends by shortened versions of their names and sometimes uses inside jokes. A lot of the time, if the person has trauma they've healed from, he'll use a nickname referencing that. But, in case they're not healed, he won't. Will allow you to call him things referencing his trauma, like how Jeff calls him 'Moon Child'. Though he doesn't mind, it shocked him the first time it happened. Nicknames for his s/o consist of asshole, babe, baby, fucker.

Not proofread.

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1 year ago

What irks them?


FEAT: Jeff t.K, BEN Drowned, EJ, Masky, Hoodie, Helen Otis/Bloody Painter, LJ, HABIT, Slenderman.

Jeff t.K- He hates when people give him weird looks. Like, yeah, he knows he's weird looking and all, but won't you give him a break? It doesn't hurt his feelings or anything, but it just pisses him off. It only pisses him off, however, if it's someone in the manor or someone who serves under Slender. If someone, someone like him, gives him a weird look, whether it be of disgust or apprehension, he does not appreciate the judged feeling he gets. He feels that the only person allowed to judge him is himself. Also, he hates people who talk over him. He feels like his words are just as important, if not more, than anyone else's.

BEN Drowned- He hates when people touch his stuff without asking and when they treat him like a child. If he allows you into his room, he expects you to respect his boundaries, whether you're close or not. He trusted you, so he expects you to not to break that trust. His items are his property, so why can't you respect it? He feels like it isn't that hard. (I'm not projecting, I promise) And if he were to tell you that he's upset with how you're acting and what you're doing, and you invalidate his feelings, he doesn't like you, anymore. He'll tell you to get out, once you do, he'll pace around and be a little storm cloud for a bit till he's calmed down. He won't be the first to reach out to you to make things right, however. He'll wait for the wrong doer to apologize. He knows when he's in the wrong, and can act mature about apologizing, though it may hurt his pride.

Eyeless Jack- Hates when people don't listen even after countless reminders and warnings, also hates being called 'Eyeless' Jack. Despises that he's known for being a scary demon man that patches people up, despite being one of Slender's favorites, due to his convenient skill. His hearing is exceptional, and he can pick up on more things than an average human can. He will have to confront you if he hears you talking about him, bad mouthing or not. Doesn't allow certain people to return time after time to his infirmary, especially Jeff, Toby, and Jane. They often return multiple times a day, and he doesn't tolerate people abusing his kindness and dedication to his work.

Masky- Loud people or people who don't respect his boundaries. If someone is continuously being loud and obnoxious, he will lose his temper and begin to yell. A bad habit of his is throwing things or punching them. If he has reminded you at least once to be quiet or calm down and you haven't listened, he'll go off. Or, if you don't listen when he tells you to back up or stop touching him and you don't, he'll lose his temper, too. Doesn't like when people don't listen to him, really. That's mainly what it boils down to at the end of the day. God complex 🤷‍♂️ what can ya do about it? Also, weird thing, but he hates people who use the word 'like' in a sentence too much. (Ex. "And he, like, told me about what she said, and I was like🧍‍♂️! Can you believe that?) Lastly, he hates people that twirl their hair or play with it constantly. Finds it a sign of stupidity and incompetence. Thinks that women who do it are bimbos with no brains and men that do it are gay or stupid. (I'm sorry)

Hoodie- Doesn't like being treated like a child or with condescension. He is a grown man and expects you to treat him like one. Or if you demean him and try to gaslight him into believing he's in the wrong. Has the patience of a saint and will make sure he's in the right before confronting you. Does not tolerate him or his friends being insulted or demeaned. Will confront you if you try to manipulate or gaslight anyone, whether he's close with them or not.

Bloody Painter- If you bother him while he's painting or cooking, he'll remind/warn you to leave him be. If that doesn't work, he'll shove you away, but not hard enough to leave a mark or make you fall, just a slight warning. If you bother him again, he'll grab you and force you out of the room by your wrist, shoulder, or upper arm. Doesn't deal with constant interruptions or irritation. Doesn't often yell but will deprive you of entertainment or distractions. Occasionally, he will deprive you of food for hours to up to a day and a half.

Laughing Jack- Being disrespected or walked on. Though he might be malicious and hundreds of years old, he doesn't like being treated like he's below anyone, especially someone who he finds below him, like a human being. He will quickly put you in your place, seeing as you can do nothing about it, considering his size and strength. He views himself as something of a God or something to be worshipped. Looks down on those he views below him.

HABIT- People who disobey him. He also looks down on everyone, but he will actively make sure you are obeying his orders. Do not disobey him. You will die. He doesn't tolerate disrespect or questioning. He expects nothing but loyalty and devotion to him and his goals, and if you aren't willing to provide that, then he'll find someone who is. You are disposable and easy to replace in his eyes, and when you don't act as such, he will put you in your place. Don't cross him.

Slenderman- He, much like Habit and LJ, sees himself above you, because he is. He is an eldritch, all-powerful being who will not hesitate to kill you the second you disrespect him, seeing as he can find anyone to take your place. You are something to toy with and use for entertainment and selfish purposes. You are going to know your place, whether he has to teach you, or someone else. Just obey. Simple as that.

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6 months ago

Okayy so I’ve done something similar but I wanted to see it from someone else but it’s Creepy pasta room head canons !!! I don’t mind who you do but I would love to see Jack’s most of all !! Thank you <3

Creepypasta room headcanons

A/n: At the beach rn with family.. sighhh I hate the beach (._.) BUT I LOVE THIS REQUEST !!! LMK IF YALL WANR A PART TWO (^_-)☆

Includes: Jeff, Ej, Toby, BP and Nina :333

Warnings: None

Okayy So Ive Done Something Similar But I Wanted To See It From Someone Else But Its Creepy Pasta Room
Okayy So Ive Done Something Similar But I Wanted To See It From Someone Else But Its Creepy Pasta Room
Okayy So Ive Done Something Similar But I Wanted To See It From Someone Else But Its Creepy Pasta Room

「 ✦ Jeff ✦ 」

🔪✮ MESSY ASS ROOM and it does NOT smell all that great tbh 😭😭

🔪✮ Has zero shame about it too, you come to hang out in his room he'll just kick stuff to the side and shove stuff off the bed casually.

🔪✮ Posters all over the walls, most of them are of bands he enjoys (He stole most of them 💀)

🔪✮ Jeff has a knife collection so he has a little setup for them :3

🔪✮ ALSO!!!! Side headcanon he fucking loves MSI (The song "This Hurts" by them is literally him chat)

🔪✮ There's a window in his room by his bed that you can use to get to the roof of the manor, it's actually got a pretty damn good view too

🔪✮ Has a mini fridge in his room beside his bed that has drinks in it

🔪✮ Mostly energy drinks and Pepsi with like, a singular water that'll never get drank.

🔪✮ Probably doesn't have sheets on his bed.. the mattress is full of mysterious stains

🔪✮ Musty BEAST (I love him)

Okayy So Ive Done Something Similar But I Wanted To See It From Someone Else But Its Creepy Pasta Room

「 ✦ Eyeless Jack ✦ 」

👁️‍🗨️𖤐 Jacks room doesn't smell all that great either.. he keeps all his organs to munch on and such in there.

👁️‍🗨️𖤐 There really isn't much there tbh, just the essentials to have in a bedroom.

👁️‍🗨️𖤐 A bed, a wardrobe, chair and a desk with an old computer on it..

👁️‍🗨️𖤐 Oh and a few shelves with one big window that he usually keeps closed ദ്ദി(ᵔᗜᵔ)

👁️‍🗨️𖤐 His flooring is a grey-ish carpet and his walls are painted black

👁️‍🗨️𖤐 Kinda boring, ik 😭

Okayy So Ive Done Something Similar But I Wanted To See It From Someone Else But Its Creepy Pasta Room

「 ✦ Toby ✦ 」

🪓☆ Chaotically clean room, bro is a maximalist to the extreme (^o^)

🪓☆ ‼️‼️ He yearns to collect ‼️‼️

🪓☆ there's a few shelves with trinkets he's collected over the years on them (≧ω≦)

🪓☆ Posters, banners, stickers, drawings and records littered eevveryywhere on the walls and ceiling of his room (maybe this is just projecting because thats witterly my room ☝️)

🪓☆ Has the glow in the dark star stickers on his ceiling for sure

🪓☆ His room is MUCH bigger than the other proxies, has everything he needs and more

🪓☆ I mean, he has a little couch in there that has a big stuffed animal on it and a bug blanket (His hyperfixation is bugs, if you couldn't tell /silly 🪲🪲 )

🪓☆ He spends a shit ton of time in his room because it's genuinely super cool

🪓☆ Has a Tv mounted on his wall in the corner !!

🪓☆ Oh and he has a guitar in his room that he l can't play, he just thinks it looks cool o_O

Okayy So Ive Done Something Similar But I Wanted To See It From Someone Else But Its Creepy Pasta Room

「 ✦ Bloody Painter ✦ 」


🎨꩜ Don't mess with any of his shit without permission first and you'll be fine 🙏

🎨꩜ Has some of the normal (Ones that he doesn't use blood in, he keeps those safe.) paintings, drawings and sketches he's made on his wall behind his easel in the corner of his room :33

🎨꩜ I also think he likes to write!! So maybe some poetry is on his wall as well in that little corner ^_^

🎨꩜ Almost the entirety of his back wall is window which he loves

🎨꩜ HAS PLANTS !!!! 🌱🪴

🎨꩜ Has a nice desk to draw on with a comfortable chair. Theres a nice smelling candle on it with a few books and a lamp (●^o^●)

🎨꩜ Also owns the most??? Comfortable?? Blankets?? EVER????? Amazing textures, NO SHERPA <(`^´)>

🎨꩜ Has a drawer thingy dedicated to his art supplies (Which is also very organized, btw)


Okayy So Ive Done Something Similar But I Wanted To See It From Someone Else But Its Creepy Pasta Room

「 ✦ Nina ✦ 」


🪱ᰔ Like holy shit it's so colourful ( ꩜ ᯅ ꩜;) 

🪱ᰔ LOTS and LOTS of homemade stuff stuck on her walls along with various other things, there's stuff everywhere

🪱ᰔ Now you already know she owns a gir blanket and a gir backpack, like cmon (灬ºωº灬)♡

🪱ᰔ Collection of stuffed animals !! Some on her bed and some in a hanging net in the corner above her bed

🪱ᰔ Has LED lights and there's no windows in her room

🪱ᰔ Has a nice desk with a computer on it and trinkets, her keyboard lights up rainbow ☆´∀`☆

🪱ᰔ Her wardrobe and closet are FULL. She has like, so many cool clothes, belts and accessories

🪱ᰔ Convinced slender to let her paint her walls funky and cool !!

🪱ᰔ Soooo her walls are purple and she painted on with a smaller paint brush cheetah print all over them :3 (She's an icon and I love her dearly)

Okayy So Ive Done Something Similar But I Wanted To See It From Someone Else But Its Creepy Pasta Room

𝐏𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐞 𝐝𝐨 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐠𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐳𝐞, 𝐫𝐞𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐭 𝐨𝐫 𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐬𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐨𝐟 𝐦𝐲 𝐰𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧 ◟( ˃̶͈◡ ˂̶͈ )◞

ᯓ★ 𝐣𝐮𝐧𝐚𝐛𝐮𝐠𝐠𝐲

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6 months ago

Can I have bloody painter x reader c: ? I love your profile btw! Remember to drink water and stay hydrated!

Bloody painter relationship headcanons

A/n: I looovveee Helen omg, he was one of my favourites as a kid but I NEVER SAW STUFF FOR HIM?? Anyhow, thank you!! This actually reminded me to get something to drink lolz (´·ω·`)

Warnings: A little 𝓯𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴𝔂 at the end mb (ㆁωㆁ*)

Can I Have Bloody Painter X Reader C: ? I Love Your Profile Btw! Remember To Drink Water And Stay Hydrated!
Can I Have Bloody Painter X Reader C: ? I Love Your Profile Btw! Remember To Drink Water And Stay Hydrated!
Can I Have Bloody Painter X Reader C: ? I Love Your Profile Btw! Remember To Drink Water And Stay Hydrated!
Can I Have Bloody Painter X Reader C: ? I Love Your Profile Btw! Remember To Drink Water And Stay Hydrated!
Can I Have Bloody Painter X Reader C: ? I Love Your Profile Btw! Remember To Drink Water And Stay Hydrated!

⋅˚₊‧ ୨ 『••✎••』 ୧ ‧₊˚ ⋅

🎨꩜ It takes him a good while to even consider getting into a romantic relationship with somebody,

🎨꩜ But it's worth it 100% once you eventually do get him into one.

🎨꩜ You're his muse, paintings slowly turning into portraits of you in various different poses and settings... he even keeps a miniature sketchbook with him to capture a moment and to then paint it later.

🎨꩜ Yes, he makes you pose for him when painting you (rip your back o(TωT)o)

🎨꩜ Tying into those last two there the only pet-names he uses for you are "my muse" and "(my) love"

🎨꩜ His love languages are quality time and words of affirmation (◍•ᴗ•◍)♡

🎨꩜ Has an odd way of complimenting you, but it's flattering nonetheless.

🎨꩜ Helen genuinely enjoys just sitting in silence with you, doesn't matter if either of you are doing something or not.

🎨꩜ Loveeeesss to kiss your hands.

🎨꩜ On the topic of hands... HE HAS COLD ASS HANDS OML (๑°⌓°๑)

🎨꩜ His hands are always fucking freezing for some reason, they're just naturally like that ig 😭

🎨꩜ This one's a little 𝓯𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴𝔂 but he's into period sex, loves seeing your blood on his cock while he fucks you.

🎨꩜ But he's also romantic despite being mildly kinky !! Rose petals on the bed, candles lit on the nightstand and all that jazz

🎨꩜ When he asks you to perhaps pose nude for him, nothing really happens between you two. The only time he'll actually touch you is when he's helping you get into the pose he wants you in (May or may not have taken inspo from the "paint me like one of your french girls" scene in the titanic o_O )

⋅˚₊‧ ୨ 『••✎••』 ୧ ‧₊˚ ⋅

Can I Have Bloody Painter X Reader C: ? I Love Your Profile Btw! Remember To Drink Water And Stay Hydrated!

𝐏𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐞 𝐝𝐨 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐠𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐳𝐞, 𝐫𝐞𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐭 𝐨𝐫 𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐬𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐨𝐟 𝐦𝐲 𝐰𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧 ◟( ˃̶͈◡ ˂̶͈ )◞

ᯓ★ 𝐣𝐮𝐧𝐚𝐛𝐮𝐠𝐠𝐲

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