Creepypasta X Reader Headcanons - Tumblr Posts

3 years ago

How are you doing? Damn girl I missed your stuff about Ben 🌞 I'd love it if you wrote some things about him. Literally anything, when you have time and interest for this.

How Are You Doing? Damn Girl I Missed Your Stuff About Ben I'd Love It If You Wrote Some Things About

I'm doing well! Thanks for the hug ^^ You never specified what you wanted so what you get below is what my delirious brain came up with at 11 o'clock at night - enjoy anyway though!! <3

Ben Drowned S\O Headcanons

Ben has a reputation in a lot of peoples' personal AUs as being a sex-driven, perverted little asshole. but lemme tell you now, this certainly is not the case with our favorite Link look-alike.

Whenever the subject of 'love' or 'sex' comes up, especially around you, his ears turn all red and his whole body just kind of stiffens up as he goes into silent mode.

If he does start talking, however, he'll end up stumbling over his words, his voice will go squeaky as if he's teleported back into the early stages of puberty, and his eyes will look at virtually anything but you out of pure embarrassment.

It really is adorable, you must say.

It's moments like these when you lay on the PDA really hard, and you'll kiss his head, or snuggle into his side, even verbally tease him a bit.

"Hey, Ben, ya know what we haven't done in a while? Napped together."

"Aww hun, what's the matter? You're lookin' a little red."

"Ya know, embarrassment looks pretty good on you~"

He like, loves it but despises it at the same time; it's his guilty pleasure, in some aspects.

He's one of those that like to put up a careless exterior, but when somebody says the right thing, he'll pretty much just turn into a ghostly sludge of utter humiliation.

All of this was ten times worse before the two of you became a couple.

Someone could just mention crushes or attraction and he'd be dead.

This "someone" was mostly Jeff on days he wanted to embarrass him. He still does, it just isn't as effective.

You know, the first time you and Ben actually did something as simple as holding hands for the first time, he morphed into a pile of jelly at the rapid beating of his heart and the butterflies in his stomach.

But he just loves you so damn much, the poor boy can't even help it.

Just being around you can be enough to make him blush.

As your relationship as a couple grew, so did his confidence, and now he's chill most times you actually opt to touch him in any way, shape, or form.

Well, on the outside, at least.

But on the inside? His mind is going into alert mode and his insides just feel like they're swirling from euphoria.

I mean, who would have thought that Ben would ever get someone as awesome as you?

Certainly not the other Pastas, since none of them ever thought of Ben as 'boyfriend material'.

Guess he really showed them up.

Okay but seriously though, this dude may not be the smoothest boyfriend out there, but he tries. And he's so freaking sweet.

He regularly rubs it in Jeff's face that he managed to get a girlfriend before him, even though Jeff is like four years older.

Jeff only grunts and mutters, "who needs girls anyway?"

Ben is definitely the kind of person that will 100% overdo it on Valentine's day.

He'll treat it more like Hannuka to be completely honest.

I mean, there's gonna be a present for every day of the month of February, even when Valentine's day has passed already.

Heart chocolates for day #1, your favorite cookie for day #2, a giant teddy bear for day #3, a very strangely worded poem that's supposed to sound romantic but ends up just sounding awkward (he wrote it himself!) for day #4, and so on.

It's so sweet yet totally pointless because what are you supposed to do with all this unedible stuff? You only have so much room for storage!

But it's the thought that counts.

He won't really expect anything but attention out the yin-yang for days on end in return, but if you do get him a gift, he will be all yours for roughly 14 to 24 hours.

This boy gets excited over the simplest things you do for him, he is a major simp, I think it's safe to say.

But it's in the best possible way!

If you're ever feeling insecure about your looks or otherwise, he will pull you in front of a mirror, make you stare at your reflection, and ask you what you see. If you respond with something negative he'll just shake his head.

"Ya know what I see? A beautiful girl with all these adorable little quirks that make her unique. Her smile's adorable, her eyes are like looking into nature's finest jewels, and her laugh is just the best sound in the world. What she sees as imperfections are just the things that add depth and make her so great. And I wouldn't have it any other way..."

It's so corny but surprisingly grown-up for Ben's immature self.

Still though, it makes you tear up and you just wanna cuddle him for an hour or two.

Of course, he's very open to that. Then again, he's almost always up for cuddles, so.

Overall just really loveable, selfless, and affectionate. For big snugglers that love fun-sized bois, Ben is perfect for you.

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3 years ago

If it not to much trouble, could I please get some hcs for eyeless jack with an s/o. Who's a goth, and wears a lot of weird make up, super extra clothes and gaint ass platforms, and walks around thinking they are scary and intimidating, but aren't bc they are like 5"2 and tear up anytime anyone slightly raises their voice at them

Ngl I laughed out loud reading that description.

Please enjoy~

Eyeless Jack S\O Headcanons

When you first showed up at the Manor, Jack kept his distance. This was nothing new of course; everyone living around there knew he was a recluse and pretty much just stuck to himself.

He would see you occasionally walking through the halls, bulky shoes and all, and could tell that you thought you were some big thing. You reminded him a little of Jeff in that regard.

For some reason however, he felt attracted to you in a way that he hadn't felt since before he was a demon. This confused him, as he wasn't used to dealing with human emotions, but he opted to stay away as much as he could.

Your entire wardrobe and style as a whole, along with your bad attitude, let him know that he really didn't care to get to know you.

That was until he strolled into the infirmary one night and saw you on the floor, leaning against a bed, knees tucked into your chest and mascara running down your cheeks as you quietly cried to yourself.

He was surprised and didn't quite know how to react. What were you doing? What had happened? Had you been hurt?

He squatted down by your side and hesitantly asked, "What's wrong, Y\n?"

You jumped at his sudden entrance and glanced up at him with red, puffy eyes, blinking. Finally, you were able to get out a shaky sentence.

"Um... Jonathan told me I look like discount Voldemort."

He couldn't stop his eyebrows from raising. That was it? You were this upset over some petty insult thrown by one of the Manor's resident douchebags? He never took you for being some soft-hearted girl that wears her heart on her sleeve.

"He didn't mean it," he was quick to reassure, even though he felt strange doing so. "He just does that with everyone."

"It isn't what he's how he said it."

When the two of you got together, everyone knew about it and naturally made fun of you a lot. "Two emos in a coffin" was a common one thrown around by none other than Jeff.

Now that Jack had grown attached to you, he was quick to come to your defense if anyone ever overstepped a boundary. That got annoying very quickly when you just could not take a hint and continued picking fights with people until Jack just had to pull you aside and tell you to stop before you actually got punched in the face or something.

He finds the height difference between you adorable, and he uses the opportunity to pick at you every now and then. He likes to call you "Kitten" because you're cute and small, but your feisty personality makes up for it. Even if it does get the both of you in trouble sometimes.

Jack was never a loud person, to begin with, so he finds it peaceful to be with someone that is the same way.

If you ever get into a fight about something, he will keep his voice normal so he doesn't needlessly upset you.

Your usual cuddling sessions contain the following: he will stroke your hair, you'll lean into his chest (because you are sitting\laying on top of him), calm silence, you'll fall asleep, he'll notice and kiss your nose before tightening his grip on you and proceeding to go to sleep as well, and it all happens in that order.

He finds it amusing when you're angry about something and you try to appear all scary and intimidating but he sees nothing more than his tiny girlfriend just stomping around with her gothic clothing wanting to seem menacing but failing miserably.

If someone shouts at you and he's around to hear it, he'll mask his displeasure with that person, grab your hand, and lead you into a private room where he then pulls you into a consoling hug and allows you to cry. His gentle touch combined with the soft tone of his voice does wonders for your mood.

Every once in a while you'll annoy him and he'll just lug you over his shoulder and carry you around with him until you agree to stop whatever it was you were doing and just let him work without distraction.

You guys like to watch romcoms together, namely from companies like Hallmark and Netflix, and make fun of how dumb they are. But each time, you find yourselves enjoying them.

You have a very pure, very sweet connection with each other and no matter how much others may tease and spew halfhearted insults your way, they can see that clearly you love Jack and Jack loves you.

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3 years ago

Hi, i totally don't do this often so please don't judge😅 umm can this be romantic fluff but mainly comforting fluff? I'd like HCs for EJ and his dead (but not really, like a ghost but not actually one) s/o lying in an asphodel meadow stargazing. Keyword: asphodel. Yeah you can search the symbolization of asphodels (essentially extra ig). Thanks!

This was a unique one to write - thanks for giving my mind a bit of a challenge! Although you had me confused with the "dead (but not really, like a ghost but not actually one)" description, I hope this meets your expectations!

Don't worry, there's no room for judgment here <3

Eyeless Jack with a ghostly S\O

The silence is nice.

When it's just him, you, and nature, all Jack feels is peace; an emotion that unfortunately, has become quite rare for him.

Every time he feels lonely or solemn, he comes here. To observe the stars. To meet with you.

Tender interactions, minimal words, sweet kisses, and a view that could warm anyone's heart - that's what keeps Jack sane nowadays. That is the only thing he holds onto; the only thing that gives him hope for a better future.

You lay your head on his shoulder, eyes gazing up into the night sky as it glimmers with thousands of stars. You can feel his fingers wrap around your hand, and he releases a blissful yet mournful sigh.

"I miss you, Y\n." His voice touches the air as a mere whisper, and you allow the corners of your mouth to tilt upward in a sad smile.

"I know."

"Don't you wish you could come back?" You stay quiet for a moment, and he waits patiently for your reply.

"If just to be with you again...yes." You squeeze his hand slightly. "But otherwise, I love it here. It's so tranquil and alluring... I wish you could join me."

"Me too." Silence trickles back in the place of your voices, and you snuggle into Jack's side, relishing in the comfort and calmness that he emits.

A streak of white flies across the atmosphere above and both of you observe in awe. "A shooting star." You turn to look at him. "You know what this means?"

He merely smiles softly at you and nods.

"Someone up there will grant our dearest desire...if only we ask them."

"So what is yours?" You stare into the black, tar-dripping sockets where his eyes should be and give him a serene look.

"I wish I could see you every day... That we could be together, stay together, and that I could live my perfect life with you. Forever."

He wraps his arms around your frame and holds you close as if you'd fade away if he ever dared let go. "Let's just enjoy what we have now."

You hum in response and lean into him, storing his touch, the tone of his voice, his scent, his very presence, away in your mind, so you'll have something to look back on until you could meet again. "I love you, Jack."

He kisses the top of your head. "And I love you, Y\n."

In that meadow, neither wants to let go, even though they know their time together is drawing to a close. Soon Jack would have to leave and choose to remember her fondly. What it's like to touch her, hug her, hold her, kiss her, lay with her, love her. He couldn't ever forget that; he had to cherish it. If only in his memory.

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3 years ago

hii i luv ur interpretations of the characters n i havent seen much sully representation in the community so what abt sully with an s/o who is like the complete opposite to him??

have a good day/night btw💕

Thank you, I'm so glad you enjoy my content! <3

Sully with a s\o

Sully is a very hardened individual, so it took a while for him to even realize that he had feelings for you.

Not to even mention how long it was before he accepted it and confessed to you. This happened because you were doing something a bit reckless (climbing a rotten-looking tree to get the frisbee that you had accidentally thrown into it), then proceeded to fall from a broken limb and landed on your butt rather painfully.

Sully was nearby and saw the whole ordeal, and rushed to your side, wanting to make sure you were okay, and when he got that confirmation, he shook your shoulders and frantically spoke.

"You idiot! You absolute fucking idiot! Do you wanna die, huh? Do you wanna fucking die?? Are you seriously gonna make me fall in love with you and then kill yourself?! Don't you fucking dare do that again! I cannot lose you, do you hear me??"

You blinked, dumbfounded, and opened your mouth to respond, only to be cut off.

"No, shut up! You don't get to talk. Just shut the hell up." He pulled you into him and buried his face in the crook of your neck, squeezing you so hard you could barely breathe. "You're such a dumbass."

In case it wasn't obvious already, he is terrified of losing you. The thought sends him into a panic and he tends to overreact if he thinks you're in any danger.

Don't take his mean words to heart; he just doesn't know how else to express himself.

Your sweet and soft-spoken nature is part of what lured him in and makes him feel protective over you. Especially considering how much of a daredevil you are - you are most definitely one for taking risks, which is something that greatly contrasts with Sully's cautious nature.

Sully is bipolar, so there are many different ways he could react to a situation. More often than not, however, he responds with anger and fear.

If he's in one of his worse moods, he can be talked down eventually with caring, reassuring words, and once he stops throwing things and yelling, he will collapse into your arms and silently cry.

Sully is a tender-hearted guy if you can just get him to be vulnerable around you. That was no easy feat, but once you did, he mentally vowed to protect you no matter what.

As much as he himself is afraid to die, it's nothing compared to the fear he feels if he thinks you're unsafe. He's a big worrywart when it comes to things like that.

He holds onto your relationship like life support and sees you as an angel; you brought light into his dull, pathetic existence, and he couldn't be more grateful to you for that. He knows that he can't provide the amount of emotional support that you provide for him, but he really does try.

You're the only one that he'll be soft around, and if he ever realized you were upset or scared or anything, he'd do his best to make you feel better. Whether that involved listening to you vent, being there with you while you cried, or cheering you up, rest assured he'd at least try.

Despite his harsh exterior, he wants you to know what you mean to him. He does this with simple gestures; he'll rest his hand on the top of your head for a moment while passing you by, he'll send little winks your way from across a room, or he'll sneak candy bars beneath your door when you're asleep so you'll wake up and have a snack (if you don't like candy bars then insert something else edible, small and flat lol).

His nicknames for you are pretty short yet creative, and it's like he comes up with a new one almost every time you see each other. "Chipmunk", "Venus", and "Sapphire" are among your personal favorites, though ones like "Rapunzel", "Marshmallow", and "Destiny" sure do stick with you.

One of Sully's favorite activities to do with you is watching nature documentaries and expressing his fascination with various animals and locations. He'll happily binge your favorite show together and even make popcorn and hot chocolate.

He hates it when you guys fight, but sometimes he just gets so steamed about things and what you both need is to spend some time apart, let yourselves cool down, then tackle the problem maturely without any screaming, blaming, and breaking things. When you guys resolve whatever issue it was and make up, you'll fall asleep tangled in his arms, and he'll mutter, "I missed you" as he strokes your hair, knowing you can't hear him.

Definitely a bit aggressive with how he holds himself but he's just scared and insecure. He requires patience and unrelenting kindness, which is why you are a perfect match for him.

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3 years ago

Sis you're back! You already know who I will ask you to write about. Literally anything 🧝🏻‍♂️

Haha, you got it girl!

Ben Drowned with a gamer S\O

This dude plays video games, all of the time, even when he's supposed to be on camera duty. So it's really no wonder he's come across a few people online that have become long-term friends.

You are one of these people.

He was playing Among Us with a bunch of other randos when you joined the server, and since everyone had proximity chat, you were able to speak with each other briefly before the game started.

Conveniently enough, you were paired up together as the two imposters. You kicked ass, by the way.

Realizing the two of you made a pretty good team, Ben continued playing with you, and that particular server lasted three whole hours. The entire group was fun to talk to - minus that one troll that always seems to be around - and Ben appreciated your strategy and your endless sassiness.

He obviously sent you a friend request, and you obviously accepted it.

You both played a lot of games together, ranging anywhere from Halo to Call of Duty to Minecraft. He never told you much about himself outside of his general hobbies and interests, since ya know, it would have freaked you out had he told you that he was some internet-roaming ghost that lived in a house full of psychotic killers.

That is assuming you'd have believed him, in the first place.

Eventually, he asked if you'd be interested in being his virtual girlfriend, and you agreed, on the condition that he'd be your virtual boyfriend.

This dude is so much smoother when no one can see him, lemme just tell ya now. There's no way he would have asked a question like that if he was talking face-to-face.

Occasionally, he'll hop on a game with Jeff and Liu, and he, along with Liu, will have to spectate as you and Jeff constantly go at each other's throats with killing sprees, petty insults, halfhearted threats, you name it.

It's all in the name of "fun", of course.

There's no way he ever plans on telling you his circumstances. You're such a cool person and he doesn't want to ruin the bond you two share.

Neither of you knows what the other looks like. This is because you both make a consistent effort to keep it a secret, although you do take turns guessing random features the other one has.

For example, you'll say, "Brown hair?"

He'll counteract with, "Am I Eren Jeager?"

"You could be."

"Fair enough. Green eyes?"

"If hell froze over."

"Has it?"


It really is a blast - even though your appearance is a total mystery to each other, it's nice to imagine.

To you, he's just a regular teen that loves games and is a bit of a dork. But you think he's sweet and couldn't be happier that you met him.

To him, you are awesome, and he tries not to be too big of a simp. At least he has the decency to treat you like a normal person rather than some mystical creature that needs to be flirted with all of the time.

That isn't to say he doesn't flirt, but he saved that for when you actually got to know each other and he knew you were somewhat comfortable with him.

In a life of darkness and loneliness, your voice provides him light and solace, and for that, he couldn't more thankful.

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3 years ago

okk first off i just found your blog and i love your work! ^^

i was wondering if you could do tim/masky with a girlfriend?

Aw, I appreciate that! ^^

Headcanons coming right up~

Tim\Masky with a S\O

Let's just establish something really quick. Tim and Masky are two separate people. They have separate thoughts, separate opinions, and most of all, separate personalities.

Tim is a nervous wreck with anxiety but is, for the most part, polite and pleasant to talk to.

Masky, on the other hand?

This dude will not hesitate to slit your throat if you so much as roll your eyes at him.

It's only natural, considering Masky was created for the sole purpose of being Slenderman's puppet, whereas Tim tried his best to avoid that.

Because of this, they treat you very, very differently.

You want to have a cuddle sesh with Tim?

He's a bit hesitant but, sure! He'll let you sit on his lap and gradually relax as the minutes tick on.

You wanna do the same with Masky?

Bish, he will slap your hand away before you can even say, "Can we cuddle?"

Then stomp off with the declaration, "That stuff is bullshit."

He is not the most lovable guy, lemme just say.

In fact, he's borderline abusive.

Masky sees the idea of "love" as something for wimps and wants no part in it.

That doesn't stop Tim from dating you, though.

He's so happy to have you be a part of his life. After everything that went down between him and Brian, after everything that he did, all of the mistakes he's made, he's convinced himself that he isn't worthy of affection. That he deserves this and couldn't even escape if he tried.

Tim enjoys listening to your voice, and he'll quickly fall asleep to it if given the chance. Especially if you run your fingers through his hair.

On a day that Masky isn't entirely royally pissed off at the world and everyone in it, maybe you can get him to stand beside you without flinching away as if you carry some kind of deadly disease.

At the height of his affection, he might encourage you on something you're doing, or give your back a rough pat.

Don't expect anything more, though.

Tim adores you, Masky lowkey despises you. He views you as incapable and a liability.

Good luck getting that to change.

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3 years ago

I have read the hc you made for cody i would love that you write my request 💞

Cody with a witch s/o ( type sabrina spellman or misty day from ahs ) and she works for slenderman

(I have seen Similar to this one!) not watch either of those shows so I didn't even know who these characters were until you told me. I hope this meets your standards though! <3

X-Virus with a witch S\O

When Cody realized that you could bring things back from the dead, he absolutely fell in love.

Sure, it was strange and perhaps rose questions, but he didn't care. He just thought it was awesome.

You had initially kept it a secret from him, as you didn't want him to judge you or look at you as some satanic person and be afraid. In fact, the only reason he found out you could do it, in the first place, is because he witnessed you squatting down beside a dog lying on the side of the road that had been run over, and the next thing he knew, it was up and wagging its tail.

While others may find you creepy, Cody views you as a saint. He thinks your power is endearing and adds even more layers to your personality.

There have been multiple times that Cody has brought some kind of bug or small animal to you with the declaration that he had accidentally stepped on them or just simply found them lifeless in the woods somewhere, and he would practically beg you to help them.

You obliged but kept reminding him that what you could do wasn't a toy and that it wouldn't be responsible to just do it continuously without a good reason.

You also tell him regularly that he shouldn't go off informing people of this ability that you possess.

He is so proud that his girlfriend can do such cool things though, so he finds it difficult, and more than a couple of times had you caught him subtly hinting at it in front of people.

When you scolded him for it, he timidly apologized and said he really didn't mean to, he was just excited.

He loves you no matter what, even though you have powers beyond normal human comprehension. And he is fully confident that if he were to ever get wounded fatally, then you would heal him in no time.

That isn't to say he goes around doing risky things with this mindset...even though he most certainly does.

"If you can bring me back to life, why should I live carefully?"

Please, stop him before he actually ends up killing himself by jumping on the back of a bus and trying to recreate some epic parkour move.

Because he will do it.

It is only a matter of time.

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3 years ago

may i kindly ask for ticci toby with a s/o headcannons? 🙏🧎‍♀️ ty in advance

Sorry I'm late :') I am not very active on Tumblr nowadays.

Ticci Toby S\O Headcanons

Prepare to deal with a brooding, messy-haired man-child roughly 78% of the time.

Toby loves you, he really does. He couldn't be more thankful that you're in his life; you give him an escape from the inside of his head, from all of the painful memories of Lyra and his traumatic abuse.

But he can't help the way that he feels so empty and sad so much

He's so, so happy that you're accepting of him and his many burdens and conditions that make him insecure about himself.

Sometimes you will go days without hearing a single peep out of him, and he never answers your calls or messages.

This of course worries you, and you always end up going to his bedroom and knocking on his closed door. When he doesn't make a sound, you're forced to grab your own spare key and unlock the door, swinging it open and looking around in an effort to find your beloved boyfriend.

He is more often than not curled up on his bed, staring blankly at the wall, seemingly not even aware of your presence.

You rush over to him and try talking him out of this melancholic state of mind that he's in, and it does eventually work.

These episodes of his are pretty common, and he will just reside in the safe, quiet confines of his room to think everything over, sometimes not eating anything for a duration of days.

It is extremely unhealthy, but it's a good thing that he has you to keep him in check.

One of the most relaxing things in the world to him is when you let him lay his head on your lap and you hum him into slumber, running your fingers through his tangled hair. He feels so safe with you around, he feels like you can protect him from even his fiercest of demons.

He would not hesitate to take a bullet for you. The thought of you dying is something he can't stand, so he would go to the ends of the earth to make sure that you're okay.

I know I made it sound like he's just depressed all of the time, but he does have his happier and more playful moments.

Something he enjoys doing with you is baking.

Granted, he isn't very good at it, but all that matters is that the two of you have fun. Even if the kitchen becomes a gold mine for flour and dollops of frosting that somehow made their way to the ceiling on the opposite side of the room.

Toby is touch-starved, but that doesn't mean he's overwhelmingly affectionate.

Sure, he'll hold your hand, cuddles a lot, and likes to pick you up and spin you around in a sweet hug when he's feeling joyful enough, but he knows that there are boundaries.

For example: If he tries to wrap his arms around you and you pull away and state that you don't want any physical attention, he respects that, and he expects the same from you should he ever feel touchy.

Right before you guys kiss, he'll look deep into your eyes and brush his thumb over your lip, taking in every ounce of your beauty. He doesn't see a single flaw that doesn't add to your attractive features in some way; in other words, you are perfect to him. Just as you have accepted him, he has accepted you, and he will always stand by your side no matter what.

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3 years ago

I love the hc you mAde , ilove your writing and way to interpret the characters

Plsss imbbegging, make for cody who's s/o loves kissing and gived him a lot and physical affection 💞💞


X-Virus With An Affectionate S\O

You like kissing, you say?

You shower him with sweet physical gestures all the time?

You love hugs, hand-holding, and cuddles?

Cody is all over that.

He absolutely melts if you lean your head on his shoulder when the two of you are watching movies, and may or may not starting imagining what your wedding day would be like.

This boy had hearts in his eyes from the moment you sent him a grin, and they have only gotten bigger as time went by.

Cody is the type of person that will attempt to wrap his entire body around you during a cuddle session.

I mean, he literally tries to become part of you, because he is not satisfied when you're just touching.

He loves to smell your hair when you're sitting in his lap; it emits a kind of scent that only makes you more endearing to him.

Eskimo kisses are a very common thing between the two of you.

He wants to marry you so bad 🥺 Don't deprive him of this, pretty please with a cherry on top.

The others in the Manor think that you and Cody were made for each other.

I mean, there's no other way that he would have found someone that can match his extreme affectionate energy if it wasn't a twist of fate, right?

He will be the big spoon any day, but feels so safe if you'll let him be the little one sometimes.

Your very presence brings him comfort and security, and he feels so happy, so special to know that you seek him out and him specifically, that you chose him to be your boyfriend and no one else.

He has a big hero complex to be completely honest.

You can't reach the cookies on the top shelf?

He isn't very tall but he sure as hell will grab a chair and get them for you.

You have a spider in your room and are afraid to get near it?

Rest assured Cody will show up decked out in makeshift armor and catch it in a glass, where he will then let it wander outside as it pleases.

You have a cold and need soup?

It may take a few tries but he will eventually learn that the ramen needs to be taken out of the packet before it is microwaved.

God knows he isn't perfect, but he will do everything in his power to make you feel the way that you make him feel, even if it takes his entire life.

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2 years ago

Can you write cody x insecre reader :( ?-🔮

I sincerely apologize for my absence :')

X-Virus with an insecure S\O

Babe, this boy already lives for you and would do virtually anything within his power to ensure that you are happy.

So when he finds out you're insecure??

Aw hell no, we can't be having that.

He will make it his personal goal to make you feel satisfied with yourself and tries so hard to make you see yourself through his eyes.

This entails pulling you in front of a mirror at moments that you feel at your worst and telling you to name everything you like about your reflection.

Then he'll pepper kisses all over your face and proclaim every single thing he finds attractive about you (which is all of you-) and will not relent until you meet his eyes and tell him that you believe him.

This is his go-to method when you're feeling particularly distraught about your appearance, and it seems effective, so why would he let up?

He just desperately wants you to know how strikingly beautiful you are and how much mirth you add to his life. The last thing he would ever desire is for you to think any less of yourself than what you are, so he prevents it to the best of his ability.

If anyone ever insults you and he can see that it visibly bothered you, he doesn't care if he'll end up a bruised, bloody mass on the floor, he doesn't care if he's smaller than average, he doesn't care if he's not as skilled in combat as some others, he will stand up for you and tell whoever it was to back the hell off.

You sure have scored a sweetie that puts your happiness and needs before his own at all costs! Enjoy him~

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2 years ago

Can I have hc of Toby with a girlfriend that wants to have a farm and live a simple life with him in the countryside, she is a baker and has a cottagecore aesthetic pleaseee! 👉👈

RIP me, I had this post almost finished when I accidentally reloaded the page so I had to start writing it from scratch 🥲

Ticci Toby With A Cottagecore S\O

Toby has discovered his soulmate.

He didn't believe such a feat was possible but he did it.

All Toby has wanted his entire life is a sense of normalcy, a guarantee that he would be okay, a shining hope amidst endless dark and dreary thoughts.

For years, he's dreamed about living in peace, surrounded by nature, where he wouldn't have to constantly be on edge or sad or lonely.

He didn't know that you longed for the same thing.

You two will lay in bed side-by-side, be it in the middle of the day or at 3 AM, and talk about sweet fantasies that the both of you have, about how you wish life could be, what you wish you could do.

Toby loves you, there isn't a doubt in his mind about that, and he'd be absolutely elated to marry you someday and move into a cute little cabin tucked away in the forest and have a family.

Wherever you went, he would happily follow behind, because in the end, he feels safe with you. He feels at home. It would only add to his delight if the two of you could have your fairytail dream granted.

Of course, it won't be, and he knows this - it's why he enjoys submerging himself in vivid descriptions of what your house may look like, how many kids you'd have, how beautiful the scenery would be, as it's an escape from the cold and harsh reality that you both put up with every day.

He adores the treats you bake - perhaps a little more than necessary - and his mouth especially waters when you're making a turtle pie or apple fritters.

He usually couldn't care less about eating sweets, or any food for that matter, but something about the enticing aroma of your delicious creations lures him in and he can't seem to stop himself from consuming as much of it as his stomach can physically hold.

Something that Toby considers a beautiful coincidence is that he loves to decorate cakes.

It's a passion of his that never really had a chance to bloom before Slenderman ruined his already pitiful life, that was, until he met you.

His talent for it has flourished over time, and whatever you made that he covered with delectable frosting, fondant, sprinkles, etc., regularly looked as if an actual professional was responsible.

If the two of you ever received the freedom that you yearn for so badly, you have decided you would open and own a bakery together.

You would be in charge of making sure the food tasted good, and he would be in charge of making sure that the food looked good.


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2 years ago

if you haven't already, how would jason (the toy maker ) be with an s/o? :))

Sorry this took a while to get out :(

Jason the Toymaker with a s/o

So Jason is an intimidating one for sure.

He towers at a height of 6'5, and that paired with his downright frightening appearance is what makes most stay away from him.

He's the definition of 'creepy man hanging out at the playground and watching the children', except replace the 'children' with 'women' and the 'playground' with 'bedroom window' and you've got yourself a more accurate picture.

When he met you, he assumed you would keep your distance, like everyone else did. It would only be natural - he looked like bad news, after all. But you didn't.

He knew he was smitten with you when you met his eyes and smiled for the first time. You weren't like his usual targets, no. You were different.

So, as any normal human being would do, he started stalking you. You'd meet him around corners, outside, in whatever room you were in - heck, you even ran into him on a couple of missions. He'd claim it was a happy coincidence but your intuition knew better.

Eventually, you confronted him about this behavior (in a gentle way, of course), telling him his weird advances were making you uncomfortable. He got the message and backed off a bit.

Even though he intrigued you, you weren't about to get involved - romantically or otherwise - with someone who has no sense of self-control.

The way you were nice and pleasant when interacting with him only caused him to desire your affection more, and it wasn't long before he tapped on your shoulder and handed you a soft, fluffy stuffed animal on Valentine's day with a tag attached to it that said, "Be mine?"

It was quite a sweet gesture, and when you looked up into his eyes, they were full of yearning. He really wanted you to say 'yes'.

So, deciding to see where such an adventure would take you, you nodded and quirked the corners of your mouth up. As you can probably guess, this answer gave him a huge rush of euphoria.

He wanted to throw his arms around you and plant a passionate smooch on your face, but he contained the urge, for he couldn't risk messing up when you were finally giving him a chance.

Instead, he leaned down, took your hand in his, and kissed the top of it like a true classy gentleman.

And that was the beginning of something truly exciting.

Dating Jason consists of a lot of jealously and possessiveness on his end, and if you ever try to go anywhere, he will want to know all of the details. He also doesn't like you hanging out with other people, because if you're doing that, how are you supposed to give him attention?

Very clingy, especially if he's feeling insecure or you start acting distant for some reason.

Despite these flaws, he is a delightful guy at heart and constantly showers you in gifts, most of which he's created himself. A whole section of your room is dedicated to all of the presents you've received from him.

He's polite, too; holding doors open for you, pulling out chairs before you sit down, calling you things like 'milady' and 'ma'am' frequently. It contrasts completely with his dark and brutal habits, yet somehow makes sense.

He is big on PDA of all kinds and he couldn't give less of a shit who he does it in front of. It boosts his ego to know that others watch him dote on you so they get it in their heads that you belong to him.

When he's cheerful about something - could be anything, really - the first thing he'll do is lift you off your feet and envelope you in a tight hug. He can't help it - he just loves to touch you and breathe in your scent and be as close as physically possible. The man's never had any true friends, much less romantic partners, so can you really blame him?

Though...he does get grumpy at times, and you'll be offered a silent treatment until he works out whatever stick crawled up his butt. This isn't made any better when you're the one that upset him, even if it was unintentional.

It's best to leave him be so he doesn't get all frustrated and do something he'll regret.

Try as he might, you're too important to him, and he can never stay away from you for too long, so he'll come slinking down the hallway, knock on your door, and swoop you up in his hold as soon as you show yourself.

He won't say anything; he's still too mopey for that, but he'll fall back into your bed, still grasping you tightly, and give you some brooding cuddles.

"Jason, what are you—"

"Quiet, Y\n. Just stay here with me."

It's exasperating yet adorable, and if you try to leave he'll hold you even tighter, declaring in a hushed voice that he wants you to remain there and to stop struggling.

I hope you don't need to use the bathroom when this happens because you aren't escaping until he wants you to.

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2 years ago

Jeff the killer, ticci Toby, masky and any other pastas of your choosing with an s/o with a fainting disorder. How would they react to s/o fainting infront of them for the first time??? Thx!

Ohhh I really like this idea actually!


Man will go completely still for like six seconds.

He just looks at your fallen form in disbelief, eyes wide, trying to wrap his brain around the fact that you just dropped like a duce with no warning whatsoever.

After he somewhat comprehends what just happened, he'll softly speak your name.


Poor dude doesn't know how to handle this.

Will definitely poke you to make sure you aren't faking.

Once he realizes you are actually unconscious, he'll shake your shoulders to try to wake you up, and if it goes on for too long he'll pick you up bridal-style and take you to Jack to get a professional opinion.

After you wake up and he has confirmation that you won't be dying anytime soon, he'll be salty.

"How could you do that??"


"No, don't talk to me. I'm sulking."


Panic mode.

Absolute panic mode.

"Y/n? Did you just die??"

Will leap from his seat in an instant and go absolutely berserk as you lay motionless on the ground. He checks to make sure you're still breathing, and when he sees your chest rise and fall, he'll let out the loudest breath of relief.

Except now he has to find some way to wake you up. So, he calls the only one he knows might be prepared to handle something like this.

Yup, you guessed it: Jack.

Dude still doesn't know what's wrong with you, and his terror can be heard over the phone. "Y\n, unconscious, don't know what to do, get over here!"

"Calm down, Toby—"


When you actually open your eyes, he will pull you into the tightest hug, pleased beyond belief that you're okay.

"God, don't...don't do that to me again."


Will catch you before he even knows what he's doing.

One moment, you're standing, perfectly fine, then the next you're not. He doesn't know what to think about that.

"Don't play games with me, dumbass," he'll warn oh-so-sweetly, arms looped beneath your back so you don't fall and bust your head.

When you're unresponsive, he'll lay you on the floor so he can get a better look at your features. You seem fine, you're not hurt, so what happened?

"Hey. Wake up."

He'll sit down beside you, not willing to admit this turn of events slightly concerns him, and waits for you to stir. After not too long, you do, and notice his position, then realize what happened. "Masky?"

"You better not make this a habit," he snaps, observing your puzzled expression. "I have more important things to do than stay here with you 'cause you're too fuckin' lazy to keep consciousness."

"If that's the case, why'd you stay?" You smirk, rubbing your head and rising. He'll huff, grab your arm, and hoist you up, careful not to let go until you've gained back your balance.

"Shut up."


An instant 'oh shit' expression graces his face as he drives forward to snatch you up before you have a chance to hit the ground.

With one arm locked around your torso, he'll examine you, trying to find something that could have caused you to pass out so suddenly.

If you're near a couch or bed or anything else that could be used as a seat, he'll be lifting and taking you there so he won't risk you slipping from his hold.

He'll take his phone out of his pocket, trying to remain calm, and dial Jack's number while he brushes some hair out of your face.

Overall much more mature about the matter than the former three.

When Jack arrives and you wake up, Liu will stand to the side and watch somewhat nervously as you're tested to ensure you're coherent enough to move around.

He'll thank Jack for rushing over so quickly, and once he's gone, he'll take a seat beside you, wrapping his arms around you and allowing his breathing patterns to settle.

"Next time, tell me if you think you're about to faint. You scared the shit outta me."

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2 years ago

Hello i have an idea . So how does masky red angel helen and hoodie react to a female reader who cooks great food? reader makes dishes that taste at home. the reader cooks home cooking. and these dishes make you feel comfortable like at home. it's like a mother cooked these dishes. I hope you know what I mean. have a nice day. I hope you do it

Hi! I don't write for Red Angel, as stated in my rules.



This man is very passionate about cooking. He was raised partially by his grandmother, so he learned a lot of his skills from her - he definitely prides himself on making a good meal.

So when he finds out you can do it, too?? Yay!

Weekly cooking sessions together will be a must. This is one of his favorite hobbies, after all, and he's more than pleased to share it with you!

Every time he eats some of your food, he gets flashbacks of open windows, spring breezes, and creaky floorboards. His food may be great, but it doesn't quite have the same kind of nostalgic feel to it as yours does.

It doesn't seem to matter what you make, you will always get his praise. He loves your cooking, and that is made obvious by the way he is always ready and willing to eat it.


This one is a little more difficult to read...

If he smells food that he knows you're making - and trust me, he'll know - then there is always one definite reaction.

He'll subtly slink toward the kitchen and linger around that area, snapping at anyone that questions it, until the meal is declared finished.

Since he's often the first person you see when you're done, you will offer him the first plate, and begrudgingly he'll be like, "okay, fine, whatever. Don't expect me to like it or anything."

Of course, he'll like it, and he knows that, hence why he stalks around the kitchen like a hyena. If you watch closely enough, you can catch him coming back for seconds.


Helen is not someone that usually eats large, healthy, or tasty meals, so you were hard-pressed to get him to try this new recipe you were trying to perfect.

Once he caught a good whiff of its enticing scent, however, he complied, and you could literally see the moment his eyes lit up with a sparkle that said, "oh wow...this is good".

You are the only person - anywhere - whose food he will eat. It reminds him of a secure home with a nice family; something he never had.

What you make is a staple for his creativity and inspiration. It seems, each time you feed him, that he thinks of a new idea or is motivated to paint something new/finish a painting he had neglected.

He doesn't exactly show it, but he's super grateful to you for letting him be part of your life in this way, and that something so simple makes him feel so cared for.

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2 years ago

Hello <3

I just wanted to say....I'm obsessed with this guy 👇


Yeah, this guy right here.....👆

May i have some HC of him and a s/o?

But the s/o dislikes physical contacts someone like me....

Don't worry, he's easy to become obsessed with 🤧

(This is super late and kinda short and I am terribly sorry—)


Luckily for you, Jonathan isn't all that big on physical contact, either.

So you seldom have to worry about being attacked with hugs and kisses out of nowhere for literally no reason at all.

He won't even try to hold your hand if you're feeling particularly touchy.

The two of you manage to find a way around that though - you make up for whatever you don’t do with random gestures. These could range anywhere from winking flirtatiously, to blowing kisses (this one is a bit rarer), to flicking the other on the side of the head. I didn’t say all of these gestures were romantic ones.

Most people in the Manor don’t even know the two of you are dating because you’re so low-key about it; you act like chaotic idiots who simply enjoy the other’s company, and even the dialogue you share is casual. 

That’s just because you’re comfortable with one another, and you don’t have to act like a traditional couple in public to assure yourselves.

“Hey, have you guys considered going out? Your chemistry is really strong.”

You and Johnny met each other’s eyes and started snickering.

“We’ve been going out, moron.”

If one of you needs to be consoled without actually being touched (that’s good because he sucks at doing that anyway), you’ll find a way. One time you started crying and Johnny just stood there awkwardly for about a minute before announcing he’d be right back, then he returned shortly after with some food. You spent that night watching movies of your choice as he was right by your side.

Never underestimate the power of being in the same room together and what it can do to lift your spirits.

If anyone ever crosses your boundaries and Johnny’s around to see it, expect him to violently shove them to the side and send them a threatening glare.

You’ve tried standing up for him in that regard as well, but he’s so big and intimidating he can pretty much do it himself.

But it’s the thought that counts!

Your relationship definitely still works, even though neither of you love on each other 24/7. Your bond is all you need - the extra stuff is up to the mood.

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1 year ago

Heya dear fella! ^^

I was wondering... What about some platonic Hcs for BEN, Jeff, Helen and Toby (Sepparetly) with an early teen fem!reader (like 12-13 years old)?

Like- The reader is just this sweet, kind, caring child who is always trying her best to make people happy always with a smile on her face and make sure their okay (that goes for physical and mental) but is always the one everyone forgets about, the one that's always left out, the one that always fades into the oblivion.

And so one night (at likely 2 am) the creep in question just finds her sitting on the sofa and he, kinda shocked, asks her "hey, you 'kay?"

And then the reader just looks at him with a confused expresion until she starts crying and shaking her head no while saying "I never was!"

This is my kinda prompt :D

Thank you for requesting!!



In all honesty, this dude can be pretty oblivious to what's going on around him, especially when it comes down to peoples' feelings. So he genuinely took your blitheful front at face value and assumed you were alright! How could you not be? You seemed so happy all the time!

However, these false conclusions came crumbling down when he spotted you alone in the living room, sporting a blank expression as you stared at what was seemingly nothing. It was a concerning sight, to say the least. So he laid down the food he'd just raided from the refrigerator and walked closer, waving a hand in front of your face.

"Uhh...Y/n? A-are you, like...okay?"

The response he got was certainly not one he was expecting, and it took him greatly off-guard. He was not good at dealing with this sorta stuff, and the way his body stiffened significantly was proof enough of that.

Still, he wasn't about to leave. That would just be immoral. So he took a seat on the coffee table in front of you and tilted his head, letting you ramble on about how no one seemed to care about you even though you made it your #1 goal to ensure everyone else felt heard and accounted for. He held his hand up to halt your words and offered a sincere grin. "Hold up, hold up. I care about you. That counts for something, right?"


He figured after seeing you around for a while that something had to be up with you. After all, nobody can be that happy 24/7. But you had never made any effort to signify that you wanted someone to acknowledge the potential struggles you had, so he kinda just shrugged it off with the thought, "if she needed comfort or something, she'd go to someone about it".

This theory of his backfired when he saw you looking so lost and saddened on the sofa, and it honestly startled him; what could have happened that made you so...gloomy? He had just returned from a mission, so his hoodie was coated with patches of fresh blood and his hair was messy, but he figured taking a shower could wait.

Hesitantly, he approached, raising a worried brow. "Y/n, hey. You good?" The glance that he received for that question made his stomach tense, and before he could really process it, you just started to cry, burying your face in your hands and explaining through tears how you felt ignored and insignificant. He blinked in confusion but sat down beside you nonetheless, resting his arms on his knees and leaning forward to get a look at your expression. His voice softened a bit.

"...Has this been happening for a while?" When you nodded, he huffed in contemplation, placing a hand on your shoulder. "Ya know, if you wanted help, you could've just asked. I know this place is chaotic, but bearing a burden like this alone is just not ideal. You gotta let people know how you feel. Otherwise they'll probably never catch on. They're all idiots."

You sniffled, and he gently patted your back, lacing a lighter tone into his words. "Feel free to come to me, okay? I know I can be an asshole but I promise I won't give you a hard time about it."


Like Ben, he's a bit unaware of what people are feeling, but only because he's always so lost in thought. From the way you carried yourself all the time, he was almost jealous of you. Why couldn't he be that content with his life? What was he doing wrong to prevent that?

He just kinda shut down for a few seconds when he noticed you on the couch, appearing solemn. What was he supposed to do? He's not a 'people person' by any means, and even so, the two of you were never very close. Then he thought back to that time he was being tormented by Johnny and you stood up for him, and a decision was made.

Hesitantly, he willed himself to walk over and sit a couple of feet away from you, staring at the floor and speaking in a low voice. "Are you...alright?"

"No. I haven't been. Not for a long time." It was difficult to comprehend, as you had never once acted miserable in the past, but here he was, and here you were, experiencing it. He listened unsurely to your venting without interruption, and when you tapered into a sob-brimmed silence, he took it as his cue to - albeit reluctantly - place a hand on your upper back and provide words of attempted consolation.

"...Sorry you've had to deal with that. If you want can come up to my room and we can sketch or something? I have some extra supplies you can use. Just to...get your mind off of everything."


Toby is no stranger to feeling lonely or disregarded, except he never purposefully convinced people that he was 'okay'. He knew that you weren't what you seemed, however, and though he never attempted to further confirm this (he has his own troubles to worry about, after all), he still watched closely on occasion, as he's a naturally observant person.

Seeing you on the couch in the middle of the night rose questions within him, and he didn't put much thought behind the matter before stepping over and speaking with a muted voice. "What's wrong with you?"

"Everything," is what you mumbled after several moments, and he leaned away in mild alarm when you started crying. This was certainly a concerning thing to witness. Still, instinct kicked in, and he sat down close by your side, brushing some hair out of your face.

He didn't say anything, as he was never very skilled with verbal comfort, but when he realized that your emotional breakdown might last a while, he wrapped an arm around your shoulders and pulled you into him, expecting to be pushed away, but you only reciprocated.

And like that, you stayed, until you settled down enough to uphold a conversation. Then he opened his mouth. "Hey... Jane and I are getting together tomorrow to play chess. Wanna join us?"

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