Body Swap Mishief - Tumblr Posts
Fat Friend’s Revenge

“So … you’re finally up” I hear as my mind enters back into consciousness
My eyes slowly get into focus as I look around the room. In an instant reality snaps back into my mind as I stare at the stranger in front of me. And, then panic sets in as my attempts to stand up leads to the realization that I am tied down.
“What the fuck is going on?” I ask in a hazy confused panic.
He stares at me and laughs. His voice rings through my ears and something about it sounds familiar. It brings my attention to his soft lips. In an instant, images of me kissing him flood my mind. I quickly snap out of it. I’m not gay. But, my attention drifts to his sweet brown eyes. It couldn’t be…
He finally answers “What you don’t recognize me? Well I did lose some weight recently” He continues to laugh to himself.
It was my friend. It was Eric. But, it couldn’t be. Just last night we were at the bar. Just last night he was over 300 pounds. Now there is no sign he was ever that fat. In shock all I can think about is how attractive he looks in front of me. I just want to set myself free and ripped those clothes off him and kiss every inch of his body. At this point I was hard, as images of us embracing filled my mind.
“What the hell is going on? What happened to you? Why am I tied up?” I’m finally able to blurt out.
He looks at me coldly “Revenge” he says it in a slightly wicked tone.
His response fills me with fear for what he is planning to do to me. “What the fuck did I do?” I say as anger of the situation starts to set in. But, simultaneously I can feel this anger turning into passion. I want to wrap him in my strong muscular arms. My body urges to connect with him.
“You treated me like trash! You … used … me … like … a …fool.” The power in his voiced scared me, but at the same time it made me want him more. It was strange. It wasn’t a feeling of love. In fact if I was free I would have punched him in the face. No, this feeling was animalistic. I needed to be inside him. “And now the tables have turned.” He begins to smile.
He turns his slim muscular body to the coffee table. And my attention follows. Without his handsome face distracting me, I finally realize we are in my home. My eyesight begins to move along his body. I watch as the muscles in his arms, neck, and face move in a beautiful orchestra. These surfaces that were once covered in pounds of fat. He turns around and faces me, now holding a box. On the box it reads: FROM MR. MISCHIEF. HAVE FUN. He reaches into the box and pulls out four letters.
“Attraction” He says as he turns the first letter around. He puts his hand on my lap and electric signals run through my body. Images of intense love making run through my mind.
“What the fuck did you do to me? I say in a tearful panic.
He begins to laugh, as he moves his hands up my body. My body pulsating with pleasure. His hands continue to message ever inch of my sculptured body; sending waves of pleasure throughout my body. “You are only attracted to me now.” His moist hands wipe my face.
“I fucking hate you!” I yell.
“You don’t gotta love me to be attracted to me.” He smiles as he reaches towards me. His hands start undoing the ropes holding me back. Although my body wants to embrace Eric, my mind knows I need to make a run for it. I need to knock Eric out and run. As soon as Eric unties me, I stand up quickly and go to punch him in the face. Before my fist makes contact he says, “Stop! And sit down.” My arm automatically falls to my side. My body becomes heavy and falls back on to the chair I was sitting on.
“What the fuck?” I say as he turns around the next letter: OBEDIENCE.
“Stop talking. It’s my turn to speak.” My mind races with thoughts and I try to speak them out loud. But, my lips and throat do not even make an effort to move. “Listen to what I have to say and don’t let your sexual fantasies get in the way.” He flips the third letter: LOVE. And then rips it. “I don’t care that you hate me. In fact I love that you hate me, right now. Being forced to love me won’t teach you the lessons I want you to learn. I loved you. I wanted you. But, I wasn’t your type. You were straight and the sight of my fat ass disgusted you. You used me. You used the love I had for you against me. I would have and did do anything you wanted me to. You were hot, with your muscular body. You were the envy of every man. You liked to show off the god-sculpted body. Standing next to the fat blob I used to be, every girl wanted to get into your pants. And you would leave me there to get your nightly fuck. Everyone staring at me like some kind of fat freak. You knew I liked you. You would call me to do some bullshit thing for you and I came running. I wanted you to love me. But, you were a parasite making me a fool to make yourself feel good, even though you were already perfect”
Shame filled my body. Everything he said was true. I tried to be his friend. I knew he liked me. But, it was so easy to use that against him. He was desperate. I constantly made him the fool and belittled him to boost my own ego. I want to explain … to apologized, but I still couldn’t talk. He flips the fourth letter: WEIGHT TRANSFERENCE. “Now I’m going to turn the tables. It’s your turn to be the fat friend.” You see my fat didn’t just disappear.” He suddenly pulls a nice juicy burger from behind his back. He gives me a small smile.
“Listen to those sexual thoughts again, but this time you’re the bottom.” My thoughts become loud again. I picture his smaller yet toned body, riding my large muscular body. “Eat this. Fast.” I quickly reach out and gulp down the burger. My body starts feeling heavy. Waves of energy pulsate through my body. “Stay still” Eric says as he removes my clothes. He runs and places a mirror in front of me. My face has become swollen. Fat checks and a double chin have replaced my chiseled face. I become super focused and panicked as the rest of my body changes in front of me. My muscular pecks grow into two juicy moobs. My powerfully arms and legs get weighed down with globs of fat. My pelvic area begins to grow a fat pad. Drastically shrinking the size of my package. Finally my abs disappears as my gut juts out. Sticking far past my new moobs. It continues to grow; finally stopping at the half point of my newly thicken thighs. I’m left in shock, as tears fill my eyes.
“Let’s see.’ Eric says in amusement. “With the amount of weight I transferred and with your original weight, you should be about 380 pounds.” He chuckles and gives my belly a nice pat. It jiggles and ripples through out my body. I turn to look at him. His fit, toned, skinny body turns me on even more, now that I am covered in fat. “You are going to hate being fat. But, getting fatter and me playing with your fat will give you the most pleasure you have ever experienced.” He looks at me and just smiles, waiting for something. “Oh … and you can speak now.” He says mockingly.
“I hate you! You ruined me. What the fuck am I going to do now?” I let out between sobs
“Don’t worry I’m not cruel” He laughs as he scoops my tit with his hands. I let out a pleasure-filled gasp. Eric smiles “You’ll be my servant, with some … benefits. Met me in the bedroom in five minutes. I needs to take a load out. You can think of this as a sample of the awards you’ll get for being obedient. Then afterwards we will go to the gay bar. Standing next to a fat ass like you, I’ll look even more attractive to any guy looking to bang the night away. However, you do make a good bear. Too bad you’re going to refuse any offers since you only want me to make you happy.”
I watch as Eric walks into my … probably now his bed room. I hate him. But there is no use in telling him. I feel gross with my fat folds sitting on top of each other. My confidence is gone. Five minutes past and I struggle to get my fat ass up. I begin walking into the room, as my new fat jiggles. Making me hard. I don’t want to go in, but I need him to relieve this pressure. He is insanely attractive now. The small toned body riding my fat ass. Making body jiggle. And, that new confidence makes him even more irresistible. I don’t like him, but if he already did this to me, then I don’t want to risk him getting mad at me and doing something worse. I want him to be happy. He is my life now. He is perfect. I hope someday he will like me.
(I know you guys love my stories, but if your interested on the picture please, follow my other page @malereblogmischief. There, I post the images with links to the original source, if I can find it. Or, I re-blog from where I found it on Tumblr.)
100+ Followers
What? How did this happen. I barely started and already a little more than 100 people have loved my two stories enough to want to follow me.
Thank you all very much and I won't let you guys down, hopefully. I'm on the works of writing and thinking of new stories, so just stick around and get your fix for some swap and transformation mischief ;)
Authentic Costumes: Gladiators

-Yes! The costumes came!
Andrew walked back into the living room, with a simple brown postal box. Jack stopped what he was doing, and looked at his friend.
-Good. They were cutting it pretty late. I mean the party is in 2 hours.
-Well, no need to complain anymore. Hurry let's bust them out and start getting ready. The site said the transformation process will take about an hour.
The two friends worked together to open the box. Inside were two authentic gladiators costumes and two jars of glowing purple liquid. In addition, there was a file describing the costumes in more detail.
- "Octavius and Maximus" Wow those are some bad-ass names. Apparently, they were the Ancient Roman's version of a tag team. It says that they were undefeated, loved by the roman people, and were able to retire, with a comfortable amount of winnings from their triumphs. If I'm reading this correct these potions will transform us into Octavius and Maximus at the height of their careers.
-It, also, says that Maximus was the stronger of the two. So ... I'll be taking this vial.
-Aww come on ...
- No dude. Look at the size of this armor both these guys must have been so ripped. It's not going to matter that I'm going to be slightly stronger than you. Besides, I'm the one that paid for them.
-Fine, fine, fine. Well here goes nothing. Cheers.
Both guys remove the tops on their jars and drink the purple liquid. Jack becoming Maximus. And, Andrew becoming Octavius. An intense sensation starts filling thier bodies, as with each heart beat the glowing liquid spreads through every vein in their body.
-Dude, I don't feel so ... good. I'm getting ... pretty dizzy ... and tired. My heart is beating ... too fast.
-Just calm down. It affecting me too. The instructions says it affects everyone differently. Just try to sleep it off. But, I feel great. Damn, I feel pumped. I feel ... I feel ... I feel ...
And, like that Andrew fell unconscious. Meanwhile, Jack slowly started drifting off. The last thing his drowsy eyes saw was hair filling up his chest. And, was his stomach bulging out?
Dreams of being in the arena filled their mind, until Jack started coming into consciousness. His body felt heavy and swore. He was feeling the effects of the hard life style of the gladiator's life. Still unable to shake the sleepiness out of his eyes. He rubbed his face, with his hand. His arms felt heavy and strong. And, his hands were rough against his breaded face.
Slowly he moved to lay on his side. As he did, he felt a strange pressure on his stomach move with him. Completing the turn to his side, he felt his stomach extend far beyond his body. At this point, Jack quickly sat up and finally forced himself awake. He stared at his naked body, as his clothes were ripped around him. The sight of his belly and and moobs blocked anything underneath his gut.
He looked to the body next to him. Andrew, also, got fat and hairy. But, not as fat as Jack, now was. It also seemed like Andrew's new body had a height advantage, which helped him look slimmer.
Jack got off the floor and ran to the nearest mirror, his body jiggling with every step. All though he took up more space, the world around him seemed a bit bigger. He saw his reflection and screamed. His fears were confirmed. He was fat, short, and looked way older. The loud rough deep gladiatorial scream woke up Andrew, and he shot straight up.
-What ... what! What going on! Wait Jack ... what going ... is that you? What up with my body?
Andrew was now exploring his stocky body.
-What the fuck dude! You got the wrong package. This has to be some kind of joke costume. Why am I so fat and short compared to you. I thought I was supposed to be the better one.
-No it can't be wrong, I made sure. These are supposed to be authentic gladiator costumes. I'll call up. Something had to go wrong.
-You better. We can't go to the frat party like this. The costumes are the only thing that fit us, now. I'd be fine showing off my body if we were fit. But, I don't want to walk around shirtless with this gut. Not to mention, the fact that we look way to old now to be at a college party.
Andrew called the costume company. He explained what happened and the mumbled voice started answering his questions.
- So, what did they say?
- Okay. Don't be mad.
-Well there is nothing wrong with the costume. This is how authentic gladiator look like. Apparently they were all fat vegetarians. In fact, it seems like your current body type made for the best gladiator. It's seem to be a common misconception that they are buff, because of Hollywood. And, if we wanted to be hot gladiators we should have ordered the Hollywood gladiators package.
-Damn this fucking sucks. Shit! Well we can't go to the party now. I guess I'll post mates us some bigger clothes. How old would you say I look. 45? I guess there gotta be something a middle aged man can do on Halloween. Maybe a bar or something. I mean we still gotta make the most of tonight. I guess it will be kinda fun. I mean we won't be this age for another 25 years and tonight we will be able to legally drink. It's kinda like seeing our future selves, but hopefully I won't get this fat.
Jack started laughing. Andrew, who remained quiet, started up again.
-Well ... um .... there is actually more. Remember don't get mad. I'm sure we'll be able to laugh about this later.
-What!? What are you talking about.
-Well ... you see ... this authentic package is mainly bought by people you work in areas were this body is best suited for. Like gladiator impersonator, construction worker, or any other person who wants to be a big beefy guy.
-Yes ... and ...what?
-Well ... these type of people need the costumes for more more than one night. So, they sell the transformation liquid in a bundle.
-What? So we are stuck like this for a work week? Are you fucking serious. We have class tomorrow. I have test. I can't take it looking like a completely different person.
-No not a week. We were supposed to take a drop. That would have lasted a 24 hours. But, the jar has enough drops to last a year. So, we are stuck like this, at least until, next Halloween.
-What the fuck! What are we going to do? We can't stay like this?
-I know ... I know. But customer service is going to handle it. This isn't the first time this has happened. They got a connection with witness protection. So, for a year we are gonna have new lives. But, ... um ... there also might be a chance that we are stuck like this.
-Like, I said it affects everyone differently. We drank a whole jar. Costumer service said most people, in cases like ours, revert back to normal. But, some also change permanently. We won't find out until next Halloween.
Jack felt tears welling up in his eyes. HIs body was shaking with rage. He was mad at Andrew for not researching enough. He was mad at himself for wanting to do this in the first place. He hated his new body. Even being in Andrew's new body would have been better. These strong emotions were rising to the surface.
Jack Slammed into Andrew. Their skin pressed against each other. Suddenly muscle memory took over, as the bodies wrestled against each other. It was like a dance these two bodies practiced for a life time. It just felt natural. They way their skin touched and the power of their bodies filled both men with passionate aggression. Finally, Jack was able to pin down Andrew. He looked into Andrew's eyes and smiled lovingly.
-I win again
Jack leans down and begins kissing Andrew. They moan as their bodies and tongues rub against each other. Suddenly they both snapped out of it.
Jack quickly gets off of Andrew
-What the fuck was that?
- I don't know it was like our bodies went on auto pilot. This must been something these bodies have always done. You know it wasn't strange for gladiators to have sex with each other.
-oh shut up!
They both just sat in silence. There bodies sore and heavy. Both men now looked at each other in a different light. In their new bodies they found each other extremely attractive. They minds were screaming no, but the urges in their body were getting stronger. They both got up and faced each other. Their bellies were pressed against each other. And before they could continue their love making there was a knock on the door, as two police officers came in. They came to escort the two men to their new lives. Their futures where unknown, but the two men were happy they had each other.
Holiday Special: The Twelve Months of Transformation
[Part 3 of 12]

As February came to an end, Nick realized trying to cover up his graying hair and shaving his body everyday just wasn't feasible. The dye alone was costing him a fortune and, now, he had to add shavers and hair remover creams.
As March started, Nick reluctantly allowed his graying hair to do as it pleased. He wasn't going to cover it up anymore. Deep down, he was hoping his appointment with the doctors would give him some answers and solutions. So, at worst he wouldn't be like this for much longer.
The office began to talk, as everyone saw Nick practically age before their eyes. The young 35 business man now looked like he was approaching 50. People asked him questions. But, Nick couldn't give anyone answers. "I'm going to meet with a specialist," was all he could reply with.
As the days passed, Nick became more comfortable with the aging man that he saw in the mirror. Even though he still had his young body, the older appearance brought by the gray hair, beard, and body hair still affected how Nick was beginning to act.
He felt more confident and he like how people started having more respect for him. He even started to lean in to the age people thought he was. It started to have it's benefits. One of the major benefits was his boss started to respect him more. Nick guess it was because they were looking closer in age.
"Nick, I have an important job for you. A meeting with a potential partner. If we can make a deal with her company our profits would double. And, we would be rid of our shipping problem. I need you to woo her off her feet. Charm her." His boss requested.
"Thanks sir, but why me," Nick asked.
"Let's just say your her type. Your mature looking bit your still fit," The boss said patting his own gut. "The meeting is next month. So, take time to do your research. Present our deal and throw in some of that charm." His boss directed.
What his boss was saying was true. He may look older. But, underneath all this graying hair still was the body of fit 35 year old.
Although he was getting more comfortable with his body. He still didn't want to stay this way. So, keeping up his fitness was becoming his main focus. He felt like it was the one thing he could control. He began spending more time in the gym. Even if he had to deal with guys in their 20's, 30's, and even early 40's coming up to him and saying they'd kill to have a body like him at his age. Nick always felt like correcting them, revealing his true age. But, he never did. It would be more of a hassle that Nick didn't have the time for.
Time passed and Nick was pleased that there weren't other physical changes. But, he did notice he was starting to act different; older. But, he brushed it off. He chalked it up to be some subconscious psychological issue. Seeing an older man in his reflection meant ,maybe, subconsciously he probably felt like he had to act older. Once I get this dealt with and look normal again, I'll be back to my old self, he hoped.
Finally his appointment with the hormone imbalance specialist came. Nick was hoping for answers and solutions for whatever was happening to him. He was hoping this nightmare would be over. "Okay. Nick," The doctor walked in and paused. "Oh, sorry sir... I must have the wrong chart ... I'll be right back." The doctor left the room and came back five minutes later.
"Um Sir ... you are Nick Winters, right?" The doctor asked.
"Yes?" Nick responded a bit confused by everything.
"Oh, okay, sorry about that... it seems like there was just a small mix up with something. It's no big deal. I'll go ahead and let the nurse know to fix your age on the paperwork, after where done here today. So, what brings you in," the doctor continued.
Nick felt a bit embarrassed, "Well that's just it. The age on the paper work is correct. In fact just over two months ago I looked like an normal 35 year old. But, now my body is covered in all this graying hair. It grows back fast. And, if I try to dye it... it doesn't hold pigment..." He continued talking and telling him everything he has been experiencing.
The doctor just looked at Nick, surprised by everything he was saying. "I've never seen anything like this before." He walked closer and examined Nick's face. "Interesting, either your telling the truth or you have taken really good care of your skin over the years." The doctor tried to joke. Nick, stayed quiet.
Over the course of the next few hours. The doctor asked Nick to do different task. He shave parts of Nick's body. Within 10 minutes stuble was already growing back. He tried to dye Nick's hair. But, the hair was unaffected by the dye.
He gathered serial vials of blood to be tested. He requested to get MRIs and X-rays. Any test that was useful was done. "Okay, Nick I don't know what going on with you. But, obviously this is not normal. We've run every test and now it just time to wait. We'll get to the bottom of this and help you however we could." The doctor tried to reassure Nick.
"Thanks, Doc... How long should it take to get the results." Nick said hopeful that this nightmare was actually coming to an end.
"Well, Nick. Some of these test take more time than the others. I'd say we will have a full report by next month. Until then, if we get any important results will let you know sooner." The doctor gave him a reassuring pat on the back.
As Nick went home, he saw his girlfriend packing. "What's happening?" He asked.
"Fuck," she said to herself. "I was really hoping I'd be done before you got back.
"What's happening?" Nick asked again. He didn't want to believe what he was seeing.
"I'm breaking up with you." Her eyes began to water. "I know it not your fault. But, I just can't sit here and see what happening to you. I know it makes me a bitch to break up with you, when your going through this. But, I can't take it anymore. People stare when we go out on dates. You've been mistaken for my father. Heck, People probably think I'm a gold digger going after an older man. I just can't take anymore." She explained through her tear.
"But, I went to the doctors. They ran test. There gonna give me the results. I'm not gonna stay like this forever." Nick plead trying get her to change her mind.
"But, what if it you do. This... whatever is happening to you... it not normal. What if you get worst. What if it starts affecting more than your hair. Heck it's already affecting you mentally. You are starting to act and sound more older ever day. You go to the park and feed the duck. You been becoming friends with the old man that owns the bakery down the street. You even started relating more with your boss. And, that just the tip of the iceberg. My nightmare is one day waking up and your an 80 year old man." She continued packing. "Please don't make this harder than it needs to be."
Nick knew he should feel mad. But, she was right. He was acting different. She didn't sign up for this. She didn't deserve none of this. He walked out of the room and sat on the couch. Maybe a couple of months ago he would have fought. But, now, he just felt older and more mature. It hurt but, deep down, he knew it was for the best.
Eventually she came out of the room. "So, I guess this is good bye," she said, as she gave him one last kiss. She walked out of the door and his life.
Now alone in his apartment he cried. His girlfriend was just another casualty of this curse. "I hope all this ends before it gets worst," he cried to himself.