I love male body swaps and transformations. I love it even more when things go wrong or have a twisted ending
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What? How did this happen. I barely started and already a little more than 100 people have loved my two stories enough to want to follow me.
Thank you all very much and I won't let you guys down, hopefully. I'm on the works of writing and thinking of new stories, so just stick around and get your fix for some swap and transformation mischief ;)
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More Posts from Bodyswapmischief
Tales of the Sculptor II: A Hero’s Call

Like, I said before. I never wanted to be special. I was okay being average. It was safe, in the middle. So, after Bruce, I didn't use my powers again, for along time. Although it ended well for Bruce, I felt it was wrong to interfere with someone else's life. In addition, the personality change I witnessed on Bruce scared me. It seemed unpredictable. If the wrong aspect of a person's personality changed, it could be dangerous. And, all these were factors for why I didn't even consider using my powers on myself.
I know it sounds strange to have these powers, and not even use them. Especially to try and better my own life. But, the truth is I didn't want to. I liked being average. I liked being normal. So, it was easy to bury these powers deep inside me. I reached a points where I didn't even know if I had them anymore, and I didn't care. The incident with Bruce, became just that. A one time fluke of the laws of physics.
And, I continued to live my life. After taking a whole year to work, I realized I was going to be stuck living a life I hated. So going to college was my next step. I still didn't know what I wanted in life, but I was hoping that the college atmosphere could give me some perspective. Luckily, I got in to my top pick. It was far from home and offered freedom to find myself. It is also where I met Brandon.
I remember my parents leaving after helping me get settled in to my dorm. They stayed for most of the day, but it started getting late. So, I sat there all alone and confused, the bed next to me was empty. (Wasn't I supposed to have a roommate)
The next morning, I woke up and decided to explore around school. I partook in some welcoming events and looked at some clubs that set up tables. It was some time in the afternoon, when I decided I should go back to my dorm. I was surprised to see the door slightly opened and even more surprised to see a shirtless man.
And, boy what a man he was. I would later find out he was a year younger than me, but his body screamed maturity with his packed on muscles and physically powerful development. I walked in as his toned back was facing me. He was busy unpacking things onto his bed. I closed the door and the sound it made caught his attention. "Oh, shit you scared me." He said with a friendly tone. I just stood there. I began to notice he was wet. His hair was soaked and his body glistened as light hit the beads of water on his body. He had wash board abs, strong pecs, and powerful arms. He came closer to me. His moist body making this moment even more erotic.
"So ... you must be my roommate." He said as he extended his hand to me. I shook it in response " Yeah, I guess I am." I awkwardly replied. He recoils his hand and dries it on his pants. "Sorry, I just got back from the shower ... I was in the middle of drying off and getting dressed. Luckily you didn't see me bare ass naked." He laughed. I sympathetically laughed. ( I wish I did see you naked.) I thought.
He put on a shirt and it hugged his muscular body, as our conversation continued. I learned he arrived a day late, because of car trouble. He had an old hand-me-down car. He came from a poor family and had to drive himself up here, by himself, because his parents couldn't afford to take time off from work. Although it was painfully obvious, I also learned he was a jock at his high school.
I became worried, because my past experience with jocks wasn't so great. But, the more we talked; the more I saw how different he was. He wasn't an asshole like jocks I met before. He was a good, kind, and humble guy. Although he was a jock in high school, Brandon knew that sports wouldn't be his future. Instead he went to college for a business. The more we talked; the more we realized we clicked with each other. And, our conversation moved to more personal matters.
I talked about how I was bullied. He told me stories about how he protected people from being bullied. It stemmed from being bullied about being poor, at young age. As he aged, he was blessed with good looks and a strong body. He used what he got to join his football team, freshman year, and from there he gained popularity and respect from his peers. But, he never forgot about the little guy, and stood up for those in need.
At our college, he quickly became Mr. Popular. He got invited to parties and always invited me. I got to see him in action. He liked including everyone, no matter who they were or how they looked. He stood up to assholes at the parties. People loved him and respected him. In my eyes he was my ideal version of a super hero. I was developing a bad crush on him. What made it worst was that he was straight and quickly got a girlfriend, in his first year at college.
Our first year of college went by and it was great. Thanks to Brandon, my life was more social. I made friends and started coming out of my shell. For Brandon, it was going great. He was still the top man on campus and his grades were great. But, he was hit hard by the freshman 15, or more like the freshman 30, in his case. The partying, studying, beer and jockish eating habits started adding fat on his body. His belly started sticking out. His muscle became less defined. Don't get me wrong he was still hot. He had an average beefy frat bro build going on. He was still the life of the party. His relationship with his girlfriend was going strong. But, his stomach didn’t stop expanding.
Moving into our third year of college, nothing changed. Nothing, except ... Brandon's weight. By this point he stopped working out and all his muscle was gone. Only fat remained. Brandon didn't come from a wealthy family, so he couldn't just afford a new wardrobe. So, he just bought a few bigger pairs of pants. Now without his muscles, his chest and arms were smaller. This allowed his shirts to still fit comfortably on his expanding body. He quickly got the nickname "keg" because of how big he was getting and how much he could drink. He was starting to lose the respect of those around him. Before no one would dare make fun of him, but now fat jokes were becoming a common occurrence for him. But, he played and laughed along.
It was our last year off college and Brandon was completely unrecognizable. I learned he gained 130 pounds, since the start of college. And it showed. His new size 46 pants barely were able to button. His old size 2xl shirts were now skin tight. They hugged his ball belly and perfectly outlined his pair of fat tits. You could tell he should had moved to 3xl shirts by now, as his shirts constantly rode up his stomach. In order to help prevent this he started tucking in his shirts, which made his already hard to miss stomach even more noticeable. He was too stubborn to buy new clothes. He had the mind set that if it still fit he would wear it. He also always said he was planning on losing weight, so buying bigger clothes would just be a waste.
Now he was the main attraction at parties. People would always come to him and dare him to eat or drink something. People liked bringing up how fit and hot he used to be. They'd make fun of how out of shape he was. They'd warn each other to watch out or they would get as fat as the Hog, which was Brandon's new nick name. Everyone loved teasing him by slapping his belly, scoping his boobs and watching his rolls jiggle. A lot of guys would even stuff beach balls in their shirt and pretend to be him. You could tell Brandon was becoming bothered by all the jokes. But, now there was no stopping it.
One day, I hear him yell "Fuck!" I rushed to see what's up. Brandon was stuffed into a too small suit. The buttons on his dress shirt were straining. His dress pants weren't even close to getting over his thick thighs. He turned to face me and the buttons on his shirt popped off. Releasing his caged stomach in a tidal wave of jiggling flesh. His checks turn red. "I was hoping to wear this for my 3 year anniversary with Becca. This fit me last year for that business internship."
"Why don't you ask Tom for some clothes to borrow." I said trying to help. Tom was a 5th year college student. He lived in the same dorm complex, as us. He was the fattest guy we knew and had always been that way. He was nerdy and hung out with a different crowd, and he always seemed nice. "No, I can't just ask Tom, that's weird. And his clothes are probably to big. I don't want to look baggy and sloppy on this important night." Alex complained"Well it doesn't hurt to try." I said.
Brandon sighed and agreed. He got dressed and we went to see Tom. We explained the situation and he agreed. Tom pulled out a suit and Brandon put it on. To both mine and Brandon's surprise, it was a struggle to get it on. It fit, but was still tight. "Do you have anything bigger maybe something newer." Brandon asked. "No ... sorry. I just bought that yesterday for my new job." He explained. I could see Brandon's face, as his heart sank.
"Oh ... okay. Well this will have to do." Brandon said quickly. Tom nodded allowing us to take the suit and we left. On the way back Brandon said "What the fuck! I'm fatter than Tom. Have I been that blind to how big I have gotten." He let out, as I remained silent. He was to busy battling his thoughts to care. I know, I'm not one to talk, but it was true. (Brandon got really fat) I thought to myself. (It probably hasn't been since sophomore year since I have found him attractive.) Once we got back, I quickly left, because time was getting close for Becca to arrive.
I spent my time at a party and decided to head back at 2 am. I walked back to our apartment and saw Brandon shirtless, on the couch, looking at T.V. His boobs out in full display and his fat belly extended to it's full size. It took me some time to realize he was wearing some underwear. He was also surrounded by empty boxes of pizza, beer cans, and a melting tubs of ice cream. He turned to me. His eyes were red with beer and tears.
"She broke up with me, man. She said I was getting too fat. I am not attractive to her anymore. Apparently we haven't been having sex, because my fat ass was crushing her. I told her I would change. I told her I would lose weight. I kept begging her. That's when she told me she been fucking Mike. She has been cheating on me with that asshole. Why him out of anyone?" He let out in burst of rage, sadness and desperation.
Mike was the person who picked on Brandon the most. He gave Brandon the nickname Hog. And, liked making sure Brandon knew how fat and disgusting he was. He also like rubbing his fit athletic body in Brandon's face, trying to remind Brandon about how hot he use to be and how much he let himself go. I moved closer to sit next to Brandon.
"I'm a fat fucking hog. I'm fucking bigger than fat-ass John. I'm the laughing stock of my friends. They probably all knew Mike was fuckin’ my girl. I can't run, anymore. I struggle getting my shoes on. I get out of breathe just by walking out of this building, let alone going up and down the stairs. Apparently, I been crushing my girlfriend trying to get my deeply buried penis in her, to have sex." He yelled and tossed empty pizza boxes across the room."I didn't know you felt like this ... you never said anything thing. You seemed happy." I let out.
"Yeah, I was ... Or maybe I was lying to myself. Maybe I always knew what I know now ... I was such a fool. But, being with Becca helped blind me to the truth. But now that's gone. My life is over. I damaged my body beyond repair. People will always see this before getting to know me." He said pick up his big belly and shaking it. Sending waves of fat throughout his.body. " I will always be the fat disgusting joke. The fat slob that did this to himself. And, I did. I did it to myself. Your lucky. You have stayed the same throughout these years. I would literally kill if it meant I could be skinny like you."
Everything he was saying was hitting me right in the heart. I felt sad for him. The hot jock I once knew sat defeated, now in a body he saw as a prison of fat. When we met I was the fat one and now he called me skinny. He was always good to me and others. Before he was the butt of the joke, he would help the voiceless. But, nobody was there to help him when he was getting mocked. Hesitantly I said, "I have something that could help."
"What are you talking about?" Brandon asked. I was worried because I never tried it again after the first experience."I can make you skinny, right now." I said "Fuck you" he said, "I opened up to you and now you are making fun of me. I never thought you would be like the rest. I'm fat not a fucking idiot." "No ... I'm serious. I can help. But you have to agree. I want you to be okay with it" I pleaded
He looked at me with drunk eyes and sighed "okay ..okay I got nothing to lose. Either you actually do it or I find out your an asshole like the rest.""Okay but before I do it ... I should tell you..." I try to explain. "No just stop and do it. I don't care. If you can make me fit again, I can deal with the consequences. I DON'T want to hear it." He said aggressively and with a little hope starting to form in his voice.
We both became quite. And I just examined his body. Trying to get the feel for my powers again. Trying to find a good place to start. I moved my hand to his fat filled boobs. He shook a little. I started messaging them. I could tell he felt awkward. His face started to become red in embarrassment. Tears formed in his eyes as he felt betrayed. But, he doesn't stop me.
I started to feel bad for putting him in this situation. (He must think I’m an asshole/creep for putting him into this situation. Maybe I didn’t have my powers anymore.) I could feel him starting to pull away, from me. In that moment I wanted nothing more but to help him and apologize. And, with that, my hands started to warm-up. I could feel energy rushing out of my body and he started to moan. His breast felt like clay in my hands. His moans become more intense, as the fat started dissolving. I kept rubbing his chest down. Once his breast got small enough, I began to form them into pecs. They started becoming rock hard, as if chiseled by a Greek god. I worked on rubbing the rest of his body. Each new body part filled Brandon with Ecstasy. I shrunk his belly and give him rock hard abs. I pumped up his arms and legs with muscle. I gave him a nice juicy ass and tone back. Like a sculpture, I begin to chisel fine details into his body. Getting as close to the first time I met him.
I saw his body pulsating and growing more muscular by the second. He continued to moan in pleasure, as he reaches for my hand. He slowly guided it over his muscular chest and rock hard abs. Finally he stopped at his crotch. And, I could feel what he wanted me to see. His fat pad was still there, drowning his dick in lard. I was hesitant to remove his underwear. But, between the moans and flexing he nodded. I removed his underwear and pushed his fat-pad back. Shrinking it, I revealed his hard 6 inch dick. I start messaging his dick and start stretching it. Slowly I extended it to 7 ... 8 ... stopping at 9 inches. I also rubbed his balls making sure they stayed proportionate to his now larger dick. Finally everything stopped changing as Brandon let loose in one big orgasm, Jizz fountain-ed out of his dick and on to his body, bed, and my hands. With that I was finished, and began to worry what changed inside Brandon's mind.
He reclined on the bed and put his arms behind his head. "Are you okay?" I asked. "Damn your good." He said. "Fuck I can't believe you did it. This fucking got me in the mood for some action." "Well the party might still be going on ... get some chicks ... show off your body." I replied. Still concerned. Did I turn him into a sex addict or is this a normal response?
"Why would I want to fuck a chick. Your the one that gave me this body. And, since I like guys ... I thought you'd deserve the first test drive." He said flirtatiously. My heart raced fast "Oh no! I turned you gay." I let out. Brandon laughed "what's wrong with that. I know you always wanted some of this. Since the first day, I met you, I knew you were gay and had a crush on me. I’m actually surprised you never came out to me. I want to pay you back for what you just did. I mean this will be a one time thing, because we are friends and I don't want to ruin that. But, come on and get it while the offer still stands"
I stood there motionless, as he began making out with me. He didn't seem disturbed by turning gay. And, he is happy. So, I let up and started feeling his rock hard body. He started pushing my head lower. I licked his neck. Then his chest. I made my way through his abs. He stopped at his dick and I began sucking. We fell onto the bed as he moaned. I started rubbing my own cock and I sucked his. He turned me over and shoved his 9 inch cock into me. I scream out in pain. But, it quickly turned into pleasure, as he skillfully moved his now larger cock inside my ass. As I braced myself on the bed, Brandon moved his hand along my body. He reached for my cock and started to jack me off, as he pumped my ass with his seed.
We both released, as his cum shot-up my ass. And my cum shot onto the bed. We both collapse on the bed, breathing heavy. "Damn, it's actually been a couple months since I had sex." Brandon said in between breaths. "Well this was my second time having sex, and first time as a bottom." I replied. And we both laughed.
The rest of our college lives were fun, but afterwards we naturally went our own ways. I heard he did started up a successful business and began helping his family. But he did teach me a lesson. I had these powers for a reason. Just like Brandon, I was a hero. I could help those who were struggling and give them a chance at a better life. I have heard my Hero’s Call and decided to answer my destiny. So, after getting somethings together, I left my old life. I cut ties to my parents and friends. If I was going to do this, I had to be completely free. i never stayed anywhere to long.and left soon after helping someone. I never asked for award, but some of these people donated to the cause. I never took more than what I needed.
My first few years were great, but eventually I would learn how magical and complicated the world really was.
The Promotion

- Hey are you there ... did you get the file.
- Yeah, I just looked over it this morning.
- And...
- Well, these doctor records show that you have become fat enough ... overachiever lol, but send a picture so I can see if you look fat enough.
- WTF dude. You just told me to get fat. Never said anything about looking fat "ENOUGH." If you don't hold up your end...
*Picture Sent*
-Damn what happened to you ;) lol. You don't have anything to worry about, your size is just right. Well, I guess you could always get bigger. More money in it for you.
And I wouldn't be making threats to anyone, with that massive gut. Might get a heart attack. You aren't getting any younger lol. Plus, I can ran circles around your fat ass lmao. See you at work tomorrow, and wear something sexy.
- Fuck you, I'm not your new sexy toy and I'm not even gay.
- Don't worry give it some time. I like playing the long game. And I'm serious, be careful about your stress; I don't want you dying on me ;)
After the phone call, I threw myself on the bed. It creaked with the massive weight that just suddenly hit it. Oh shit I forgot; I need to be more gentle, I thought to myself. Looking down all I could see was my massive gut. I felt blood move quickly through my veins and my heart beating fast. Still worked up from those text from my boss. What the hell did I do to myself? Was it all worth it?
It's been a little before a year since this journey has began. If you could believe it, I was at peak fitness. My arms were massive, with muscle. I didn't have this gut, jiggling with every step I took. No, I had abs that anyone would kill for. My legs were powerful. Now they used what ever power is left to carry my fat ass.
I worked for a big company, for about ten years. I started when I was in my mid 20's. Yeah I would get pay raises, but I wanted more. I wanted to move up in the company. I've seen coworkers move up. Mostly women. A few men. And those men all ended up fat. I always told myself, I wouldn't let that happen to me. But, I know better now. I know the deal they made.
To put it simply someone had a heart attack and a position opened up. I saw my opportunity and went into my boss's office demanding that promotion. He was a man in his late 50's but was incredibly fit. If you didn't know better, you might mistake him for being in his mid 40's. However impressive his body was, mine was greater. His aging body required more work and focus. Something running a busy life doesn't leave you. Maybe if he was younger, he would have a body the rivaled mine.
He looked up at me and smiled. "Close the door, so we can continue this conversation," he said. I explained all the reasons I was qualified for the promotion. But. I could tell he wasn't paying attention to my words. He eyes were focusing on my body. He had lust and rage in his eye.
"Okay, I heard enough" he finally interrupted. "Let me tell you the truth...I'm jealous of you. Why do you think you haven't been promoted in the 10 years you have been working here. You are probably one of the best employees, and it is because of all that charisma and fucking hot body. I hate you ... but, I love you. That's why I just give you enough to want to stay. Every year I wait, for you to slip up and let your self go. But, no you keep getting more fucking ripped and hot. How is that even possible? Where do you find the time?"
I just sat there dumb founded. My boss's voice ringing through my ears. A mixture of trying to convince me of something and yelling. I never heard him talk like this. I finally cut in "What the fuck is all this about."
He stops and pulls himself together. "Well right now, I realized you are the perfect man for the promotion. My new right hand man. But, I need to tell you. I have a fetish. I love watching men that are fit, healthy, and younger than me let themselves go. I like to see them get fat. This is the one condition for your promotion."
"Your fucking sick. What the hell is wrong with you. I can go to HR right know!" I responded.
"Yes you can. And, I will probably lose everything or for every pound you gain you get this added to your yearly earnings..." He stops and starts writing something on a slip of paper. He hands it to me.10,000 dollars. He continues, "And the minimum weight I want you you to gain is 50 pounds. So, you would be making half a million dollars every year."
I stood there in shock. My mind weighing all the options. I could quit and be stuck with no job. Get my boss fired and lose out on this deal. Or be rich, save up money for a few years and then quit. And, lose the weight I would gain. "Okay, I'll do it."
My boss smile and brought out a scale. I went on and it would read 187 pounds for the last time. I signed the paper work and he explained that to start off I would go on a 6 month cruise. To help me fatten up. And so I went along with it. I showed up with my bags packed. I even bought myself some bigger clothes, for my expected weight gain. I noticed my ticket was different. Printed on blue paper, and when I got to the front it was clear I was a "special guest." The staff brought me straight to the medical room.
I waited for a while. Then finally a doctor and nurse entered the room. The nurse was pushing a tray with a syringe filled with blue liquid. "Mr. Fuller?" The doctor asked. "Yes I respond." The doctor nods and ask me to take off my shirt. He sees my muscled up body and shakes his head, in pity. "And are you sure you want to do this?" I nod. He sighs, "I guess if I was offered that deal too, I would have a hard time turning it down." He grabs the syringe and brings it closer to my arm.
"Wait was is that for." I motioned to the syringe. "Weren't you told what was going to happen." The doctor asked quickly pulling the syringe away. "Yeah? My boss wants me to get fat." I responded. "Damn, he always pulls this shit. Nurse get Mr. Sterling on the phone." He says before turning his attention on to me. "And how do you think that is going to happen?" He asked. “By coming on this cruise and eating?"
The doctor shakes his head ... "That is only part of it. Based on those abs ..." he begins to rub and examine parts of my body " this body is going to need help to gain weight. See, we are not going to be baby sitting you making sure you get fat. This is all on you and how much work you put in.Your stomach is not use to eating beyond its limits. Also based on your body, you are not one to just sit and relax. So any work you do in trying to gain weight will just be worked off. Also, there is the requirement of having to maintain a 50 pound weight gain. Just .01 pounds off at any moment and the contract can be void. So this shot will help with all of that. It will make you hungry. When you are full it will be less painful. It will help your stomach stretch, it will make you slightly lazier. But, with the cost that any weight you gain will be permanent. All these symptoms will be removed after the trip, when we give you the antidote, but like I said any weight gain prior to the antidote will be permanent."
"Doctor Mr. Sterling is on the phone." The nurse chimed in. "You think about everything I said." The doctors said as he left the room. I could hear him yelling at the phone. "You fucker! You brought me another ill informed client ..."
His voice zoned out ... as I weighed this new information given to me. I signed the paper ... all that money is just one shot away. But, is fifty permanent pounds worth it. I would be 230 pounds. With all that money I would be making ... would I even care about being 50 pounds heavier. I mean I am getting older ... I wasn't going to be fit my whole life. The doctor came back in.
"I'm ready." I said. He looked at me and halfheartedly gave me the shot. "If it ever seems to much for you we can stop at any time. I will give you the antidote early. If you want you can come in for monthly weigh-ins. And I will give you the antidote when you hit the 50 pounds you need to meet the requirements, so you don't gain any unnecessary permanent weight."
The first month went on. I Stuffed my face eating everything I never let myself eat, before. I was always eating, always had a snack bag. I did try to stay active. Swimming, running, and using the gym. But each day, my body would be able to do less.
(I would spend hours every day at gym. Now I could barely do 3 hrs a week. I know I am never going to lose this weight, but I just like the way I feel after working out. It reminds me of who I use to be. I did have to leave my old gym. First because a lot of people knew me. I would always have to answer a million questions about my weight gain. They would also give me the pity: well just keep working out you'll have your body back in no time. But, I could never tell them the truth. Secondly, the the gym was more for hardcore people. So, I would always get disgusted looks. The last straw was when I was using a treadmill mill and some asshole came up and said "are you done yet fatty you,re wasting my time. Stop hogging the treadmill, that gut isn’t going anywhere anytime soon." Luckily I did find a fat friendly gym)
By the end of the first month I gained 10 pounds and had a panic attack. Did I really want to do this? I felt depressed. I realized these weigh ins were not good for my mental health. I told this to the the doctor and he was understanding, but still wanted me to come in. However, I didn't go back until the trip ended.
I spent months eating, sleeping, laying around, and watching TV. I also tried exercising, to no effect, when I had the energy. By the end the biggest clothes I bought were tight and barely able to cover my body. I couldn't fit into my underwear. I kept my pants unbuttoned. My shirt hugged every new fat curve of my body. Every thing was skin tight. I went back to the doctor and he weighed me. I told him I didn't want to know. The damage was done no matter what. He gave me the antidote. And I went home, on a Sunday. I climbed on my scale and it read 270. I felt my heart sink. I gained 83 pound. 33 more than I needed. And to be honest, I cried the rest of the day. Mourning my old life and getting use to my new one.
The next day, I called up the office. My boss told me to use the next 3 months to become adjusted to my new life. He saw my paper work from the doctor and gave me the full years check. 630,000 dollars. At the end of the 3 months I would need to send an update from a doctor he recommended, a new doctor that would understand my case.
So, I did what he suggested. I went out in public. I bought myself new clothes. Joined a new gym, knowing I will never lose this weight. I was able to gain some new confidence in this body. The trip to the doctor was a new experience. He explained to me that this weight I have gained had real side effects on my body. It turns out 1% of users gain health problems. I was one of them. My cholesterol levels raised, but with constant exercising and eating right I can reduce them. But, I learned I now have permanent high blood pressure.
The doctor continued to squeeze my fat and I got new sensations I never felt before. I did numerous test. A Stress test where I ran on a treadmill. Unluckily, it was in front of a mirror and I saw how ridiculous I looked running.
I will have to watch what I eat. Which is okay, after the antidote shot my appetite returned to normal. But it sucks having having a fat body with out the benefits of being able to eat whatever I want. I will live the rest of my life as a healthy person living in a fat person's body.
Now, I am just laying here, waiting to see what happens tomorrow. And, thinking of all the money I will be making. Was it worth? I guess time will tell.
Buddy Swap (Part 5)

The next day, I woke up on a bed, a little to small for my body. I looked around and saw Alex sleeping on an orange chair, in the corner of the room. His perfect body relaxing and contracting, with every sleep-filled breathe. I analyzed his body, noticing every curve of muscle. I wanted him; I wanted to be him. In that moment I knew what I needed. Despite the amazing sex we had, I needed to fit again. I need to have a body like his.
"What are you doing sleeping over there," I asked. Alex slowly woke up and smiled at me. He stretched and his muscles bulged. "Well there wasn't enough space on the bed, with this in the way," He yawned as he walked over to pat my stomach. I just keep looking at him, envious of his body. "What's wrong ... you look like you have something on your mind," he continued. I told him everything. I told him I enjoyed our time, but I still wanted to lose weight. I could see disappointment form in his eyes. "Okay ... okay ... I understand. But, I don't care. Getting to know you last night was great. I feel something between us. A connection. I don't what it is. I still want to get to know you. Heck ... I'll even help you lose weight," Alex said looking deep into my eyes.
Having Alex in my life, was important to my mental state. As in a few months, my life with Spencer would change forever.
Before he proposed, Spencer wanted him and Jess to have time living with each other. He would be leaving me in the apartment all only. As sudden as he told me his plan, it was time for him to move out. I huffed down the stairs with his last box of his belongings to his car. The weight of the box and my heavy body was more than a workout. I saw, Spencer fitting the mess of tetris pieces into his car. And, he heard me coming, with my heavy breathing.
He looks at me and smiles. "You need to lose some weight before you kill yourself," he says, laughing, as he takes the box from me. "Shut up. I actually went down a size, since working out with Alex." I said sucking in my gut, a bit. "Are you sure about that," he looked at me confused. "Yeah ... Alex has been keeping track of my weight and buying me new clothes." I snapped back. "If you say so. I guess I've just been to busy to notice any change ... in your body. I'm just glad your finding happiness." He responded. "Yeah, I am happy. I never thought I would have been, after we swapped." I happily sighed.
An awkward pause formed between us. "Well that was the last box ... I guess this is it," I continued. He looked at me, guilt started filling his face. "I'm sorry about everything ... I tired looking for a fix ... just kept running into dead ends ... missing information ..." he started to ramble. I grab him. My large squishy stomach beginning to touch his flat hard fit one. "Look, it's okay. Listen to me. Even if you found away, I wouldn't accept it. You finally found happiness. I mean your using my body better than I did. I slept around. I didn't have a plan for life. But, you do. Your working out this body better than I did. You're starting a life." I explained. He hugged me. His powerful arms tried to reach around my large body.
I hugged him back. I wouldn't have believed it if you told me. We were both misfit toys, from a backwards small town. We both struggled in our own way. But those struggles are what lead us to being friends. Together we escaped that place and moved to the city. And, now we were facing a new chapter of our lives. My eyes became watery and he must have been thinking the samething. Because once we let go of each other, I could see his eyes become watery, too. "You are still my best buddy ... your ... really ... my only buddy," he said trying not to let his emotions consume him. I walked with him to his car door, as he got in. "I won't even be the far away ... it just a 30 minute drive. I'll be back and hangout all the time," he smiled. I smiled back hiding the fact that we both knew it was never going to be the same. "If you ever need me call me," he continued. I nodded, and told him the samething. I backed away, as he drove off, to his new life.
After some time passed, I called Alex. It felt nice hearing his voice, after sitting in silence. He was on his way to pick me up; he had something special planned. "I have to go pick something up from the mall, first," he said when he arrived. I was okay with that, as long as I got to spend time with him. "There's food in the fat ... I mean back seat," he motioned to the greasy paper bags. Most of the food look like it was already eaten. Although he was trying to help me lose weight, he would try and sabotage me with food. Most of the time, I would deny it. I pretty sure that made him frustrated, becuase in those months he started eating more. His flat abs, became a starter belly. But, he was still firm with muscle from his workouts. Even, while gaining weight he was hot as hell.
"It might take awhile," he said as we arrived at the mall. "Go ahead and grab some food or something," he insisted. I complied and started walking to the food court ... but then something hit me. I wasn't hungry. He just wanted me to break my diet. I decided I should just go with him, instead. I tried shouting for him, but in the crowd of people, he was to far ahead. I tried walking a little faster, but my heavy legs couldn't keep up to him.
Finally, I saw him turn a corner and I kept following him. As I turned, I didn't see him anymore. All, I saw was an entrance to a weird looking store, and I walked in. The store was filled with antiques, spices, plants, and other trinkets. However, there was no one else inside. (I guess I made a wrong turn) I thought to myself. "Aw your back ...," I hear an old voice calling out. "So you found away to reverse it did you?" I turn to see an old man talking to me.
"I'm sorry, I think you got the wrong person," I explained. "Oh ... I see ... I see, your the friend ... yes ... yes. It's clear now," he smiled. Then it all clicked, "Your the man ... the old man that gave Spencer the potion!" I exclaimed. "Why didn't I come here sooner?" I started rambling to myself. "Hush now ... hush now. That's the effect of this shop. You can't just find it ... you have to be ready ... ready, so it can appear to you ... call to you. It will bring you here when it wants you." The old man chimed in, bringing me out of my confusion. "So, I'm here for a reason," excitement started rising in my blood. "You can help me. You can undo this," I took my hands and jiggled my belly. My eyes getting watery, with happiness.
"Undo that," he laughed. "No, no, no. I cannot undo that. Are you mad. That potion is to strong. Your stuck in that body. The potion cannot be affected by any other magic, not even my own. No body swapping spell would ever work on you again." I sighed feeling all the hope drain away. "Then why am I here?" I cried. The old man just looked at me as if I just said the most stupidest thing he has ever heard. "So, I can help you," he shouted. "But, you just said..." I tried to chime in. "I help people. People who deserve it and curse those you don't. Like I helped your friend. Good man ... good man. But, he was in a dark place. Did you know he was about to take his life. And where where you. Best friends ... ah! You were sleeping with any guy you could find. You started leaving him out of your life..." he continued shouting. His words weighed on me. I collapsed on a near by chair, my body jiggling from the impact. He was right, in those days before the swap, I wasn't there for him. But, I didn't know how bad he was. He never told me. I never asked.
The old man started to calm down " I wasn't sure about you ... I'm still not. But, after the swap you tried. Most people would not. But, your friendship grew again. And, in that time I saw you grow. Deep down your also a good man. A little broken ... maybe alot broken. And you should be rewarded. But, first a gift from your friend. He wanted me to make this. It's for you." The old man pulled out a gold necklace with a green gem stone. "It will protect you," he finished. I tookit and put it on ... I felt nothing. There was a pause ... "So how exactly are you going to help me," I finally asked. He looked annoyed "Don't be hasty, don't be hasty. All in due time. There's more magic out there than silly ole body swapping," he said pushing me out the door.
I felt him stop and turned around. Everything was gone. The store was an empty space at the mall. "There you are!" I turn around to see Alex. "I was looking everywhere for you ... I tried calling you" He said worriedly. "Are you ready to go ... I got you some of that tea you liked." I was silent, lost in my thoughts and grabbed the drink. "Are you okay?" He asked. I nodded, still unsure if I really was. I look down to see that I was still wearing the necklace. As we walked back to the car Alex held me tight. He pushed his body into mine, as we walked side by side. His arm on my shoulder. I could tell he didn't want to lose me again.
(If your interested on the picture I have been using, follow my other page @malereblogmischief. I am starting the process of posting the images with links to the original source. Or, I re-blog from where I found it on Tumblr.)
Buddy Swap (Part 2)

I couldn't believe it, as I finally balanced my new weight and picked myself up. I kept telling myself this was a dream or a trick.
I sat back on the bed, feeling Spencer's body jiggle as I tried to get comfortable. I closed my eyes and opened them back up, repeatedly trying to wake up. But, no matter how many time I did it, I opened my eyes to see Spencer's fat body.
"Ok, so, it's not a dream," I said to myself in defeat. "Maybe its a trick." I looked at Spencer's huge stomach and squishy chest, scared to actually touch it. I tried to convince myself it was fake. Then an idea popped in my mind.
"Those assholes," I said to myself. "I must have gotten so drunk last night that my friends were able to put this realistic fat suit on me. And, then found a look alike to wake me up this morning." It was a crazy thought, but I was desperate for this not to be real. I put my hands on Spencer's stomach and tired to push it off of the body. But, it was stuck tight. I could actually feel it send it's jiggly sensations throughout Spencer's body. Spencer's boobs slapping the top of the stomach. His thighs were shaking with piles of fat. His double chin jiggling. His dick was vibrating, as I felt that it was buried in a pad of fat surrounding the pelvic area. All this sensations were telling my brain that this was really happening.
I felt confused, sad, and scared. But, I finally understood it was real. And, I calmed myself down by remembering that Spencer said it was not permanent With all the adrenaline that surged through me, my new overweight body became extremely tired and I feel asleep.Mindlessly, I woke up and decided I should get dressed. I was adjusted to my new weight; but I was in a sleepy haze. Although I could I see I was in Spencer's fat body, my mind act like I was still in mine.
I walked to my closet, got my workout clothes, and put them on. They were extremely tight and couldn't fit over Spencer's mountain of a stomach. "Why didn't they fit, I asked my self," then I looked in the mirror inside my closet and saw my fat friend's reflection, staring back at me. "Oh," I sighed to myself, in defeat. I walked back to my bed and sat down. My tight clothes stopping most of the fat jiggles, but Spencer's uncontained belly still bounced up and down.
"Well, working out is off the table today," I said as I brought Spencer's hands to his face. I looked at his fat body in disgust. "Well, I guess all my plans are off the table today ... It still barely 12 PM, so I have a long time to spend in this fat body." I got up and started walking out of my room. "I guess I'll just spend today inside, becuase there is no way I'm going outside like this."
I start walking to livingroom, my clothes squeezing Spencer's body tight. So, I decided to take them off. Unfortunately, I saw what my friend was working with. His dick buried in fat, with only the tip of the head sticking out. I couldn't spend my whole day looking at that, so I decide to stop by his room to get some of his underwear.
I walked in and saw clothes laid out. There was a note: "Here are the most comfortable clothes I have. I also ordered from all of my favorite restaurants and stocked the fridge with food. My body gets really hungry and it can eat a lot. I know you always watch what you eat, but today you can just let go. You have my tastebuds so I know you will enjoy everything. Just try having fun being a fat slob today. And, I'm sorry I did this to you."
I just grabbed the underwear. I was still mad at him but noted how sorry he seemed. I kinda felt bad for him. But like he said, I was feeling really hungry. I walked in to find bags of food just waiting for me. The smell making me more hungry. I spent the whole day giving in to the fat body. Eating nonstop, playing videos, watching TV. Gorging myself was turning me on, for some reason. It must be the body's muscle memory. Throughout the day my dick would become raging hard. It got to the point where I couldn't stand it anymore. I didn't want to, but the urge kept calling me. Slightly disgusted, I jerked off. Using Spencer's hands to dig his fat pad off my dick. It was more work then I was use to, but it got the job done. I cummed and was wrap in a sensation of ecstasy.
It was getting late and my Spencer walked in with a smile on his face. Then he saw me sitting, watching TV, and eating. He look worried about what I might say. "I'm not mad at you." I finally said "I enjoyed your body, but I am ready to get mine back after tonight. So ... how was your date?"
My friend looked at me and smiled. "It went good ... and I had SEX!" I was a little weirded out by the thought of him using my body for sex. But, I let it slide. After all seeing his dick and dealing with it, I felt like he deserved some fun. "I can't believe I just lost my virginity ... well I guess I didn't becuase it was your body and you have had loads of sex." He says as he walked closer to me. He looked so cute, being so happy. Looking at my body was turning me on. I was imagining my fit body fondling Spencer's fat body. "Oh and don't worry, I'll break it off with this girl. It was just so cool to expirence your body. But, it's yours and ... oh ... um ... oh no."
I see my face get worried and I start to panic. My friend brings my muscular hands to his cum stained crotch. Using my fingers he rubbed his pelvic area, causing his dick to pulse to attention. Then he puts my fingers in my mouth. "What the fuck. Don't do that with my body ...." I screamed. "Fuck, it's cum. Fuck, fuck, fuck. The swap is permanent ... SHIT! We both cummed. I didn't mean to ... and why did you? By both of us cumming it like saying we both agreed to make the switch permanent. It's like a blood pact, but I guess a cum pact. I didn't tell you because I didn't think I was gonna have sex, and I really didn't think you were going to rub one out."
I sat there motionless, dropping everything thing I was holding. My heart was beating fast. It wouldn't have surprised me if this fatass body decide to have a heart attack. I could hear my friend's voice, but it sounded muffled and distant. He sat next to me and rubbed my back. " I' m so sorry. I'm so sorry ...." he kept repeating over and over. "Plaese say something". But the only thing repeating in my mind was "I'm stuck like this."
My Dad’s Dad Bod

My parents had me when they both were still teenagers. My father didn't stick around. So, my mother had to work hard, for the both of us. And, she raised me to do the same. The phrase "never become your father stuck in my head." And, for the most part, I didn't. In high school, I got good grades, was in sports, and extracurricular activities. I distanced myself from any bad influence. Until, I went to college.
At college, I didn't have my mom to nag me and remind me of my father. I just wanted to have fun. And being sociable, I got to know where all the parties were at. My first year there was filled with beer and sex. My grades started sliding, as my only focuses were having fun and maintaining my fit body. And, it felt good. It was like my genetics were made for this kind of life. But, then dumb luck hit and I was at the wrong place at the wrong time. I was caught underage drinking and was kicked out of school. My mom was called, to handle the situation.
I waited at the campus police station, until my mom came to pick me up. I could imagine her anger, as she yelled at me. But, when the time came, she didn't. In her place was my step dad. He told me that my mom was furious. She said "If I wanted to act like my father, I could go live with him." I was devastated, knowing she had given up on me.
The rest of the ride, my stepdad tried to lecture. "You were such a good kid ... what were you thinking." I couldn't give him an answer. I knew he was right. I messed up my whole life ... everything I worked for. I got a taste of what I promised to never become. And, the scary part is that ... I actually ... I liked it.
We finally reached my dad's apartment and my stepfather wished me luck. He said he would try and calm my mom down. Maybe, I would be able to come back home.
I got off the car and could tell I was in a bad neighborhood. The apartment complex looked rundown. The halls smelt like piss and shit. In the distance, I could hear a couple fighting. I got to my dad's door and knocked. He opened it. His face still looked young, but extremely tired. His shirtless body looked worn out and gave away the fact he was in his 40s, if not older. His chest sagged with fat. His belly stuck out and any strength from his youth was gone. You could tell by the sad way he carried himself, he lived a hard life.
My father was never really in my life. He never came to see me. However, there were only a few times my mom was desperate enough to leave me with him. From those visits I got to know him. He was a player. He loved girls, partying, and drugs. At least, he was in his 20s. By the age of 30 he had 4 childern from 4 different women. He owed hundreds of dollars in child support each month. The stress he created caught up with him. Now he was just a sad single middle age man who worked all the time and struggled to get by.
"There is my little man," he smiled. I just looked at him. "We'll you did a number on your life .... welcome to club." He laughed. "So, you'll be here in the living room. You can put your stuff in some of the bins here." He continued. I looked around. The inside was just as dirty as the outside. The small one bedroom apartment mirrored how I felt, like complete trash. "Well, I'm gonna be leaving in a while for my shift at the gas station and then afterwards I got the graveyard shift at McDonalds. So you can get yourself settled in. And, don't plan anything tomorrow ... we gotta do some bonding." He smiled.
As soon as he showed me around, he left. I was left alone to contemplate what I've done. Having nothing to do, I went on my phone. I had a couple of friends in the area and it just so happened they were throwing a party.
After my night of drinking and sex, I came back home at 6 AM. It just happened that my dad was coming home to. I was buzzed and expected him to be mad. He looked tired from nonstop working. He just laughed "wow ... look at you. Living life for the both of us. Reminds me of me when I was your age. Learn from my mistakes though and wear a condom." In my drunk haze I laughed back "Oh don't worry, I did."
The next day, my dad wake me. "Get up were going to the beach." He said. My head still sore from last night. On the way there, we stopped to get something to eat. I ordered a burger, fries, and a shake. My dad looked at me and ordered the same. "Can't have my son show me up." He nudges me. We eat as he drives, giving us time to get caught up. A few bites in my dad puts his burger down. "Here son you can have mine. The burger is not agreeing with my old stomach." He laughs a little trying to hide his pain. Feeling still hungry, I finished his food.
When we get to the beach, I feel really bloated and fat. I helped my dad take the cooler onto the sand and feltl extremely exhausted. My body started feeling itchy. I took off my shirt, preparing to get into the water to cool off. I can hear my dad laughing "Hey there old man." I look down and see my dads body where mine used to be. My arms, legs, pecs and abs were replaced by the flabby body of my middle age dad. I quickly grabbed my phone and looked. My face was still the same.
It created this weird contrast of a young face on an older body. I look at my now shirtless dad and saw my body. The abs and muscles I worked so hard for. Suddenly, I felt a sharp pain in my knees, which cause my already weak body to sit down on one of the folding chairs. "Okay very funny ... I don't know what's going on ... but, give me my body back." I laughed trying to hide the fact that I was freaking out.

My father's demeanor changed as he squatted down next to me. "Damn squatting is easy with these young knees." His voice becomes quieter, as not to catch attention "Look you little shit. This is your punishment. I agree with your mom. You fucked up your life. Did you not learn anything from mine. My stomach is shot out. I've become lactose intolerant. I have irritable bowel syndrome, erectile dysfunction, and my body hurts all the time. Now you can expirence that and see what your future holds."
"No you gotta give it back. I can't be like this. We almost look the same age now. Are we stuck like this? What if I die like this? Oh ... shit ... I think I'm having a heart attack." I start panicking, as a burning sensation fills my chest.
My dad laughed, "Your not having a heart attack. It's heart burn from the greasy ass food you ate .. And, if you wanna get this body back then here's what your gonna do. Your gonna get your fat ass to the community college and register for classes. Keep your grades up for a year and you'll get your body back. Fuck up and, not only won't you get your body back, I will swap our ages." His eyes flash blue. I freaked out. He is not the man I knew or... thought I knew.
"What are you!" I cried. He looked at me and laughed. "I'm your father and a body swap magician." Nothing was making sense, in my racing mind. "Then why did you stay in the body if a sad middle age man." I asked trying to calm down from dealing with my achy body and heart burn. "Well ... when you lived as long as I have sometimes you just want to expirence a sad boring life." He answered. "And, why would you give my body back," I asked "Well you are my actual son. I was in this body when you were conceived. I don't want to harm my own blood and I want the best for you. I'm sorry I wasn't there for you. I just got to wrapped up in this life, and seeing how much I could fuck it up. But, you have to live your first few lives right, or else you'll be corrupted by your powers." He explained. "You mean I have your abilities." I was amazed. "You should ... they don't start kicking in untill your first body starts becoming old. As my son I expect a lot from you. You wouldn't imagine how many corrupt kids of my mine I had to end."
He gets ups and stretches "Damn it feels good being young. Now excuse me while I enjoy the attention this body is going to get." He walks to the cooler and grabs a beer. "Oh and stay away from these. That belly can't handle beer anymore. Now you can sit there or if that old body is up to it go for a swim, but don't wear yourself out old man." He laughs as he walks away.
Fuck him, I think to myself. I push pass my bodies pain and go to the cooler. I open up a beer and down it. I feel my stomach start to rumble. Oh shit, I say as I rush to the restrooms praying I don't go in my pants. Maybe, I should start listening to him.
(In the process of finding sources and blogs the pictures from all my stories came from. So follow me @malereblogmischief)