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This one's gonna kill me...
Just got Obsidio by Amie Kaufman and Jay Kristoff the other day so hopefully this won't be a huge spoiler for everyone - but holy freaking crap! Almost halfway through and AIDAN pulls this shit again?! Seriously?! Will this stupid AI never learn? God, if this is how the second half of the book is gonna go, I don't know if I can finish it :(
My only thought while reading this part: "why AIDAN why the hell are you so f***ing stupid?"
Anyone else agree?
How about a movie Bella who actually laughs and giggles and makes sarcastic comments and banters with Edward about things, and quips at her dad and Jake, and Alice like she does in the books? Who cracks jokes about falling into the washing machine. Who giggles as she’s crushing a boulder to bits.
How about a movie Bella who cries a lot. Who gets teary when her dad puts chains on her tires or cries when Edward makes it sound like he doesn’t want to talk to her, who cries when Edward plays music for her and cries when he gives her a cd, and cries when she’s not sure if she’ll see Emmett again, and cries while watching Romeo and Juliet, and sobs when Alice shows up, and gets teary when she realizes she’s pregnant?
How about a Bella who knows she’s smart and makes comments about homework being easy to the point of being boring, and daydreams about getting scholarships, and works really hard on her homework even when she’s depressed. Who tries to smugly show off in Biology. Who says things like “It was the best idea - of course it was mine.”
How about a Bella who emails her mom frequently, who reassures her dad that he’s doing great. Who is nice and tries to hold a conversation with overly nosy classmates despite feeling uncomfortable with attention, who tries to be patient with people, who asks if people are all right. Who tries to comfort Edward when he looks upset, and worries about his safety and tries to be brave because she knows he worries about her. Who tries to comfort Jake when he’s worried that he’s being scoped out to join Sam’s “cult.” Who is shown worrying about Esme and Alice being in fights. Who isn’t portrayed as being “cold hearted” just because she doesn’t form lasting attachments to her schoolmates (because she still worries about their safety regardless). Who plans to take over the duty of working with J. Jenks so he won’t be scared by Jasper anymore.
How about a Bella who despite being compassionate and polite and forgiving to a fault, gets angry at things. I.e. wanting to tell Edward off for being rude to her the first day, wanting to backend his car, wanting to run over Tyler, wanting to ram the Port Angeles rapist’s noses into their skull, screaming at Jake in New Moon when he told Charlie about the motorcycle, asking for a crowbar or bat to beat Jake with and remaining mad at him as long as she does in the books (instead of Edward being the one mad at Jake and Bella having to talk him down, because book Bella was goading Edward on). Bella hissing and snarling at Emmett for making jokes about about her sex life (and Edward scornfully berating Emmett for that as well tbh rather than laughing along), Bella being protective of her family and ready to fight Jane and anyone else who dares threaten them.
How about a movie Bella who enjoys cooking and cleaning and shopping (for food). Who has a job. Who reads all the time. Who doodles in her notebooks. Who does silly things like talking to kitchen magnets. Who refuses to let Alice dictate what she wears (goes back home to get her ugly mismatched clothes in BD), who “accidentally” picks a musical to watch while on their honeymoon, and thinks silly fluffy things about her life being like a tapestry or a fairytale. Who can’t act if her life depended on it. Who winks at people. And wonders about whether Atlantis is real, and seriously thought that Edward must be some kind of superhero. And knows enough about video games that she would make comparisons to them when Edward is driving too fast. And blasts music for hours in her room and does things to avoid thinking about things. And makes jokes about things when she’s nervous.
Give me a Bella that actually acts like she does in the book and has a full, well-rounded personality!
I just recently finished Song of Achilles, and…I’m not okay. Yeah, I knew they were going to die, but it doesn’t make it hurt any less. And the thing that I can’t get over is that it’s all Achilles fault. If he had chosen a peaceful life with Patroclus, then nothing would have happened to them. Or if he listened to Patroclus when he BEGGED Achilles to fight. My man really got down on his knees and BEGGED, and Achilles said no. So, really, it’s all Achilles fault. Also, I am really glad they finally got to be together in Elysium. If they remained separated then I would have literally found Madeline Miller and forced her to change it. Also, Pyrrhus is a dick.
Thank you for listening to my rant.
So I just finished reading The Heir, since I had an evening to burn (shouldn’t have done that shouldn’t have done that shouldn’t have). Much later in the story I realized, that the pace at which the plot was moving.... the story wouldn’t end with the book. And the horrible idea dawned on me, that this thing-in-my-hands had a sequel. Absolutely unfair.
I am wondering now how I ended up here. I had read the America/ Maxon (that was what they were called right?) trilogy almost 3 years back and never liked it. But sometimes you like to be in the middle of a story instead of right in the beginning.... its comforting there.
Also I was toying with this idea for a while that in romance novels/ dramas its always clear from the get go who she is going to end up with. That makes existence of the other suitors pointless. So if there were a story that didn’t really point out explicitly, who’s the hero.... that would make a romance novel read like a suspenseful who-dun-it’. There was the crime in the beginning of the story that she will fall in love and all the suspects. Now you can bet on who you think is most likely. And the author here, does a really great job, I think, of making each of the suitors seem equally likely in the story.
I am betting on the translator. I don’t know why. Maybe because I love languages. Surely not due to any of his own merit. But then again the fact that he is being highlighted so much might be suspicious.
side note- when I was reading that scene where all the 35 suitors are introduced to Eadlyn (not a great name in my opinion), I was like come on, one of them should be gay. That would have been a good twist. But it didn’t turn out that way.
I can see that they really watered down all the political intrigue as compared to the previous series, and I sorely missed that. They watered down everything in this book, it seems.