wiltedsunflowr - oranges

this blog is like a butterfly catcher, but for thoughts // student // whatever pronouns // 19

26 posts

So I Just Finished Reading The Heir, Since I Had An Evening To Burn (shouldnt Have Done That Shouldnt

So I just finished reading The Heir, since I had an evening to burn (shouldn’t have done that shouldn’t have done that shouldn’t have). Much later in the story I realized, that the pace at which the plot was moving.... the story wouldn’t end with the book. And the horrible idea dawned on me, that this thing-in-my-hands had a sequel. Absolutely unfair. 

I am wondering now how I ended up here. I had read the America/ Maxon (that was what they were called right?) trilogy almost 3 years back and never liked it. But sometimes you like to be in the middle of a story instead of right in the beginning.... its comforting there. 

Also I was toying with this idea for a while that in romance novels/ dramas its always clear from the get go who she is going to end up with. That makes existence of the other suitors pointless. So if there were a story that didn’t really point out explicitly, who’s the hero.... that would make a romance novel read like a suspenseful who-dun-it’. There was the crime in the beginning of the story that she will fall in love and all the suspects. Now you can bet on who you think is most likely. And the author here, does a really great job, I think, of making each of the suitors seem equally likely in the story.

I am betting on the translator. I don’t know why. Maybe because I love languages. Surely not due to any of his own merit. But then again the fact that he is being highlighted so much might be suspicious.

side note- when I was reading that scene where all the 35 suitors are introduced to Eadlyn (not a great name in my opinion), I was like come on, one of them should be gay. That would have been a good twist. But it didn’t turn out that way.

I can see that they really watered down all the political intrigue as compared to the previous series, and I sorely missed that. They watered down everything in this book, it seems.

  • disastrous-human
    disastrous-human liked this · 3 years ago

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1 year ago

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And then I finally found the statement of the proof and realized that the professor meant that we had proven that statement number 5 and statement number 1, were equivalent.

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