Boy Wants What He Wants - Tumblr Posts

5 years ago

No Words - Interlude iii-


Pairing: Taehyung x OC

Type: Interlude [Flashback]

Genre: Poly!Idol!AU, Interracial, Tall Female, Smut, Angst, Fluff [if you squint]

Warning: continued mention of the racist situation from the previous interlude. Sexual tension.

A/N - And it all goes to hell with a kiss. 

Words:  2288


Random spin the bottle, truth or dare, and pepper eating moments ran late into the night. Poor Minjae lost Tasha to Namjoon; she was too happy to pick the leader’s brain.

She was happy to put the incident behind her, relishing in a well earned moment with this makeshift family. The older member slowly, but surely, began to make their escapes. Suga bowed out with Namjoon, much to Tasha’s dismay. Although, she did manage to score a kiss right on a dimple before he left. Minjae collected the gooey remnants as Jin stood to leave, Hoseok following behind. The maknae line was full of energy and vigor until Jimin decided he needed some hot water for his aching joints.

He put his hands on her shoulders, wrapping her in a warm embrace. His head rested on the side of hers as he whispered to her. Her hand sat atop his as she nodded softly. Tae managed to keep his jovial demeanor as he saw this out the corner of his eye. She turned a wobbly smile to Jimin as he pressed a kiss to her forehead. He clapped the younger members on the shoulders, “Don’t be too long, yeah?”

“Yesss.” The two replied in unison toward the dancer, and he was off. It was getting extremely late. But it had been too long since they’d all been so exuberant like this. Luckily, everyone planned to sleep in for the next day or so.

Everyone began to gather their things, as the shop owner started to shoo them away. Minjae and Tasha were leaning on each other, giggling like teenagers. “Uh, I’ll uh, catch you later!” Tasha waggled her brows before giving her a tight hug. She watched the two of them, fingers interlaced, leave out into the winter night.

“You should ride with us.” Came the sudden vibrato of Tae’s voice.

“Ah, no. It’s fine. I can ride wi-”

“Us.” Jeongguk interrupted again. Her mouth fell open as she tried to figure out something to say. They didn’t look like they were in the mood to go back and forth. She held up her hands in surrender.

“Fine, fine. I suppose I’ll be riding with you then.” One of the TDs laughed as she acquiesced to the troublemakers.

“You’ll learn not to argue with them.” He laughed and clapped her on the shoulder. Another PD smirked, “Or run before they get a chance to corner you.” They laughed as they began to file out.

“Hey, this is helpful knowledge to have before this happens!” She half yelled, waving her hand between the two. Everyone laughed because they knew better already. “Aish, these smartasses.” Tae and Gguk smirked at each other, and she just caught it. She raised both hands, and with a flick of the wrist, they both got a slap to the sternum.

“A-ah!?” Tae blinked as he looked ready to curl and hit the floor.

“Ow, ow! So mean!” Gguk turned to rub at his pectoral.

She looked between the two of them with a smirk. “Serves you right, jackass. Be quick if you’re going to be sneaky.” She stuck her tongue out, and with a fluff of her curls, she got the headstart to the van.

“I think I’m in love,” Tae muttered as he pocketed his phone. Jeongguk laughed, throwing an arm around his shoulder as they filed out. Music, fresh air, and a bit more laughter soothe things over. She realized how much alcohol was consumed when they were shrugging out of their coats. They piled, giggling, out of the car and into the dorm. It was just a massive space with the students on one side and the boys on the other.

“Thank you.” They reached the split in the hallway that would take them in different directions. The boys were leaning on each other as she moved away. Their laughter ceased as they turned to look at her. Her fingers clasped as she rocked back on her heels. “For tonight. I..,” She sighed. “..probably would have come back here to mope. Then pretend like I didn’t care about it, as usual.” A curl tucked behind her ear as she smiled at them. “Thank you for changing my mind. You’re right. I’m not a coward.”

The boys looked at her, prepared to brush it off as nothing - then she kissed them. Both. Right on the cheek, so close they could smell the coconut on her skin. She bit her lip as she stepped backward, spinning on a heel with a wave. “G’nyte, boyos.”

It was a full two minutes before they stopped staring in that direction. They turned to look at each other, their mouths agape as they pointed at twin sets of red ears. Embarrassed about their own embarrassment, they covered their ears while turning away from each other.

“We should shower.,” Tae mumbled.

“…yea. Good idea.” Jeongguk replied as he made haste toward their side of the building. Tae turned to follow, his feet dragging into the tiled floor. His hands rubbing against the nape of his neck before he turned on his heel - cursing.

The dorm was actually a complex in Hannam-dong that BigHit purchased. It was an easy way to keep staff, bodyguards, and the boys in one spot. It kept everyone close and in contact should things need to happen before shows and schedules. Everyone had their own apartment to occupy, even though she and Tasha spent a lot of time in each other’s spaces.

She let her keys fall into a basket by the door. Hopping out of her shoes, jewelry, wiggling out of her clothes, and jumping into a fluffy hoodie and sweats in a matter of minutes. The electric kettle started as she pulled a giant mug from the cabinet. A jar of citron tea from the fridge, a bowl of fruit was settled on the counter. She pushed her hair into a lazy puff on the top of her head. She reached for her glasses after taking out her contacts.

She stared at the clear lenses for a moment, the echoes of conversation threatening to eat her good mood. She shoved the lens case in a drawer. A tired reflection in the silver of the kettle had her huffing. A piece of melon popped into her mouth as she filled her cup. She thought about going to sleep, but their thesis projects were coming up. They had the next few days off, so getting a head start was more her style.

Knock, knock

Her head tilted to the door, “Tasha, go to bed!” A laugh as she set the kettle down. “I’ll hear about your escapades in the morn-,” She flung the door open to find Kim Taehyung filling the space. “V? I’m sorry, I thought you were - Uhm, what are you…doing here?” She stopped rambling before asking him the question that mattered the most.

What was he doing here?

“I just..” His arm braced on the frame as his fingers played over his lips. “Can I come in for a second?” She looked hesitant but nodded while stepping aside. “Thank you.” He murmured as he moved inside.

He’d been inside a few of the staff apartments - they looked lived in. While hers? It felt like nothing. It didn’t look like she had tried to make any kind of home out of the place. His brow furrowed as he turned to face her. His gaze traveled from her feet all the way to that ponytail at the top of her head.

“I was making some tea if you’d like?” She offered, moving by him. In her shoes, she was about equal height with most of them. But without? It put her just a hair shorter. “V, I’m fine if that’s what you’re worried about.” A couple spoonfuls of the citron concentrate before a quick slurp tested to her liking. She turned to put the jar in the fridge, turning back as he had the cup lifted to his mouth.


He took a healthy gulp, rolling the liquid before chewing the peel gathered in his mouth. “Mm. Just how I like it.”

“I don’t want your cooties.” She made a face as he handed her mug back to her.

“Cooties? Are you five?” He almost choked laughing.

“I don’t know where your mouth has been!” A soft whine as she reluctantly took a sip from her cup. “What is it you want, anyway? I have studying to do. Like I said, I’m fine. You don’t have t-..” He rounded on her suddenly. Long fingers trailed against the countertop as he moved in front of her. “What are you doing?” The whir of the heater was so loud in that thick silence.

“What I’ve wanted to do for some time now.” The treble of his voice sent shivers down her spine. His fingers danced over hers, causing them both to turn their heads to the sight. His thumb sailed over her fingers, rubbing at the soft skin of her knuckles. Those long fingers wrapped around her wrist, the shock causing the artery to throb as her pulse spiked. He rubbed the skin there as she turned back to him with her brows furrowed.



She pulled her hand, and he held on to it. “Please don’t.” A soft sigh as she kept her head lowered. “I’m nobody here. Plus, I’m years older than you.” A scoff as his thumb ceased its movement. Suddenly, his hold tightened as another long finger tilted her gaze up to his.

Of all the things she thought she’d be experiencing in her life? This wasn’t in the sourcebook. Because this wasn’t anything, she would have fathomed. There was a pink tinge to his skin from the alcohol. But there was absolute clarity in his gaze that had her taking a hesitant step away from him.

“Who are you trying to convince?” Cocky confidence in his voice. He undid everything with that question.

“Listen here, V. I don’t cater to the rumors and backstage shenanigans I’ve heard from others, ok? But I have heard some things. I will not be apart of that rumor mill. Got it?” His features fell as he realized his folly.

Shit. shitshitshit. That’s not what was supposed to happen! That’s not how he meant-? Stunned at her, even considering that’s what he meant?! “Look, I appreciate you extending a hand and all, but -” She removed her arm from his hands while stepping away. “I have a lot of work to do. And it’s almost Christmas time, so I’m sure you guys have planning to do.” Turning on heel to go to the door, he followed. Before she could pull the door open, he closed in on her again.

“V didn’t I just say…” She turned. He put his hands on either side of her head, pinning her back to the door.

“Why are you so scared of getting close to anybody…to us..” He leaned in. “…to me?”

“Because that’s not what I’m here for. And if you haven’t noticed?” She raised a hand to wiggle her fingers, just as long, in front of her face. “It’s not been exactly easy.” A muscle ticked in his jaw as he thought about what they walked in on.

They didn’t think they were going to make it dine with the staff. But, with the next few days off? The holidays upcoming? They figured now would be the best time to start having the big dinners before they broke off to visit family. The leads and supervisors, along with BTS, crept in through the back of the place. The conversation was so loud that they had easily gone unnoticed. They were approaching the table when some rather unsavory topics had come up.

They were mortified when the professor wanted to rush toward the table. The head PD, TD, and Namjoon stopped her. They wanted to check for something these situations only let you see. Jimin frowned deeply; Jin sighed softly while shaking his head. Suga let his head fall back as he looked off, a vein in the side of his forehead, throbbing with his anger. Namjoon, Hobi, Tae, and Jeongguk were boiling. Tae had to grab onto Jeongguk’s arm to keep him in place.

And from what they were to understand? That wasn’t the first time something like this had happened. Apparently, they tried to go out to a club in Itaewon, only to have the girls harassed and denied entry. This was in the first six months of their arrival. They didn’t want to bring it up or talk about it - choosing to just move on. They chalked it up to only one of many life experiences.

Their classmates, on the other hand, weren’t keen to let it rest. They reported it to their supervisors and their professors. There were some learning curves with this program, and blatant racism wasn’t one of the boxes on that checklist they had. But, it was one they kept watch over.

She didn’t want the pity or the strange atmosphere that speaking on it could bring. So she clammed up, kept quiet, cordial, and separate. It was good to really enjoy the camaraderie of her work family. Maybe she could try to loosen up a bit. But always in the back of her mind, even if she didn’t want it to be there.

It was.

“You’re not a coward.” He vibrated the air, snapping her back to the present.

“No, I’m a realist.” She bit back. “This is against the rules you even being here, V.” She put her hands on his chest to push him away.

He leaned in and kissed her.


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