thebiasrekkers - Bias Rekkers
Bias Rekkers

Three Writers. Multiple Fandoms. One Tumblr. Fandoms we write for: BTS, VIXX, EXO, Monsta X, ATEEZ, GOT7 - - Mobile Navigation

518 posts

No Words - Interlude Iii-

No Words - Interlude iii-


Pairing: Taehyung x OC

Type: Interlude [Flashback]

Genre: Poly!Idol!AU, Interracial, Tall Female, Smut, Angst, Fluff [if you squint]

Warning: continued mention of the racist situation from the previous interlude. Sexual tension.

A/N - And it all goes to hell with a kiss. 

Words:  2288


Random spin the bottle, truth or dare, and pepper eating moments ran late into the night. Poor Minjae lost Tasha to Namjoon; she was too happy to pick the leader’s brain.

She was happy to put the incident behind her, relishing in a well earned moment with this makeshift family. The older member slowly, but surely, began to make their escapes. Suga bowed out with Namjoon, much to Tasha’s dismay. Although, she did manage to score a kiss right on a dimple before he left. Minjae collected the gooey remnants as Jin stood to leave, Hoseok following behind. The maknae line was full of energy and vigor until Jimin decided he needed some hot water for his aching joints.

He put his hands on her shoulders, wrapping her in a warm embrace. His head rested on the side of hers as he whispered to her. Her hand sat atop his as she nodded softly. Tae managed to keep his jovial demeanor as he saw this out the corner of his eye. She turned a wobbly smile to Jimin as he pressed a kiss to her forehead. He clapped the younger members on the shoulders, “Don’t be too long, yeah?”

“Yesss.” The two replied in unison toward the dancer, and he was off. It was getting extremely late. But it had been too long since they’d all been so exuberant like this. Luckily, everyone planned to sleep in for the next day or so.

Everyone began to gather their things, as the shop owner started to shoo them away. Minjae and Tasha were leaning on each other, giggling like teenagers. “Uh, I’ll uh, catch you later!” Tasha waggled her brows before giving her a tight hug. She watched the two of them, fingers interlaced, leave out into the winter night.

“You should ride with us.” Came the sudden vibrato of Tae’s voice.

“Ah, no. It’s fine. I can ride wi-”

“Us.” Jeongguk interrupted again. Her mouth fell open as she tried to figure out something to say. They didn’t look like they were in the mood to go back and forth. She held up her hands in surrender.

“Fine, fine. I suppose I’ll be riding with you then.” One of the TDs laughed as she acquiesced to the troublemakers.

“You’ll learn not to argue with them.” He laughed and clapped her on the shoulder. Another PD smirked, “Or run before they get a chance to corner you.” They laughed as they began to file out.

“Hey, this is helpful knowledge to have before this happens!” She half yelled, waving her hand between the two. Everyone laughed because they knew better already. “Aish, these smartasses.” Tae and Gguk smirked at each other, and she just caught it. She raised both hands, and with a flick of the wrist, they both got a slap to the sternum.

“A-ah!?” Tae blinked as he looked ready to curl and hit the floor.

“Ow, ow! So mean!” Gguk turned to rub at his pectoral.

She looked between the two of them with a smirk. “Serves you right, jackass. Be quick if you’re going to be sneaky.” She stuck her tongue out, and with a fluff of her curls, she got the headstart to the van.

“I think I’m in love,” Tae muttered as he pocketed his phone. Jeongguk laughed, throwing an arm around his shoulder as they filed out. Music, fresh air, and a bit more laughter soothe things over. She realized how much alcohol was consumed when they were shrugging out of their coats. They piled, giggling, out of the car and into the dorm. It was just a massive space with the students on one side and the boys on the other.

“Thank you.” They reached the split in the hallway that would take them in different directions. The boys were leaning on each other as she moved away. Their laughter ceased as they turned to look at her. Her fingers clasped as she rocked back on her heels. “For tonight. I..,” She sighed. “..probably would have come back here to mope. Then pretend like I didn’t care about it, as usual.” A curl tucked behind her ear as she smiled at them. “Thank you for changing my mind. You’re right. I’m not a coward.”

The boys looked at her, prepared to brush it off as nothing - then she kissed them. Both. Right on the cheek, so close they could smell the coconut on her skin. She bit her lip as she stepped backward, spinning on a heel with a wave. “G’nyte, boyos.”

It was a full two minutes before they stopped staring in that direction. They turned to look at each other, their mouths agape as they pointed at twin sets of red ears. Embarrassed about their own embarrassment, they covered their ears while turning away from each other.

“We should shower.,” Tae mumbled.

“…yea. Good idea.” Jeongguk replied as he made haste toward their side of the building. Tae turned to follow, his feet dragging into the tiled floor. His hands rubbing against the nape of his neck before he turned on his heel - cursing.

The dorm was actually a complex in Hannam-dong that BigHit purchased. It was an easy way to keep staff, bodyguards, and the boys in one spot. It kept everyone close and in contact should things need to happen before shows and schedules. Everyone had their own apartment to occupy, even though she and Tasha spent a lot of time in each other’s spaces.

She let her keys fall into a basket by the door. Hopping out of her shoes, jewelry, wiggling out of her clothes, and jumping into a fluffy hoodie and sweats in a matter of minutes. The electric kettle started as she pulled a giant mug from the cabinet. A jar of citron tea from the fridge, a bowl of fruit was settled on the counter. She pushed her hair into a lazy puff on the top of her head. She reached for her glasses after taking out her contacts.

She stared at the clear lenses for a moment, the echoes of conversation threatening to eat her good mood. She shoved the lens case in a drawer. A tired reflection in the silver of the kettle had her huffing. A piece of melon popped into her mouth as she filled her cup. She thought about going to sleep, but their thesis projects were coming up. They had the next few days off, so getting a head start was more her style.

Knock, knock

Her head tilted to the door, “Tasha, go to bed!” A laugh as she set the kettle down. “I’ll hear about your escapades in the morn-,” She flung the door open to find Kim Taehyung filling the space. “V? I’m sorry, I thought you were - Uhm, what are you…doing here?” She stopped rambling before asking him the question that mattered the most.

What was he doing here?

“I just..” His arm braced on the frame as his fingers played over his lips. “Can I come in for a second?” She looked hesitant but nodded while stepping aside. “Thank you.” He murmured as he moved inside.

He’d been inside a few of the staff apartments - they looked lived in. While hers? It felt like nothing. It didn’t look like she had tried to make any kind of home out of the place. His brow furrowed as he turned to face her. His gaze traveled from her feet all the way to that ponytail at the top of her head.

“I was making some tea if you’d like?” She offered, moving by him. In her shoes, she was about equal height with most of them. But without? It put her just a hair shorter. “V, I’m fine if that’s what you’re worried about.” A couple spoonfuls of the citron concentrate before a quick slurp tested to her liking. She turned to put the jar in the fridge, turning back as he had the cup lifted to his mouth.


He took a healthy gulp, rolling the liquid before chewing the peel gathered in his mouth. “Mm. Just how I like it.”

“I don’t want your cooties.” She made a face as he handed her mug back to her.

“Cooties? Are you five?” He almost choked laughing.

“I don’t know where your mouth has been!” A soft whine as she reluctantly took a sip from her cup. “What is it you want, anyway? I have studying to do. Like I said, I’m fine. You don’t have t-..” He rounded on her suddenly. Long fingers trailed against the countertop as he moved in front of her. “What are you doing?” The whir of the heater was so loud in that thick silence.

“What I’ve wanted to do for some time now.” The treble of his voice sent shivers down her spine. His fingers danced over hers, causing them both to turn their heads to the sight. His thumb sailed over her fingers, rubbing at the soft skin of her knuckles. Those long fingers wrapped around her wrist, the shock causing the artery to throb as her pulse spiked. He rubbed the skin there as she turned back to him with her brows furrowed.



She pulled her hand, and he held on to it. “Please don’t.” A soft sigh as she kept her head lowered. “I’m nobody here. Plus, I’m years older than you.” A scoff as his thumb ceased its movement. Suddenly, his hold tightened as another long finger tilted her gaze up to his.

Of all the things she thought she’d be experiencing in her life? This wasn’t in the sourcebook. Because this wasn’t anything, she would have fathomed. There was a pink tinge to his skin from the alcohol. But there was absolute clarity in his gaze that had her taking a hesitant step away from him.

“Who are you trying to convince?” Cocky confidence in his voice. He undid everything with that question.

“Listen here, V. I don’t cater to the rumors and backstage shenanigans I’ve heard from others, ok? But I have heard some things. I will not be apart of that rumor mill. Got it?” His features fell as he realized his folly.

Shit. shitshitshit. That’s not what was supposed to happen! That’s not how he meant-? Stunned at her, even considering that’s what he meant?! “Look, I appreciate you extending a hand and all, but -” She removed her arm from his hands while stepping away. “I have a lot of work to do. And it’s almost Christmas time, so I’m sure you guys have planning to do.” Turning on heel to go to the door, he followed. Before she could pull the door open, he closed in on her again.

“V didn’t I just say…” She turned. He put his hands on either side of her head, pinning her back to the door.

“Why are you so scared of getting close to anybody…to us..” He leaned in. “…to me?”

“Because that’s not what I’m here for. And if you haven’t noticed?” She raised a hand to wiggle her fingers, just as long, in front of her face. “It’s not been exactly easy.” A muscle ticked in his jaw as he thought about what they walked in on.

They didn’t think they were going to make it dine with the staff. But, with the next few days off? The holidays upcoming? They figured now would be the best time to start having the big dinners before they broke off to visit family. The leads and supervisors, along with BTS, crept in through the back of the place. The conversation was so loud that they had easily gone unnoticed. They were approaching the table when some rather unsavory topics had come up.

They were mortified when the professor wanted to rush toward the table. The head PD, TD, and Namjoon stopped her. They wanted to check for something these situations only let you see. Jimin frowned deeply; Jin sighed softly while shaking his head. Suga let his head fall back as he looked off, a vein in the side of his forehead, throbbing with his anger. Namjoon, Hobi, Tae, and Jeongguk were boiling. Tae had to grab onto Jeongguk’s arm to keep him in place.

And from what they were to understand? That wasn’t the first time something like this had happened. Apparently, they tried to go out to a club in Itaewon, only to have the girls harassed and denied entry. This was in the first six months of their arrival. They didn’t want to bring it up or talk about it - choosing to just move on. They chalked it up to only one of many life experiences.

Their classmates, on the other hand, weren’t keen to let it rest. They reported it to their supervisors and their professors. There were some learning curves with this program, and blatant racism wasn’t one of the boxes on that checklist they had. But, it was one they kept watch over.

She didn’t want the pity or the strange atmosphere that speaking on it could bring. So she clammed up, kept quiet, cordial, and separate. It was good to really enjoy the camaraderie of her work family. Maybe she could try to loosen up a bit. But always in the back of her mind, even if she didn’t want it to be there.

It was.

“You’re not a coward.” He vibrated the air, snapping her back to the present.

“No, I’m a realist.” She bit back. “This is against the rules you even being here, V.” She put her hands on his chest to push him away.

He leaned in and kissed her.

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More Posts from Thebiasrekkers

5 years ago

The Bias Rekkers 2020!


Happy New Year from The Bias Rekkers! 

We ended 2019 on a good note - and steady growth! 

So, this is a little spiel about our current offerings! 

Make It Right [Mafia!AU, Smut [later], Slow Burn, Angst, Heavy/Graphic Violence, BTS as main characters - Multifandom character usage.] 

Type: Series by Admin E

Current Chapter: 8

Posting: Tumblr, AO3, and Wattpad.

7 boys. 7 Brothers from the countryside in South Korea come up with a plan at the peak of their adolescence. They want more than what they have. They want more than what their small town offers. So they risk it all on a plan - a gamble, in Seoul. 

Fast forward ten years later and somehow those 7 boys from the countryside are a well-respected part of the criminal underground. But they didn’t plan to stay forever. This is a tale of 7 men trying to leave the darkness and step into the light. 

And the fight to keep all they hold dear safe in the process. 


Edge of Forever [Space/Sci-Fi/Outlaw Star!AU, Smut [later], Slow Burn, Angst, Heavy/Graphic Violence, BTS as main characters with Multifandom character usage]

Type: Series by Admin L

Current Chapter: 9

Posting: Tumblr, AO3, and Wattpad.

A rag-tag crew of misfits suddenly find themselves on a mystical ship. Maybe it’s the mystical woman, her strange cargo, and a vessel cloaked in mystery and intrigue. That precious cargo is a part of an ancient relic from long ago. 

The only way to find its purpose is to journey to the deep outer ridges of space. That would be perfectly fine if it wasn’t for every organization in the galaxy attempting to track them down! As they pick up strange and, at times, annoying characters on the way - they all realize something strange pulling them together.

And pulling them all to the edge...

What lies for them there?


No Words [Idol!AU, Poly, Interracial, Tall Female, Smut, Porn With Plot, Angst, Fluff (if you squint), NSFW, BTS as central with OCs]

Type: Series by Admin T

Current Chapter: 7 [plus completed Interlude Flashback series.

Posting: Tumblr

A love of music brings you to a prestigious program at the local college in Chicago, Il. As a surprise, your class is invited to the next BTS concert happening that night. By chance, the technical director gives your class a chance to run the show. 

Under careful guidance, you impress - and enjoy the rest of the show. You were high as a kite while helping backstage - that is until you bumped into Kim Taehyung. 

And he decides he wants you all to himself - now, he just has to figure out how to make that happen.


And that’s that! We would love to hear what you think of our pieces! Our ask box is open! We take requests! We take threats of legal action for hurting your feelings, or making you question your bias choices! 

Thank you for enjoying so far! Please love these stories as we do! 

These stories are just getting started - keep an eye on us! We update every 1-2 days here: Bias Rekkers Masterlist

Happy Writing! And Happy Reading! 

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5 years ago
Moodboard By Admin L

Moodboard by Admin L

Photo credit: Lorraine Ward and

Story: Edge of Forever

Character: Nyala (OC)

“There are greater things that pull our strings, older things that have left their mark for us to find. I can already tell that when the pieces are all assembled, that’s when the real chaos begins..”

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5 years ago

No Words -interlude iv-


Pairing: Taehyung x OC

Type: Interlude [Flashback]

Genre: Idol, Poly, Interracial, Tall Female, Smut, Angst, Fluff [if you squint]

Warning: Smut. Holy Water Req. Possessive Tae. Bossy Tae. OC gets pretzel action. Growling [ Did I say possessive?]. Handjob, sorta.

A/N - One more flashback, after this, then back to the present. Is this considered pining? I feel like I can’t emotion - ha! Thank you for enjoying this mess, as usual.

Words:  2049


The whites of her eyes were visible as they widened. Taehyung’s head tilted as he pushed into her, his hand wrapped around her waist to tug her forward. The motion caused a gasp; that small part between her lips was an invitation he couldn’t ignore.

The rough surface of his tongue brushed against hers - and it was stupid. It was absurd that moan that slipped out of her. It was so crazy the way he pulled her leg up against his waist. It was absolute insanity as sudden desperation grew between the tangle of their lips. It was madness as his fingers slid under her hoodie. It drove her crazy the way his nails raked against her skin.

It was positively out of the question when his fingers toyed with the waistband of her sweats. Her eyes rolled open as he kissed along her jaw. His fingers flexed against her skin. His lips suctioned to that thin skin behind her ear, causing her body to rock into his.

Wait, when did they get to her bedroom?

“You’re beautiful,” He growled along her skin. Their lips tangled again as buttons, jackets, and hoodie went flying into various directions. His shirt hung open as he crushed her body to his. He hummed as his fingers sank into that wealth of soft curls - and tugged. That sound that came from her made his blood boil. Her body arched backward as if she tried to escape. All it did was give him more skin to explore. He scraped his teeth along her collarbone to the top of a breast, threatening to spill from its confines.

His long fingers wrapped around the back of her neck. Damn, he had a big mouth!? She grunts as it seemed he was able to take in twice as much surface than she’d ever experienced. Another few minutes of mindless kissing, her bra was gone, and she was sprawled on her bed. He pulled the scrunchie from her hair, staring down at the goosebumps prickling on the chocolate of her skin. His chest heaved as he finally discarded his shirt, a thumb flicking at the button of jeans that were too tight for his liking.

Their pupils mirrored dark and lust-blown. She looked like she was thinking too hard. He reached down to snag her by the hips. Her ass hung off the end of the bed as he let his lips slide against her calf. Before she could think any harder? Her sweatpants went flying, and they both had a look of shock - because she decided not to put any undies back on.

So he was met with the glistening slick sticking to her thighs.

Shit! Shit! This was getting heavy, this was too intense. Again, as if he caught her delving in that logical brain? He pulled her hips up against the rigid outline testing the hold of his zipper. Her eyes rolled again as he thrust that clothed erection against her. “You’re the most beautiful thing I’ve ever laid eyes on.” His voice dropped lower, and she swore she gushed. He let her settle on the end of the bed, his fingers sliding against the outline in his jeans.

He licked his fingers, dropping to his knees, her legs tossed over his shoulders. Braced on her elbows, she watched with bated breath as his lips moved from the side of her knee. He lapped at the sticky residue on her thighs, both of them. Breathing across her glistening sex with each pass. Her chest heaved ragged breaths as she waited for him to end her torment.

Long fingers dug into the meat of her thighs as he lifted that molten gaze to her own. He placed a chaste kiss on that inner corner of her leg. The one so close to her sex, he could probably see her clenching. “You’re beautiful.” He inhaled that slightly sweet essence of…coconut? The more heat she radiated, the more the smell seemed to permeate his olfactory.

The first tentative flick of his tongue made her thighs tremble. She was seeping arousal by the time he went in for a full lick. “Ohmygo-V!” She gasped, falling on the bed, fingers knotting into her blanket. He lifted her ass while feasting on her. He growled as he wrapped his lips around her clit. His tongue running flat and extended from the opening to the underside of that sensitive nub. She dug her feet into his shoulders, half trying to escape and half trying to push her hips into his mouth.

“So good,” He rumbled against her. Taehyung’s fingers were white with the force of trying to hold her still. She kept trying to run, and he chased her. His lips pursed in a perfect kiss around her clit, she moaned his name. No, she whined that other name.

“Say my name..” Incoherent sounds as he circled that throbbing nub with his tongue. A finger teased the entrance, and he felt her clench down on it. He licked his lips, swirling his finger. “Come on, you can do it.”

Her face was twisted in desire as tears welled in the corners of her eyes. She had her hands on her breasts as ragged breaths shook her. “T-Taehyung! Tae, please…” He moaned as two long fingers filled that empty space. Her body invited stay. Snapping down on his fingers as he reached in, twisted to flick that mushy spot in the depths of her body.

He pistoned those fingers to a symphony of muffled moans and squelching noises. She tried to be quiet, pulling the pillow over her face. He could hear her losing her sanity. Taehyung’s gaze grew dark as he yanked the pillow from her face. “We’re going to play a game, Noona. It’s called Be Quiet.” She had enough resolve left to give him an incredulous look as he stood. She saw the angry red, shiny tip of his cock over the top of his jeans.

He pushed a knee between her legs scooting her up the bed surface. “I’ll kill you.” She growled as he lifted her by her hip, and he kicked furiously out of his jeans. This was really happening? He leaned against her leg, straddling the other. They both registered complete and total nudity. The echo of their ragged breathing ate the ambient noise around them.

Taehyung tilted his head, that arrogant tilt, that had him brushing his tongue across his bottom lip. “Not before I kill you first.” He pistoned his fingers, causing her to gasp for every molecule of air she could. He leaned into her until her knee hit her shoulder. Their eyes locked, their lips followed as she fisted her hands through his hair.

He growled into her mouth as her teeth set into his top lip. “Tae, s-stop. You…ha-have to…oh my fuck, s-t-stop. Gonna..come, fuck..” Her voice was a hoarse plea against his mouth.

“Give it to me. It’s mine. I want it.” He growled as he kept taping that spongy area with his thumb circling her clit. “Do it.” The sound was like holding your hand against a faucet as you turned it on. It was like a sputter as she felt the pressure build in her gut.

“N-no, Tae! W-wait, you don’t under-fuckme-stand. God, I…I can’t hold iiittt…” She keened softly.

“Did you hear what I said? Give me what’s mine!” There was a ripple against his fingers, he could feel her trembling from the inside out. He leaned down near her ear. Utilizing the depth of his voice, he pitched down to a purr vibrating bass. “Come for me.” Her eyes rolled into her head, her fingers dug into his shoulders. His free hand wrapped around her throat just enough pressure to cause a momentary cease in oxygen.

And she exploded.

Her nostrils flared a fight for air as she pulsed, pulled, and pushed his fingers with orgasmic force. Her mouth opened in a silent scream as she came in a spray against his abdomen. Taehyung looked at the liquid dripping down his skin. She whimpered as her body finally relaxed with a thump against the bed. The tears flowed from the side of her eyes, he could see the faintest crimson flush under skin. He licked his fingers as her breathing regulated.

His fingers dug into her hips as he stroked himself, using her juices as a lubricant. Her eyes felt like marbles rolling around in her skull. Clutching the sheets for dear life, she tried to escape his hold. “Oh, no. You’re not going anywhere.” He flipped her flat on her back, dragging the throbbing veiny length of his cock against her folds.

Sensitive, she bucked against the intrusion. “Look at me, Noona.” Her eyes were wide as she got a good look at him. He looked ready to burst, those long fingers pushed her legs together. He slid between that tight space created by her thighs; a look of pure bliss painted his features. He kept her legs together, his hands grasping at her breasts. He fucked that space, sliding between her folds against her clit. She clenched, watching him, her hands moved down to create a tighter hole. The head of his cock pushed between her thumb and pointer finger. “You’re beautiful.” He panted against her calf.

“Don’t let anyone tell you other-w-wise, god, fucking…” His teeth set into her leg. “…I couldn’t..can’t stop thinking about you.” He gasped as his heart stuttered. They both knew that this was way out of line. They both knew that this could change things drastically.

They both didn’t care.

“God, I want you all to myself. A-ah, f-fuck, fuck, tighter, tighter…” He growled with each thrust. She squeezed him as he pushed through her fingers.

“T-tae, I’m gonna cum again.” She could feel the thundering pulsation in her stomach. “Oh, my, god…Taehyung, I’m g-gonna..” Immediately she reached for the blanket as her body bucked against the slide of his dick between her folds. She could feel the rippling sensation as her pussy clenched, seeking something as her legs trembled against his ribs.

“M-me t-too, fuck, fuck,” Taehyung sounded like he was in respiratory failure the way he gulped the air. His fingers dug bruising possession into her hips. “Give it to me. Come for me..” Taehyung had enough, and he slipped inside of her.

One long, deep, shuddering stroke, and he bottomed out. He sank into her full to the hilt, and he saw stars. There was that liquid squelch as she came in a rush all around him. Her body grabbing and molding to the throbbing bit of meat inside of her.

“Yesss, yes, that’s it. That’s. What. I. Fucking. Want.” He fucked her through that bliss, tumbling her over a second edge. He leaned down, trapping those rapturous sounds into his mouth. He swallowed them, locked them away to keep forever.

She said his name, and he suddenly heard white noise. She spoke his name like a prayer to god’s long dead. His thrusts were focused as she chanted his name. Spoke it like it would deliver absolution for her sins or her battered soul.

She pulled him down and spoke against his ear, moaning, “Give it to me. It’s mine.”

“I’m …gonna…can I? Please? Can I?” The tears welled up in his eyes as he felt the pull in his testicles.

She fisted her hands in his hair. “I want it. With me, Tae, gonna …again, with me..” He spread her legs, and she wrapped them around his waist. Heels digging into his ass to push him deeper. They rocked entangled limbs and lips.

The desperation mellowed to something else, slower, sweeter? Soothing. As if on cue, in unison, their eyes rolled shut as they stilled. The faintest tremor rippling their flesh. They cursed together as the orgasm snatched both their sanity away.

Both biting their lips to keep the jubilant cry of release at bay. He could feel her coating and gripping him. She could hear the animalistic grunts as his hips went shallow and the strong spurt of his cum inside of her. Their bodies were tense for minutes before they relaxed.

He felt right on top of her - he knew it.

Oh no.

And now?

So did she.


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5 years ago

No Words - Interlude V-

No Words - Interlude V-

Pairing: TaeKook x OC

Type: Interlude [Flashback Finale]

Genre: Idol! Poly!, Interracial, Tall Female, Smut, Angst, Fluff [if you squint]

Warning: Smut. Pining. A smidge of a Threesome [MMF]. More Pining? Angst. 

A/N - The final Interlude V - see what  I did there? Ha. Ok. This is longer, but I hope you can see the connections. We’ll be back to present drama after this. Thank you again for following this hot mess. Maybe there’s some poetic waxing? AND OMGG YA’LL THANKS TO ADMIN E FOR THE PRETTY COVER. WEEEE.

Words:  5.6K [thicc with it. so sorry]

The meeting of two personalities is like the contact of two chemical substances: if there’s any reaction? Both are changed. -Carl Jung


The saying goes that ‘sex changes everything.’ It is a constant nagging in the recesses of your mind. That once you drop your pants? It’s game over. Finito! Done-zo! It’s like you’re a banana, and you just exposed the ripe fruit of your soul. That’s mostly what letting someone into your body is like, after all. All that hubbub and bullshit about being a temple? Well, it’s no lie. We are all emotional receptacles, mismatched puzzle pieces waiting to find someone to fill us or complete a picture.

Who really thinks about these things, though?

When you’re entangled in limbs and lips chasing an electric high that robs your reason? Do you think about the person completing a part of your picture? Or the whole fucking thing? She remembered her mother always saying that love is ready when it’s ready - not when you’re ready for it.

And if you’re not ready when it is? Then what?

Taehyung was sound asleep. Winter began to rage outside, part of the reason why they had time off. Luckily, everybody in the dorm was thoroughly plastered with no plans to rise early for the day. His fingers flexed into emptiness, causing him to wake with a start. A pout formed on his face as he wiped his eyes, reaching for his cellphone, he was surprised it was only an hour after - “Oh, shit.”  

…An hour after he pressed her body into the mattress. He looked around, realizing he wasn’t in his room. He heard the rush of a shower. The sound of her moaning his name rushed back on replay in his brain. Tae gathered up his clothes and hers, settling them neatly on a chair. He saw a few calls and texts from Jeongguk, but he knew the maknae would be fast asleep by now.

The scent of lust still clung to him as he padded out of the room, following the shower sound down the hall. He cracked open the door, peeking inside, to billowing steam and humidity. He moved inside, shutting the door with a gentle click. She hadn’t noticed his presence - but he tilted his head, getting a good look at her now.

Granted, she was almost as tall as he was in her shoes. Without? She was still the tallest female on staff. She was deliciously proportioned. He pulled his bottom lip between his teeth as he let his gaze lift from her feet upward. He saw bruises in purple blossom over the generous amount of ass. She was definitely thicker than most of the girls around them. But, he’s seen her carrying heavy equipment with the staff. There was a hidden musculature there if she flexed adequately.

She was just so fucking soft. He enjoyed the way his hands seemed to melt into her as he held her down. Her hips were full, there was a bit of softness around her stomach, and her breasts were more than a handful.

“Fuck.” A hissed whispered as he swallowed thickly. She was standing under the hot spray of water, wringing out her hair. He was hard all over again as he saw the welts in her shoulders. She spun with her eyes closed to further rinse her hair. He saw the love marks dotting the area below her collar bone.

She turned to put her hands on the wall, still unaware of his presence. His arms slid around her waist as he dared to let his hands settle into the wet nakedness of her body.

It was better than the first time. Nothing was holding them back. She didn’t try to stop as his tongue pressed against her shoulder. The scrape of his nails against the curve of her ass as he pulled her closer. She was so soft, responsive, as he pushed his hips into her.


Everything about her, to him, was perfect. He loved the way her skin felt beneath his teeth. The length of him pushed between her legs. He shuddered at the clench of her thighs around him. His fingers dug into her skin as tongue and teeth nibbled, licked, and marked her. The heat didn’t bother him at all.

She clung to him as he pushed between the squeeze of her thighs. He was going insane with want. His hands slid over her ass, and he pulled her against him. The squelching noises as he slipped between the folds of her sex. All he had to do was angle himself, just a little.

Taehyung didn’t care, not one bit. He spun her into the corner pinning her hips. She bit her lip as their eyes locked. He tilted his hips down, just so, causing the throbbing head of his cock to slip between those folds. Finally. Finally.

His tongue swept his lips as he held her firm. His whole body trembled with the effort to maintain control as he slipped upward.

…and inward.

She bit into his collarbone, and he knew there’d be a mark. She dug half-moon indentations into his flesh as he filled her again. Pressing her into the corner, her back making suction sounds as she connects to the marble tiling. He pulled her leg up as he drove into her. But it was slower, so fucking sweetly, and so devastating in the way he took his time.

At first, he rotated his hips as their mouths parted on heavy breaths. Their eyes lust blown and locked together in the eternal battle. The velvety slide of cock inside the tremor filled cavern of her body was something that she would hate to admit she needed. Their bodies couldn’t be any closer. He took long, languid strokes before he couldn’t resist the plush of her mouth. He leaned in, letting his lips ghost over hers.

A particularly deep thrust had her breath hitching, and he leaned in to steal it. They kissed until their tongues were slick and slippery. They kissed until the pressure was enough to bruise lips. He kissed until every breath of air she took ended inside of him. He could feel the hard prickle of her nipples against his skin. He groaned; she whimpered. He growled; she surrendered. He dropped to his knees with his fingers clutching her thighs as he buried his face into the swollen lips of her sex. He pulled a leg over his shoulder as he pushed his tongue inside of her. She wanted to curl in on herself, he reached a long arm up as her eyes rolled back. His fingers pinched, tugged, and turned a nipple as she shuddered. The slurp and suck noises were too much, the orgasm was vicious and swift. He drank her down, making sure to hold her aloft as her knees failed her. He smirked as she growled, tugging him up by the crown of his head. They kissed again as she registered the remnants of her on his lips. She spun him into the corner as she dropped to a crouch.

A few pumps had him looking to devour her again. She was eye line with that throbbing erection. Oh, he was big. She licked her lips as a plan of attack formed. Taehyung captured the moment for the spank bank later. He didn’t know if he should be scared - because she looked ready to feast in a fashion that wouldn’t be conducive to his health. His hands curled against his hip as he felt the tentative brush of her tongue. Her eyes lifted to his as she let her lips coast of the pulsating head. Then further, further, and further down.

He didn’t move a muscle, didn’t realize he was holding his breath. Until she swallowed him down - that…was a first. He wasn’t sure how he felt. She pulled back, and he coasted right down into her throat. There was a hoarse cry drowned out by the beat of the shower.

Oh, that was him? That was him. Yeah, the sloppy sound of her sucking him down like a summer popsicle was too much for him to handle. He finally took a breath as he let those long fingers sink into her scalp. He fucked into her mouth, a moist suction sound echoing as she breathed easily between thrusts. He growled as he kept a furious pace.

“No.” He tugged her upward, pushing her back into the corner. He pushed back inside of her. It was easy to tell the difference between the shower fall and that thick slick accumulating between her legs. He hefted her up, driving inside of her as he bit into the top of her breast.

She knocked her head against the shower wall as he took a nipple in his mouth. She clenched, and he panted into her skin. He rotated the angle and smacked right into her g-spot, causing her to clamp down and hold him. Her fingers dug into the nape of his neck.

The sounds, the sensations, the intensity of this fuck threatened to crack the wall. He was there, and he pushed her over the edge, time, and time again. He dragged every vibration out of her until his nails seemed to pierce her skin. Taehyung released the nipple pulling her mouth to his. The hoarse cry, the roar, the growl, and the whimper died on her tongue as he finally exploded.

He leaned into the wall, fearing the ineptitude of his own legs. They were littered with pink and purple blossomed evidence that they had crossed the line. He let her down after their hearts stopped knocking against each other.

Sometimes you learn so much about a person by spending time with them. Sometimes you learn by talking to them. And intimacy is the most profound conversation that you can have with someone. It tore barriers, exposed raw truths, and new realities.

New truth: There is something.

They washed each other in heavy silence. He relished in the softness of her skin, learning the spots that caused her to moan or sigh. She enjoyed the broadness of his frame, the tender places that caused his cock to jump.

They left the shower with towels draped around them. They sat on opposite sides of the bed, the silence thick.

“Taehyung…” She broke the silence first.

“…I know, Noona. I-I know.” He swallowed thickly as the fringe of his hair hid his gaze. He got dressed, grabbed his phone, and prepared to leave her room. He balled his fists turned around, long legs placed him in front of her again. He tilted her face kissing her again. Agonizingly slow, so fucking passionate, so much like I really might fucking love you.

She clawed into her bed to keep from pulling him down again. When she didn’t? He broke the kiss and left, even faster this time. The door to her apartment closed, and she ran her fingers across her lips. She turned to grab a pillow, bury her face inside of it, and ignore the ache in her chest.


Taehyung was quiet as he walked back toward their side of the complex.

Not before he bumped into… “Tasha?”

She let her fingers comb through those micro plaits on her head. “Uh, g-good morning, V.” He could see hickeys lining her shoulder. She pulled her shirt up and quickly gave a polite bow, before heading back to the other side of the building.

He furrowed his brow as he kept walking but turned back, making sure she was gone.

“Good Morning, Taehyung-ah.” The Visual froze as he turned to see Namjoon leaning in the doorway.

Oh. Taehyung gave the nod to the leader. “Good morning, Namjoon-hyung.” He suddenly found himself tugging on the neck of his shirt. Namjoon’s arms were crossed as he smirked.

“It was a good morning for both of us, wasn’t it?” Taehyung tilted his head at the very obvious hickey on the Leader’s collarbone.

“I suppose it was, hyung.” They shared a knowing look before Namjoon backed inside his space with a wave.

Taehyung hurried back to his place, he stepped inside to see Jeongguk fast asleep on the couch. Video game controller on the floor, and various snack containers all over the place.

“Tsk, this kid.” He muttered as he found a blanket and pillow to tuck the maknae in. Fuck, cleaning could wait. He padded back toward the bedroom and fell into the bed. He watched the snowfall thick and slow outside.

He closed his eyes and let his brain roll memory like a reel as his body fell into an exhausted sleep. Taehyung’s lips curled into the faintest of smiles as he pulled a pillow against his chest. He could still feel her.


You can’t force chemistry to exist where it doesn’t - in the same way, you can’t deny when it does. - Unknown.


1 week later - 4 days before Christmas.

They were done with award shows until the end of the month. They wanted to spend Christmas with their families. Some of the students had already returned to the states. A few of them hanging back to help out and finish up, opting to take New Years in the states instead.

Aside from her father, and a younger brother with a family of his own? She was in no rush to go back home. Funny enough? Tasha didn’t seem too eager to return home either. She figured something was up when Tasha kept mum about her previous night’s activities. They were both sporting some deep suction marks.

She was never more thankful for Tasha’s makeup expertise than now. Luckily, the splotches were faded. They were doing a pre-Christmas party before everyone took a few days to themselves. The party was at the giant common space inside the building.

She finally put two and two together as she noted Namjoon and Tasha stealing secret glances. She couldn’t help the lazy smile from splitting her face watching them. Watching them. Watching everyone. Trying to watch everything except Taehyung blatantly trying to access the directory to her soul from across the room.

She hadn’t returned any of his text messages. She sure as hell made sure to not be left alone with him. She definitely made sure to stay busy as fuck. Because that just couldn’t happen again. The heaviness that weighed on her for breaking protocol was too much to bear.

No, that was a lie, wasn’t it?

The heaviness of that connection scared her shitless. That was too much to bear. The inkling of want blossoming in her gut was too much to bear. They all exchanged gifts, drank sikhye, and way too much egg nog. Like, drank too much that the karaoke was way too funny. Like, drank too much that people didn’t care who got kissed under the mistletoe.

She moved into the kitchen to busy herself with something other than inebriated antics. She moved into a walkway and felt large hands around her waist. She looked over her shoulder as those hands belong to none other than, “Gguk-ah? You gave me a fright.” Enough to sober her up a hair more. But the maknae was obviously three shades to the wind.

“N-noona, I caught you.” He smirked that fraction down at her. Her brow arched as she pondered, but he pointed upward. “Is there a game to see if everybody can get a mistletoe kiss?”

She chuckled. But, she didn’t register that wide-eyed look for anything but alcohol. “Alright, Gguk-ah, you got me. I have to pay up, right?” She turned to press a kiss on his cheek. Her eyes went wide when he framed her face and kissed her. Tongue tasting like soju and dark liquor-filled eggnog. She pulled away when he moaned, licking her lips out of reflex.

It wasn’t just the moan, it was the rigid press of dick straining his jeans. A hip thrust into her abdomen that made her clench.

And as if that didn’t just beat all?

She felt a familiar heat lance her skin - turning to see Taehyung staring dark daggers at them both. She didn’t see Jeongguk smirking as Taehyung approached. That magnetizing connection between the two was sweltering; she swallowed the lump in her throat. Even as Tae turned his body toward her. “Oh look, Noona. Mistletoe.” Her eyes were wide as Taehyung kissed her.

Kissed her in a way that she felt the fire in her face. She almost; almost wanted to sink into him. Until she realized that Jeongguk had that hungry look to his face as he watched them. Oh no, ma’am!

They were going to turn into some threeway Christmas feast if she wasn’t careful. Her teeth sank into Tae’s lip until it bled. Her eyes narrowed as she brushed past them into the kitchen space. He hissed as he rubbed his finger against his mouth, his tongue followed. Jeongguk and Taehyung let their gazes travel up toward the mistletoe as they watched her; Jeongguk leaned forward, taking a swipe at Tae’s bloody lip with his tongue.

Oh god. Her hand reached to fist at the fabric of her sweater. She turned on her heel and swiftly left the kitchen. Those two sets of eyes watched, the sensation sudden familiar as she popped back into the common room. “Ah! Finally!” Jimin came over to you with open arms. He kissed both her cheeks and wrapped her in a warm hug. “I’ve done it! I’ve kissed everyone under the mistletoe! I want my prize!” She laughed as he threw his hands in the air. She moved farther away from the kitchen, trying to forget. Trying to quiet the sudden hunger that nothing to do with food.

“She does taste good.” Jeongguk hopped on the kitchen counter with a smirk. Taehyung still stared at the space where she had lingered. Dark eyes turned to the maknae as he moved toward him.

“Better than you can imagine.” His voice was a low rumble that made the younger shudder involuntarily. “I don’t think I want to share, Gguk-ah.”

“Come on, hyung. What’s a little sharing between friends?” The maknae tilted his head as his tongue poked an outline into his cheek. Jeongguk’s jealousy was legendary.

So was Taehyung’s.

“She’s different, Jeongguk.”

“I know, Taehyung.”

The deep magnetizing draw between the two seemed to spark the air. “You’re not going to let this go, are you?” Tae stood between Jeongguk’s legs. The younger smirked as the chestnut fall of hair partially obscured his eyes.

“What’s yours is mine. What mine is mine.” The Maknae repeated words uttered long ago. The echo of teeth crunching was broken as Hobi stumbled into the kitchen.

“Hey! Hey! Y-you guys wait until the party is over for all that, yeah?” He waved a hand at them with a snort. “Now move your butt, Gguk-ah the punch bowl is empty!” Jeongguk smirked at Tae before hopping down.

“I’ll get it, Hobi-hyung, sorry about that.” He pulled the pitcher out of the fridge, following the excited dance captain back into the common room.

Tae’s fist balled against the countertop. They had all had their dalliances. They were adults, after all,  and it just took a lot of coordination and planning for getting out. Everybody had the one person they gravitated to in the group, though they were all family. Tour time got long and lonely, they played safe and carefully.

But in the end, they always had each other. And now? This woman waltzes into their existence. He admires her strength, her resolve - and the fact that she was stunning was just a plus. What was he doing? She was right; they had gone too far.

The rules of etiquette clearly broken - and the pangs of jealousy stirring his empty gut told him something different. His eyes closed as he rolled his neck on his shoulders. The irritation contorting his face as the picture of Jeongguk kissing her flickered in his gaze.

Give me what is mine, he told her. Never had he ever. Did he even want to…

So why was this different? Why was she different. He had all the time in the world to find out. He took a deep, cleansing breath and rejoined the party. Suga and Jimin were smothering each other in drunken kisses while everyone laughed.

Tasha and Namjoon were inebriated enough to lean and cling to each other. A few hours later, as people reached their limit, they stumbled full of laughter out of the standard room. Jin, Hobi, and a few other TDs laughed themselves out of the room. A mention of a sports game still happening.

Jimin, Suga, and a few PDs said the same and made their way out.

“Tasha, would you…care to listen to that demo I told you about?” Namjoon’s voice tickled Tasha’s ear and caused the desire to pool in her panties.

“A-ah, s-sure, Namjoon-ah. I’d love to.” The way their fingers interlaced and they ate each other with their gazes caused a pang of jealousy to rise in Tae. Tasha and Namjoon disappeared as the stragglers organized the debris. She helped to try to keep herself busy before a hand snaked around her waist. “Jeongguk..” There was a warning in her tone because she recognized the hold.

“Noona.” No, don’t say it like that. Not when that other hand snaked up the back of her neck. Not when Taehyung tugged her head back, not when he’s already fired up.

“You should leave that for now.” That deep vibrating bass had beads of sweat dotting her forehead. Jeongguk got his hands around her waist, sliding down over the curve of her ass. He pulled her hips against his as Tae tugged her head toward. “Did you really think you could ignore me?” He tilted his head at her as she felt the maknae breath a hot alcoholic breath against the exposed column of her neck.

“That you could ignore this?” The pull? The intensity? The forbidden nature of it all? Oh, she had tried.

Her lashes lowered, Jeongguk dragged his tongue along the skin exposed by Taehyung. The blue of her eyes deepened as they boxed her in between their bodies.

She moaned as Taehyung’s mouth crashed upon hers, Jeongguk sliding up, fighting for his share.

Man, this is so far out of the fucking line. She moved back as the men deepened their kiss and their hold on her.

She could have sworn she’s read stories with plotlines like these. But it wasn’t for her. She didn’t fit the profile for this kind of scenario. Her eyes narrowed as her hands slid up the nape of both their necks. Their fingers dug into her flesh as she pushed them in to deepen their kiss.

And then?

She tugged.


Causing both men to bump teeth, retract, moan, and stare at her. There was something serpentine, sly about the look on her face. She tugged them both down that fraction to her level. “You like to play games, right? Fine. Let’s play.”

They practically carried her to her apartment. She backed inside, her sweater discarded as they kicked the door shut behind them. Tae made sure to engage all the locks. Her heart raced as she thumbed the button of her pants, stepping out of her shoes. They were like two predators closing in on their prey.

Lust-blown pupils, buttons flew, shirts were discarded. She licked the sheen of sweat above her lip as they all made it to her bedroom. She was down to her panties, the back of her legs meeting the mattress.

Taehyung and Jeongguk stood side by side - and by the gods, if this was the last thing she was to see before she died? She’d be okay with it. They both were out of their pants and boxers faster than she could turn her head.

Angry erections fueled by lust, jealousy, and alcohol. She leaned up on her elbows. Might as well break all the rules, right?

They didn’t remember who made the first move. It just happened - fast. Lips, tongues, moans, and groans. Something was happening that neither of them anticipated.

“F-fuck! Fuck, I’m fucking…” Jeongguk lurched as if he’d been punched. His teeth buried in her shoulder.

“…gonna, a-ah! Ah, fuck can’t hold it. Can’t..” Taehyung pulled her head down, whimpering into her mouth.

White noise.

She didn’t hear a thing as her body tensed, hard. They all took a shuddering breath in unison. The boys felt their hearts stop as their hips bucked once, twice …

“Come for me.” She moaned.

She felt nails prick her skin as she felt their bodies tremble, shake, and explode. They pushed as far inside of her as they could go and dragged her right along that orgasmic current.

Tangled limbs in her bed again. Snow falling heavy and thick outside her window. Substantial and thick like the scent in the room. Heavy like the arms draped across her hip. Thick like the thigh tucked against her backside.

Tangled like her fucking feelings.

Tangled like his fucking feelings.

She felt good against him, fit so perfectly against him. His fingers pulled her upper half into his reach. His lips ghosting the shell of her ear. “I want you all to myself.”


“Sex is an emotion in motion.” ― Mae West


Christmas Day.

   V: Merry Christmas, Noona.

   PDNoona: Merry Christmas, V.

   V: Really?

   Ggukie: Oh, are you mad hyung?

   PDNoona: Shut it, squirt. Enjoy your family time.

They prepared for the end of the year show. One big final push with all the stress, work, and secrecy for the next comeback. All the hardship and turmoil that had increased with the revelation of inter staff relations. Namjoon kept his head up even after Tasha left. They noticed her waiting for a van one morning, red puffy eyes as she stepped inside.

Namjoon was on his phone most of the time, so it didn’t seem suspicious when he kept checking it.

It was almost New Years before he heard anything back from her. You could tell it was her, by the way, his mood had lightened.

But Tae, on the other hand?

Tae couldn’t help the bitter swell inside of him. Because she left on Christmas Day. She responded to their text messages while sitting in Incheon Airport. Her own eyes were red and puffy. She felt like she was running away, she felt like a coward. She knew that if they were found out, the consequences could be grave.

Not only that? Their work visas were up - and they needed to return home to reapply for a new visa. That and they needed to prepare presentations about their work.

She came to do a job - to get experience. She got all that.

And maybe she might have fallen in love in the process. She was sure that this would be something that would help her grow. She learned things about herself that she couldn’t have in the states.

“I’m sorry.” She stared at her phone before turning it off.

She never turned that phone back on.

There’s nothing like meeting the right person at the wrong time.


Happy New Year! 6 months later. Chicago, Il.

“Ok, everybody remembers what you’re supposed to do?” The Head PD looked at the gathered staff. “It’s cold. Make sure to keep warmers. Pay attention to your monitors, keep your walkies close.”

The new group of students was wide-eyed and excited. “Alright, this is the HQ. This is where everything happens, pay attention.”

She felt a tap on her shoulder as the count down started in her ear. “You got this?”

She nodded. “Oh yeah, like riding a bike.”

She had finished her coursework in time to jump in on the production staff request. She’d be at the board with no interaction with the boys. It had been almost 7 months since she left to come back home. She knew Tasha was lovesick for Namjoon. Their popularity had exploded, and she knew it would be impossible.

Tasha was out there, though, among the Army - front and center with a headset.

“We’re at zero, chase pattern is go.”

The Rap line came out for Tear. Each member clinging to an area of the stage. Hobi moved to the front, spitting his bars right to the camera. The crowd went wild as the Rap line ad-libbed with him.

Namjoon saw Tasha.

Tasha saw Namjoon.

The stage went dark as the boys retreated for a costume change.

Namjoon had a stern set to his face, his finger toying with his bottom lip.

“Hyung?” Tae’s deep voice disturbed him from his thoughts. He was moments away from his solo performance.

“I saw her, Tae.” Namjoon put his hands on his hips.

Taehyung furrowed his brow, “Who did you see?”

“I saw Tasha Taehyung-ah. She’s on staff.” Namjoon glanced at Tae with a brow ticked upward.

It took a moment between their heavy eye contact to register what he meant. Taehyung’s eyes widened as he looked around them. Namjoon turned him back to face him.

“Subtle, Tae. You know there are cameras everywhere.” Namjoon moved down that created passageway. Tae stepped on the platform, trying to calm his thundering heart.

If Tasha was here - then maybe?


All of the best love stories have one thing in common; you have to go against the odds to get there - Unknown


2 hours later.

“I’m exhausted.” She groaned. “Tash?”

Tasha was glued to her phone. “I’m going to see him.” She looked firm in her resolve. She could only offer her friend a smile.

“Go get him.” Tasha wrapped her up in a hug before grabbing her things.

She was almost out the door when she turned. “Stop fighting it, girl.” Tasha sighed softly.

“What are you talking about?

“You know what I’m talking about. Stop ignoring him. I saw how he looked at you for two whole years, girl. Love just happens. Stop before you regret it.” Tasha frowned, and she left.

She stood watching the empty doorway shaking her head. It won’t matter, she was sure of it. She kept lying to herself about it. The head PD came knocking on the door.

“You did well today.” He offered a short bow, she responded in kind. “I’d like you to come up and talk to the new kids. Maybe help with the new recruits? Most of your class were already assigned to other production companies.”

“Yeah, of course!” She extended her hand, excited to pass the baton. He took her hand, clasped it firmly. “It’s good to have you back on the team.” He turned and left her to finish up.

Back on the team?

She traveled the understage passageways - she knew them well this time around. She came up to the wings and stopped when a shadow blocked her.

“Hello, Noona.” Taehyung’s eyes glittered eerily in those green contacts.

There it was. That heavy electric pulsation flaring to life all over again. She kept her tone professional, neutral. “Hello, V. You did well out there today.” She smiled and moved to walk by him.

He stepped in front of her. “You never texted me back.” There was a smidge of hurt in his tone. She swallowed thickly, tilting her head. “V, listen..”

“That’s not my name.”

“Taehyung, look. We’re not…I’m not…We can’t, ok?” She fought for words, and there was no lie that she could spit that would make sense. “We just can’t.”

“I thought you were braver than this.” A muscle ticked in his jaw.

“I’m sorry to disappoint you. This is for the best.” She didn’t dare look into his eyes.

“What about what I think?” He grits his teeth. “…what I feel?”

“I’m here to learn and make sure these new students reap the benefits of working with you all. That’s it.” She was almost convincing herself. Tae gave her an incredulous look. “That’s it. That’s all. So do me a favor, and please don’t charm the new kids, yea?” She managed to tease as that bravado fell over her.

He grabbed her wrist as she walked off. His breathing heavy and erratic, “This isn’t over. I’m not done with you yet. I told you..” He yanked her closer their actions obscured by the thick curtains.

“I want you all to myself.” The sound of his voice still caused her to shiver. The sound of footsteps approaching had him releasing her quickly. He stepped back into the shadows allowing her to immediately join the group from stage right.

BTS appeared from stage left.

Namjoon gave an impassioned speech about the importance of music - and their message. Jeongguk recognized her, and he smirked as he watched her with the new recruits. Taehyung kept a pleasantly neutral face as they prepared to take their picture.

And the professor announced the new recruits for round two of the program. While congratulating those from the first round, who were now going to work with BigHit for the next global tour.

Welcome to the team. She suddenly remembered the Head PD coming to find her. She thought it was strange! A dream come true - the opportunity.

The nightmare unfolding as she and Taehyung locked eyes.

It’s funny; You try to hide your feelings…

…but your eyes speak volumes.


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5 years ago
Moodboard By Admin L

Moodboard by Admin L

Story: Edge of Forever

Character: Jeon Jungkook

Role: Ballistics and Weapons Expert.

“I could always get revenge on what happened but now I have more than one thing to keep safe. If that means I die for that, then I’ve atoned for what it was that I’ve done. I won’t let the Pirates or anyone else get you.

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