BRAINS FREEZE - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

penguin waddle waddle

💅🏼 okay so my man king Chris

I want him to take a whole week off and spend it w his queen and her pups. just happy and calm and in love w his family. I wonder how the pups would react to the queen being pregnant again :o but im sure girlie needs a break sometimes from being bred so often !!

Also milk drunk king chris aahhh

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awwww, a cute penguin waddling into my askbox💜

our King definitely deserves his week off to give his family the attention they deserve😤

i'm sure the pups would be shocked at first, but will be excited at the prospect of having more siblings to play and go on runs with💜

our Queen definitely needs a break, tho. imagine popping out two sets of werewolves at a time????? that must take a toll on the human body😭

as for milk drunk king chris...

i feel like he would get so completely lost in his wife when feeding... his brain would disconnect completely. no thoughts, head empty, only his precious forever mate and her swollen tits )):

he'd probably take his sweet, sweet time just nibbling and sucking and getting his fill. she'll probably card her fingers through his hair and keep him close and mumble loving words... and when there's no more milk, he'd be the one mumbling all those loving words to his wife ))):

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