CHANNIE FLUFF - Tumblr Posts
IF IM INTERESTED!??????? I’d read everything related to wr just like i read every little ask HELLO??? of course I’m interested yes yes yes and I think so is everyone else so feel free to feed us when you’re ready
mewheheh. thank you for the encouragement! it certainly helped me sit down and finish this one. i hope you enjoy it💜

Pairing: Werewolf!Chan x Human!F.Reader (one of the main pairings of my WereRoomies series. you don’t really need to read any other instalment to understand/enjoy this piece). | Word Count: ~2k | Themes & Warnings: fantasy/supernatural AU · roomies idiots to ??? · fluff · hurt/comfort · pre-relationship scenario · food mentions · mentions of sickness · barely proof-read
minors do not interact.

It wasn’t uncommon for your roommate to come home very late at night. Knowing of his lycanthropy, one would believe the reason for his late arrival was related to needing some time under the moonlight, or because he needed to go on a run. However, Chris wasn’t like that.
You used to think it was because he was out there, either hanging out with friends outside of his den, or on a date. Chris was, quite possibly, the most handsome person you’d ever seen in your life, so, even if the thought was unpleasant due to your little–likely unrequited–crush on him, you figured it made sense that he was out there meeting people, possibly getting laid…
That was, until one day, Changbin had made an off handed comment to Chris while you were there in the kitchen, about how he should go meet someone. ‘Go get it wet’, was exactly what he’d told Chris back then, but Chris’ scoff and subsequent answer made you completely reconsider this thought. ‘You know I don’t do shit like that. Getting laid just for the sake of getting it wet is just not fulfilling, nor satisfying at all’.
So, after a handful of months living here, after getting much closer to your roommate, you now knew that whenever Chris came home after ten in the evening, it was usually because he’d been working overtime, or because he was helping out another pack mate with something.
A little while after he came home tonight, you went out of your room once you heard him go out of the shower. He was just there, standing in front of the open fridge, looking at its contents like they’d start talking to him and provide him answers to whatever was making his eyebrows furrow.
“I made some curry and rice”, you mumbled, walking closer to where he stood.
Chris’ frown relaxed a bit, and, for a moment, you wondered if he had even noticed you coming close at all before you spoke…
“Did you?” He asked simply, just looking at you, blinking slowly.
“I did. You can eat some if you want”, fiddling with the strap of your sleeping gown, you just stood there, looking him in the eyes. He looked tired. Really tired.
He stared at you for a bit, but eventually nodded and returned his attention to the fridge. He took the two containers out, and started serving himself.
The entire time, Chris’ entire body just looked… tense. He was shirtless, just like he usually was after a shower. Water droplets were still travelling south over his skin under the force of gravity, and, any other night, you would’ve certainly been affected by the sight. But, tonight, his tense muscles and the once again present frown on his face worried you.
You watched him heat up his food, propped with your shoulder against a wall and your arms crossed over your chest. The silence wasn’t uncomfortable, it hardly ever was with Chris, but something in his demeanour made you want to break it.
So you did.
Chris just offered a mindless ‘Hm?’ while he served his plate. It wasn’t odd for you to use pet names with your roommate, so neither him, nor you, seemed to be fazed by the use of it.
“Is everything alright?”
Chris stilled for a moment, but resumed his motions with a shrug a while after. “I guess”.
Oh, yeah… That was totally convincing…
He sighed, throwing his head back. He must’ve been more tired than you thought, because, instead of remaining quiet and reassuring you that everything was fine like he usually did, he just started ranting.
“My boss is an absolute idiot who doesn’t have a clue on how to properly manage his time, and that means that I am the one that has to fix his shit. Lots of extra work, and for what? All the cash in the world just isn’t worth the hassle, but I gotta do it or my whole team will fall behind. Besides, Jeongin’s sick tonight, and I know Seungmin’s taking care of him, but I’m just… worried”, dragging his hands down his face, Chris sighed again, and his shoulders slumped the tiniest bit. “God, I’m sorry, pretty. You don’t need to be dragged into my problems like this…”
He turned away from you to brace himself on the kitchen counter, giving you the perfect view of his toned back and broad shoulders. A lovely sight indeed, but one that you would’ve honestly preferred to see under much brighter circumstances…
There were a few moments of silence, moments in which you weren’t really sure what to say or do. But, eventually, you figured you had to do something, so you walked closer, close enough so you could wrap your arms around Chris’ torso, press your chest to his back, and your forehead to his shoulder.
His body tensed for a second, but almost immediately after, his shoulders relaxed. He took a deep breath, one of his hands found your arm, and he started to gently stroke your skin.
It wasn’t uncommon for you and Chris to hug, especially not at these hours of the night. At times like these, you always found yourself close to him. It was comforting, warm, and if it felt that way to you, you hoped it did to him as well.
“It’s okay, babe. You know you can talk to me… If you keep it all in, it’ll only make it worse”, you mumbled, selfishly letting your lips brush against the skin of his shoulder, and for a second, you could’ve sworn Chris had shivered.
Probably wishful thinking…
“How’s Jeongin?” You had to ask… To know the youngest member of the pack was sick was certainly something to be worried about, especially considering Jeongin’s history with all sorts of ailments.
“He’s… I mean, I’m sure he’ll be fine. He just ran through some weeds and seems to be having an allergic reaction, but Seungmin’s got it under control. I just… worry, I guess”.
“Mm… That’s very valid. I’m sure he’ll be fine, too”, you tightened your arms around his waist briefly as an attempt to get him out of his head. You knew Chris tended to overthink things, and even spiral a bit, so it was always good to try to ground him in some way–a handy tip given to you by Changbin after the first night you found Chris roaming the flat like this.
With a deep breath, Chris turned in your hold, until he could wrap his arms around your shoulders and pull you further into him, hugging you.
He didn’t say anything else, just caressed your hair while you held him by the waist and buried your face further in the crook of his neck.
“You’re so warm”, you couldn’t help but say after a while, because it was true. No wonder he and his packmates were barely clothed constantly, when their body temperature was just insanely high. At nights like these, though, when it was slightly chilly, hugs were certainly welcomed. Chris’ hugs specifically… they were always the warmest.
A soft chuckle resonated in Chris’ chest at your comment. “So are you, pretty girl”.
You could feel heat on your ears. You were usually partially immune to all the pet names Chris threw your way, but sometimes, especially when it was this late, when he was so close to you, they just got to you. Burying your face in the crook of his neck further, you tried to hide your flustered reaction. Maybe not the smartest choice, since all you managed to do was further wonder how his warm skin would feel under your lips if you fully pressed them to it.
Chris inhaled deeply. One of his hands remained on the back of your head, while the other found its way to the small of your back, admittedly lower than you had ever felt it.
If you didn’t know better, you would’ve thought that he was trying to pull you closer. A very delusional part of you wanted to believe that he was enjoying your presence in ways that were just not platonic… That part of you was always dangerous at these times of the night, it always lowered your inhibitions, making it so you could hardly care about keeping your stupid little crush buried deep within your heart.
“Thank you. I… needed this”, Chris mumbled, but he didn’t make any attempts to move. If anything, you could’ve sworn he had tightened his hold around your frame.
“Anytime, darling”, once again, you whispered the words against his skin, letting your lips barely brush against the pulse point under his jaw.
Chris swallowed, audibly, and, for a moment, you wondered if you were making him uncomfortable.
God, this was so creepy of you… Regardless of your crush, why were you doing these borderline inappropriate things? You needed to undo it all somehow, turn this sterile for your own sake and sanity, as well as his comfort.
Clearing your throat, you finally pulled yourself away from his neck, from his body altogether. For a brief moment, you almost felt as if Chris was putting some resistance to keep you within his arms, but you reminded yourself that these were your delusions speaking.
There was just no way Chris wanted you like… that. Like you wanted him…
“Would you feel better if I called one of the boys? I’m sure Jisung would be more than happy to fill in as a therapy dog?”
Chris shook his head, chuckling a bit. “No, thank you. I don’t think I’m in any condition to put up with anyone right now”.
“Oh”, you took a tentative step back, assuming that you were included in that ‘anyone’ box. “If that’s the case then I’ll just… give you some space”.
“Wait”, Chris’ hand shot to your shoulder. As soon as he realised he had stopped your movement, he quickly let go. He’d started to do that a lot these days, whenever he touched you suddenly. You had noticed, but you really didn’ know why he did it… “I, uh… You can totally say no, I know this might sound kinda weird, but please don’t take it the wrong way, it’s just that, y’know, you’re my roommate. And I wouldn’t want you to feel uncomfortable, but…"
Chris started to speak very, very quickly. To the point you couldn’t really make out a single word.
“Hey, babe, slow down. I can’t understand anything you’re saying right now”.
“I, uhm… would you mind if we… I mean, I could really use some cuddles right how…”
“Oh”, you couldn’t really hide the surprise in your voice, and for a moment, you could’ve sworn Chris’ ears were redder than usual. Probably more of those delusions of yours… “I mean… Sure, yeah, we can, uh, we can cuddle. But, uhm, wouldn’t you prefer for me to call–”
“No, no I wouldn’t prefer that. I’m asking you specifically, dummy”, Chris chuckled, but he averted his eyes anyway. “You’re here and all, I figured, y’know, we could, uh…”
Of course. That was why he was asking you specifically… because you were here. No other reason. You really shouldn’t read too deeply into things…
“If it makes you feel better, we can definitely cuddle, baby. It’s fine”, you took Chris’ hand in yours, and instinctively brushed his knuckles with your thumb.
His eyes found yours for a brief moment. For as long as the staring lasted, you could feel the fine hairs on the nape of your neck stand on end. It wasn’t uncommon for you to feel that way, it happened way more frequently than you would’ve liked to admit… Mostly because it was always you who looked him right in the eyes.
You wondered if he knew you were doing it on purpose. You supposed it was your way of trying to get his attention. Maybe, if you stared at him long enough, he’d just… do something. Sure, he could very well hurt you because of what looking an alpha in the eyes represented, but, somehow, you just knew Chris wouldn’t harm you.
He’d never done anything but make you feel safe. Even all those months ago, when you argued after finding out what he was, you weren’t really scared. In shock? Yes. But not scared. Never scared. Chris was… comfort and safety. Even with his condition, he just wasn’t someone you could ever feel scared of.
No wonder you had feelings for him…
Chris cleared his throat, effectively breaking the suddenly heavy atmosphere that had settled between you two–or… were you imagining that?
“C’mon, pretty”, Chris started to walk, tugging you along as he made his way to the sofa.
You loved this thing, probably one of the best pieces of furniture Chris had gotten for this place. It was spacious, comfortable, and when he laid down, you had plenty of space to lay down right next to him.
You had to be really close to him, but there was still a bit of space where space was needed. However, after Chris took one of the cushions to lay his head on, he pulled you into him. With your head partially on the cushion and partially on his arm, chest against chest, he placed a hand in the middle of your back and kept you close.
You seriously hoped he somehow couldn’t hear how fast your heart was beating–unlikely, considering his damned supernatural hearing. He was so close, and somehow inexplicably smelt like the sea, and you just… God, you just liked him so much…
“Is this okay?” Chris mumbled against your hair, curling his arm around your shoulders, softly dragging his hand up and down your back.
One of your hands found its way to his back as well, where it also settled to gently caress his skin, hoping to ease some of that stress that was clinging to his frame. And, for a moment, you wondered if you were truly feeling him relax under your touch, or if your mind was making it all up again… “‘Course it is”.
Chris just hummed, and pressed a brief kiss on your forehead before he just snuggled impossibly closer, holding you tighter.
“What about your food, though?”
Chris chuckled. “It can wait. I need this more”.
It wasn’t the first time you cuddled with Chris, but it was usually more of an accident kind of thing. Usually when you had fallen asleep while watching TV together and somehow ended up close to each other. Those times, even as you woke up, you both remained entangled for a bit as you murmured sleepy words to each other.
But you couldn’t recall a time where he’d held you this close… Where he had actively asked you to come and lay down with him…
You supposed he might’ve felt more burdened tonight than you had originally thought. Enough to ask anyone he could for some hugs…
That was fine. If it helped him, you’d gladly let him hold on to you, you’d even entertain your delusions.
At least, until you woke up tomorrow and were reminded that Chris, ultimately, saw you as nothing more than his roommate. Maybe even a friend, but just that, and absolutely nothing more…

© therhythmafterthesummer 2023. all rights reserved. do not repost or translate my stories.
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penguin waddle waddle
💅🏼 okay so my man king Chris
I want him to take a whole week off and spend it w his queen and her pups. just happy and calm and in love w his family. I wonder how the pups would react to the queen being pregnant again :o but im sure girlie needs a break sometimes from being bred so often !!
Also milk drunk king chris aahhh
- 🐧
awwww, a cute penguin waddling into my askbox💜
our King definitely deserves his week off to give his family the attention they deserve😤
i'm sure the pups would be shocked at first, but will be excited at the prospect of having more siblings to play and go on runs with💜
our Queen definitely needs a break, tho. imagine popping out two sets of werewolves at a time????? that must take a toll on the human body😭
as for milk drunk king chris...
i feel like he would get so completely lost in his wife when feeding... his brain would disconnect completely. no thoughts, head empty, only his precious forever mate and her swollen tits )):
he'd probably take his sweet, sweet time just nibbling and sucking and getting his fill. she'll probably card her fingers through his hair and keep him close and mumble loving words... and when there's no more milk, he'd be the one mumbling all those loving words to his wife ))):