Briar Moss - Tumblr Posts

7 years ago
Briar Moss Taking Care Of His Shakkan Tree. Being A Nerdy Plant Dad.

Briar Moss taking care of his shakkan tree. Being a nerdy plant dad.

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2 years ago

when i started rereading the circle of magic books i did not consider how briars book would hit given the current state of things 😂

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5 years ago

This is either a door to Faerie or a Plant Mage has put protective wards on their house. 

ldyenki - Ldy Enki's Random Stuff

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5 years ago
Briar Moss, From THE CIRCLE OF MAGIC Series By Tamora Pierce

Briar Moss, from THE CIRCLE OF MAGIC series by Tamora Pierce

This was a custom illustratrion for a patron. If you’d like some original art for yourself, subscribe to my Patreon at

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4 years ago
Plant Mage Briar Moss From The Emelan Series. Hes Always So Fun To Draw.

Plant mage Briar Moss from the Emelan series. He’s always so fun to draw.

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4 years ago
So Its Tamora Pierces Birthday Today, So I Drew A Little Something For Her (even Though Im Not Even A

So it’s Tamora Pierce’s birthday today, so I drew a little something for her (even though I’m not even a third of the way into this book yet, haha). From Battle Magic.

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