Tamora Pierce - Tumblr Posts

7 months ago

Am I the only one who feels spoiled by reading Tamora Pierce as a child and then never finding something that hit quite the same? She really had it all. One of the only authors I’ve seen do multiple generations well (because the previous generations aren’t just offed or all of their progress backtracked). Ambient vs scholarly magic systems is still one of the coolest magic systems to this day. The friendships are perfect and just the right amount of romance to make it fun. Redemption stories that fit the characters and don’t make them perfect angels even as they grow for the better. Tragic regression stories that haunt the characters (and me).

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6 months ago

When I was young and I first read Briar's Book, it wasn't my favorite. It had slow parts, and it wasn't too exciting, not like wildfires and pirates.

But now, reading it again as an adult, after living through the covid pandemic, it's amazing.

I am amazed at the research Tamora Pierce must have put in for the book! The events of the books are nearly identical to the covid pandemic.

It's amazing she even chose plague as a topic for her fantasy children's story. It's not exactly a normal plot line for such books. And she didn't go the easy way out of *hurr durr medieval society uses leeches and doesn't understand how germs work* option that so many fantasy writers use. Instead, she came up with a believable system that supplemented magic with technology.

The healers using magic to check the body to see what the pox did, the magic sample boxes, the magic diagnosis tools, the use of herbs and magic gems to find the "keys" to the cure... even the use of magic to distill the essence of the disease in order to study it. All combined with the good leadership of Duke Vedris, who followed the epidemic procedures written by the Living Temple to try to halt the pox. He enforced quarantine on the guards that handled the sick, cleared out warehouses to make hospitals, forced everyone to wear gloves and masks, paid people to collect the dead and burn them, ect.

The way Tamora Pierce perfectly captured to fear of the pandemic. The fear of getting sick, the dread of the knowledge of new cases and deaths, the exhaustion of the medical workers and support staff, the way the healers drained themselves dry and got sick.

It all combined into a realistic magic plauge that made an incredible book far before it's time.

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6 months ago

Not only does Circle of Magic have poc and queer characters, it also has neurodivergeng characters too, so casually.

I noticed and mentioned Nico's OCD, but re-reading Briar's Book has let me pick up on Dedicate Crane, who I am positive is autistic. He disregards social norms in favor of his own goals, is exacting about during things his way, keeps a very strict schedule, and, something I noticed, tends to fidget a lot. When he talks to Lark about making clothes, he tears his bread apart has he talks to her. When he talks to Rosethorn to ask her to join him researching the pox, he take sout his hankerchief and folds it over and over into squares. These are such stim behaviors.

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5 months ago

I love her and her work so much! I wish more people read her work-- the Circle of Magic as much as Tortall! Reading her work makes me feel so good and her books are still very important to me.

If People Are Sad About The Wizard Facism Game Coming From Someone You Used To Look Up To And Admire,
If People Are Sad About The Wizard Facism Game Coming From Someone You Used To Look Up To And Admire,
If People Are Sad About The Wizard Facism Game Coming From Someone You Used To Look Up To And Admire,

If people are sad about The Wizard Facism game coming from someone you used to look up to and admire, may I suggest an author whose books are filled with nuanced characters and strong, dynamic women?

Tamora Pierce has been writing since the 80’s and has two worlds of magic and fantasy and bonus!!! Isn’t a transphobic POS.

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4 years ago

say what you will about young adult fantasy but there has never been a more badass scene in any novel I’ve ever read than “angry young woman magically reanimates evil emperor’s fossil collection and goes on a dinosaur rampage to destroy his palace”

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4 years ago

Does anyone know where Tamora Pierce might have talked about writing Song of the Lioness in response to feminist fantasy novels at the time being mostly lesbian (a rough approximation of what I think she said, since I can’t find any evidence of the statement)? I could’ve sworn I read that somewhere, that she felt like fantasy novels at the time didn’t show that you could be feminist and also end up with a man ergo her need to write fantasy like that… but can’t find it. So now wondering if I somehow made that up. Or if it was some other writer?

If you know what I’m talking about and know in what author’s note or where online I can find it, please let me know, it’s been bugging me so much

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7 years ago

Numair have you been turing people into trees again? Daine told you to stop that.

Compilation Of Weird Trees
Compilation Of Weird Trees
Compilation Of Weird Trees
Compilation Of Weird Trees
Compilation Of Weird Trees
Compilation Of Weird Trees
Compilation Of Weird Trees
Compilation Of Weird Trees
Compilation Of Weird Trees
Compilation Of Weird Trees

Compilation of weird trees 

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6 years ago

DAINE!  I love the ending of Emperor Mage.

Absolutely amazing artwork. And the bonus has me chortling. :D

You Murdered My Teacher! I Will Burn Your Palace To The Ground!

“You murdered my teacher! I will burn your palace to the ground!”

I’ve been re-reading the Immortals, and totally forgot that Daine gains the ability to control animal skeletons as well.


You Murdered My Teacher! I Will Burn Your Palace To The Ground!

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6 years ago

That is an amazing sketch of Rosethorn.

My Girl Rosethorn From Circle Of Magic By T. Pierce These Books Are Forever My Fav. Found Family U Guys

My girl Rosethorn from Circle of Magic by T. Pierce These books are forever my fav. Found family u guys FOUND FAM TROPES ;-; Also kids with positive adult role models that help & dont hinder them or the story???? Be still my heart~~~

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6 years ago
Coram Smythesson

Coram Smythesson

Can we talk about Coram for a minute? The guy raised two rebellious Trebond magelets (despite being terrified of magic), is a career soldier who earned the title of Baron because he had to change Alanna’s diapers, and is also apparently a ladykiller who nabbed the heart of Her Majesty Rispah Cooper, Queen of the Ladies of the Rogue. If there’s a more underrated character in the series I can’t really think of one

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6 years ago

Oh I love this.  Beautiful fanart.

Im Here.

“I’m here.”

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6 years ago
Myles And Eleni Cooper From Song Of The Lioness

Myles and Eleni Cooper from Song of the Lioness

Old couples rock ^^

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5 years ago
Briar Moss, From THE CIRCLE OF MAGIC Series By Tamora Pierce

Briar Moss, from THE CIRCLE OF MAGIC series by Tamora Pierce

This was a custom illustratrion for a patron. If you’d like some original art for yourself, subscribe to my Patreon at patreon.com/ethanaldridge

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5 years ago
Daja Kisubo From The Circle Of Magic.

Daja Kisubo from the Circle of Magic.

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5 years ago
My Version Of A Cover For One Of My Favourite Books Of All Time

My version of a cover for one of my favourite books of all time <3

It’s been more than 15 years since I first read it, and I still love the whole series to bits.

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4 years ago
Plant Mage Briar Moss From The Emelan Series. Hes Always So Fun To Draw.

Plant mage Briar Moss from the Emelan series. He’s always so fun to draw.

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4 years ago
My Grandparents Have Taken Over My Laptop So I Cant Do Work So..........a Lil Kel From The Other Day,

my grandparents have taken over my laptop so i can’t do work so..........a lil kel from the other day, mostly colored :)

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4 years ago
So Its Tamora Pierces Birthday Today, So I Drew A Little Something For Her (even Though Im Not Even A

So it’s Tamora Pierce’s birthday today, so I drew a little something for her (even though I’m not even a third of the way into this book yet, haha). From Battle Magic.

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