Briefs Tf - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago
I Bet My Roommate To A Football Throwing Competition, Figuring That I Could Win And Make Him Do The Dishes

I bet my roommate to a football throwing competition, figuring that I could win and make him do the dishes for a week. Little did I know, he was an all-state QB for his high school and held an impressive throwing record. Naturally, I lost by a landslide, which was made even more humiliating after he decided the price of losing was to be turned into a pair of his briefs for a week.

Now I’m stuck here, wrapped around his sweaty ass and cock. I do have to say though, he is packing a massive package and it isn’t the worst sensation in the world to have him tent up his huge dick on me. I might actually be enjoying being in this form and I’m almost a little excited to see if he’ll begin to pre-cum into me.

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1 year ago
Justins Got A New Pair Of Calvins Since He Gave The Ones That Used To Be Trevor To Shawn Mendes. Amount

Justin’s got a new pair of Calvin’s since he gave the ones that used to be Trevor to Shawn Mendes. Amount the celebrities, magic underwear made from the bodies and souls of men are passed around frequently. So who’s this new pair, saturated with sweat, being worn by Justin Bieber himself on the big stage? It’s you, bro. He got your ass. His agents had you put on that signature CK-branded white spandex bodysuit, you fell under it’s power; it wrapped you tightly and shrunk you down into a pair of tight, stretchy, comfortable Calvin Klein briefs, ready for wear. And just like that, you’re dripping with sweat, feeling all of the heat, all of the humidity, as if Justin’s ass is forcing you into a stream room that you can’t escape. And shit, maybe he’ll wear you in the stream room after his set! Get you nice and wet, so your white fabric is see-through, flaunt how his cock outline stretches out the area of the underwear that’s technically somehow both your mouth and your asshole now. It’s over for you, and you belong as a sweat-soaked pair of underwear for the famous singer Justin Bieber. You’ll learn to love it pretty quickly, though, dude. Trust me.

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1 year ago
See, Bro? Your Friend Here Doesnt Wanna Be Changed Back, Look How Happy He Looks As My Underwear. Do

See, bro? Your friend here doesn’t wanna be changed back, look how happy he looks as my underwear. Do you think this is the face of someone who regrets letting themselves be transformed into a man’s briefs? He looks so cute, doesn’t he? I’m keeping him like this. He can’t talk to you, but he can hear you, so if you want to say good bye to him before I put some pants on and cover him up, you can. Just talk to my butt. That’s where his face is now.

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1 year ago
Happy Holidays Fellow Perverts! I Give You The Gift Of Something Kinky To Get Off To!

Happy holidays fellow perverts! I give you the gift of something kinky to get off to! 🎄😁💦

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1 year ago

A old request post from back in december that the tumblr overlords flagged.Im going to try to improve this, while trying to make it not flaggable and hopefully the tumblr broski mod reading this will see there’s no nudity. 

Orininal can be found here ->

You walked into the club, just wanting a few drinks and a good time after a rough week at work. You were  sitting at the bar, enjoying the music and admiring the skimpy dancers on the stage when you felt a tap on your shoulder. It was a handsome bearded man smiling at you. This man only had a pair of boxers on,much to your shock, and delight. He didn’t say a word, he just took your hand gently and pulled you with him to a backstage dressing room..

He sat you down on a chair and quickly undressed. Flustered, You tried to speak, but quickly realised you couldn’t move a muscle or even open your mouth to make a sound. The man quickly noticed your panicked expression, and simply smiled in response. He gently placed his strong hand on your chest. You felt a hard pressure spread through you and suddenly felt like you were falling before quickly hitting something hard, but this sensation was not painful, it was almost pleasant in a way. 

The man looked at the new briefs that were lying on the seat. He gently picked them up and rubbed them with his thumb. ”Don’t worry” he said in a gruff but gentle tone, “You’re gonna love this, I needed a pair since I forgot mine at home, but you’ll do nicely, welcome to my collection,little buddy, don’t worry, I keep my boys safe”. He proceeded to pull you on,and walked out to the stage, Starting to dance. You could feel his manhood bounce up and down on your soft, cotton face. His sweat soaked into you, slowly degrading your mind and conditioning you into a mindset where your only priority was the comfort of your master. and despite this, it felt incredible. This was where you belonged, where you were meant to be. You knew it and so did the handsome man who now owned you.

Now you’re just a pair of briefs for a sexy go-go dancer. He will wear you every time he’s on stage and will take good care of you. Welcome to your new life showing off your owners assets.

A Old Request Post From Back In December That The Tumblr Overlords Flagged.Im Going To Try To Improve

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7 months ago
Believe It Or Not, Every Item Of Clothing In My Closet Once Used To Be A Man. I Use My Magic Power To

Believe it or not, every item of clothing in my closet once used to be a man. I use my magic power to collect past lovers and hookups who have disappointed me. The shirts are all richer, older gentlemen, sugar daddies, and even some past boyfriends’ fathers. For pants, I usually use younger guys from Grindr who didn’t do too much wrong but were overall boring for me. My socks and shoes are all the pathetic cashfags and footslaves who have come to me over the years. My underwear are special. Sometimes I turn rude straight men who challenge my masculinity at bars and parties, into some nice briefs, like this pair I’m wearing now. And sometimes I turn willing men who swear they just can’t get enough of me, into my underwear. And I think I might give you that treatment. Unless you’d rather be something else. You haven’t let me down, I actually like you, which is more than I can say for most men I’ve fucked. But I think I’d like to add you to my collection. What would you say to that?

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