Brother!ranpo - Tumblr Posts

ranpo w a burnt out gifted kid younger sibling!!
• After both of your parents died, Ranpo felt the need to look after you due to your age gap. But like you, he was also a young child at that time. Like you, Ranpo also needed someone to take care of him.
• After being taken in by Fukuzawa, you both received proper education. You grew up to be this talented, over achieving child. You had a habit of joining competitions such as writing, math and robotics. Usually, being the intelligent kid you are, you were use to recieving 99.7 or even a 99.8 on your report cards, because of course, the teachers couldn’t just put 100% for several reasons.. 🫠
• You both were lucky enough to be gifted a better lifestyle. So Ranpo held his chin up with pride, not wanting to let down Fukuzawa and the people whom depend on him. • You did the same as your brother. You upheld a certain flaming pride, always feeling the need to excel in all you do. Academics, musical instruments, damn it, even baking??
• Throughout the years, Ranpo had noticed your demeanor faltering. He knew you were getting more and more tired with each day. • He didn’t want to confront you, deciding it was best to leave you and your feelings be. But that didn’t mean you were safe from his constant small acts of love, such as sharing his snacks with you (he eats half of it though.)
• If he was to be honest, he’d say you were foolish for taking on too many tasks and after school extra-curricular programs. In his opinion, you didn’t need to “prove yourself” by showcasing that you were talented in various aspects. He knew you were intelligent, almost as intelligent as he was when he was your age. So he found you and your little academic interests quite silly.
• When he’d notice you were restless, Ranpo would pull you away from your duties and suggest watching your favorite show/movie, despite the criticism he’s uttered about them.
• Ranpo loves you a lot, just so you know. Oh, obviously you knew, duh. But there were times he’d seen your restless eyes scanning through every crook and cranny of your homework papers and online school website, reading word to word and drinking all the words up into your brain, that he thinks you’re being too overwhelmed by your own pride and joy, that you forget that you still have a life to live, and a brother to spend time with in cafe’s eating all the sweet pastries you can.