Bruno Madrigal Fanfic - Tumblr Posts
Bruno Madrigal x OC (Jimena Montoya)
Synopsis: One summer day, while chasing butterflies, Jimena comes across a lonely looking boy.
The story of how Bruno and Jimena first met.
A/N: Hi! This story takes place before the movie, when both Bruno and Jimena are 8. This is my first story for Encanto, and feedback is highly appreciated.

gif by @lovewillthaw-j
Jimena had always loved the river.
She relished the feel of the cool water flowing between her fingers, playing in the mud despite knowing how angry her mother would get if she ruined her dress, picking the wild flowers that grew just about the riverbank and wearing them in her hair.
Most of all, Jimena loved the butterflies. It seemed as if there were a thousand of them that lived there, fluttering and flying as she watched.
This one day, after Jimena had finished helping her parents at the bakery, she ran off to the river, her eyes wide with wonder as she saw a pair of beautiful long wings, blue with pink spots, resting on top of a flower. She inched closer, looking at the butterfly intently, when a loud thumping sound made it fly away.
Angrily, she turned around, ready to scold whoever scared the butterfly away, when she heard little sniffing sounds from behind the bush. With the same care she had employed with the butterfly, Jimena approached the bush, taking a peek.
A boy, the same age as her, was sitting on the ground, his knees against his chest. Jimena tilted her head, trying to remember where she had seen him before.
"Bruno Madrigal?" she asked, her face lighting up in recognition. "What are you doing here?"
Bruno looked up at her, green eyes wide with fear. Frantically, he beckoned Jimena, pointing to the spot next to him. Curiosity getting the better of her, Jimena jumped over the bush and sat down beside him.
“I am Jimena, by the way. Jimena Montoya. Now, why are we behind a bush?”
"I am hiding," Bruno said in a hushed voice, looking around to check if anybody else was around, "from Carlos Hernández." Jimena gagged on hearing his name.
"I hate Carlos Hernández." Her mamá always said that hate is a strong word, one she should not use so easily, but it was true. She hated him. "Why are you hiding from him?" Jimena asked.
Bruno shrugged. "He didn't like the vision I showed him, so he is going to beat me up"
Jimena cocked her head to the side. Everyone knew about the Madrigals and their gifts, but Jimena wasn't sure about the exact derails. Could Julieta's food cure any illness? Did Pepa's cloud follow her around all the time? There was another one, one she found herself asking Bruno.
"Can you control what you see in the vision?"
"No!" Bruno said quickly, sounding almost desperate. “No, your future is set. Nothing can change it. I only tell them what's bound to happen,”
“Well then,” Jimena began decidedly, as if announcing some divine judgement, “Carlos Hernández is stupid.” Bruno let out a surprised laugh. “He can’t just beat you for something that’s not your fault,” she continued, before pausing for a moment, considering thoughtfully. “I think we should flour him,” she finally declared.
“Huh?” Bruno asked blankly.
“Oh, Carlos always bothers my sister, even when she tells him to stop. So, one day I took a bag of flour and hung it from his door. When he opened it, poof!” she gestured with her hands. “It fell all over him. He looked hilarious.” The imagery of the tall, domineering Carlos Hernández covered head to toe with flour was indeed hilarious, and Bruno giggled despite himself.
“Mamá was furious when she found out,” Jimena cautioned warily. “But if we are really, very careful, we might get away with it.”
“Oh, no,” Bruno said, “We can’t flour him. Mamá and Julieta will be so very disappointed if they find out.”
“Not Pepa?” Jimena asked curiously.
“No, Pepa might help if we tell her,” Bruno smiled as Jimena laughed. “But it's not just Carlos,” he continued, more soberly .”I usually see bad things in my visions, you see, so most people get angry with me.”
“Oh,” Jimena said, sighing regrettably. “I don’t suppose we can flour the entire town, can we?”
“We will run out of flour halfway through,” Bruno said with a sad smile.
Jimena nodded, and lifted herself, dusting off her skirt. “Well then, I suppose you’ll need to come to a friend to cheer you up whenever someone is being a jerk to you again.”
Bruno looked down, crestfallen. “I don’t have any friends,” he said miserably. No one wants to play with me, except for my sisters, but they are busy with their gifts most of the time.”
“I can be your friend!” Jimena said enthusiastically.
Bruno shook his head nervously. “Oh, you don’t want to be friends with me. I am a handful.”
“I have two hands!” she said excitedly. As if to prove her point, Jimena stretched out her arms and helped Bruno up on his feet.
“Bruno Madrigal, will you be my friend?”
“Jimena Montoya,” Bruno said giddily, “I will be your friend.”
A butterfly flew over, landing on the bush. Vaguely, Jimena realised it was the same one she had been looking at moments before, before she met the little boy behind the bush.