Bts Nochu - Tumblr Posts

7 years ago


Other parts: Part 2

You took it all, not having the will to fight back. You remained silent as she pushed you back once again. 

“Yah, didn’t I say I’d kill you if you it happens again?” She said inflicting another hard jab to your shoulder.

You pursed your lips tightly not daring to say a thing. You didn’t dare to meet her face keeping your eyes on the ground. 

Jab by Jab, she kept yelling at you. You were sure your shoulder had bruised by now, it hurt pretty badly. She left after inflicting several bruises on your body leaving you to tend to yourself. You endured the whole day with much difficulty as everyone gave you judging glances. The teachers didn’t even care to ask what happened, not because they didn’t notice but because they knew. She was the daughter of the school’s fundraiser after all, who’d try to question her. The teachers all turned a blind eye to her actions. 

You couldn’t keep your feelings bottled up any longer so as soon as you got home, you broke down into a fit of wrecking sobs.

Was it your fault that she had graded lower than you? Was it your fault that she could never beat you no matter how hard she tried? No it wasn’t but the bruises on your face and body told a completely different story.

The next day, you were sitting on your desk peacefully revising the history test you had today that Hyunbin came running into the class almost too abruptly shocking the students. 

“I have interesting news.” He said piquing everyone’s interest including yours as you stopped revising your notes.

“What?” Someone asked.

“Our homeroom teacher transferred to another school.” Everyone gasped as soon as the words left Hyunbin’s mouth.

Whispers filled the classroom.

“Mr. Yu left?” You heard someone saying.

“That’s not all. Apparently we have a new homeroom teacher. I hope it’s a female this time. Imagine someone as sexy as Lim Ju Eun becoming our teacher.” Hyunbin further said causing a chaos to erupt. Everyone started talking at once and Hyunbin being satisfied with his news delivery, proudly walked towards his seat and sat down.

You weren’t too fazed by the news. You didn’t care who your homeroom teacher becomes, as far as you knew, he or she would be the same as all the other teachers in that shitty school.

You went back to reading your notes.

“Did you do well? I’ll really kill you if you come first again.” She blocked your way when you were walking out of the classroom during lunchtime. Of course you had done well, you had been studying for the test ever since it got announced.

“Move, Ra Jin.” You said in a meek voice.

“Yah, who do you think you are?” She jabbed you on your bruised shoulder again causing you to let out a hiss in pain.

She pulled your hair on your attempt to swat her hand as she tried to jab you again.

“My mom cuts each of my credit card every time I place second. Because of you, I have lost my night’s sleep. I really wish I could kill you, you worthless piece of shit.” She pushed you back hard causing you to collide against the wall which made sharp pain erupt in your backside.

She walked away as soon as she heard voices approaching leaving you to be the only person in the hallway until you saw the principal walking side by side with a much younger man who you didn’t care to get a good look at as you rubbed the back of your neck to dull the pain. 

“Here we are, class 12-1. It’s your responsibility now, Mr. Jeon.” The principal stopped in front of your classroom having not noticed you yet as he spoke to Mr. Jeon. Mr. Jeon however was looking at you with a scrutinizing gaze, you just looked towards the principal who had finally looked your way now. You bowed with much difficulty and scuttered away.

“Ahh, I hate Math.” Jong Ki whined as he came inside the classroom after lunch break was finished.

Your head was resting on the desk and you felt like sleeping. You just wanted school to end already but there were still eight months left till you graduate high school for good.

Mr. Yu used to teach Math but he had transferred so most of the students had assumed it would be a free period. You did too, that’s why you didn’t stop yourself from dozing off when suddenly all noises stopped and it became eerily quiet making you wonder why so you fluttered your eyes open and lifted your head up to see Mr. Jeon from earlier standing behind the teacher’s desk looking at everyone as if memorizing every single face.

You felt uncomfortable when his gaze caught yours and you instantly looked away. He was handsome, no doubt, and you could hear some of the girls whispering to each other about how hot he looked. 

“Good afternoon, everyone. I’m your new homeroom teacher Mr. Jeon.” He spoke and you could also hear the whispered squeaks of some of the girls upon hearing his voice.

“You can come to me if you have any problem regarding anything, I’ll try my best to help you.” You felt like snickering at his words. Of course you didn’t believe him, his fake promises were gonna fade into thin air in no time.

“Now let’s get to Math. How far have you gotten?” Several groans erupted from the class as soon as he uttered those words.

“Saem (teacher), do we really have to study today?” Minjoo asked frowning.

“What’s your name?” Mr. Jeon smiled for a second before asking him.

“Choo Minjoo.” Minjoo replied.

“Yes, Minjoo, we have to study today.” Mr. Jeon answered before picking up the Math textbook from his desk and flipping through the pages. 

You sighed and opened your own textbook.

It had been three days since Mr. Jeon was appointed as your homeroom teacher. With his looks, he could easily be passed off as a student in your class but there was also this certain masculine charm to him. His body was nowhere near boyish, it was pure masculine but he had a face of a baby especially when he smiled occasionally and showed his bunny teeth. All the girls were obviously crazy for him including Ra Jin. She was always giving him flirty eyes when he was teaching in class. You felt like throwing up whenever that happened, he was your teacher for goodness sakes.

Regardless of his charming looks, Mr. Jeon was also a very good teacher. He was friendly and easy to approach and knew Math like the back of his hand. He was also very good at drawing which you had discovered when instead of the art teacher, he was appointed as the head incharge of the art competition being held in your school.

“Why don’t you just die? I can’t bear to be in the same school as you.” She said after slapping your face. You exhaled several shaky breathes trying to prepare yourself for what was to come.

You had aced the history test and Ra Jin once again was placed second so as soon as you had stepped foot in the school, she had cornered you along with her two minions.

You weren’t bothered as people whispered behind you when you were walking in the hallway all bruised up. Your fists were clenched tightly. Finally you reached the classroom as you hastily walked in and settled on your seat.

After fourth period ended which happened to be Mr. Jeon’s, everyone was in a hurry to get out of class to feed their hungry stomachs but Mr. Jeon had asked you to stay back making you wonder why. You didn’t let your face show any expression as you watched everyone leave including Ra Jin who gave you a dirty look.

“Y/N, please follow me to the staff room.” Mr. Jeon said and you had no option but to comply. You wondered what you did wrong until realization dawned upon you that maybe he was reporting you for violence judging by the bruises on your face. You started to panic.

“Please sit down.” He said as you both stood in front of the conference table. His hands were on his sides as he waited for you to sit. You hesitantly did so passing him a curious glance. He sat on the chair in front of you and spoke.

“Y/N, is someone bothering you?”

You didn’t know what to think, was he actually asking you that question. Sure, he was different from all the other teachers as he always sided with the students and not the corrupt system of the school but he still didn’t have enough guts to raise his voice against it.

“No.” You replied with quivering lips.

He sighed abruptly making you startled as he slammed his hand on the table loudly.

“Don’t lie, Y/N. Please tell me if you have a problem. As your teacher, I’m here to help you.” He said but you didn’t have a reason to believe him. Even if he was willing to help now, would he still be this willing after knowing just who the cause of your problem was?

“I’m fine.” You lied.

Mr. Jeon was about to say something when you stood up; “Thank you for your concern but I’ll be leaving now.” You bowed and walked away. 

“She’s a student of my class, of course I’m concerned.” Jungkook was truly shocked when the principal turned a blind eye to the issue he reported to him regarding you.

“Mr. Jeon, take my advice and stay far away from this matter. It’s not our problem.” The principal said putting his hands together on his hands.

“How can it not be our problem? She’s a student here and if she’s getting bullied, at least the school board should take an action against it.” Jungkook felt like beating his head on the wall, no matter how hard he was trying to convince the principal to acknowledge this problem, it was of no use. 

“OK, listen here, Y/L/N Y/N isn’t our concern. See, her parents have no special place in the school committee, we have no reason to give her special treatment. We have to protect this school and we’re only doing what is right.” The principal spoke getting irritated by Jungkook’s constant pestering.

“What do you mean? Stopping violence against a student in school isn’t special treatment, it is every student’s right. What kind of school is this if the students aren’t guaranteed their safety?” Jungkook knitted his brows in frustration. He was starting to understand what this was all about. Just because your family wasn’t rich, the school didn’t care about your problems.

“Mr. Jeon, let’s talk later, OK?” The principal said stopping any further discussion as he picked the cradle of his phone up and dialed a number. Jungkook could only poke his inner cheek with his tongue as he stood up from the chair and left the office.

“Thanks for your notes, Y/N. They helped a lot.” Bo Ram said dropping your notes on your desk. The only reason people ever talked to you was to borrow your notes. It made you feel used but it didn’t matter as long as they acted civil towards you unlike Ra Jin.

You just nodded and watched her as she left to join her group of friends. How you longed to have friends but it just seemed a far off fantasy by now. Your gaze shifted to Mina and Changsub making out, they were the class couple and didn’t fail to disgust you ever. You tried to shake the image out of your mind and turned away. You put your notes in your bag and picked it up heading towards the library.

You were about to leave for home after night school when a hand wrapped around your mouth as the person dragged you behind along with them. Your eyes were widened beyond imagination as you tried to get the person’s hand off of your mouth. Tears had filled your eyes and you kept wishing for someone to help you until you were slammed against a wall. You shakily straightened your crouched down posture to see who it was. 

“Ra Jin.” The words left your mouth in a mere whisper before a punch was thrown towards you. Ra Jin had delivered the punch to you while her two minions watched. She then gripped your hand firmly and started dragging you along with her towards the abandoned cabin inside the school grounds. You knew where this was heading, you started to resist but the more you resisted, the harder she gripped your hand and she was damn strong. 

“Ra Jin, stop please.” You said in a panicky tone. 

As expected, she didn’t listen to you. Your heart was thumping loudly in your chest as you reached the cabin. Of course, you felt scared. 

“Yah, Jae Hee, open the door.” Ra Jin addressed one of her minions. At this point, tears kept flowing down your face as you struggled to break loose. 

You didn’t know where they got the key from but Jae Hee hastily unlocked the door to the cabin and Ra Jin didn’t waste a single second in pushing you in.

“I tried to warn you. Tomorrow’s the Chemistry grand test and I won’t have you messing it up for me. Enjoy rotting here.” She let out spitefully. Her eyes were filled with mercilessness and hate. 

“No, Ra Jin… Ra Jin, stop, please.” All your desperate pleads went to deaf ear as Ra Jin started to close the door. You didn’t let her as you kept pushing it back. Seeing that, one of Ra Jin’s minions pulled you back from the door and pushed you away hard causing you to stumble and it took a few seconds for you to regain your steps but that was enough time for Ra Jin to close the door and a loud sob escaped your lips as you heard them locking it.

You ran towards the door and started banging it, the cabin was dark and you felt so so scared. Your sobs echoed through the space.

“Please, let me out…” You kept repeating as you sobbed. 

You banged the door with all your might but to no avail. You hastily pulled your phone out of your bag only to see the battery was dead. 

You were alone, scared and vulnerable and no one was there to save you.

-To Be Continued-

(Part 2 will be up soon, please tell me if I should continue.)


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7 years ago
Hello Babys!Ests Aburrid@ Y No Sabes Qu Hacer Con Tu Vida? No Hay Mucho Que Te Entretenga Y Tu Bias Es

Hello babys! ¿Estás aburrid@ y no sabes qué hacer con tu vida? ¿No hay mucho que te entretenga y tu bias es Kookie? (Ah re) ¿Qué tal si le das una ojeada a esto y a ver qué onda? 🌚🌝 ——>

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7 years ago

No preguntes, solo gozalo (?)

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7 years ago

Maldita y sabrosa galleta! 🌚👌

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