Bts Jeon Jungguk - Tumblr Posts
Other parts: Part 2
You took it all, not having the will to fight back. You remained silent as she pushed you back once again.
“Yah, didn’t I say I’d kill you if you it happens again?” She said inflicting another hard jab to your shoulder.
You pursed your lips tightly not daring to say a thing. You didn’t dare to meet her face keeping your eyes on the ground.
Jab by Jab, she kept yelling at you. You were sure your shoulder had bruised by now, it hurt pretty badly. She left after inflicting several bruises on your body leaving you to tend to yourself. You endured the whole day with much difficulty as everyone gave you judging glances. The teachers didn’t even care to ask what happened, not because they didn’t notice but because they knew. She was the daughter of the school’s fundraiser after all, who’d try to question her. The teachers all turned a blind eye to her actions.
You couldn’t keep your feelings bottled up any longer so as soon as you got home, you broke down into a fit of wrecking sobs.
Was it your fault that she had graded lower than you? Was it your fault that she could never beat you no matter how hard she tried? No it wasn’t but the bruises on your face and body told a completely different story.
The next day, you were sitting on your desk peacefully revising the history test you had today that Hyunbin came running into the class almost too abruptly shocking the students.
“I have interesting news.” He said piquing everyone’s interest including yours as you stopped revising your notes.
“What?” Someone asked.
“Our homeroom teacher transferred to another school.” Everyone gasped as soon as the words left Hyunbin’s mouth.
Whispers filled the classroom.
“Mr. Yu left?” You heard someone saying.
“That’s not all. Apparently we have a new homeroom teacher. I hope it’s a female this time. Imagine someone as sexy as Lim Ju Eun becoming our teacher.” Hyunbin further said causing a chaos to erupt. Everyone started talking at once and Hyunbin being satisfied with his news delivery, proudly walked towards his seat and sat down.
You weren’t too fazed by the news. You didn’t care who your homeroom teacher becomes, as far as you knew, he or she would be the same as all the other teachers in that shitty school.
You went back to reading your notes.
“Did you do well? I’ll really kill you if you come first again.” She blocked your way when you were walking out of the classroom during lunchtime. Of course you had done well, you had been studying for the test ever since it got announced.
“Move, Ra Jin.” You said in a meek voice.
“Yah, who do you think you are?” She jabbed you on your bruised shoulder again causing you to let out a hiss in pain.
She pulled your hair on your attempt to swat her hand as she tried to jab you again.
“My mom cuts each of my credit card every time I place second. Because of you, I have lost my night’s sleep. I really wish I could kill you, you worthless piece of shit.” She pushed you back hard causing you to collide against the wall which made sharp pain erupt in your backside.
She walked away as soon as she heard voices approaching leaving you to be the only person in the hallway until you saw the principal walking side by side with a much younger man who you didn’t care to get a good look at as you rubbed the back of your neck to dull the pain.
“Here we are, class 12-1. It’s your responsibility now, Mr. Jeon.” The principal stopped in front of your classroom having not noticed you yet as he spoke to Mr. Jeon. Mr. Jeon however was looking at you with a scrutinizing gaze, you just looked towards the principal who had finally looked your way now. You bowed with much difficulty and scuttered away.
“Ahh, I hate Math.” Jong Ki whined as he came inside the classroom after lunch break was finished.
Your head was resting on the desk and you felt like sleeping. You just wanted school to end already but there were still eight months left till you graduate high school for good.
Mr. Yu used to teach Math but he had transferred so most of the students had assumed it would be a free period. You did too, that’s why you didn’t stop yourself from dozing off when suddenly all noises stopped and it became eerily quiet making you wonder why so you fluttered your eyes open and lifted your head up to see Mr. Jeon from earlier standing behind the teacher’s desk looking at everyone as if memorizing every single face.
You felt uncomfortable when his gaze caught yours and you instantly looked away. He was handsome, no doubt, and you could hear some of the girls whispering to each other about how hot he looked.
“Good afternoon, everyone. I’m your new homeroom teacher Mr. Jeon.” He spoke and you could also hear the whispered squeaks of some of the girls upon hearing his voice.
“You can come to me if you have any problem regarding anything, I’ll try my best to help you.” You felt like snickering at his words. Of course you didn’t believe him, his fake promises were gonna fade into thin air in no time.
“Now let’s get to Math. How far have you gotten?” Several groans erupted from the class as soon as he uttered those words.
“Saem (teacher), do we really have to study today?” Minjoo asked frowning.
“What’s your name?” Mr. Jeon smiled for a second before asking him.
“Choo Minjoo.” Minjoo replied.
“Yes, Minjoo, we have to study today.” Mr. Jeon answered before picking up the Math textbook from his desk and flipping through the pages.
You sighed and opened your own textbook.
It had been three days since Mr. Jeon was appointed as your homeroom teacher. With his looks, he could easily be passed off as a student in your class but there was also this certain masculine charm to him. His body was nowhere near boyish, it was pure masculine but he had a face of a baby especially when he smiled occasionally and showed his bunny teeth. All the girls were obviously crazy for him including Ra Jin. She was always giving him flirty eyes when he was teaching in class. You felt like throwing up whenever that happened, he was your teacher for goodness sakes.
Regardless of his charming looks, Mr. Jeon was also a very good teacher. He was friendly and easy to approach and knew Math like the back of his hand. He was also very good at drawing which you had discovered when instead of the art teacher, he was appointed as the head incharge of the art competition being held in your school.
“Why don’t you just die? I can’t bear to be in the same school as you.” She said after slapping your face. You exhaled several shaky breathes trying to prepare yourself for what was to come.
You had aced the history test and Ra Jin once again was placed second so as soon as you had stepped foot in the school, she had cornered you along with her two minions.
You weren’t bothered as people whispered behind you when you were walking in the hallway all bruised up. Your fists were clenched tightly. Finally you reached the classroom as you hastily walked in and settled on your seat.
After fourth period ended which happened to be Mr. Jeon’s, everyone was in a hurry to get out of class to feed their hungry stomachs but Mr. Jeon had asked you to stay back making you wonder why. You didn’t let your face show any expression as you watched everyone leave including Ra Jin who gave you a dirty look.
“Y/N, please follow me to the staff room.” Mr. Jeon said and you had no option but to comply. You wondered what you did wrong until realization dawned upon you that maybe he was reporting you for violence judging by the bruises on your face. You started to panic.
“Please sit down.” He said as you both stood in front of the conference table. His hands were on his sides as he waited for you to sit. You hesitantly did so passing him a curious glance. He sat on the chair in front of you and spoke.
“Y/N, is someone bothering you?”
You didn’t know what to think, was he actually asking you that question. Sure, he was different from all the other teachers as he always sided with the students and not the corrupt system of the school but he still didn’t have enough guts to raise his voice against it.
“No.” You replied with quivering lips.
He sighed abruptly making you startled as he slammed his hand on the table loudly.
“Don’t lie, Y/N. Please tell me if you have a problem. As your teacher, I’m here to help you.” He said but you didn’t have a reason to believe him. Even if he was willing to help now, would he still be this willing after knowing just who the cause of your problem was?
“I’m fine.” You lied.
Mr. Jeon was about to say something when you stood up; “Thank you for your concern but I’ll be leaving now.” You bowed and walked away.
“She’s a student of my class, of course I’m concerned.” Jungkook was truly shocked when the principal turned a blind eye to the issue he reported to him regarding you.
“Mr. Jeon, take my advice and stay far away from this matter. It’s not our problem.” The principal said putting his hands together on his hands.
“How can it not be our problem? She’s a student here and if she’s getting bullied, at least the school board should take an action against it.” Jungkook felt like beating his head on the wall, no matter how hard he was trying to convince the principal to acknowledge this problem, it was of no use.
“OK, listen here, Y/L/N Y/N isn’t our concern. See, her parents have no special place in the school committee, we have no reason to give her special treatment. We have to protect this school and we’re only doing what is right.” The principal spoke getting irritated by Jungkook’s constant pestering.
“What do you mean? Stopping violence against a student in school isn’t special treatment, it is every student’s right. What kind of school is this if the students aren’t guaranteed their safety?” Jungkook knitted his brows in frustration. He was starting to understand what this was all about. Just because your family wasn’t rich, the school didn’t care about your problems.
“Mr. Jeon, let’s talk later, OK?” The principal said stopping any further discussion as he picked the cradle of his phone up and dialed a number. Jungkook could only poke his inner cheek with his tongue as he stood up from the chair and left the office.
“Thanks for your notes, Y/N. They helped a lot.” Bo Ram said dropping your notes on your desk. The only reason people ever talked to you was to borrow your notes. It made you feel used but it didn’t matter as long as they acted civil towards you unlike Ra Jin.
You just nodded and watched her as she left to join her group of friends. How you longed to have friends but it just seemed a far off fantasy by now. Your gaze shifted to Mina and Changsub making out, they were the class couple and didn’t fail to disgust you ever. You tried to shake the image out of your mind and turned away. You put your notes in your bag and picked it up heading towards the library.
You were about to leave for home after night school when a hand wrapped around your mouth as the person dragged you behind along with them. Your eyes were widened beyond imagination as you tried to get the person’s hand off of your mouth. Tears had filled your eyes and you kept wishing for someone to help you until you were slammed against a wall. You shakily straightened your crouched down posture to see who it was.
“Ra Jin.” The words left your mouth in a mere whisper before a punch was thrown towards you. Ra Jin had delivered the punch to you while her two minions watched. She then gripped your hand firmly and started dragging you along with her towards the abandoned cabin inside the school grounds. You knew where this was heading, you started to resist but the more you resisted, the harder she gripped your hand and she was damn strong.
“Ra Jin, stop please.” You said in a panicky tone.
As expected, she didn’t listen to you. Your heart was thumping loudly in your chest as you reached the cabin. Of course, you felt scared.
“Yah, Jae Hee, open the door.” Ra Jin addressed one of her minions. At this point, tears kept flowing down your face as you struggled to break loose.
You didn’t know where they got the key from but Jae Hee hastily unlocked the door to the cabin and Ra Jin didn’t waste a single second in pushing you in.
“I tried to warn you. Tomorrow’s the Chemistry grand test and I won’t have you messing it up for me. Enjoy rotting here.” She let out spitefully. Her eyes were filled with mercilessness and hate.
“No, Ra Jin… Ra Jin, stop, please.” All your desperate pleads went to deaf ear as Ra Jin started to close the door. You didn’t let her as you kept pushing it back. Seeing that, one of Ra Jin’s minions pulled you back from the door and pushed you away hard causing you to stumble and it took a few seconds for you to regain your steps but that was enough time for Ra Jin to close the door and a loud sob escaped your lips as you heard them locking it.
You ran towards the door and started banging it, the cabin was dark and you felt so so scared. Your sobs echoed through the space.
“Please, let me out…” You kept repeating as you sobbed.
You banged the door with all your might but to no avail. You hastily pulled your phone out of your bag only to see the battery was dead.
You were alone, scared and vulnerable and no one was there to save you.
-To Be Continued-
(Part 2 will be up soon, please tell me if I should continue.)

Army by BTS 💜💜

Good night everyone 🖤

Good night everyonee 🖤
Prompt(s): “I can’t help it, you’re fun to mess with.”, “Were you ever going to tell me?”, “I just want you to be happy.”
Pairing(s): non-idol!Jungkook x Reader; mentions of Hoseok x Reader
Genre(s): Angst
Summary: Best friends don’t keep things from one another.
Warning(s): angst and tears, maybe unhealthy friendships?? (idk)
Word Count: 2.1k
“Jungkook, I swear, throw that pillow one more goddamn ti—“
When the soft plush of the pillowcase is suddenly all you can feel against your face, an unbothered laugh filling the small space of your apartment, you can’t help the exasperated sigh that escapes your lips.
Sitting on the floor surrounded by mountains of pillows, blankets, and snacks, you grip the pillow harshly to your chest, desperately trying to calm your rising temper as the doe-eyed boy crumples to the floor in a fit of giggles, loud and obnoxious.
It’s a sound you’d grown used to over the years of being best friends, unfortunately most incidents being at your own expense, but you were subconsciously fine with that if it meant making your best friend happy.
You raised a hand to smooth the now-stray locks of hair in disarray from impact-over-impact of the pillow bombs Kook had been tossing over the last half hour.
Why you bother to lecture him about manners and how hitting people upside the head with pillows when they’ve asked you to stop is rude, you don’t know. It always falls on deaf ears, and Kook has never been one to listen, to anyone.
Wiping the forming tears gathering at the edge of his lashes, he sends you a big grin, knowing that if he plays his cards right, you’ll forgive him in a few minutes and all will be as it was.
“Come on, y/n, lighten up a little!” You roll your eyes at his antics. It was always like this. Jungkook would do something stupid, dangerous, a little rude, or all of the above, he’d play it off as you being a ‘stick in the mud’ and eventually you’d give up and let him go about doing whatever he wants.
Sometimes it felt less like you were his best friend and more like you were his babysitter.
Don’t get it twisted, though, you love Jungkook more than anything. He’s been your best friend since God knows when. When bullies picked fights on the playground, Kook was there. When your first date ditched you freshman year, Kook was there. When your parents were fighting and you didn’t want to be home, Kook was there.
You’d practically grown up together and shared everything. Maybe that’s why you felt a swirling sense of guilt building in the pit of your stomach.
You’d never kept something from him before.
Rolling your eyes, you willed yourself to breath and calm down. You’d already been a little jumpy all afternoon, and the more you overreacted, the more suspicious he’d get.
Jungkook was no idiot, though, and he’d known the second he came over that something was up. It wasn’t unlike the two of you to have late night movie sessions, laughing, talking, and just being weirdos together, but something about this time felt off.
He wouldn’t say anything, though. After all, you both never kept things from each other and he believed that if something was wrong, you’d tell him. Perhaps that’s why he felt a bit guilty deep down. You would always tell him if something was going on.
“Fine, lets just watch the movie, okay?” You ask, tone showing some defeat, but Jungkook could easily play that off to the fact that he’d been pestering you all night to get you to say something, tell him the truth, yell at him, anything that wasn’t just this passive apathetic attitude you’d had all night.
As you leaned forward to pop the disc in the DVD player, what movie, you weren’t really sure at this point, but it wasn’t uncommon for the two of you to watch the same few movies over and over again, you felt Kook scoot closer, dragging the heap of blankets along with him.
The hangouts weren’t for the movies anyways, they were more for relaxing and venting to the only people you both had to be honest to.
Previews began and you kept your eyes glued to the screen. You knew Kook was staring at you and it killed you inside knowing that you wouldn’t be able to keep this up any longer.
Body heat creeping between blankets as he pushed even closer, only centimeters apart, and you finally turned your head to face him. Right there on his face, just as you thought, sat that quizzical yet knowing expression he wore whenever he knew you weren’t telling him something.
The heat rose to your cheeks and you hated the way the guilt licked at your throat, threatening to spill out in words you weren’t quite sure you were ready to tell him.
Instead of breaching that topic so soon, you opted to remain oblivious.
Turning your head back to the screen, you let a little sigh out, breathing in deeply to settle the nerves growing within you, “Kookie, stop staring at me like that. Watch the movie.”
Silence. Preview after preview played when you decide to look back again to see if the expression had changed. As your head swiveled to face him, you met his features only a breath’s width apart from yours.
It had you freezing in your spot, afraid that if you moved even a molecule, you’d occupy the same space, too close to stop something you might regret.
His eyes, narrowed and hard set on yours had you swallowing the lump that formed in your throat.
He knows.
“Jungkook, I-“ but before you could get he damned words out he had already pressed forwards, stealing them right out your mouth, lips pressed against lips.
All of a sudden you were too warm, too dizzy, too confused, and the only thing you could do was pull back, resting a hand on his shoulder to keep the distance.
His expression didn’t change, until he registered the panicked one you wore. As quickly as the kiss came, he was pulling back and chuckling halfheartedly.
“Geez, Y/N, calm down. I’m just messing with you.”
Your face didn’t drop the look you held firm, but your hand did fall into your lap, suddenly burned by the touch of his skin.
“Why would you do that?” Your voice is small, frail, like a thin pane of glass in a weak frame, and the tiniest disturbance would shatter you.
He didn’t look at you, rather, focusing on the screen ahead. The sound escaping your lips as you talked had him stiff. He fucked up.
“I can’t help it, you’re fun to mess with.” It’s short, void of emotion and he doesn’t even turn to look you in the eyes as you stare at him.
This was all wrong. How had everything gone so wrong so fast?
The only thing crashing around in your mind was the thing. That one thing you wanted to wait to tell him, but now it was ringing in your ears, the only sound you could hear.
It was out before you could stop it.
“I’m moving in with Hoseok tomorrow.”
So that’s why you wanted a movie night out of the blue. Come to think of it, this was the first time you and Jungkook had hung out just the two of you in a while.
He didn’t even register the lack of your personal belongings strewn about your apartment, or the two boxes sat to the right of your door.
He’d been too busy being excited to finally have some alone time with you that he’d been oblivious to all of the signs.
You were leaving him behind.
Not saying anything, Jungkook gathered his belongings and stood from his spot on the floor. You shot up to follow him, forcing the tears to stay in your eyes as you frantically thought of how to fix this.
This wasn’t how this was supposed to go.
Kook grabbed his shoes from the front tray, sliding them on, just as you got to the front door and grabbed the sleeve of his sweatshirt.
When he finally turned to look at you, the pain in his eyes had the tears fleeing yours. You ignored them as they flowed down your cheeks.
“Kook, wait-“
“No. I... I just. I shouldn’t be here.”
Turning the doorknob, he tried to walk through, but your hand latched to his sleeve kept him in place.
Another awful silence sat between you.
Cold night air seeped through the open door, clouds dispersed enough to see the pitch black of night peak through, little stars shining in the void of darkness. It was a sight you once fawned over, but now it sat cold, like a block of ice in your heart.
“Why didn’t you tell me... tell me before?”
It was something you always suspected could happen, non-platonic feelings blossoming over the many years you’d known each other. You’d entertained the thought of Jungkook being more than a friend once before, when the two of you were young and a little bit stupid and thought the world was yours for the taking.
But time had changed that, changed the two of you.
When you met Hoseok two years ago, the feelings that burst within you for him were some you’d never felt before. And Jungkook, well he was supportive of the whole thing. Said he seemed nice, and after they got to know each other, ‘if you’re gonna ditch me for anyone, I’m fine with it being him’ when you had to postpone ‘his time’ for your boyfriend over and over again.
Seems like things had once again changed.
In retrospect, he should’ve seen it coming.
“There’s nothing to tell, y/n.”
You dropped your hand from his sleeve, once again nursing the burning sensation from close contact. Of course, you thought, stubborn as hell.
“Were you ever going to tell me?”
Jungkook turned around as he stepped through out onto the porch. There was enough space between you now, and he felt safe enough to turn back, just to look at you one more time.
He took note of the way you held the hand that once held him. The tears tracking across your cheeks, red and puffy. The slight quiver in your bottom lip.
It tore his already shredded heart to bits. Pummeled it into the ground and stomped on it too.
He didn’t answer; didn’t know how to. He’d had years to tell you how he felt, had his chance to keep you when you asked him his opinion on Hoseok.
Hoseok. As much as he wanted to hate the guy, show up and beat the shit out of him for taking the only thing he cared about, he couldn’t. Hoseok was a great guy, the kind of guy you deserved. The guy that wasn’t afraid to tell you you looked beautiful, to bring you flowers for no reason, and kiss you under the moonlight. Hoseok was a great guy, and he got you.
He honestly, maybe even stupidly, thought you two weren’t that serious. Maybe he just refused to believe you were.
A pathetic smile plastered itself to his face, wishing to every power he knew that he would take it all back if he could.
“I just want you to be happy,” Jungkook whispers, voice low and strained from keeping his own tears at bay. This was it, and if he was going to do one last thing, he’d wish you the best. Because you deserve the best.
You took a feeble step forward, reaching out for a moment before pulling back.
You pulled yourself together enough to look him in the eyes, seeing the sparkle that usually sat within them clouded by the glimmer of tears. Mirroring his pathetic grin, you sniffed, wiping a few tears from your face.
“I want the same for you...”
Staring at one another, time seemed to freeze only for a brief second.
Before he could stop himself, Jungkook reaches a shaking hand out to brush against your cheek. The wet tears seeping into his skin made his body shiver.
You stood there, face subconsciously leaning into his palm, the warmth not as comforting as it had once been.
“I know.”
It was quick, and suddenly he was pulling his hand away, wiping his palm on his jeans.
You watched as he tore down the staircase and out into the parking lot. As he started his car and drove off, leaving you there.
Eyes gazing up to stare at the stars twinkling millions of miles away, you let the tears flow as hard as they needed to.
You were mourning; grieving over the loss of a friendship most people could only dream of.
For a moment, your mind pondered over everything. Maybe you shouldn’t have told him. Maybe you should’ve said something when you had the chance.
The thoughts disappeared into the night just as Jungkook did.
You both would’ve found out each other’s secrets sooner or later, would’ve gone through this hell at some point.
After all, you both never kept anything from one another.
I’ll probably be posting some little one-shots here and there in-between updates for ἀγάπη just because I have a lot of ideas and things bouncing around in my head and I suck at sticking to a single task, so...sorry in advance. But don’t worry, an update is coming soon!
Jeon Jungkook x Reader: Dirty (🔞Minors DNI🚫)

A/n: 🔞Minors DNI🚫 mention of explicit stuff. I wrote the whole thing in one go. Literally poured my feelings out. Lol, its my first time writing such smut. So, enjoy! P.s: This is not read over.
Summary: It's your 3rd Year Anniversary and your boyfriend has a surprise planned.
Jungkook remembers very well how he had once heard you talk about liking 50 shades, and he knew, what he wanted to do, for your 3rd Anniversary. Well, it was tomorrow, but he planned on giving you the best treatment from tonight. He looked at the clock and he knew you were about to arrive any moment now. He quickly rechecked everything to make sure everything was in place. To say he was excited was an understatement.
Soon the sound of the door opening was heard and you came in. You met with your bunny of a boyfriend who immediately attached himself to you.
"Come wash your hands and sit, the food will get cold. Change later" he instructed and you complied.
"Wow. Someone went all in" you said with the biggest smile.
"It's just the start" he said with a wink. But as he always flirted with you, you didn't mind much.
Soon the room was filled with the smell of your (favourite food) and you tasted it to find it was delicious. You praised him, as he ate with you followed by your favourite dessert, from this certain place you liked. This was really thoughtful of Jungkook and you really appreciated it.
Then he came up behind you with a blind fold and whispered "The night has just started" by your ears sending chills down your spine. He guided you to what you assumed was your room as you soon felt him push you onto the soft surface of the bed. Suddenly you felt him tug on one of your arm and then the other and then it dawned at you. You were tied to the bed and you could not move. Right that moment he opened you blind fold.
"Hey babe" he said coming painfully close to your lips, as he came closer to the point where you breaths mingled with each other's becoming one. Yes a bit closer! And you tried to lean in when he pulled away with a smirk. As he reached for you neck and instantly attached his lips there. "Ughh" you moaned as he left marks after marks on your neck. He kissed all over your jaws and at the corner of your mouth but not where you wanted his lips to be. He then pulled away completely.
He slowly started moving, well moving his hips to some imaginary beat and thrusting just the way you liked. You tried to move but it was useless. Jungkook slowly started unbuttoning the dress shirt that he wore. He was painfully slow and with the sway of his hips you could see his half hard member underneath the fabric. Damn, the bunny was half excited just seeing you tied up.
Finally he was at the last buttons when he unbuckled his pants and dropped it, leaving him in just boxers. When he came to you, sitting over you feeling you up as he literally tore off the fabric of your shirt.
"Ah Jungkook!" You tried to say, but found his fingers in your lips "sssshh" he said and the look in his eyes told you dare not mess with him right now. As the shirt was taken off, your boobs with your bra came to vision and you noticed how the boy's eyes turned darker. He grabbed your hips and dipped his head over your chest giving you multiple hickies until he heard you moan and knew your sweet spot and concentrated on that giving it a nice hickey that you knew would bruise.
He moved his tongue along your jaw getting a "fuck!" from you until he roughly crashed his lips to yours. He knew he was in control so when he tried to enter his tongue into your mouth and you didn't he gave a hard squeeze to your ass that led for you to gasp giving him the proper chance to enter your mouth and explore every corner of it. He bit your lower lip as he pulled away and you were left in a daze.
He then pulled down your lowers, slowly and discarded it towards a corner. He then sharply pulled your legs so that you're now lying on the bed with your arms tied. Be climbed over you and tore off your bra in one swift motion. "God" you exclaimed.
"Don't say that baby there'll be nothing holy tonight" he almost growled. He looked at your boobs and the look he gave showed how much he loved you all over. You would never get over that look which says all he wants is just right there, in you. He immediately attached his lip to your right nipple, nibbling and sucking at it, oh how you wanted to grab his hair right now. The way he used his hand to assault the other just left you in an oozzing and squirming mess.
"Ah Babe" you moaned. As he changed to now suck on the other boob and assault this one. He pinched and flicked your hard nipple and you squealed. He liked the sound of that. His hand then traveled down to your panties and it wouldn't need an expert to know that it was wasted and wet with your juices. He put some pressure over your covered clit while still sucking on your boob. Poor you, all you could do was try to free your arms which was of no use. "Aaah Jungkookie~" you whined.
"Yes baby?" He asked looking at you in the yes.
"Fuck me, please." You asked
"Oh Baby I will. But, all in good time" he said and went to kiss the area between your boobs and came down leaving kisses and occasional bites on your stomach as he blew into your belly button causing your body to jerk as he gave an evil smirk as you closed your legs and thighs tighter.
He finally took off your panties, and went back to kiss you on the mouth. An open-mouthed kiss. It told you how much he wanted, needed and craved you. "Look at you all wet and punny. Tell me who it's for?" He demanded looking at you.
"You! It's only for you, Jungkookie" you said and he opened your legs wide as he dived in to kiss your inner thighs, relishing the skin, every time coming achingly close to your core but never touching it. You tried to throw your legs in frustration but he was too strong.
"Stop teasing me!" You whined and he immediately latched his mouth to your core. Giving straight licks from up to down as you moaned his name, again and again as that was all you could think of at that moment. "Jungkook"
He kept licking and sucking at your clit vigorously, and he then entered two fingers inside you. "Ah" you squealed, toes already curling as to grip the head board of the bed to anchor yourself. What he did to you just left you in a moaning mess, brain in a haze.

"Ah ah, Jungkook" you moaned and he knew. You could feel the knot inside your stomach growing and growing "Yes Jungkookie! Yess" you said and finally it all broke as you cursed "fuck!" And came undone on his tongue. You saw him lap up all your juices and lick you up.
He then did his favourite part, kiss you on the mouth right after so you can have the lingering taste of yourself on his tongue. You could barely catch your breath when you felt him lined at your entrance, as he teased it. Getting an incoherent whine, as he just shoved the full thing inside you and you jolted and gasped.
"Ah Y/n, baby" he groaned. And he started moving, starting slowly but with an increasing pace hitching both his and your breath. You held yours and bit your lip as you found him ram into your hole. He consecutively opened your hands in one pull as he said "Don't silence that pretty mouth of yours, I swear I won't stop until all our neighbours know who makes you feel this good"
You finally have your arms open and you pulled him down with his hair to kiss him roughly. As he again threw you back and pulled out. He turned you around in one swift move and pulled you up, entering you from behind. As he pinned you to him, squeezing you boobs that were almost sore.
"Ju-jung-" you tried to make words but it was difficult as you had your boyfriend thump into you mercilessly, fucking your brains out.
"I know baby, me too" he said and bit your shoulder and he groaned when you clenched around him.
And you couldn't hold it any longer you came again letting out everything in you and you'd certainly fall if it wasn't Jungkook who was holding you, who also then groaned "Fuck! Y/n" and came painting your insides, mentally thanking god that you were on birth control as you each rode through your high. And he laid you and calmed both of you down.
He then lied down, face to face with you, "Happy Anniversary my heart" he said.
"Happy Anniversary my Jungkookie" you said holding his face in your hands as he smiled a bright bunny smile. He then got up to clean your and his intimate area with tissues, discarding them and finally holding you close as the two of you had a good night's sleep.
Other Works
Thank you for reading
Taglist: @jung-nika-hoseok @bbl32 @cherryblossom-2004
Jeon Jungkook x Reader: Dirty (🔞Minors DNI🚫)

A/n: 🔞Minors DNI🚫 mention of explicit stuff. I wrote the whole thing in one go. Literally poured my feelings out. Lol, its my first time writing such smut. So, enjoy! P.s: This is not read over.
Summary: It's your 3rd Year Anniversary and your boyfriend has a surprise planned.
Jungkook remembers very well how he had once heard you talk about liking 50 shades, and he knew, what he wanted to do, for your 3rd Anniversary. Well, it was tomorrow, but he planned on giving you the best treatment from tonight. He looked at the clock and he knew you were about to arrive any moment now. He quickly rechecked everything to make sure everything was in place. To say he was excited was an understatement.
Soon the sound of the door opening was heard and you came in. You met with your bunny of a boyfriend who immediately attached himself to you.
"Come wash your hands and sit, the food will get cold. Change later" he instructed and you complied.
"Wow. Someone when all in" you said with the biggest smile.
"It's just the start" he said with a wink. But as he always flirted with you, you didn't mind much.
Soon the room was filled with the smell of your (favourite food) and you tasted it to find it was delicious. You praised him, as he ate with you followed by your favourite dessert, from this certain place you liked. This was really thoughtful of Jungkook and you really appreciated it.
Then he came up behind you with a blind fold and whispered "The night has just started" by your ears sending chills down your spine. He guided you to what you assumed was your room as you soon felt him push you onto the soft surface of the bed. Suddenly you felt him tug on one of your arm and then the other and then it dawned at you. You were tied to the bed and you could not move. Right that moment he opened you blind fold.
"Hey babe" he said coming painfully close to your lips, as he came closer to the point where you breathe mingled with each other becoming on. Yes a bit closer! And you tried to lean in when he pulled away with a smirk. As he reached for you neck and instantly attached his lips there. "Ughh" you moaned as he left marks after marks on your neck. He kissed all over your jaws and at the corner of your mouth but not where you wanted his lips to be. He then pulled away completely.
He slowly started moving, well moving his hips to some imaginary beat and thrusting just the way you liked. You tried to move but it was useless. Jungkook slowly started unbuttoning the dress shirt that he wore. He was painfully slow and with the sway of his hips you could see his half hard member underneath the fabric. Damn, the bunny was half excited just seeing you tied up.
Finally he was at the last buttons when he unbuckled his pants and dropped it, leaving him in just boxers. When he came to you, sitting over you feeling you up as he literally tore off the fabric of your shirt.
"Ah Jungkook!" You tried to say, but found his fingers in your lips "sssshh" he said and the look in his eyes told you dare not mess with him right now. As the shirt was taken off your boobs with your bra came to vision and you noticed how the boy's eyes turned darker. He grabbed your hips and dipped his head over your chest giving you multiple hickies until he heard you moan and knew your sweet spot and concentrated on that giving it a nice hickey that you knew would bruise.
He moved his tongue along your jaw getting a "fuck!" from you until he roughly crashed his lips to yours. He knew he was in control so when he tried to enter his tongue into your mouth and you didn't he gave a hard squeeze to your ass that led for you to gasp giving him the proper chance to enter your mouth and explore every corner of it. He bit your lower lip as he pulled away and you were left in a daze.
He then pulled down your lowers, slowly and discarded it towards a corner. He then sharply pulled your legs so that you're now lying on the bed with your arms tied. Be climbed over you and tore off your bra in one swift motion. "God" you exclaimed.
"Don't say that baby there'll be nothing holy tonight" he almost growled. He looked at your boobs and the look he gave showed how much he loved you all over. You would never get over that look which says all he wants is just right there, in you. He immediately attached his lip to your right nipple, nibbling and sucking at it, oh how you wanted to grab his hair right now. The way he used his hand to assault the other just left you in an oozzing and squirming.
"Ah Babe" you moaned. As he changed to now suck on the other boob and assault this one. He pinched and flicked your hard nipple and you squealed. He liked the sound of that. His hand then traveled down to your panties and it wouldn't need an expert to know that it was wasted and wet with your juices. He put some pressure over your cover clit while still sucking on your boob. Poor you, all you could do was try to free your arms which was of no use. "Aaah Jungkookie~" you whined.
"Yes baby?" He asked looking at you in the yes.
"Fuck me, please." You asked
"Oh Baby I will. But, all in good time" he said and went to kiss the area between your boobs and came down leaving kisses and occasional bites on your stomach as he blew into your belly button causing your body to jerk as he gave an evil smirk as you closed your legs and thighs tighter.
He finally took off your panties, and went back to kiss you on the mouth. An open-mouthed kiss. It told you how much he wanted, needed and craved you. "Look at you all wet and punny. Tell me it's for?" He demanded looking at you.
"You! It's only for you, Jungkookie" you said and he opened your legs wide as he dived in to kiss your inner thighs, relishing the skin, every time coming achingly close to your core but never touching you. You tried to throw your legs in frustration but he was too strong.
"Stop teasing me!" You whined and he immediately latched his mouth to your core. Giving straight licks from up to down as you moaned his name, again and again as that was all you could think of at that moment. "Jungkook"
He kept licking and sucking at your clit vigorously, and he then entered two fingers inside you. "Ah" you squealed, toes already curling as to grip the head board of the bed to anchor yourself. What he did to you jist left you in a moaning mess, brain in a haze.

"Ah ah, Jungkook" you moaned and he knew. You could feel the knot inside your stomach growing and growing "Yes Jungkookie! Yess" you said and finally it all broke as you cursed "fuck!" And came undone on his tongue. You saw him lap up all your juices and lick you up.
He then did his favourite part, kiss you on the mouth right after so you can have the lingering taste of yourself on his tongue. You could barely catch your breath when you felt him lined at your entrance, as he teased it. Getting an incoherent whine, as he just shoved the full thing inside you and you jolted and gasped.
"Ah Y/n, baby" he groaned. And he started moving, starting slowly but with an increasing pace hitching both his and your breath. You held yours and bit your lip as you found him ram into your hole. He consecutively opened your hands in one pull as he said "Don't silence that pretty mouth of yours, I swear I won't stop until all our neighbours know who makes you feel this good"
You finally have your arms open and you pulled him down with his hair to kiss him roughly. As he again threw you back and pulled out. He turned you around in one swift move and pulled you up, entering you from behind. As he pinned you to him, squeezing you boobs that were almost sore.
"Ju-jung-" you tried to make words but it was difficult as you had your boyfriend thump into you mercilessly, fucking you brains out.
"I know baby, me too" he said and but your shoulder and he groaned when you clenched around him.
And you couldn't hold it any longer you came again letting out everything in you and you'd certainly fall if it wasn't Jungkook who was holding you who also then groaned "Fuck! Y/n" and came painting your insides mentally thanking god that you were on birth control as you each rode through your high. And he laid you and calmed both of you down.
He then lied down, face to face with you, "Happy Anniversary my heart" he said.
"Happy Anniversary my Jungkookie" you said holding his face in your hands as he smiled a bright bunny smile. He then got up to clean your and his intimate area with tissues, discarding them and finally holding you close as the two of you had a good night's sleep.
Other Works
Thank you for reading
Taglist: @jung-nika-hoseok @bbl32 @cherryblossom-2004
Jeon Jungkook x Reader: Dirty (🔞Minors DNI🚫)

A/n: 🔞Minors DNI🚫 mention of explicit stuff. I wrote the whole thing in one go. Literally poured my feelings out. Lol, its my first time writing such smut. So, enjoy! P.s: This is not read over.
Summary: It's your 3rd Year Anniversary and your boyfriend has a surprise planned.
Jungkook remembers very well how he had once heard you talk about liking 50 shades, and he knew, what he wanted to do, for your 3rd Anniversary. Well, it was tomorrow, but he planned on giving you the best treatment from tonight. He looked at the clock and he knew you were about to arrive any moment now. He quickly rechecked everything to make sure everything was in place. To say he was excited was an understatement.
Soon the sound of the door opening was heard and you came in. You met with your bunny of a boyfriend who immediately attached himself to you.
"Come wash your hands and sit, the food will get cold. Change later" he instructed and you complied.
"Wow. Someone when all in" you said with the biggest smile.
"It's just the start" he said with a wink. But as he always flirted with you, you didn't mind much.
Soon the room was filled with the smell of your (favourite food) and you tasted it to find it was delicious. You praised him, as he ate with you followed by your favourite dessert, from this certain place you liked. This was really thoughtful of Jungkook and you really appreciated it.
Then he came up behind you with a blind fold and whispered "The night has just started" by your ears sending chills down your spine. He guided you to what you assumed was your room as you soon felt him push you onto the soft surface of the bed. Suddenly you felt him tug on one of your arm and then the other and then it dawned at you. You were tied to the bed and you could not move. Right that moment he opened you blind fold.
"Hey babe" he said coming painfully close to your lips, as he came closer to the point where you breathe mingled with each other becoming on. Yes a bit closer! And you tried to lean in when he pulled away with a smirk. As he reached for you neck and instantly attached his lips there. "Ughh" you moaned as he left marks after marks on your neck. He kissed all over your jaws and at the corner of your mouth but not where you wanted his lips to be. He then pulled away completely.
He slowly started moving, well moving his hips to some imaginary beat and thrusting just the way you liked. You tried to move but it was useless. Jungkook slowly started unbuttoning the dress shirt that he wore. He was painfully slow and with the sway of his hips you could see his half hard member underneath the fabric. Damn, the bunny was half excited just seeing you tied up.
Finally he was at the last buttons when he unbuckled his pants and dropped it, leaving him in just boxers. When he came to you, sitting over you feeling you up as he literally tore off the fabric of your shirt.
"Ah Jungkook!" You tried to say, but found his fingers in your lips "sssshh" he said and the look in his eyes told you dare not mess with him right now. As the shirt was taken off your boobs with your bra came to vision and you noticed how the boy's eyes turned darker. He grabbed your hips and dipped his head over your chest giving you multiple hickies until he heard you moan and knew your sweet spot and concentrated on that giving it a nice hickey that you knew would bruise.
He moved his tongue along your jaw getting a "fuck!" from you until he roughly crashed his lips to yours. He knew he was in control so when he tried to enter his tongue into your mouth and you didn't he gave a hard squeeze to your ass that led for you to gasp giving him the proper chance to enter your mouth and explore every corner of it. He bit your lower lip as he pulled away and you were left in a daze.
He then pulled down your lowers, slowly and discarded it towards a corner. He then sharply pulled your legs so that you're now lying on the bed with your arms tied. Be climbed over you and tore off your bra in one swift motion. "God" you exclaimed.
"Don't say that baby there'll be nothing holy tonight" he almost growled. He looked at your boobs and the look he gave showed how much he loved you all over. You would never get over that look which says all he wants is just right there, in you. He immediately attached his lip to your right nipple, nibbling and sucking at it, oh how you wanted to grab his hair right now. The way he used his hand to assault the other just left you in an oozzing and squirming.
"Ah Babe" you moaned. As he changed to now suck on the other boob and assault this one. He pinched and flicked your hard nipple and you squealed. He liked the sound of that. His hand then traveled down to your panties and it wouldn't need an expert to know that it was wasted and wet with your juices. He put some pressure over your cover clit while still sucking on your boob. Poor you, all you could do was try to free your arms which was of no use. "Aaah Jungkookie~" you whined.
"Yes baby?" He asked looking at you in the yes.
"Fuck me, please." You asked
"Oh Baby I will. But, all in good time" he said and went to kiss the area between your boobs and came down leaving kisses and occasional bites on your stomach as he blew into your belly button causing your body to jerk as he gave an evil smirk as you closed your legs and thighs tighter.
He finally took off your panties, and went back to kiss you on the mouth. An open-mouthed kiss. It told you how much he wanted, needed and craved you. "Look at you all wet and punny. Tell me it's for?" He demanded looking at you.
"You! It's only for you, Jungkookie" you said and he opened your legs wide as he dived in to kiss your inner thighs, relishing the skin, every time coming achingly close to your core but never touching you. You tried to throw your legs in frustration but he was too strong.
"Stop teasing me!" You whined and he immediately latched his mouth to your core. Giving straight licks from up to down as you moaned his name, again and again as that was all you could think of at that moment. "Jungkook"
He kept licking and sucking at your clit vigorously, and he then entered two fingers inside you. "Ah" you squealed, toes already curling as to grip the head board of the bed to anchor yourself. What he did to you jist left you in a moaning mess, brain in a haze.

"Ah ah, Jungkook" you moaned and he knew. You could feel the knot inside your stomach growing and growing "Yes Jungkookie! Yess" you said and finally it all broke as you cursed "fuck!" And came undone on his tongue. You saw him lap up all your juices and lick you up.
He then did his favourite part, kiss you on the mouth right after so you can have the lingering taste of yourself on his tongue. You could barely catch your breath when you felt him lined at your entrance, as he teased it. Getting an incoherent whine, as he just shoved the full thing inside you and you jolted and gasped.
"Ah Y/n, baby" he groaned. And he started moving, starting slowly but with an increasing pace hitching both his and your breath. You held yours and bit your lip as you found him ram into your hole. He consecutively opened your hands in one pull as he said "Don't silence that pretty mouth of yours, I swear I won't stop until all our neighbours know who makes you feel this good"
You finally have your arms open and you pulled him down with his hair to kiss him roughly. As he again threw you back and pulled out. He turned you around in one swift move and pulled you up, entering you from behind. As he pinned you to him, squeezing you boobs that were almost sore.
"Ju-jung-" you tried to make words but it was difficult as you had your boyfriend thump into you mercilessly, fucking you brains out.
"I know baby, me too" he said and but your shoulder and he groaned when you clenched around him.
And you couldn't hold it any longer you came again letting out everything in you and you'd certainly fall if it wasn't Jungkook who was holding you who also then groaned "Fuck! Y/n" and came painting your insides mentally thanking god that you were on birth control as you each rode through your high. And he laid you and calmed both of you down.
He then lied down, face to face with you, "Happy Anniversary my heart" he said.
"Happy Anniversary my Jungkookie" you said holding his face in your hands as he smiled a bright bunny smile. He then got up to clean your and his intimate area with tissues, discarding them and finally holding you close as the two of you had a good night's sleep.
Other Works
Thank you for reading
Taglist: @jung-nika-hoseok @bbl32 @cherryblossom-2004
Jungkook x Reader: I loved you so bad

Summary: This is Part 2 of Lost You, you will surely keep the baby, but what of you and him?
A/n: don't cancel me, I'm very nervous about this part. I just wrote Lost you thinking nobody will read and poured out feelings in it. Even this one is filled with feelings. I really hope you guys liked it.
W/c: a lil more than 2k
You sat on the floor in front of the bed in the spare room that Jimin and Chan like to call Y/n's Room. You were staring into the blank wall, the gamjajeon that Jimin had made for you long forgotten. A single tear left your eye and you didn't even realise, not until you heard Jimin calling for you and you quickly wiped it away. "Someone's here to see you," he said. "I don't-" you started but he just nodded his head and heard footsteps the next moment. You put your head down only to be engulfed in a warm hug, more like the person enveloping you. You looked up to see Mingyu, his always cheerful face had bo spec of joy.
"What happened to us?" Was the first thing he psaid as he looked at you, his eyes filling with tears as well. "Mingyu-" you were interrupted before you could say anything. "I'm gonna divorce her" he said, and you went stunt. He continued "she tried to get all my assets under her name, even company shares! She's a sneaky b-" he stopped himself. "I realise why you, Jihyo and Chan were so hostile towards her. I'm so sorry! It's all too late now" and with this he broke down and this time you rushed over to hug him. He hugged you tight as well and said "I'm so sorry for unloading on you and for everything that happened" he said. "Jungkook fucked up, but that's not your fault. Let's not dig dead birds" you said and wiped his eyes and sat down. "What did you think of doing?" He asked and you looked at him confused, he looked towards your stomach and then to your eyes. "It's my baby, I'm keeping it regardless" you said. He smiled his cheeky boyish smile "you're gonna be a great mom" he said.
"Well you'd be a greater mom if you'd leave the house" you heard and turned to see Chan at the door of the room "Come to the office, there's so much left for you to do" he said and you smiled and nodded, Jimin appeared from behind him and cheered. These two have been dating for two years after Jimin became your assistant. You phone rang and you looked at it to see your mom's number, you silenced it and looked back to find surprised faces, as your mother and you were very close and it was unlikely you would not receive her call. "She keeps telling be to either abbot the baby or give it away. I will not, I can manage" you said firmly. "You're not alone, you have uncles," Chan said, making you laugh. Suddenly you heard another voice saying "and aunty", as Jihyo appears and rushes to hug you. "I'm going to break that fucker's face Chanie is coming with me" she said and you all laughed. You all missed this, this laughter had been long gone, you all came down all together to meet and talk. Minji would generally be gatekeeping Mingyu and Jungkook barely cared. You all missed what it used to be like. Mingyu joined your hug and so did Chan. "Jimin get here" you mumbled and he was included in your group hug.
You looked up through the glass of your office to find Jimin standing and talking to a very known figure. The person saying something and Jimin vigorously shaking his head a no and guarding his way. You sighed and walked out, as soon as his eyes trailed on you you almost saw a gleam in his eyes. May be you were imagining it you thought laughing internally. "Office hours are for official purposes only. If there's no official requirement, then leave" you said and were about to turn around and leave. When he called out "you did not renew the contract. It was signed by our fathers" he said. You clenched your fists and turned and said "I made a new contract, as far as the old one concerns my father has passed away and in no way would discourage me to not improve the company stardards because of sentiments. Now if you'll excuse me Mr Jeon, Jimin meet me inside for a minute please" you said and walked back to your cabin smiling at the person you were having a meeting with and apologized for leaving. You quickly wrote a note and handed it to Jimin and motioned towards Jungkook who just kept looking at you through the glass.
Jungkook stood there talking to Jimin asking him yet again to let him see Y/n just once. Jimin never opened the door for him when Jungkook had gone to their apartment to meet Y/n. And he was failing here as well, he couldn't make a scene here, he can't let things get worse. As he spoke to Jimin he watched how you takked an interacted to who seemed like your new business associate. Sitting on that chair was no other than Min Yoongi, no way you were having business with him, Yoongi was your senior back in high school and in college as well and he made it very clear back then that he liked you. You even went to senior year prom with Yoongi, as he had gine with Minji.
He remembered the way Y/n's eyes looked at him over Yoongi's shoulder when he was dancing with Minji. Suddenly, you stood up and walked outside. You refused to look at him at first but later when you did your eyes looked dead at him, unlikely of how you looked at Yoongi or even Jimin.
Once Jimin came out after talking to you he handed Jungkook a note.
"Company cafe 12:30 pm, 15 minutes"
He looked towards his watch and found he had to wait an hour, so he did.
"Seriously Y/n I thought you were better than this" Yoongi said, "I thought so too, I've just been dumb" you said. "Doesn't mean you have to stay dumb and keep on hurting yourself" he said.
"We're here for thr business, Yoongi" you told him. "Then come out on a dinner with me where there will be no business talk" he said, the weight of his look was too much so you dropped your gaze. You shouldn't have, because you noticed the way his dress shirt hugged his body and his now, broad shouders. His veiny hands that rested together on the table along with his beautiful fingers. Min Yoongi is a desirable and polished man, yiu knew that, but it could be due to the hormones but you felt like you saw him in a new light. You nodded your head and smiled at you, that smile suddenly made all the rest of your worries disappear. "Today, I'll pick you up at 7pm, text me the address" he said as he stood up and picked his coat and extended his hand to shake, as you thought. But the moment you presented yours he brought it to his lips and kissed it. "See you" he said with a gummy grin and left.
You sighed and sat down as Jimin looked at Yoongi and then at you with excited eyes that told you, that he saw what just happened. You looked at the time, and it was 12.50pm already, so you headed towards the cafe.
"What do you want?" You asked the moment you sat down infront of him. "When will you come back home?" He asked. You chuckled "home?" You asked cocking your eyebrown. Jungkook looked taken aback "our apartment" he said, damn he had so much hope in his eyes, you wished this was atleast few months ago, cause that Y/n would had ran and hugged him. But the Y/n you are today doesn't give a fuck about this, rather you feel repulsed. "I am not going back, at least not now, I need time to process what I want. And to confirm you, yes I am pregnant, you are welcome to stay in his or her life but I don't think there will be anything much between us. We can co-parent if you want." You said and Jungkook's head was down. "Will you never return to me? Have I lost you?" He asked. "You should have thought about that when you went to Minji when I needed you!" You whisper yelled. "I didn't understand back then, I didn't know. I was dumb please-" he tried to reach for you but you backed away. "I've told you what I had to say. I'll go now, I have work and I think, so do you" you said and stood up and walked away. Jungkook noticed his phone had 3 missed calls from Minji, he shook his head and stepped into his car and drove towards his office.
It was 6.58pm when Jimin let you know that Yoongi had arrived with a smirk on his face. You had considered if moving out but Chan and Jimin insisted on staying with them (two men) for the pregnancy and birth so that they can help during and after the delivery. Hence, you continued staying
Yoongi took your hand into his and lead the way, he opened your car door for you to settle in before closing it and walked to his side. The two of you reminisce about old times, Yoongi very cunningly avoided any talk that involved your now ex-boyfriend.
In the restaurant, being the gentleman that he is, he pulled your chair for you. "Wine? Sir?" A waitress asked and he shook his head a no "juice for us" he said. You looked at him surprised and he said "you shouldn't drink when you are pregnant" he said. "You know?" You asked in shock. "Your mother might have called me up to tell me" he said, fixing his hair, a habit he has when he is nervous. "Are you aiming to talk me out of it?" You asked. "Y/n, this is your baby, you do whatever you feel is right. I will always support you" he paused to take a breath and said "I would love it if you'd let me stay beside you" he said looking at you. You remember this look on his face the same one when he had asked you to prom and when he asked you out on Valentine's day in college. Both times Jungkook was the first thing that came to your mind. "Let's see how we go then" you said, flashing a smile and he flashed a gummy smile at you and held your hand, rubbing comforting circles on the back of your palm.
You remember those times during high school when Yoongi used to almost force himself into your room and refused to move on days when Jungkook ditched you for Minji. You thought he pitied you, so once you had told him "you don't need to do this! I'm not really looking for your pity". "I'm not here because I pity you. I am here because I want to, I'd rather you spend time with me than that jerk, or better to say than waiting for that jerk" he said. You remember how even when you were young he used to give you candies and chocolates. Even though his father and you didn't really see eye to eye, that never stopped Yoongi from being around you.
"Why are you doing this?" You asked him when he asked you out to prom. "Mr Jerk asked Little Ms Bitch to prom, do you wanna be a loser and go alone?" He teased, "I won't be alone, I'll go with my friends" you said and his face judgy face said he won't take that shit, so you said yes. Yoongi was good, he always cared about how you felt and never overstepped your boundaries, if only you could like him then things would be better, you used to think. Even in college, when Yoongi had to partner up with a junior he had written your name without hesitation. You always enjoyed your time with him. "You know how I feel about you, I feel worse when I see you wasting your love on him" he had once said.
Thus, when your contract was over with Jungkook, you reached out to him and he immediately agreed to this deal. You found out, even working with Yoongi was better than working with Jungkook as you generally did most of the planning with Chan, but Yoongi had important inputs to place and ideas that enriched your plans. You took so long to see him, you wasted so much feelings and time, when this person was there for you all along. Even in a crowded room all you saw was Jungkook, who's eyes would be instilled on Minji, but Yoongi's were always on you.
As dumb as luck could be there sat Jungkook in a corner of the same hotel on the same floor as you and Yoongi sat with his board of directors having a business dinner. He clenched his teeth as he watched you laugh at Yoongi's jokes and he reached out to hold your hand. The images flashed in front of his eyes when he reached out for you this morning and you curled into yourself.
He remembered how you used to look at him with the same eyes as you are now looking at Yoongi. He now remembers how slowly that light started dimming and that night the light in your eyes wasn't there when you looked at him. His mind reminded him of all those promises he broke, dates he missed, of all the lost time that he put behind someone whom he shouldn't have given daylight to. He remembered all those tears he made you shed. You've been there for him all this time and he dared to take your presence for granted. He dared to think you'd wait around for him forever? How could he make the most important person of his life feel like shit. Maybe Mingyu was right, he did try to tell him about Minji's malicious intentions months ago, but Jungkook only saw that Mingyu was mistreating Minji. He refused to see the truth time and again and lost the last chance he had to bring himself back, to correct himself. Now, all he has were your memories and the child you promise to let him co-parent, maybe that's enough for him, it has to be. He lost you and it was his own fucking fault.
Taglist: @bbl32 @back2bluesidex @cherryblossom-2004 @welcometomyworld13 @chaconnelatte @ane102 @kookswifesblog @crvame @mschievous247 (couldn't tag)
Jungkook x Reader: Time of my Life

Summary: That time when you had to take up the role of your friend when she suddenly injured her leg. Yes dancing with an (almost stranger) partner wasn't as bad as you imagined it to be.
A/n: Happy Birthday Jungkookie. I never thought I'd be able to complete it before 1st Sept 11:59pm KST. Hugely inspired from the 1987 movie "Dirty Dancing". (Watch it if you haven't)
W/c: 19.5k
When you joined the entertainment label you barely thought you'd find yourself here, in the arms of Jeon Jungkook trying to perfect mambo steps nonetheless. No, you didn't hate him, but it's just you don't know him well, even though He was your best friend's partner since forever.
2 days ago
"Where are you?" Yuna, the closest person you had to a best friend, scolded you over the phone. "On my way! I'm almost there. Sorry, one of the formations took too much time!" You said as you hung up and rushed into the studio you were supposed to be ½ an hour ago. You bowed to the other in the room as Yuna sent a glare towards you and stood in position. Yes, this was a ritual for Yuna to gather all of the choreographers and lead dancers of the label to show their final choreography before any competition.
The music started and you watched Yuna and Jungkook dance with grace. They caught every beat together, every step Jungkook did, Yuna met him halfway. You've watched them together so many times and you're left in awe every time. No matter how many times she tells you there's nothing between them you refuse to believe that there's NO feelings involved. How else do you trust and are so in sync with a person?
1 day ago
You received a call from one of the staff and rushed to where they called you.
"Oh my god. Yuna! Are you okay?!" You rushed to her, the poor girl was withering in pain. Jungkook ran into the room and scooped her in his strong arms, "we need to take her to the hospital" he said looking at you and you followed him out of the building. Turns out Yuna tore a ligament and her movement is restricted for 3 months.
"Oh my god! Are you okay? Do you feel pain?" You asked. She sat there crying her eyes out as Jungkook was already there to comfort her in his arms. "I fucked up the compitition" she said, and you sighed. "Yuna c'mon it happens" she said and as Jungkook left her side to go grab a juice she hugged you, you caressed her hair. "It's not right for Kook to suffer," she said. "Hey, he'll understand, it's not like you did it. It just happened" you assured her. "Y/n you were the only one who was in alot of the practices. I know you pick up choreography just by watching it once or twice. You have it memorised don't you?!" She looked at you with big puppy eyes, and now you felt nervous with the direction the talk was going in. "I-" you stuttered and she continued. "I know you do, you pointed out that change in one of the postures and poses. Please Y/n, do it for me, not the company" she said. "You know I don't do intimate dances, this is mambo" you said. "Y/n you've done more intimate and difficult dances with your dancers" she said. "Yes but they are MY dancers. This is YOUR partner whom I barely know. I mean it, I don't even know his surname. What is he Kim? Lee?" You said and shrugged, trying to reason with her. "It's Jeon" Jungkook's voice rang from the back and you both looked at him "and are you crazy? Y/n L/N? Mambo with me? She freaked out when that new dancer touched her arm a bit out of place" he said, you didn't know if you should be happy as he's siding with you or feel offended.
Yuna shook her head and looked at you "Y/n if you don't do this we'll be out for the whole rest of the year, not just this season. Which also means no payment for both of us" she said, "Jungkook shouldn't have to, no shut up" she stopped and shushed Jungkook's protests and said "he shouldn't have to live with this, please, at least try?" She looked at you with hopeful eyes, even though Jungkook said otherwise, he did too.
"Okay! I will try! But no promises" you said and Yuna cheered.
Hence, here you were, "your form is good, but you're too stiff" Jungkook remarked, as he tried the steps with you. "Y/n stiff with Jiminie (your lead dancer). You know what, both of you, go get coffee, get to know each other or Y/n will never loosen up”. You both tried to protest but Yuna wasn’t having any, even on the wheelchair she made you two do exactly what she wanted. Hence, after being thrown out of the studio you both walked to the Hybe cafe and grabbed your drinks. “Wah you like (Your favorite drink with special ingredient) I thought you'd be more of a matcha person” he said. “Why would you think that?” You asked and he shrugged chuckling. You learned that Jungkook was also born in Busan and in the same neighborhood as Yuna. He has an elder brother and has been dancing all his life, however he started mambo with Yuna on a whip. “Wait, so You've only ever danced with Yuna?” you asked in shock. “No, but I’ve only ever performed with Yuna,” he said and sipped his drink. You also told him about your family, and how dance has been your only outlet in childhood. How you never really have many real friends so new people scare you. That was when you realized he was as nervous as you were in this situation. But, if you didn’t overcome this both of them would be out for the whole year, until next spring. You sipped and completed the rest of your drink in one go and stood up. “Okay Jeon Jungkook, let's mambo” you said, and he almost choked, “Wah? What happened suddenly?” he asked. “I found my motivation” you said and walked and started walking towards the studio. Jungkook shook his head to see your phone still lying on the table and he quickly grabbed it before following you.
Mid-way in the elevator, when you felt your pockets empty you exclaimed, “Oh no MY Phone!!” startling the others in the elevator. “This?” Jungkook said and smirked, showing his bunny teeth. You sighed and grabbed it “you could have told me sooner” you whined, “and miss that expression? Nah” he said and the two of you laughed. When you entered the studio you felt a bit better.
“Hands up, look into my eyes” Jungkook said, and you obeyed. “Y/n you can move a bit more closer, Jungkook doesn’t have cooties” Yuna said and again you obeyed. “Let him lead, as misogynistic as it sounds,” Yuna added again. “And 3, 2, 1, Turn, pull” Yuna said on the beat, and Jungkook twirled you and pulled you close, your back to his chest. You sucked in a breath as he lead you into the move, his hands roaming your body. “Pause!” you almost screamed and pushed him away and rushed out of the room. “Yuna wheeled behind you, before leaving she signaled Jungkook who was ready to run after you to stay put. “Y/n? Are you okay?” she asked as she found you crouched near the wall. “It’s uncomfortable right? I understand, If you want I-” she tried to comfort you but you interrupted her and said “No” you said "I will do this" you added and walked back while pushing Yuna with you.
"Are you okay?" Jungkook asked as soon as you entered and you nodded. You tried the step again. "Y/n? Are you in pain?" Jungkook asked when you found your eyes shut tightly. You shook your head "go on" you said. "I can't. It seems like this step is physically hurting you" he said with concern in your eyes. You huffed and crouched down, and Jungkook did the same beside you, stroking your hair "are you okay?" And you nodded.
"Why don't we do it slowly little by little, do it progressively until you're okay with it?" He suddenly suggested. And you looked at him, into his big doe eyes his look was so sincere. You nodded and he pulled you up. And you did, did it once as he touched you little by little lightly. It felt less and less uncomfortable as he kept talking to you, telling you about his and Yuna's childhood days.
4 days later
"It's Pre-Shoot Day!!" Yuna cheered as Jungkook and you got into the company car. "Could you be any more excited?" You asked about drinking the (your favorite drink) that Jungkook brought with his latte. "We don't need to perform today, just a shoot and a small video," Jungkook said.
He had your hand in his, the whole way, you felt comfortable and guilty. The past few days you've come to find a strange form of comfort in Jungkook. But, you knew it was wrong, Jungkook wasn't yours to hold. Him and you are just for the time being, it's him and Yuna, it always has been, by the looks of it. Then again you didn't have the heart to pull your hand away, so this once just this once you'll grab this one chance for yourself even if it's for 2 weeks.
So you did, you aced the photo shoot and the video shoot. "You both have such good chemistry almost as good as Jungkook and Yuna" the director said and you tried your best to not let your smile falter, that was supposed to be a compliment, then why did it feel the opposite. Jungkook cleared his throat and said "if it's done then we'll be off director nim" he said and pulled you away by your wrist.
"Are you okay?" He asked, searching for your face that had almost dimmed and was drained of the excitement that you had a few minutes ago. You nodded and parted ways to get back to the green room. You were about to enter, when you heard the stylists that were previously aiding you discussing.
"She's just a stand in"
"She isn't even half the elegance that Yuna had"
"Yeah I don't know if they'll be able to even pass this year"
Your hand tightened around the handle and you pushed in, grabbed your things and walked out. You went straight outside and hailed a cab and went back to the company building.
The staff were shocked when they watched you walk in teary eyed and step right into your studio and lock it. If someone would listen intently they'd hear the sound of sobbs from inside. As soon as the news reached Yuna she asked the staff to quickly take her to you.
"Y/n" she called from outside. "I swear to god, I will break this door if required if you don't open…what?.. you have a key" the last part was probably directed to whoever was there outside with her. "We have a key we'll get in, so just unlock and let me in. Just me. Promise" she said. You slowly walked to the door and pried it open and Yuna wheeled in and closed the door.
"Did Jungkook do something? Say something? I'll kill-" Yuna was interrupted when you shook your head and said "no". "Just that-" you sighed and decided to tell her everything that happened, starting from the director's comments to what the staff said. "Y/n, those are dumb insignificant people who don't even know what they are talking about" Yuna said caressing your hair. "It's just, what if I pull you two down?" you asked. "You won't" the sound came from behind you two, there stood Jungkook in his normal baggy clothes near the studio door. "Go away" you said and pulled your knees to your chest and put your head down. "No" he said and instead came and sat beside you. "C'mon" he said and forced your head on his shoulder "stop considering me an outsider" he whined and you broke into a smile. He's such a good friend, you thought.
2 more days later
"You won't look through social media until the performance" Yuna said and uninstall your apps.
"People are shit talking I know" you said and sighed. "Y/n would never be Yuna" you said and sighed again. "Y/n doesn't need to be Yuna, just Y/n can rock everyone with her dance and smile" Jungkook said with his bunny smile. The smile that has brought you comfort even during your multiple breakdowns. You smiled and mirrored his expression.
You both almost spent over 16 hours of the day together to practice and just parted ways to sleep. All the choreography was nearly perfected except the two lifts. You often lost balance and that was where you were tense.
"Yuna? Should I take you to the hospital tomorrow?" You asked. "Nope, you two carry on, manager nim will bring me and I think I'll take off. Why am I even working so hard if I am not dancing" she said and the two of you laughed. Hence, the next day you felt nervous, when you stepped into the studio to meet only Jungkook. He looked at you through the mirror, and smiled his bunny smile. You both lay the mattresses to practice the lifts. You both start off with a run through of the choreo, neither of you speak a word. The tension was seriously so thick you could cut it with a knife. Being alone with Jungkook did something weird to your brain. His every touch sent goosebumps down your spines. The first lift was easy and you managed it, then the bridge came, then you both prepared, you ran towards him and he was ready and you lightened your body and he picked you up with ease as you held your pose. And he put you down, and as if in reflex he immediately found his hand on your waist, the other on your neck and pulled you in, crashing his lip onto yours. He walked and pushed you while kissing you, until your back hit the mirror. Your both mouths are running in sync. The feeling of his lips on yours made you forget everything, who you were, what you are. Suddenly, realisation hit you, and you pushed him away. "Y/n? What's wrong?" he asked in utter confusion. "How could you?" You said and looked at him with disappointment. Walking out on him.
How could I let this happen? She's my best friend?! What will she think? Fuck!, You thought. Jungkook kept calling but you never received them. Jungkook got impatient as time went and he finally called Yuna and explained everything to her. Thank god she skipped the teasing (for now) and immediately called you.
You flinched the moment you saw the name on the screen. How could you talk to her after what you've done?
Both Yuna and for you to get back to either of them, but you didn't. So, when it was the next afternoon and you still hadn't come to the studio or called, Yuna decided to take matters into her own hands.
Meanwhile you wallowed in self-pity and sorrow and guilt. Ever since college days you knew Yuna was in love with Jungkook even though she didn't admit it. You watched the two of them perform together and the thought became a belief, you didn't really have any reason so you never really spoke to Jungkook beyond the pleasantries. But now being around him and your feelings. You felt dumb that the first crush you had in a while is the person your bestfriend is in love with. How could you just up and kiss him and do this?! Where was your conscience? Yuna would never want to see you again. What-
Your thoughts were interrupted by the knock on the door. Who was it now? You walked to the door and opened it only to meet eyes with your best friend. "Y/n! You crazy lady" she said and rammed her wheelchair inside before you could react, so you moved and let her in. Might as well face her, the staff member behind her bowed and signaled you to shut the door.
You didn't say a word, "what's wrong with you?" She asked and you were still silent, you didn't know what to tell her. Did Jungkook not tell her? "Yuna I- I- did something terrible and I'm so sorry" you said and Yuna was confused, "I'm sorry I-I- kissed-" you stopped, you felt like your lung would explode. "Jungkook?" She completed your sentence and you looked at her. Was she here to confront you? "Why did you run away?" She asked. "I was so sorry cause I know you-" you stopped again and Yuna asked "Y/n why would you be sorry? It's just Jungkook" she said and you looked at her, your turn to be confused.
"You're not angry? Why are you so okay?!" You asked.
"Why will I be if my two best friends are finally getting together, specially when one of the said best friends has been pining over the other for ages" she said and you stuttered"but I thought you, you and him- you"
"I always told you I didn't like him, we just have that chemistry cause we know each other since we were in diapers. He's like a brother to me" she said and you sat down. Yuna came to you and wiped your tears away. "Y/n, you fool" she said and pulled you into a hug. "Do you know how long I've waited for you two to interact? He's been pining after you since 3 years ago when we joined the entertainment" she said, and you were shocked. Jungkook is generally quiet on the outside so maybe you never even noticed him like that.
"Please go to him, he almost cried last night when you switched off your phone for him" Yuna said and you fiddled with your hair.
Yuna dropped you at the company building with almost a threat to pulverize both of you, if you didn't "fix this".
You looked through the little glass window to see Jungkook lying on the ground. You opened the door and he said "did you talk to her Yu-" he stopped talking when he looked at the door and saw you standing instead. Suddenly, you felt extremely conscious of yourself and your messy hair that you noticed now with the mirror in front of you. "Hi" was all you could muster as you walked in further, but he was still silent and still. "I'm sorry, I misunderstood you" you said and he frowned in confusion.
"I was really under the impression that you liked Yuna and I freaked out cause. I liked you and thought that you didn't but you ki-" you were shut off by the force of his lips on yours. And you wrapped your hands around his neck and closed your eyes.
"You're all I have ever liked" he said when he finally parted. "Like are you blind?" I brought you coffee and food so many times" he said, pouting. "I thought you were just being nice or Yuna sent them, you never really said anything apart from Food for you and a smile" you defended yourself and he pulled you into a hug.
Hence, here you were, on the day of the competition. Hand in hand with Jungkook on standby waiting for the host to call out your name.
Now I've had the time of my life
No, I never felt like this before
Yes I swear, it's the truth
And I owe it all to you
You both started the routine, hitting every step as the crowd cheered on.
Now with passion in our eyes
There's no way we could disguise it secretly
So we take each other's hand 'Cause we seem to understand the urgency
Everyone was surprised with the energy and chemistry that you radiated, the ease with which Jungkook made you move and you followed his lead. You both nailed the 1st lift. It was just you and him, nothing and nobody else mattered.
Just remember,
You're the one thing
I can't get enough of
So I'll tell you something
This could be love, because
I've had the time of my life
That part came and Jungkook smiled. He trusted the both of you and you just need to have faith. You both parted away and you rushed towards him and with a simple movement he picked you up steadying the two of you and you held the position. The cloud erupted in a cheer as he put you down continuing the choreography.
'Cause I've had the time of my life
And I've searched through every open door
'Til I found the truth
And I owe it all to you.
You both hugged tight as cheers burst out among the crowd, even the other dancers were clapping and cheering so hard. Jungkook and you walked down the stage and Yuna pulled you both into hugs. "I'm so proud of you two, especially you Y/nie." She said.
2 months later
"You set the bar too high for me," Yuna grumbled, as this season's trophy shined on the studio shelf. "Can you both stop eating faces and listen to me!" Yuna's yelling brought you back two back from your world.
"My baby is going away for a week with that Jimin hyung" Jungkook said grumbling. "Aw, don't be jealous, there's also Felix, Minghao and Wooyoung" you said, patting his head as he grumbled further and reluctantly stood up to restart practicing with Yuna.
"I love you and trust you, don't worry," he said. "I wasn't worried, but I love you too, " you replied.
Other Works
Taglist: @bbl32 @back2bluesidex @cherryblossom-2004
Swimmin’ In Sinners (yg x hs) ||+18||

{one-shot +3 parts}
Pairing: Criminal Yoongi x Police Officer Hoseok
Genre: eventual smut, teasing, bickering, slight fluff
Summary: In the 1930s with the Prohibition Act in full effect, Min Yoongi, the owner of a local speakeasy settled in the heart of New York is barely able to make ends meet. But when the appearance of a mysterious and alluring police officer comes to shut down his bar, will Yoongi have to face the federal consequences of his actions, or will this sinner be able to swim in his desires?
Part 2 word count: 4,176
A/N: enjoy! No warnings apply to this!
Parts: one, two, three
`ღ´- ~~~~~~~ ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* *:・゚✧*:・゚✧~~~~~~~ -`ღ´-
Act Two
The bar was unusually crowded tonight. Yoongi surveyed the dark shadows of faces that slipped in and out of the dim lights overhead. There were a few regulars here but among them was a sea of unknown features that occupied the bar and tables. Yoongi tried to recall a time when Taehyung told him about an event in the area but he couldn’t conjure up said memory. Maybe it was just one of those days when the stress of the world forced people to venture out into the streets of the city and see what was lurking just below its surface.
Yoongi sighed as he looked over at Jungkook who was standing behind the counter along with him. He was too scared to leave the 19-year-old alone behind a bar with expensive liquor and antsy patrons so he settled on observing the man and helping him along the way if he ever got stuck.
“Yoongi, could you remind me of what the recipe is for an El Presidente?”
The man turned to look at Jungkook who stood helplessly at the bar, a shaker in one hand with a bottle of gin in the other as he smiled sheepishly.
“Well for one,” Yoongi said as he walked over to Jungkook after grabbing a bottle of white rum, “El Presidente doesn’t have gin in it, kid.”
He handed the bottle to Jungkook who nodded his head nervously before taking the glass, “right. I-I think I remember now. White rum, dry vermouth, and orange curaçao right?”
“Nice to know that Taehyung is teaching you something in that apartment of his.”
A brush of red tinted the boy’s face before he began making the drink as the man of the hour rushed up to the side of the bar. His face was flushed with sweat and euphoria after the performance he had just given that received a standing ovation.
“Everything alright back here? Kook?”
The younger man turned away from shaking the El Presidente to smile brazenly at Taehyung, “I’m fine Tae so stop bugging out. I’ve got Yoongi here to help me.” Jungkook glanced at Yoongi as he flashed a genuine smile before turning back to Taehyung. “You were great up there by the way.”
Yoongi watched as Taehyung proceeded to lose control over his tongue as he floundered for words that drowned at the bottom of his throat. As cute as it was seeing the young lovers flirt with one another, those drinks weren’t going to make themselves and if Taehyung was serious about making that $20 back then he needed to “make track.”
“Alright, alright. I’m leaving Yoongi. I just wanted to check up on you two.” Before Taehyung dashed away to start up a new set he turned to Jungkook as a flash of adoration crossed over his eyes. “I’ll see you after this song, yeah?”
Before the younger could respond Yoongi gripped Taehyung’s shoulders and began pushing him away from the bar, “yes, yes, he’ll be seeing you. Now go get back on stage, Jesus.”
Taehyung laughed before finishing the rest of the walk up to the stage and through the crowd as he cued the band to start another song. As the melody of the trumpets and drums filled the air Yoongi sighed before turning back to watch Jungkook. He was a pretty quick learner but with the number of people at the speakeasy tonight Yoongi figured he’d step in to help take the rest of the orders.
Jungkook only glanced over at Yoongi before turning his attention to a customer as Yoongi began making his own rounds.
One royal Hawaiian, always a good choice. Two bee’s knees, classics. Four Brandy Alexanders, a local favorite. Yoongi set to work on the orders, wasting no time as he chatted with the patrons he had become accustomed to serving until he moved on to the next person sitting at one of the bar stools at the end.
As Yoongi made his way over to the man he immediately knew that he was not a local. If he was Yoongi would know, a face like his wasn’t something that could be easily forgotten.
“What would you like sir? Need a menu?” Yoongi asked once in front of the man whose attention was turned to the stage where Taehyung had begun to sing a Billie Holiday song.
The stranger turned to face Yoongi, his eyes rose up his body slowly before finally meeting Yoongi. The man’s eyes were dark and shadowed by the brown fedora on top of his almost jet black hair, his jaw was defined and while sharp also looked sculptured with a soft curve. When the man finally opened his mouth to talk his voice was smooth and contained as if keeping a few reservations hidden in his tone.
“What do you recommend?”
Yoongi shrugged as he did his best to slow the beat of his heart and flicked his eyes up to give the pretense that he was thinking about the question, “it depends on what kind of person you are, sir. If you’re the reserved gentle type then I’d recommend the grasshopper.”
“And if you’re the opposite?”
Yoongi lowered his eyes to gaze at the customer before him, it was hard to get a good look at his face but the tone of his voice gave slight goosebumps along his arms. His voice sounded in control as if he already knew what he wanted to order but was just toying with Yoongi with the deep richness of his tone.
“Well, if you’re more of the strong and resilient type I’d recommend a Scofflaw. It’s a cocktail with rye whiskey, dry vermouth, and grenadine. It has a citrusy type of flavor and a bit stronger in taste.”
“Then I’ll take that.”
Yoongi nodded as he made his way to the shelf that showcased all the liquor. He had never really questioned his sexuality before, he never had to after all. In his youth, Yoongi mostly dated girls, while he had a few brief stolen kisses with men his primary focus was on the opposite sex. But something about the stranger he had just talked to made his mind flip on its side in a way no one else had. Was it the curve of his pink lips? Lips that Yoongi so desperately wanted to sink his teeth into. Or was it the calm and collected voice of the stranger that Yoongi wanted so badly to hear call out his name?
No. No, it was none of those. He was just horny. That’s all it was, Yoongi thought to himself as he began mixing the ingredients of the drinks together and adamantly avoiding looking in the stranger’s direction. Jeez, if he was beginning to fall for his own patrons then it must be time for him to get laid, but not with the people that kept his lights on. Absolutely not.
With his dignity still intact, Yoongi made his way over to the man with his orange drink in hand.
“Hope you like it because we don’t offer refunds if you don’t.”
The stranger offered Yoongi a small smirk as he nodded his head in thanks before his hand reached out to grab the glass drink. Yoongi began to turn away before he could see the stranger’s reaction until he heard a voice call out after him in subdued amusement.
“Not gonna wait to hear any critiques?”
Yoongi smirked to himself as he turned his head to the side, “critique or not, I’ve got 57 cents outta you.”
“Figured a man such as yourself would be open to all sorts of opportunities to improve.”
“And what opportunities could you offer me?”
The slow melody of the jazz instruments along with Taehyung’s velvety voice drifted between the gap of the barstool the stranger was occupying and the counter Yoongi stood behind.
“Well, you could come back over here and find out for yourself.” The man responded after a minute had passed.
Who was this man? And why did he seem to have such a keen interest in him? Yoongi’s curiosity temporarily overrode his sense of duty as he felt himself draw closer to the mysterious stranger.
“How long have you owned this place?” The man asked once Yoongi was in front of him, his arms resting against the countertops.
“Long enough to read the people that come in here,” Yoongi responded haphazardly.
“Oh yeah? If it pleases you, may I get a reading?”
“For free?”
“How much you charge?”
Yoongi lifted a single eyebrow as a small smile graced his lips, “the price varies from person to person. I’ll tell you how much after I do the reading.”
The stranger chuckled softly, the glimpse of his white teeth almost blinded Yoongi before he began talking, “how’s about this? Let’s test out your reading before you empty my pockets to make sure it’s legit, yeah?”
Yoongi figured that was a fair trade and so he asked the stranger to pick out anyone in the room and Yoongi would provide an in-depth analysis of their character at one glance.
“How about him?”
Yoongi tried to follow the direction of the man’s pointed finger as he squinted his eyes, “the man with the booze dripping from his mouth or the man swinging his hat around?”
“Neither, and may I say your clientele is just impeccable.” Yoongi rolled his eyes at the man’s sarcasm as he continued talking, “I’m talking about the man with the two dames on his arm.”
This time Yoongi’s eyes snagged onto the man the stranger was talking about. Near the stage sat a table occupied with an older white man with two women strapped to his arm as they laughed at something the man had said.
“Oh, he’s most definitely married,” Yoongi commented after a moment and shifted his gaze to the patron in front of him who grinned mischievously at him.
“Why do you say that?”
“I can see the gleam of his wedding ring on his finger, by the looks of it, this is a pattern for him if he doesn’t even feel the need to take his wedding ring off anymore. He probably comes from old money looking at the vintage watch on his wrist and the perfectly tailored suit. He figured taking his two dolls out for the night to a speakeasy would be a thrilling entertainment for them with the prohibition act in full force.”
The stranger stared curiously at Yoongi with something indiscernible mixing within his eyes. “Alright, that one was easy. How about…” the man paused as his eyes scanned the blur of people that resided inside before supposedly snagging onto someone as he turned to face Yoongi once more. “Him. The man leaning against the wall.”
Yoongi looked up to search for the person matching that description but grimaced when he found him. “He has a hat covering half of his face and he’s halfway across the room. How am I supposed to read someone that’s not visible?”
“If you’re so good then you’ll be able to pick up on something. Unless you want to give up?” The man smiled at Yoongi cheekily.
Yoongi narrowed his eyes before sighing and turning his attention back to the man, his body was lean and tall yet it was clear there were muscles hidden underneath the slick black suit. He must’ve been around his age as he spotted the man wearing the newest hat going around in the magazines giving an indication that he also made good money. What person in their twenties is making good money right now?
This man perplexed Yoongi along with the man who had challenged him in the first place. Now that he was actually thinking about it, the two had many similarities between each other. They each sported nice clean suits, expensive and trendy hats, and refrained from showing too much of themselves, just who the hell were they?
“Give up?” Yoongi heard a voice call out to him, forcing his gaze away from the man leaning against the wall and instead to the patron in front of him.
Before Yoongi could respond, the sound of Jungkook calling him tore his eyes away from his current conversation to face the younger man who gazed at the stranger with interest before facing Yoongi once again. “Sorry for interrupting ya’ but we’re running low on rum.”
Yoongi nodded, a sense of relief washed over him as he gave one last glance at the stranger and made his way to the supply room hidden in Yoongi’s apartment. As handsome as the man was, something about him felt off and it was probably best they departed before he could get sucked deeper into the stranger’s games.
Momentarily forgetting about his previous conversation Yoongi’s mind began to drift to more important matters such as the rent while his hands shuffled through crates of alcohol until he found the bottles of rum.
Yoongi gripped the bottles but just as he was about to head back down into the swinging speakeasy he heard the sound of abrupt yelling followed by the sound of furniture being knocked over as a collage of screams and shouts arose from below.
Panic gripped his heart as Yoongi rushed out of the apartment and flew down the stairs and into the speakeasy only to be met with a heartbreaking scene. His once lively bar that was filled with music and relaxation was now filled with destruction and violence. A clamor of people ran about the bar pushing chairs and tables over. With so many moving parts Yoongi could barely make out what was happening until his eyes snatched on to Taehyung… with his face being pushed into a wooden table, his arms behind his back, as muted berated shouts escaped his bruised lips.
As if on autopilot Yoongi immediately made haste and rushed over to Taehyung to see him being held down by the older man he had observed in his little game with the stranger from before. Just who was this guy? Yoongi didn’t have time to ask that question as he lifted the bottle of rum still clutched in his hand and smashed it over the man's head.
Without a breath of hesitation, the man dropped his grip on Taehyung and fell to the ground in agony.
“Y-Yoongi!” Taehyung sputtered as he pushed himself from the table and stared at his friend, a mix of fear and confusion dabbling in his eyes.
“Tae- what’s going on? What happened?”
“I-I don’t know! One second I’m on stage singin’ and then the next a few guys get up and start shouting about having us under arrest! I’m pretty sure they were undercover coppers sent in to shut us down or something! As soon as he said that, the place went into a panic. I tried to get to Jungkook and you so that we could get outta here but then this buster here-” Taehyung gently nudged the man on the ground, “caught me.”
“Damn,” Yoongi cursed, he should’ve known the police would double-cross him, it was his fault for not being more prepared. “Alright, Tae. I want you to gather Jungkook and scram okay?”
“But what about-”
“You two are too young to be dealing with the law like this. Take the back exit, I’ll be fine I’ve covered most of my tracks, so just go! Don’t make me say it again, either!”
Taehyung flinched at Yoongi’s words as he hesitated to move, the conflict of the situation flickered in his eyes before he nodded at his friend and dashed off to carry out Yoongi’s orders.
“How sweet, criminals looking out for criminals.” A voice dripped in menace hissed from behind.
Yoongi swept around to be faced with the stranger from before, a cold smile plastered over his deceptive face.
“You’re one to talk, jackass. Look at what you and your goons did to the place?”
The man took a short uninterested glance at the chaos ensuing around them, people screaming, pushing, and clawing their way out of the building as broken glass and wood cluttered the floor.
“A dirty floor is the least of your worries if you don’t cooperate.” The man responded as he reached into his coat pocket to pull out a gleaming pair of silver cuffs.
Yoongi knew that it was futile to try to run and allowed for the police officer to link his wrists together behind his back and escort him to the car waiting for him outside. While he may have lost this battle, the war he was sure to win as he strategized the responses he would give once he was taken to the interrogation room where all secrets were to be bared and displayed for his ultimate crime and unjust punishment.
❦ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ❦
As much as Hoseok hated to admit it, Yoongi was a hard nut to crack. He and Namjoon had taken him into custody an hour ago, and for 60 minutes straight the man had been giving them both radio silence.
It was clear that Namjoon’s patience was running thin as he rubbed his temples and took a sip from the room temperature water in his plastic cup.
“Alright, Min. We’ve been at this for an hour. This doesn’t have to be difficult. You could either tell us what we want to know and maybe lessen your punishment. Or you could sit there and just be tried in the court of law and face jail time. Which one sounds like the better option, hm?”
Yoongi’s critical eyes only stared emptily at Hoseok’s partner, an answer in itself to Namjoon’s question.
“Jail time it is.” Namjoon huffed in frustration while stalking away from the metal table.
With how easy it was to capture Yoongi, Hoseok figured breaking him down to confess and give extra information regarding his ledgers and suppliers he’s associated with would be just as easy.
But it seemed like the small man had his own plan when entering the station as he sat stiffly in his chair with his lips tugged into a narrow line. Just how long did he plan on keeping up this facade?
Hoseok didn’t care to find out as he pushed himself from his chair nestled next to the door and walked over to his irritated colleague.
Hoseok lowered his voice and turned his back to Yoongi as he talked to Namjoon, “Hey, why don’t you take a break? I can take over from here.”
Namjoon’s eyes widened before he snapped his head to the side to glance at the guilty party. “Are you sure? It doesn’t seem like he’s gonna spill anything. Let’s just let the Chief handle it.”
Hoseok shook his head as a small devious smirk crossed over his lips, “Nah, I can handle him. I think I’ve figured out a way to get him to crack so you just head on home.”
Namjoon gave his friend a dubious look, a silent question being asked between the pair as Hoseok stared back with determination in his eyes. After a tense second Namjoon caved with a sigh before nodding his head and opening the door, “good luck” he whispered before closing the door and leaving Hoseok alone with Yoongi.
Hoseok watched his friend’s retreating shadow before turning around to face the criminal. Yoongi’s eyes watched Hoseok like a snake tracking a mouse in a grass field. Despite the glare of the artificial light from the single overhead light, it looked like Yoongi’s eyes were glowering in an ominous shadow as the hint of a scowl praised his lips.
Hoseok mentally smirked as the first sign of emotion from the man was already revealed and Hoseok hadn’t even spoken to him yet, that was a good sign, his presence alone got under Yoongi’s skin. That would make it all the easier to get the information he needed.
“Let’s skip the pleasantries and get straight to the point, shall we?” Hoseok laced his voice in fake warmth as he peered down at Yoongi.
The man only sat still in his chair almost as if Hoseok hadn’t even said anything.
“How long are you going to keep this up?” More silence swelled the room with the lack of participation from the guilty, “do you really think your silence is going to protect you? We have enough evidence against you to have you locked up for a long time.” Again Hoseok was met with silence as he figured a change in tactic would suffice in forcing a response from the man, “the longer you wait, the deeper the trouble your friends’ll be in.”
The slight raise of Yoongi’s eyebrows told enough of a story, he had struck a nerve and he just had to keep running with the narrative until Yoongi finally caved. With this in mind, Hoseok sighed before taking a seat in the chair across the table and leaned back nonchalantly as he closed his eyes. “Without your word to say otherwise, it’ll be safe for us to assume that they were working under you and could face the same punishment you’ll receive.”
“You’re bluffing.”
The soft cold voice was like music to Hoseok’s ears as he held back a smile and simply shrugged his shoulders noncommittally. “Whether you want to take that chance or not is up to you. Of course, if you just gave us your list of ledgers and suppliers you’re in contact with, we could write off your friends' involvement as mere civilians caught in the fray who escaped in the scuffle. The choice is yours.”
“Bullshit. I know how you coppers operate.”
“And how’s that?”
Yoongi’s lips curled back in a scowl as his eyes narrowed dangerously at Hoseok who only raised a playful eyebrow in response. “I put you on payroll and you still try to shut me down. Justice my ass, you all are a bunch of criminals, not me.”
“My, my, such accusations. It seems like you’re reading us like a book, aren’t ya?” Hoseok abandoned his relaxed demeanor as his eyes gleamed with a devious shine while he leaned forward in his seat. “Speaking of readings, you never gave me mine. May I get it now?”
If looks could kill, Hoseok’s blood would've splattered over the brick walls with the glare Yoongi was serving him. His brown eyes looked almost like inky pools of darkness that not even the brightest light could penetrate, the curve of his eyebrows furrowed together and the way his teeth sunk into his bottom lip was sure to leave a bruise.
“You’re a man driven by a sick sense of power. Morals mean nothing to you if having control over another person is involved. In your perverted sense of justice, force remains supreme in the domination of others.”
Hoseok almost laughed at the intense reading Yoongi gave him as he stood up from the chair, a barely contained smile gracing his lips while he eyed Yoongi curiously. What an interesting interpretation. Hoseok never saw himself as a person without morals but the inclination that he liked to be in control and have the power to influence the behavior of others was tantalizing.
“I’ll admit,” the officer began as he strolled around the table, his eyes never leaving the criminals, “I do enjoy the rush of euphoria I get when in control over something. Or someone.” Hoseok now stood off to the side of Yoongi, a small smirk gracing his lips before he lowered himself to the side of the man’s ear. He felt him stiffen but didn’t move away, “but not in the sense you're thinking about, Mr. Min.”
“What bullshit are you spewing now?” Although Hoseok couldn’t see his face, the slight tremble in Yoongi’s voice was all he needed to confirm that underneath the seemingly raging exterior there was a certain… want… or yearning inside the man that piqued Hoseok’s interest.
“Nothing. Thank you for the reading. How about I give you something in return?”
Yoongi simply raised his eyebrow once Hoseok shifted to his original spot in front of the table. “You won’t be prosecuted, at least not right now. There was a mixup with the warrant. Consider this your lucky day, tonight you’ll be sleeping in your warm bed but remember that if you don’t take my offer that might change to a cozy metal jail cell.”
Hoseok’s mind briefly flickered over to the thought of Yoongi’s bed and what it must feel like with the man’s warm body heat enveloping the covers; how the shape of the sheets would assimilate to his lithe body.
Hoseok indulged in the thought for only a second before he shook his head to gaze at Yoongi who looked incredulously at him.
“I’ll escort you out. We’ll take the cuffs off and you can head back home. But just know that we’ll be watching Min, so be on your best behavior.” Hoseok winked as Yoongi responded with a seemingly infamous scowl before the two walked out of the room and into the disorienting hallways.
Swimmin’ In Sinners

{one-shot +3 parts}
Pairing: Criminal Yoongi x Police Officer Hoseok
Genre: eventual smut, teasing, bickering, slight fluff
Summary: In the 1930s with the Prohibition Act in full effect, Min Yoongi, the owner of a local speakeasy settled in the heart of New York is barely able to make ends meet. But when the appearance of a mysterious and alluring police officer comes to shut down his bar, will Yoongi have to face the federal consequences of his actions, or will this sinner be able to swim in his desires?
Part 3 word count: 7,369 (a lot longer lol)
A/N: enjoy! No warnings apply to this! The smut scene is finally here!!
Parts: one, two, three
-`ღ´- ~~~~~~ ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* *:・゚✧*:・゚✧~~~~~~ -`ღ´-
Act Three- Finale
Almost a week had passed after the whole scuffle went down with the police. Yoongi was able to fix the place back up to its former glory with the emergency savings he had piled up in a mason jar. It was going to take him a while to make it all back, but he was determined to protect his speakeasy no matter what the damn cops said.
As Yoongi got ready to open up the bar with Taehyung and Jungkook in-toe who were determined to continue working for him, his mind drifted back to the stranger he had met on that fateful night. The stranger who turned out to be a cop- Jung Hoseok; a scowl formed on Yoongi’s lips at the thought of it. He couldn’t believe he found him attractive the first time they met, but then again he didn't have cuffs suffocating his wrist while being prodded with irritating questions.
“I don’t know, it still sounds kind of erotic if ya ask me.”
Yoongi snapped his head up from the stage he was sweeping to Taehyung who was pulling the chairs down from the table while Jungkook added candles to each one.
“Tae, I could barely move my wrists.”
“Plus it was like 2 in the morning, right Yoongs?” Jungkook chimed in as he looked expectantly at the older man.
Yoongi nodded, “yeah, it definitely wasn’t the time nor place to be thinking about that.”
Taehyung sighed dreamily as he dramatically swept his body over a chair and sat down, his hand supporting his chin as he spoke, “still, imagine being in a room with a dashing copper. Now, that’d be something worth getting arrested for.”
Jungkook rolled his eyes while throwing the white rag that lay over his shoulder at him, “gross Tae. Not everything is about…”
“About?” Taehyung questioned with a perplexed look.
“‘Y’know’ what?” Suddenly a lightbulb went off in Taehyung’s head as a devious smile spread across his pink lips, “are you talking about sex, Kook?”
“Ah! Tae, hush!” Jungkook mumbled as the evidence of his embarrassment bloomed over his cheeks.
“Aw c’mon Jungkook! You’re a man now, ain’t ya? You can say sex without getting all shy.”
“I’m not shy! I just…prefer to keep things classy in an establishment such as this.”
“You mean an illegal one? If there was any place to say crude words such as sex I’d think a speakeasy would be a great place to say it.”
Yoongi rolled his eyes as a small smile formed over his lips as the bickering continued. It was nice to receive a semblance of normalcy after the hell they all went through, and soon that normalcy would be returned completely once the bar opened.
And as if nothing ever happened, Yoongi’s loyal customers filled the bar and tables with ease, slipping back into the routine of ordering nonstop drinks, singing along with the band, and swinging their hips to the energetic music.
The hours passed as the evening soon slipped into night, the blanket of stars illuminated the sky while the currents of alcohol filled the patrons. Yoongi had been dashing off from one task to the next, from bartender to busboy to waiter. He wanted to keep his mind fresh and distracted as the threat of imagining the cop from before popping into his head kept Yoongi on his toes.
He wasn’t scared by the man, not in the least, it was actually the opposite and that’s where Yoongi’s problems lied. Even when being taken into custody and interrogated for an hour, he couldn’t help the way his eyes would latch onto the man like a magnet. Something about him was so alluring that it made Yoongi want to discover the hidden pieces of the cop.
Some wishes were better left not granted though as Yoongi began cleaning up one table only to be stopped by an out-of-breath Taehyung that clung to his shoulder. Yoongi looked calmly at the man and waited for him to catch his breath and explain his sudden intrusion. Antics like this were common for Yoongi as Taehyung was always one for dramatics.
“Yoongi! Jesus, I shouldn’t have performed three songs in a row tonight.” Taehyung huffed while still leaning on Yoongi.
“Yes? Is there a problem? Did Jungkook cut himself on a piece of glass again? Do I need to get the first aid?”
“No! It’s not as bad as that but it’s still pretty important!” Yoongi nodded as Taehyung gasped for a breath of air and began talking, “I don’t know how else to say this but… thecopfrombeforeishereandhe’ssittingatthebarrightnow.”
Yoongi blinked once before giving his friend a look that demanded him to repeat himself but this time while taking breaths in-between his words.
“Yoongi, the cop! He’s here, at the bar! Look!” Taehyung grabbed Yoongi’s shoulder and spun him around until the truth behind Taehyung’s words was revealed.
The cop really was here.
And he looked even sexier than before.
Yoongi could only see the side of him and the constantly moving shadows that flickered over his form didn’t help. But even so, Yoongi could make out the black undercut Hoseok sported that complimented the equally dark long trench coat that revealed the slender cut of his legs and strong looking torso from underneath his sleek suit.
“I’ll handle him,” Yoongi mumbled as he moved away from Taehyung, in what way he was supposedly going to handle the cop he wasn’t sure but he knew he had to get to the bottom of this.
“Ah, Min, are you here to take my order?”
Hoseok’s eyes had caught onto Yoongi’s before he had reached him as a condescending smirk flashed over his lips.
“I’m here to tell you to leave.”
“What? That’s not very hospitable of you, Yoongi.”
Yoongi did his best to not dwell on the way Hoseok’s rich voice said his name and instead crossed his arms over his chest while serving the cop a cold glare.
“As if you would know anything about hospitality. You practically trashed the place last time so I’d like it if you got the hell outta here.”
Hoseok chuckled softly while shaking his head before looking Yoongi dead in the eye, a certain gleam sparkled in them under the dim lights that created an intense darkness over his face, “Relax, Min. I didn’t come here to arrest you or your friends. Just wanted to pay a little visit and see how you were doing.”
The smile on his face told a different story and Yoongi wasn’t going to drop it that easily, “do you think I was born yesterday? What is it that you want, Jung? I know you didn’t just come here for a drink and a chat.”
“Sorry to disappoint, but that’s really all I want. A drink and a chat.”
“Well you got your chat, if I get you a drink will you leave?”
“I was hoping we could have a drink in private?”
Yoongi squinted his eyes critically at Hoseok, just what was he playing at? Why the hell did he have to drink in private when he could do it perfectly fine in public? Regardless, the twinkle in the cop's eye told Yoongi that he wouldn’t leave until his request was fulfilled.
With a sigh Yoongi turned around to see Jungkook working at the bar, the two eyed one another as Yoongi signaled to the boy that he’d be upstairs to which Jungkook nodded. Yoongi knew that the younger man would tell Taehyung and so with no other obligations he turned back to a waiting Hoseok, “fine. Let’s head upstairs and have a drink.”
❦ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ❦
It didn’t take long for the two to enter Yoongi’s apartment before Yoongi made his way to the bedroom while calling out, “sit. I gotta get you that drink.”
Yoongi entered his bedroom before he looked through the stash he kept of rum, while he didn’t like drinking it straight it was all he kept in his home so the cop would just have to put up with it.
Yoongi made his way back to the living room to see Hoseok sitting at one of the wooden chairs at the kitchen table settled next to a small window.
At his entrance, Hoseok’s eyes left the window to look at Yoongi, his attention glanced down to the bottle in his hand before a smirk crossed his tantalizing lips, “the brown stuff, huh?”
“It’s all I have, you’re not gonna arrest me for it are you?” Yoongi asked shortly while he began pulling small glasses from his cabinet and poured two cups.
“Nope, I’m off duty, and besides, I asked you for the drink.”
The two were now sitting across from one another, Yoongi handed the hard liquor to his temporary guest and watched as Hoseok picked up the glass and lifted it up to his eyes. The moon’s light reflected off the glass as the shine danced over Hoseok’s face giving him an ethereal glow.
“I know I’m charming but there’s no need to stare, Min.”
Flushed with embarrassment Yoongi mumbled something incoherent before taking a hurried sip from his cup, the burn of the alcohol slipped down his throat as Yoongi tried to contain the wince he felt arise from him.
“Not a person for rum?”
“More like liquor in general.”
Hoseok’s eyes left the glass he had yet to take a sip from and darted to Yoongi in surprise, “really?”
Yoongi nodded with a roll of his eyes, “what? Just because I own a speakeasy doesn’t mean I necessarily enjoy alcohol.”
“Isn’t that ironic.”
Feeling annoyed Yoongi took on a defensive tone as a small scowl covered his mouth as he spat, “what about you? Doesn’t seem like you like rum.”
A distant look fluttered across the cop’s face that forced Yoongi to drop his scowl and adopt a confused expression at the unexpected response from Hoseok, “I love it, actually. All sorts of alcohol but rum is one of my favorites.”
“I know I’m supposed to be eradicating it from the streets of New York but in order to erase a supposed sin you must first indulge in it, understand its appeal.”
The smug smile Yoongi had first seen on Hoseok’s face was now gone as a more sobering and bittersweet smile painted his face in something of the past, as if he was reverting back to a state of himself that no longer existed.
“So you don’t like the prohibition act?”
“Not necessarily. I think it’s important to have alcohol in moderation, the act is just taking things to the extreme and making things worse.” Hoseok paused before finally lifting the glass to his lips, and in one swift movement, finished off the entire drink before once again dipping his eyes down to his hand that held the now empty glass, “y’know there’s a belief that humans desire what they can’t have. The more you deny something from someone the more they pine for it. The same is true in this case for alcohol. It’s why establishments like yours are popping up everywhere.”
Yoongi took a second to soak in Hoseok’s words, he was surprised at how level-headed he seemed in regards to his stance on everything. Prejudice blinded Yoongi’s senses but even with this revelation, he couldn’t help the flashes of broken bottles that littered his bar when the police arrived and the sight of Taehyung being arrested. “But if that’s true, why me? Why my speakeasy? There are a ton of jokers out there who are way bigger than me and don’t even have the police on a payroll.”
Hoseok sighed before biting his lip and looking back out of the window, the neighborhood below gave a view of new yorkers laughing and enjoying the cover of night to aid in their nightlife activities. “It’s nothing personal, Min. You’re not the only person we’re targeting. The goal was to shut down a few big-name speakeasies to keep the government happy. There's a chance you might be left off the hook but I’m just as in the dark as you are.”
The deafening silence that passed between the pair allowed for a sobering moment to cover them. Here they were, a cop and a speakeasy owner sitting in an apartment with a bottle of rum settled in-between them.
Their current situation was so ridiculous that a small laugh fluttered from Yoongi’s chest as he rubbed his temples in disbelief.
“Something wrong?”
“Quite the opposite,” Yoongi grabbed the bottle of rum and poured both of them another glass, “this whole circumstance right now just sounds like the beginning of a bad joke.” Yoongi took a sip from the bitter alcohol before gazing into the brown liquid, “a cop and a speakeasy owner walk into a bar…”
A soft chuckle resounded from the cop before he followed Yoongi and picked up his glass, “and it turns out the bar was yours.”
The two shared a look of amusement before Hoseok lifted his glass towards Yoongi who stared dumbfounded at it before catching on and clicking his drink against Hoseok’s.
They each downed their glasses and let out refreshing sighs to alleviate the acidic taste of the rum.
“If you don’t mind me asking, why did you open a speakeasy?” Hoseok asked after a minute of silence passed.
Yoongi shrugged, “there’s no grand story behind it. My family was poor like everyone else, I was deployed from the military, I had to make money somewhere and one of my old friends was starting to get out of the speakeasy business, let me have the place.”
“I understand.” Hoseok said stoically before his eyes darted to look directly at Yoongi, “look, Min, I’m sorry about what happened before. We didn’t mean to trash your place but with everyone running around it was a little hard not to.”
“It’s fine, I-I get it, I suppose. It’d be great if you didn’t do it again though.”
Hoseok smiled sadly at Yoongi, they both knew that was a promise he couldn’t guarantee to keep as a mutual quiet tainted the air. After a while, Hoseok suddenly stirred from his still state and slowly stood up from his chair.
“I should get going, I’ve taken up enough of your time and I’m sure your boys are wondering where you’ve gone. Thank you for the chat, and the drink.”
Yoongi stood up along with Hoseok and walked him over to the door, a sudden pain striking across his chest as he twisted the doorknob open, “well they already know where I’m at but… I understand.”
Hoseok nodded in response as he began to move out of the door before Yoongi urged his voice to call out to him, causing the cop to stop and turn to face him, his eyes open in expectancy.
Yoongi wasn’t sure why he’d call out to him, their business was done and with everything on the table, it made sense to say goodnight. But something in the way Yoongi’s chest ached at every step Hoseok took begged him to stall for time and extend their time together.
“I-I was curious about something you said earlier.”
Hoseok cocked an eyebrow prompting Yoongi to continue, “you said something about desire and how the more your desire is taken away the more you want it.”
“Yeah,” Hoseok confirmed, his tone laced in-between confusion and amusement.
“Well, I was just wondering if you really believed in that. You don’t think humans have enough self-control to step away from temptation?”
An almost unnoticed lift of Hoseok’s lips caused Yoongi to almost lose his breath as Hoseok made his way back up to Yoongi, his chest mere centimeters away from him.
“C’mon Min. When have humans ever been able to fight temptation? It’s in our DNA, the thought of risking something for the sake of fulfilling our own wants is too enticing to ignore.” Hoseok’s voice took on a husky tone now as his eyes bored darkly into Yoongi, as if he could read the man’s every fantasy, want, dream, and goal. Every deceptive and derivative thing Yoongi has ever thought felt like it was on display for only Hoseok to see.
Yoongi took a shaky steadying breath as he resisted the urge to dash his eyes away from Hoseok’s intense ones, “and how would you know?”
At that, an odd smile crossed the cop’s face, a rare smile that contained a certain unquelled impulse in the way his teeth twinkled teasingly at Yoongi. With one hand, Hoseok caressed the side of Yoongi’s face softly and delicately. His touch on Yoongi’s skin sent a curl of fire to the man’s stomach as he yearned for Hoseok’s hands on the rest of his body, a desire he wasn’t fully aware he had until this moment where he was a breath away from having his desire fulfilled.
“I told you, Yoongi, in order for one to understand a sin one must indulge in it.”
As if entering the secret password, Yoongi pushed himself onto Hoseok and crashed his lips upon the man. Without missing a beat, Hoseok’s lips moved in tune with Yoongi’s. Their mouths pushing and pulling like an untamed wave before the feeling of Hoseok’s tongue swiping against Yoongi’s bottom lip elicited a gasp from his muffled lips allowing Hoseok to slip his tongue in, locking them in a slippery oral wrestling match.
While their mouths entertained one another Hoseok’s hands roamed over Yoongi’s anticipating body. They were warm and practically encapsulated his whole waist as he flushed their hips against one another. At the movement, Yoongi felt the true desire Hoseok had for him rub against his inner thigh causing him to snake his hand to palm the hardness in-between his legs.
A low groan fell from the cops' lips as he bucked his hips into Yoongi’s hand who chuckled at the action, “a little impatient, are we?”
Hoseok’s closed eyes popped open to stare dangerously at Yoongi while his hands cupped the man’s ass to emphasize his words, “you have no idea.”
“Show me, Hoseok,” Yoongi whispered as he raised his head to be next to the man’s ear, “show me just how far your desire runs.”
Without needing another command, Hoseok hiked Yoongi up into his arms who quickly strapped his legs around his waist in surprise, “you don’t know how sexy my name sounds coming from your lips,” Hoseok dove in for another kiss before his teeth snagged onto Yoongi’s bottom lip and let go with a pop.
“Room’s that way,” Yoongi breathed dreamily, his mind completely overtaken by his senses that zeroed on the way Hoseok’s hips pressed into his growing erection every time he took a step.
In a flash, the two entered Yoongi’s room. A single bed just big enough to hold two people sat in the center of the back wall, two wooden nightstands adorned both sides of the bed. A small desk occupied a dark corner of the room followed by a closet.
“Take off your clothes, Yoongi. I want to see every part of you.” Hoseok commanded gently as his eyes roamed over a fully clothed Yoongi but still holding a certain want as if he was the most attractive person in the world.
Yoongi had no reason to object and so he began undressing slowly, his hands catching onto the edge of his white button-down shirt before slipping it off after popping off the bottoms one by one.
Hoseok stood back and watched the almost bare man with rapt attention, a dazzle of admiration touching the edges of his eyes.
Once Yoongi had finished he stood obediently in front of the bed, his arms by his side as he eyed Hoseok attentively. He wasn’t insecure of his body by any means but having such a handsome man analyzing every part of him who was still covered in cloth was a weird power trip not tipped in his favor.
“Your turn, Hoseok.”
“I actually had some other things in mind before I undressed.”
“Excuse me?” Yoongi cocked an eyebrow suspiciously, was he not going to take his clothes off?
“I want to enjoy you, Yoongi,” Hoseok whispered as he walked up to him, his voice deep and intimate as it permeated Yoongi’s senses and engraved itself inside of his head. “Will you let me?”
Yoongi barely processed the question before his head nodded automatically as Hoseok smiled mischievously.
“Good, then I want you to get on the bed in front of the headboard, okay?”
Yoongi nodded as he made haste and crawled on top of the bed and lay against the metal rodded headboard. He watched Hoseok loosen his tie before completely taking it off. The long black fabric was twisted in-between the man’s slender fingers before Hoseok’s eyes shot up to meet Yoongi’s who swallowed dry spit that had settled in his mouth.
“Can I blindfold you, Yoongi? I promise I won’t do anything you’re not comfortable with, okay? Just tell me to stop at any time and I will, yeah?”
Yoongi simply nodded as his eyes stayed alert on the black-tie in his hands.
“I need a definite confirmation, Yoongi. I don’t wanna hurt you.”
The warmness in Hoseok’s voice was shocking to Yoongi but regardless he obliged to his request and told him he agreed. With that said and done, Hoseok walked to the side of the bed and sat down gently next to Yoongi. He lifted the black soft fabric up to Yoongi’s eyes and soon his vision was swarmed in a black ominous shadow.
❦ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ❦
Hoseok loved how diligent Yoongi was when it came to listening to him. From what Hoseok had gathered from the man, he wasn’t one to obey just anyone and figured this level of vulnerability was a privilege.
Hoseok swore to not take that level of trust for granted as his eyes roamed over an oblivious Yoongi who sat patiently on his bed. His body was nothing short of perfection, it was lithe yet lean, pale under the watchful eye of the moon that drizzled him in an otherworldly glow. As if he was an angel sent down for Hoseok’s indulgence.
From his coat pockets, Hoseok pulled out two pairs of metal cuffs and warned Yoongi before placing them on each of his wrists, “I’m going to place cuffs on you, okay Yoongi? I always keep some on me just in case so just trust me.” Yoongi nodded and shivered once Hoseok clamped the metal object around his slender wrist before attaching them to the headboard.
With Yoongi’s hands out of the way, Hoseok took off his coat and shoes before gracefully sliding onto the bed to straddle Yoongi’s warm body. His hands skated over the man’s chest before gliding over Yoongi’s pert nipples who shivered at the touch. Hoseok smirked at the reaction he got before he pinched them in-between his index finger and thumb as Yoongi arched his back slightly.
“Ah, Hoseok? Wh-what’re you doing?” Yoongi’s voice teetered on the line of nervousness and excitement.
“Shh, relax Yoongi. I’ll make you feel good.” Hoseok reassured before he lowered himself over Yoongi.
His tongue dashed out and licked a short line over Yoongi’s nipple before doing the same to the other as a resounding gasp sounded from him. Hoseok clamped his lips over one of the nipples as his tongue swirled over the pink bud while his free hand teased the other one.
Throughout the whole process, Yoongi had been squirming every time Hoseok’s tongue ran over his sensitive areas as harsh puffs of air toppled from his lips in a barely restrained fashion.
“I love how sensitive you are, Yoongi,” Hoseok smirked, his voice laced with amusement.
“I’m not sensitive! I’ve just never been touched like that.” The man retorted, his voice clinging to the last bit of control he thought he had.
“Touched like what? Like this?” Hoseok returned his lips to Yoongi’s nipple before biting gently on it, sending a sharp shiver and gasp throughout Yoongi’s body. “Interesting, seems like you like it when I tease you.”
Hoseok didn’t wait for a response as he began sucking softly on Yoongi’s neck, his warm tongue swirling over Yoongi’s equally warm body. He tasted sweet and there was a certain scent that clung to his skin that intoxicated Hoseok, making him want to ravish him right at that moment. But instead, he restrained himself while making his way slowly down the constrained man’s body. His teeth sunk occasionally into Yoongi’s chest and torso causing light blots of purple and blue to adorn his pale skin.
Finally, Hoseok reached Yoongi’s neglected erection, no doubt a result of Hoseok’s teasing. Without a warning, the cop lowered himself to be stationed right in front of Yoongi’s dick before his hand wrapped around the tip and began rubbing the stream of precum up and down the shaft.
At the touch, a loud shuddering gasp that sounded more like a moan escaped Yoongi’s lips who arched his back, the cuffs on his hand clinking against the bed as he did so. Loving the reaction, Hoseok continued making work of Yoongi’s dick as his hands gained pace with the precum acting as a great lube substitute. After a minute, Hoseok’s hands fell and were then replaced by his mouth wrapping around the tip.
“Ah-- Hoseok-” Yoongi heaved, his hands pulling against the cuffs around his wrist.
Hoseok felt his own desire grow at the sound of Yoongi calling out his name as he took in more of the man, his lips coating Yoongi’s shaft as his tongue ran around his base.
The sound of the crowded bar below them was distant but still present as the sound of people laughing and talking drifted through the vents indistinctly but all Hoseok could focus on was the sound of Yoongi’s moans that tumbled from his lips while he moved his lips up, down, and over his cock. Hoseok popped his mouth off of Yoongi for a second only to dive back in with his tongue whirling over the man’s shiny tip, it’s salty taste coated Hoseok’s mouth as he licked nonstop.
“Ah- Hoseok- please- please let me look!” Yoongi whined as he squirmed even more on the bed from Hoseok’s mouth.
The cop stopped his torture for a second to look up at Yoongi, his mouth was slightly open and his chest was taking in as much air as possible. Hoseok loved the way the marks on his skin covered Yoongi like a blanket, like a reminder of their time together. “And why should I?”
“I don’t want to come yet, but since I can’t see my other senses are heightened and it’s almost too much…”
Hoseok considered Yoongi’s request before finally crawling over his body to remove the tie from around the man’s eyes.
❦ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ❦
When Yoongi met Hoseok’s eyes he felt like he could come right there and then despite what he had said before.
Hoseok’s eyes were dark and dilated as he gazed passionately at him, his once flame of desire had grown into a bonfire blazing brightly in his eyes. His lips were slicked with a mix of saliva and precum that gleamed teasingly at Yoongi and his once slicked back hair had now fallen down the sides of his narrow face.
In short, he looked like he was a demon spawned from hell to tempt Yoongi to delve into a world of debauchery and sin and Yoongi was helpless to resist.
“Kiss me.”
As if not expecting Yoongi to say that Hoseok blinked once, twice, three times before seemingly coming to his senses and leaned in to kiss Yoongi. The kiss was wet, messy, fast, and salty as their lips slotted together in a rush of passion and heat.
When they finally pulled away a line of saliva still connected the two causing them to chuckle.
“Do you mind if I continue?” Hoseok asked, his tongue running across his lip as he waited for Yoongi to respond.
“I’d rather you let me please you, to be honest.”
“Ah, in due time, Yoongi. But for now…” Hoseok lowered himself down to Yoongi and continued his job of pleasuring and torturing Yoongi with his tongue, at least this time he could see what the officer was doing.
Hoseok closed his eyes as he took Yoongi in, but only halfway as his hands made work of wrapping themselves around the base of his shaft and moved up and down.
“Ngh- you’re killing me Hoseok… you’re gonna make me come.”
Hoseok removed his mouth to respond, “that’s sort of the point, Min.”
“Ah- no! I want to please you, taste you, touch you, please uncuff me, Hoseok. I don’t want to come alone.” Yoongi begged, he could hardly recognize the high pitch of his voice that called out to Hoseok in a pleading tone.
“Damn it, I can’t deny you when you sound like that, Yoongi.”
Hoseok moved away from Yoongi’s dick and stalked off the bed and toward his coat that hung over the arm of a chair that belonged to Yoongi’s desk. He dug in one of the pockets until he pulled out a small silver key and made his way back to the bed.
After a few seconds, Yoongi’s hands were finally free and instead of inspecting them for any injuries, Yoongi reached for Hoseok and immediately got to work taking his clothes off.
“I see you’re wasting no time.” Hoseok chuckled as he helped Yoongi take off his clothes.
“You’ve kept me waiting long enough, Jung.” Yoongi teased before finally getting rid of the last article of clothing on Hoseok.
His eyes ravished in the sight of the man before him. Hoseok, unlike Yoongi, had defined muscles- taut and strong. Yoongi supposed being a police officer had its perks when looking at Hoseok’s body- a pure testament to the hard work he puts into his job, not to mention the length of his dick that Yoongi wanted to please.
“Like what you see?”
A voice called from in front of Yoongi who simply nodded before licking his lips and hopping out of the bed to stand in front of Hoseok. While his legs were a little weak from Hoseok’s handiwork he was able to stabilize himself as he ran his hands up and down Hoseok’s strong and warm body. He was soft and smooth as Yoongi’s lips pecked short kisses over Hoseok’s chest.
As he did so his hand snaked down to Hoseok’s throbbing cock and gave it a little tug forcing a guttural moan to sound from Hoseok’s lips as his head rolled back. Yoongi felt a sudden flutter in his chest as he watched the way the cop’s eyes squeezed shut while Yoongi began rubbing his hand up and down his shaft in light teasing strokes.
“Please… Yoongi…”
“This is your punishment for making me wait to touch you, Hoseok. It’s my turn to tease you, to make you call out my name and beg for mercy.” Yoongi whispered harshly before giving Hoseok’s dick a harsh tug resulting in another moan to escape his lips.
Yoongi smirked at the sudden rush of power he attained as his hands continued lightly stroking Hoseok while his other hand cuffed his balls and played with them.
“Yoongi… please…” Hoseok called out, his eyes now landing on Yoongi’s with a certain desperation present in them.
“Hm?” Yoongi asked innocently, his hand never stopping its trail of torment, “what is it, Hoseok? Do you want me to suck your dick?”
Hoseok nodded enthusiastically as Yoongi stifled back a laugh and said with fake annoyance, “fine. But only because I want to know what you taste like.”
With that, Yoongi dropped to his knees and licked the sides of Hoseok’s shaft, his tongue gliding over the warm dick before completely sinking into it as he wrapped his mouth over Hoseok’s erection.
Yoongi felt Hoseok’s hand gently grip his hair and guide him slowly down his dick, Yoongi felt his eyes well up as Hoseok’s dick reached deeper and deeper into his mouth until he felt it hit the back of his throat. Yoongi popped his mouth off of Hoseok as a few coughs escaped his lips.
“Shit, sorry Yoongi! Are you okay?” Hoseok’s urgent voice called out from over Yoongi who looked up through his blurry eyes and offered a reassuring smile.
“I’m fine, Hoseok. Really.”
Wasting no time, he continued his efforts on Hoseok’s dick, swallowing as much of him as he could before sliding his mouth off for air. The sounds of their activities overtook the noises from below as the exhilaration of that fact coursed through Yoongi’s body. He wondered if Taehyung and Jungkook figured out why he’d been gone so long and assumed that Taehyung had already guessed it while Jungkook tried to convince him otherwise.
“Yoongi,” Hoseok’s voice broke through his daze as Yoongi looked up from his kneeled position on the floor, Hoseok’s dick still in his mouth, “I need-ah-more of you.”
Yoongi’s eyes widened slightly before nodding his head vigorously before giving Hoseok one last good suck and standing up attentively.
“Top or bottom?”
Yoongi was momentarily taken aback by the question before his brain caught up and answered with a smirk, “I’ll let you decide.”
Hoseok’s eyes gleamed deviously at him before his voice commanded in a low tone, “bed.”
Yoongi followed his order diligently and crawled onto the bed, his back pressing into the headboard once again.
“In my top drawer next to the bed. There’s some lube in there too,” Yoongi replied breathlessly, his heart thumping dangerously fast in his chest as the thought of Hoseok being inside him echoed in his head.
“Thanks, Min. While I get set up I want you to warm yourself up, okay?”
A flush of red dashed over Yoongi’s cheeks at the proposition. “Are you… going to watch?”
Hoseok nodded his tone adopting a softer edge as if sensing the nerves in Yoongi’s words, “not if you don’t want me to. But Min, I think you’re one of the most beautiful creatures in the world. You're my desire, a sin that I’d love to commit and admire right here and now.”
Yoongi’s eyes widened as the thumping in his chest only increased at the grace Hoseok’s words carried. Without any further hesitation, Yoongi gestured for the lube in Hoseok’s hand who handed it to him.
The cold liquid pooled into Yoongi’s hand before he reached down to his hole and slipped a slick slender finger inside. They got to work as he pulled his finger in and out of himself. After a few seconds, he slipped another finger in as strings of pleasure shot through his body forcing Yoongi to shut his eyes briefly as a tumultuous round of moans escaped his lips. In his masturbation session, Yoongi used his free hand to pinch and prod at his nipples the way Hoseok did, although it wasn’t as pleasurable it still was enough to cause him to arch his back.
After a second Yoongi cracked his eyes open and through his enjoyment, he saw Hoseok standing at the foot of the bed, his mouth slacked slightly open while his hand held his cock, stroking softly as his eyes peered into Yoongi’s like a predator.
“Please fuck me now, Hoseok. I’ve waited long enough.” Yoongi whined, his fingers still moving inside of him.
“Whatever you say, Yoongi.” Without wasting a second Hoseok crawled up next to Yoongi before he tapped his thighs and glanced at his companion.
Tentatively Yoongi straddled Hoseok’s thighs, their cocks brushing against one another in the process as both parties groaned at the contact. Yoongi’s hands rested on Hoseok’s strong shoulders and their thighs were tightly pressed together. The air around them felt electrically charged with a sensual energy, their desires for one another having increased ever since they first entered the apartment.
“I’ve never ridden anyone before, Hoseok,” Yoongi warned, slight embarrassment in his tone but was overtaken by the sheer anticipation he was feeling with the cop’s dick rubbing against him.
Hoseok smiled angelically, a stark juxtaposition to the compromising position the two were settled in before he leaned in slightly, his breath tickling the edges of Yoongi’s ear, “it’s okay. I’ll teach you, just take your time.” His hands emphasized his point as they latched onto his waist.
Yoongi nodded before taking a shaky breath and offering a wobbly smile. Finally, after a second he lifted himself up and tried to center himself over Hoseok who smiled patiently at the man. Slowly, Yoongi descended onto Hoseok’s dick, but even with him being warmed up along with the slicked condom Hoseok was wearing, putting his cock inside him was a struggle with its length.
“Here,” Hoseok whispered as one of his hands left Yoongi’s waist to try to position his cock under Yoongi until he felt his tip just at the entrance of his hole, “I’ll try to be gentle but it might hurt for a second. Are you ready?”
Yoongi nodded, tired of waiting until he felt Hoseok grip his waist once again and pull him down onto his dick. While the pain wasn’t unbearable it definitely was a little uncomfortable as tears threatened to spill from Yoongi’s face until his lip that was currently being crushed from under his teeth was overtaken by Hoseok’s. He slipped his tongue in easily as if he owned Yoongi’s mouth as the slight pain Yoongi felt faded from his mind until Hoseok’s cock was completely sunk into him.
Breaking away, the two took a second to catch their breath as Yoongi’s body adjusted to Hoseok’s length. When he felt like he was ready Yoongi lifted himself up before lowering himself back down onto Hoseok who groaned quietly in response. Yoongi repeated the action again, his thighs and hips squeezing and contracting as they began to create a stable pace.
“That’s right, Yoongi, just like that. You’re doing great, baby.” Hoseok shuddered out as his hands helped lift Yoongi’s hips up and down.
The pet name sent Yoongi in a frenzy as any and all coherent thoughts flew out of his mind and was overtaken by the feeling of Hoseok’s dick running deep inside of him. As if that wasn’t enough though, Hoseok decided that he must’ve really wanted to torment Yoongi as one of the man’s hands left Yoongi’s waist and moved to rub over his chest and settled into a position where whenever Yoongi moved up or down while riding Hoseok, his hands would rub against Yoongi’s nipples.
“Ah- Hoseok- if you keep touching me like that I’m gonna-”
“It’s alright, Yoongi. You’re doing so well.”
With a look of pure sensual intimacy, Hoseok’s rich and textured voice uttered quietly, “come for me, Yoongi.”
The sensation of Hoseok’s hand constantly rubbing against his sensitive nipple, his hand gripping his waist, dick pumping in and out of him, along with his licentious words it didn’t take long for Yoongi to adhere to Hoseok’s command.
After a few more seconds, Yoongi found himself slamming down on Hoseok until he felt a blinding euphoric high consume his entire being. His head flung back in pleasure while his eyes squeezed shut before a trembling shout of utter obscenities flew from his mouth. The people below may have possibly heard his cry of pleasure but at that very moment, Yoongi didn’t care.
Hoseok came soon after with a few more pumps. His voice rang through the empty apartment as his hands held tightly onto Yoongi. The two rode out the rest of their orgasm, Yoongi slowly moved his hips over Hoseok while they looked intently at one another.
As the last bit of pleasure sauntered out of their systems, the gravity of what they had done now weighed heavy in the atmosphere.
Once a few minutes passed, Yoongi slid off of Hoseok’s lap and sat at the edge of the bed. The air hung heavy around them and when he tried to take a breath it felt as if he was being suffocated. “Um, if you want to take a shower the bathroom is across the hall.”
Hoseok was quiet for a minute until he mumbled a thanks and stood up from the bed. The two showered separately and afterward, Yoongi offered Hoseok a night at his place if he wanted to stay which the officer accepted.
“What about the speakeasy? Don’t you need to close up?” Hoseok asked after a few seconds of silence.
“Nah, Taehyung and Jungkook know how to close up the shop. Besides I’m sure they realized I wasn’t coming back down after 30 minutes had passed.
Hoseok chuckled softly to himself before moving towards the bedroom door, was he going to sleep on the couch?
“If you’re not uncomfortable with it, you can sleep in the bed if you’d like. That couch isn’t the most comfortable to sleep on.”
A look of conflicting hesitance flashed over Hoseok’s face before he nodded slowly and made his way to the unoccupied side of the bed before sliding into the covers next to Yoongi.
The two faced one another, the darkness of the night surrounding them but the confusion and caution in their eyes were as clear as the sun that would soon rise in the sky.
Yoongi knew they needed to talk about what happened but he had no idea where to start until Hoseok did it for him, his voice was low and quiet as a hint of tiredness clung to his tone.
“I don’t regret it, Yoongi.”
The man looked up at Hoseok as he feigned confusion, “hm?”
“Having sex with you- I don’t regret it.”
“You don’t?”
Hoseok shook his head as a soft smile graced his lips before lifting his hand from under the cover to caress the side of Yoongi’s face. “Nope. How about you?”
The man shook his head quickly, a small smile splintering over his lips, “I don’t.” The feeling of Hoseok’s fingertips brushing over his cheeks caused a blooming feeling of comfort to pass through Yoongi’s chest until it was quickly wiped away by his next question, “but what do we do now?”
Yoongi nodded, was this a one-time thing? It had to be right? There was no way they could have a relationship together with their conflicting goals.
“Whatever we want, Yoongi.”
Hoseok’s response pulled Yoongi from the burdening thoughts in his head as he stared incredulously at the seemingly relaxed man in front of him.
“Yoongi, jobs are just that- jobs. Do ours happen to conflict with one another? Yes, but that doesn’t mean it can stop us from seeing one another.”
“So this wasn’t a one-night thing? You want to possibly have a relationship with me?” Yoongi didn’t want to get his hopes up but the way Hoseok smiled so reassuringly at him, caused a flicker of optimism to sprout in his soul.
“Of course, Yoongi. Unless… you didn’t want to… which in that case I completely understand.” For once since the entire night, Hoseok looked a bit nervous as he began rambling about his imagined rejection.
Yoongi rolled his eyes at the man before lifting his hands up from the covers to cup the sides of Hoseok’s cheeks and bring him in for a tender soft kiss. Their lips pressed together gently as if adding any more pressure would break them.
“Let’s see where this goes, Officer Jung, alright?” Yoongi teased as a cocky smile graced his lips.
Hoseok’s eyes widened momentarily before adopting the same playful look on his face, his eyes gazing into Yoongi’s while his hand snaked around his waist, pulling Yoongi’s hips flush against his, “well alright Mr. Min. Let’s see where this goes.”
As the night drifted and slipped into the seamless light of the morning Min Yoongi, a speakeasy owner, and Jung Hoseok, a police officer slept soundlessly entangled in each other’s arms as the problems dwelling in New York City faded away into the depths of obscurity and irrelevance. Leaving only the promise of tomorrow with a new start hopefully for the both of them.
A Dose of TLC (jk x jm)

Pairing: Bartender Jungkook x Customer Jimin
Genre: strangers to lovers, slight smut (mild), au, bar, flirting, comfort
Summary: After Jimin completely breaks things off with his boyfriend of two years he's in the need of a distraction…
Warnings: emotional pain/emotional hurt, slight swearing, implied/referenced drug use, mild eventual smut
WC: 8,349
Jimin had just about had it with his boyfriend. The two years of trust, care, and love he had devoted and poured into his partner were wasted and spilled all over their bed as Jimin stormed out of the room after witnessing his boyfriend fucking someone else upon entering his bedroom.
“Baby- wait!”
Jimin ignored the pleas of his now ex-boyfriend as he snatched his car keys from the kitchen counter, quickly striding over to the front door before he felt a hot hand grip his shoulder.
“Fuck off!” he shouted, disgust framing the scowl on his face at the thought of his ex-boyfriend's hand on his body after it had touched someone else.
“Jimin- wait, please! It isn’t what it looks like.”
The man rolled his eyes as he did his best to keep the hot streaks of anger from spilling over his eyes.
“Yeah right, Taehyung. This is the second fucking time- and in our bed no less!”
The wispy tresses of the fall breeze cascaded over Jimin’s face once he made it out of the apartment building, Taehyung hot on his heels, his pleading voice quickly turning into annoyance at Jimin’s uncooperativeness.
“Jesus Jimin. Slow the fuck down! You’re being dramatic!”
The man couldn't believe the words being spewed from his ex-lover’s lips. He wouldn’t let his manipulative boyfriend talk him back into his arms again and instead focused on clearing his tear-blurred eyesight enough to spot his car in the parking garage.
“Baby, c’mon. What’re you doing?” Taehyung asked once Jimin approached his car, the vehicle chirped obediently at the click of the man’s keys.
“The fuck does it look like I’m doing, Taehyung?”
Not waiting for another response Jimin gripped the door handle of his black BMW before hauling it open and hurridly plopping himself into the sleek leather seats while Taehyung rushed to the driver’s side- narrowly avoiding getting his hand crushed in between the car door when he caught the edge of the metal frame, holding it open.
“Move or I’ll break your hand,” Jimin growled as he tried to shut the door close but sadly his boyfriend was stronger and was able to hold his stance.
“Jimin- listen. What you saw… it-it was a mistake, I swear. I’d never intentionally do anything to hurt you.”
“Great speech. Are you done now?”
The taller man huffed at his boyfriend’s response, his patience running thin as he did his best to appease him. “Really Jimin? This is how you act when I’m trying to have a serious conversation with you? This is why we could never work out.”
Jimin could feel his eyes practically fly out of his sockets, was his boyfriend always this tone-deaf? He couldn’t help but stare dumbfoundedly at the man currently stopping him from leaving, his sharp dark eyebrows furrowed thus creasing his forehead, and his eyes were filled with a brooding darkness that honed in on Jimin’s startled gaze.
“You really want to know why we never worked out? It was because you couldn’t keep it in your fucking pants and because I could never call out your manipulative bullshit. But that changes today. I’m done, Taehyung. Don’t call me, don’t text me, don’t talk to me– we’re over.” With one last look at his past, Jimin saw a flash of the joyful memories he once had with his boyfriend that had long passed before shoving the man’s hand off of his door and closing it.
Jimin had to leave, he didn’t know where the hell was going to go but he just needed to get away from the memories that plagued him at his apartment. His thoughts were all scrambled in his head and he could feel his chest begin to restrict and contract with anxiety while his heart knocked against his rib cage, a dull ache filling up the beating vessel.
He wouldn’t- no- he couldn’t think about his now ex. This day marked the beginning of a new era for Jimin. As much as he felt himself wanting to pull the car over and break down on the side of the road he instead forced his foot to press harder on the gas pedal. He needed to get away, he needed a distraction. He knew he made the right choice breaking it off with Taehyung but the pull of pain he felt at leaving the person he thought he loved for two years was a difficult adversary to ignore.
Jimin supposed that his body thought alcohol would help in quieting his pain as he soon found himself in front of one of his favorite gay bars. He used to frequent it often as his friend worked there but once he got into a relationship Taehyung demanded that he stopped going since he feared Jimin would hook up with someone from the bar.
Jimin snorted bitterly as he recalled the memory and made his way inside the club. When he entered he noted the changes that were made since the last time he had visited which included the remodeled dance floor that showcased the multicolored LED square tiles that lit up the squirming bodies that stood atop it. On the far side of the club was the bar that was now decorated in black marble countertops that matched the black walls.
Overall the bar seemed to take on a more sleek industrial theme that Jimin could appreciate as he made his way over to the bar. If he was going to get over his breakup and lavish in his newfound freedom he’d definitely need some liquor in his system as a means of liberation.
“That edible I took must’ve been laced with something unless the real Park Jimin is standing in front of me right now!”
“Taking drugs on the job, I’m appalled Mr. Kim Namjoon. I might just have to report you to Seokjin.”
Once Jimin reached the bar he was met by his friend who swiftly made his way around the counter to embrace him in a bone-crushing hug, his muscle-toned arms completely overtaking the smaller man.
“Ah, don’t worry about Jin. I have very effective ways of appeasing him…” Jimin shoved Namjoon’s arm as he observed the salacious look his friend had sent him.
“Gross. I see the two of you are still going strong.”
“Being fuck buddies with my boss is probably the best idea I’ve ever had.”
Jimin rolled his eyes as he took a seat on one of the plush bar stools while his friend went back to his station behind the somewhat crowded bar, “yeah until he finds out what a whore you are and fires you.”
Namjoon put a dramatic finger to his lips as he puckered them, “I can’t help it if I like to explore.”
A pang of hurt shot through Jimin’s eyes as he recalled his boyfriend doing some “exploring” of his own. Damn it, he came here to forget his problems and catching up on Namjoon’s latest conquests definitely wasn’t helping.
“So what brings you here?” the older man asked, thankfully moving on to a new subject after catching the solemn expression his friend made, much to Jimin’s oblivion.
“Just wanted to be out,” the cocked eyebrow on Namjoon’s face was enough to force a sigh out of the younger man as he knew Namjoon was aware of Taehyung’s ban on the place. As much as he wanted to just pretend that stint of his life didn’t exist- he couldn’t. Because his relationship with Taehyung did exist. And it took up a big part of his life that he couldn’t just drink away with a shot of tequila despite how much he wished he could. And so it was with a heavy breath that Jimin briefly filled his friend in on the events that occurred not two hours earlier.
“And you came here right after telling him off?”
Jimin nodded as his eyes picked at the bar counter until he heard his friend make a sound of joy. Snapping his head up to face his friend Jimin was met with Namjoon sporting a wide with his head thrown back, revealing several of the neck tattoos he had gotten on a whim.
“About damn time, Jimin! This calls for a fucking celebration!” Namjoon swiftly turned his back to his friend as he began picking up various bottles and glasses, his tone overcome with happiness that left Jimin speechless.
“‘About damn time’…? Wh-what are you… were you waiting for me to break up with Taehy-”
“Ah! Don’t even say that prick’s name. Tonight is all about you and your newfound freedom!”
Jimin couldn’t believe the enthusiastic reaction he was receiving from his best friend. He knew that Namjoon was never fond of Taehyung, especially after the first time he had cheated on Jimin, but it was still shocking to see how excited Namjoon was. Jimin figured that normal friends of someone who got cheated on would provide comfort rather than copious amounts of alcohol but obviously, Namjoon was not a “normal friend”.
“I got your favorite!” Namjoon turned around to reveal the three shot glasses he had been making, “top shelf shit.”
“Are you allowed to give me this? I thought this stuff was reserved for private parties.” Jimin was never one to turn down free alcohol but after abandoning the club for so long he felt like a foreigner and didn’t want to draw any more attention to him as Namjoon’s shouting had already caught the eyes of the nearby patrons.
“Don’t worry about it, Jimin. I’ll deal with Jin later,” as if settling the matter Namjoon pushed a shot glass into his nervous friend’s hand before grabbing one himself and lifting it up above him, gesturing for Jimin to do the same, “to new and exciting sex!”
Rather than ask why that was a top priority for Namjoon to cheer to, Jimin simply laughed and cheered along with his friend before throwing back the burning liquid that slid down his throat.
“So… what else has changed since I’ve been here? I see you’ve remodeled.” Jimin cleared his throat from the bitter alcohol while nodding to the new countertops as his friend poured him another shot before drinking the third shot he brought with him.
“Mmh, yeah. Jin came into some money from his side business and decided to jazz up the place to draw in more customers. And with the flood of new customers pouring in he had to hire more staff.” Namjoon paused to take a shot with his friend and after chasing it with the glass of water he poured he continued, “I gotta tell you- some of the people he hired are hot as fuck. I gotta introduce you to-”
Namjoon’s words suddenly stopped short as he snapped his head towards a familiar voice that had thrown his name into the air. Jimin did his best to hide back the laugh threatening to slip from his lips as he immediately knew the hell Namjoon was about to get and quickly poured himself another shot.
“Kim Namjoon! I know you aren’t giving away all my top-shelf liquor.”
From a door hidden to the left of the bar emerged a pissed Seokjin whose eyes narrowed dangerously onto his employee. His usual crisp suit only further heightened his menacing aura as he marched his way toward Namjoon.
“Jinnie! Listen I know you said not to use the top-shelf alcohol without authorization but-”
“But what, Namjoon? What could possibly have caused you to use my alcohol when I distinctly remember expressing to you that-”
When Jin was close enough to spot Jimin sitting at the bar he stopped dead in his tracks, his eyes locking in on his friend before a small warming smile shifted his once scowling expression to one of fondness.
“Jimin… what a surprise. It’s been a while, I’m glad to see that you’re well.”
Jimin bowed his head with a smile of his own, “hey Jin. Nice to see that you’re still chewing this asshole out when he needs it.”
“Hey!” Namjoon’s voice interjected with disbelief staining his tone as Jin quickly remembered why he had left his office in the first place.
“Right. I seem to be doing it more often than I’d like.”
“But you see why I did it! It’s Jimin!”
Jin simply pursed his lips as he folded his arms and stared sternly at the man. Namjoon didn’t seem fazed, however, as he simply slid on an easygoing smile that showcased his dimples before simmering closer to Jin and wrapping his strong arms around the man’s small waist, pulling him flush against Namjoon’s torso. He then leaned his mouth to the side of Jin’s reddening face despite the firm expression he wore.
Jimin could just barely make out the mumbled words Namjoon whispered into his employer’s blushing ear, “c’mon Jinnie~ I promise to make it up to you if you let it slide just this once…”
Jimin watched with curiosity as a tense second passed between the two until finally, Namjoon’s charm seemed to soften Jin up as the older man sighed and agreed to not duel out any punishment for spending his expensive alcohol.
“Dick must be good…” Jimin mumbled mindlessly, pouring himself another drink while his two friends began not-so-subtly flirting.
Jimin wasn’t jealous of their relationship or anything, but he did wish he could have someone to use as a distraction to take his mind off of the only person he had let touch him for the last 2 years.
“Hey- Jimin-” at the sound of his name the man forced the small frown away from his lips and looked up to face Namjoon who still had Jin wrapped in his arms, “I’m gonna go help Jin with some business in the back.”
“Uh huh, business. Sure…”
A small chuckle slipped from Namjoon’s lips, “yeah, you know how it is. Anyways I don’t want to cut your celebration short so I’m gonna send over one of the new hires I was telling you about. He’s super chill and sexy as fuck. I think he’ll be able to hold it down until I get back, okay?”
Without waiting for a response Namjoon quickly signaled to someone further down the bar who was currently being blocked by the crowd of people before giving Jimin one last charming smile and dragging Jin away to the office.
Jimin simply sighed before making a move for the abandoned bottle of tequila but was intercepted by a hand that pulled the bottle out of his reach. Jimin felt like he was tipsy enough to have the confidence to curse out whoever took away his last chance at forgetting his ex until his narrowed eyes snapped up to face the owner of the hand.
“You the guy Namjoon wanted me to pour for?”
Holy shit.
Namjoon wasn’t kidding when he said the new hires were hot- hell they were more than hot. If the strapping man standing before him was any indication it was no surprise that this place was booming with customers if all the staff looked like demons spawned from hell to fulfill every sinful desire a mortal may have.
“I was hoping you could do a little more than that…”
This guy, whoever he was, looked like the incarnation of sex. Jimin barely processed what he had said as his eyes roamed over the man who had tilted his head and raised a finely waxed eyebrow. The slight glint of his lip piercing teased Jimin from its position on the man’s small yet pouty pink lips. His soft-looking black hair was styled as a mullet, the ends of his hair curled around his neck while his parted bangs fanned the sides of his angular face. His doe-like eyes seemed to sear deep into Jimin’s soul. His eyes almost appeared to contain a certain darkness that lurked just beneath his gaze… it wasn’t malicious but rather heated and intense, forcing Jimin to break eye contact.
Instead, he turned his attention to cascade over the fabric covering the man’s body. He sported a tucked white button-up shirt paired with heavily ripped black jeans that teetered the line between professional and casual. The shirt revealed just enough of the bartender’s collarbone to warrant thoughts of imagining what lies further below on his body.
He exuded a sense of authority and power despite him being a newly hired bartender and suddenly Jimin was thankful that his best friend was such a fuck boy and allowed him to meet this beautiful man.
“Careful. I charge by the hour.” the man had quipped back, forcing Jimin out of his analysis and back into the club that was now doused in slowly flashing white strobe lights. “So what’ll you have? Seems like there’s no budget for you… must be special.”
“Special is one way to put it but I’ll take a martini.”
The bartender simply nodded with a quirked eyebrow and a small smile as he began gathering the ingredients he would need for the drink. When he turned around Jimin took the time to admire the way his shirt hugged the toned muscles of his back and the curve of his ass in his tight jeans.
“I didn’t catch your name,” Jimin managed to formulate a few words to make conversation, figuring that it might be more productive than staring at the man’s ass.
“Didn’t throw it.”
“Oh what? You charge for that too?”
Turning around, the man had a shaker in one hand and a martini glass in the other that he placed right in front of Jimin. He eyed him warily as if trying to work out his angle but if Jimin was honest with himself he was just tipsy and horny, he wasn’t sure how that was translating though, and hoped the bartender wasn’t put off by his barely cognizant words.
“And what if I do? Do you think you have enough to afford it?” in one swift movement, the man had leaned himself over the counter, one hand holding himself up as his face fell a breath away from Jimin who could barely swallow the dried spit that had settled on his tongue. He could practically see the man’s nonexistent pores if he tried hard enough and at the swipe of his pink tongue across his lips Jimin felt his eyes dart down to catch the action, the bartender’s lips suddenly glistening and tempting enough to taste.
Fuck, he wanted him bad.
But he had to get himself under control, a guy as good-looking as him had to pull with just a blink of his long eyelashes and Jimin refused to fold that quickly. He at least wanted to challenge the guy a bit, it made the ultimate goal that much more satisfying when rewarded.
Before Jimin could say or do anything he noticed the bartender pull back, an empty shaker hanging from his hand. That’s when Jimin noticed his martini glass was now miraculously filled and realized that the man had leaned in so closely to fill his drink and not for any other nefarious purposes.
“Well, how much are you worth?” Jimin almost forgot to respond to the awaiting bartender as he shifted his gaze to his drink, his hands gently clasped the shimmering stem and raised it up to his lips.
“How much do you think?”
“You tell me.”
“Mmh, I’d rather show you.”
Jimin felt his hand shake slightly as he did his best to not choke on the alcohol that had just slipped into his mouth. It had been a while since he had someone be so forward with him and now that he seemingly piqued the interest of the hot bartender he felt all that more flustered.
“I’ll give you a free pass for now though. I’m Jungkook. Jeon Jungkook.”
“Park Jimin.”
“So, Jimin. What brings you here?”
“I just wanted a nice distraction.”
Jungkook smirked at that, his lips lifting slightly to reveal his shiny teeth, “it’s a good thing you met me then.”
Jimin cocked an eyebrow as he took another sip from his drink before he responded, “oh? And why is that?”
“Because it looks like I’ve already got you thoroughly distracted with my presence alone,” the bartender’s tone was low and smooth as he spoke, almost as if he was casting a spell on Jimin which only worked to prove his point further.
He had, in fact, forgotten about Taehyung the second this man had walked up to him, but that didn’t mean he needed to know that. So he forced a scoff to escape his lips as he leaned back a bit in his chair with his arms and legs crossed as a means to come off as nonchalant as possible.
“And who told you that?”
“Just that little blush on your cheeks,” without warning Jungkook had leaned over the counter once again but this time it was his arms that reached out to Jimin as a slender finger brushed lightly against his flushed cheek. The short-lasting touch felt like it had imprinted onto Jimin’s cheek once Jungkook pulled back with a self-satisfied smirk. His finger was so warm when it tenderly caressed his cheek and the movement had also caused the sleeves of Jungkook’s shirt to ride up a little, revealing a full sleeve of tattoos that only turned Jimin on even more. “Hm, your cheeks look a little redder now…”
“That’s not fair! You took me by surprise.”
“Who said anything about being fair? I distracted you didn’t I? Seems like I did my job.”
“If that’s how you complete jobs I’m surprised you haven’t been fired yet.” Jimin couldn’t help the slight pout of his lips as the alcohol in his system seemed to make him more bratty than usual.
Jungkook, however, appeared to be mildly entertained by the man in front of him but before he could tease him further a voice from further down the bar broke through the atmosphere.
“Kook! Need you down here!”
Jimin lifted his head up to try to connect a face to the disembodied voice but was only met with the teeming bodies of bartenders rushing around to complete orders and patrons chatting jovially with drinks in their hands.
Turning his attention back to Jungkook Jimin noted the way his tongue poked the inside of his cheek, his furrowed eyebrows and his hip leaning against the side of the counter.
“Sorry, cutie. Duty calls. I had fun being your distraction though… find me if you need another,” with a wink and a flash of his smile the man was gone, weaving his way behind the bar and toward the voice that had called him.
Left with nothing but his thoughts and a half-empty martini Jimin felt the rush of his blood swell in his cheeks as he did his best to calm the beat of his heart. This Jungkook fellow definitely had a slick tongue and Jimin wanted to see if it could do more than just talk. They had only conversed for a few minutes and yet the man had ignited a flame of desire within him that had once been put out by his ex. Jimin hadn’t felt this infatuated with someone in a long time and he wasn’t sure how to take it.
Was Jungkook’s words an invitation for more? Did he really want him to find him and ask for sex? Was sex what he was even offering? What if he just meant that he’d make him another drink and Jimin just read the situation entirely wrong?
He couldn’t take the embarrassment if he asked the bartender to sleep with him and was rejected.
Hearing his name the man shook his head to clear his thoughts and when he returned back to reality he was met with his friend standing in front of him, his clothes ruffled and hair sticking up in places it hadn’t before.
“Namjoon…? What’re you doing back here? I thought you and Jin-”
Namjoon nodded with a sigh, his thumb swiping over his puffy lip, “Jin got a call and had to take it so he kicked me out. Just when things were getting good too.” he huffed despondently at the interruption.
“Okay. Didn’t need that extra detail at the end but…”
Namjoon brushed off Jimin’s comment as his head swiveled around the bar before landing back on his friend, a raised eyebrow prompting his question, “where’s Jungkook?”
“Oh. Someone called him for something. He just left.”
“Damn it, did you at least get some blow while I was away?”
“Namjoon, what?” Jimin couldn’t help the shock that filtered through his voice at the implication his friend had made, “it’s only been a few minutes!”
“That’s still enough time to-”
“Joon, all we did was talk and it was… nice. He was cool. I liked him.”
Namjoon rolled his eyes, “yeah, yeah that’s nice but I was hoping you’d do a bit more than that. I could’ve sworn he was your type…”
Jimin felt his cheeks get hot as he recalled the way Jungkook had looked at him with his wide eyes and pierced lips. “He’s not not my type…”
“I mean he wasn’t that bad… he was kinda cute…” Jimin’s voice trailed off as he talked, his mumbled words of admission making it hard to face his friend who stared confoundedly at him.
“What? Jimin I can’t hear you.”
“He was hot, okay? He was beautiful and I wanted him to fuck me right here on this counter, you happy?” Jimin knew he was drawing attention with how loud he was shouting, but he was too heated to care at the moment.
“Well I’m glad you admitted it but what are you doing telling me? Go and tell him and then get laid.”
“You make it sound easy…”
“It literally is.”
Jimin simply shook his head as his eyes lowered back down to his martini glass, his small fingers fiddling with the drink.
A second of terse quiet settled between the two, the background noise of people talking and laughing along with the pumping bass from the music filling the space between them before Namjoon’s voice broke the quiet, his tone uncharacteristically gentle.
“Listen, Jimin… I know you're still dealing with the breakup and I don’t want to pressure you into anything you don’t want to do but… if you like Jungkook and want to do something with him then I think you should and not just because I heard he’s packing.” Jimin couldn’t help the small smile that spread across his lips as he listened to his friend talk, “I think Jungkook could help you move on, but only if you want him to. It’s up to you and I’ll respect whatever you decide to choose.”
“Thanks, Namjoon. I appreciate that, seriously.”
Namjoon nodded with a small smirk before raising his hands, “what can I say? I can be gentle when I need to be. Besides the hoes love duality.”
Jimin shook his head at his friend who simply laughed at his own corny joke before focusing back on what he was going to do. It didn’t take long for him to come to a conclusion when he realized his ex had probably already moved on and fucked about three people up till this point. It was his turn to have some fun.
With his resolve set, Jimin picked up his drink and finished it off in one fell swoop before hopping down from his seat and marching off in the direction he saw Jungkook walk in, the sounds of his friends' hoops and hollers echoing behind him.
Forcing himself through the crowd of people who had gathered around the bar was hell but Jimin was determined as he mumbled out apologies whenever he elbowed someone until his ears latched onto the sound of someone's voice from behind the bar.
“Kook, can you go get some more cocktail glasses from the kitchen? We’re running low.”
Snapping his head up Jimin caught sight of Jungkook as he just finished pouring a customer’s drink, the white strobe lights created shadows that flashed over his face and swallowed his eyes in darkness. He nodded his head to whoever had called him and made his way to the side of the bar, lifting the countertop up and heading towards the kitchen.
Jimin never felt himself speed walk faster than he did when he followed after Jungkook who was halfway to the kitchen before he caught up to him. Grasping his arm, Jimin stopped the bartender who turned around with confusion written over his face that quickly morphed into amusement upon meeting Jimin’s face.
“Jimin? Did you follow me?”
“Yes, yes I did.”
Jungkook smiled devilishly at Jimin’s straightforwardness before speaking, his voice raised a bit louder due to the music blaring next to them, “did you need something?”
The shorter man felt his tongue run dry as he did his best to not let his words falter. He wanted- needed this man and he’d be damned if he messed it up now after embarrassing himself by chasing after him. So with a steadying breath, Jimin squared his eyes on Jungkook and tested his luck.
“I was looking for another distraction if the offer was still open?”
Jimin was slightly taken aback at the smile that had widened on the bartender’s face. His smile was surprisingly… cute? His two front teeth were a bit longer than the others and his wide eyes were crescent-shaped as his nose scrunched up slightly making the intimidating man look almost innocent.
“The offer is very much still open,” those words almost made Jimin’s knees weak as he held back the giggle of excitement he felt in his throat, “my shift ends in ten. You think you could be good and wait for me at the front till then? I’ll make it worth your while.”
Jimin nodded obediently at the man’s request eliciting another smile from Jungkook who caressed his cheek before winking and heading back to carry out his last-minute duties. Jimin couldn’t be more excited as he quickly made his way to the front of the club but not before throwing Namjoon a thumbs up from across the room.
It didn’t take long for Jungkook to finish up his shift and soon the two left the dark building together to enter the dark of the night that was dotted with the small scattered lights of the distant stars. The winter breeze was cutting through Jimin’s shirt but luckily Jungkook’s leather jacket that he had let him wear on their way to his car was enough to keep him relatively warm. Jimin had sobered up for the most part by this point but they both agreed it would still be best to take Jungkook’s car to his apartment rather than risk Jimin driving. There was also a small chance that Jimin’s ex could still be in his apartment and the last thing the man needed was to see Taehyung interact with his one-night stand and ruin his night.
“I’m surprised you asked me to spend the night with you.” Jungkook’s voice forced Jimin away from his increasingly burdensome thoughts as the two sped down the empty highway.
The concentrated orange lights from the lampposts doused Jungkook’s skin with a warm glow as he drove with one hand on the steering wheel while the other rubbed small circles along Jimin’s inner thigh.
His touch made it hard for the smaller man to concentrate but he did his best to answer his question with a semblance of thought, “you were surprised? Why?”
Jungkook shrugged as a lazy smile spread across his lips, “you looked content on your own, honestly.”
“Looks can be deceiving…”
A second of silence swooped over the two and Jimin began to regret saying anything. He couldn’t exactly read the look on Jungkook’s face but figured he definitely killed the mood. Why would he say something like that to someone who was practically a stranger? Jungkook didn’t want to hear about his problems and Jimin needed to get them back on track if they were gonna enjoy their night together.
With renewed vigor Jimin cleared his throat before he spoke, his voice taking on an airy tone that matched the quiet of the night around them, “but you were hard to resist…” as he spoke Jimin moved his hand to land on top of Jungkook’s thigh, his fingers moving closer and closer to the precipice of the man’s desire with each word he uttered.
“Jimin…” Jungkook’s voice was low almost blending into the hum of the car engine that rumbled softly underneath them.
Jimin couldn’t tell if his companion was warning him to stop or probing him to keep going but regardless he kept his hand lightly tracing over the ever-hardening bulge that pushed against the tight fabric of Jungkook’s pants.
“Jimin…” Jungkook’s voice was followed by an unsteady breath of air, as if talking took a great deal of effort while he flexed his hands that gripped the steering wheel, “as good as that feels if you don’t stop I’m going to end up crashing this car.”
“Hm… but you feel so good under my touch.” Jimin punctuated his words with a tight squeeze of Jungkook’s bulge who grunted in response, the sound sending blood rushing down Jimin’s body.
Rather than respond Jungkook took a tight breath of air before seemingly pressing harder on the gas pedal sending the car further down the highway. Jimin took a steadying breath as he watched the trees and street lights fly by him, the bass from the music playing lulled him into a peaceful state while he did his best to calm down the fast beat of his heart.
The rest of the drive was relatively uneventful as the pair quickly made it back to the apartment complex Jungkook resided at. As the two got into the elevator headed for the fifth floor Jimin took note of how nice everything looked, he figured these apartments were new and when he walked into Jungkook’s spacious apartment it was even more evident.
Everything in the apartment was clean and the furniture looked well-kept as Jimin was led into the bedroom that sported a large king-sized bed with a fluffy gray comforter.
“Ah! Sorry about the mess, I was in a rush earlier,” Jimin turned in time to see Jungkook picking up a pile of scattered clothes before tossing them into his closet.
“It’s fine… that’s not what I was focusing on anyways…” the slow drawl of Jimin’s voice seemed to catch the bartender’s attention as the man’s once apologetic eyes became hooded and dark within the dim room, the only light illuminating each other was from the haunting glow of the moon.
Rather than wait for a response Jimin simply walked up to Jungkook before slowly backing him up against his bed, forcing the man to sit. His wide eyes never left Jimin’s face until the man in question began slowly stripping off his clothes, his hands running smoothly over his bare chest once his shirt fluttered off of his body.
Jimin wasn’t exactly sure what he was doing when he began taking off his shirt. In all honestly, he was just improvising; especially when he straddled Jungkook whose hands instinctively clutched his lower back. Jimin thought he was doing well with all things considered.
Taehyung was never one for foreplay or romance during sex, intimacy just wasn’t something he would initiate, and thus Jimin was left with the responsibility to force the love and intimacy that should have already been present in the relationship. At first, Jimin figured that they were going through a rough patch and that if he just kept improving his sex game then eventually Taehyung would reciprocate. It wasn’t until Jimin first caught his ex-boyfriend cheating that it all started to click.
“Jimin…? Are you okay?”
Shaking his head, Jimin was met with Jungkook’s furrowed eyebrows and shallow frown. Shit, he was messing this up by thinking about his dumb ex.
“Yeah, I’m fine sorry.”
Jungkook cocked an eyebrow, “are you sure?”
“Totally,” not wanting to feel Jungkook’s inquisitive stare, Jimin leaned his lips to the side of the bartender’s face before peppering him with small pecks and moving his hips in a small circular motion over Jungkook’s bulge.
The low raspy moan that escaped Jungkook’s lips was like music to Jimin’s ears as he pressed himself further into the man’s lap.
“You feel so good…”
Jimin smiled to himself at the confession before whispering back, “I taste even better.”
“May I get a free sample?”
Leaning back Jimin was greeted by Jungkook’s intense expression. His eyes were bright even in the darkness of his room and his skin looked just as soft as the bed he was sitting on. Jimin watched Jungkook’s eyes dart down to his lips before meeting his gaze once again, a silent prose for permission which Jimin granted with a small nod.
Without further pretense, Jungkook leaned in slowly before pressing his lips upon Jimin’s. His kisses were so… different from Taehyung which is to be expected but even still the man couldn’t help the small gasp of surprise that escaped him when feeling the gentle and patient lips that careened over him.
While it felt nice Jimin couldn’t seem to rid himself of a feeling he could only recognize as disgust and shame. How did he not realize sooner that Taehyung had stopped loving him a long time ago? There was a time when he used to kiss Jimin the same way Jungkook was, with tenderness and care but after a while, those kisses turned into quick pecks on the cheek and eventually nothing at all.
He was pathetic. Pathetic for staying with someone who cared so little about him and pathetic for letting the man still have control over him at a time when he should be enjoying himself. Jimin was so overwhelmed by his thoughts that he didn’t even notice that Jungkook had stopped kissing him and instead studied him for a few seconds before breaking the trance Jimin seemed to be in.
“Jimin, what’s wrong? Seriously.”
Hearing the genuine concern lace Jungkook’s voice is what pulled Jimin away from his thoughts, his eyes blurring from unshed tears that he did his best to blink away.
“Was it me? You can tell me if you’re uncomfortable and want to leave. I’ll understand. I just want to make sure you’re okay.”
“No! No, it-it’s not you, I swear. I’m just-” Jimin couldn’t bring himself to finish his sentence when he looked at the man in front of him. Jungkook didn’t deserve this. He didn’t need Jimin to trauma-dump on him.
“What is it, Jimin? You can tell me, I won’t judge. Actually… hold on.” Without warning Jungkook gently moved Jimin off of his lap before rushing out of the room.
Jimin heard the sound of cabinets opening and closing along before seeing Jungkook come back in a few seconds later with a full glass in his hand.
“Iced tea. It helps calm me down, so I figured it might help you too. I hope you don’t mind.” Passing the drink to Jimin, Jungkook took a seat next to him on the bed while still leaving a respectable amount of space between them.
Jimin was grateful for how careful and patient Jungkook was being with him but he couldn’t help the burning sense of shame he felt imprint on his cheeks. He truly did want to sleep with Jungkook but he couldn’t help but be reminded of how horribly Taehyung had treated him when in comparison to this stranger who was so kind to him.
A few seconds of quiet filled the dark room while Jimin took the time to collect his thoughts, the tea helped in soothing his intrusive thoughts. He knew Jungkook wasn’t going to ask him to explain himself, but Jimin still felt like he owed him an explanation, if for nothing else, for his own peace of mind.
“I know I probably seem crazy…” Jimin’s voice was soft as he angled his face to the ground, his eyes trying their best to focus on the small details of the tan carpet rather than on Jungkook’s gaze.
“No, of course not.”
Jimin laughed dryly, “you don’t have to lie. I know I look like a mess it’s just… I had just broken up with my boyfriend earlier today. I, uh, caught him cheating on me in our apartment.” Jimin held his breath as he waited to hear some sort of scolding or chastising from Jungkook but was instead met with silence, prompting him to continue before he lost his nerve. “I guess seeing the way you’ve treated me made me realize just how broken my relationship was.”
A pair of warm hands enveloped Jimin as he spoke, his words cracking as he did his best to choke down a sob from exiting his lips. Jungkook’s strong arms held onto Jimin, his thumb rubbing small circles over his bare arm while Jimin rested his head against Jungkook’s chest, his heartbeat thumping in a comforting rhythm. For a while, no one moved. Jungkook was so warm and being encapsulated in his arms lulled Jimin into a state of pure contentment after his admission.
“Y’know… I’ve had my fair share of relationships. About half of them have ended with my sorry ass crying on the couch while watching a corny romance movie even though I was the one who ended the relationships.” Jungkook’s voice was soft and low, his warm tone resembling a cozy fire that kept you safe in the midst of winter, “it’s okay to feel hurt, Jimin. To grieve. You’re not crazy for having a normal human reaction to a relationship ending.”
“I know, I just don’t want you to think I’m using you for a rebound or anything I just-”
“If you’re not ready that’s totally fine. Honestly, I’m okay with just watching a movie if that’ll make you feel better. And not to brag but my movie collection is pretty superior.”
That earned a small chuckle from Jimin who agreed to Jungkook’s proposition as the pair then moved to the living room. Jungkook let Jimin pick the first movie while he made them popcorn before they both settled down on the leather couch.
Jimin, who was now wearing one of Jungkook’s band t-shirts, made himself comfortable on the couch with his legs curled up under the oversized shirt while leaning into Jungkook’s side as a large blanket covered the two. At first, Jimin felt a bit sheepish about watching movies with someone he was planning on having sex with but Jungkook never made Jimin feel bad about it and instead would make corny jokes about the movie and tell small anecdotes of memories he had connected to the movie.
“-and then they stood on top of the counter and reenacted the pose. They had the DJ change the music and everything too.”
“You’re lying!”
“I swear I’m not!”
Jimin couldn’t help the string of laughter that left his lips as his brain conjured up a visual of Jungkook’s story, “there’s no way Namjoon and Jin reenacted that titanic scene at the bar.”
Jungkook huffed despondently before reaching to grab his phone with a determined look plastered over his face, “we can call Jin and ask him-”
“No! I believe you.” with a laugh Jimin leaned over Jungkook to grab the phone before he lifted the device out of Jimin’s reach, leaving him an inch away from Jungkook’s face.
A second of tentative divisiveness clouded Jimin’s head as he simply stared at Jungkook who did the same. As the moment stretched on and the movie became a forgotten memory playing quietly in the background Jimin felt his own desire to pleasure Jungkook begin to fill his head.
Here he was with this gorgeous man looking at him with his beautiful bright eyes, how was he supposed to resist him? Without uttering a word Jimin pressed a quick kiss to the bartender’s lips before he moved off of the couch and positioned himself to be stationed in front of Jungkook’s legs. With a slow and sensual touch, Jimin eased open Jungkook’s legs while his eyes stayed focused on the bartender’s cautious yet intrigued reaction. Jimin ran the pads of his fingertips lightly over the dark denim fabric, his fingers brushing against Jungkook’s bulge eliciting a small gasp of surprise from the man above. But before he could go further, Jimin’s hands were overtaken by Jungkooks’ who gazed down at him with a worried expression.
“You don’t have to do this, Jimin. I know you’re still mourning your last relationship and I don’t want you to feel like you owe me any sexual favors if that’s not what you want to do.”
Jimin sweetly smiled up at Jungkook, he couldn’t believe just how mature he really was and it only made Jimin more firm in what he was going to do. “I appreciate that Jungkook, I really do. But trust me, I want to do this. Will you let me?”
The man in question seemed stunned by Jimin’s response as he only managed a quick nod of his head. His eyes somehow widened even more as he watched Jimin work.
Pulling Jungkook’s hardened cock from undeneath his tight boxers left Jimin practically salivating at the sight, this man had probably one of the prettiest dicks in the world. His blushing pink tip glistened with precum as the sticky substance rolled delicately down Jungkook’s veiny curved shaft. Jimin wasted no time connecting his lips to the tip, smearing the precum across his lips before dashing his tongue out to taste it, his eyes snapping up to catch the moan that left Jungkook’s lips who watched in anticipation.
He tasted sweet which was a good sign as Jimin wasn’t sure if he could handle giving head to someone whose cum tasted like battery acid. Moving his lips further down the tip Jimin made sure to accentuate the movements of his tongue by delicately lavishing the slit of Jungkook’s cock before he relaxed his jaw and took more of the bartender into his mouth.
“F-fuck, Jimin…” Jungkook’s voice was hoarse and strained while he spoke, from the corner of his eye Jimin observed the way he clenched the forgotten blanket, his knuckles turning a ghostly white from the pressure.
Rather than respond Jimin simply hummed before he gradually moved his mouth up and down Jungkook’s shaft, his ministrations leaving a trail of saliva over the throbbing cock. The deeper Jimin took him the louder Jungkook became, glancing up at the bartender left a stunning visual of Jungkook’s head rolled back, his eyes clenched shut, and gorgeous lips rippling with explicit sounds.
Briefly lifting his mouth off of Jungkook’s dick Jimin wrapped his hands around the base of the shaft and began pumping Jungkook’s cock, his saliva making a great lubricant that allowed for his hands to move at a quick pace. Jungkook practically whined once Jimin switched to giving him a handjob, his voice sounding almost like he was singing with his high-pitched pleas for release and praise.
Not wanting to interrupt the flow, after a few more seconds Jimin once again connected his mouth back onto Jungkook’s tip, his tongue swirling over the reddening skin before completely covering the top half of Jungkook’s length while his hands worked on the base of the shaft.
From the breathless pants and incoherent words, it was clear Jungkook was close to his climax and with that in mind Jimin made sure to suck a bit harder, the sound of his mouth enveloping Jungkook’s cock echoed throughout the dark empty apartment and Jimin lavished at how beautifully Jungkook’s moans rang out into the air. It only took a few more good sucks until Jungkook’s strangled voice called out that he was about to cum.
Jimin didn’t let up though as the warning fell on deaf ears, he really wanted to taste Jungkook again and kept his mouth wrapped around the man before feeling a burst of heat coat his lips and tastebuds. Jimin relished in the feeling of Jungkook’s cum in his mouth, swallowing happily at the fact that he was able to help the bartender reach his orgasim relatively quickly after not giving any head for the past few months.
Once Jimin was sure Jungkook had come down from his high he removed his mouth with a ‘pop’ before sitting back up on the couch, his lips still tingling from the whole session.
“Wow… that was…” Jungkook looked dazed as he turned to face Jimin with his dilated eyes and agape mouth, “wow.”
Jimin chuckled at the man’s astonished expression, “they don’t call me the throat goat for nothing, y’know.”
That earned a hearty laugh from Jungkook who flung his head back on the couch, “you’re amazing… truly.”
Jimin felt his heart swell with warmth at Jungkook’s words. He wasn’t sure if he’d ever see the man again but right now that didn’t matter. Leaning closer to him Jimin felt their two lips collide and mold into one another, the kiss was heated and passionate and Jimin loved the feeling of Jungkook’s tongue fondling with his own.
“Are you sure you don’t want me to…” Jungkook’s words were muttered hurriedly before diving back into the kiss, his hands wrapping tightly around Jimin’s waist.
“No, I’m fine seriously. Pleasing you was hot enough. You look cute when you come, by the way.”
“Hopefully I can say the same to you one day.”
Jimin preened at Jungkook’s words. So he did want to see him again. Jimin wasn’t mad at the proposition and as the two continued their heated makeout session (while occasionally rewinding the movie before returning to kissing), he felt himself become excited for whatever his future held for him and was grateful for finding someone to help him bury his past.
Letting You in
Playboy Au
Jungkook x reader
Warning: Angst, Heartbreak, Cursing, crying
" so that's it huh?" You asked in disbelief watching as he turned his back to you. Instead of replying, he began to pack his bag to leave " No this is when I lost feelings or I'm sorry I'm leaving no explanation... Nothing?" You bit your lip as you tried to hold the confidence you were known for.
He sighed and turned shrugging his shoulders giving you a cold stare " I don't understand what you want me to do" he said as he began to walk away pitifully. Normally you'd let them go without a fight, you'd never get too attached. So why was it different now?
Staring at him, shock displaying itself on your features as you followed him grabbing him by his arm " you're not even gonna fight or-or consider how I feel?" You scrunched your eyebrows tilting your head, he snatched his arm away from you and turned to you causing you to stumble forward a bit " WHAT DO YOU EXPECT FROM ME?" Something inside of him snapped " you knew from the beginning how shit would end I mean-" he chuckled " I thought you were different, wouldn't push me or try to change me" Jungkook shook his head at you.
You scoffed as tears began to build up " you're right" voice cracking as the pain set in " you're right I don't even know what's wrong with me" you gave up, something you got used to after a while.. abandonment, so why was it different now.
He softened at the sound of your voice and the shake in your shoulders as you turned " Y/n" he started yet, you kept walking " No cause I knew- I always knew yet I shoved it so fucking far down in my head I was hoping to forget" you turned pointing an accusing finger at him " I KNEW I shouldn't have gotten attached and yet here I am like - you scoffed- what the fuck" you started as a tear slipped. Betrayal, was it from him? Or your emotions? Your heart.
Just as fast as it fell you wiped it away " pathetic" you went to bump past him to reach the stairs before he grabbed you " it's okay to cry or hurt but-" you cut him off " no you don't get to tell me wether I can cry or not YOU don't get to tell me I'm an idiot or whatever because I fell for you, that it's okay to hurt from heartbreak" you tried to hold it together but the tears wouldn't stop.
" I should've listened to myself and my mother before I dated you, I wouldn't- I didn't believe in love until you.. I wouldn't if it weren't for you" you jabbed him in the chest as he stared at you, dead. The gaze in his eyes were dead like he'd done this a million times " and ya'know this is why, the world's fucked up and I went my entire life without getting attached or allowing myself to fall too deep so why-" you hiccuped " why'd it have to be you" running up the stairs after snatching your arm out his hold.
A part of him broke as he watched the person he began to feel love for leave, he never meant to hurt her, hoping it'd be the best of he left before she became too attached. Mission failed I guess.
" I mean we could work" Jungkook smiled as he walked along side you " yeah whatever you say" you laughed in return.
He stopped in front of you " no seriously~ we've never been in a relationship long enough for us to fall in love hell we don't believe in that we could be together and won't have to worry about shattering one anothers a heart or deal with the jealousy and stuff" he tried to reason. Stopping yourself so you don't run into him, you shrugged " yeah but you're the School player and one thing I am very fond of is loyalty" you walked around him making him scoff " I've never cheated only reason I got my label is cause I don't fall in love" you shrugged again continuing home.
"hey" you said opening your door to step out " ready for our date babygirl?" He asked making you giggle " of course my love" joining him on the way to the car.
After getting in and hitting the road Jungkook turned the radio on " oh I love this song" you laughed before starting to sing your heart out .
" tell me what's your favorite game i~" he smiled as he stole a few glanced at you
"girl you know you wanna play with it spend a couple days in it" you turned to him seductively winking before kissing his cheek.
You were different a good kind of different as much as he'd hate to lose you he felt he didn't have to.
~two years in~
Jungkook stared at you as you ran to the other side of the field in your summer dress loving how the sun shun against your silky s/c skin, how the dress exposed parts of your thick thighs. He adored the way your cheeks became full when you smiled and your cheekbones became prominent but he knew he couldn't love you as much as he loved being with you.
Even with the sun up, you were his only light. Picking up the frisbee you scoffed " unfair you throw too high" you whined before tossing it back. The disk toy flying smoothly throughout the air before he caught it
~flashback end~
You marched back down the stairs with a bag causing his expression to tense " what are you doing " you walked past him putting his shoes on " Your names on the house, you shouldn't have to leave " you muttered as the tears had come to a stop. He pulled you away from the door " no you-" he shook his head " you don't have to leave I broke your heart I did the damage I don't belong here" he went to leave yet your hand on the door only caused him more dismay.
He didn't want to cry, he turned his head as he removed your hand " stop" you whispered as the tears pricked your eyes again " please? I just wanna go" you tried not to break as your lips quivered, throat becoming tight " no" he said pulling you in.
" you can't, it feels so wrong" he cried making you look to the side as you but your lip " I don't know what you want from me honestly, I messed up and got into a relationship I didn't have any control over and-and" you began to cry
" and I hate how much I was right and how much my mom was right, how wrong I am, I fucked up I did this so wrong I-" you couldn't breathe. He shook his head as he hugged you " no-" once again cutting him off
" I shouldn't have let us last this long I knew better than that and you knew that yet I fell in love and as much as I tried to stop myself I ruined us" you felt weak as your knees gave in. He held you up refusing to let go " I did too" he muttered making you whine.
"then why are you leaving me, why are you hurting me, us!" You yelled as you couldn't contain your cries any longer. Swinging, pushing and punching him just wanting to get away " because I'm toxic I'm not good for you or us" he muttered " I'm leaving because of you I can't do this" he said finally letting you go.
You ran, not looking back you just ran hoping you wouldn't have the guts to look back, snatching the door open to leave. You couldn't stop remembering all the gold times, your first kiss. Your first everything was with him but it was all so wrong.
" sometimes you meet the right person at the wrong time and all you can do is let go and hope that you come together in the future" your mother smiled as she brushed your hair " you just have to grow and wait and even if you don't end up with them you'll always belong to them just the hearts in a different body. You'll always love them but you'll move on and find happiness" she said as she continued stroking the same spot. " Have you ever met them?" You asked and she smiled " yeah and we were very young I allowed my relationship with my father and his relationship with my mother mold my relationships and instead of growing and coming back to him, me and your father got together" she spoke sadly. You nodded " I know you don't believe in love or want to because of us but I don't want that to defeat you, you'll find someone whether it's the right person at the wrong time or you find your happiness in a person who changes your life forever. Sometimes it's someone you know you can never be with no matter how right it feels they aren't meant to be" she kissed your head " but remember never stop running especially if it's hurting you, never stop running until you reach what you truly believe in" she put the brush down and walked out of your room.
~flashback end~
You screamed out as you ran not even knowing where you were headed. This was it maybe she was right he was right for you but not right now maybe later in life or maybe he felt right but it was wrong. Just a fairytale created by the two of you in your minds.
You didn't want to turn around in fear you'd go back, you didn't want to turn around in fear of knowing you'd go back. You don't want to stop running.
. * . * .🌙 * . * ☄️. * * . 🌍* . . * 💫 * . * . . *. ✨ * . * 🌑 * BTS . * ☄️ * . * 🌕 . * .🌙 • * ✨ 💫 * . 🌎 * . *
🌙 * . * * . * 🌑 . *. ✨ * . * ☄️

Magic Shop — BTS
0:24 ━━●──────────── 1:36
« Reactions. ↬ Smut
« Drabbles. ↬ Suggestive
« Timestamps. ↬ Fluff
« Headcanons. ↬ Angst
« Fanfics
« Fake texts
₊ ༝ ・ ˖ Masterlist ₊ ༝ ・ ˖

•─🌜 . . . ❝ Kim Namjoon ❞ . . . 🌛─•

•─🌜 . . . ❝ Kim Seokjin ❞ . . . 🌛─•

•─🌜 . . . ❝ Min Yoongi ❞ . . . 🌛─•
» Amigos com Benefícios
¡NonIdol!Yoongi x ¡NonIdolFemaleReader!. 988 palavras. Smut. Menores Não Interagir (Yoongi dom; leitora sub; tight riding; sexo desprotegido).
🖇..⃗. Resumo: Você sempre amou sua relação de ‘amigos com benefícios’ que tinha com Yoongi, mas quando você se da conta do controle dele sob você (em especial sob seu corpo), você enlouquece e decide acabar com sua relação. Mas acontece que Yoongi não concordou com a ideia.
» Friends with benefits
¡NonIdol!Yoongi x ¡NonIdolFemaleReader!. 988 words. Smut. MDNI. (Yoongi dom; sub reader; tight riding; unprotected sex).
🖇..⃗. Summary: You always loved being best friend with benefits with Yoongi, but once you realized his control over you (and principal, over your body), you totally freak out, and decide to end your realitionship. It turns out that Yoongi dind’t agreeded with the idea.
» Especial de aniversário / Special Birthday
¡Idol!Yoongi x ¡NonIdol!Reader. 630 palavras. Fluff. relacionamento estabelecido, namorados.
¡Idol!Yoongi x ¡NonIdol!Reader. 630 words. Fluff, established relationship.

•─🌜 . . . ❝ Jung Hoseok ❞ . . . 🌛─•
» 🌻 Sunflower 🌻
Jung Hoseok (ɪᴅᴏʟ!Hoseok x Nonɪᴅᴏʟ!ꜰᴇᴍᴀʟᴇ ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ) ᴘᴀʟᴀᴠʀᴀꜱ: 747 palavras ᴀᴠɪꜱᴏꜱ: nenhum :)
» 🌻 Sunflower 🌻
Jung Hoseok (ɪᴅᴏʟ!Hoseok x Nonɪᴅᴏʟ!ꜰᴇᴍᴀʟᴇ ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ) words: 747 words ᴀᴠɪꜱᴏꜱ: none :)

•─🌜 . . . ❝ Park Jimin ❞ . . . 🌛─•
» I Can't Stop Me
NonIᴅᴏʟBoyfriend!Jimin x Nonɪᴅᴏʟ!ꜰᴇᴍᴀʟᴇ ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ. 471 words. Fluff, established relationship.
🖇..⃗. Summary: When your boyfriend decided to prank you, he didn't expected the turning of events that it would happen.
NonIᴅᴏʟBoyfriend!Jimin x Nonɪᴅᴏʟ!ꜰᴇᴍᴀʟᴇ ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ. 471 palavras.Fluff, relacionamento estabelecido, namorados.
🖇..⃗. Resumo: Quando seu namorado decide pregar uma peça em você, ele não esperava pela virada de eventos que aconteceria.
» Oh! Lover Boy...
DanceTeacher! Jimin x DanceStudent FemaleReader!. Levemente sugestivo, inspirado em uma das cenas do filme "Greese"
🖇..⃗. Resumo: Quando se matriculou em uma aula de dança, não imaginou que seu professor de dança fosse tão...Jimin.

•─🌜 . . . ❝ Kim Taehyung ❞ . . . 🌛─•
» Moonlight thoughts (smutty) 🌕
» Pensamentos sob o luar (smutty) 🌕

•─🌜 . . . ❝ Jeon Jungkook ❞ . . . 🌛─•

[Masterlist ]
. * . * .🌙 * . * ☄️. * * . 🌍* . . * 💫 * . * . . *. ✨ * . * 🌑 * BTS . * ☄️ * . * 🌕 . * .🌙 • * ✨ 💫 * . 🌎 * . *
🌙 * . * * . * 🌑 . *. ✨ * . * ☄️

Magic Shop — BTS
0:24 ━━●──────────── 1:36
« Reactions. ↬ Smut {🌹}
« Drabbles. ↬ Suggestive {🍓}
« Timestamps. ↬ Fluff {🌤ི}
« Headcanons. ↬ Angst { 🌧️۫˖}
« Fanfics
« Fake texts
₊ ༝ ・ ˖ Masterlist ₊ ༝ ・ ˖
🍵🌿🖇..⃗. buy me a coffee?

•─🌜 . . . ❝ Kim Namjoon ❞ . . . 🌛─•

•─🌜 . . . ❝ Kim Seokjin ❞ . . . 🌛─•

•─🌜 . . . ❝ Min Yoongi ❞ . . . 🌛─•
» Amigos com Benefícios 🌹
» Friends with benefits 🌹
» Especial de aniversário / Special Birthday 🌤ི

•─🌜 . . . ❝ Jung Hoseok ❞ . . . 🌛─•

•─🌜 . . . ❝ Park Jimin ❞ . . . 🌛─•

•─🌜 . . . ❝ Kim Taehyung ❞ . . . 🌛─•

•─🌜 . . . ❝ Jeon Jungkook ❞ . . . 🌛─•

[Masterlist ]
. * . * .🌙 * . * ☄️. * * . 🌍* . . * 💫 * . * . . *. ✨ * . * 🌑 * BTS . * ☄️ * . * 🌕 . * .🌙 • * ✨ 💫 * . 🌎 * . *
🌙 * . * * . * 🌑 . *. ✨ * . * ☄️

Magic Shop — BTS
0:24 ━━●──────────── 1:36
« Reactions. ↬ Smut
« Drabbles. ↬ Suggestive
« Timestamps. ↬ Fluff
« Headcanons. ↬ Angst
« Fanfics
« Fake texts
₊ ༝ ・ ˖ Masterlist ₊ ༝ ・ ˖
🍵🌿🖇..⃗. buy me a coffee?

•─🌜 . . . ❝ Kim Namjoon ❞ . . . 🌛─•

•─🌜 . . . ❝ Kim Seokjin ❞ . . . 🌛─•

•─🌜 . . . ❝ Min Yoongi ❞ . . . 🌛─•
» Amigos com Benefícios
¡NonIdol!Yoongi x ¡NonIdolFemaleReader!. 988 palavras. Smut. Menores Não Interagir (Yoongi dom; leitora sub; tight riding; sexo desprotegido).
🖇..⃗. Resumo: Você sempre amou sua relação de ‘amigos com benefícios’ que tinha com Yoongi, mas quando você se da conta do controle dele sob você (em especial sob seu corpo), você enlouquece e decide acabar com sua relação. Mas acontece que Yoongi não concordou com a ideia.
» Friends with benefits
¡NonIdol!Yoongi x ¡NonIdolFemaleReader!. 988 words. Smut. MDNI. (Yoongi dom; sub reader; tight riding; unprotected sex).
🖇..⃗. Summary: You always loved being best friend with benefits with Yoongi, but once you realized his control over you (and principal, over your body), you totally freak out, and decide to end your realitionship. It turns out that Yoongi dind’t agreeded with the idea.
» Especial de aniversário / Special Birthday
¡Idol!Yoongi x ¡NonIdol!Reader. 630 palavras. Fluff. relacionamento estabelecido, namorados.
¡Idol!Yoongi x ¡NonIdol!Reader. 630 words. Fluff, established relationship.

•─🌜 . . . ❝ Jung Hoseok ❞ . . . 🌛─•

•─🌜 . . . ❝ Park Jimin ❞ . . . 🌛─•

•─🌜 . . . ❝ Kim Taehyung ❞ . . . 🌛─•

•─🌜 . . . ❝ Jeon Jungkook ❞ . . . 🌛─•

[Masterlist ]

added color
Yumi was perfectly fine with not finding her soulmate yet. she never really cared about the idea of soulmates. she’s fine with just running her bakery and living with her brother Jimin and their two best friends Jungkook and Taehyung.

pairing: ceo! yoongi x baker! yumi
genre: fluff, humor, love, romance, soulmate Au
warnings: curse words, talk of sex(maybe)
status: completed
updates: mondays and fridays
a/n: there might be some written parts. i’ll mark with ✏️ if it is.
🌙soulmate series m.list🌙

spiritual connection info
yumi n friends ☪︎ yoongi n friends
classy bitches
try me
complete idiots
release party
jin’s sneeze
possessive much
min yoongi?
open the door📱✏️
come in📱✏️
gonna fucking k*ll him
you can invite him
let’s get it!!!
just get in the car📱✏️
where am i?✏️
let’s play a game
monkey business
meet harold
@ us next time bitch
tf is a yoonmin?
i hate this shit…
that jungkook guy
the apology📱✏️
the dates
i’m fucking funny
over text
i love you
the end
next story: finally found
the interview
moving in

taglist: @btsfluffsworld @preciouschimine @mizz-kraziii @wittyreader @0anodite0 @wrmnssoul @fairywriter-oracle @juju-227592 @lilies-dont-lie @ivyka89 @bangtanabi @mellymousie @asterianax @acquiescence804

‼️taglist closed‼️