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Like 100% truth!
“I will orbit around you”
Author’s note: while i did want to try write these oneshots/stories without an mc name, I decided that I prefer to write with naming my characters. So introducing Lila.
I choose Lila because it’s derived from lilac which as we all know is purple. So borahae BTS and here is to my favourite guys.
Also this fic engages with littlespace and caregivers. Please familiarizr yourself with the concept before commenting.
Soft purple lights flitted around the nursery to draw out an elaborate galaxy, as Lila slept soundly with a bunny tucked under arm. Space and the galaxy was one of Lila’s newfound interests since Namjoon and Jungkook took her to the plantetarium to see the pretty planets and stars.
While the trip had been kept very lowkey with both caregivers downing many layers of clothing from jackets to masks to hats and sunglasses indoors, the heat of their outfits inside the poorly air conditioned planetarium was worth it when seeing their angel smile and bounce around the place in excitement.
There she recited all the planets (in order of course) as her daddy Joonie taught her with her special love for pluto or 13430.
As she sat in the planetarium in between her two daddies immersed in the 4D film about planets and the galaxy, she wondered about something and asked:
“Daddy why is pluto not a planet” she looked up at her daddy Joonie as they looked up at the display screen upon hearing the narrator say that pluto was no longer considered a planet.
He always had all the answers in that smart head of his and Lila had always loved that one of her daddies would be answer all her whys and hows.
“Well Lila, because Pluto is too small to be considered a planet, so it’s a star, like my little stargirl” he explained copying her sentence structure to help her understand.
“But if being little makes me a star then does that mean kookie dada and daddy Joonie are big planets like Jupiter and Saturn?” She questioned suddenly no longer interested in the big screen.
“Yes my smart girl, daddies are the planets but you’re not just any little star, you’re a special star. The one we all orbit. Do you remember what that star is called?” Namjoon asked in his musing baby voice reserved for Lila.
“The sun daddy!! I’m the sun” giggled Lila as she pointed to herself excitedly because she knew the answer.
“Exactly sunshine, you are daddies sun and we’ll always orbit you because we love you.” Joon replied, taking her fingers and kissing each of them.
Satisfied with that answer, Lila refocused on the film, not knowing her daddies newfound focus on her. Namjoon smiled down as he glimpsed at Jungkook who listened to the entire interaction smiling as the caregivers tuned out the rest of the film and instead watched their star instead.
After that, Jungkook had obsessed himself with finding a galaxy nightlight to commemorate the trip but after multiple amazon orders and shopping trips, he (but mostly the other daddies) decided that none of those lights were good enough for their darling.
Some of them looked more like strobe lights which made it difficult for Lila to fall asleep and instead excited her too close to bedtime, making Jin work overtime to get her to sleep and Namjoon to exhaust his bedtime story supply. Others were fine but Tae, the ever expensive daddy deigned them “cheap-looking” and not fitting with the soft and luxurious aesthetic of the nursery which he and Yoongi had designed so naturally they too had to go.
This was the problem with having so many caregivers, everyone had an input into what was best for Lila and they all had different tastes and aesthetics so safe to say it was difficult sometimes. But Jungkook understood and he gave in to Lila’s other daddies, and looked for more galaxy lights.
Eventually Jungkook was at his wits end and muttered that he’d “just make one myself” after throwing out what must have been the 30th galaxy light.
So make that’s exactly what he went and did. He contacted manufacturers, drew up original designs, made tweaks here and there just to make it perfect for his star.
At one point he even decided that the galaxy did not look good enough for his angel so he took matters into his own hands and sketched up his own version of a galaxy, mapping out each star and colour just for the lamp.
It was a surprise to all the other members how dedicated he was to making this happen, sparing every moment between recording, interviews and practice to sketch up new revisions or call manufacturers. Eventually, Yoongi wondered if this was something ARMYs would like as well so he proposed the idea to Jungkook, and he initially said no since this was his passion project for his babygirl but later decided that it wouldn’t be the worse idea to lower economies of scale and gift ARMYs with a special gift he created. So that’s how the artist collection came about. And how Lila now had a custom galaxy light.
She truly was their sun.
Don’t forget to comment. I’ll be taking in requests for ideas so I don’t mind writing up new stuff