Bucky Barnes Incest - Tumblr Posts
Exquise esquisse (Part 1)

Exquise esquisse
How can a love so pure and innocent at first, be prohibited?
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x reader
⚠️Warning⚠️: This story will contain incest. If you feel uncomfortable, please don’t read. This story isn’t about smut or just to satisfy some pervert desires. I’m writing this story because I wanted to read a pure and very intense love forbidden, the kind that makes your heart and stomach hurt or even cry. I don’t advocate for incest, actually I think this is very wrong, I know and I’m not a big fan of that, tbh. However, I’ve been thinking of this for a year: “What could happen if Bucky Barnes got someone pregnant in the 40′s and now he’s falling in love with his great-granddaughter without knowing she’s family?”. In this story, I'll broach different points of view: philosophical (thanks to philosophy classes in high school!), cultural and historical. AND don’t come to insult me or what you want because, it will show you didn’t understood what I wanted to prove through this story. One last thing: I won’t write this story as a regular novel cause I don’t think I have the level in english (and the time) so, I'll stick to short chapters and emphasize the important points and feelings.
Disclaimer: I’m french and even if I’m learning English for eight fucking years, it’s not perfect and I’m sorry if there are spelling or grammar mistakes. If English is your native language (or if you’re bilingual), I would really appreciate it if you could help me by correcting my errors. Just don’t be too harsh, please. :)
Walking in the streets of Brooklyn, earphones on, you rolled up the sleeves of your denim jacket. Without looking straight ahead. You had never hit a muscular and hot torso or fell to the overthrow, but narrowly caught by a handsome man. It was only in the movies, so why se faire un sang d’encre? Life was a ballad, which, like any other, contains positive and negative. Nothing was all white nor black. It was all about nuances. Everything in your life was about shade of difference.
What you couldn’t imagine, would be that something would plow into you. You were more likely to take a post in your face, instead, a beautiful Labrador ran and jumped on your legs. The animal was adorable, so adorable that you couldn’t resist it, you caressed the top of his head before looking around for his owner. Came face to you a tall handsome man, your heart missed a beat and you couldn’t take your eyes off him. He had everything from a Greek god, the kind that makes you fall for him and leaves you with that strange feeling. A feeling on which you cannot put a label on it because you don’t know what it is, the kind of feeling that doesn’t leave you insensitive, the kind of feeling that leads you to ask yourself a thousand and one questions. Attraction is so powerful.
His azure eyes, resting on you, didn’t make you fall backwards, instead, he turned you upside down. Love at first sight existed, you were convinced. This invasion of so foreign sentiments overwhelmed you… Even, poisoned you. When he came to apologize to you, you couldn’t help but smiled and a long discussion ensued. It was the beginning of love... Love, so pure, so innocent.
You were so young, beautiful and kind. Despite your slightly grunge look, something in you reminded him of his youth. Your innocence, perhaps? Your doe eyes? Your shy smile? Or was it the sweet freshness you provided? In a single instant, Bucky was lost, but he knew one thing: you didn’t leave him indifferent, he desired to see you again, no, he had to. He needed you. You became his new heroin, when he barely knew you. The wrong way was already taken. But was it really your fault? Fate knew how to find you, nobody escapes it and there was no way you two would.
“Bucky… Call me Bucky, doll.”
Bucky, that name, you already heard it somewhere. He was Captain America’s best friend, but why did it sound so familiar? As if you personally met him before?
You didn’t question yourself any longer, because you knew you would see him again. One look, one smile, one hour of discussion and you were infatuated with him.
L'amour que nous ne ferons jamais ensemble
Est le plus rare le plus troublant
Le plus pur le plus enivrant
Exquise esquisse…
- Gainsbourg
Let me know what you think! I’ll write the next part as soon as I can! :)
Wattpad: CauseImHappiness
Instagram: CauseImHappinesss
Twitter: CauseImHappines
Exquise Esquisse (Part 2)

Exquise esquisse
How can a love so pure and innocent at first, be prohibited?
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x reader
⚠️Warning⚠️: READ THE WARNING IN THE FIRST PART. THANKS. (No smut, just fluff) Gainsbourg songs are my main inspiration, this man was a complete genius in everything he touched.
Disclaimer: I’m french and even if I’m learning English for eight fucking years, it’s not perfect and I’m sorry if there are spelling or grammar mistakes. If English is your native language (or if you’re bilingual), I would really appreciate it if you could help me by correcting my errors. Just don’t be too harsh, please. :)
You can listen Initials BB by Serge Gainsbourg while you’re reading. :)
Lying on your bed, staring at the immaculate white ceiling of your little apartment, a smile was on your face. Your cell phone on your chest, precisely on your heart, you held back a cry of excitement. A month after your first encounter with him, he invited you to the restaurant, your other dates were romantic, but he hadn’t kiss you yet. You weren’t blind, you both knew that a strong love was born between you two. You knew that night, he would kiss you and maybe take you to his home.
You desired to feel his warm, thick fingers travel across your body, touching your face a hundred times and feeling his lips dance on your skin. You were prepared for the long journey that was love, you were ready, you had no choice, the Cupid arrow had pass through your skin. It was a pain you kept, which did more good than harm.
It was time to get ready. Every detail was meticulously cared for, you made sure that your makeup was perfect and that it reflected your personality, favorite clothes without doing too much, your hairstyle... Perfume applied by small delicate touches, a red lipstick applied with care. You inspected your reflection, seeking for any flaw, your hands were shaking, your belly did looping; oh God you wanted to be his. From all of your 21 years, no one had made you feel as woman as him...
His name, his brilliant smile, his irises of a beautiful blue, his hoarse voice, his writing, all of him made you smile, failing to make your heart leap out of your chest. As cliché as it seemed, in his presence the time stopped. You were determined, he was the one that you wanted. Wholly him, with his faults as his qualities, even if your conscience shouted at you to avoid rushing things. Was love so strong, so early, a bad sign? Why would you denigrate those feelings you started to get used to? They consumed you and yet, it felt so good, so right...
A last look at your reflection and your heels slammed against the old worn floor of your student apartment. So impatient, you join the man parked in front of your building.
The dinner unfelt wonderful. There were no other words. You nervously waited for the moment when you would feel his soft and warm lips on yours. Hand in hand, you followed him in the dark streets although illuminated of New York, your heels slammed melodiously against the asphalt before you recognize the place where he led you. Central Park. Have you ever been told how beautiful is it?
With his thumb, Bucky caressed the back of your hand and this simple gesture, so innocent, gave you the famous butterflies in the belly. You would never have imagined such a rapprochement with him in just a few weeks. He neither didn’t know how it was possible... He still had insecurities and he was afraid of the next steps in this relationship... But he couldn’t wait. He had to find out. You made him feel things he had never felt before. It was incredible. You were amazing in his eyes.
You followed him into the illuminated park to the Angel of the Waters Fountain as he told you anecdotes about his childhood in Brooklyn with Steve and how they managed to escape the surveillance of their mothers and went to the heart of Manhattan. Immersed into his story, he didn’t notice your seemingly innocent gestures: get closer to the fountain and run your fingers over the surface of the water. Without warning, you splashed him. You burst out laughing at his reaction, he was speechless and trying to wipe his white shirt that became transparent.
"You want to play? We’re gonna play, Y/N!"
Without wasting time, you ran as fast as possible to hide in the park, behind shrubs. When you thought you left him behind, you stopped laughing and your gaze searched for him. Everything was so dark despite the street lights in the park.
"Come back, doll!"
"Come get me, James!” you answered before giggling and running again as he approached.
The former soldier caught up to you without any difficulty and lifted you by the waist before he kissed your cheek. You know that you were already blushing, but at the moment, you didn’t care. A big blissful smile triumphed on your face as you laughed. He laid you down on the ground, sat down and joined you before you grabbed him by the collar and pulled him over you. Lying in the grass, he aboved you between your thighs, you felt your cheeks warm more. Nothing else counted at that moment, you cared less of the position you were in. You drowned in his eyes. He brought his face close to yours, your noses grazed and your lips brushed against each other. You could feel his warm breath wash over your face. Your heart was pounding, now you were sure of your feelings.
"Kiss me..." you whispered.
It was all he needed and he didn’t need to be asked twice. His lips pressed against yours for a sweet kiss, initially shy, then feverish. One of your hands slipped into his hair and the other on his chest, playing with the buttons of his shirt, even if you knew that tonight it wouldn’t go further than kisses. James slipped a hand on your cheek that he caressed while your lips cuddled, discovered each other and his free hand was in the hollow of your waist.
He was so gentle... It was already fucked. You were crazy in love with him and it was reciprocal. Bucky finally understood what everyone explained to him when the subject "love" was discussed. He didn’t want to let go, he wished to be closer to you and to keep you in his strong arms.
Neither of you was aware of the crime you were committing.
"Bucky... Wait..." the young brunette sighed.
Sergeant Barnes's lips never left her skin, marking the thin skin of her neck before he let them slide on her chest, between her breasts.
"I don’t know if it's a good idea..." whispered the French woman in a rough English, between two sighs of pleasure.
What would people think and especially her family if they learned that she slept with an American soldier, one of the liberators of the country, without being married? She would probably be rejected, insulted and almost as badly treated as those young women who fell in love with Germans or who had sex with them. Maybe she wouldn’t be stoned or have her skull shaved in public for betrayal, as for l’Epuration sauvage, but she would become the family shame...
These thoughts faded when she felt the American's hands caress her chest, kiss her belly and play with the elastic of her panties. His whole body burned with desire. Positioned between her thighs, James Buchanan Barnes was gentle towards her despite the desire that was becoming more and more present. This girl called Apolline was of great beauty for that time, a great class, long wavy hair, thin but kept curves and had a porcelain skin even if she lived near the Italian border.
She didn’t mean anything to Bucky. Nothing. Just a pretty girl with whom he was about to have a good time and he would never see her again. How many children were born during the war whose fathers were the soldiers of a foreign army? So many and often abandoned... If only. If only James had known... Would he have changed that wild night?
Nine months later, a little girl named Marie Constance was born.
Taglist: @learisa
Wattpad: CauseImHappiness
Instagram: CauseImHappinesss
Twitter: CauseImHappines