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1 year ago

Taking a Few for the Team, Pt 2

Part two! Part one is here.

I've always had a fantasy about a sports team breeding one of the players, transferring all their fat to the one player. It's a work in progress! Contains male weight gain & sex, some bloating/gas. Let me know what you think!

"Alright, I guess I'll give it a shot." said Trevor.

He got up and made his way over to Aaron, still sticky and bent over. He slowly slipped his cock inside Aarons ass.

Aaron moaned again as Jared's seed oozed out of his sphincter and dripped down onto Trevor's balls, which were also massive.

Trevor grunted as he thrusted in and out of Aaron's tight ass, getting off on the thick milky fluid leaking from Aaron's hole.

Aaron was loving the feeling of being full of Jared's cum while Trevor's cock was inside him. He wondered how big he could stretch if all the guys came inside him. But the way Trevor was speeding up his thrusts, he was about to find out.

"uuuUUrp Ahhh shit yeah" Trevor moaned, as he slammed into Aaron. Soon his balls slapped against Aaron's and he exploded in his ass.

Like before, he felt his belly expand and stretch with each of Trevor's thrusts. It felt like an eternity until his friend was done blowing his load, all the while Aaron's protruding cum-filled belly was sloshing back and forth with Trevor’s thrusts.

Aaron heard the guys around him cheering as Trevor finally finished unloading inside Aaron. “Fuuck big boy” breathed Trevor as he slowly slid out of Aaron’s ass. Aaron was now feeling very full, after Jared and Trevor both came so much inside him. The pressure inside him was now even more intense than before, but for some reason he loved the feeling of holding his friend and team captain's huge loads inside him. He loved how full and heavy they made him feel.

Just like after Jared, Aaron looked like he had gained another five pounds. His already tight shirt was now too small to cover his huge sloshy belly, revealing a strip of skin. Normally this would be embarrassing but he was in a state of pure bliss. This was all so hot it felt like a dream.

“Shit Jared, I see what you mean now, I feel great!” Trevor said with a huge grin on his face. “I look like I lost the holiday weight, and I’m not bloated anymore either. We need to do this more often!”

“Told you, bro!” Jared said, equally excited. “I told you guys these shakes would work! I think Aaron is having a pretty good time, too.” Jared reached over and slapped Aron’s dangling gut and poked his boner, making him shudder. “Mmmmhmm” was all Aaron could let out.

“Fuck, is it my turn yet!?” Said Trent, ripping a massive fart as he got up off the couch. “I’m so horned up right uuUUuurRP now I can’t take it anymore!”

Still dazed, Aaron felt Trent’s huge manhood enter his hole. “Fuck fat boy, you really are full” moaned Trent as he began thrusting back and forth, Aaron’s cum covered ass slapping against him with each thrust.

The pressure in his belly amplified the feeling of Trent’s movements, sending chills up Aaron’s spine. He could feel himself jiggling with each of the man’s thrusts. “Mmmm… fuck… you guys are filling me up…” moaned Aaron.

“Just fucking wait, big boy” said Trent in a low, dominant tone “you’re going to be so fucking UUUURP fat and full when we’re done with you. You’re our fat fucking team slut now!”

Trent’s pounding got more rapid until “FUCK! I’m gonna blow!!” Trent yelled, while tightly grabbing Aaron’s love handles. Aaron could feel another load gushing inside him, filling his ass and then his belly. “Fuuuckk…” he whimpered. He felt so full, but he loved it. All he wanted now was to hold his team’s huge loads inside him. As Trent slid out, Aaron held all the cum in his ass not wanting to waste a drop, no matter how full he felt.

“Shit, that was unreal” Trent said, out of breath “you guys have to try it” he said to the rest of the team. There were cheers punctuated by the rest of the team's bloated gas. Aaron looked up and noticed that at this point they all were wearing just their shirts, revealing their massive full balls and huge cocks they were all stroking. He realized that they were all going to be unloading in him like the other boys before.

Jared helped Aaron get his shirt off and moved him gently to the guest bed where he laid on his back. The weight of his cum filled gut pinned him down, but it felt amazing. Aaron was rock hard but his belly was so big he could barely see the tip of his own dick.

“Alright boys, who’s next?” Jared shouted, grinning. “Let's pump this fat boy full!”

His other teammates continued to fuck his ass one after another, shooting their loads into him, filling him up with their cum. Aaron moaned continuously as he was fucked mercilessly. And with each load, his belly got fuller, tighter, rounder. But along with his belly, Aaron was beginning to go from pudgy to full on fat boy. His thighs were getting bigger and heavier. His face felt fuller. His nipples and tits were beginning to grow big and plump, shaking back and forth while his teammates pounded away. His full belly gained a new layer of thick, soft fat on top of the tight cream filled inside.

Finally, after what must have been hours, the boys were done. Aaron was so full he could barely breathe. His belly was absolutely massive, about the size of a yoga ball. He looked like he must have gained 150 pounds of fat as well.

"Guys... *Burp* I think *burp* I'm too full... I'm gonna pop" moaned Aaron, out of breath. The pressure in his belly was immense. It felt like if someone were to even breathe on it, he would explode.

"Well we aren't done with you yet" said Jared, standing at the edge of the bed. Aaron could barely see him over his massive gut.

Everyone  watched Jared pull out his cock and slap it against Aaron's stomach.

"Come on big boy" said Jared. "Give me your full ass"

“N…no… *burp* please!” Aaron moaned, but it was no use. He was too full and heavy to move.

Aaron felt Jared's cock press in, the pressure was immense. It sent electric-like shocks throughout his body. He was so fat and so full at this point, he couldn’t take anymore! But it felt so good. All he could do was let out labored moans. Right when he thought it couldn’t get more intense, Trevor and Trent both started sucking on his fat nipples. “MMMmmh!” he let out. His nipples had never been sensitive like this before! “Fuck your ass is so fucking fat now” moaned Jared. “I know you fucking love it though, I saw the way you blushed when we teased you about it in the locker room. I know you fucking want to get bigger for us, fat boy. I know you want to be our team cumdump lardass!”

“..mmm… yeah… *burp* …fuck… …I do…” Aaron could barely speak. This was all too intense! It felt so good, he felt like he was getting closer and closer to blowing.

“Fuck yeah you do, and we’re going to keep fattening you up. Every time we drink these shakes all of our fucking fat is going straight to you, fatboy. You’re going to be… so… fucking… huge!” Jared started thrusting faster and harder. “Fuck big boy! I’m gonna blow!”

“MMMph!!” was all Aaron could let out. He felt Jared cum inside him again, pushing him over the edge. It felt fucking incredible, he was so full of their cum! At the same time, he felt his own cock release, bringing sweet relief. He had never cum so hard in his life. He kept cumming and cumming, shooting his load all over the bottom of his fat gut.

After what felt like an eternity of release, Aaron saw that while his belly was no longer as big, he still looked incredibly fat. Wait! This wasn’t a dream! With considerable effort, Aaron got off the bed and stood up while his teammates all stood around him. He was fat as fuck! It looked like he had put on 150 pounds since he got there that night. His belly was soft and jiggly, as were his now massive love handles. 

He had fat tits now with large nipples, and huge thighs. His ass was now gigantic. Jared gave it a hard slap, causing it to jiggle back and forth. “So, fat boy, how do you like our new additions?” Jared said with a smirk.

Part three

Tags :
1 year ago

Stuffed, bloated and had to burp

Tags :
11 months ago

part 5 is slowly but surely in the works lol

Taking a Few for the Team

I've always had a fantasy about a sports team breeding one of the players, transferring all their fat to the one player. It's a work in progress, but here's the first part! Contains male weight gain & sex, and some bloating/gas.

Part two is here.

Exhausted, Aaron made his way out of his last class of the semester. Walking outside onto the cold winter afternoon, he admired how nice the snow looked across his college campus. Unfortunately, there was no snow on the indoor soccer field. His coach had insisted that the team practice tonight one last time before winter break.

Even though he only considered himself to be an average player on his team, Aaron enjoyed soccer. It was nice to have something going on other than his classes, and Aaron got along well with his teammates. His best friend Jess would always poke fun at him asking when he was going to hook up with the other players since they always acted so gay around each other. He didn’t mind though, since they were all cool with him being out as gay. His teammates would joke about it sometimes but only ever in jest.

He made his way back to his apartment he shared with Jess to grab his soccer bag, then he was off to practice. It went like any other, but near the end his coach made a point to tell all the boys they had better make sure and watch what they ate over the holiday break. “I don’t need you all to have to go harder at practice than you already will when you get back.” He figured he was being self-conscious, but Aaron felt like that statement had been directed at him. He was sure the coach made the most eye contact with him when he said that to everyone.

At 5’11 and fairly muscular, he was still definitely athletic. But with exams and everything going on, Aaron found himself stress eating more than usual. He had gained about 10 pounds since the start of the semester. It didn’t bother him, if anything it was just a good bulk that he could cut and gain some muscle mass if he hit the gym hard enough over the break. But his already small uniform shorts were definitely struggling with his slightly larger butt. His tops were definitely tighter too, but if he sucked in his belly it wasn’t too noticeable.

“Shit, I was really looking forward to eating good the next couple of weeks,” said Jared in the locker room after practice. “But you guys heard him, if I can’t then you can’t either.”

Jared is the team captain, who Aaron had a crush on. He was tall and muscular, and somehow ever so slightly tan even in the winter. He was assertive but also kind and understanding. It’s no wonder the team looked up to him.

“My girlfriend’s mom makes the best desserts! What coach doesn’t know won’t hurt him” complained Trevor. With a great sense of humor, he and Aaron were pretty good friends. Aaron was also a pretty good wingman for Trevor, which he appreciated. 

“Yeah it’ll be hard. I’m not sure what I’ll do when my mom makes her famous pork roast. But think of how much better shape we’ll be in compared to the other teams once spring season starts” said Jared.

“Shit, you two are making me hungry” said Aaron as he took off his top.

“Look, just don’t overdo it, man” said Jared. Aaron could have sworn that Jared shot a quick glance at Aaron’s belly, but just like before he tried to write it off as being self-conscious.

He finished changing and headed back out into the cold night. On his drive home, he thought about his workout plans for the break. Like most of the other guys, he and his family both lived nearby to the school, so it’s not like he would have to give up the gym for a month. But also in the back of his mind, he knew that it wouldn’t matter, he probably wouldn’t go anyway.


The last couple days of break came faster than he expected. Aaron was seriously not ready for classes and soccer practice to start back up again. In between hanging out with Jess and also his family, Aaron had spent a few nights drinking beers and playing video games with Trevor. It was nice to become closer as friends. But also, to hang out without feeling pressure from the team about somehow gaining more weight. He knew Trevor didn’t care, but Aaron was terrified about how he was going to explain to the coach why he could barely squeeze into his shorts and jersey.

Trying it on before their practice that night, Aaron could see in his mirror that there was now no hiding the fact that he did not spend a minute in the gym all month. Or that he had completely ignored his coach’s advice not to overindulge in his mom’s delicious cooking. His shorts were straining to cover his now very round ass, and his jersey was completely showing off his new belly and love handles. His pecs were now larger looking as well. “Dammit!” he muttered to himself. He was definitely a little chubby now. But even though he was nervous about his team’s judgment, somehow he felt a bit sexier? He’d always liked men with some meat on their bones, but had never really considered that look for himself. But damn, something about how he was filling out his uniform made his shorts even tighter…

But without much time to think about it, he rushed out the door to get to practice. Somehow he was already running late.

After getting to practice, Aaron was relieved. It looked like all the other guys had spent the holiday more or less exactly like he did. Especially Jared, who now had a bit of a pudgy belly along with slightly pronounced love handles under his jersey. He liked to wear a smaller size to show off his muscles Aaron suspected, but now it was just showing off his mom’s many desserts he had eaten.

Coach definitely noticed the guys’ different physiques as well, and seemed irritated that the team was doing their exercises slower than usual. At the end of practice, after a short conversation with Jared, the coach pulled all the guys into a quick meeting.

“Look, I know I told you boys not to overdo it with eating over the break…” said the coach, with an exasperated tone in his voice “but this is ridiculous. We are going to have to do something about it.”

“Yes coach…” the team said meekly, knowing full well what they had done.

“So here is the deal. Jared and I have come up with a plan to get you boys back in shape in time for spring season. Be ready to do whatever it takes! That’s it for today’s practice, but it won’t be as easy next time!”

While changing in the locker room, Aaron reflected on what coach had told them. ‘Do whatever it takes?’ Aaron was already dreading the next practice and he hadn’t even left this one. Being the chubbiest one on the team, he knew whatever coach had in store was not going to be easy.

“Way to go, fatass” Trent said angrily, poking Aaron in his soft belly. “Now we are going to have to work out twice as hard because of you.” Trent was a player that could get pretty heated in the game, but Aaron had never had Trent get confrontational with him off the field. So this was definitely a first that Aaron didn’t know how to handle. 

“I… I don’t…” stammered Aaron, blushing a little in embarrassment. He didn’t know what to do.

“Whoa calm down man” Trevor came and stood between the two. “Look, we’ve all put on a few over the holiday. I know I at least have a little beer belly now.” Trevor said, making a point to grab the little bit of belly fat he had gained and laughed. “It’s all good. We’ll get back in shape in no time.”

“He’s right, it’s not the end of the world” chimed in Jared. “Coach and I put a plan together, and it’ll definitely be faster than a normal training regimen. We should do great this season.”

“And how the hell are we going to pull that off?” demanded Trent “Other than working out twice as hard, what are we supposed to do?”

“We haven't worked out the formula just yet, but I’m sure we can do it. Just listen to me and coach. We have a plan.” said Jared, with more of his assertive-team-captain tone than before. He was still positive as usual, but Trent could tell this conversation was over.

Formula? That was an odd choice of words, thought Aaron later that night. What did he mean?

All Aaron knew was Trent poking his belly and calling him a fatass earlier was somehow… insanely hot. Fuck, why was it so hot!? If Trevor hadn’t stood in front of him, his boner in his boxer briefs would have been on full display for the whole team to see. Thankfully his normally eight incher was now slightly smaller from his new encroaching fat pad.

That night, he beat himself off grabbing his belly and playing that scene over and over in his head…

The next day, Aaron got a group text from Jared.

'Hey everyone, team meeting tonight at my place. Be there at 7.'

'Damn' Aaron thought to himself. 'What is so important we couldn't have gone over it yesterday?!' 

Regardless, team meetings at Jared's house usually ended up being more of a kickback than a meeting. The guys all usually brought a few beers, snacks, and some video games to enjoy after whatever team business was discussed. Jared's family had moved away but kept the house so he could live in it while he finished college. This made it the perfect place for them to all hang.

After pulling up to Jared's quiet suburban home, he headed down to the large basement living room, where the team usually hung out. It had multiple sofas and plenty of space for the whole team.

He was surprised to find that he was the last one on the team to arrive.

"Hey man! Didn't know you had it in you to be on time to anything" Aaron said jokingly to Trevor as he sat on the couch next to him.

"Dude what are you talking about? Jared said to be here at six th-"

Trevor was immediately cut off by Jared who jumped up and started the meeting.

"Glad to see you all could make it." Jared said, standing and facing everyone. "I wanted to go over the plan coach and I made to get us all in shape. We are very excited but it's going to take every guy on this team doing his part."

Jared held up a protein shaker bottle filled with an ivory liquid. It just looked like any other protein shake. "Coach and I consulted with some people in the chemistry department and formulated a unique protein shake mixture for each of you. It's highly concentrated and is specially formulated to last longer than a normal shake. Because of this, we probably only have to drink it once a week. So every week starting today, we will all drink it together, that way I know nobody is slacking."

"Seriously?!" Chimed Trent "you have to babysit us about it?"

"No you don't understand. It's just way easier this way." Said Jared. He seemed annoyed that Trent would say something like that, as if he should have known better.

"Anyway, we are still working on the flavors. So let me know what you guys think!" Jared handed everyone a bottle with their name on it.

Aaron gave it a couple shakes then put the bottle up to his mouth and took a big sip. The shake was… delicious. It was so sweet and rich and nothing at all like those nasty protein shakes he was used to.

"Fuck that's good." "Hey man, what's in this?" "Damn it's just like ice cream…" the other guys clearly enjoyed theirs too.

"Glad y'all like it. Anyway, that's the meeting. Once you finish your shakes, I've got plenty of beers in the fridge." Said Jared with a grin on his face. "One more thing. We noticed when we were testing it, sometimes the shakes can make you a little… bloated."

As if on cue, Trevor let out a long *buuUuuUURRP* followed by some hearty laughter from the rest of the guys.

"Look if this gets us in shape like you say it will, a couple burps won't kill me" joked Trevor.

"Oh don't worry, it'll work just fine." Said Jared.

The team came prepared with the usual snacks, beer and video games. They were broing out just like any other team meeting before long.

20 minutes later…


The guys started getting really gassy. Being a soccer team that spent tons of time together, an occasional fart or burp was not new for the boys. It was always followed by laughter at the expense of the perpetrator, but this was different. The teammates were all feeling way more bloated than they had ever been. ‘Hopefully these shakes are worth it…’ their faces seemed to say.

At first they seemed to be a little embarrassed about it, but after a few minutes of laughing at each other they were letting it all out. All the boys at this point were occasionally farting and burping. Aaron noticed that the boys’ cheeks were becoming a little flush as well. They were also starting to get hard. Rock hard. Aaron noticed that everyone on the team had a boner visible through their shorts by now. Even himself.

All the guys were blushing as they started noticing the strange effects of this protein shake they had been given.

"Yeah sorry guys, it has some odd side effects" said Jared.

Aaron felt super flustered. The guys knew he was gay, but staring at all their protruding manhoods felt like a step too far. He got up to go to the bathroom, but as he did…

"Hey... Has anyone else noticed how fat Aaron's ass is?" Said Trent

"You're joking right?" Aaron said in disbelief.

"Like, seriously huge..." said Trent, as he stroked his cock through his shorts.

"...hey!" Aaron was completely shocked. This… didn’t feel like their normal banter.

"I'm serious!" Said Trent. "Has it always jiggled this much??" He got up and gave Aaron’s ass a huge smack. Even through his shorts, you could see it shake in recoil.

Come to think of it, Aaron thought, was it usually that jiggly? Was this another bizarre effect of these shakes?

The next thing he knew, Trent grabbed Aarons shorts and pulled them to the ground.

"Holy fuck!" exclaimed Trent "That ass is fucking insane!"

"What the fuck is going on here!?" yelled Jared "Get your *buuuURP* hands off my teammate!"

Trent grabbed Aaron's cheeks and squeezed. His fingers sank deep into the soft flesh, which he loved. He pushed Aaron firmly between the shoulder blades, the boy bracing himself on the couch. Trent mimed fucking Aarons ass in front of the team, causing an uproar of laughter.

“Hey man, chill out!” Exclaimed Jared. “I told you how this was going to work.”

Jared grabbed Trent by the collar of his shirt and pulled him away. But then quickly dropped his own shorts and stood behind Aaron.

It all happened so fast Aaron didn’t have a chance to move. From being shocked about what Trent had done to him, to being frozen by seeing Jared act so dominant. Aaron just watched in shock as he was still bent over the couch. But he didn’t really want to move, either. He was starting to feel unusually calm.

The next thing he knew, Jared reached for some lube that was on the side table, and rubbed it on his huge rock hard cock. Wait… Aaron thought to himself, was that lube always there? Why would Jared leave it out like that?

Aaron also noticed that Jared’s balls were looking massive, as if they were a pair of oranges. 

“Get ready, fatass” moaned Jared. He gave Aaron’s jiggly ass a good slap and then grabbed him by his love handles.

Aaron felt a tingle through his body. He had never had a dick in his ass before. But he had always fantasized about it. This was a very weird night so far, but he’d be lying if he said he had never fantasized about having handsome, tall, fit, dominant but gentle Jared pound his tight (and now fat) ass.

His ass relaxed as if on queue, and Jared easily slipped in. Aaron moaned quietly at the sensation of having his first dick inside him.

He could hear Jared burping as he slid back and forth. The guys were definitely getting gassy because of their shakes.

Aaron groaned as Jared began to go deeper and harder. He was so turned on by this. He didn’t care that his whole team was there. He didn't mind the gas or the loud farts that Jared was letting out. In fact, he liked it. There was something about being taken by his team captain, called names and fucked in the ass that made him feel so incredibly horny.

Jared was thrusting really hard now and Aaron could feel Jared’s huge balls colliding with his own. It was so hot feeling Jared’s fat cock sliding in and out of his ass.

"Fuck, yeah, fuck me, I love it!" whined Aaron, leaning forward on the couch.

Jared continued to pound away, slamming Aaron's asshole relentlessly. He was so focused on Jared that he forgot the rest of the team was in the room, watching and stroking their cocks to Aaron and Jared.

"Come on, you fat bitch, take my dick! *BUuuuuUP* You're gonna be our team slut now!" yelled Jared.

Aaron nodded his head in agreement as Jared pounded away.

“Fuuuck…” was all Aaron could let out between his moans. He had never been so aroused. All he wanted at this point was to feel Jared release his huge load inside him.

"Take it, take it all… Take my load!" cried Jared, as he came inside Aaron's soft stomach. Aaron felt him gushing inside him. It felt like he was cumming forever, to the point where Aaron began to feel a slight pressure inside him from all the sloshing cum.

When Jared was done, he slowly pulled out of Aaron's ass. “Don’t let that go to waste, fatboy”  he said as he slapped Aarons’ dribbling ass. He started laughing as he looked at Aaron's now rounder and softer belly. Aaron looked as if he had instantly put on 10 pounds. "Damn, did I do that? You look even fatter now"

"It feels... tight" said Aaron, out of breath. "But it's amazing." He put a hand on his belly and felt not only Jared's cum sloshing around but also a softer layer of fat beneath his sweaty skin.

"I definitely feel less bloated now," said Jared with a grin, "you guys should try it" he said to the rest of the guys.

Aaron looked up and noticed Jared’s balls were normal sized now. Jared also looked like he… had lost weight? How was that possible? He looked like he was back to his toned, muscular body that he had before break. But Aaron was still in too much of a daze to think much more about it. He wanted to cum himself but his belly was too tight to focus.

The other boys all looked hesitant but something told Aaron that they all wanted to fuck him and unload their cum in him just like their team captain did.

Part two

Tags :
9 months ago

Taking a Few for the Team, Pt. 5

Part five! Part four is here.

Let me know what you all think! Can't wait to write part 6!

l've always had a fantasy about a sports team breeding one of the players, transferring all their fat to the one player. It's a work in progress, but here's the fifth part! Contains male weight gain, and some bloating/gas.

“Alright boys,” coach announced “let’s wash up and then it’s time for your reward! I’m sure you are all hungry after the game, so let's head over to the buffet, my treat!”

The team excitedly finished showering and left the showers. Still feeling heavy and bloated, Aaron slowly washed off himself, all the while rubbing his round, heavy gut. He could feel his coaches’ heavy load sloshing around inside his belly as he moved. He almost felt like he was in a daze, his thoughts clouded from the events that just took place.

He slowly got dressed, thankfully into his larger hoodie this time. With great effort Aaron walked out to his car. He made the short drive over to the local buffet, often frequented by other college students due to its low prices for all-you-can-eat dining. As he made his way inside, he noticed a couple people from his classes, who definitely seemed to be staring at Aaron’s almost pregnant-looking gut. He didn’t pay them any attention, though, as he was realizing how starving he was.

He piled his plate full of pasta and a bit of chocolate cake before spotting his team across the restaurant. He walked over to a booth with Trevor, Jared, and Trent, who seemed to be discussing something important in a hushed tone. As soon as they spotted Aaron, they stopped talking and Trevor looked up at Aaron. “Saved you a seat, bro!” he said with a smile.

Aaron slowly squeezed himself into the booth and let out a sigh. “Guys, I’m fucking starving!” As he began to tear into his pasta, Trent gave Aaron a judgemental look. “I don’t know how bro, you look like all you’ve been doing is eating lately…” he said with a smirk “It’s like you’ve been eating for a whole team!”

Aaron blushed as he could feel his dick hardening from the teasing, poking his plush underbelly, but he kept eating. About halfway through, he noticed the other boys’ plates were empty, and they got up to get another helping. Whatever, he thought, maybe they’re just trying to get their protein in for the day.

Around the time he finished his plate, his teammates returned with heaping plates for themselves. They were loaded with carb filled desserts, cake, pie, ice cream, the whole dessert buffet seemed to practically be on their table.

“Doesn’t coach want you guys to uh… eat healthy?” asked Aaron, bewildered.

“Hey man, what coach doesn’t know won’t hurt him!” Trevor said with a mischievous sparkle in his eye. Besides, you’ve got our backs, right bro?” He elbowed Aaron in the gut with a wink.

“Being athletic requires a high calorie intake! It’s just basic nutrition.” Jared said with a smile.

“...not that you’d know anything about nutrition, fat boy.” Trent quipped.

“Wait… so now you guys are just going to eat what you want, because you can pass it off on me!?” Aaron replied, becoming visibly panicked. “Between the whole team, I’d fucking balloon up in no time!!”

“And? What are you going to do about it? We know you fucking love it. Don’t you? There’s no denying it now, big guy.” Said Trent, taking a large bite of cake.

Aaron was shocked. And aroused. And terrified. As hot as it was, how the hell was he supposed to keep taking their weight? How long was this supposed to go on? It had only been two days, but he was already approaching 300 pounds! There was no way he’d make it to the end of the season.

But at the same time, there was a part of him that wanted it. He wanted all of them to keep breeding him until he got bigger, and bigger. Until he was practically unrecognizable from all the fat. He wanted to be owned by the coach and his team, unable to do anything but submit to their demands…

He could feel his face getting red with embarrassment. “I… yeah…” he stammered, looking down at the table.

“Thought so, lardass.” muttered Trevor, as he shoved more cake into his mouth.

“Hey man, don’t be so shy about it!” Jared said encouragingly, “the way we look at it, it's a win win! We can eat what we want and still stay fit for the team, and you can get off! Plus it gets you out of practice.”

“Shit bro, *buuURRP* I’m stuffed” lamented Trevor, rubbing his belly beneath his shirt. Despite his athletic figure, his belly looked visibly full. The boys really went to town on dinner tonight, thought Aaron. Was this the new normal for the team?

Before he could ponder much further, Aaron felt his belly rumble. Between still being full of coach’s cum and all the pasta he shoveled down, his belly was churning in protest. *buuuRRRRP* “Shit, sorry guys…” Aaron’s face grew red in embarrassment as he rubbed his round belly.

“Making room for more, big guy?” Trevor teased as he playfully elbowed Aaron’s gut. “There’s no way that huge tank is full yet… Wait here.” Trevor grabbed Aaron’s empty plate and headed back toward the buffet before Aaron could protest. After a few minutes he returned with a mountain of a plate full of desserts; cake, cookies, ice cream… practically the whole dessert section was now in front of Aaron.

“Bro… theres… there's no way I could finish this…” Aaron stammered, in disbelief. As much as his appetite had grown the past couple of days, even this was too much.

“It’s ok man, you can take your time. We know you want to eat it all.” Jared said with a smirk “Besides, whatever you can’t finish, we’ll take care of it for you. It’s all going to the same place anyway…”

Before Aaron could get a word out, Trevor gently yet firmly put a cookie in Aaron’s mouth. “C’mon big guy… dig in.”

By the time they left the buffet, Aaron could barely waddle out, his hoodie beginning to show a sliver of his belly beneath it. He could feel all the food and coach’s huge load sloshing around as he slowly made his way out to the car. Fuck, he thought, if they keep this up I’m going to be too huge to waddle my fat ass around pretty soon… Which is both terrifying and hot as shit.

The next weeks passed fairly uneventfully. The team won all their games, with Aaron watching from the bench. The team was in great spirits, as this was definitely their best season yet.

As far as his new body, Aaron was slowly adjusting to his new form. Walking between classes was now much harder, and he often found himself out of breath. He got many stares from his classmates, who were polite but obviously stunned at his new girth. Next semester he was definitely signing up for online classes instead. Jess was thankfully not judgemental, though she did joke that no snack in their apartment was safe from Aaron’s now incredible appetite.

He now almost exclusively wore sweats, gym shorts, and large baggy shirts and hoodies, in a futile attempt to mask his new girth. He didn’t dare go home to visit family, often making excuses to avoid facing their judgment and comments.

But it wasn’t just Aaron who was getting bigger. He noticed his teammate’s clothes and jerseys were starting to fit just a little bit more snug, their asses bouncing more, and their bellies had started getting softer. No doubt due to their dietary changes over the past few weeks.

One Friday, a few weeks after the buffet, Aaron awoke to a message in the team group chat from Jared: “Hey guys! Team meeting tonight at my place. We’ll have some beers after as well to celebrate the great season so far!”

Aaron felt the blood drain from his face as he read the message. Another team meeting? Last time he walked out nearly 75 pounds heavier than when he went in… and that was before the team started eating like shit! But at the same time… he couldn’t shake just how hot it was to feel his whole team unload inside him, growing him fatter and fatter. He wanted to be their fat cumdump pig so badly.

As the day went on, all Aaron could think about was the events of the last team meeting, his dick rock hard at the thought. Later, as he was getting ready to leave his apartment, he heard a knock at the door. Aaron opened it to find Jared and Trevor there. “Hey big guy!” said Jared, smiling “we wanted to make sure you were able to come tonight and give you a ride! Wouldn’t want our team's secret weapon to miss out on the meeting.”

“Oh uh… thanks?” Aaron said “I was just getting ready to head out…”

“It’s all good, bro!” Said Trevor, with his usual enthusiasm, “We were passing by anyway, we had to pick up some beer for tonight.”

“Ah, can’t forget that.” Aaron said with a chuckle and headed out with the two boys. They climbed into Jared’s truck and headed to Jared’s house.

As they pulled up, Aaron noticed there were quite a few cars parked on the street as if everyone else had already gotten there. “Damn Jared, are you the last one to your own team meeting?” Aaron said with a smirk.

“What good team captain doesn’t go on a beer run for his team?” Jared laughed as they headed inside and down to Jared’s large basement. “I got the beer, boys! And we brought our secret weapon! Thanks to him, we’ve had a record season. Coach is super stoked with our performance on the field. So tonight, I wanted to celebrate not only the team, but Aaron!” Jared held up a beer as the team cheered.

As his teammates cracked open their beers, Aaron looked around the room and noticed that a lot of his teammates were wearing just their shirts and their boxers. And it looked like most of them had much larger bulges than usual. Finally it dawned on Aaron. They all got there early because they all had their special shakes…! And just then, Jared handed Aaron a bottle with a familiar creamy liquid inside. 

“Drink up, big guy.” Jared said “It’s gonna be a long night…”

To be continued...

Tags :
8 months ago

I have been stuffed to the brim let the belching begin😅

Tags :
7 months ago

Coach's Big Secret, Pt. 1

Part one of three.

This story idea popped into my head the other day, can't wait to write the second part! As always let me know what y'all think!

Contains rapid male weight gain, sexual themes, bloating. Slight inflation themes, but mostly weight gain.

After practice, the team slowly leaves the locker room as they get dressed and head home. Coach asked you to stay after and discuss some things with him, so you hit the showers to kill some time and then return to the locker room. Now the only one left, you begin to get dressed. As you squeeze into your pants, you pray that Coach will finally let you cut after this bulk he’s had you on.

Since the college rugby season started a month or so ago, Coach has had you on an intense bulking diet. Or at least, that’s what he calls it. To you it feels like more of a dirty bulk… Regardless, you went from about 220 pounds at the start to about 240 pounds on your 6’ frame. Your belly and love handles have become noticeable in your shirts, as well as your pecs which are starting to look a little more like tits, which the other guys on the team have been teasing you about relentlessly. Hopefully, you think, Coach is going to tell me I can start focusing on turning this into muscle.

As you manage to squeeze into your tee (which barely conceals your pudgy belly) Coach Johnson walks in the locker room. At 40, Coach Johnson is a handsome man who is 6 '2 " with a bit of a dad bod. He’s always been a likeable and easy to get along with coach, but can still make the boys on the team fall in line when he needs to.

“Hey champ! Great work out there today.” Coach says, as he walks up to you. “Thanks for waiting for me, I had to wrap some things up.”

“No problem, Coach!” you reply. You notice his eyes dart quickly to your belly and then back up. “What did you want to discuss with me? Am I doing okay on the team?”

“Of course! Sorry bud, I didn't want you to think that at all. I actually wanted to tell you I’m proud of your results! It looks like you’re following my diet guidelines well!” He makes a gesture toward your body.

“I’ve been trying, for sure” you reply. “I know you want what’s best for me and the team. I was wondering, though, how much do you want me to keep bulking before I can start the cut? I feel like I’m starting to get a little fat…”

Coach quickly interjects “Not at all, champ! It may seem unconventional, but you’re on the road to becoming a star athlete! You’ve gotta trust me on this one. You wouldn’t wanna let down me and the team, would you?”

“No sir…”

“Good. Now, back to what I was going to ask you. As a congratulations on your progress, I wanted to see if you would want to try that new buffet in town? They’re doing a special with unlimited barbeque! You can get your protein in, and then some. My treat!” Coach says this with his usual enthusiasm, and you feel like you can’t say no.

“Thanks Coach! Sounds great!”

“Good, let’s head out then! I’m starving.” Coach says this with his usual friendly smile, but you feel like he’s more enthusiastic about this than normal. Maybe he really is just hungry.

You follow Coach out to his pickup truck and climb in the passenger seat, and he starts driving. You chat with him about the team and the game coming up next weekend. Once the two of you arrive, you find a table then set out for the buffet. Coach was right… this grand opening special is no joke! There’s brisket, pork, chicken, you name it. And not to mention the sides. You’re a sucker for some good mac and cheese, and this looks like the good stuff…

After pursuing the buffet, you return to the table to find Coach already seated with a modest portion of brisket and veggies on his plate. In stark contrast to his, your plate is piled high with a barbecue sandwich, more meat, some veggies, a massive serving of mac and cheese, and some pecan pie to top it off.

“Damn, son. It’s a good thing this place has big plates! You’ve got quite the appetite tonight.” Coach says with some hearty laughter. “Glad to see you’ve taken my diet to heart.”

You can feel your face growing red with embarrassment as you sit down and begin eating. “Yeah, I feel like I get a lot hungrier now… gotta get those calories in if I want to build some muscle I guess!” You reply with nervous laughter.

“That’s right! Well, let's eat!” Coach says and begins eating his own meal, occasionally glancing at your plate as if monitoring your progress.

You both make small talk about rugby as you eat… or at least Coach does. You’re doing a little less speaking as your mouth is near constantly full of food. As if coming out of a trance, you finally near the end of your meal, and attempt to stifle a burp as you realize how full you actually are. “Shit, coach… I think my eyes may have been a little bigger than my stomach tonight…” you laugh nervously as Coach grins at you.

“C’mon big guy! Can’t let that go to waste! Besides, you need the calories for building muscle, remember?”

“I… yeah… I’ll try…” You stammer as you pick the fork back up and force yourself to finish off your plate. Finally done, you lean back in the booth and put your hands on your full belly. “Damn, *burp* I’m stuffed… that was so much food…”

“And you took it like the champion you are!” Coach says, grinning still. “You know, I think you have what it takes…”

“Huh?” You’re almost too full to focus on what he’s talking about. “Have what it takes for what?”

“I’ve been working on a new way to provide nutrition for athletes trying to bulk up. I haven’t tried it out yet, but I think it would be a great addition to your regimen. You’re clearly committed to doing what it takes for the team. It’s the first of its kind so it’s a little difficult to explain… I think it would be easier to take you to my house and show you.” Coach is speaking in a low tone as if he doesn’t want to expose his new invention.

“I uh… ok Coach… I trust you.” Still nearly too full to function, Coach offers to help you out of the booth and you two make your way to his truck. As he climbs in the driver’s seat you catch a glimpse of what looks like a boner in his khakis, but it’s hard to tell in the dimly lit parking lot.

Coach lives on a large property on the outskirts of your small town. Once you two arrive, he pulls his truck to the back of the lot to what looks like a large garage/workshop building. He guides you inside the side door, and cuts on the lights.

“Here she is! It may not look like much, but this thing is going to transform the way we look at nutrition!” Coach, beaming with pride and excitement, gestures to what looks like a large steel tank labeled “Mass Plus” to the side of the large room. Next to the tank is what appears to be a long, black garden hose. The center of the room is cleared, and there are miscellaneous tools and equipment along the walls.

“Y’know Coach, I never thought of you as the mad scientist type…” you say, trying to process the scene.

Coach laughs and replies “Never judge a book by its cover, son! So the first part is simple. I’ve been working hard to develop a formula that instantly provides results and helps athletes bulk up. The second part is… well… shall we say, outside the box? You see, in order for this formula to be most effective, it has to be absorbed straight into your digestive system. Which means it has to enter the body through… atypical means.”

“Respectfully, Coach, are you saying it has to go up your ass!?” You reply, bewildered. This has to be a fucked up dream…

“Always direct to the point! Yes, it has to be taken like that. But think about it, is it really the craziest thing you’ve heard someone do for their physique? And besides, this is completely between you and I. What happens here won’t be shared with anyone. Now, you trust me, right? This will be great for your performance on the field. It’ll take your bulk to a whole new level!” Coach walks over to the hose reel and picks up what looks like a… buttplug… shaped nozzle at the end of the hose.

While completely shocked by everything happening so fast, there is a part of you that is, for some reason, curious to try this out… Besides, Coach is always looking out for you and has your best interests in mind! He hasn’t steered you wrong yet!

While holding the nozzle, Coach walks over and picks up a bottle of lube and begins applying it to the nozzle.

“Alright champ, go ahead and drop your pants for me, and come over here to the middle of the room. Don’t be shy, it’s not like I haven’t seen all of you in the locker room already.”

Your heart racing with apprehension and curiosity, you follow Coach’s instructions. He walks up behind you and you feel his gentle yet strong hand between your shoulder blades, signaling you to bend over. You close your eyes and brace for impact, then feel the cold, large nozzle slide into your ass. You can’t help but let out a small yelp as you feel it enter.

“Just breathe, big guy. You’re doing great.” Coach says in a low tone. “Almost there…”

You feel it finally stop moving as Coach instructs you to stand back up straight.

“Damn that thing is… huge…” you say, trying not to reveal how good it actually felt.

“We’re just getting started, champ! Alright, step two…” Coach says as he grabs a remote.

You hear a beep as Coach fiddles with the remote and suddenly you feel the nozzle expand in your ass as if it’s being inflated. You can’t help but let out a small moan as it touches your prostate then stops.

“This formula is incredibly potent, can’t risk any of it leaking…” Coach says with a mischievous glint in his eye. “Alright, time for the main event! I’ll go easy on you to start.”

You hear another beep, and hear what sounds like a pump in the large tank come to life. After a few seconds, you feel a warm liquid entering you from the nozzle.

“Oh shit… I can feel it…” you say softly, transfixed by the sensation.

“Good! We’ll keep it on low for now. Also- due to male anatomy, this will likely also cause some level of arousal. Don’t be embarrassed, just go with the flow, okay big guy?” Coach says gently, as he quickly glances at your now rock hard cock.

While this is embarrassing, there’s no way to hide it now… “Yes sir…” you reply, meekly.

“Oh, I almost forgot one more thing!” Coach says as he walks to one of the corners of the room, and returns with a full length mirror on wheels. “This way you can watch the magic happen!”

Looking in the mirror, you can already see some of the effects of the experimental solution. Your already tight shirt is beginning to ride up as your belly fills with the creamy liquid. But your pecs also look… bigger? You turn to the side and realize your thighs and ass are also ever so slightly thicker as well!

“Coach! I think this is making me… fatter? Is that supposed to happen?”

“Don’t worry about it, champ. It’s all part of the bulk, remember? Besides… I think we both know you like it.” Coach has that devious grin again, as he walks up and playfully pokes your jiggly belly.

“W-what… are you talking… about?” You stammer, completely flustered, the machine still pumping creamy mass gainer into you.

“Well… your teammates and I were talking about how it seems like whenever they tease you about how much of a fatboy you’re becoming… you always get hard. Don’t you?” Coach says, giving your dick a playful squeeze.

Mortified and bright red with embarrassment, you know there’s no way of denying this one…

“And… what if I were to tell you… I think it’s hot too? Seeing you turn into a lardass, that is.” Coach says in a low tone, giving your belly a hard smack and watching as it shakes in recoil. “Watching you put on weight over the past month… and seeing you struggle to keep up with the team at practice… I gotta say, bud, it really gets me going.” Coach pulls off his shirt and tosses it on the floor, revealing his hairy chest. “So, I’ll level with you. That tank right there? It’s not quite a normal mass gainer recipe. It’s mainly your standard heavy cream. With a few… additives… to make it work quicker.”

“I… it’s… what…” Everything is happening so fast, you can barely formulate a sentence. But it’s true, you do want this. And from Coach… it just makes it even more arousing.

“Shh… just enjoy it, big guy. Alright, I think that’s enough of the beginner setting. Let’s see you REALLY pack on some pounds!” Coach presses another button on the remote and you can feel the flow of cream intensify.

Part two is here.

Tags :
7 months ago

Coach's Big Secret, Pt. 1

Part one of (two, probably?)

This story idea popped into my head the other day, can't wait to write the second part! As always let me know what y'all think!

Contains rapid male weight gain, sexual themes, bloating. Slight inflation themes, but mostly weight gain.

After practice, the team slowly leaves the locker room as they get dressed and head home. Coach asked you to stay after and discuss some things with him, so you hit the showers to kill some time and then return to the locker room. Now the only one left, you begin to get dressed. As you squeeze into your pants, you pray that Coach will finally let you cut after this bulk he’s had you on.

Since the college rugby season started a month or so ago, Coach has had you on an intense bulking diet. Or at least, that’s what he calls it. To you it feels like more of a dirty bulk… Regardless, you went from about 220 pounds at the start to about 240 pounds on your 6’ frame. Your belly and love handles have become noticeable in your shirts, as well as your pecs which are starting to look a little more like tits, which the other guys on the team have been teasing you about relentlessly. Hopefully, you think, Coach is going to tell me I can start focusing on turning this into muscle.

As you manage to squeeze into your tee (which barely conceals your pudgy belly) Coach Johnson walks in the locker room. At 40, Coach Johnson is a handsome man who is 6 '2 " with a bit of a dad bod. He’s always been a likeable and easy to get along with coach, but can still make the boys on the team fall in line when he needs to.

“Of course! Sorry bud, I didn't want you to think that at all. I actually wanted to tell you I’m proud of your results! It looks like you’re following my diet guidelines well!” He makes a gesture toward your body.

“Hey champ! Great work out there today.” Coach says, as he walks up to you. “Thanks for waiting for me, I had to wrap some things up.”

“No problem, Coach!” you reply. You notice his eyes dart quickly to your belly and then back up. “What did you want to discuss with me? Am I doing okay on the team?”

“I’ve been trying, for sure” you reply. “I know you want what’s best for me and the team. I was wondering, though, how much do you want me to keep bulking before I can start the cut? I feel like I’m starting to get a little fat…”

Coach quickly interjects “Not at all, champ! It may seem unconventional, but you’re on the road to becoming a star athlete! You’ve gotta trust me on this one. You wouldn’t wanna let down me and the team, would you?”

“No sir…”

“Good. Now, back to what I was going to ask you. As a congratulations on your progress, I wanted to see if you would want to try that new buffet in town? They’re doing a special with unlimited barbeque! You can get your protein in, and then some. My treat!” Coach says this with his usual enthusiasm, and you feel like you can’t say no.

“Thanks Coach! Sounds great!”

“Good, let’s head out then! I’m starving.” Coach says this with his usual friendly smile, but you feel like he’s more enthusiastic about this than normal. Maybe he really is just hungry.

You follow Coach out to his pickup truck and climb in the passenger seat, and he starts driving. You chat with him about the team and the game coming up next weekend. Once the two of you arrive, you find a table then set out for the buffet. Coach was right… this grand opening special is no joke! There’s brisket, pork, chicken, you name it. And not to mention the sides. You’re a sucker for some good mac and cheese, and this looks like the good stuff…

After pursuing the buffet, you return to the table to find Coach already seated with a modest portion of brisket and veggies on his plate. In stark contrast to his, your plate is piled high with a barbecue sandwich, more meat, some veggies, a massive serving of mac and cheese, and some pecan pie to top it off.

“Damn, son. It’s a good thing this place has big plates! You’ve got quite the appetite tonight.” Coach says with some hearty laughter. “Glad to see you’ve taken my diet to heart.”

You can feel your face growing red with embarrassment as you sit down and begin eating. “Yeah, I feel like I get a lot hungrier now… gotta get those calories in if I want to build some muscle I guess!” You reply with nervous laughter.

“That’s right! Well, let's eat!” Coach says and begins eating his own meal, occasionally glancing at your plate as if monitoring your progress.

You both make small talk about rugby as you eat… or at least Coach does. You’re doing a little less speaking as your mouth is near constantly full of food. As if coming out of a trance, you finally near the end of your meal, and attempt to stifle a burp as you realize how full you actually are. “Shit, coach… I think my eyes may have been a little bigger than my stomach tonight…” you laugh nervously as Coach grins at you.

“C’mon big guy! Can’t let that go to waste! Besides, you need the calories for building muscle, remember?”

“I… yeah… I’ll try…” You stammer as you pick the fork back up and force yourself to finish off your plate. Finally done, you lean back in the booth and put your hands on your full belly. “Damn, *burp* I’m stuffed… that was so much food…”

“And you took it like the champion you are!” Coach says, grinning still. “You know, I think you have what it takes…”

“Huh?” You’re almost too full to focus on what he’s talking about. “Have what it takes for what?”

“I’ve been working on a new way to provide nutrition for athletes trying to bulk up. I haven’t tried it out yet, but I think it would be a great addition to your regimen. You’re clearly committed to doing what it takes for the team. It’s the first of its kind so it’s a little difficult to explain… I think it would be easier to take you to my house and show you.” Coach is speaking in a low tone as if he doesn’t want to expose his new invention.

“I uh… ok Coach… I trust you.” Still nearly too full to function, Coach offers to help you out of the booth and you two make your way to his truck. As he climbs in the driver’s seat you catch a glimpse of what looks like a boner in his khakis, but it’s hard to tell in the dimly lit parking lot.

Coach lives on a large property on the outskirts of your small town. Once you two arrive, he pulls his truck to the back of the lot to what looks like a large garage/workshop building. He guides you inside the side door, and cuts on the lights.

“Here she is! It may not look like much, but this thing is going to transform the way we look at nutrition!” Coach, beaming with pride and excitement, gestures to what looks like a large steel tank labeled “Mass Plus” to the side of the large room. Next to the tank is what appears to be a long, black garden hose. The center of the room is cleared, and there are miscellaneous tools and equipment along the walls.

“Y’know Coach, I never thought of you as the mad scientist type…” you say, trying to process the scene.

Coach laughs and replies “Never judge a book by its cover, son! So the first part is simple. I’ve been working hard to develop a formula that instantly provides results and helps athletes bulk up. The second part is… well… shall we say, outside the box? You see, in order for this formula to be most effective, it has to be absorbed straight into your digestive system. Which means it has to enter the body through… atypical means.”

“Respectfully, Coach, are you saying it has to go up your ass!?” You reply, bewildered. This has to be a fucked up dream…

“Always direct to the point! Yes, it has to be taken like that. But think about it, is it really the craziest thing you’ve heard someone do for their physique? And besides, this is completely between you and I. What happens here won’t be shared with anyone. Now, you trust me, right? This will be great for your performance on the field. It’ll take your bulk to a whole new level!” Coach walks over to the hose reel and picks up what looks like a… buttplug… shaped nozzle at the end of the hose.

While completely shocked by everything happening so fast, there is a part of you that is, for some reason, curious to try this out… Besides, Coach is always looking out for you and has your best interests in mind! He hasn’t steered you wrong yet!

While holding the nozzle, Coach walks over and picks up a bottle of lube and begins applying it to the nozzle.

“Alright champ, go ahead and drop your pants for me, and come over here to the middle of the room. Don’t be shy, it’s not like I haven’t seen all of you in the locker room already.”

Your heart racing with apprehension and curiosity, you follow Coach’s instructions. He walks up behind you and you feel his gentle yet strong hand between your shoulder blades, signaling you to bend over. You close your eyes and brace for impact, then feel the cold, large nozzle slide into your ass. You can’t help but let out a small yelp as you feel it enter.

“Just breathe, big guy. You’re doing great.” Coach says in a low tone. “Almost there…”

You feel it finally stop moving as Coach instructs you to stand back up straight.

“Damn that thing is… huge…” you say, trying not to reveal how good it actually felt.

“We’re just getting started, champ! Alright, step two…” Coach says as he grabs a remote.

You hear a beep as Coach fiddles with the remote and suddenly you feel the nozzle expand in your ass as if it’s being inflated. You can’t help but let out a small moan as it touches your prostate then stops.

“This formula is incredibly potent, can’t risk any of it leaking…” Coach says with a mischievous glint in his eye. “Alright, time for the main event! I’ll go easy on you to start.”

You hear another beep, and hear what sounds like a pump in the large tank come to life. After a few seconds, you feel a warm liquid entering you from the nozzle.

“Oh shit… I can feel it…” you say softly, transfixed by the sensation.

“Good! We’ll keep it on low for now. Also- due to male anatomy, this will likely also cause some level of arousal. Don’t be embarrassed, just go with the flow, okay big guy?” Coach says gently, as he quickly glances at your now rock hard cock.

While this is embarrassing, there’s no way to hide it now… “Yes sir…” you reply, meekly.

“Oh, I almost forgot one more thing!” Coach says as he walks to one of the corners of the room, and returns with a full length mirror on wheels. “This way you can watch the magic happen!”

Looking in the mirror, you can already see some of the effects of the experimental solution. Your already tight shirt is beginning to ride up as your belly fills with the creamy liquid. But your pecs also look… bigger? You turn to the side and realize your thighs and ass are also ever so slightly thicker as well!

“Coach! I think this is making me… fatter? Is that supposed to happen?”

“Don’t worry about it, champ. It’s all part of the bulk, remember? Besides… I think we both know you like it.” Coach has that devious grin again, as he walks up and playfully pokes your jiggly belly.

“W-what… are you talking… about?” You stammer, completely flustered, the machine still pumping creamy mass gainer into you.

“Well… your teammates and I were talking about how it seems like whenever they tease you about how much of a fatboy you’re becoming… you always get hard. Don’t you?” Coach says, giving your dick a playful squeeze.

Mortified and bright red with embarrassment, you know there’s no way of denying this one…

“And… what if I were to tell you… I think it’s hot too? Seeing you turn into a lardass, that is.” Coach says in a low tone, giving your belly a hard smack and watching as it shakes in recoil. “Watching you put on weight over the past month… and seeing you struggle to keep up with the team at practice… I gotta say, bud, it really gets me going.” Coach pulls off his shirt and tosses it on the floor, revealing his hairy chest. “So, I’ll level with you. That tank right there? It’s not quite a normal mass gainer recipe. It’s mainly your standard heavy cream. With a few… additives… to make it work quicker.”

“I… it’s… what…” Everything is happening so fast, you can barely formulate a sentence. But it’s true, you do want this. And from Coach… it just makes it even more arousing.

“Shh… just enjoy it, big guy. Alright, I think that’s enough of the beginner setting. Let’s see you REALLY pack on some pounds!” Coach presses another button on the remote and you can feel the flow of cream intensify.

Tags :
7 months ago

Coach's Big Secret, Pt. 2

Part two of (three, probably?)

As usual this will be longer than I expected lol. Part three coming soon!

Contains rapid male weight gain, sexual themes, bloating. Slight inflation themes, but mostly weight gain.

Part one is here.

“Ohhh shit!” You let out a moan as you feel the cream flow faster through the nozzle and into you. You can feel the pressure in your belly increase as it fills with the fattening cream. Simultaneously, you watch with both fear and arousal as your body rapidly transforms. You’re getting fatter much faster now! “I’ve gotta be at least… 250 at this point.” You say as your hands explore your rapidly softening body.

“Hm… let’s find out! I fitted the middle of the room with a high-capacity scale beneath the floor.” Coach replies as he walks over to the wall and turns on a display. In large, red numbers “254. Shit big guy, your body is absorbing the cream nice and fast.” Coach grins and walks behind you, and gently helps you squeeze out of your now incredibly tight shirt. “You won’t be fitting into this again…” He says in a low, gruff tone.

Coach then positions himself directly behind you and reaches his strong arms around your belly, and begins to gently rub it. “You’re doing great, big guy. Just keep breathing and let it happen. I can’t wait to see what my special recipe does to you…” He whispers in that low, dominant tone, making you shiver. While one hand rubs your swelling gut, his other makes its way down to your throbbing manhood, and gently gives it a couple strokes. “And I can tell that you’re just as excited as me, big boy.”

“Fuck sir…” you manage to say. This is all so arousing, it was almost paralyzing. All you can think is that you need more. To be bigger. To let Coach have his way with you.

He gives your belly a firm slap before walking around to admire you from the front. “Shit, you’re really filling out! I mean look at these…” He gives your fattening tits a good jiggle, grazing your nipples. You let out a moan, your nipples have never felt so sensitive before! It has to be something to do with the cream, or growing bigger. Coach grins as you mischievously “you like that, fat boy? If you think those tits are sensitive now, just you wait…”

You look up at the screen. 268. You’re really piling it on now. As you look in the mirror, you notice your love handles are really becoming prominent. Additionally, your ass is now significantly larger than it was even ten minutes ago. And most surprisingly, your dick is starting to get buried beneath an encroaching fat pad. “Shit sir… how big are you going to make me?”

“Hmm. I’m not sure yet. I think…” Coach pauses for a moment, seemingly deep in thought. “I think we’ll know it when we see it. But I’m thinking big. I want to show you off to the other boys on the team, and shock them with how much of a lardass you’ve become.”

Your face growing red with embarrassment at the thought of facing the team like this, you're also incredibly turned on at the thought. “Shit yeah. Make me your fucking prize hog.” You reply. As hot as it is, it still feels surreal talking to your coach like this. It’s almost like a dream.

277. “Hmm… definitely in chubby territory now, but still way too small…” Coach says as he gives your belly a hard slap. “I think you can take a little more, don’t you think?”

“Yes sir” you reply, eagerly waiting to see what Coach has in store. You watch as he picks up the remote again, and presses a button. You instantly hear the pump in the tank increase its speed and feel the cream rush into you faster, inducing a moan to escape your mouth.

“There we go, big guy. So I will admit, I haven’t done much testing with this speed or beyond, so it may fill you faster than your body can absorb the cream. This might cause some… side effects. Just relax and you’ll be fine.” Coach says, encouragingly.

“I can take it, give it to me, sir!” You reply, eager to please Coach. You see him grin in response.

Back to his low, gruff tone, “Yeah? What a greedy hog. I love watching you swell up like this, it’s so fucking hot.” Coach then undoes his belt and drops his khakis, revealing his massive bulge in his boxers. Noticing your gaze, he grabs his bulge with one hand and gives it a shake. “I know you want this too, big boy. Maybe when we’re done I can top you off…” Coach gives you another sly grin as he returns his attention to your swelling form.

289. You look down and realize you can see nothing except your bloated, growing belly and tits. As you look in the mirror you can see your thighs are now much bigger, paired with your swelling ass.

297. As the cream continues to rush into your ass, the pressure in your belly is building slowly, as if your body cannot absorb it fast enough. Is this what Coach was talking about? It keeps swelling bigger and bigger, giving you a nice, round ballgut. “Coach?” you ask, “I’m getting pretty… bloated.”

“Ah, yeah that can happen. Just relax. Your belly should hold the excess cream until it can be absorbed to make you bigger. Just enjoy the feeling of fullness. It’s part of the fun” he replies, calmly. “You’re doing great, big guy.”

323. As you continue to get fatter and fatter, the pressure inside your belly is getting more and more intense as well. “Fuck… Coach… It’s getting really tight…” You say, your breathing heavy as you rub your swollen belly.

Coach pauses the machine and walks up behind you, reaching his arms around your belly. He begins gently rubbing your belly in circular motions and leans his head to the side, his lips near your ear. “You’re doing great so far, champ” he whispers in a low tone. “Just relax and let it happen. Just submit to the cream.”

As Coach rubs your belly, helping the calories absorb into your body, your belly rumbles softly. “Shit that feels good, sir…” You say, your head back and eyes shut in relief. You feel your belly rumble again and suddenly *buuUrrRp* “Sorry Coach…” You say, meekly.

“Making room for more, big guy?” Coach says with a chuckle. “Just let it all out, bud. Relax and let it all happen.” He slowly pulls away and gives your belly a pat. “Alright. Ready? I think you should be good to take some more.”

“Yes sir. Make me bigger!”

Part three is here.

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7 months ago

Coach's Big Secret, Pt. 3

Final part of the series.

I had a lot of fun with this one! Lmk what y'all think!

Contains rapid male weight gain, sexual themes, bloating. Slight inflation themes, but mostly weight gain.

Part one is here.

Coach smirks, “Now that’s what I like to hear.” He gives your belly a good slap and then goes back to pressing buttons on the remote. You feel the cream once again rushing into you, filling your belly.

“Ohhh fuck…” you moan. Once again the pressure slowly returns as you continue to swell bigger and bigger, all the while your body getting fatter and fatter. “I need more. I need to get massive!”

Coach has a devious grin on his face. “Don’t worry, fatboy. I’m not letting you off the machine until you’re nice and big. Just enjoy the ride.”

Coach walks over to a couch near the edge of the room and sits down, with one foot up on the cushion. He then reaches into his boxers and begins playing with his dick while he watches you grow. “Keep growing for me, bud. You’re doing great.”

“Yessir.” You watch the number on the display continue to climb as you grow. 330, 350, 370, as the numbers climb, your body continues to expand, the fat piling on rapidly now. 390, 400, 425…

You look in the mirror and see your belly hanging lower and lower with every pound, slowly eclipsing your dick. Even though it’s rock hard, your growing, puffy fat pad is swallowing most of it, turning you on even more. Your thighs and ass are massive, they jiggle as you take a couple steps to turn and look at your side in the mirror. You reach out and grab your massive fat tits, and let out a moan as your fingers graze your growing nipples.

“Glad you’re enjoying it, bud.” Coach says as he continues to spectate and stroke off on the couch. “They’re only going to get more sensitive from here on out.”

440… 460… 480… The numbers on the display keep climbing, and you feel every single pound added to your body. Your whole body is soft and plush to the touch, even your belly, which is tightly packed with cream beneath the layer of fat. “Fuck I’m getting big…” you say, your breathing becoming slightly more labored as you grow larger.

“Looking good, big guy. Seems like you’re adjusting well. I think you’re ready for the max speed.” Coach grins devilishly then presses a button on the remote. You instantly feel the pressure in your belly climb as the pump speeds up. “Fuck… Coach…” you manage to say. The feeling is almost overwhelming, your whole body desperately trying to adapt to the massive amount of calories flowing in.

As the pressure and pleasure take over, you’re completely focused on the intense sensation overwhelming your body. You feel your legs growing tired of supporting your increasing weight. You feel your cock throbbing against your plush fat pad and underbelly. You feel the massive nozzle still in your ass as the warm cream continues to flow into you. You tilt your head back and close your eyes for a moment, in a state of pure arousal and ecstasy. “It feels… so fucking good…” you manage to say between labored breaths.

Coach gets up off the couch and drops his boxers, revealing his thick, eight inch cock. He walks over and positions himself directly behind you, his hard dick pressing into your back. He reaches his strong arms around your belly and rubs it in circular motions, while leaning in next to your ear. In that low, gruff tone, he whispers “I know you can take more, fat boy. I know you want it. To submit, and let me pump you up.” His hands then work your way up to your fat tits and his fingers begin gently playing with your nipples.

Shivers run down your spine from the sensation of it all. “Fuuuck sir…” you say between the moans. You reach down to touch your dick but find it’s much harder to reach than before with your belly in the way, only turning you on more. You then feel Coach’s hand grab your arm and move your hand back up to your belly.

“Not yet, big guy. I’ll let you know when it’s time for that. Just relax and let me take care of it.” He says in a low tone.

“Yes sir.” You reply meekly. It’s all so fucking hot, you feel like just touching your dick would cause you to cum.

500… 530…

“Fuck sir… I’m getting… really *buuurp* bloated” you whimper. The increased pressure in your gut is so intense now, you feel like you can’t take any more.

“Relax and let it out big guy, nothing wrong with making room for more. But no more breaks this time, I know you can handle it.” Coach says as he stands in front of you, admiring your progress.

“Fuck… *BuuurRRp* I dunno Coach, I’m really fucking *bbUURRp* full…” As tight and full as your belly is right now, somehow being a bloated gassy mess is turning you on even more. Even as you continue to burp from the bloat, it turns you on knowing that you’re becoming Coach’s fat, gassy hog.

550… 570…

By this point your legs are becoming very tired from the increased weight they have to support. Simply remaining standing is starting to become very difficult. “Coach, I think I might need to *UuurP* sit down…”

“Sure thing, champ. At your size, I can imagine your legs are getting tired… But before you do that…” Coach smirks and walks over to the edge of the room and picks up what looks like a milking machine attached to yet another hose. He then walks over and lifts your underbelly and fat pad and attaches the machine to your now tiny dick. “Shiiiiit…” you moan as it begins to suck away.

“There we go. Alright, now for the chair.” Coach disappears into another room and returns with what appears to be the largest gaming chair you’ve ever seen. “Here you go, big guy. The biggest one they make!” He wheels the chair behind you and holds the cream hose as you sit down. The chair creaks as you sit and lean back. You can feel your belly rest on your thighs as it takes up much of your lap, your cock and the milking machine hidden from your view.

“Much better” you say with a sigh.

“Glad you’re comfortable. That chair is rated for 900 pounds, I wanted to make sure it can hold your fat ass when I’m done with you. I doubt you’ll be… getting up too often.” Coach grins as he gives your belly a hard slap.

590… 610… 640… 670…

Your belly now completely covers your lap, driving your massive thighs apart. Between your large, flabby arms and your massive tits in the way, you can barely reach your belly button and can’t reach your lower belly. Between being so bloated and gassy and the milking machine, you’re not doing much speaking at this point, all that’s coming out of your mouth are burps and moans of pleasure.

Lost in the sensation of it all, you don’t notice when Coach picks up the remote and turns off the pump. “Looks like you took all the cream I made for you today, hog. And I’ve gotta say… look at what it’s done to you. You’re so fucking huge now, you’re practically unrecognizable. Just wait until the team sees this. I think it’ll be a great motivator for them to stay fit. Once they see what uncontrollable gluttony will get them…” he walks over and slaps your belly, your whole body jiggling in recoil. “And, as promised, I’m not done with you yet fat boy.” Coach walks over to the table and picks up the lube. He then returns to your overfed belly and begins applying lube to your navel. “Shit that’s deep now…” he says, grinning.

Coach then begins lubing up his large manhood, and slowly slides it into your belly button. “Fuck big boy… this feels amazing…” He slowly begins thrusting in and out, your belly and tits shaking in recoil. “Shiiiiit sir…” you manage to get out.

He reaches for the remote and presses another button, causing the nozzle buried deep in your fat ass to vibrate, and the milking machine to go faster. You begin moaning louder, too lost in the pleasure to form any speech.

His thrusts are becoming more rapid and harder. “Shit big boy… look at you… look at how fucking fat I’ve made you… I know you fucking love it though… too fat to even get off without help… Fuuuuckkkk… so fat… all you can do… is submit to me…” Both your moans are becoming louder and more strained as you both near release. “You wanna get bigger fatass? You want that belly to… hang even fucking… lower? Those fatboy tits… to get even… bigger…!? Shiiiiittttt You’re gonna… Make me…”

“FUUUUUCKKK” you feel Coach’s hot, gushing seed explode from his dick and into your navel land all over your fat gut. “SHIT…. SIR….” You then also cum, your buried cock firing away into the milking machine.

You both remain still for a moment, panting as you recover from the intense climax. “So, ready for round two, big guy?”

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7 months ago

Gainer Stories

Gainer themed stories I've written. Click on a number to be taken to that part. (As I make more this will be updated.)

Taking a Few for the Team: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] (to be continued)

Coach's Big Secret: [1] [2] [3]

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7 months ago

Nothing like an overstuffed whimpery pup. Especially when you can hear exactly when he’s about to let out a big burp 🥺

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6 months ago

Just 5 bananas and a 2L of Sprite in the belly. Full video on OF/DaddyIssuesPDX

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6 months ago

Turning into more and more of a big fat belching bear as time goes on

OnlyFans is the social platform revolutionizing creator and fan connections. The site is inclusive of artists and content creators from all

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5 months ago

I'm very curious to know how the community feels about this one lol 😂

If you answer it depends or have more thoughts leave a comment and share your thoughts! I'm very curious!

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1 year ago

Nick Duffy’s juiciest belch yet

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1 year ago

Wish he would belch that stench right into my face so I can smell the pure manly power that comes from his abs.

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1 year ago

Mans mating call

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1 year ago

27 - he/him, trans (ftm), probably kinda gay - kink blog - minors don’t follow. I’m more on the submissive side

I’m into:




Non-con and cnc






• Oviposition


Not into:

Knives, blood, gore






If you’re a pedo or something of that flavour you can fuck off.

This is kink, not reality.

This will get updated a lot

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8 months ago

spoiler it got worse I kept gagging . You can hear how wet my burps of gags get turned in or should I go God I wish I had someone could rub my tummy. 

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7 months ago

This is from a couple of days ago. Drank a lot of soda with my dinner and somehow it completely messed up my stomach. I felt so bloated and gross and I realized pretty soon that I was going to puke.

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