But Corruption Is NOT An Improvement Over The Way God Made You As Incorruptible In His Image. - Tumblr Posts
2 years ago
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It’s our nature to make things better
but when we try to re-make them better than created in nature
invariably there will be consequences.
for example
we were once told that cigarettes were not harmful but instead were actually good for “clearing the lungs
” that margarine was better than butter
and artificial sweeteners were better than sugar. The same 'science' now says that all these are detrimental because our bodies were not de
As the above scriptures all affirm
in the beginning God created people (and animals) as MALE and FEMALE
yet just like margarine was supposed to be a better creation than butter
many are saying that they can improve on what God originally created and change it it into something better or different. To put it another
from their thinking
God Made A Mistake
and instead of being created in the image of God
they choose to recreate ourselves into a new
'better' being. In doing so they have fallen into this warning to those that choose to —
“Change the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man.”
Romans 1:23
all of us have FREE CHOICE
and Yes you DO have the right to do 'with your body' anything you choose to do
but corruption is NOT an improvement over the way God made you as incorruptible in His image.
do NOT listen to this false popular 'science'
but use CON-Science!! Just as there have been consequences with cancer-causing elements
there are eternal consequences for “leaving the natural use” of our God-given bodies and thereby ”receiving in themselves that recompence o
God does not make mistakes. Please don’t make one either.
God Bless Your Day
jesus loves you