For Example - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago


I have been with my gf for a while. Over a decade-while. Naturally, wayyy back when we met, before we were dating, I got her number and added it to my contacts.

Here is the, supposed, issue. Her name in my contacts is [firstname] [lastname] [cute picture]. She takes issue with this, because, “Are we work colleagues??? You’re using my GOVERNMENT name.”

(This is the name she goes by. In real life. Let me be clear.)

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2 years ago

If I had a dollar for every fact that I learnt in a fic that was then mentioned irl, I’d have enough money to buy myself lunch.

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1 year ago

It's quite funny seeing the difference of having car problems in my current place vs my hometown

One big difference being that I can't call my dad to come help me 💀

But others are when I was sitting in the Walmart parking lot with my little brother (in my hometown), we had someone stop and ask if we needed help and when we said no he moved right on and my dad came and towed us back to his house with his truck.

Here, I can be elbow deep in engine grease, either struggling or not, and everyone (mostly men) will simply stare at me, like it's incomprehensible. Maybe it's because I'm fem-presenting, maybe it's because they always take their cars to the shop. I don't know. I've had a man come onto his balconey with his friends and watch me. Still not sure if that was their entire reason for being outside or if it was a coincidence.

I have had a few times where men will come up and ask if I need help, stare for a minute or two, and then leave, but I've had on more than one occasional, men come up and simply try to do the work for me, which is very frustrating because while I may not be an expert, I don't appreciate someone simply walking up to my car and start doing things of their own volition. Like, at least ask first. I'll let you know if I could use an extra set of hands.

I don't know. Just something I noticed.

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5 months ago

"I know EVO lore from watching Martyn!" "I know EVO lore from fanon!" I know EVO lore from WATCHING EVO all jokes aside, I heavily reccomend watching EVO to get a bit more of a feel for EVO lore! espesc since there are some surprises that you might not have gotten from fanon ;) but seriously, EVO can be pretty long, but I'd say its worth it! (I watched Jimmy's, since he was there from beginning to end and his is really funny AND not super lorey but just enough lorey)

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1 year ago

Hi or a small wave or both

occasionally, greeting people with disturbing facts is fun

Quick what are your favorite ways to say hello

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5 years ago

For Example

by Mary Oliver

Okay, the broken gull let me lift it from the sand. Let me fumble it into a box, with the lid open. Okay, I put the box into my car, and started up the highway to the place where sometimes, sometimes not, such things can be mended. The gull at first was quiet. How everything turns out one way or another, I won’t call it good or bad, just one way or another. Then the gull lurched from the box and onto the back of the front seat and punched me. Okay, a little blood slid down. But we all know, don’t we, how sometimes things have to feel anger, so as not to be defeated? I love this world, even in its hard places. A bird too must love this world, even in its hard places. So, even if the effort may come to nothing, you have to do something.

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2 years ago
getnotesonlife -

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It’s our nature to make things better but when we try to re-make them better than created in nature invariably there will be consequences. for example we were once told that cigarettes were not harmful but instead were actually good for “clearing the lungs ” that margarine was better than butter and artificial sweeteners were better than sugar. The same 'science' now says that all these are detrimental because our bodies were not de As the above scriptures all affirm in the beginning God created people (and animals) as MALE and FEMALE yet just like margarine was supposed to be a better creation than butter many are saying that they can improve on what God originally created and change it it into something better or different. To put it another from their thinking God Made A Mistake and instead of being created in the image of God they choose to recreate ourselves into a new 'better' being. In doing so they have fallen into this warning to those that choose to — “Change the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man.” Romans 1:23 yes all of us have FREE CHOICE and Yes you DO have the right to do 'with your body' anything you choose to do but corruption is NOT an improvement over the way God made you as incorruptible in His image. friend do NOT listen to this false popular 'science' but use CON-Science!! Just as there have been consequences with cancer-causing elements there are eternal consequences for “leaving the natural use” of our God-given bodies and thereby ”receiving in themselves that recompence o God does not make mistakes. Please don’t make one either. God Bless Your Day jesus loves you
1 year ago

the dichotomy between an attack dog vs a guard dog is like. an attack dog is sent out to carry out violence. it's starved and abused to ensure aggression. it has no other purpose outside of Attacking at the whim of its master. it's constantly on guard because a threat can come from any direction at any time. it's the dog chained up in a basement that's only set loose when there's something to kill.

but a guard dog is protecting instead of attacking. instead of being sent out to fight, it comes home to defend the house. it may be constantly on watch for an external threat, but it is content to lay with the sheep until a wolf comes to the door. the guard dog has a warm place to sleep, and is well fed and treated like a member of the household. it's free to leave at any time but it stays to protect the house anyway. do u get it. do u understand.

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4 months ago

For sale: Baby shoes, never worn. Wrong size.

The post I just reblogged made me think about "For sale: baby shoes, never worn" and how, now, in our time of dramatically reduced infant and child mortality and increased abundance, the more statistically likely interpretation of that six-word story is this:

"Extended family and friends have gifted us too much stuff for our kid. They didn't even get a chance to wear these shoes before they outgrew them." And if that's not an indication of amazing progress, I don't know what is.

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4 months ago

Something I’ll never forget is when my partner and I first started dating; Ghostie and I came by after her shift was over (she closes where we work) and while sitting in the backseat with her my tics begin to do their thing. One of my not so common tics is kind of like an arm flinging type thing. It’s not too violent of anything but you deff don’t wanna be next to me when it happens. She had known I had tics before we started dating, but wasn’t all too well versed about it.

She holds my hand and goes “you can control it I believe in you” in the most encouraging voice ever. Before I I can respond my arm responds for me and flings out to my side. Ghostie and I are laughing because my partner was trying (and failing) to hold my hand before realizing “oh, never mind” 🤣🤣🤣

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11 months ago

My 14 year old brother just took a drink of hot chocolate and hissed like he'd knocked back a shot of vodka then set it down and went "ah... that's the good stuff."

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9 months ago

I love media I have to take tolerance breaks from

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