But Even I Can't Justify His Behavior There - Tumblr Posts
Holy shit... Someone said it... Someone FINALLY FUCKING SAID IT!!!!
Like... I've gotten so, so damn TIRED of people bringing it up almost every few days or even every month. It just gradually made me not as passionate about Ryuji over time to the point of finding him overrated and I hate that because I legitimately love the character but god damn... I'm already stressed enough because of working during the holidays, I don't need to hear discourse # 1,000,000,000 about that stupid scene. People really fucking need to move on imo. It's bad, I agree, I get it. Can we just talk about something else instead of beating a dead horse?
Before anyone asks, I didn't find it at all funny but the 1st half wasn't exactly bad and I can understand why they got mad at him. I actually thought he was kind of a dick for saying that Ann doesn't look cute when she cries because I remember being made fun of for being emotional/crying to the point where I developed a habit of bottling it up for years, so I fully understood Ann's response. What he said just really pushed my buttons so much regardless of intent. It didn't help that instead of maybe apologizing or a simple, "Crap, bad timing! My bad guys!" he just doubles down and tries to make excuses which made them madder.

Oh and people LOVE to CONVENIENTLY leave that part out because Ryuji would never! They got mad for no reason! Bull! Shit!
That aside it really just should have ended with a hug instead of a beating really since that was still very disproportionate and unnecessary. Or the anime's version of it at least. Or hell if they want to make it comedic, have a chase start as it fades to black with dialogue showcasing them going from mad to just laughing and starting to cheer up, Ryuji included. Easy! Just pretend those ideas happened! Or again the anime since we can pretend that it's an anime cutscene. There! Problem solved; can we talk about something else? Please!
persona 5 hot take but that one scene after Shido's palace is blown WAAY out of proportion by the fandom. its literally just an anime gag, which persona 5 is. its an anime game with anime jokes.
granted its not a particularly funny joke, its not even a joke i particularly think was warranted or funny myself, but the absolute HATRED towards that one scene is SO OVERBLOWN i honestly cant understand it