But It Is Powerful - Tumblr Posts
I think the ending scene in Mr. Robot is really about self acceptance and being able to face the truth. That Mastermind isn't alone, because he is with the other alters, and is able to be a viewer of the real Elliot. They are created to protect and love Elliot, and being able to sit down in that theatre is an outpour of this.
They are a part of Elliot, Elliot is a part of them.
Also, I like to think that they never *really* went away and that the alters are able to communicate with Elliot. We have evidence of this in flashbacks as Elliot as a child, at the movie theatre.
Just think about it:
Elliot was faced with so many hurtful events these four seasons.
He discovered he had an alter (Mr. Robot) and had to fight to keep the control over his own body. Imagine how scary it was for him to "wake up" everytime after Mr. Robot took the lead only to not remember what had happened, even worse, beliving that Robot did things he himself doesn't approve but couldn't stop.
Then, he lost his girlfriend and felt like it was his fault that she was killed. Same happened to his boss, probably the only person that came close of caring about him as a son. Next, his teammates were the ones who were killed.
He had to deal with being imprisioned, where he was violently beaten and almost raped.
And don't forget when his own sister betrayed him and sold him to the FBI.
Then, he saw his childhood friend and probably the woman he loved slowly lose her mind and finally be killed by his enemies, he literally saw her dead body in the picture they sent him.
He was also forced to face his childhood trauma and discovered he was abused by his own father, a knowledge that almost broken him.
After all of this, you'd think he deserved to be happy. Well, he succeed in his mission and effectively saved the world, but instead of basking in his glory he was trapped in a confusing world where he thought he could live a happy life for once but soon enough he discovered that not only that world wasn't real but he too wasn't the person he thought he was. He believed he was Elliot, the original Elliot, when in fact he actually was just one more of Elliot's alters.
Imagine how heartbreaking and scary it must be to stumble up such a revelation.
And after everything he went through, he still had one more great sacrifice to do: he needed to shut himself out so he could give his sister, the only person still alive that he loved and loved him back, her original brother back. In a way, he needed to kill himself to give Darlene and the original Elliot a chance of being happy again.
This is so f*cking depressing! The finale was two days ago and I still can't stop crying when I think about that.
Our boy was created to save original Elliot's world, to fight his battles, to take the punches for him and make him a better and safer world, but he himself wasn't allowed to live in this world, he shouldn't exist in this world.
Now you understand why I can't be happy with this final?