But Yeah I Did This One! [REDACTED] Is Most Certainly TA Imo And Everyone Else Seems To Agree - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

[Fan character] AITA for starting a fire?

You can call me D (NB, ???), and I currently live on a floppy disk. I am unsure of my origins, but I had been sleeping for the longest time when an employee of a game company who I'll call K (F, adult) unintentionally opened my file and woke me up.

When I saw that K was working on a new video game that she had saved on my floppy disk, I just knew that I wanted to help her with it. So I start modifying the game, but she undoes my progress as soon as she notices. It made me a bit mad, but I was willing to forgive her since we're friends and all. K didn't like what I did before, so I thought of new ways to modify the game (because let's face it. If it's gonna be my home, I want to add some personal flair to it.)

Unfortunately, K found out that I had been messing with the NPCs sprites and dialogue, and BOY was she mad. K even moved my file to the trash bin and threatened to delete me if I did that again, saying that 'we weren't friends' and 'her boss would get mad', etc etc. I just wanted to be a little bit creative, but K had taken it too far. How dare she claim that she had control over my life!

It turns out that it's quite easy to start a fire with an outdated computer and some carelessly-strewn papers resting against its old wires. I only realized that what I did miiight have not been the best play after the damage had been done. Luckily for me, my disk wasn't damaged in the blaze. But K wasn't as lucky.

On one hand, I may have overreacted a bit. But on the other hand, I didn't want to be deleted. But enough talk. AITA?

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