Butt Expansion - Tumblr Posts

It. She's got it. by crazydan28

tfw you’ve got a Rare Kink and have to provide your own art for it. Pear Expansion without giant boobs is hard to find, and especially pear expansion at all for male characters.
So enjoy this exceptionally peary Mr. Luxuria. He’s pretty thrilled with his new assets, even if it means his thigh highs might be ruined.
Warning: contains male expansion and growth, particularly height growth [20-60 ft. total] and ass/hip expansion. Also contains: possibly cheesy dialogue, expansion story clichés, a weird sense of humor, cute boys, clothing destruction and potentially some minor building destruction. Pear Juice is not for people under 18 years of age and is packaged on machinery that may come into contact with wheat, soy, and tree nuts. Pear Juice is brewed and bottled in the U.S.A. Pear Juice contains no GMOs or products from cows treated with growth hormone. Pear Juice might induce slight tipsiness, height increase, curviness, specifically-located weight gain, and hedonistic thoughts. Do not drive or operate heavy machinery until you know how Pear Juice affects you. Not recommended for people who are pregnant or may become pregnant. Do not combine with other mind-altering drugs. Compatibility with other expansion formulas not guaranteed. Pear Juice, Inc is not responsible for any loss of clothing, housing, furniture, or dignity, and by consuming this bottle you agree to hold full liability for your actions while on Pear Juice. Effects take five to ten minutes to set in and may last as long as 8 to 10 hours. If you are experiencing expansion lasting longer than 20 hours, seek medical care. Pear Juice does not affect everyone the same. Drink responsibly. [This message approved by the United States Food and Drug Administration Growth & Expansion Division. Visit us at expand.fda.gov/rights-and-responsibilities/ to see your legal rights as an expanded individual.]
Alex wasn't sure why he was at the Spring Faire in the first place. Even though it was Spring of his first year of college, he had yet to make any friends on campus, and having taken two years off since high school meant he had no former peers in any classes. He mostly spent his time binging bad Netflix documentaries in his dorm and avoiding his annoying roommate; Alex didn't know his name (Nate? Nathan? Neil?) and he didn't seem to know Alex's, and both seemed just fine with that. Of course, it wasn't like he was any kind of social butterfly in high school either. Being the only out LGBT kid at a small high school in a small town meant nobody wanted to hang around him; he wasn't flamboyant enough (and was too shy) to be a mall accessory nor was he macho enough to get an in with the Future Straight Leather Bears of America Society. He was too clumsy for theatre and too easily-distracted for the Library Club.
In all senses, not just in personality, Alex was perfectly average. He was 5'10" exactly, not quite pool-noodle stringy but neither built nor fat, kept his medium-brown hair short but not unfashionably so, had skin the color of bleached sand, and wore department store clothing his mom bought him. The only thing not average about Alex was how reserved he was in social situations.
He mulled over his situation, his hands in his jean pockets, as he walked up and down the same stretch of busy campus sidewalk hosting the quieter end of the Faire. It was late afternoon, near closing time for the Faire, and the sky was just starting to get red at the horizon. It wasn't chilly enough at night to make it cool in the evening, and the sunny day lingered in the heat coming off the concrete. Alex walked a few more loops of his pace, counting up to 90 total in his head, and was just about to head inside when an overenthusiastic freshman ran into him. Well, he had run half-past and half-into Alex, who took the brunt of the momentum and fell on his ass, earning what felt like a nice bruise on the tailbone for it.
The freshman had already started past him, but turned around when Alex climbed to his feet. "Oh, cripes," said the kid, who looked like half the kids Alex had gone to school with. "I'm sorry, man, I didn't see you there." He fought against the crowd to reach Alex on the sidelines. "Shit, I'm really sorry," he said again, running both his hands through his hair.
Up close, this guy had probably an inch and a half and maybe thirty pounds on Alex. His hair was ear-length and shiny jet black with caramel-blond streaks in his swept bangs. He had large plugs in his ears, clear with a marble-like center, and a silver ring on the side of his nose that contrasted with his deep brown skin. He wore a slightly-oversized red flannel over a ripped white t-shirt and tight black jeans. Alex realized he'd been staring for too long when he registered the kid speaking again.
"--really didn't mean to, are you sure you're okay? Do you want me to call someone? Do you need anything?" He brought a small backpack around front, digging out a first-aid kit that looked too big to fit inside of it. "Here, let me--"
The acrid sting of rubbing alcohol made Alex recoil. "I'm fine," he said, the shock starting to die down in his chest. "Just a little bruised." He tried for a smile, but from the kid's downturned mouth, it wasn't very convincing. "Just have a bad startle response," Alex explained. The kid still didn't respond, just offering out the first aid kit. "But I wasn't really paying attention so it isn't your fault, I should have been more aware of my surroundings and... look, if I take a band-aid from you, will you stop it with the eyes?"
His eyes were dark green like summer trees, reflecting the sunny freckles across his face. "Well, are you bleeding?"
"No," Alex said, displaying all of his limbs. He was still a bit shaky, but it was subsiding. "Am I free to go, officer?"
The kid chuckled and Alex had to admit, it was a cute chuckle. "You look fine." He tucked the kit back into his backpack and slung it over his back. "I--" The ringing of a cell phone cut him off. Despite the tone being unfamiliar, Alex reflexively looked at his own phone. When he looked back up, mystery kid was finishing a text and tucking his phone in his pocket.
"Why the hurry?"
"Oh, I thought I had a test tomorrow," the kid explained, "but it looks like the teacher just canceled it. I think it's not just the students having too much to drink this weekend." He smiled and Alex couldn't help but smile back. He had dimples and bright teeth.
"I'm glad you're off the hook," Alex said, trying to sidle past his new acquaintance and get back to his dorm, where a two-hour documentary on Cuban alien footprints awaited him, but the kid caught his arm.
"Since I'm not busy, I really want to make it up to you--unless you're going somewhere?"
"I'm actually never going anywhere." Alex had intended to lie his way out of the situation at hand, but he accidentally forgot to add the lie. He blushed and hoped the kid wouldn't notice.
"Then can I make it up for you? Buy you a drink?"
"I don't drink," Alex responded, "and besides, you don't look old enough to buy drinks."
"Ha ha ha. I didn't mean something alcoholic. We're at a fair! There's tons of soda machines and slushie fountains around here." The kid paused and Alex hesitated a minute too long to get away. "Actually, there's a drink stand just down the sidewalk."
Despite himself, Alex turned back around and spotted a small booth at the very end of the row. It had a cartoonishly large soda bottle propped up on its table, with an assortment of plastic cups filled with something that looked green and bubbly. He hadn't noticed it on his other ninety loops up and down the sidewalk, but he wasn't a particularly attentive guy in the first place. Looking at the substance in the nearly-untouched cups reminded Alex that he hadn't had anything to drink since he emptied his water bottle two hours before. If the kid was offering to buy, it would be impolite to decline, wouldn't it? And besides, maybe someone as aggressively friendly as this kid would be the only person to talk to Alex all week.
"Why not," Alex said, facing the kid one more time.
The kid beamed at him and started powerwalking to the end of the row. Alex scrambled to catch up behind him.
"I don't think I got your name before, but thanks...?" Alex offered.
"Bailey," he filled in. "And, you're welcome...?"
"I'm Alex."
"Alex and Bailey! We're twenty four short of an entire alphabet!"
Alex found himself laughing. Bailey was the kind of person whose earnest openness inspired Alex to open up a little bit. Standing with an actual person beside him, Alex felt a little like anything was possible. He almost bumped into Bailey when they made it to the booth.
A single, sweaty dude stood behind it, eyes covered by the broad bill of his beat-up sports cap. He grinned at Alex and Bailey. "Hello, boys," he said, in an indistinct Southern drawl. "How y'all doing tonight?"
"I'd like to buy a..." Bailey looked around for some indication of what the fizzy green product was. "...one of those," he finished, just pointing at a cup.
"It's your lucky day, kid. Today--and today only--we're offering a deal: for every cup of Pear Juice you finish, we'll actually pay you ten dollars." He flashed his teeth again. As he spoke, the man went from burnt out former-surfer to used-car salesman in an instant. "How about it? You're cute, do you wanna try it?"
Bailey shook his head. "It's for my friend."
The man fixed his gaze on Alex and it was like a vice grip. "Alright then, son. How much d'you wanna try?"
"How much has anyone else tried?" Alex asked.
"Nothin', unfortunately. Nobody found us all the way down here," the man lamented. "I have a whole bottle of Pear Juice that's going to go to waste if nobody drinks it in the next five minutes..."
"You should do it!" Bailey exclaimed, giving Alex those pleading eyes again. "Wouldn't that be really cool?"
"I can get a mention in the newspaper for being the only guy stupid enough to try some unlabeled soda," he shot back. Bailey's expression crumpled like the sun being covered by clouds, and Alex already felt guilty. What was the damn point in being obstinate? "I'll do it," he said, facing the man.
"How much d'you want?"
He could almost feel Bailey vibrating beside him. "A... All of it, please." There were only six cups on the table, and nothing under or behind it.
"Is it alcoholic?" Alex passed him the card anyway.
The man looked it over in the dying sunlight. "Nope, but we can't just hand this stuff out to minors, y'know." He passed back Alex's state ID along with a ballpoint pen. "This is kinda a test market thing, so would you mind signing some waivers?"
Alex laughed. "Sure, why not." The man handed him a clipboard. There were about five sheets of paper on it, covered in text so small Alex thought it wasn't worth the headache to read without his glasses. He skipped to the last page and signed. "Here you go."
"Alrighty, you might wanna make yourself comfortable," the man said. Alex flashed his wrists--no watch--no jewelry. "Well, that's sixty bucks if you make it to the end. And you will make it to the end, won't you, Mr. Mortensen?"
Alex nodded. He was past the point of no return. Now or never.
The man handed him the first cup.
The drink was sweet and bubbly, slightly fruity bust mostly tasting of sugar water. The first cup was gone in no time and Alex found himself heading into the third cup in minutes. Standing in one place sipping soda wasn't doing well for his body, he thought--his feet and legs were starting to cramp, and he had the urge to stretch. The fourth cup went, then the fifth. Alex took a break before the last one, blinking and looking down at his hands. The table seemed very far away. He couldn't feel his feet past it, just lukewarm air around his ankles and waist.
"Enjoy," the man said. Alex downed the cup in no time and wiped his mouth off. He felt a little sticky from how sweet it all was. He also felt lightheaded, but he never was one for soda, and he'd probably consumed half a dozen cups of sugar in less than ten minutes. Air tickled past his ankles again and he giggled. "Slight lightheadedness and euphoria are common side effects of Pear Juice," the man offered.
Alex staggered back a couple of steps and glanced to his left, meeting Bailey's eyes sooner than he'd expected. He was the first one to grin this time, before he took a breathless risk and went for Bailey's lips. He missed them and ended up banging his chin against the bridge of Bailey's nose.
"Uh, Alex...?" Bailey said, sounding concerned again.
"Was that too forward?" Alex fretted. He wiggled his toes to get feeling back into them. His shoes were really starting to wear out--they were about to bust open.
"No, that's not the problem."
"Then what's wrong?" Alex felt a little dizzy again, and widened his stance to balance himself. His feet were shoulder width apart, but he could still feel his thighs brushing each other. Every inch of his body felt alight with tingles. He stretched his arms out to either side of himself and his t-shirt rode up his stomach.
"Y-you weren't more than six feet tall when we got here, were you?"
"Are you being silly? I've been 5'10" since tenth grade." Alex rolled his shoulders. Was it getting warm or was it just him? His shirt felt stuck to his body, almost like he was drenched in sweat.
"You're almost seven freaking feet tall, Alex."
"What?" Alex's eyes refocused and found Bailey below his own line of sight.
At that moment, several things happened. First, the button securing his jeans slipped out of its hole, letting the zipper fly apart and come undone. His toes busted out of his sneakers. His shoulders started ripping his shirt apart. He noticed that his underwear had tightened considerably, and was now rubbing against him in the most teasing way, not helped by how tightly he was pressing his legs together.
But Alex remembered he wasn't pressing his legs together--he was actually standing with a gap a little wider than his shoulders between his feet. His thighs pressed inward, pulling at the denim. It rubbed against his skin, which was starting to become more and more sensitive. Alex shuddered and watched Bailey fall another few inches out of sight.
A thick rip sounded from behind him as the seat of his pants tore open. Alex dropped his hands to his sides, meeting his own body much sooner--and much softer--than he expected. On instinct, he pressed against it, moaning softly as his hands sunk against well-padded hips. They kept pushing out, disproportionate from his body, widening his stance. Bailey was about at tall as Alex's chest now, and looked up at him in mixed apprehension and awe.
Alex was about to say something when his jeans ripped down one side, exposing his skin to the warm air. He moaned again and bent over double as the tingling in his skin increased. More and more tears formed in his shirt and jeans, exposing more of his gender and sensitive flesh. The slipping fabric against his body felt so good. He didn't even realize he was hard until he felt his boner squished between his thighs.
Alex's knees shook. His feet were wider than his shoes now, soles dragging across the rough sidewalk. Bailey kept sinking, sinking, sinking out of sight. Alex hugged himself, shuddering as he stood up. His arms kept pushing outward, skin sliding against skin like he was failing to keep it in his grasp.
The jeans finally gave up the ghost, leaving Alex bare but for the scraps of shirt on his shoulders and the boxers that felt more like a g-string around his hips. He groped downward, getting handfuls of flesh that was undeniably his now. Touching his hips elicited another moan--they were so far apart! He must have been built like a triangle or something! His knees pressed together, entirely smothering his cock. The shivers racking his body ran through his now-enormous thighs, making them jiggle around his dick. Alex cooed as his boxers pulled up into his massive crack.
Standing straight, Alex could no longer see Bailey, only the tops of empty tables and trees. Or were they shrubs? They were green and about waist-high to him. He watched, fascinated, as they dwindled below him. His huge legs blocked his sight of most things below him. Alex ran his hands up and down his sides, feeling them slide apart and back, further and further every time. If he stilled his hands, he could actually feel fatty flesh pressing against them and forcing them further apart. His underwear pulled tighter and he squealed, taking a shaky step forward. His foot connected with the ground with a great CRASH.
"Alex!" Bailey shouted from somewhere very far away. "Watch where you're going!"
"It just f-feels so good, Bay, I c-can't--" Another full body shiver put the tree-shrubs at knee height, his hips half as wide as he was tall--and he was suddenly very, very tall. The breeze blew against his skin, carrying fire into his nerves like he was standing too close to a fireplace. His knees trembled.
At last, Alex fell to his knees with a truly impressive crash. His ass, warm and jiggly and continuing to spread, covered his feet entirely. The rough concrete dragged under his skin as his legs continued lengthening.
Down here, Alex could see Bailey again--about the size of a yardstick and progressively getting shorter. "You're so cute down there," Alex said. His voice was a touch deeper and sent rumbles throughout his body. The intensity surged for a minute and his skin pressed out in all directions. Cracks in the pavement lead to his tremendous lower half. His dick was poking up through the massive valley of his thighs. His hips were wide enough now that they began to knock into the tables on either side of the sidewalk. The cold metal and plastic against his skin made Alex shudder and moan again.
He was reaching his peak, Bailey barely visible at the bottom of his vision. His underwear snapped, consumed by his growing ass. His soft skin covered more and more ground, more and more quickly, as his hips reached the cool grass and cracks continued to spread up and down the concrete. Even kneeling, Alex was once again taller than the trees, which looked like very fragile branches now.
He put his hands on the concrete in front of them and felt his skin consume more of the ground, almost knocking Bailey over with an index finger half as long as his leg. Alex's moans came deeper and longer now, as his body pushed out and out and out. He threw back his head as he traced his hard, bare nipples with his hot fingers. Under them, his skin was continuously bulging and stretching.
Alex bit his lip and moaned "U-uhhh," he said.
"Shit!" Bailey said, somewhere in the distance, his voice becoming further away.
"A-aa-aaaah," Alex's body squeezed the last few inches of growth out of him before building to a truly epic climax. Alex moaned, his voice large and deep enough to resonate through the ground, and he came like a sprinkler. Cum splattered on every surface around him as he leaned back and writhed on the concrete. It was like the orgasm that would never end. His cock, a four and a half foot monster dwarfed only by the enormous hills of Alex's thighs, kept going much longer than Alex had ever gone before--he never came like this. Then again, he had also never come with a four and a half foot dick or a body around fifty feet tall. His hands dug into the dirt and grass, leaving thick trenches as his nails drew inward.
Finally, after the world's shortest eternity, Alex came back to himself. He was still dizzy and felt more than a little floaty. He put his weight on his back--mostly his tremendous ass--and stuck his legs out one at a time. They extended past the end of the sidewalk, dipping into a fountain near the edge of the campus. With his arms flat out on either side of him, his hips were at least as wide as his shoulders, and his thighs, though tapered, carried similar dimensions down to his knees. The trees were still taller than him lying down, but they felt more like tickling tassels as his body rubbed against them.
Despite feeling more profoundly exhausted than he ever had in his life, Alex wanted to go again. Not caring about why, or how, just contemplating his size made him horny enough to go half-mast right away. He arched his back against the concrete and yawned. As much as he wanted to relive that mind-bending orgasm, he felt suddenly heavy, like the improbable size he'd reached was just now weighing on him.
A miniature Bailey, blushing so hard his cheeks almost glowed, entered Alex's vision. With their massive size disparity, it was hard to make out details of Bailey's body--but Alex had a suspicion that the sizable bulge in Bailey's jeans wasn't a trick of the light. He stood a few feet away from Alex's head. "C-can you hear me?" he asked.
"Yes." Alex felt the ground rumble underneath him when he spoke, and he squirmed in place, biting back a moan. He still felt unreasonably good.
"I, uhm, are you, um--are you okay?"
"I've never been better, actually." Alex laughed and looked up at the sky. He rested one hand on his bare stomach, just above the point where his hips exploded from his body. Night air, rapidly cooling, brushed over his skin.
"Th-that was--"
"Are you okay?"
Bailey swallowed and his blush became somehow more luminescent. "Y-yeah." His voice was strained and it almost cracked when he spoke. When Alex looked back down at him, Bailey was rocking back and forth on his feet, hands clasped behind his back. Every so often he'd glance briefly down, and then back up--but not quite at Alex. "That was kinda intense."
Alex chuckled again, the kinetic energy of the noise catching Bailey off guard. He fell forward against the side of Alex's chest. He'd been right; he could feel every detail of Bailey's small body against his super sensitive skin and Bailey was definitely aroused. Alex raised a hand easily big enough to pin Bailey to the ground and experimentally tapped Bailey's back with a finger.
Bailey got back to his feet and took a couple of steps back, swallowing hard. Alex pursued him, lightly pressing the tip of his index finger against Bailey's crotch. He moaned, pressing into Alex's fingertip, humping it once or twice. Alex pushed against Bailey's movements, so his finger moved back and forth with Bailey's hips. Bailey moaned again and pressed Alex's finger lower, straddling it and rubbing more quickly against it.
Alex came for the second time after Bailey came, albeit with much less force than before. Now, his cock rested limp against his thigh at a much more manageable three feet long. Bailey staggered forward to press his tiny body against Alex's side again, giving him the world's smallest hug. "Th-thank you," he murmured, just barely loud enough for Alex to hear.
"Thought I should pay you back for fixing me up." At Bailey's confused face, Alex winked. "You made up for way more than just running into me." Bailey knocking him to the ground felt like it happened to another person in another lifetime.
Bailey pressed his face to Alex's skin and muttered something into it. His face was vibrantly warm.
"What was that?"
"Um, I was wondering, if--maybe--if you get back to a more manageable size, maybe we could, um..." Bailey looked at the ground to his left. "...have a normal date? I'm free, like, whenever, but if you don't want to--"
"Why wouldn't I want to?" Alex grinned and relaxed his shoulders. He looked up at the sky, watching it move around him as the sun's light finally faded away. His skin felt tight, a little dehydrated, and Alex was confused until he felt his skin brushing inward over the pavement. He was still ridiculously large, just slightly less so.
"So it's a...?"
"It's a date." Alex closed his eyes. "We can work out the details when I can use my phone again."
"Good thing I rescued it," Bailey said with a soft chuckle.
"Damn it, stop being so nice! Now I owe you for that, too," Alex teased. "Maybe you should be the one who blows up to fifty feet tall next time."
"I'll bet you I can get bigger."
"Is that a challenge? Because maybe it'll be both of us next time, and we'll really see who wins." Alex glanced around his receding body. "Um, what happened to that guy?"
"I dunno," Bailey said, digging into a pocket. "He disappeared a little after you passed eight feet tall. Like, disappeared like he was never even there." He found what he was looking for and pulled out a pale green business card. "I found this card, though, and it says we can collect your $60 at any participating grocery store if we show this to them." He flipped it over and scanned the back. "Also, we get two free bottles of Pear Juice, too."
"Well, that sounds perfect for a date."
"My brother's an event planner. Maybe he can set us up with a warehouse for a night so we can have some private time?"
Thinking of large-scale "private time" with Bailey threatened to make Alex hard again. "Um, normally I'd say not on the first date, but you've already seen me naked." He didn't need to mention that he was a loser who hadn't been on a date before.
"And you've already got me off," Bailey retorted. "Besides, I've never gone out with a guy. I guess we can suspend the rules for that."
Alex breathed in the cooling air and the sensation of Bailey's seemingly-growing body against his side. He had never felt so relaxed. As he slipped under thirty feet tall, he said, "how does next weekend sound?"

Your boy is back at it. Off of school for winter break. Kink art can now flourish.
mini giantess anybody?

Turned On
Layla was working late mixing chemicals to (hopefully) create a formula that would enhance female figures.
Jenna was doing maintenance on a nearby machine, unaware of Layla’s presence.
Just as Layla was mixing in some pleasure-enhancing chemicals, Jenna’s machine began to malfunction and sent out an electric current into both of their chests. This caused Layla to spill the chemicals, creating a reaction that made both their bodies and libidos grow immensely. Electric shocks repeatedly hit their nipples, making them both orgasm for 30 minutes.
However, that was not the end. They were both still extremely horny, so Layla began to rub her nipples against Jenna’s while fingering her, creating an electrical friction between both of their clitorises and their breasts. This resulted in another chemical reaction that caused Jenna to orgasm even harder than before… and grow twenty feet taller.
An Expansion Fan member commission for mtetas27. To make your own commission request and read all of our breast expansion comics, purchase a 1-month membership to Expansion Fan Comics!

“Yellow Undies” - by Chunka
But... what if whatever was making you grow like that also ensured you wouldn't cum until the leggings were gone? ...and they're some pretty stretchy leggings.
I've always wanted to know how it'd feel to wear a pair of leggings and have my dick and ass grow to the point of bursting them off. Specifically when my junk is squished in them against some thick, soft thighs.

It’d probably feel really, really good. Until you accidentally blow your load all down your leg while walking around :}