Butterflies And Moths Are Dragons - Tumblr Posts

Important announcement! Dragons are real, alive and well. Ok so hear me out, a dragon is just a winged creature with scales. (Fire breathing is not a requirement because there are elemental dragons among other types so not all dragons breathe fire.) Do you know what else is a winged creature with scales? Butterflies and moths. Therefore, according to our formula for dragons, both butterflies and moths are modern day dragons. You might be thinking to yourself, "I didn't know that butterflies and moths have scales." Well my dear friend they do, their wings are covered in scales which leads me to my next point:

Tinkerbell and the Great Fairy Rescue taught us this as kids and we just didn't realize. In the Great Fairy Rescue the fairies are painting the butterflies wings. One of the butterflies gets spooked and flies away before the wings are fully painted. Underneath the paint the butterfly is white. Guess what? If you touch a butterfly, you run the risk of rubbing off it's scales. When the scales come off, white wings are revealed. Honestly, this might be proof that faries are real too.

Thank you for coming to my TedTalk :))

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