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How Byleth, Kaze and Alear spend Valentine’s Day with their S/O
A/n: last minute but I thought this will be cute. Also Byleth and Alear will be gender neutral for this
•admittedly Byleth never celebrated holidays, especially Valentine’s Day, or at least not in the same way as others do.
•so once you two started dating, they definitely wanted to try
•Byleth most likely never had a relationship with anyone besides you, so they ask around for advice on what to do
•let’s say some advice was very useful or just fat out a no for Byleth depending on who they asked
•probably the best came from Seteth, due to him having a wife before, and Dorothea since she probably knows a thing or two about dating but not going overboard
•due to this being Byleth first Valentine with anyone, they want it to be special
•buys some gifts like chocolate, flowers and stuffed animals
•totally settling up a tea date
•will make it romantic as humanly possible
•Sothis probably using divine pulse just this once out of battle in case Byleth does something wrong because she feels nice
•if you get them something, they might actually cry
•expect some more physical affection from them, even though they are not the most openly affectionate, they want you to feel the most love on this day
•so, pretty good partner. But expect some awkwardness
•this guy is more classy and basic then Byleth.
•will keep things more simple, take you out for the day.
•will make your breakfast in bed, buy your flowers and chocolate
•he may not have much relationship experience but does know how to treat his partner thanks to conversations he overheard and seen from others
•spends lots of time with you, due to him asking Corrin to take the day off with you (which they agreed to)
•honestly a 10/10 partner
•oh this poor sweet child
•they are clueless on the day of love. Heck, they don’t even remember the day
•not that anyone can blame them, they are pretty busy with being pretty much a god and having memory loss
•but when they do find out the day. May it be that you tell them or by someone else. Expect a lot of gifts
•chocolates, stuffed animals, flowers, anything you want. They will get it for you
•they will spoil you all day
•but you just wanna spend time with them. So you just walked around with not or any people around
•it’s rare to get a one on one with them. So spending time with them is what you want
•Alear doesn’t really know what to do on this day, and somewhat find it funny that you get to show your love to someone one day of the year
•probably a good partner for this day, probably will go into a panic and possibly forgot about the day last minute but hey they tried
Hi can I request cuddle headcanons for Arval male Shez and male Byleth with a female?
Cuddle Time!
Game Series: Fire Emblem
Characters: Shez, Arval, and Byleth
Notes: Hello! Sorry, it took a little while for your request to be finished. This is my first time writing um something related to headcanons. I feel as if I might have made it too similar to regular fanfic. However, I still hope that you will enjoy this! This is for a feminine reader with you/your pronouns. (Second person for the reader.)
Genre: fluff
Proofread: Yes

• After fighting all day and finally, returning to camp Shez was exhausted.
• Having so many responsibilities as commander of the army and being responsible for so many lives of his allies.
• Made him tired but despite that, he had a purpose to fight every day.
• That reason was to fight for a better tomorrow but more importantly he fought so hard each day for you.
• His wonderful girlfriend whom he loved oh so very much.
• After wandering around the camp he finally spots you in his personal quarters.
• You were already asleep in his bed originally you were waiting for his return but fell asleep.
• Smiling at the sight Shez in front of him he climbs in bed trying not to wake you.
• He cuddles up against you holding you In his arms and he plays with your beautiful long hair and soon drifts off to sleep.
• They're pretty playful with you that's for sure.
• But wait how exactly is it that you are cuddling with Arval?
• Are you Shez? Does Arval appear in your dreams? Don't worry we don't need to know after all we're here for cuddles after all!
• No matter where or when Arval will always be there for you.
• If the struggle of day-to-day life was too much Arval will be there to listen and comfort you by holding you in their arms.
• But what exactly was cuddling with Arval like? Well Arval felt cold but you felt safe in their arms.
• You knew no matter what Arval will always be by your side and be there to protect you.
• He's very quiet and doesn't express much emotion around you.
• However you've always liked that about him and treasured those few emotions he did show around you.
• But how was Byleth when cuddling with you? That's the most important question after all!
• Well you'll be glad to hear cuddling with Byleth is one of your favorite things to do!
• When he holds you in his arms you felt safe, secure, and most of all relaxed.
• You two after a long day of work would always relax by cuddling and after a while falling asleep in each other arms.
• Of course there are days when Byleth will have things to do and it will take away from your time cuddling together.
• If he's sitting at his desk you'll sit in his lap and cuddle him while he takes care of his paperwork.
Hi, May I please request some comfort headcannons for Shez and Byleth?
Byleth and Shez Comfort Headcannons
Game Series: Fire Emblem.
Characters: Shez and Byleth.
Note: Not sure what gender you wanted for Byleth and Shez but I used Male Shez and Male Byleth.
Proofread: Yes.
Genre: Comfort.
Reader: Gender Neutral. (No pronouns are used.)

First off gotta say I love this man he is honestly just amazing and I love him so much.
But anyways just because Byleth doesn't show or feel emotions all that much himself.
That doesn't mean he can't see when others are feeling down and need some help.
Byleth is a great listener and many people go to him if they ever feel troubled or need to get something off their chest.
This also includes you! You are very important to Byleth and he always wants to make sure you are doing well physically and emotionally.
He's told you that you can go to him if you are ever feeling troubled and you aren't a bother to him.
It's not good to bottle up emotions even if it's positive or negative so Byleth is there for you if you ever need him.
Byleth is a very observant man for example during tea time with him he'll notice your positive or negative reactions to the tea he gives you.
If you act a certain way such as being bubbly and cheerfully but other times action sad and distraught he would take notice right away.
He would make sure you are feeling okay as you are his top priority and he cares for you above all else.
He can take you to have some tea with him or just to cuddle with him whatever makes you feel better.
Just know Byleth loves and cares about you! ♡
Once again I must say I love this man with all my heart he's just amazing and I love him.
Shez unlike Byleth shows a lot more emotions and in general, is more expensive.
Can see him just kissing the back of your hand like a knight saying how lucky is he to have such a wonderful prince/princess.
Shez would never judge you and I mean never no matter what he'll always love and care for you.
He'll never leave your side even in battle he'll always be right there with you side by side.
So you know how I'd say he'd kiss the back of your hand like a knight? He'd carry you in a princess style while kissing you on the cheek.
If you are very feeling an emotion like sadness Shez will do whatever he can to cheer you up!
One time he was bringing you some food but then he tripped over his foot and the food went everywhere.
You couldn't ask for more with Shez being in your life with him by your side. You know that both of you will be there for each and ready to face any challenge.
Just remember Shez loves you a lot and won't stop telling you that and how much he cares for you. ♡