Fic Request - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

Please may I have a Fairy tail scenario of when a fangirl laced your drink with a love potion so only your love would be directed at her and it was obvious to Gray that something was clearly different about you (you are Gray Fullbuster's younger twin brother who is a ice mage and a Fairy tail S class wizard and he is a kind young man and everything and you are Juvia Lockser's loving boyfriend) when you had that strange look on your face, reminding him of a love sick teenager and imagine his surprise when you asked him to introduce you to a girl who went by the name of Rebecca Frey..didn't you not realise that you already had a girlfriend who went by the name of Juvia Lockser?. It was suddenly clear why to Gray of why you were behaving like that when he basically sniffed your drink and it smelt sickly sweet, laced with love potion and the chocolate bar was definitely laced with that too in the guild. Gray told you that you should be thankful that Juvia was on a job currently...she would be absolutely heartbroken if she found out that you were really in love with someone else when Gray and the rest of Team Natsu had to help you on the way to Porlylusica's place so she could lift the love potion effects off you..and thankfully Porlylusica let Team Natsu stay for understandable reasons as it didn't help when you randomly flirted with Porlylusica asking if she wanted a drink or you basically asked "Hello darling, fancy a drink?" *Happy had to muffle his laughter at what you said* . You were absolutely mortified (you were finally back to normal) when Porlylusica finally gave you something to help lift the love potion effects off you and you asked Team Natsu when all of you were finally kicked out of Porlylusica's home.."Please don't tell me that I was acting embarrassing.." and Team Natsu were polite enough to make excuses about having to help you all the way to Porlylusica's home and not mention the love potion incident until Happy split that part of the news of you being affected by love potion and how you asked your older twin to introduce you to Rebecca Frey and couldn't believe it and you were bloody thankful that Juvia was on a Job but you were absolutely mortified at how you behaved and you apologised for causing them trouble.. (to help you with the scenario better..Ron is the one affected by the love potion..excluding the part when he was poisoned)

Love At First Drink?

Series: Fairy Tail.

Characters: Gray and Porlyusica.

Genre: Fluff/Crack.

Proofread: Yes.

Reader: Male.

Notes: Your drink was laced with a love potion.

Please May I Have A Fairy Tail Scenario Of When A Fangirl Laced Your Drink With A Love Potion So Only

You were currently in the Fairy Tail Guild Hall more specifically at the bar with your brother Gray having a few drinks. The both of you had just recently finished a difficult quest together and wanted to celebrate! So the both of you were at the bar enjoying the food and drinks.

Your girlfriend Juvia was also one of the waitresses on duty today serving the drinks and food to the members of Fairy Tail. Of course, this includes you as well and any time you would order something she'd also kiss you! Right, you and Gray were just discussing the quest you had finished not too long ago.

It took multiple weeks and was filled with many difficult battles against fearsome monsters. But as the brotherly duo nothing could stop the two of you! With both your teamwork and skill both of you were unstoppable!

With a drink in hand, you were about to take another sip before someone tapped you on the shoulder. You turned around to see who it was and it was one of your fangirls. You paid her no mind before telling her to run along.

However, before she did she slipped something into your drink without you knowing. The girl left gigging to herself confident her plan would be successful. What was this plan? Well, it was to make you fall in love with her!

You had told her multiple times you had a girlfriend and that you weren't interested. However, she didn't seem to listen and would always make advances on you. She made you feel very uncomfortable so you always did your best to avoid her.

Now taking another slip of your drink you began to feel slightly odd. You felt warm and fuzzy you felt in love but not for the one you remember. But instead for someone else you fell in love with Rebecca Frey the fangirl you spoke to not all that long ago.

You stood up from your seat in search of her to see where she was so you could tell her how much you loved her. Noticing this odd behavior out of completely nowhere Gray questioned you. "Hey man what's wrong?" Gray asked.

You turned to look at him with a big smile on your face and your eyes almost looked like they had hearts in them. You responded but it was not what Gray was expecting. "I'm looking for my girlfriend Rebecca Frey!" You spoke happily.

Right away Gray knew something was off I mean who even was this Rebecca Frey anyway? Noticing the strange look on your face Gray decided to check your drink. He had noticed it was now a color pink and had a strange smell.

Gray concluded that someone had laced your dink and that was why you were acting like this. Discarding the drink so no one else would be able to drink it. Gray took your hand and began to lead you out of the Guild Hall before Juvia could see you in this state.

"Hey, where are you taking me? I need to find my love, Rebecca Frey!" You spoke as Gray dragged you out. "Shut up and just follow me."

If there was one person who could help you with the state you're in he knew who it was. It was Porlyusica and so he headed out to her house in the woods. After some time he arrived and knocked on her door.

"Yes?" The door and Porlyusica spoke in response to the knock. "Hey Porlyusica sorry to bother but I need your help. My brother here got his drink laced with a love potion. Will you be able to help?"

Gray spoke and Porlyusica took a moment to observe your condition. "Yes now bring him inside," Porlyusica spoke as she invited the both of you in. You now paying attention put your gaze on Porlyusica and spoke.

"Hey darling fancy a drink?" You spoke with a smirk on your face sure that you won her over. "Y/N! Stop it!" Gray said hitting you on the head. "Ow!" You said In response.

"..." Porlyusica gave no response and only looked more annoyed after you said that. "Here drink this," Porlyusica spoke handing you a bottle.

You happily accepted the drink and soon after began to feel sleepy. You then got into one of the beds and were soon fast asleep. "He will be fine by the morning the effects will wear off by then."

Porlyusica spoke turning to face Gray. "Thanks for this Porlyusica," Gray spoke now turning to look at your sleeping form. After some time it was soon morning.

You woke up and sat up in the bed rubbing your eyes. "Huh, where am I what happened?" You spoke looking around and seeing Gray and Porlyusica they decided not to tell you about last night. "Nothing don't worry Y/N good to have the old you back," Gray spoke with a smile.

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1 year ago

This is probably the weirdest request ever but can I request Mukuro, Junko, Komaru, and Sonia with a s/o that turned into a marketable plushy? I don't mean someone made a plushy of them I mean they were transformed into it. I had a nightmare where that happened to me and for some reason, it was the worst thing I've ever dreamt.

Please Don't Turn Me Into a Marketable Plushy!

Series: Danganronpa.

Characters: Mukuro, Junko, Komaru, and Sonia.

Genre: Fluff/Crack.

Reader: Gender Neutral.

Notes: I'm a person who doesn't dream much but even when I do it's usually a nightmare. But this is ridiculous! But like so funny at the same time! But bestie what's going on to be having dreams like this? 😭

This Is Probably The Weirdest Request Ever But Can I Request Mukuro, Junko, Komaru, And Sonia With A


Quite it had been suspicious quite as of late Mukuro had noticed. By now she would have expected you to be by her side. At first she was worried very worried that something could have happened to you.

She knew you could handle yourself but even still she was still worried. The feelings of worry would hold merit in time. As the school day had ended and Mukuro had not seen you she decided to check up on you herself.

Mukuro had texted you multiple times throughout the day and had gotten no reply. Strange as you would always reply to her as quickly as you could. This didn't cause her to panic as there are many suitable reasons why you wouldn't text her throughout the day.

Soon Mukuro had made it to your home and let herself in with the spare key that you had given her. Stepping into your home she called out for you. "S/O?" No response.

She made her up to your bedroom as maybe you had slept in or were sick. Although nothing could have prepared her for what she was about to see. "S/O? Are you in there? I'm coming in." Mukuro spoke as she opened the door to your bedroom.

"Mukuro! Help me!" A voice could be heard in the room it took a second to register. But Mukuro was able to pinpoint the voice with her vigilant eyes.

She looked at the desk in your and a plushy could be seen. No wait a plushy of you surely. However, as she moved closer it became clear that the plushy was indeed you.

"S/O? Is that you? What happened to you?" Mukuro questioned as kneeled to get a closer look at you. "I'm not sure! I just woke up like this! I tried to call and text you but I can't do anything as a plushy!" You spoke jumping up and down your arms flapping up and down like a bird's wings.

"..." Mukuro was speechless I mean who wouldn't be?!? What are you supposed to do let alone say something about this?

After regaining her composer Mukuro picked you put and put you in her blazer pocket. "I'll take care of you for now let's wait until tomorrow to see if you return to normal. If not then we can ask one of the Ultimates for help." Mukuro spoke as a smile grew on your face.

Finally, this will be a great way to see your girlfriend in action as she practices her skills as an Ultimate! A smile began to grow on Mukuro's face as she looked at you somehow you looked even cuter as a plushy.


You were late...very late! Where the hell were you?!? THE JUNKO ENOSHIMA! had invited YOU!

To be at a photoshoot with her and you were late nowhere to be seen. Heck, she wanted you to join her and get pictures taken! Well fine, be that she if she cares! (Honestly, I would say she does care but it's probably causing her despair by you not being there. So it's probably not affecting all that much but you never know with how unpredictable she is.)

Once this entire photoshoot was over she went to your home and DEMAND an answer! Heck! Screw the photoshoot! She needed her answers now! Confused by her outburst no one could do anything to stop her from leaving.

Loud knocks could be heard at your front door. "S/O? S/O? Open up! I know you're in there! You queen of despair demands to know why you weren't at the photoshoot!" More knocks could be heard after she spoke.

But then loud bangs could be heard from your front door. What was she...was she kicking your door down? She's insane! (Now ain't that the truth.)

She could be heard running around your look for you and possibly breaking a few things along the way. She then made her grand entrance into your room by nearly kicking the door off its hinges. "Hey! Stop it! You'll destroy my home! You've already destroyed some of it!"

A voice could be heard and Junko looked around until she saw a plushy that looked like you sitting on the table. "HAHAHAHAHA WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED TO YOU?!?! YOU LOOK RIDICULOUS!!" Wow, how comforting...

Junko spoke as picked you by the head and placed you on top of her head like a crown. "Come on my beloved I'll show you what despair looks like firsthand!" Junko spoke dashing out of your room. Will you return to normal? Who knows...


Komaru had spent her day drawing manga and well she lost track of time. While she was taking a break from drawing she realized she hadn't heard from you in a while! She has sent you a text. 'Hey S/O! How are you? Are you doing okay?'

She set her phone down and went back to drawing and expected a response soon. Although as more time passed a response never came. Thinking you were just busy Komaru sent another text.

Although more time has passed and Komaru still hasn't heard back from you. This caused her to worry so she decided to leave and go to your home. You had given her a spare key and let her enter your home if she ever needed anything.

"S/O?" Komaru called out to you as she entered the home closing the door behind her. She had gotten no response from you she walked looking for you. Making her way upstairs she decided to check your bedroom as you weren't anywhere on the first floor.

Komaru knocked before entering your bedroom. "S/O? Are you in there? I'm coming in." Komaru spoke as she entered your room.

"Komaru! Over here!" A voice could be heard in the room after looking around for a while Komaru was able to pinpoint where the voice had come from. It was from you or well a plushy that looked like you.

"S/O? Is that you? What happened?" Komaru spoke as she got closer to the desk you were on. "I'm not sure Komaru! I just woke up like this!"

Komaru held out her hand and you jumped onto it. "You're so cute S/O! This just gave me a great idea for a manga! Come on I'll bring you to my place so we can work on it together!"

Komaru smiled as she held you in her hands. You were so cute like this and she'd have to take pictures! But most of all she can show you how much of an amazing girlfriend she is by protecting you!


There could only be one cause for why you were like this now. Like what exactly? Like a plushy yes that's right you awoke to find yourself now as a plushy.

You knew Sonia was good friends with Gundham but this was just ridiculous! Had something gone wrong while they were doing black magic? Or was this something that Sonia wanted to happen?

Well, you truly had no idea and could only guess and wait. Waiting was all you really could do as being plushy had its limitations. On the other hand, you looked adorable!

You can only imagine how Sonia would react to something like this. Oh well, it's not like you would mind anyway. Being cared for and adored as a plushy while your girlfriend takes care of you?

You suppose there was nothing to complain about although this waiting was killing you! Just how much longer would Sonia be? You need to be with her at once!


However, it seems you were in luck as Sonia has now returned! "Sonia! Sonia! Over here!" You called out to her as you jumped to get her attention. Sonia was stunned for a moment but then recovered from her moment of shock.

"Oh my! S/O? Is that you? What happened? You are simply adorable!" Ah, there is was you expected to find you even more adorable like this. I mean you are her partner so of course you were adorable!

Sonia had moved closer to the desk that you were sitting on as a smile appeared on her face. She held out her hands and you hopped onto them as held you gently. "You are simply adorable! Come S/O I have many outfits your size! You must try them you will look wonderful!"

"But Sonia-" you had tried to ask her if you were like this because of something to do with Gundham and black magic. But Sonia had cut you off before you could finish. "Oh! I must get my camera!" Oh well, you'll deal with that later your just happy to spend time with Sonia.

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1 year ago

I'm so sorry if you actually aren't taking requests I am a little confused as English is not my first language I'm still learning as I go

could I request for kokichi and nagito for a s/o that's emotionally sensitive, cries alot and comes off as clingy and really enjoys simple physical touch like hand holding and pats, stuff like that generally (thank you if you can and so sorry if you closed requests for all)

Kokichi and Nagito With a Sensitive S/O

Series: Danganronpa.

Characters: Kokichi and Nagito.

Genre: Fluff.

Reader: Gender Neutral.

Notes: Don't worry! Your English is fine! Honestly English is my first language and sometimes I can't even write or speak it lmao.

I'm So Sorry If You Actually Aren't Taking Requests I Am A Little Confused As English Is Not My First


This little...well at first like anyone else he would trick and play pranks on you. When he first played a prank on you he expected you to be confused or annoyed. He well...he didn't think you would end up crying because of the prank.

Because of this, he ended up feeling pretty guilty about it. So pranks were something he wouldn't do to you. Well, he'd still prank Miu, Gonta, Shuichi, and the others.

So instead he'd tease you! Not nearly as bad as a prank so this would be fine right? Well, it seems not you'd also get upset from the teasing as well. What a horrible boyfriend always making you cry smh. 🙄

But over time he'd come to realize this was just how you were and to keep the pranks and teasing to a minimum or stop all altogether if that's what you wanted. However, in his heart he couldn't stop teasing you he just had to see your cute flustered face!

I feel like Kokichi would at first act annoyed by how clingy you are. But in truth, he loves it oh so much. He loves how you feel comfortable and safe to hold hands and hug him.

In truth, it probably also made him a little overprotective of you. But seeing your smile and just the fact you've stuck with him. Means the world to him and he wants nothing more for you to be safe and happy.


"Huh? Why would want to hug trash like me?" This mf I swear it never stops with him 🙄. He knows you're clingy but he still doesn't understand as he puts it to hug. "Trash like me."

(Tbh he should know the answer because he's your boyfriend!) Even though Nagito says things like this he loves how clingy you are with him. Plus in my opinion, he'd be great to cuddle with just look at that hair! It's so soft!

I feel like if you don't see Nagito for a while or if he's with his friends. You can get pretty jealous and even more clingy! If he is talking with someone you'll go up and hug him from behind.

Honestly, if you were to cry or ever feel insecure Nagito wouldn't allow you to feel that way for long. You're his S/O you're amazing and are such a great person! He'll love you no matter what so don't be afraid to tell him anything.

In his eyes, you're an angel and he thanks his luck he was able to be with you. If you ever are feeling down have no fear Nagito is here! He wants you to be happy so if you're feeling down he can be just as clingy!

Of course, he'll get cuddly with you and get you whatever you want! Just ask as long as it's for it's worth it. "You look wonderful today angel. I know trash like me doesn't deserve it but can I have a kiss?"

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1 year ago

Please may I have a Fairy tail scenario Platonic and angst and comfort because it is between parents and their child and the pairing between Juvia Lockser and Gray Fullbuster is Gruvia and they are married and adults. Juvia and Gray could clearly see that something was affecting you (their son age 5 *he is the most sweetest kid known to man and everyone and he is just starting to learn ice magic) and the lack of appetite for Juvia's cooking and your older brother Greige Fullbuster age 10 noticed that something was clearly up with you as were a sweet kid but seeing you this down..clearly broke their hearts (the Gruvia couple and your brother and Fairy tail noticed that something was clearly up). Gray and Juvia made an excuse to talk to you alone just to divert Greige to leaving the room just in case if it was a private were rather reluctant to open up about was wrong when you were gently picked up by your mum and you saw the concerned look on Gray's were reluctant but you then..told your parents that..your close friend from school passed away from a illness yesterday and the teacher told your class and you guess that you should feel relived right? *you were clutching your toy rabbit (Lucy got you the rabbit for your fifth birthday) closer to you* That your friend wasn't in any pain when he passed away in his sleep..Gray promised to listen when he just told you to talk while your mother was already listening to you clearly knowing that you wanted to talk to someone *you faltered again* after a while though, you start talking, reluctantly, your voice faltering and stumbling on each syllable as you choose your was a rough start but it soon steadies and along with keep company the stories and the memories you are so fond of..are the tears *the rain outside started to fall the moment that you started to cry* any parent..the Gruvia couple hated seeing their children was generally heartbreaking. (to help you with the angst scenario) (to help you with the tears ost)

Moving On

Series: Fairy Tail.

Characters: Gray and Juvia.

Genre: Angst.

Proofread: Yes.

Reader: Male.

Please May I Have A Fairy Tail Scenario Platonic And Angst And Comfort Because It Is Between Parents

You're behavior change had not gone unnoticed by your parents. You thought you were putting on a brave face. But your actions betrayed that and Gray and Juvia knew something was wrong.

At first Gray and Juvia thought that you would come to speak with one of them about what has been bothering you. But time passed and you still didn't say anything. Their ray of sunshine their beautiful son was hurting and they were hurting as well.

Juvia's cooking was something that she knew you were always looking forward to and enjoyed. However at dinner tonight you've barely touched anything on your plate. Picking and playing with your food with a sad expression.

Gray and Juvia had tried to make conversation with you but you didn't seem interested. All you wanted was to be alone and you didn't want your parents to see you in such a sad state. "I'm not feeling all that hungry. I'm going to go to bed goodnight Mommy good night Daddy."

You spoke pushing your plate away from you and getting up from your chair. You walked to your bedroom and your parents could tell you weren't feeling the best. Gray and Juvia shared a look knowing they couldn't let this go on any longer.

Juvia and Gray both made their way up to your bedroom. Juvia knocked on the door as she spoke. "Sweetheart, can me and your father come in?"

A weak and soft response could be heard through the door as you replied. "Yes..." With permission, both Gray and Juvia entered your bedroom. You were lying on your side facing away from them as they entered the room.

Juvia sat down on the bed next to you putting her hand on your arm for comfort. "Sweetheart you haven't been acting like yourself lately. You've had me and your father worried sick. Please tell us what's wrong?"

You sat up from your bed and hugged Juvia and she wrapped her arms around you. Gray also sat on the bed putting his hand on your head. You couldn't hold it in anymore and the tears just started to flow out like waterfalls.

"It's okay sweetheart we're here cry for as long as you need," Juvia spoke as she rubbed her hand up and down your back. Your grip on Juvia tightened as you cried even more.

Juvia had picked up the toy bunny that Lucy had gotten you for your fifth birthday and gave it to you. Holding the bunny you now started to calm down and started to cry less. "Sweetheart if you're ready please tell us what's been bothering you."

Juvia spoke with a concerned look on her face. After finally finding the words you spoke. "My best best friend has passed away."

You spoke as you held your toy bunny and rested your head on Juvia's lap. "Oh, honey..." Juvia spoke putting her hand on your head to comfort you.

Silent tears fell from your eyes and your father Gray spoke to you. "It's okay to feel sadness like this and to show emotion. Don't feel the need to hide it if something is bothering you talk to one of we're here for you.

I'm sure in their final moments your friend was happy they were happy they met you and everyone in their life. So don't worry even in their final moments they passed on happily and without pain."

With his words, Gray wrapped you and Juvia into a hug. You smiled as happy memories of you and your friend filled your mind. "Yea you're right Daddy I'm sure they were happy."

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1 year ago

Please may I have a Fairy tail fluff scenario and obviously the Gruvia couple are married and everything with two children, you (their eldest daughter only eight years old *she is a water mage and everything*) and Greige Fullbuster only a year old (their youngest son). It was when Lyon and Meredy came round to Juvia's and Gray's place for dinner with their daughter, Jane who is the same age as you (Jane is your childhood friend) and she wanted to test something out much to your confusion when she asked you to bring Greige to the living room *your parents trusted you considering how good you are with your baby brother and you are a good kid anyways*. You said that you didn't really believe that it was going to work considering that Greige was only a baby *you and Jane were sitting in front of him on the living room floor and in front of Greige was several items on a blanket that were meant to represent what he would value most in life..a pen meant that he would value a career, a dollar bill meant that he would value money and a felt heart would mean that he would value love etc..

Imagine your surprise when Greige practically pushed those items aside to crawl over to didn't realise that you were one of the choices when he practically went over to hug you. You practically cried when he did that big was a sweet sight to see, you told Greige that you loved him too *you hugged him in a gentle manner*. You almost worried your parents *they rushed into the living room* but they were quick enough to catch on to why you were crying a bit (once Jane explained) was rare when you cried so it was bit of a surprise for Gray and Juvia.

Dear Little Brother

Series: Fairy Tail.

Characters: Gray, Juvia, Greige, Lyon, Meredy, and Jane.

Genre: Fluff.

Proofread: Yes.

Reader: Female

Please May I Have A Fairy Tail Fluff Scenario And Obviously The Gruvia Couple Are Married And Everything

Knock knock.

Knocking could be heard from the door of the home Juvia was first to react to the knocking on the door. "Don't worry darling I'll get the door. Continue setting the table!" Juvia spoke as she approached the door to the home.

Unlocking the door and opening it the guests for tonight's dinner. It was Lyon and his wife Meredy. However, they were not the only ones as their daughter Jane was also with them.

Dinner is something that the two families would have often together. It was a good way to keep in contact and have their children play and get to know each other. Of course, just like the many precious dinner nights, Jane was excited to see Y/N and Greige.

"Ah Lyon, Meredy it's nice to see you again! Oh and if isn't little Jane look how big you've gotten please come in!" Juvia greeted the three of them as she led them to the dining room and closed the door.

Juvia turned to Jane and bent down to be at eye level with her. "Y/N and Greige are just in the living room go on in they'll be happy to see you!" Juvia spoke as she turned away and spoke with the others.

"Thanks!" Jane spoke as she held her backpack and went into the living room to see Y/N and Greige. Jane was your childhood friend and you trusted her very much. You got along well with her and were always happy to see her.

"Hi Y/N! Hi Greige!" Jane spoke as she entered the living room and sat next to you and Greige. "Jane!" You spoke happily as you hugged her excited to see your best friend again.

Greige didn't say anything instead just opting to wave. Jane laughed as the two of you parted from the hug. "I'm happy to see you again as well Y/N. But look here I've got something to show you!"

Jane spoke as she set down her backpack opening it and taking out multiple items. She placed all of these items down on a red blanket. "What's with all this Jane?" Y/N spoke confused as Greige just watched.

"Well, I'm glad you asked Y/N! All of these items represent your desires or goals. Such a dollar bill represents the need and want of money. Or this pen represents the want for a good career in your future!

"However this isn't for you but instead Greige! Yes, he's super young but still! I want to see what he would choose. So go on Geiger choose one if you have questions just ask!"

Taking a moment to listen to what Jane had to say Greige started to move. Both you and Jane watched him with curious eyes to see what he would choose. However, both of you were surprised when Greige moved the items out of the way and hugged you.

"I choose Y/N..." Greige spoke as he held onto you. You were shocked at first but that was soon overwhelming with happy tears. You hugged Greige back while crying.

"Oh, I love you too Greige! You are the best little brother I could have asked for!" Hearing the crying Juvia rushed into the room. "What's going on is everything alright?"

Juvia spoke in a panic worried one of you might have gotten hurt. "Oh no it's fine they were just..." Jane went on to explain what happened and why you hugged Greige. Now knowing what happened Juvia's heart melted at the sight and was glad you both got along so well.

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1 year ago

Just a quick question that I wanted to ask you. Would you ever write for the Naruto series? (I wanted to ask you before I send you any Naruto requests..)

*Doesn't matter if you don't..but it is worth asking..I don't want to send you any Naruto requests without asking..*

Hello! Sorry, I don't write for Naruto however I might consider writing for the series in the future. Naruto has been a series I've been interested in watching or reading.

Still not 100℅ sure but the series is definitely on my radar. But as of right now no I don't write or take requests for Naruto.

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1 year ago

it's me again, this time with my request :D

may i request ferdinand von aegir, caspar von berliez and dorothea arnault seeing their crush dancing with someone else on the night of the ball?

hope you're having a great day! <3

Hey! That Dance Is With Me!

Series: Fire Emblem.

Characters: Ferdinand, Caspar, and Dorothea.

Genre: Fluff.

Proofread: Yes.

Reader: Gender Neutral.

It's Me Again, This Time With My Request :D

The night of the ball was a night that many students in Garreg Mach Monastery had been looking forward to. The night was in full swing and students were enjoying it in various ways. Some were dancing and some were sitting at tables chatting and having drinks.

It was truly a relaxing time for everyone that night they could forget about their studies and have some fun. Three students in particular had been looking forward to this most. They had made sure to look their best and well maybe confess something...

One of those students was looking around the room for you. It was a bit difficult to move around because of the people dancing. But then they saw you and you were dancing with someone else...


Ferdinand could not believe this! The AUDACITY! This person has and dares to dance with you?

He is Ferdinand Von Aegir! There is no one more deserving to dance with you more than him! I mean after all the both of you are together-

That is what he would like to say but the truth is Ferdinand has had a crush on you for a while now. That night he has planned everything! He made sure he looked his best and at the end of the night would confess to you in the Goddess Tower.

But now his plans have been ruined! Well, the night was still young! He would simply wait for you to finish dancing with this person. After all, as a noble, it would be rude to interrupt the both of you.


A ball? That's something Caspar wasn't interested in However if his brother were here then he would attend the ball. Being the second son of his family had never bothered Caspar. After all his older brother would be the next head of the family which left Caspar with far fewer responsibilities to worry over.

He considered not even attending the ball that was until he overheard that you were attending the ball. Change of plans he is now attending!

Although a part of himself now suddenly regrets attending the ball so last minute. Why would that be? Well, Caspar didn't know how to dance...

Damn, be the second son of the family! If he were his brother he would surely know how to dance. But okay don't panic you're here for Y/N after all!

The room was crowded with so many people attending and difficult to move around with even more people dancing. But after some time he found you and're dancing with someone?!?!

Now wait again! Is that a guy you're dancing with?!? No good guys are trouble! Caspar is the only guy you should be dancing with!

Wait what? Uhm never mind he'd show this guy he could dance with you better! Just watch world because you are about to witness the amazing dance of Caspar and Y/N!


The ever-beautiful Dorothea of course would attend the night of the ball. After all, this would be the perfect chance for her to find a future husband or wife. That is what she would say however Dorothea already had her eyes set on someone.

Many had already asked to dance with Dorothea. But she had turned every one of them down. After all, she had eyes for one person specifically.

That person was you course Dorothea has had feelings for you sometime. A night like tonight would make it all the more romantic to confess her feelings. Especially when she takes to the Goddess Tower ah this would truly be a wonderful night.

Oh? What's this? Dancing with someone else? Oh well doesn't matter after all you would much rather dance with her.

"Hello love how about you dance with me instead?"

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1 year ago

Pain In His Eyes

Pain In His Eyes

Series: Danganronpa.

Characters: Fuyuhiko, Nagito, Kazuichi, and Leon.

Genre: Comfort.

Proofread: Yes.

Reader: Gender Neutral.

Note: This is my first time writing about this sort of thing. I hope it hasn't come across as insensitive or something like that.

Pain In His Eyes


Fuyuhiko had sat beside you on your bed as he traced the scars on your arm with the tip of his finger. Neither of you had spoken a word to each other. It was a comfortable silence almost as if nothing needed to be said.

You had been with Fuyuhiko for some time now and you knew he was with people particularly you especially you. Fuyuhiko cared for you above all else you mean so much to him and he wants nothing more than to see you happy and safe. So to know you were dealing with pain and this how you were dealing with it.

It saddened and hurt him but that sadness and pain was nothing compared to what you must have been going through. He wasn't the best with his words so he decided to say nothing for now. Instead, he cuddled up to let you know he was there for you.

(Look at you cuddling with one of the most feared men in Japan. What would his subordinates think if they saw him like this?) You cuddled him resting your head on his neck letting out tears you didn't know you were holding back. He soothed you wrapping his arms around you to bring you closer.

You wondered if you should say anything but you decided against it. You were just glad to have Fuyuhiko here with you glad that someone finally knew. You just stayed in his arms as you continued to cry knowing that with him you would be safe.


From his appearance, people might see Nagito as very aloof. However, that couldn't be further from the truth as he was a very observant person. For example his S/O there are things he would pick up on about you that others wouldn't.

So even if you were lying to him he wouldn't push it and would wait until you were comfortable to talk with him. Nagito cares about you and is very considerate of your feelings. He would know what and what not to do and you would let him if he overstepped any boundaries.

One of your favorite things is simply being with Nagito knowing that he's right there with you. Whether that be in the comfort of your own home or at the park with him. You always enjoyed going to the park with him having a picnic together or watching the clouds.

Being with you feel at ease and that you can forget the troubles of everyday life. If Nagito is good at topics for conversation but if you didn't pursue them he wouldn't bring them up again after all he isn't a person who pries. Nagito loves hearing your voice even if you're rambling he doesn't care he just loves to hear the sound of your voice.

Hopes and dreams Nagito has heard it all from you and he's happy that you've shared them with him. But as for now, you were lying on the grass looking at the clouds as you spoke to Nagito. Your smile he loved was something so precious to him and he'd do whatever he could to protect you and your smile.


Kazuichi felt as if something had been different about you as of late. It was summer and you had been wearing bagger clothing for such warm weather. Of course, Kazuichi had known you for a while after all you were his S/O so he knew how you liked to dress yourself.

It's not only your clothing that has changed but your behavior around him and other people. You had become more closed off and quiet. Kazuichi was worried about you and he had asked you if everything was okay but you brushed him off.

He could only watch as you changed and not for the better. Kazuichi just knew something was wrong and that you were in pain. It was hurting him to see you suddenly change like this and not knowing the reason why.

That was until one day Kazuichi walked into your room without knocking and caught you self-harming. For a moment none of you spoke a word to each other as you just stared. "Y-Y/N" Kazuichi spoke in pure shock as if he couldn't believe what he was saying.

The look in his it's something you wished to have never seen from him. After a while, he approached you on the bed hugging you. "Don't worry I'm here for you my princess/prince."


Leon was worried about you he noticed a change in your behavior as of late. You had become more closed off recently and stopped showing up to classes. He had noticed that your clothing had also changed with you wearing longer shirt sleeves.

He was worried and he wasn't sure what to do or how to approach you about his concerns. So Leon decided to ask some of your friends about you and how you have been recently. He had asked them for help as he and your friends were all very worried.

So for the next while, both Leon and your friends had begun to pay closer attention to you. While not asking what was bothering you directly. You were now in your bedroom and you were sure you were alone now to start doing that again.

However, before you, Leon grabbed the knife out of your hand. "Y/N what are you doing?" Leon asked you in shock as if he couldn't believe what he was seeing. "Why would you do that Y/N?"

Leon put the knife aside and sat on the bed next to you. "B-because I..." You could barely get the words out as tears fell from your eyes. Leon pulled you into a tight hug as you rested your head on his neck.

"I love you Y/N please whatever is bothering talk to me. I love you and I'd never judge you. You shouldn't have to resort to this I'm here for you okay? Please remember that forever and always."

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1 year ago

heyy I'm having some insane brainrot for kokichi recently 😭 are you able to do a oneshot? if not, could you do hcs format n maybe just a short scenario 🙏 basically kokichi with a really popular gn/fem!s/o that gets confessions rather often despite being in a relationship || how would kokichi react to all those admirers?

bonus; sometimes the admirers gets a little parasocial n lowkey stalks the s/o 🥲


Series: Danganronpa.

Characters: Kokichi.

Genre: Fluff.

Proofread: Yes.

Reader: Gender Neutral.

Heyy I'm Having Some Insane Brainrot For Kokichi Recently Are You Able To Do A Oneshot? If Not, Could

Popular. You were far too popular for your own good on one hand Kokichi loved this but also hated it. He loved it because everyone knew how amazing you were! I mean yes that's his S/O everyone aren't they wonderful?

However, he did also hate it but he'd never admit it but he couldn't help but be jealous. I mean yes do appreciate having many people admire you but that's it! They can only admire you!

He also hates you being popular for another reason...the confessions were the absolute worst! You are his S/O for him and no one else! Some of these people would even have the nerve to confess to you with him being right there next to you!!!

I mean hello?!? Koichi is THE Ultimate Supreme Leader and YOU are his wonderful S/O how do people not know this? Although Kokichi hates you being popular for another reason...Valentine's Day.

A day he would look forward to each year a perfect excuse for him to go overboard with his love and appreciation for you. However, there was one issue and what would that be? All of your admirers.

Kokichi completely and utterly hated them but even more so on Valentine's Day. Daily these admirers would come up to you with or without Kokichi by your side and proclaim their love for you.

Annoying it was extremely annoying and that wasn't even the worst part. If people weren't confessing to you these strangers would come and speak to you like you've known each other for years! You didn't seem to mind it that much they were friendly and easy to get along with.

But Kokichi thought the entire thing was odd. Of course, Kokichi would play pranks and tricks on your admirers with the help of D.I.C.E but even this didn't seem to do much they were far too persistent.

Kokichi wasn't in the best of moods today and seeing yet another person confess their undying love to you certainly didn't help. "Kokichi are you alright? You've been unusually quiet today. Is everything alright?"

He was sick of all these people confessing their love to you. He just wanted it to be you and him no else why couldn't any understand that? "No S/O I'm not these people are they idiots? We're in a relationship can't they see that? When will stop?"

You've never seen Kokichi act like this before you had no idea this was affecting him this badly. You have to admit even you were sick of all these admirers you loved Kokichi more than anything and there would never been anyone you'd rather have than him as your boyfriend. You take his hand and hold it yours and look into his eyes.

"I love you Kokichi more than you could ever know. These people even I'll admit they're extremely annoying. I just want it to be the both of us with no interruptions. You're more than enough for me okay? Don't forget that Kokichi I couldn't be happier than to call you my boyfriend. Now what do you say would you like to get some ice cream?"

You smile at him god how much he loved that smile and he'd do anything he could to protect it. Just as there was a smile on your face a smile soon appeared on his. "Nee-heehee how could I say no to that? ICE CREAM FOR ME AND MY AMAZING S/O!"

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1 year ago

How do you think Kokichi would deal with a reader who is sort of the opposite in personality to him. Like they can’t lie, mellow and just mind their own business yet is mature and patient. They end up becoming friends or lovers cuz if Kokichi pulls a prank on reader, reader gets revenge or if he lies, reader just sasses him back with a tongue sticking out, but there isn’t any hard feelings. He brings out their inner playful side. When he becomes injured, while the others don’t care. Reader actually checks up on him cuz he’s bleeding. He finds out from reader that they feel relaxed around him and don’t find him annoying at all?

Playful Tendencies

Series: Danganronpa.

Characters: Kokichi.

Genre: Fluff.

Proofread: Yes.

Reader: Gender Neutral.

Notes: This is such a cute request! Glad I was able to do it! ^^

How Do You Think Kokichi Would Deal With A Reader Who Is Sort Of The Opposite In Personality To Him.

An angel that's how Kokichi would describe you far too kind and someone who could never lie. A very mature person who followed the rules and was never seen breaking them. A person who minded their own business unless they wanted to get involved.

Kokichi thought you were perfect...perfect for a prank that is! He didn't think you were perfect because of how you handled yourself or how you appeared to others. He didn't think you were perfect because he wanted to get to know you or better connect with you why would he?

That's what he told himself at least but deep down he knew the truth. So he decided to play pranks on you to ignore what he felt. Your reaction to his playful behavior was what he expected doesn't mean he didn't enjoy seeing the expression on your face any less.

However, something very unexpected that day happened to him. As soon as he entered his dorm room water fell onto him with a bucket soon following. "You aren't the only one who can play pranks around here Kokichi~"

Now Kokichi knew without a doubt you were perfect he knew it in his heart as he watched you walk off while you laughing at him. So that's how it's going to be, is it? Very well this means war!

Since then the two of you would constantly play pranks on each other even if it went into the late hours of the night. After a successful prank, you would stick out at him nothing wrong with rubbing salt in the wound right? But you couldn't both couldn't help it neither would let each other know about it. Not that you minded though you loved this side of Kokichi seeing how playful he is.

But if you thought that's where it ended you were sorely mistaken who better to play pranks on than your classmates? Of course, Miu was the main target of these pranks as her reactions were always the best. Although it would always end up running away together as Miu had thrown things at you while yelling curse words at you both.

You truly loved being with Kokichi you always felt as though you had to keep up an appearance as people thought and saw you in a certain way. At first, you were fine with this it didn't bother you that much but sometimes it was just too much for you. So to play pranks with Kokichi to laugh and smile you loved it and you showed a side of yourself that you've kept locked away.

You just felt so relaxed and at peace when you were with Kokichi it's something you wish could last forever. You knew that wasn't possible however for as long as you knew Kokichi you would remember all the fun moments you had together. He was special to you and you wanted nothing but the best for him.

So that's why it always made you so afraid to see him when he got injured. You didn't feel the need to hide your concern for him he knew you long enough that he could see through your facade. "What's with the gloomy look Y/N? It's just a little scratch nothing serious!" He spoke with a smile on his face as if nothing was wrong.

"A little scratch? It's more than just a little scratch!" You were angry but you were only angry because you cared so much for him. You held his hand in yours as you spoke to him.

"Kokichi you mean a lot to mean okay? To see you injured in any way it worries me. You make me feel so relaxed like nothing else matters and I can be myself and just be alive. So please take better care of yourself alright?" You smile at him.

"..." He said nothing a part of him knew how you felt about him but to hear that? It was something else entirely. So he hugged you keeping both you and himself safe. "Don't know Y/N I'll be careful and...I love you." You smile as you hug him back "I love you too Kokichi."

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1 year ago

I just found your blog and I was wondering if you could do a Danganronpa hc/scenario (idk what you'd prefer lol) with a male (possibly trans if you're comfortable doing that) reader? 🥺👉👈

If it's not too much to ask ofc!

It'd be Nagito, Fuyuhiko, Soda, and Hajime (or if that's too much just Nagito) whose bf loves collecting plushies (especially super big and/or soft ones)! It's up to you if it's because it has to do with his talent (if he even has one) or not btw :3

Feel free to ignore this ask I don't mind haha

Anyway, take care of yourself (eat smth, drink some water, maybe take a nap or go to bed), and have a wonderful day/night! <3

A Mountain of Plushies

Series: Danganronpa.

Characters: Nagito, Fuyuhiko, Kazuichi, and Hajime.

Genre: Fluff.

Proofread: Yes.

Reader: Male.

Notes: Sorry I couldn't find a way to include the reader being trans while writing this. But I hope that it is a male reader fic is alright! Also, I've been doing well thanks! ("Maybe take a good nap or go to bed." If only you knew I sleep so much!)

I Just Found Your Blog And I Was Wondering If You Could Do A Danganronpa Hc/scenario (idk What You'd


If you did have a talent Nagito would feel as though you're lying to him. Or even if you didn't have a talent he'd also think you would be lying to him! But why would that be?

Well, that would be because he thought you were the Ultimate Cuteness or Ultimate Plushie Collector! After all his wonderful boyfriend only deserves the most wonderful talent!

I feel like even Nagito would be impressed by the amount of plushies you have. I mean there were plushies on your floor, bed, there were just plushies everywhere!

Of course, even if you two are sitting or cuddling together there's always at least one plushie nearby! Well, maybe just more than one never hurts to have more nearby!

Also, do you know how Nagito is like really rich? Because he got it all from a lottery ticket I believe. He would buy you any plushies you would like. Also whenever he's out shopping he'd buy a plushie he thinks you would like or one that reminds him of you.


Very serious a very serious man so if he's so serious why's he holding a plushie? Well, that's because you gave it to him! After all, it is not like like could turn a gift from his adorable (he'd never say it but he thinks you're adorable!) Boyfriend!

Although I feel like like at first he would be annoyed with all the plushies. Just takes him a while to understand is all. But if they make you happy he doesn't mind you having so many.

You'd also give me plushies as a gift after he's warned up to having them around. You have him a bear with a suit because you thought it looked like him. "What this is stupid! It looks nothing like me!" (He doesn't mean it he's happy to get a gift from you especially one that reminds you of him even if it was...cute.)

I'd also like to think he'd also have a plushie you got him (the bear for example) just sitting on his desk. No one knows why the plushie is there and they don't dare question him about it. But he's happy to have you there as every time he looks at it he thinks of you.


He'd love the fact you'd have so many plushies! Like seriously I can see it and I won't expect otherwise he loves you and your plushies.

However, I feel like he would be a little jealous of your plushies. I mean they get so much of your attention! What about him? He's your boyfriend? (Make sure to give him lots of attention cuz this boy is just seriously in love with you.)

I feel like he might be a little annoyed at some plushies you have for example build a bear. I mean why would you want, need, and spend your money on those?!? He can make you one for free!

Okay now I'm kinda making it sound like he hates the plushies you have but he doesn't! He loves the way you have them set out in your room. He also loves how happy and excited you get when you see a plushie you don't have.

He also loves it whenever you're taking a nap and there's just a bunch of plushies around you. He gets into bed with you making sure no plushies fall off. "I love you, my prince." He says as he kisses your forehead and drifts off to sleep with you.


I feel like Hajime wouldn't care but not in a bad way! it's just not something he needs to point out or bring up.

Your plushies are something that are very special to you. So he does make sure to take care of them as best he can.

He is surprised by the size of your plushies though. Some plushies can fit in his hand and plushies that are as tall as him! I mean seriously where do you even get these plushies?

One thing Hajime likes is how your plushies match the themes and colors of your bedroom. They all go nicely together and he likes how you have them placed out on your bed and desk. Overall cute plushies but Hajime has an even cuter boyfriend.

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1 year ago

Hello! I'd like to request Nagito with a reader (can be gn, but preferably fem) who is extremely compassionate (like literally feels bad for objects) and very affectionate (verbally and physically). They will just be looking at him silently one second, then the next, they will be pressing kisses onto his face while calling him the most beautiful and sweet things (my beautiful dove, my precious angel, etc.). Also, this may be very specific, but could you also add them hating and literally not believing in the word worthless, because they think everything is beautiful and valuable just for existing? You're the only one I've found recently writing with Nagito included this month, and this request has been on my mind for so long omg. My soul would be at peace if this was written, but I understand if you don't want to write it, so thank you anyway! 💗

Hopeful Compassion

Series: Danganronpa.

Characters: Nagito.

Genre: Fluff.

Proofread: Yes.

Reader: Female. (But no pronouns are used.)

Hello! I'd Like To Request Nagito With A Reader (can Be Gn, But Preferably Fem) Who Is Extremely Compassionate

Another beautiful sunny day then again the weather on Jabberwock Island always seems to be beautiful. But not even the weather on this Island could compare to the beauty of his S/O. Speaking of Nagito was making his way to Hotel Mirai to meet up with his S/O and the other students.

It's a routine everyone had agreed to and has been following for some time now. Everyone would meet up with each other and have breakfast in the restaurant of the hotel. They would talk with each other while eating and it's something everyone enjoyed.

Now arriving at the hotel Nagito felt as though nothing could go wrong. "Ouch!" Ah, maybe he spoke too soon... Nagito had looked around to see who had gotten hurt and it was none other than his S/O.

Ah, this must have been his luck of course something bad would happen as soon as he showed up. "Oh, I'm sorry! So sorry!" You spoke after you had hit your hip on one of the tables in the restaurant. Hiyoko could be heard giggling at the sight in front of her.

You were apologizing to a table? Nagito knew you were kind and community however maybe you were a little bit too kind and compassionate. Of course that didn't make Nagito love you any less it put a smile on his face knowing his S/O was like this.

From the Sharpe pain that you were feeling in your hip, you had put one of your hands on it but it didn't last that long. To make sure you were alright himself Nagito made his way over to you. "Hello, my hope are you alright?"

"Ah, darling! It's nice to see you how did you sleep?" You spoke as you looked at Nagito with a smile even him just being around you filled you with such happiness. "Yes, my hope I sleep well. But it seems my luck has caused you pain I'm sorry trash like me made this happen."

"Nagito stop that! What have I told you about saying such things about yourself? I was just being clumsy that's all so please don't say such things about yourself alright?" You spoke as you hugged Nagito and kissed him on the cheek.

"Ew gross get a room!" Hiyoko spoke as stuck out her tongue in disgust. "Hiyoke leave them be!" Mahiru scolded her.

"Trash, worthless these are words I hate the most, especially when they are used to talk about someone. To hear you say these things about yourself Nagito it hurts. Because I know you Nagito and more importantly I love you. I know your worth and I know what a great person you are so words like that are the last thing that should be said about you, especially by yourself."

Nagito smiled as he hugged you back giving a kiss to your forehead. "Thank you my hope it makes me glad to hear you say that. I love you and with you by my side, our future together will be bright."

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1 year ago

HII so I wondering if you could do Leon Kuwata x ultimate cheerleader reader dating head cannons??

Cheerleader Star

Series: Danganronpa.

Character: Leon.

Genre: Fluff.

Proofread: Yes.

Reader: Gender Neutral.

HII So I Wondering If You Could Do Leon Kuwata X Ultimate Cheerleader Reader Dating Head Cannons??

I feel at first Leon wouldn't notice you. okay well, it would be hard not to with the cheering and dancing BUT YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN!!! Leon knows his skill is great so why need a cheerleader to remind him of his skill? Or get him pumped up for the upcoming game?

But game after game the cheerleaders would be there for him and his team. Because of this Leon began to recognize the faces of everyone. Especially you oh yes especially you. He isn't sure why he just felt drawn to you.

Maybe it's your smile as you cheer for him and his team it feels more genuine than others. Or maybe it's the look in your eye he couldn't help but see a sparkle in them.

And well he just couldn't help end up falling in love with you. Your beauty and talent he both appreciated and loved. Leon was sure you felt the same he saw the longing glances you gave his way. Don't pretend like you didn't because you did!

Of course, he began to see you around school as well. After some time during lunch, he decided to approach you with his ✨charming smile. ✨ The both of you spoke a little bit about yourselves and your talents!

The conversation went smoothly and better than he expected because, by the of it, he ended up with a cute cheerleader for a partner!

You would be a pretty popular couple in school! I mean a cheerleader and amazing baseball player?!? That's like 100 popularity points right there!

But of course, if you didn't want your relationship to be a public thing that would be fine as well!

After a while, Leon started to attend your cheerleader practice! It made you incredibly happy and it meant a lot to you. That Leon supported you just as you have been supporting him.

Dating you changed his view on cheerleaders at first he didn't think much of them. But after meeting you? Oh well, his opinion changed quite a lot.

What did he think now? Well, he was happy to have a cheerleading team at his games especially you. As soon as he saw you he had a goofy grin but it's one you loved very much. With you there cheering him on Leon knew he could win any game.

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1 year ago

Mahiru with a Male S/O that's the ultimate boxer, he is also incredibly strong as well as big, buff, and intimidating, but he's extremely pacifistic and kind, he only boxes because he likes to entertain people and see them happy, unfortunately because of his fame people challenge him to fights a lot to try and steal his spotlight (which he really don't give two dangs 'bout) and because S/O doesn't know/never learned how to hold back his strength, he normally ends up sending the people who challenge him to the E.R. on a daily basis, and because of this he thinks of himself as lucky to have a girlfriend like Mahiru, he also thinks of himself as a monster, a monster who's just better than anyone else at crushing people. (If you get the reference from the ultimate talent, and the quote at the end, you got good taste) have a good day/evening/night

Deserved to be Loved

Series: Danganronpa.

Character: Mahiru.

Genre: Angst/Comfort.

Proofread: Yes.

Reader: Male.

Mahiru With A Male S/O That's The Ultimate Boxer, He Is Also Incredibly Strong As Well As Big, Buff,

An Ultimate Talent something that everyone wishes to have and you were one of those lucky few. You are M/N the Ultimate Boxer and to have this Ultimate Talent was something you were extremely proud of. To be recognized for your efforts and to be known as an Ultimate was something that made you happy.

But now? It's something you hate something that you regret. 'What's the point of being an Ultimate anymore?' Thoughts like this often crossed. Other than being recognized for your efforts of becoming an Ultimate.

Happiness is what you want to bring people more than happiness and entertainment that's what meant to be a boxer to you. To see people smile to see their excitement at an upcoming match that's what you wanted most. However, even at the very start, this seemed to be difficult.

Days, months, years, this is how long you had devoted to training. But in the end, you wonder if it was even worth it. You're much taller than most students and have extraordinary muscles. To many students around school, they viewed you as scary and unapproachable.

You wanted nothing more than to make friends and make those friends through your love of boxing. But even then this didn't seem to work out well for you either. You would make rivals through boxing but they weren't the friendly type.

Challenging you challenging your title as the Ultimate Boxer is what these rivals wanted. However, each match ended the same way for you nothing but a bittersweet victory. Victories came too easily for you at first you loved but grew to hate.

Where was the challenge? How could you grow as a boxer? As you were now it didn't seem like you would get any of those.

However even with all this what you've been through all this had one spark of hope and this hope was your girlfriend Mahiru. You remember the day well when Mahiru approached you.

"Excuse me do you mind if I sit here?" Mahiru spoke as she held her tray of food. You look at her surprised anyone would approach you let alone ask to sit with you. "No, I don't mind." You replied softly.

Mahiru sat down across from you putting down her tray of food in front of her. "Honestly it's so busy in here today. You would think anyone would want to sit at a mostly empty table." Mahiru spoke causally although slightly annoyed.

"No one is sitting here because of me because of my appearance." You spoke softly playing with your food. "Is that so? I have a classmate who has a lot of muscles just like you. And unlike him, you look like you have some sense."

Mahiru spoke once more and you well you couldn't help but laugh at her response. She wasn't sure why you were laughing but she didn't care she loved your laugh. Soon after that a friendship began and sometime after that, a relationship blossomed.

Now here both of you were sitting on a bench in a park with the lovely sunny weather. It was great weather so Mahiru wanted to go out to take pictures and you were more than happy to go with her. But now you were just sitting side by side eating ice cream and you couldn't be happier.

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1 year ago

Hellooo!! Could I have headcanons of the dr1 and dr2 boys (you can choose whichever ones but pls add Makoto and Nagito) with an afab s/o who loves laying/hugging the boy's head on/into their chest when cuddling? (if you're comfortable with that ofc). They'll also love petting their hair a lot while doing it, too. Thank you!! Remember to take good care of yourself. <3

DR1 and DR2 Cuddling Headcannons

Series: Danganronpa.

Characters: Makoto, Chihiro, Hajime, Nagito.

Genre: Fluff.

Proofread: Yes.

Reader: afab.

Hellooo!! Could I Have Headcanons Of The Dr1 And Dr2 Boys (you Can Choose Whichever Ones But Pls Add


Let's get this out of the way first and foremost Makoto loves cuddling! Although I could see him being a little hesitant to ask he'll soon enough work up the nerve to ask to cuddle with you!

At first, I felt like Makoto would be pretty awkward with cuddling. He wasn't used to being held in such a romantic way before meeting you so this was all rather new to him. For the first few times, the both of you cuddled a blush could be seen on his face.

To put him more at ease you would play with his hair and it helped a lot! It was very relaxing for him to have you run your fingers through his hair. Careful though you might poke yourself on his ahoge!

When cuddling with you Makoto feels a sense of peace he's safe he's happy when he's cuddling with you. There's just no better comfort than being held by the one you love most.

You know Makoto gets flustered easily and you can't help but take advantage of it. By just laying his head on your chest you get to see his cute flustered face. It's almost as if he stops functioning no matter how many times you do it but you can't help yourself he's just so adorable!


Cuddling with Chihiro is something that happens a lot. Unlike Makoto, I don't think he would be afraid to ask for cuddles. He would mostly cuddle with you when he's finished programming.

Since he's tired he loves it when you play with his hair. It puts him at ease and makes him feel sleepy. Before you know he's fallen asleep right in your arms!

I can see Chihiro cuddling with you daily. He's tired from programming and you love cuddles. So both of you have worked it into your schedule.

While you cuddle he likes to ask you about your day and how it's been. In return, you ask the same if even a lot of that time is spent programming you don't mind.

When you lay his head on your chest he might be a little flustered but I don't think he would mind that much. He would find it too comfortable and he's just happy if it means being closer with you.


Hajime has always had doubts about himself and you've known this. Regardless the undeniable fact is that you deeply care for and love Hajime. Cuddling is something Hajime has always wanted to try especially with you.

However, he doesn't want to rush anything he doesn't want to make you feel overwhelmed. He goes back and forth if he should ask or not. When he's having these doubts you offer for him to cuddle with you.

You hold him in your arms telling him that it's okay to do this and there's no need to ask. Hajime loves you he loves you so much. How did end up with you someone so kind and caring?

I feel like Hajime would prefer to be the big spoon just to hold you in his arms knowing you are safe with him. I feel like he's pretty warm all the time so it's easy to fall asleep while cuddling him.

As for when you decided to rest his head in your chest well I'm afraid our deer Hajime almost stopped functioning. His face was so red the first time you rested his head on your chest. He wouldn't admit but it was very comfortable.


Even though this man is your boyfriend he feels like he doesn't deserve cuddles. Why? No idea but that's Nagito logic for you.

It's not that he doesn't want to Nagito is more than happy to cuddle with you! But he just feels like his luck could hurt you in some way.

You love running your fingers through Nagito's hair it's just so fluffy and soft! You ask him how he has his hair like that but he doesn't seem to have an answer.

He loves cuddling with you it makes him feel so warm and relaxed. He loves cuddles when the both of you come home from school just too tired to do anything else.

About you resting his head in your chest I don't think he would be all that flustered or shy about it. Although he may feel like it may make you uncomfortable resting his head there. But you a sure him that's no issue and who is he to no to his beloved?

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1 year ago

Hi! Do you mind if i could request kirigiri, mukuro, Ibuki and kirumi (separate) x shsl s/o gn historian who is more in the shy side, thanks :D

Love of History

Series: Danganronpa.

Characters: Kyoko, Mukuro, Ibuki, Kirumi.

Genre: Fluff.

Proofread: Yes.

Reader: Gender Neutral.

Hi! Do You Mind If I Could Request Kirigiri, Mukuro, Ibuki And Kirumi (separate) X Shsl S/o Gn Historian


I think that Kyoko would make a pretty great pair! Just think about it! Ultimate Detective and Ultimate Historian? A match made in heaven!

At first, it might be hard for you to talk with Kyoto's stoic expression and what you think at first to have a cold personality. However, once you get to know her you learn she just doesn't show emotion all that much. She cares a lot about what you have together!

I think it would be a lot of fun for you and Kyoto to talk about famous unknown killers and famous unknown unsolved cases. Who knows? Maybe with both of you working together, you'll solve them!

I think a great way for you and Kyoko to spend time together would be to visit museums! As the Ultimate Historian, you tell Kyoko more about anything in the museum. Than the information they have on display to demonstrate your talent!


Another character that I think you would make a pretty good pair with! I just think that the talent of the Ultimate Historian and Ultimate Solider would go pretty well together.

Unlike Kyoko who would be interested in almost everything you have to tell her. I think that Mukuro would be curious about famous wars and battles recorded throughout history. You don't mind telling her you are just more than happy that she's interested!

Mukuro would be interested in how battles and wars were won and the tactics that lead would lead to victory. After all, she's a soldier herself so anything you tell her could help her a lot! Even if they aren't the best of people...Mukuro would be interested in what the leaders of these battles were like.

Mukuro likes listening to your voice it calms her a lot whenever you talk. She liked learning about what you told her so that was always her favorite part of the day.


Honestly, this girl probably won't have the slightest idea what you're talking about most of the time. To your surprise but not to her surprise she's failing history class...

So of course you help her study! She appreciates it since history isn't one of her best classes. Of course, she'll ask if the both of you can do your homework together.

It might be a little overwhelming to get used to Ibuki and her antics. She's a very friendly person and can be very loud at times although that doesn't surprise you considering her talent...but you at heart she's a good person and soon warm up and feel comfortable around her.

It might be pretty embarrassing but I could see Ibuki doing something like this. She appreciates your help and is very happy about it! So I could see her boasting loudly about her talented and knowledgeable her S/O is.


Another person who I think would be a great pair! Although because of her talent, you might not think so at first. But she likes how passionate you can be.

Now and then Kirumi surprise you with historical facts that even you didn't know! It makes you very happy as you can talk about history with her and learn new things.

I think Kirumi is very easy to approach and talk with. So while you may have trouble talking with others. You have the easiest time talking with Kirumi since she's very friendly and a calm person.

Now Kirumi is the prime minister of Japan so because of that. I think that Kirumi could give you access to a lot of historical information that isn't easily available. It's something that makes you happy so she doesn't mind getting access to the information for you.

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1 year ago

Hello their sir/friend, I saw that you're writing for Danganronpa and I got giddy so hope your not busy at the moment, Mukuro and Kyoko with a Male Reader who's the ultimate martial artist, but, with a twist, (Spoilers for Kengan Ashura/Omega fans) he uses the "Formless Style", a form of martial art that is made for adaptability, and having a wide range of moves to choose from, like an instinctive reaction, going limp to avoid, withstand, or deflect attacks, and striking at the first opportunity almost instantaneously, but, the "training" is both worth it and not worth it at the same because of the "Gu Rituals", a fight to the death where all students are placed in a single room and forced to kill each other and only one survives, so what would happen if those two learned about the Gu Rituals and the scarring things the reader had to do in order to make it out alive? Thank you for listening and have a good rest of your morning/evening/night :)

Life or Death

Series: Danganronpa.

Characters: Kyoko and Mukuro.

Genre: Comfort/Angst.

Proofread: Yes.

Reader: Male.

Notes: Was finally able to add Mukuro's part to this!

Hello Their Sir/friend, I Saw That You're Writing For Danganronpa And I Got Giddy So Hope Your Not Busy


Kyoko and always been observant she had noticed your well-built stature. To anyone else, this was clear as day your height and muscles far surpassed most others in Hopes Peak Academy. Kyoko could tell there was to you wanting the strength that muscles gave you.

While Kyoko had the means to figure out why it wasn't her place. You were her boyfriend so whether you wanted to talk about it to her or not was entirely up to you. Little did she know it wouldn't be long until she found out the truth.

It was a day unlike any other for Kyoko nothing special or bad about her day as of yet. Currently, she is in her dorm room reading. Just then she heard a knock at her door putting a bookmark into the book she got up from her desk to see who it was.

"Hi Kyoko can I come in? You aren't busy are you?" You spoke and smiled at Kyoko but she could tell something was off. "No, I'm not busy I was just reading. Come on in S/O."

You entered and walked over to Kyoko's bed and sat on it. Kyoko closed the door and then walked over and sat next to you. "Is everything alright S/O? You don't seem like yourself."

"Ah, so you've already noticed? I just wanted to talk with you about something. It's something that happened today." You spoke as you looked down at the floor.

Kyoko said nothing in response instead waiting for you to continue talking. "As you know I'm the Ultimate Material Artist. It's something I'm proud and not proud of."

"Why is that?" Kyoko spoke looking at you as you were trying to find the words to continue talking.

"The form of Material Arts I practice is Formless Style. For this form of Material Arts, I'm able to go limp to avoid attacks, withstand, and deflect attacks attacks and train me in speed being able to attack almost instantly.

To be able to do any of this I undergo training it's something I'm grateful for but it's also something I hate. Me and many other students take part in Gu Rituals where we have to kill each other until only one is left."

As you finished Kyoko kept her usual stoic expression however just because she had this expression did not mean she did not care. Kyoko was worried she was really worried. Worried about that if you were forced to do it or not she was worried about the injuries you had gotten from these Gu Rituals.

"S/O I can see how these Gu Rituals can help enhance your strength, speed, and agility. However, that doesn't deny the fact that they are incredibly dangerous and deadly. But despite this, I admire your determination and perseverance to overcome these trials. But just know I'll be keeping a closer eye on you from now on and supporting you however I can."

Kyoko spoke as she rested a hand on your shoulder. You smiled at her and then hugged her as tears fell down your face. She wrapped her arms around you and you felt safe in her arms.


Mukuro had always seemed to keep a close eye on you and you were never sure why. Of course, you never had offended her in any way and yet you could always feel her eyes on you. You had brought this up with Sakura when you were training.

Sakura suggested talking with Mukuro after all if don't this will just go on forever, won't it? So that's exactly what you did after you finished training with Sakura. You wanted to know why Mukuro seemed so suspicious of you and if you had done anything to offend her that you weren't aware of.

However, you wouldn't have to go far to find Mukuro as she was outside of the gym where you are Sakura were training. Was she waiting for you? Oh well, that's not important but what is what you need to talk with her about.

You were worried as you feared you had done something to upset her. But the both of you did trust each other no matter what. So there's no reason to keep secrets isn't that right?

You were about to speak but Mukuro spoke before you got the chance. "Y/N why is it that you train so much? Is it for strength? To defend yourself? Or something else entirely? " Mukuro was no fool just like with Sakura Ultimate Talent she knew why you trained however there was more to that wasn't there?

Mukuro had observed you and Sakura closely because of this she had noticed the difference in your style of fighting. "Well ever since I was younger being the Ultimate Martial Artist was expected of me. If I didn't hold up those expectations there would be dire consequences."

Mukuro said nothing as she stayed silent letting you continue to speak. "To gain my strength and abilities I was...forced to take part in something known as Gu Rituals. I and other students are placed in a room with each other and are forced to fight to the death.

That is how I gained my strength and that is how I gained these abilities. I'm not proud of what I've done but I only did because I was afraid I didn't want to die all I wanted was to live and to no longer take part in those rituals."

Mukuro was speechless for a moment and that could be seen on her face. So you've killed people? Even if was against your wishes it's something she didn't expect but she wouldn't hold it against you after all she is no different.

"Thank you for opening up to me Y/N and I'm sorry if I seemed pushy about the subject. However, I just want you to know that you're strong and you being here today proves that. As long as you are here with me I'll protect you from having to take part in any more of those rituals I swear it."

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6 years ago

someone write about venom 'taking care' of eddie's 'issue' in full suit. bonus points if they're mid fight

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5 months ago

hi so ive been trying to find this one fic. it was bts wild west au fic and it had a gang called black swan? i think. the reader gets transported there and she's in jail because its a small town or something. i think it was ot7? have you read a fic like that? it was super good and now i cant find it

Hi dearr! I’m sorry i’m not sure what fic you’re talking about but it seems familiar to me too😭 I think i forgot the title of it too😭🙏🏻 is it in tumblr?

Edit: i think ive read one quite similar but on wattpad. It’s called possessive and it has a second book obsessive. It’s by ludaaa12, but idrk. It’s a yoongi x reader thoo

If any of you guys know what fanfic they’re talking about please comment itt

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