Byunslug - Tumblr Posts

“ Respecte le passé, crée le futur! ”
Photo by ultimatemeganoob ( Instagram ) Character by @byun-slug

“ Attention! ” Photo by ultimatemeganoob ( Instagram ) Characters by @byun-slug
Awwwww thanks a lot!!

Thank you for your support and congratulations:  @byun-slug and @osworawr P.S. happy holidays ❤ ❤ ❤
Oh my, I'm so honored! Thanks a lot for tagging!

list of tf2 fanartists/content creators I’ve been admiring for a while now
- artistsÂ
@stop-pressing-e @sogekihei-sama @skyc47su @rasta-my-pasta @psycho-were-wolf @little-mouse-drawings @explodingjellyfishareawesome @drink-me-whiskey @baguette-feels @wynvin @astral-glass @tf2humbug @axis-intercept @waverobin @doodle-tootles @fadingverity @jakobsteinmann @dirk-steinmann @actually-ami @greatest-abomination @magical-sanatorium @aricyanide @shun-shunmae @helloyd @tomtei0tomutomu @toyenamu @azu-se @scorchsh0t @tomomcmedic @g0ddess-0f-destructi0n @notashrew
- sfm artistsÂ
@shadowenza @eshapples @shaeyvgreystein @mannbeauts @electrospanz @byun-slug
- cosplayersÂ
@pyrotechnic-tote-pyro @butt-lord @mistermundee @herr-dr-fuchs @adonix-drag
- writers
@prince-darkleboop @iloveteamfortresstoo @glass–wingedÂ
if there’s other content creators who want to be included feel free to add yourselves and others onto this post ^^

Glad to see someone inspired from one of my works! I'm very sure this one is parody of 'ECHO' parody artwork I've made! Looks really amazing especially I could see well on his pose and facial expression you gave on him. So amazing!! Thanks a lot!

Still working on this and plan to make it digital. But was inspired by @byun-slug medics. Hopefully I can clean this up.
HO SHIT So much true xDDDDD *insert an announcer's screaming on mic* always love the way you draw them so well, and I'm very, VEEERY sure that they will jumps around(especially Radio) and doing like that. Another surprising thing is you drew another meme that I was planning to make in SFM xD thanks a lot!

“Screaming medic” and “when commander isn’t home” @byun-slug OCs I like to think that Grost screams “Alert!!!” XDDD
Ohoho 4 medics in one pic aaaAAAAAHHH So adorable!! 💙💙💙 I really love the way you gave poses to each medics, looks so unique and adorable at the same time!! (Wonder what my medicsona doing with your medic tho xD) So cute and nice aaahh <33 thank you sooo much!! 💙💙💙

Meems in the wild are often spotted in packs, be wary as the length of the coat indicate it’s lust for blood.
From left to right:
The ever wonderful @dr-ludwig107
The thirstiest meem of them all @marco-binbin7
The sfm legend @byun-slug
And me: The derp coward medic.