Thanks A Lot! - Tumblr Posts
Oh my, I'm so honored! Thanks a lot for tagging!

list of tf2 fanartists/content creators I’ve been admiring for a while now
- artists
@stop-pressing-e @sogekihei-sama @skyc47su @rasta-my-pasta @psycho-were-wolf @little-mouse-drawings @explodingjellyfishareawesome @drink-me-whiskey @baguette-feels @wynvin @astral-glass @tf2humbug @axis-intercept @waverobin @doodle-tootles @fadingverity @jakobsteinmann @dirk-steinmann @actually-ami @greatest-abomination @magical-sanatorium @aricyanide @shun-shunmae @helloyd @tomtei0tomutomu @toyenamu @azu-se @scorchsh0t @tomomcmedic @g0ddess-0f-destructi0n @notashrew
- sfm artists
@shadowenza @eshapples @shaeyvgreystein @mannbeauts @electrospanz @byun-slug
- cosplayers
@pyrotechnic-tote-pyro @butt-lord @mistermundee @herr-dr-fuchs @adonix-drag
- writers
@prince-darkleboop @iloveteamfortresstoo @glass–winged
if there’s other content creators who want to be included feel free to add yourselves and others onto this post ^^

OOOOOOO FOREHEAD KISSING AAAH!!! It's very long time no see Cyber and Mediber doing like this xD maybe already 2 years! Aw looks also lovely too, as they both are boss of each enemy teams xD and I'm also glad to see others like my characters too *o* really honored! The pic is so adorable. Thanks a lot!! <3

First request I ship them to X333
Characters - @byun-slug
AWWWwwww-!! Grost and sunflowers! <33 so lovely! <3 you also drew him so well and nice ;;w;; look at that soft smile aaaa-! It's really rare to see him smile like that!(even in my SFM pictures xD) it's adorable and peaceful at the same time! Thanks a lot! <3

Gift for my BF ( wordless version ) 🖤 Character: Grotesque Activity by @byun-slug 🌻
AaaaaaAAAHHH so adorable and sad in same time! Covering the enemy with amazing wingspan ;w; you drew them so nice and the situation in this pic is so touching-!! It also looks like Mediber's apology to Cyber after the plague war xD and don't worry, "네가 위대하니까" is correct! Thanks a lot! <3

For @byun-slug ‘I am so sorry’ 'It’s ok…It’s over now’ Mediber x Cyber fanart because I ship them! :) (By the way I was going for “Because you are great” in Korean…I hope it’s correct…)
OOOOOOOO MY SO AMAZING AA-!!!!! *FALLS* I actually can't believe that is instant cosplay because came out so good O.O *touches da bang* I'm so honored that you cosplay him and always feels like I'm facing him in real life xD still wonder how you make yourself to him so similar. aaa thanks a lot!!! <3

Instant cosplay of Mediber Silent @byun-slug

(Also remind me of the moment I made Mediber in Sims 3 xD) OOOO Sims 4! Very interesting how you made him in there xD he also looks like came out from anime <<wait what) I also think that is the way how he gives that rose to others xD looks great, thanks a lot!

Mediber and little gift from Dhracula XD
AhhhhHHH what an adorable artstyle-!! You drew him so cute, especially the way you drew his hair and face- aaa <33 so glad to see someone loving my artworks, I'm really honored! <3 thank you so much! <3

@byun-slug I made a picture of Mediber! I hope you like it! I really like your artwork, and I think Mediber is really cool. ^-^

(*insert nuclear bomb sound effect here*)
Oops, someone exploded! xD yes I can see well he is being really defensive! also looks like a piece from a comic book *.* so amazing! better run away from him if his chest start glowing green xD It’s actually long time no see Radio being serious and wounded like that! :O and you drew him amazingly like always aaaaa *screams* thank you so much!

Did I post this already? I think not. Here some defensive kitten being defensive. @byun-slug character (And yes, I can not stop scribbling your boiz)

But AAAA Omg so amazing!!! another badass Cyber-!! <3 Like I said before It’s really rare to see Cyber being so evily-serious and you made him so amazingly interesting-!! I also love how you put his robotic arm and ubercharged, ready to kill someone <<wat
thanks a lot! <3

“At this moment,that the Subways knew,they fucked up,”
@byun-slug ,remember the drawing of Cyber that I made for you during Christmas last year at Twitter?I made SFM version of it!
…I don’t think I can get enough with Badass!Cyber.
Anyway,I hope you like it!


Oh my GOD!! that is really amazing!!! when you said you and your friends are preparing for big project, I wondered what it will be, but cosplaying them all is really unexpected!!! I couldn’t believe my eyes when I saw this first!! ;w; so similar and all of you are fit well for my tf2 characters! thank you all so much-!!

AAAAAAND let me present our big ( but not finished yet btw 👀 ) project with @miauta and @leofreicorporal - Mediber, Radio and Grotesque Activity from Devices of Infection by @byun-slug 💚 We’re in luv with your characters, dude, and we’ve got some more to share! Sooooo, let’s start w/ these portraits ~

Radio is too innocent and adorable omg
so cute I can tell! it seems like he wants to lead the way to Grost and commander xD like I said before, this cosplay is just.. so.. awesome ahh-!!

“On the sidewalk“ @byun-slug - characters @leofreicorporal - Grotesque’s cosplay @nikrofilia - Mediber’s cosplay

DAT EYES AAAAAHH *_* Really love how this pic came out, especially that dark background with lights - showed how I exactly imagined Grotesque like! I still can't believe my eyes how you cosplayed him really well, not only clothes and props, but also pose and facial expression too! Feels like seeing him in real life ahh! <3 thank you so much!

I’ve stoked the fire, seen more pain that you can know. The tears of the broken have washed away my soul. ~ Character - Grotesque Activity by @byun-slug Big thanks to @miauta and @nikrofilia, love you guys! 💚
aaAAAAHHH So amazing!!! I still remember this scene, was bit painful to make tho, but you drew him with that scene amazingly! <3 I’m so honored to see someone drew an artwork which inspired from my animation! that red eye effect and window break is also amazingly drawn! thank you so much! <3

Mediber from @byun-slug from their YouTube video. Love the guy.
I really love this comics, really representing their personalities so well! (especially the commander I also can imagine how you all carried that barrels! and in Radio’s case, still wonder how you would roll that barrel ahahaha x//DDDDDD that would be extremely fast!! thank you so much!

@byun-slug characters
Based on latest convention. We had three barrels and we needed to move them up.
Awwwww!! not only the drawing but also the short story you wrote below is so fluffy!! <3 It’s been so while to see fluffy picture of them(even in my SFM pictures xD), so lovely <3 also the pose and facial expression! (I dunno why but both storyline and pic reminded me of short rp I did with @leofreicorporal..x//D) sooo adorable! thank you so much! <33

“Grotesque only able to sigh when he see Radio sleeping at his back.But deep inside,he happy to see Radio is alright.”
Radio and Grotesque being adorable.For @byun-slug !
Featured in Twitter! (And Byun’s Discord server…) >
Aaaahhh-!! 💚💚 thank you so much again for draw them, really had to buy commission from you since your drawing style is really adorable! 💚 thanks a lot! <3

The next pack! Hope you will like them! Thank you again for the commissions! x) If you would like to get one too, check out my commission info here (and DM me, if you are interested) : Commissions OPEN! (cash only)

Especially I can’t resist that back, both atmosphere and concept are so cool! (and just translated that French words, ahh I fell in love with it! <3) I can’t believe not only the front but also back part of clothes were really well made! 0_o really feels like seeing him in real life! <33 Thank you so much!! <3

“ Respecte le passé, crée le futur! ”
Photo by ultimatemeganoob ( Instagram ) Character by @byun-slug

I always wanted to make this pose in SFM as well, but it seems like you did first! aaaaAAHH! I REALLY love this concept! commander is standing between saluted soldiers!! I have to parody this pic in SFM someday

“ Attention! ” Photo by ultimatemeganoob ( Instagram ) Characters by @byun-slug
AAAAA Dat's ma boi BlutSauger-!! 👀👀👀 It's been long time no see him(though he is my tf2 sona..xD) Awww I really love facial expression and pose you gave on him!! ❤❤ being an always happy medic~ 👀👀 Thanks a lot again!! <333

Look at this Medic. He is cute. @byun-slug
(DEAR GOD I WANT THAT CAKE OMG AAAAAA) Awwww thanks a lot for another sweet poster!! ❤❤ and really appriciate for celebrate! Both medics looks so happy, I really love it! 👀👀 thank you so much again!! ❤❤ (I still want that cake)

Happy birthday @byun-slug keep on being epic Fam! 💕💕💕