A Change Beaucoup En Fait - Tumblr Posts

8 years ago

I wouldn't be here, alive, today if incubators and other special care for premies hadn't caught on. Thanks, Martin Couney and friends.

What I’m Reading Wednesday, 9/7


I read the first few pages of Georgette Heyer’s The Masqueraders today, which is the oldest unread e-book in my Kindle library. I know someone gave it to me by way of reccing it, but I have no idea who that was because it was… probably four or five years ago now?? But post-Jacobite crossdressing romance seems like it will be full of delightful hijinks probably? I haven’t read a lot of Heyer so I’m not entirely sure what I’m getting into here.

Books finished:

Captive Prince (https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/9305362-captive-prince) &

Prince’s Gambit (https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/17158513-captive-prince) &

Kings Rising (https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/17158532-kings-rising) by C. S. Pacat.

So I had read the first book and mmmmost of the second book back when they were self-published. I’d heard enough about SOMETHING UPSETTING HAPPENS AT THE END/THE CLIFFHANGER IS TERRIBLE that I actually picked a spot to stop reading in the second book where I felt like I had arrived at a happy place, and just left it there for three years. As I was reading the second book this time, I kept slowing down in anticipation of The Bad Thing even though the third book was sitting right there next to it, so it took me a few days to read–but once I finished it, I immediately picked up Kings Rising and blew through it in an afternoon. OH MAN I LOVE THEM SO MUCH YAYYYYYY. :D

Miracle at Coney Island: How a Sideshow Doctor Saved Thousands of Babies and Transformed American Medicine (https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/30256822-miracle-at-coney-island) by Claire Prentice

Oh man this was fascinating (if pretty short, less than 100 pages) to read–all about how the world was introduced to the use of incubators and the whole idea of taking special care of very small premature babies rather than just letting them die–one scholar quoted described Martin Couney as an “anti-eugenicist” fighting for the value of babies most people just gave up on. (Also: did Steve and Bucky at some point go and see the sideshow babies at Luna Park, y/y? Did Steve’s mom know some of the nurses who worked there??)


Fuck everything, I am rereading Forever, Now tonight. And/or tomorrow, we’ll see how far I get. I have 12 other fic tabs open, 3 hydratrashmeme fill notifications in my inbox, and 57 marked for later on AO3.

Fics finished:

(A sampling of stuff I’ve bookmarked recently–you can see all my bookmarks at http://archiveofourown.org/users/dsudis/bookmarks)

With Six You Get Eggroll by @cesperanza (http://archiveofourown.org/works/442926) This was actually the first Due South fic I ever read, back in 2002, months before I read another fic and actually got into the fandom, because @viggorlijah had recced it as a really good portrayal of a family with adopted children. Someone over at kink_finders (http://kink-finders.dreamwidth.org/105188.html) was asking for kidfic recs today, particularly featuring a non-idealized situation with an older child, and this one came immediately to mind, and then I had to reread it. (Forever, Now was the next recced, so next to be reread!)

Except It Abide in the Vine by @spitandvinegar (http://archiveofourown.org/works/7910536) I was a LITTLE SCARED by the tags on this but guys. Guys. If you are hesitating over the tags. STOP HESITATING. GO READ. LEARN TO LOVE THE SWEETPEA. EMBRACE THE SWEETPEA. AND ALL THOSE OTHER LUNATICS RUNNING AROUND. <3 <3 <3

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