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9 years ago

I had both of them that afternoon, and I came to the conclusion that white boys are so delicious. That time back in my dance studio ranks as one of the most celestial experiences of my life. Those two beauties transported me to heaven. I never knew that lovemaking could be so beautiful.

Eartha Kitt on her threesome with James Dean and Paul Newman (via wwinecakes)

*scratches needle across record* 

She had a threesome with James Dean and Paul Newman? Whoa. 

(via jazzypom)

Damn Eartha.  Living the motherfucking life.

Whoa indeed

(via whispersatwhylahfalls)

Wait what?

(via baronessvondengler)

Hold up! Wait a minute. Jesus. This really happened?

(via loveniaimani)

^^^Ikr? I need receipts! Lol.

(via baronessvondengler)

If you ever need to watch Newman and Dean flirting like crazy, here’s the screentest they did together for East of Eden. It’s pretty spectacular. Good on you, Eartha!

(via kaydeefalls)

Also, holy shit that is amazing loverlike behavior on the screentest.

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9 years ago

do you think in the 1700s there were people who were like nah man Mozart’s a total sellout I only listen to peasants beating things with sticks it’s way more authentic

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9 years ago

And they also eat his flannel shirt.

I Already Retweeted This, But I Need It Here Too Because I Love It, I Love It So Much

I already retweeted this, but I need it here too because I love it, I love it so much

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9 years ago
Source Click HERE To Follow The Ultrafacts Blog!

Source Click HERE to Follow the Ultrafacts Blog!

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9 years ago
Before There Was Tinder, There Was The Victorian Notebook

Before there was Tinder, there was the Victorian notebook

In 1860s Manhattan, young men and women in search of some excitement could duck into a little stationery shop uptown, open the unmarked notebook on the counter, and scribble a message to all the other strangers who were in on the secret. When the New York society writer George Ellington managed to get his hands on the book, he opened it to find page after page of people talking about themselves in the third person:

“Miss Annie B—, a young lady of high family (fourth floorer), probably highly accomplished and of a sweet temper, desires to exchange cartes de visite with a ‘nice’ gentleman.”

“S.J. A—, a handsome young man, but full of fun.”

“Blanche G—; a very pretty girl, aged twenty; full of fun. Object in corresponding, fun, and to gratify a curiosity as to how many gentlemen will be foolish enough to answer this.”

“James P—, a very homely gentleman, of thirty-five, wishes to correspond with a blue-eyed, light-haired young lady. Must be tall, not younger than twenty-five nor more than forty. A homely person preferred to a beauty. Must be stylish.”

And you better believe people are just as freaked out about women pursuing hookups now as they were then.

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9 years ago

Love examples of earlier transformative works! 

This Is Part 7 Of Im Not Sure How Many. Note This Is The Same Publication That Ran The Spiders Grantaire

This is part 7 of I’m not sure how many. Note this is the same publication that ran the “spiders Grantaire” article.

Translation: 1) Valjean gripes about M. Victor Hugo, who roasted his arm for the reader’s entertainment. [T/N: I guess this is a reference to the scene at the Gorbeau house?] 2) With all confidence, Valjean finds King Charles X [well uh not king anymore since the arm-burning incident happened in 1832], uses Charles’ brother, his friend Louis XVIII, as a reference, and asks him if he would be willing to take on the task of amusing the reader until his arm heals. 3) Charles X, who is truly the best of men, takes charge of the reader, tells him about the capture of Trocadero, the “Unobtainable Chambre” [of ultraroyalist deputies] of 1827, and a bunch of things that could not have less to do with Victor Hugo’s novel. 4) King Charles X takes advantage of the Revolution of 1830 to walk out on the reader.

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9 years ago

This is the most awesome thing I've seen in ages.

I'll just add that some scholars of the French and British Enlightenment theorize that empathy among educated elites for people of lower classes was actually created on a mass scale for the first time because of novels.

For the first time, people from more privileged positions in those societies were experiencing stories from the points of view of poorer, female main characters (such as the title character of "Pamela"). Identifying with those characters and seeing them as people. Undergoing hardships with them and so feeling their pain and the injustices of their situations. Reading novels was a novel (pardon the pun) way of shifting paradigms that went way beyond the impact of moralizing tracts or histories. Pretty powerful and dangerous stuff.

how is it possible to love fictional characters this much and also have people always been this way?

like, did queen elizabeth lie in bed late sometimes thinking ‘VERILY I CANNOT EVEN FOR MERCUTIO HATH SLAIN ME WITH FEELS’ 

was caesar like ‘ET TU ODYSSEUS’ 

sometimes i wonder

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9 years ago
A Fun Fact: There Is A Pornographic Biography Of Aaron Burr - Which Waspublished Anonymously In 1861

a fun fact: there is ‘a pornographic biography’ of aaron burr - which was published anonymously in 1861

and yes, it gets pretty graphic

“Burr put his arm around her waist, and pressing her to his throbbing heart, applied his lips to those ivory globes which rounded up over her dress, almost to the nipples. The effect of this was instantly apparent. The warm-hearted girl sighed heavily, there was a choking sensation in her throat, and her large dark eyes were rolled up in her head with such a softness in their expression, that Burr must have been more or less than man, not to have desired a more intimate acquaintance with her. […] Burr threw up her clothes, and revealed such charms as seldom have been exposed to the light of the sun. The smooth, round belly, the voluminous yet compact thighs, the robust calf, and small foot and ankle, the satin smoothness of the skin, and other graces not to be mentioned, but whose pouting and moist freshness betokened a guarded virginity, which, however, longed for the pressure of manhood, all these so fired him with passion, that he had scarcely the necessary patience to prepare himself for the amorous encounter.”

so . vintage burr porn

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9 years ago

Can you believe we’ve made ten episodes?! In this episode, we interview Evan Hayles Gledhill about the Tumblr of the Victorian era, Jane Austen’s Northanger Abbey and other depictions of fans in media, Walt Whitman’s reaction to his gushy fanmail (and other topics covered by historicalsquee), and the enduring patriarchal effort to police women’s reading and writing. In addition, we read listener stories about how fanfic has helped at difficult times in people’s lives.

Here is a gif that illustrates some of what we talk about in this episode:


(The above gif’s by @cinemamonamour, btw, and the answer is Mr. Darcy and Mr. Bingley in bed.)

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9 years ago

I love it when people who have been deeply affected or harmed by a historical injustice that is now recognized as wrong use their position and their passion to speak out against about current wrongs. Or, you know, when people in general pay attention to history...

Watch: George Takei Has A Vital Message For Those Misusing And Misremembering Japanese Internment.
Watch: George Takei Has A Vital Message For Those Misusing And Misremembering Japanese Internment.
Watch: George Takei Has A Vital Message For Those Misusing And Misremembering Japanese Internment.
Watch: George Takei Has A Vital Message For Those Misusing And Misremembering Japanese Internment.
Watch: George Takei Has A Vital Message For Those Misusing And Misremembering Japanese Internment.
Watch: George Takei Has A Vital Message For Those Misusing And Misremembering Japanese Internment.
Watch: George Takei Has A Vital Message For Those Misusing And Misremembering Japanese Internment.
Watch: George Takei Has A Vital Message For Those Misusing And Misremembering Japanese Internment.
Watch: George Takei Has A Vital Message For Those Misusing And Misremembering Japanese Internment.
Watch: George Takei Has A Vital Message For Those Misusing And Misremembering Japanese Internment.

Watch: George Takei has a vital message for those misusing and misremembering Japanese internment.

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9 years ago

Man I hate it when people use the pronoun “you” as a singular pronoun in an informal setting. “You” is plural, unless thou dost speak to an unfamiliar person. The correct singular second person pronoun is “thou” in most cases. Grammar never changes. Pronouns must always stay one way until the end of time. Learn thy proper English. *sigh* Kids these days.

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8 years ago

Sometimes I’m like “ancient greek plays are so old, how am i going to relate to the characters?” but then 


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8 years ago

Unlikely simultaneous historical events

A poster on Reddit asks: What are two events that took place in the same time in history but don’t seem like they would have?

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8 years ago



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8 years ago

I wouldn't be here, alive, today if incubators and other special care for premies hadn't caught on. Thanks, Martin Couney and friends.

What I’m Reading Wednesday, 9/7


I read the first few pages of Georgette Heyer’s The Masqueraders today, which is the oldest unread e-book in my Kindle library. I know someone gave it to me by way of reccing it, but I have no idea who that was because it was… probably four or five years ago now?? But post-Jacobite crossdressing romance seems like it will be full of delightful hijinks probably? I haven’t read a lot of Heyer so I’m not entirely sure what I’m getting into here.

Books finished:

Captive Prince ( &

Prince’s Gambit ( &

Kings Rising ( by C. S. Pacat.

So I had read the first book and mmmmost of the second book back when they were self-published. I’d heard enough about SOMETHING UPSETTING HAPPENS AT THE END/THE CLIFFHANGER IS TERRIBLE that I actually picked a spot to stop reading in the second book where I felt like I had arrived at a happy place, and just left it there for three years. As I was reading the second book this time, I kept slowing down in anticipation of The Bad Thing even though the third book was sitting right there next to it, so it took me a few days to read–but once I finished it, I immediately picked up Kings Rising and blew through it in an afternoon. OH MAN I LOVE THEM SO MUCH YAYYYYYY. :D

Miracle at Coney Island: How a Sideshow Doctor Saved Thousands of Babies and Transformed American Medicine ( by Claire Prentice

Oh man this was fascinating (if pretty short, less than 100 pages) to read–all about how the world was introduced to the use of incubators and the whole idea of taking special care of very small premature babies rather than just letting them die–one scholar quoted described Martin Couney as an “anti-eugenicist” fighting for the value of babies most people just gave up on. (Also: did Steve and Bucky at some point go and see the sideshow babies at Luna Park, y/y? Did Steve’s mom know some of the nurses who worked there??)


Fuck everything, I am rereading Forever, Now tonight. And/or tomorrow, we’ll see how far I get. I have 12 other fic tabs open, 3 hydratrashmeme fill notifications in my inbox, and 57 marked for later on AO3.

Fics finished:

(A sampling of stuff I’ve bookmarked recently–you can see all my bookmarks at

With Six You Get Eggroll by @cesperanza ( This was actually the first Due South fic I ever read, back in 2002, months before I read another fic and actually got into the fandom, because @viggorlijah had recced it as a really good portrayal of a family with adopted children. Someone over at kink_finders ( was asking for kidfic recs today, particularly featuring a non-idealized situation with an older child, and this one came immediately to mind, and then I had to reread it. (Forever, Now was the next recced, so next to be reread!)

Except It Abide in the Vine by @spitandvinegar ( I was a LITTLE SCARED by the tags on this but guys. Guys. If you are hesitating over the tags. STOP HESITATING. GO READ. LEARN TO LOVE THE SWEETPEA. EMBRACE THE SWEETPEA. AND ALL THOSE OTHER LUNATICS RUNNING AROUND. <3 <3 <3

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8 years ago
Gary Cooper Being Admired By British Photographer Cecil Beaton, 1931. Sir Cecil Not Only Photographed

Gary Cooper being admired by British photographer Cecil Beaton, 1931. Sir Cecil not only photographed Cooper, but claimed to have had an affair with him as well.

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8 years ago

I just realized "Oops (Oh My)” by Tweet/Missy Elliott is the same thing as Walt Whitman’s “Song of Myself 28.” (Plus beautiful Black woman self-love.) Check out the links:

“Is this then a touch?******* quivering me to a new identity, Flames and ether making a rush for my veins, Treacherous tip of me reaching and crowding to help them, My flesh and blood playing out lightning to strike what is hardly different from myself,* On all sides** prurient provokers stiffening my limbs, Straining the udder of my heart for its withheld drip, Behaving licentious toward me, taking no denial,*** Depriving me of my best as for a purpose, Unbuttoning my clothes, holding me by the bare waist,**** Deluding my confusion with the calm of the sunlight and pasture- fields, Immodestly sliding the fellow-senses away, They bribed to swap off with touch and go and graze at the edges of me, No consideration, no regard for my draining strength or my anger, Fetching the rest of the herd around to enjoy them a while, Then all uniting to stand on a headland and worry me.

The sentries desert every other part of me, They have left me helpless to a red marauder, They all come to the headland to witness and assist against me.

I am given up by traitors, I talk wildly, I have lost my wits, I and nobody else am the greatest traitor,*****

I went myself first to the headland, my own hands carried me there.

You villain touch! what are you doing? my breath is tight in its throat,****** Unclench your floodgates, you are too much for me*****.”

“I'll tell ya what I did last night I came home, say around a quarter to three Still so high, hypnotized In a trance, from his body So buttery brown and tantalizing You would have thought I needed help With the feeling that I felt So shook I had to catch my breath******

Oops! There goes my shirt up over my head, oh my Oops! There goes my skirt droppin' to my feet, oh my**** Oh! Some kind of touch******* caressing my legs, oh my Oh! I'm turnin' red who could this be

I tried and I tried to avoid***** But this thing was happening*** Swallow my pride, let it ride And parted(?), but this body felt just like mine* I got worried I looked over to the left** A reflection of myself That's why I couldn't catch my breath

I looked over to my left Mmm, I was lookin' so good I couldn't reject myself***** I looked over to my left Mmm, I was feelin' so good I had to touch myself I looked over to the left Mmm, I was eyein' my thighs, butter pecan brown I looked over to the left Mmm, Coming out of my shirt and then my skirt came down”


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8 years ago

another good reminder that we’re part of a long struggle. and I know who Woody Guthrie is - had never heard of Fred Trump before this year. our heroes shine brighter and longer

I suppose Old Man Trump knows Just how much Racial Hate he stirred up In the bloodpot of human hearts When he drawed That color line Here at his Eighteen hundred family project

– Woody Guthrie (!), December 1950…

…writing about the owner of the building he was living in – Fred Trump

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