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3 years ago
My Boy. Adam Banks X Reader

my boy. adam banks x reader

summary 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨: in which adam is neglected and doesn’t know how to act when he meets reader, a very sentimental and touchy person.

warning/s 🪓: swearing, rushed and trashed

slater’s note ☎️: adam is bae and i want to marry him :)


all adam banks wanted was to be wanted himself. growing up with parents that resisted the urge to provide any physical touch and were emotionally unavailable reverberated off a son with the same exact emotional unavailability.

all his past girlfriends gave up on him too quick to realize so. it always ended rarely without any goodbyes and a big ‘fuck you’ along with a considerable unkind amount of words that always meant and said the exact same thing.

you don’t care.

he always felt bad, no matter how hard it was for him to feel sympathy at times, his heart always dropped to his stomach when he heard harsh words like those, but he could never say sorry.

that was until he met you. the first thing he noticed about you were your eyes and how bright they were. full of life, excitement, and so much general emotion that swallowed him up whole simply just by glancing at you.

eden hall academy had done many good things for him, as well as introducing him to you through your biology class. he had noticed you weeks before you transferred to his terribly boring science class taught by a ninety year old man on the verge of a heart attack from how much yelling he did.

you had practically fainted the day you were all set to dissect frogs, it was hard enough for you to keep your breakfast down let alone keep conscious.

he sat across from you and your partner, closely watching all the differential emotions that crossed your face as you watched your rather overly curious lab partner stab away at the dead slimy green corpse. you looked like you were about to hurl once she had sliced open the creature

“i think i’m gonna be sick,” you got up quickly and he could see it a lot quicker before you yourself even realized what was going on. your face turned pale as a ghost and your eyes turned a lighter shade than they usually were.

“whoa there, girl,” he caught you before you could even bend your knees and hit your pretty head against the cold blue tiles of the old biology room.

from then on you found it hard leave his side. not a lot of boys at eden hall were very nice nor went all the way to catching you before practically cracking your skull open. a boy you barely knew had somehow reached his way to your heart faster than any boyfriend you had ever had. just by the things he did simply made you smile.

and he was easy. easy going eyes, surprisingly easy to talk to but yet there was something about him that sent you off in a spiral of thought every time you looked at him, wondering what layers filled his mind and soul

the ducks were shocked to say the least.

“since when do you give a shit about the female population?” fulton would poke fun at adam as they’d sit at lunch, watching you carefully while you made through the lunch line with the rest of your preppy cheerleading friends.

“when a female looks like that, yeah,” luis scoffed, also checking out while nodding his head in a satisfied manner, “nothing bad to look at there.”

“hey,” adam lightly slapped him, “don’t be looking at her like that, mendoza. she’s got enough shit going on she doesn’t need to be dealing with some perv starin’ at her ass.”

“you calling me a perv?”

“yeah, i’m calling you a perv.”

many sounds of amusement echoed throughout the group as they got a look of luis’ face that dropped from amusement but now of slight embarrassment.

“fuck you, banksy.”

the first time you shared a kiss with him was also the first time you had actually took a step on the ice.

he had held your hand to keep you from falling, something he never did with anyone, while the other would shift from your hand to your lower back, guiding you into the smooth circles and tricks, drawing into the ice like it was a coloring sheet.

his lips were chapped but gentle with the way he slowly pressed his red lips against your own. he seemed hesitant at first, wondering whether if it was right or okay.

“just kiss me, banksy,” you mumbled, your head slightly tilted so you could see his dark blue eyes better. he smiled lightly but out of nervousness before lightly scraping his lips against yours.

you had to fully initiate the kiss, pressing lip against lip roughly and fully, full of emotion and passion for him to be finally comfortable.

he was surprised, he was never used to not having to initiate the first kiss. he smiled lightly against your pretty lips, moving his hands around your waist tightly to steady you against the slick ice.

“you falling in love with this chick, cake eater?” julie walked by the boys side two days after the shared kissed, her eyebrow quirked and filled with genuine curiosity as they made their way to their usual lunch table.

charlie shook his head once they sat down across from him, “if he is, he sure has a funny way of showing it.”

“what do you mean?”

“adam here hasn’t called her back. apparently he’s been ignoring her.”

adam’s cheeks slowly grew red as he shook his head beginning to open his milk carton. it was always a faze he went through every time he shared a personal and close moment with a female. he had to check himself, make himself wonder if he was willing to carry out with everything that entitled to a kiss, a kiss that meant a lot to the both of you.

“i’m not ignoring her, man.”

“really, tell that to her then.”


“why not, pussy?”

“i’m not about to fall to some peer pressure from some junior varsity hockey player.”

“shut up,” charlie rolled his eyes, knowing adam’s words were only a joke, “just call her before some other varsity hockey player does.”

adam was wrong. he did fall to charlie’s peer pressure, hesitantly calling you with his head practically falling off his shoulders due to never having done this before... calling girls first.

“hello?” your voice sounded sweet but had a lowness to it, something that made him think you were sad or tired with hurt and loneliness.

it made him feel guilty that he almost didn’t say anything but his mouth still slightly hung open with his jaw clenched, “hi..”


“hey, y/n..”

you fell for the softness of his voice, rubbing your eyes for a moment before exhaling, “you finally decide to call me, pretty boy?”

“thought it was about time,” he hummed, scratching the back of his neck in a nervous manner, his mind beginning to sink in on him as patronizing and contradicting thoughts attacked his brain, “you busy tonight?”

it doesn’t take long for you to overcome your upset terms, quickly attaching to adam just as much as you had the first time you had the two of you had hung out. it only seemed that this time you felt closer and more attached to him than before.

it took awhile for him to ease into it, get used to the fact that someone was there for him, someone who cared and seemed to be there more permanently rather than temporary.

you held his hand, kissed his cheek, always had some kind of hold on him to keep him in the mindset that you cared. in return and over a large amount of time he held you close, taught you how to skate and stay on your feet.

you made him feel finally cared for, eliminating all the shitty girlfriends that gave up on him before he could even make a move of appreciation and get used to all the tension of being cared for.

he’d run his fingers through your hair, twirling strands around his fingers as he looked at you quietly, admiring your calm face full of happiness and love for him.

“you’re my girl,” he’d whisper before leaning in, pressing his lips against yours, “you make me happy.”

and you’d smile, close to his face before whispering back, “my boy.”



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3 years ago
Face Off. Adam Banks X Reader

face off. adam banks x reader

summary 🪒: in which adam’s new girlfriend is the star player on her hockey team, making the ducks wonder whether or not they’ll win their next game against her

warning/s 🧼: swearing, mentions of sexual themes (not bad though), a very angry connie, and my lack of hockey knowledge... lol

slater’s note 💸: hi fill my inbox w/ requests and messages 🙃


“look who the cat dragged in,” charlie smirked grimly up at adam who slowly made his way to the ducks lunch table, carrying his lunch tray loosely with a slap on silly smile on his lips, looking just about out of his mind.

“where you’ve been banksy, we missed you first period,” julie smiled up at him, slightly astonished by the look on his face, something she had never seen on him before. he had never looked so happy, yet so out of it.

“what’s with you,” fulton narrowed his brows, looking adam up and down, wondering if that’d give him any clarification as to what was running through his dazed looking mind.

“pretty boy banksy here is in love with pretty girl preppy that goes to the school we’re playing against on friday night,” connie’s head bounced back and forth as she studied her food, completely oblivious to the full attention they had on her till she looked up, “what?”

she looked confused, narrowing her brows as if they were looking at her stupidly. adam rolled his eyes, suppressing the looks that were beginning to come his way. he almost cursed connie but kept his mouth shut, finding it a waste.

“since when do you have a girlfriend, cake eater?” luis looked disgusted, something not adding up to him as he stared at the kid next to him, “they really giving those things out to everyone now, huh?”

“shut it mendoza, it’s really not hard to believe,” julie gave him a pointed look from the other end of the table making him frown deeper, “banksy’s got more charm than you’ve ever had.”

“oh bite me, julie,” he rolled his eyes before turning back to his food, brushing off the sudden attack.

“hey so, is this why you didn’t get back till like... three last night?” charlie smiled harder, knowing that was the exact reason he wasn’t home till past three in the morning with more pep in his step than before he left.

adam stopped his chewing, eyes once again on him as he slowly looks up, his jaw slightly clenched, this time glaring, but in slight amusement.

“yeah, that’s why i was gone till three last night,” adam nodded his head, his tone dull and rid of any expression, “now shut up and let it go.”

“connie, you say we playing this team friday?” goldberg turned to connie who’s face looked annoyed, her tongue poking in the side of her cheek as she looked to him, her eyebrows raised almost in annoyance.

“yeah, and she’s a star player. like the female version of you,” she nodded toward adam who returned the motion, already knowing this but wondering how she would know, “and we’re gonna get our asses kicked because banksy’s won’t know how to act on ice when he sees her pretty little face.”

“jeez, what crawled up your ass and died?” luis glanced at connie with his eyebrows raised wondering why she seemed to be more angry than happy for adam. luis wouldn’t admit it, but he was proud of the kid. it had always seemed that he really never had anyone... until now.

“shut up, alright?” connie shook her head, scooting back in the red chair she sat in, making notion to depart from their group, “i’m just saying.. we lose this game, it’s because of you.”

she half heartily glares at adam who only narrows his brows in confusion, not completely understanding the reasoning of her anger and annoyance. he would’ve at least thought that she would’ve thought better of him, he wasn’t that low of a teammate to lose the game purposely just for a girlfriends desire.

in fact, adam couldn’t wait for the teasing and bragging rights he’d have after winning the game on friday to hold over you. he loved how red your face got and how it seemed that steam would be escaping through your ears whenever he found something to taunt you over.

the table was silent due to everyone watching her walk away hurriedly and angry, an awkward aroma overcoming each one of them, none not knowing what to say nor where to look... but at adam.

“look, i’m not gonna pull any bullshit, alright?” adam sighed, giving them all a pointed yet reassuring look, “i actually have a bet with y/n on this. no games but the one we’re playing, got it?”

his words seemed to have been enough for everyone at the table to agree and relax from connie’s assumptions. it was strange to adam with how fast they all came to content but he couldn’t complain.


“hey, banks, ready to get your ass handed to you?”

“in your dream, sweetheart.”

the ducks shared confused looks, watching adam carefully skate out on the ice only to be practically ambushed with trash talk right away, but it seemed he knew it was coming, no inch in his body seemed surprised nor taken back like the rest of his team.

adam was never one for down putting, trashy words before and between games when there wasn’t a winner yet. but it surprised them all as he held the misconduct so easily and so happily with a grin on his face as he stared at you.

it was until you pulled off your mask did it make sense. the full head of hair flopping over your shoulders and large smile made them all make sounds of final understanding (“ohhh”). you were the infamous girl they had all been talking about earlier that week.

“i only dream about you, sweetheart,” you mocked his pet name, slightly squinting at him before skating closer to him, quickly pressing a kiss on his lips as you tried your best to slide on your tippy toes without falling to ice.

his hand wrapped around your jersey just as fast but kept it there even when you pulled away, your cheeks even more red than before, partly due to the cold but also because of the multiple eyes set on the two of you out of shock.

“good luck, you’re gonna need it.”

“hey, sweetheart, where’s the rest of ours-” luis called out to you as you skated away, a smirk in his voice before julie punched him in the gut, giving him a warning look as if saying, shut up.

it was fun to say the least for adam to have a girlfriend, especially one who played hockey, quite well too. it made him antsy and excited all at the same time as he skated to the bench, thinking about how much fun he was about to have kicking your ass at your own game.


“we’re tied!” goldberg cried out, his hands throwing up in the air as he stared at the score board in despair, his eyebrows knotted and eyes crinkled in the corners.

“calm down, we still have a couple minutes left,” charlie waved him off with reassurance, his eyes also trained on the score board with a slight wince that he was trying so hard to hide.

they were all out of breath, their bodies so close to giving out for they had been playing their asses off just to one up the opposing team, your team, but you had always came back with a smooth toss in with the goal.. despite adam practically body slamming you each and every time.

connie suddenly threw her gloves off, marching her way carefully through the box to meet adam who sat all the way at the end, his breathing just as rough as hers. she couldn’t have been more angered with how much hard work she was putting in, but it was yet to seem to be paying off.

“listen here, asshole,” she pointed an accusing finger close to adam’s face causing him to lean a little, “you let her win just because you fuck her, i will knock you out.”

his hands slightly raised in surrender, not wanting to discuss with connie anymore in slight fear that she’d actually knock him out with how low and rough her voice sounded. he wouldn’t put it against her, it seemed she always kept her word.

“connie, it’s not his fault she’s a good player.”

“banksy’s been knocking her to her ass every time they’re near each other. if we don’t win, it’s not going to be because adam’s been going easy on her.”

“suck my dick, charlie,” she spat, rotating her body so she wasn’t just facing adam, “we’re losing because of him.”


“yeah, that’s still losing-“

the loud blaring noise caused them to cut their focus from her, looking to the ice where your team begun to fill out onto the ice for the last couple minutes of overtime to finally decide who would have bragging rights and who would leave the building with shame held in their shoulders.

connie rolled her eyes one last time before sliding past everyone and onto the ice with her shoulders held high in tension. the ducks stared at her for a good minute before adam nodded, following after her with his mask on for the final moments.

there was nothing adam could do or say to reassure connie he wasn’t slacking. he couldn’t understand her anger nor was he sure he ever would. it didn’t matter to him anyways, all he was concerned about was winning and you, even if those contradicted each other.

he slid across, deeper into the field of ice looking for you. your eyes met his just as fast and he winked causing your cheeks to redden despite returning the gesture, nodding to him before gliding to your position of the opposite side of the ice.

he wasn’t sure how he wanted the game to unfold in all honestly. he really wanted to win, he always did, but this time he had more than reasoning as to why but now, he wouldn’t necessarily care for the loss, knowing you’d be the one holding it over him instead of some shitty player.

he pressed his lips into a thin line, deciding it was no longer his decision who won, but rather fate.


the loud buzzer sounded making you frown, rotating your body to face the scoreboard where the time had run out the score was final.

“what the fuck?”

you narrowed your brows to the score, now fully realizing who had won since the cheers of a certain team wasn’t enough of a clarification for you.

you skated past your previous position and side of the rink, trying to find your boyfriend, dodging every body clothed in high hockey gear before reaching him, sweat dripping down his face as he removed his hickey mask, looking absolutely exhausted like he always did at the end of each game he played.

you frowned harder, removing your own mask before hitting him in the stomach roughly, taking him by surprised as he exhaled abruptly, “you let us fucking win.”

he narrowed his brows at your disappoint yet unreasonable attitude, “what?”

“you let us win, asshole, there was no way we were going to win that game.”

“y/n/n, we were tied,” he lightly laughed, his eyebrows still pinned together, not understanding the exact point of your small targeted anger, “you guys won fair and square, all because of you, babe.”

he leaned closer, his hand finding its way around your waist as he pressed a kiss against your cheek, an impressionable look on his face that made you frown harder, not exactly understanding for some reason.

“adam, you stopped body slamming me halfway through overtime, there’s no way we won fair and square,” your arm extended out, trying to reason that he was wrong and the win was rightfully his instead of yours.

he didn’t seem phased as he continued to stare down at you with a rather look of admiration, watching you fall into a rant.

“you won.”

“no, i didn’t.”

“just accept it, you’re a better player than me.”

you scowled up at him before allowing his grip to pull you closer to him, a hug being immediately installed as you wrapped your arms around him despite your doubt. it felt nice and you finally decided to become content with the outcome despite your thinking, for adam’s sake.

“you owe me a game.”


“we’re facing off,” you mumbled, pulling away, “then we can finally see who the real winner is.”

you patted him before skating off to your team in its full glory of shouts and cheers deciding to join in just for a little bit of celebration, because truly, you were the real winner.



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3 years ago
A Hunt For A Space Craft. Frat!adam Banks X Reader

a hunt for a space craft. frat!adam banks x reader

summary 🛒: in which the ducks go on a hunt for an alien after the news reveals a crash sight of an unidentified object

warning/s 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨: swearing, underage drinking and smoking,

slater’s note 🔪: idk what this is but i wanted to switch it up and i’ve been watching x-files recently so... 😁

prompt came from here


“guys, check this out!” you could hear fulton reed’s voice echo throughout the warm, grungy frat house like an empty tile hall. his voice was rather excited sounding yet stroked like he had his face scrunched, preventing himself from using his full range of sound, “guys!”

you groaned, lifting your head lightly from adam banks’ chest as he continued to yell for everyone’s dispersed attention throughout the house. you tried to move further away from the comforts of the warm bed despite adam’s tight and pulling grip around your waist and arm holding you down to the sheets.

you almost fell victim back to his warmth of affection but the continuous loud and restless callings of fulton made you fall from the sleepy endearment of the pretty blonde boy who was simultaneously between dream and consciousness. his eyes were barely open, flickering, really, as he tried to find your face once you sat up, your back slouched as you looked at him.

your fingers lightly sweep his ďżźthick strands of hair out and away from his closed eyelids. you blinked a couple of time before looking away from the admiration you held for him, then.. lightly pressing your lips against his forehead deciding it was best he continued to sleep, biding him sweet dreams.

your feet pattered against the cold hardwood stained floor of adam’s room before softening onto an old rugged and ripped carpet that had to have been installed years before any of you had reached high school. the short way of saying it was; the house was well aged and filled with all kinds of old kinks and qualities, such as the broken staircase that lead up to all of your rooms with groans of old wood and was just barely holding together. and the stained furniture with holes that matched the carpet that also came with the house. the broken mirror in the basement bathroom, the dented garage door, the old rugs filled with dust but probably also costed fortunes.

there were many interesting things to say the least about the old house you lived in that was deemed frat the moment luis shotgunned a beer, spilling half the low tier alcohol on the living room carpet with a slurp, adding to the many messes of the home.

you hurried down the creaking steps, his calls getting more louder and impatient as you got closer to the living room where julie and charlie already stood, waiting for the rest of your group to answer his calls.

“what is it, fulton?”

“you’re never gonna believe it,” he practically exclaimed as more and more of your team filed in behind you, just as curious and slightly annoyed as you. he motioned for all of you to fill in around the entertainment area and in front of the tv, the news channel paused with a reporter in front of a very dark scenery.

“i swear, fulton, i have a final to study for-“

“just come watch.”

you filed and settled around him and the brown recliner he sat in with a bucket of popcorn in his lap before he pressed play on the tv remote causing an ultimate focus to settle in around all over you, something you only ever saw at the pregame warm up of the hockey games you all played.

“today we bring you close to a recent crash site. of what? we don’t know,” a female news reporter dressed in layers of raincoats and thick rain wear held a microphone tightly as she squinted up to the camera, trying her best to shield her eyes from the rain the poured in around her, “we bring you up close and personal to what locals would call a space craft.”

connie craned her head left and away from the television screen as if asking if this was the reason she was being pulled away from her studies, but fulton ignored her, as did the rest as their eyes were trained on the screen, now in full investment of the scene unfolding.

“as you can see the harsh conditions of rain and lightning that unfolds before me have made it difficult for authorities to reach this crash sight as well as identify this strange metallic machine,” she was shivering, the cold rain beginning to dip and soak through her clothes, “now we ask those watching this program, what do you make of this?”

fulton paused the program right before it went to break, his eyes searching each and everyone of his friends, searching for a specific reaction that he was ready to eat up, but he hadn’t seemed to recognize anything that he was looking for.

“how long ago was this?” charlie’s tone seemed slightly exhausted with his arms crossed as he looked at fulton who stayed put in his lazy-boy.

“half an hour.”

“where is it?”

“i don’t know.”

“you don’t know?”

“she didn’t give a specific location but it’s local news, it has to be close.”

“yeah, but it could be anywhere in state, fulton,” julie out stretched her arm, trying to reason opposite, “how can it be local when authorities can’t even reach the crash sight?”

“i have an idea of where it might be,” he extended out his pointer finger before he grabbed back onto the remote, rewinding the program. you scratched the back of your neck, sighing, thinking about how warm you were in adam’s heavy arms, before turning your attention back to the tv.

he lets it play, before pausing seconds later when a flash of lightening goes off in the background, illuminating trees upon trees and... a water tower.

“that’s west rivers water tower,” fulton gets close to the tv screen, running his pointer finger along the just barely lightened water tower, “that’s just about ten to twenty minutes out of town.”

“yeah, but how’re we gonna get there, not even the cops can, so how would we?”

“that’s because the cops don’t have ronda,” fulton stood up from his knees, you could see the rush of excitement beginning to surge throughout his body as he begun to make his way to the kitchen with all of you following from behind, “we do.”


ronda was an old ‘88 red suburban with four wheel drive and a broken cooling system passed down to fulton from his father. the only reason the boy was allowed to keep it was due to the fact that it was the only car the ducks owned that could fit practically the whole team.

it had supposedly got fulton’s father through a lot of shit and therefore deemed a family heirloom despite it having no real value and it would take a lot more money to restore it to its full glory rather than what it’d be worth right off the bat.

and even as the cooling system hadn’t worked in years, the heating system was still chugging along despite there really being no use for it since the body heat of eight mighty ducks practically made up for it.

you squinted down at the map fulton had handed you, deeming you the right hand man as you were the one sitting in the passenger seat with your hair tied up in the low ponytail, stoned slightly, and strands falling in front of your eyes as you continued to study the map even as there was basically no lights illuminating the large paper but the far spread street lamps.

“anyone got any booze?” luis leaned further back in the middle row, his eyes low and hazy for he was about close to sleep with the strangely low soothing jazz music playing putting him close to dreamland.

“yeah, here,” julie handed him a beer from the way back, her fingers gripping the neck of the glass bottle loosely through her gloves. she as well was close to sleep, but goldberg’s nervous talk and dean’s slight complaints kept her from dozing off.

luis burped after five sips, the nasty smell of bud light wavering into connie’s nostrils causing her to wince, nose scrunching up, “can you not?”

“loosen up, connie, it’s friday,” luis ignored her, keeping his relaxed position as he continued to drink from the bottle.

she ignored him.

and then you thought about adam and how he was all snug in bed completely unaware of half his team being on the hunt for a supposed alien at a crash sight with his girlfriend.

as much as you would’ve like for him to come, you knew the boy would have probably denied the foolish play, wanting to soak up some more sleep time before the next day where he’d be spending the day with his father, something he wasn’t exactly sure on how to feel about.

“how far do we got?” charlie leaned forward from the middle row, his hands resting in the back of both your and fulton’s seat, peaking his head to examine the front windshield that was practically blurred with clashing rain.

“couple more minutes,” fulton mumbled, staring carefully at the road, his posture straight with both hands on the wheel, careful not to crash or slide on the slick road that laid beneath all of your asses, “we hit off-road and then we’ll start hiking.”

“hiking?” connie butted into the conversation, squeezing her head next to charlie’s, “fulton, i thought we were driving to the sight, not walking.”

fulton glanced back for a couple quick seconds as if caught off guard before focusing back on the road, “we can’t risk getting old ronda stuck in the mud.”

“i did not wear the right shoes for this,” she mumbled, leaning back into her seat where luis was snickering with his bottle held high, looking at her with amusement. she snatched the bottle from him before taking her own sip of daze, upset but.. content.

you began to get wiggly in your seat, the heat getting to you as it begun to suck at your skin for sweat. you scratched the back of your neck before focusing on the road ahead, praying that the end of the road would come sooner rather than later.


mud clung to your boot faster than you thought it would, practically pulling your foot from the safety of the inside of your warm shoe. you cringed every time your foot hit squishy ground, which was every step from the now leaving west river sign.

“muds about to consume my whole goddamn shoe, fulton,” dean swore, practically shaking his fist in the air of despair as he slowly trailed behind you and the boy who’s idea it was to go on a hunt in the middle of the night. you could tell dean’s patience ran short the moment he got out of the car and the rain storm ate him whole, from then on, all that came from him were curses and grumbles.

“where are we?”

“outside of west river.”

“no shit luis. did the sign tell you that?”

“hey, shut the fuck up before i shove you in the mud.”

you pressed your lips into a thin line tightly as their arguing and thunder was the only thing consuming your hearing, making it hard to hear your own thoughts and internal screams with how progressively annoying they were all getting.

“hey,” you called out to charlie and fulton lightly, making it hard for them to hear you just barely, “do you think other people are out here?”

that’s the only thought that had filled your head—when you could hear yourself—for the past five minutes as your flashlight traced the ground like a crayon. the thought made you almost nervous, especially when speaking it aloud, your body feeling even more cold as thoughts of other people, people older than freshman college students also looking for an... alien or spacecraft.

there was silence for awhile before charlie called back, “no one in their right mind would be out here right now.”

“you’d be surprise,” you could hear dean mumble back, not really helping the bad gut feeling slowly consuming your stomach with uneasiness, “there’s a lot of sickos here in minnesota.”

his statement seamed to have echoed throughout the air, blowing through the windy wet air, full of enough noise, but his words seemed to have only added into more of it.

you suddenly felt even more alone than before. with everyone else dispersed around you, the cold also consuming them and sending waves of chills up their back. visions filling with blue and white and black ďżźof headaches and lightening.

you all prayed for a sense of comfort, a grasp of reality and light, but no matter how hard any of you widened your eyes for better sight, it only consumed with bigger and wider blackness. alone. you all felt alone.

“for fucks sake,” connie groaned lowly after the long, yet very loud silence settled in all of your ears. you could hear a slight twinge of worry in the back of her throat as everything was starting to get to her as it was to you. “the only thing we have to worry about is the little green creatures running around in this forrest.”

you almost laughed at connie’s disbelief, her mind never allowing itself to run around freely with its imagination, always cutting any of your gangs adventures short of fun. but you felt your stomach cut in mid gutty laugh when a strike of light flashed through the night sky, and not lightening. the light was wide and seemed to have flown over all of your head before falling further into the rest of the unknown forest. it looked like a strobe of light coming from a flashlight.

you felt your heart stop as well as your movement, your own flashlight staying trained on the mud while your eyes looked into the dark, dark woods, searching for the light once again, shocked.

“what the fuck was that?”

it seemed everyone had seen the exact same thing as you had and chaos had begun to erupt.


“no dumb fuck! people! people!”

yelling and cries of energy were resonating everywhere throughout your friend group, their eyes wild and filled with shock and terror. they couldn’t pull their shit together for the life of them and neither you nor charlie’s silencing shushes could make them calm down.

“we’re gonna die!”

“shut up goldberg!”

everyone was drawing closer and closer to each other as if one another’s presence would help their stress tainted brains fall back down into relaxation, but it didn’t work. the closer each one of you got, the more amped up each of your souls became and the air seemed to tighten.

“sh! i can hear someone!”

no one ‘sh’ed from charlie’s command, his ears filling with the sounds of footsteps and breakage of sticks and crumples of leaves.

“ah crazy minnesotans!”

“not minnesotans,” julie’s voice fell from panic, slapping goldberg before shinning her flashlight on the person before them, “adam banks!”

a shared exhaled seemed to have echoed through your friend group they let the shock overcome them, not exactly understanding why and how banks was standing before them.

“adam?” you all said collectively, your brows narrowing as his face swelled in amusement, his lips turning into a pretty smile.

“what’re you doing here, cake eater?”


“how’d you find us?”

“you left a note,” he nodded toward charlie, holding his flashlight high and illuminating all of your faces, “and the tv was paused on channel five with the old water tower in the background.”

you all stared at him in utter silence of shock, still processing how fast he had found you all.

“did none of you think this was a bad idea?” adam hummed after awhile, no one speaking, the rain filling the silence and space, him still being a couple feet away.

“oh no, we all did. we just decided to do it anyways,” goldberg chimed in, his head nodding side to side, thinking back to moments before all of you got into ronda, still deciding whether it was a good idea to haul ass through the storm for an alien.

you’d admit, it hadn’t seem like a smart idea until luis offered you a blunt, a smirk on his face saying it was a great idea. it was then everyone fell into line and into the car.

“and nobody thought to wake me?”

your eyes widened slightly, which he caught onto, his smile turning into a smirk, “we didn’t want to.. wake you.”

“sure,” he nodded before taking some steps closer, switching his flashlight to the opposite hand before the rest of you made the rest of the way to him, you walking closer, your arms going to wrap around him for comfort.

he smiled down at you while his opposite hand to holding the flashlight wrapped around your shoulders, holding you tightly. his face fell to a grin and he called, “let’s find this goddamn alien.”

question/s 🛎: how many mighty ducks are there that are important?



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@sh-tposter2021 @lukewearingbeanies @itzstacie

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