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Face Off. Adam Banks X Reader

Face Off. Adam Banks X Reader

face off. adam banks x reader

summary 🪒: in which adam’s new girlfriend is the star player on her hockey team, making the ducks wonder whether or not they’ll win their next game against her

warning/s 🧼: swearing, mentions of sexual themes (not bad though), a very angry connie, and my lack of hockey knowledge... lol

slater’s note 💸: hi fill my inbox w/ requests and messages 🙃


“look who the cat dragged in,” charlie smirked grimly up at adam who slowly made his way to the ducks lunch table, carrying his lunch tray loosely with a slap on silly smile on his lips, looking just about out of his mind.

“where you’ve been banksy, we missed you first period,” julie smiled up at him, slightly astonished by the look on his face, something she had never seen on him before. he had never looked so happy, yet so out of it.

“what’s with you,” fulton narrowed his brows, looking adam up and down, wondering if that’d give him any clarification as to what was running through his dazed looking mind.

“pretty boy banksy here is in love with pretty girl preppy that goes to the school we’re playing against on friday night,” connie’s head bounced back and forth as she studied her food, completely oblivious to the full attention they had on her till she looked up, “what?”

she looked confused, narrowing her brows as if they were looking at her stupidly. adam rolled his eyes, suppressing the looks that were beginning to come his way. he almost cursed connie but kept his mouth shut, finding it a waste.

“since when do you have a girlfriend, cake eater?” luis looked disgusted, something not adding up to him as he stared at the kid next to him, “they really giving those things out to everyone now, huh?”

“shut it mendoza, it’s really not hard to believe,” julie gave him a pointed look from the other end of the table making him frown deeper, “banksy’s got more charm than you’ve ever had.”

“oh bite me, julie,” he rolled his eyes before turning back to his food, brushing off the sudden attack.

“hey so, is this why you didn’t get back till like... three last night?” charlie smiled harder, knowing that was the exact reason he wasn’t home till past three in the morning with more pep in his step than before he left.

adam stopped his chewing, eyes once again on him as he slowly looks up, his jaw slightly clenched, this time glaring, but in slight amusement.

“yeah, that’s why i was gone till three last night,” adam nodded his head, his tone dull and rid of any expression, “now shut up and let it go.”

“connie, you say we playing this team friday?” goldberg turned to connie who’s face looked annoyed, her tongue poking in the side of her cheek as she looked to him, her eyebrows raised almost in annoyance.

“yeah, and she’s a star player. like the female version of you,” she nodded toward adam who returned the motion, already knowing this but wondering how she would know, “and we’re gonna get our asses kicked because banksy’s won’t know how to act on ice when he sees her pretty little face.”

“jeez, what crawled up your ass and died?” luis glanced at connie with his eyebrows raised wondering why she seemed to be more angry than happy for adam. luis wouldn’t admit it, but he was proud of the kid. it had always seemed that he really never had anyone... until now.

“shut up, alright?” connie shook her head, scooting back in the red chair she sat in, making notion to depart from their group, “i’m just saying.. we lose this game, it’s because of you.”

she half heartily glares at adam who only narrows his brows in confusion, not completely understanding the reasoning of her anger and annoyance. he would’ve at least thought that she would’ve thought better of him, he wasn’t that low of a teammate to lose the game purposely just for a girlfriends desire.

in fact, adam couldn’t wait for the teasing and bragging rights he’d have after winning the game on friday to hold over you. he loved how red your face got and how it seemed that steam would be escaping through your ears whenever he found something to taunt you over.

the table was silent due to everyone watching her walk away hurriedly and angry, an awkward aroma overcoming each one of them, none not knowing what to say nor where to look... but at adam.

“look, i’m not gonna pull any bullshit, alright?” adam sighed, giving them all a pointed yet reassuring look, “i actually have a bet with y/n on this. no games but the one we’re playing, got it?”

his words seemed to have been enough for everyone at the table to agree and relax from connie’s assumptions. it was strange to adam with how fast they all came to content but he couldn’t complain.


“hey, banks, ready to get your ass handed to you?”

“in your dream, sweetheart.”

the ducks shared confused looks, watching adam carefully skate out on the ice only to be practically ambushed with trash talk right away, but it seemed he knew it was coming, no inch in his body seemed surprised nor taken back like the rest of his team.

adam was never one for down putting, trashy words before and between games when there wasn’t a winner yet. but it surprised them all as he held the misconduct so easily and so happily with a grin on his face as he stared at you.

it was until you pulled off your mask did it make sense. the full head of hair flopping over your shoulders and large smile made them all make sounds of final understanding (“ohhh”). you were the infamous girl they had all been talking about earlier that week.

“i only dream about you, sweetheart,” you mocked his pet name, slightly squinting at him before skating closer to him, quickly pressing a kiss on his lips as you tried your best to slide on your tippy toes without falling to ice.

his hand wrapped around your jersey just as fast but kept it there even when you pulled away, your cheeks even more red than before, partly due to the cold but also because of the multiple eyes set on the two of you out of shock.

“good luck, you’re gonna need it.”

“hey, sweetheart, where’s the rest of ours-” luis called out to you as you skated away, a smirk in his voice before julie punched him in the gut, giving him a warning look as if saying, shut up.

it was fun to say the least for adam to have a girlfriend, especially one who played hockey, quite well too. it made him antsy and excited all at the same time as he skated to the bench, thinking about how much fun he was about to have kicking your ass at your own game.


“we’re tied!” goldberg cried out, his hands throwing up in the air as he stared at the score board in despair, his eyebrows knotted and eyes crinkled in the corners.

“calm down, we still have a couple minutes left,” charlie waved him off with reassurance, his eyes also trained on the score board with a slight wince that he was trying so hard to hide.

they were all out of breath, their bodies so close to giving out for they had been playing their asses off just to one up the opposing team, your team, but you had always came back with a smooth toss in with the goal.. despite adam practically body slamming you each and every time.

connie suddenly threw her gloves off, marching her way carefully through the box to meet adam who sat all the way at the end, his breathing just as rough as hers. she couldn’t have been more angered with how much hard work she was putting in, but it was yet to seem to be paying off.

“listen here, asshole,” she pointed an accusing finger close to adam’s face causing him to lean a little, “you let her win just because you fuck her, i will knock you out.”

his hands slightly raised in surrender, not wanting to discuss with connie anymore in slight fear that she’d actually knock him out with how low and rough her voice sounded. he wouldn’t put it against her, it seemed she always kept her word.

“connie, it’s not his fault she’s a good player.”

“banksy’s been knocking her to her ass every time they’re near each other. if we don’t win, it’s not going to be because adam’s been going easy on her.”

“suck my dick, charlie,” she spat, rotating her body so she wasn’t just facing adam, “we’re losing because of him.”


“yeah, that’s still losing-“

the loud blaring noise caused them to cut their focus from her, looking to the ice where your team begun to fill out onto the ice for the last couple minutes of overtime to finally decide who would have bragging rights and who would leave the building with shame held in their shoulders.

connie rolled her eyes one last time before sliding past everyone and onto the ice with her shoulders held high in tension. the ducks stared at her for a good minute before adam nodded, following after her with his mask on for the final moments.

there was nothing adam could do or say to reassure connie he wasn’t slacking. he couldn’t understand her anger nor was he sure he ever would. it didn’t matter to him anyways, all he was concerned about was winning and you, even if those contradicted each other.

he slid across, deeper into the field of ice looking for you. your eyes met his just as fast and he winked causing your cheeks to redden despite returning the gesture, nodding to him before gliding to your position of the opposite side of the ice.

he wasn’t sure how he wanted the game to unfold in all honestly. he really wanted to win, he always did, but this time he had more than reasoning as to why but now, he wouldn’t necessarily care for the loss, knowing you’d be the one holding it over him instead of some shitty player.

he pressed his lips into a thin line, deciding it was no longer his decision who won, but rather fate.


the loud buzzer sounded making you frown, rotating your body to face the scoreboard where the time had run out the score was final.

“what the fuck?”

you narrowed your brows to the score, now fully realizing who had won since the cheers of a certain team wasn’t enough of a clarification for you.

you skated past your previous position and side of the rink, trying to find your boyfriend, dodging every body clothed in high hockey gear before reaching him, sweat dripping down his face as he removed his hickey mask, looking absolutely exhausted like he always did at the end of each game he played.

you frowned harder, removing your own mask before hitting him in the stomach roughly, taking him by surprised as he exhaled abruptly, “you let us fucking win.”

he narrowed his brows at your disappoint yet unreasonable attitude, “what?”

“you let us win, asshole, there was no way we were going to win that game.”

“y/n/n, we were tied,” he lightly laughed, his eyebrows still pinned together, not understanding the exact point of your small targeted anger, “you guys won fair and square, all because of you, babe.”

he leaned closer, his hand finding its way around your waist as he pressed a kiss against your cheek, an impressionable look on his face that made you frown harder, not exactly understanding for some reason.

“adam, you stopped body slamming me halfway through overtime, there’s no way we won fair and square,” your arm extended out, trying to reason that he was wrong and the win was rightfully his instead of yours.

he didn’t seem phased as he continued to stare down at you with a rather look of admiration, watching you fall into a rant.

“you won.”

“no, i didn’t.”

“just accept it, you’re a better player than me.”

you scowled up at him before allowing his grip to pull you closer to him, a hug being immediately installed as you wrapped your arms around him despite your doubt. it felt nice and you finally decided to become content with the outcome despite your thinking, for adam’s sake.

“you owe me a game.”


“we’re facing off,” you mumbled, pulling away, “then we can finally see who the real winner is.”

you patted him before skating off to your team in its full glory of shouts and cheers deciding to join in just for a little bit of celebration, because truly, you were the real winner.



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@lukewearingbeanies @itzstacie

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More Posts from S1ater

3 years ago

a habit not to make. mattheo riddle x gryffindor!reader

summary 🐅: in which you spend the night in mattheo’s bed , sending straight for an interesting morning

warning/s 🔪: swearing, nsfw themes

slater’s note ☕️: this brings back my marcus lopez obsession. i also don’t know much about mattheo.. so if i portray him wrong lmk


you were cursed by the revolting hell of a teenage boy, the spawn and prodigy of tom riddle himself. someone you would have never expected to even associate yourself with until it seemed to be utterly impossible with his taunting.

you were ashamed and frightened, but you wouldn’t lie, you some how still enjoyed every time his tan finger tips ran along your skin teasingly in public, enjoying the tint of red that filled your cheeks as you tried your best to avoid his sneer and knowing eyes.

he loved it. he ate you up like a piece of meat with the unfamiliarity you held to male affection... or just general affection at all.

nights like the one before you always seemed to end, as well as begin, the same way every time. late and shamelessly with his greedy hands upon you like predator on prey, desperate and heart filled with so many bad intentions.

clothes were scattered, bare bodies were pressed against one another, breathless and stressed sounds with fingers slipped and pressed against tongue.

moans, groans, and pleasured filled noises that made the both of you openly melt into one another. he loved it, adored you even when you were under him, obeying, practically on your knees for him, with the same red cheeks.

same nights, always ended and begun with the same mornings.

only this time, it was different and it was not routine like mattheo so solemnly lived by with heart.

he lied on his back, sweat beading on his forehead and gliding down his chest, watching you slide on your black lacy thong before catching your arm, pulling you close back to his bed. you stared at him blankly before your face softening, lifting an eyebrow while his hand now pulled at your hip bone, wanting you closer.

“stay,” his voice was rasped over like dew, his eyes full and pure, something you had never saw of him, almost sending you into shock.


“yes,” his body stayed motionless all except for his left arm rubbing the bare cold skin of your side, almost silently convincing you despite him already knowing you’d agree.

and you did, laying your body against his under his white sheets. mattheo’s hand soothed against your back, manipulating you to sleep as your head was pressed against his chest, thinking of him, analyzing him in your head like you did often.

it wasn’t long before you slept.


it made sense now.

although not right away.

you woke suddenly to the light noise of ruffling clothing. your eyes blinked and blinked till they cleared to see mattheo slip on his slytherin patterned robe, his eyes then meeting yours.

you groaned rubbing your eyes, “what time is it?”

“your first class is soon,” he mumbled, shifting on his feet causing to break eye contact from you, “you missed breakfast.”

you got up fast, now fully processing the bright sun peering through mattheo’s curtains and unmistakable silence of the boy’s dormitory outside of his room, unusual, unless of course it was indeed late and time for your first class.

you begun to pull on your bralette fast, looking around the room fast as if looking for something to cover yourself. mattheo turned, a sly smile on his face as he held out one of his many white collared button downs.

you frowned, settling down before him, your shoulders relaxing once you sighed. and his smirk increased, swinging the shirt around your shoulders so you would place your hands through the sleeves, which you did with a flat, unimpressed expression.

“you’re an asshole.”

“really,” he chuckled a little, beginning to button up the shirt that barely fit your body, “i thought i was being nice letting you sleep in.”

you clenched your jaw, looking up to him and his brown eyes where he was already looking to you while his fingers slipped and looped with the small buttons, his knuckles briefly cladding against your stomach every once and awhile. you swallowed slightly, almost nervous for no entire reason other than feeling entirely vulnerable right then.

“you’ll be cute in green anyways,” he nodded, turning away from your now fully buttoned up shirt, “unless you want to wear the dress on my floor.”

he motioned then to the thin, frail dress that wasn’t even really a dress but rather lingerie that barely went halfway down your thighs. it made your eyes squeeze tight in cringe, adding on more to the embarrassment like a tower.

“shut up,” you took the tie he held out to you, wrapping around your neck before he took over, wrapping and tying it into a perfect knot, mirroring his own. it made grimace at the thought of wearing green, more specifically a slytherin color, it was going against silent rules of gryffindor.

“you’re nasty this morning,” his lips twitched into a smirk once more before handing you a sweater and then a skirt he conveniently had in his closet, making you frown wondering if it was your own or another girls. 

you didn’t answer and after awhile he finally nodded to you, walking out his private bedroom door, leaving you to the quiet. you let it soak you up, allowing the reality of the situation eat you whole. you didn’t even have your books.


you were even more late than planned. eyes on you, making you clench your jaw as your hands laid hopelessly at your side, starring back with devastated eyes. you did not feel like you were living up to your house name.

“miss y/l/n,” snape hadn’t been facing you, his eyes focused on writing upon the chalk board while the rest of his students were busy staring for him, also devastated. “nice of you to join us.”

“always,” you mumbled, your eyes suddenly reaching mattheo’s, a classic, stupid smirk on his face. you rolled your eyes, deciding then it would be best to take a seat.

snape had then turned, his eyes almost immediately landing on you, and he can’t help but smirk himself, the corners of his lips twitching, “very nice attire,” he nodded, causing light giggles to circulate throughout the classroom, “ten points to gryffindor, but let’s not make this a habit, alright?”



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3 years ago

✨I ❤️ your Mighty Ducks Imagines ✨

Is there gonna be more? or a Series?

I Your Mighty Ducks Imagines

yes! it’s recently the only thing i’ve really wanted to write for. i have a draft for an adam banks fic that’s more mighty ducks involved, but i do plan on writing more. also thank you!

*check my navigation too (it’s my pinned post), i always update about what’s in my drafts/who i’m writing for atm (and what i’ll post soon)

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3 years ago

bae 😋

The Beauty Of Love

the beauty of love

pairings: jj maybank x reader

warnings: mentions of food

word count: 596

a/n: had a little help from @s1ater my beloved, ily

jj never really took his time to appreciate the beauty of life. everything was just a blur for him, always getting lost in the spur of the moment and the feeling of adrenaline coursing through his body from the adventures every light of the day brings.

but with you, he started to cherish every little thing, every pointless midget.

like the freedom he holds whenever he surfs, riding and breaking the waves towards the shore. it gives him an indescribable feeling of sovereignty, bliss, exhilaration, and fear all at the same time. it was just him and the waves, the splattering of the salty water and the cool breeze of the outer banks.

his best friends, the pogues. the same tight-knit group of friends since third grade. amiable down-to-earth teenagers who never failed to be there for each other, the literal definition and possibly embodiment of ride-or-die.

you, the sweet, sweet person who’s given him the love he never thought he’d feel. the intimacy shared by two people. the one who made his heart skip a beat and take his breath away. where staring into each other’s eyes, feeling as if you’d get lost in it, was just a cliche he’d always want to do. where being in each other’s embrace never made him feel more at home.

lips wet and red, deepening with color and shade as the cherry popsicle seeps and stains the smiles on your faces. every dip and curve filled till everything blemished and mirrored the color of the popsicle.

the soft pattering of the rain as the both of you laid in bed, limbs tangled together as you depended on each other’s body warmth for heat. the sound of the rain was nothing more than white noise in the background, merging with the thump of your heartbeats.

appreciating each other’s beauty under the moonlight beaming through the window. no words were exchanged as the both of you were propped on one arm, your finger tracing your lover’s features, tickling him ever so slightly. there was a soft smile on both your faces, relishing the serene and unperturbed state you were in.

how a minute seems so long as you wait for the traffic light to turn green. mellow music playing faintly on the radio of your car. hands intertwined over the console as you hummed along with the song.

slow dancing. it was yet another kegger in the boneyard. lights hanging around from tree to tree, loud booming music playing from the speakers as teenagers danced around the sweat-stained air. the song was wild, sanguine, and surely not for slow dancing, yet here you were, swaying slowly with your beau. people were jumping up and down alongside the music, drinks getting splattered around with every movement, yet the two of you remained unbothered. it was just you and him, and the rest of the world.

now that jj thought of it, most of the things he’s most appreciative of consisted of you. he could never deny that his life turned upside down ever since you became a part of him, evidently making him open his eyes and see the beauty of love, the beauty of life that came alongside with you.

“i love you,”

jj thought he’d never mean anything more than saying those three little words that held a big meaning.

“i love you.” he repeated, peppering kisses on your face as he delicately held it in between his hands.

and then he said it again, and again, and again.

“i love you,” he’ll never get tired of saying it.

add yourself to my taglist!

general taglist: @tatesimper @bluvclouds

obx taglist: @maybanksslut @spideyspixies @oldschoolkiddo @iwritesiriusly

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3 years ago

this show was and still is everything.

The X-files (1993)
The X-files (1993)

the x-files (1993)

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3 years ago

would you be interested in writing for any other 90s/80s series since you write for mighty ducks already. this is kind of far fetched but i was just wondering, i really like your writing <3

tbh if you have anyone in mind, i'll probably write for them. i want to write for the outsiders and i even put them on my masterlist hoping to find inspiration for a story for them, but i haven't yet *eye roll*, but request anything/anyone even they are not on my masterlist.

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