Carol And The End Of The World - Tumblr Posts

Carol and the End of the World Episode 9 — Saltwater Lullaby: A Surf Odyssey
so i just watched carol and the end of the world
this was a very beautiful and well written miniseries but also listen-

why the fuck does this show look like Accounting Vr by squanchtendo and CROWSCROWSCROWS I love this show but I spent 80% of the watch going "wait where have i seen that art style before" lmao seriously go watch Carol and the end of the world. very beatutiful show.

Carol and the end of the world was a incredible and emotional masterpiece, Please watch this show, it's so good! This show made me really think about my life, with the mistakes and wasted opportunities. The themes of this show just really speaks to me and I think you watch it without a question.
Bad take.
So the show isn’t really about the ending of the world…
In the end, in the finale analysis…
What Carol and the end of the world is actually about is finding what makes you happy.
An office job is the stereotypical epitome of a boring, soul sucking job that nobody likes.
But she likes it. Carol against all odds finds it comforting and nice because even though it doesn’t matter since the world is ending, it makes Carol happy to do something mundane and stable in a time where everything is overwhelming.
When we think about what makes a person happy it’s often characterized as something happening to you that MAKES you happy, kinda like a happily ever after as in its a big event that you can attain. But happiness is an emotion that comes and goes and is something we have to build through each other and ourselves
Carol and the end of the world shows that you don’t need to attain any great thing or achievement to be happy. Instead it shows that what can make you feel happy can be dumb or boring and that’s ok, that happiness can come from anywhere and that we need happiness in order to grow and build relationships or make necessary changes.
Happiness cultivate growth, and it’s needed if we want to get out of this capitalistic hell scape. People need to know that they deserve to be happy.
isn’t selfish to want to be happy and I think you should watch a show before you criticize it.
I didn't finish Carol vs The World because it lost me with how we never get to see Carol question why she finds comfort in a deeply pointless job or address what that means. I wanted to like the show because it has a middle aged cast of characters that look realistically ordinary too.
I watched like 3 episodes and then went and read the synopsis of the other episodes, watched a video summarizing the season and read reviews.
I really liked the character and background design, the characters themselves are okay, but I can't get past the world building or the weird takeaway it has.
I can't say this any other way: I think the creators of this show can't imagine how people would exist outside of capitalism. Characters have two choices: to live the rest of their life in an individualistic hedonistic way, or to continue with their boring jobs. This is not different at all from how people in capitalism live. It makes me feel like the writers think people do these boring jobs because they find comfort in them, or that they don't know what they want from life, and they need a "distraction" from that. (I can imagine that there are people who are content with doing a job like this, but not for these reasons) I feel like writers often use this trope condescendingly. People don't do boring office jobs because they lack motivation and fantasy, it's because they need money to live and most jobs suck.
I think Carol's problem is not that she is a simple person who doesn't want much, but that she is lonely. And the show does say that in the end it's the bond between people that is important, and to enjoy everyday little moments, but if instead of idk, Carol talking to her neighbors they make a point out of showing that these characters enjoy doing pointless work for a faceless corporation. If the job supposed to symbolize a simpler life, well. i don't like that
there could have been some kind of critique of society here! but instead the show goes "if you are depressed and you don't find fulfillment in superficial hedonism that you are told you should enjoy, the alternative is that you can do pointless tasks while becoming friends with your coworkers :)" like what. sure i'll happily slave away my life for a corporation, not even knowing why, and i'll be happy about it. I don't think the idea that work could be fulfilling, for example that they could be doing something for other people's comfort or happiness ever comes up. most characters including Carol act selfishly. why did she fail to find friends up until the point of working in that office. i think this show is fake deep. sorry for the rant I just feel like there is wasted potential here