Cassie Clare - Tumblr Posts

8 months ago
lansalla - Remember To Forget Me
I Love Cassie

I love Cassie 😅🥰

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3 years ago

But seriously, cc really needs to get her act together?!?!? tmi, tid and tda all had boss fighting scenes that were really descriptive and gripping and just so cool and had a good balance of romance 😎 and then there's tlh that's all about fancy ball dancing, snogging and miscommunication with minimal fighting, like wtf??!!?!

tlh was such a let down tbh, but I really hope twp is more fighting, character building and wholesome relationships that involve fricken communication rather than it being solely based around romance dont get me wrong, I'm living for kitty but I feel like cc is kinda forgetting that her books are action as well as romance, yk? Like I'm really looking forwards towards kit and ty's and dru and ash/jaime's but enough is enough

Please gaze upon Matthew Fairchilds chosen weapon in awe

Please Gaze Upon Matthew Fairchilds Chosen Weapon In Awe

It was mentioned that his were serrated edges too

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7 years ago

Um guys… Cassie specifically said “Cutting the Parabatai rune doesn’t break the bond. That’s why they have a whole ritual/parabatai ceremony that has its own magic. Because a rune can be cut in battle, or you could lose that limb that was runed, etc. They wouldn’t consider you not parabatai any more, and they’d re-rune you, but in the meantime the magic of the ritual would keep the bond from breaking. Your parabatai might feel it, or might not, but it wouldn’t be what happened to Will in CP2. Things that sever the bond: Exile (Robert and Michael) someone becoming a Silent Brother or Iron Sister (Jem and Will) death (Silas and Eloisa) someone becoming a Downworlder (Luke and Valentine) or anyone becoming a mundane/having their Marks stripped.”

Wow The Answers Been Staring Us In The Face The Whole Time!!

Wow the answers been staring us in the face the whole time!!

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6 years ago

Sometimes a family is made up of a 400-year-old (ish) free-wheeling bisexual high warlock who is the son of a Prince of Hell, a  23 year old gay blue eyed black haired demon fighting, war hero, Consul, shadowhunter and their two adopted sons, one who is a 3-year-old blue-skinned warlock and the second who is a 5-year-old partially traumatized shadowhunter boy, who are both named after young people they loved that died too soon 

and a 7-year-old shadowhunter boy who was raised by his older brother in a huge family and is often left behind while they go fight for a better world but finds solace amongst his new friends

Sometimes a family can be formed by a hundred and something year old half-warlock half-shadowhunter who turns out to be the daughter of a greater demon, a hundred and something year old ex silent brother, their badass daughter and a fifteen-year-old shadowhunter that doesn’t know how to handle his crush and descends from a line of powerful faeries.

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5 years ago

The Red Scrolls of Magic: Highlights

1. Every world out of Raphael Santiago’s mouth is gold. Stone cold and beautiful. Fight. Me.

1.5 Seeing Raphael again broke my heart all over again. Like...he’s only 15. My bb... So yeah. Thanks for that.



4. Magnus being extra as hell just *sigh* ive missed you



7. Aline and Helen. Just. I--


9. Alec interacting with people outside New York? But mostly Alec and Aline were so cute? It was so nice? To see him trusting people?

10. MeNtiOnS oF tHe nEw yOrK cReW

11. “i tHoUgHt iT wAs tHe vAmPire” “i tOtALLy sAw sCaRs oN jAcE’s nEck”

12. The purity of Izzy being so happy to see her brother happy?

13. “Alec had spent so long with a desperate impossible crush on Jace. He had thought it was a secret: now he knew everyone had always known, especially Jace. Jace had never minded. He had understood Alec needed to have a crush on someone who was safe.” IM NOT CRYING. YOU ARE.

13.5  “Wait! Jace says he needs the phone back. He says he may have mIsUnDeRsToOd tHe qUeStIoN.”

14. IN CONCLUSION: “I’m not Jace Herondale. But I’ve learned to keep up.” was the “Because I’m not you’re bitch.” of the eldest curses. This. Is. The. Tea.

I REPEAT:  “I’m not Jace Herondale. But I’ve learned to keep up.” was the “Because I’m not you’re bitch.” of the eldest curses. 

And. This. Is. The. Tea.

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1 year ago

boxes of clementines | w. herondale

will herondale x fem reader, no mention of shadowhunter stuff, established relationship, husband!will, fluff!!!! so much fluff!!!!, cross posted on ao3 under @/kvohru

‘There are boxes of clementines in the kitchen and the thing is that I love you again.’ — Alessia Di Cesare, The Side Effects of Eating Too Many Clementines

Despite it being a December morning, it was surprisingly warm in your home— for a wintry London day's standards, that is. The sun was up, for one thing, its delicate rays filtering through the clouds and into your kitchen.

Perhaps it's the fact that you live in the countryside? you thought idly as you put away your groceries. Maybe that's why it was sunnier today? Well, regardless, your warm friend was still a welcome guest any day.

Seeing as how it was the weekend today, neither you nor Will had work, so you took it as a chance to get caught up on some housekeeping chores like groceries and such. Well, you had been out getting groceries while Will—who was set to return by the afternoon—was out doing… other things. (He was out replacing something or the other, you weren't quite focusing when he had told you about it the other day.)

And so you went on, adopting a tranquil rhythm, sorting boxes into cupboards and washing all the fresh produce you'd bought. Apples, strawberries and cucumbers were left to soak in the sink while the boxes of clementines were left on the kitchen counters.

You let out a contented sigh. It was a good morning.

˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚

It was well past the afternoon when Will was walking up the stone walkway to the quaint countryside home. In fact, the sun was already starting to set by then, the pale blue sky quickly turning a warm orange instead.

He trudged up the steps to the front porch, adjusting the large bouquet in his hands; a brilliant arrangement of flowers that he didn't think twice about buying when he passed by that florist he often frequented for you.

He shifted the bags he was carrying along with said bouquet to his other arm, freeing up his right to dig into his coat pocket for the keys. “Cariad?” he called as he walked in, toeing his shoes off and placing them neatly beside the door.

It was a few seconds before your reply, which came in form of a Hm?, could be heard. He set all the bags down. A few more seconds where he could hear your feet padding across the wooden floors before you finally, finally, came into view.

“Will!” After all these years, you still had a way of seeming utterly excited when seeing him. I mean, he could practically see the almost cartoonish glimmer in your eyes from across the room.

“Hey, darling,” he greeted gently, his whole body instantly relaxing at the sight of you. It was as if simply being around you worked all the knots from his shoulders and eased all his muscles.

The smile wholly transformed your face at the sound of the term of endearment, the corners of your eyes crinkling adorably and your lips splitting instantly into a wide smile.

The setting sun cast long shadows on the ground, the slanting rays giving a warm orange tinge to the earth, the sky and everything in between.

Your eyes finally left his face and travelled down to his body, where you finally spotted the bouquet balanced on his elbow. He had thought it'd be the first thing you'd notice when he walked in, seeing as how it was almost as big as his torso, but you hadn't.

You'd been too transfixed on his face, on him, to notice anything else.

Your face instantly softened, an almost infinitesimal shift in your expression that would've been impossible to notice if it were anyone else looking at you. But Will noticed. He always did.

It was like it was happening in slow motion, that change in your expression. From the previous childlike joy at seeing your husband to the look of pure, unadulterated love in your eyes.

“Oh, darling,” you breathed, almost to yourself, as you walked closer. You gingerly plucked the bouquet out of his arm, instantly pulling it up to your face to smell it. It really was a gorgeous arrangement; from the roses to the carnations to the peonies, and the tiny pieces of baby's breath sprinkled throughout.

And the part that made it all the more precious to you was that you knew Will had taken time out of his day to put it together. You knew it wasn't prearranged, and the image of your husband standing at the florist and meticulously putting together an assortment of flowers for you warmed your heart to an immeasurable degree.

“Will,” you breathed again, and… were you getting teary-eyed? You looked up at him, and yep, those were definitely tears lining your waterline. He couldn't help the corner of his mouth lifting at the sight. “They're so beautiful. You're so beautiful. Thank you so much. I love you.”

You were gushing your praises and gratitude now, and it wouldn't be long before—

“Wait,” you mumbled, a look of realisation (which looked more like horror than anything) falling over your face. You whipped your head around, your ponytail smacking him in the chest from the force of the motion.

He barely contained his amused scoff. You were and would always be incredibly and adorably predictable. Not to mention incredibly easy to read, too.

“No occasion,” he said, interrupting your Oh No Did I Miss An Important Date?™ scanning-over-the-calendar routine. You let out an audible sigh of relief, your whole body slumping forward with the motion, and this time Will couldn't hold back the smug grin.

You set the bouquet down and looked at him, suspicious despite your relief. He could practically hear the question in your gaze (refer back to what I said about you being incredibly easy to read), and he was sure it went something like this: A bouquet this big for no reason?

He sighed dramatically and leaned closer, his voice taking on that classic teasing lilt of his, “What? Can't a man surprise his wife with flowers in peace?”

“But why?” you insisted quietly. Clearly, you were incredibly worried you'd somehow forgotten about an important date. Because what if you had and Will, being the ever so gracious (debatable) man that he was, didn't want to embarrass you by reminding you?

“Just because.”

“But it's so big.” Your worried gaze met his, and his grin split even wider.

“Not the only big thing I can—”

You smacked him lightly on the arm to shut him up. “Come on!” he complained, forever the melodramatic man that he was, “You practically walked into that one!”

You rolled your eyes, but the gesture held absolutely no heat, especially not when you were smiling despite yourself. “Thank you,” you said sincerely, rising up on your tiptoes to press your lips to his, and hoping he could sense the extent of your gratitude in that kiss.

“Of course, my love,” he murmured softly between kisses, the teasing leaving his voice entirely and being replaced by an insurmountable amount of love.

˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚

A while later, after he had changed and joined you back in the kitchen, the two of you could be found sitting at the kitchen island, sharing a clementine.

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1 year ago

Hello I had a question “can we steal Jessamine’s parasol? and if so will Jessamine stay at the London institute” because my friend thinks «yes we can steal her parasol and she will stay at the London institute because Jessamine's ghost is not attached to the shadow but to her doll's house because she had broken her first parasol and her current parasol, she had not yet had a strong enough line to be attached to the parasol»

thank you for answering it's for fanfiction

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And also current day lightwoods because well Kit Lightwoods is dead and i hate her for it

Okay but Cassie can we please get an updated family tree?

I need to know what path was taken to get to the modern day Fairchilds.

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