Castle Wulfenbach - Tumblr Posts
For New Year’s, Klaus holds a party on Castle Wulfenbach.
He does it.
Hold a party.
He takes petitions the month before for decoration ideas projects worthy of display.
It’s a good way to redirect the energy of certain sparks.
Besides, what’s the point in holding a party with no paperwork?
He denies proposals that are more disruptive than festive.
(Nothing Bang expresses interest in gets approved.)
But the majority he accepts.
(Boris gets the job of figuring out how this comes together into a single cohesive party.)
Of these proposals, one is for floating balloons that change shape and size and color.
They seem entirely mundane, shifting between pre-programmed items like dirigibles or fruits and mimicking anything present at the party.
More than one jager attempts to put a hat on their head only to have it turn into a shoe or a section of railing.
A few balloons get loose over the course of the evening.
Some lodge themselves in the ceiling and other nooks.
One manages to wedge itself into the ventilation system.
Another in the heating system.
Klaus is not best pleased with any of this and makes it known.
All the sparks have Many Ideas for how to get the balloons down.
Such as a really long grabby claw.
Or a roll of flexible metal with a bit of adhesive at the end that can be extended straight up ... assuming it doesn’t flop over halfway.
Or a wall scaling clank reprogrammed to catch balloons (it had previously been wired to swap out energy packs and filaments for ceiling mounted light sources).
Those fortunate enough to have labs nearby disappear to fetch their chosen tools and implements.
Bang just pulls out a gun.
Klaus is adamant she not shoot in the direction of The Balloon That Is Big And Holding Them All In The Sky.
Bang just tosses a dagger with her free hand instead.
(She thinks of it less as ambidextrous and more “A free hand is best used drawing another weapon.”)
The pop of the balloon surprises a couple of the more minor sparks out of their intense, overlapping, mostly-individual-and-ignored-by-others rants brainstorms.
Bang continues popping balloons.
The major sparks come out of their fugues when they realize that the problem has been solved.
They’re sad not to see their new ideas come into play.
(Some repurpose their devices to pick up the exploded balloons.)
(Others find cleaning beneath them.)
Klaus is also not happy about her throwing daggers toward The Big Balloon, and just threatens to make her Fix Things if she sinks them.
Bang knows better than to sink them anyway.
Also that's ridiculous given the number of breakages they've had in the past.
They house jagers of all things.
Come to think of it, they’ve also survived actual explosions.
There’s one remaining balloon.
It’s taken a likeness to Klaus’s face.
Bang shoots it with her gun.
Klaus isn’t surprised.
The repair team patches the bullet hole before he can even tell Bang it's her problem to fix.
He's a little bit pleased there's at least one team that is efficient.
And 0% pleased with Bang.
(Inspired by this post)