Catholic Convert - Tumblr Posts
Intro Post! ♡
Hello everyone! I thought I’d do an intro post since I’m quite new to this side of Tumblr. I was raised Muslim and for the past year I’ve been very interested in Catholicism and believe this is what I was meant to be. I’m currently reading the Bible for the first time, so I might do some updates on that (maybe?). Anyways, my favorite prophets at the moment are Job and John the Apostle! I also go to church sometimes and I know the priest, and hopefully once I’m done reading the Bible I can join RCIA. Anyways, I hope I meet some great people here and learn more as I continue this exciting journey! :)

Was so worried I wouldn't be able to find a sponsor but one of my friends offered to be my Godfather. I cannot believe it, I thought I wouldn't be able to find one, especially before December 3rd (I thought it was before February, not December so I was so stressed). Proof leaving everything up to God works wonders.
Being raised in an atheist household has actually strengthened my love and appreciation of Christ because even as a nonbeliever child I still could feel his presence when in need!
Intersex people are built in the way god intended them, changing that, on a BABY no less, is 100% mutilation of a beautiful human body. I will always be against the genital mutilation of intersex babies, literal BABIES!
not sure what to put as the caption but. yeah!!!!