Christian Faith - Tumblr Posts

4 months ago

school is so tiring oof, I can’t wait for fall break! I wanna make cookies and watch Gilmore girls all day :3 and Bible study of course!

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5 months ago

Real Biblical Truth vs The Trad Wife Lie

Finally, a accurate take on why the trad wife movement is such harm to women trying to live towards God's way.

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5 months ago

Real Biblical Truth vs The Trad Wife Lie

Finally, a accurate take on why the trad wife movement is such harm to women trying to live towards God's way.

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6 months ago

coconut icecream😍>>>>>

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6 months ago

Fav meal rn

Tortilla with coleslaw, sauce, vegan cheese, and crispy baked tofu

So dang good!

Coleslaw: shredded cabbage,lettuce,carrots and lemon juice

Sauce: Avocado, cilantro, vegan mayo and lime juice

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6 months ago

Choosing a vegan lifestyle means standing up against animal cruelty. Factory farming involves huge suffering for animals. By going vegan, you’re taking a stand against animal suffering and support humane practices.

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5 months ago

brussel sprouts are my favorite thing in the world❤️

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5 months ago

genuinely how does anyone find ground beef appetizing. It looks and smells disgusting

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5 months ago

Wednesday Service Heart Highlights:

September 18th, 2024


John 10:10 AMP

"The thief comes only in order to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life, and have it in abundance [to the full, till it overflows]."

Church Service Highlight:

It is a promise to us from Jesus Himself, to have a life that is overflowing!

So, if it concerns us, it concerns Him! God does NOT want us to struggle. (1 Peter 5:7)

Jesus came so that through Him, we would have a relationship with Him- So we could walk in freedom with Him- So we could live in the abundant life that He paid for and made a way for us to walk in...with Him.

He loves you, and has great plans for you. Plans filled of HIS mighty love and goodness. He will show you the way if you allow Him to. ❤️

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5 months ago

Sunday Service Heart Highlight:

September 22nd, 2024

Song & Service Highlight:

God is Faithful

No matter what the darkness looks like, God didn't bring you there, but He will get you out!

The scripture that came to heart:

Psalms 40:2 NLT

"He lifted me out of the pit of despair, out of the mud and the mire. He set my feet on solid ground and steadied me as I walked along."

Have you ever seen that video of the sheep stuck in the ground and the guy pulls the sheep out, only for the sheep to run and jump back into the gap further down the line?

Sometimes that's what we do (I have been guilty multiple times). Yet, as many times we get ourselves stuck, God still loves us so much that He pulls us out everytime and sets us onto steady ground. Beloved, no matter if you got yourself in the situation or if it was something else, God is with us. He is with us every step of the way​, guiding us to the good plans He has for us. The victory that Jesus won for us.

So wherever you are, look to The Lord, and allow Him to show you the way out through The Holy Spirit. To pull you up out of the mud and set you on sturdy land. To lead you to His victory that we're called to walk in with Him, as those who have chosen to recieve Jesus as Lord and Savior.

And for those who desire recieve Him or are even curious, it's not too late. Jesus loves you, and desires to have relationship with you! ❤️

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5 months ago

Wednesday Service Heart Highlights:

September 25th, 2024


1 John 5:14 NLT

"And we are confident that He hears us whenever we ask for anything that pleases him."

Church Service Highlight:

We have to pray with confidence in Him

If I'm worshiping and fellowshipping then I will have confidence


Something my pastor always tells me when I have a hard time approaching God (because I've done something wrong or that I've fallen short in spending time with Him), is to turn on worship music. He tells me to turn on worship music because in that worship I surrender over the things by confessing and focusing instead on His goodness. In worship all else fades away and I'm invited into a place where nothing else matters but Jesus. Where I can focus on the reality that God still loves me, has a plan for me, and calls me out of that darkness to walk in His wonderful light. In that worship, I am brought to repentance and to the confidence to begin again with Him. In that worship, the door opens to that fellowship with Him, that I can come to Him through Christ and grow in Him. To have confidence that He hears me and is inviting me to His table.

And it's the same for all of us, who have received Jesus as Lord and Savior and choose to follow Him. In those times when we have a hard time coming to Him with confidence in prayer, we can first choose to worship and allow all the things to fade away to reveal the truth that God is good and has an answer for us. That He loves us, that He has good plans for us, and that He has called us out of the darkness so that we can walk with Him in His marvelous and loving light.



✝️ So sorry with how late this is! Happy Sunday! 🦋

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5 months ago

Sunday Service Heart Highlight:

September 29th, 2024

Scripture & Service Highlight:

Romans 10:8-10 NIV

"But what does it say? "The word is near you; it is in your mouth and in your heart," that is, the message concerning faith that we proclaim: If you declare with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved."

Scripture goes into the heart and power comes out of your mouth. It will accomplish what it set out to do.


Not only is this true in our confession of faith, this is true for all of the words that come out of our mouths. There are many scriptures throughout The Bible that tell us about the power of our words. Remember the saying, "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me" ? Well that was a straight up lie not only according to scripture but in human experience too. Our words have power and will produce whatever we speak, life or death (Proverbs 18:21). That's why it's so important for us to watch our words and to seek The Lord first and foremost. To stay dedicated in growing in the word and allowing The Holy Spirit to guide us in how to walk in this life with Jesus.

If you're ever wondering where your believing is, listen to what you're saying. When I find myself speaking fear or doubt I know that somewhere along the way I took my eyes off of Jesus. But praise The Lord that even in that moment, I can pray to Him and turn my eyes back to Him. That at that moment I can ask The Holy Spirit to lead me to the scripture that I need to be confessing over the situation and bring the power of His light to fight off the darkness.

And for those who believe and are ready to make that confession of faith, that Jesus is Lord, gather with other believers in your community and tell them! Make that confession in the midst of like minded faith, and be ready to rejoice! Be ready for the celebration that will not only happen in the midst of your brothers and sisters in Christ here on earth, but also in heaven, what a party it will be!


Also, I would love to know so I can celebrate with you too!!!

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5 months ago

🕊️ Music

Y'all this song started playing right after I posted the Sunday Highlight. Her voice is always so pretty 😭❤️ and this is such a good song!

Y'all should totally give it a listen! So many instruments and a choir! 👀

Here's a little segment:

The very same God That spins things in orbit Runs to the weary The worn and the weak And the same gentle hands That hold me when I'm broken They conquer death to bring me victory

Now I know my redeemer lives I know my redeemer lives Let all creation testify Let this life within me cry I know my redeemer

He lives to take away my shame And He lives forever I'll proclaim That the payment for my sin Was the precious life He gave But now He's alive and there's an empty grave

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4 months ago

Wednesday Service Heart Highlight:

October 2nd, 2024

Church Service Highlight:

Prayer is powerful, it creates, it has action

Prayer remains/sticks and it works

When you pray for that person, look at them knowing that God is working

The Scriptures that came to heart:

1 Timothy 2:1 AMP

"First of all, then, I urge that petitions (specific requests), prayers, intercessions (prayers for others) and thanksgivings be offered on behalf of all people"

Isaiah 43:19 NLT

"For I am about to do something new. See, I have already begun! Do you not see it? I will make a pathway through the wilderness. I will create rivers in the dry wasteland."


As someone who didn't grow up in the church and came to proclaim Jesus as my Lord and Savior as a teenager, this reminder that my prayers for the rest of my family are still working refreshed my hope. That one day, we will all be worshiping Jesus together. It opened my heart to The Holy Spirit showing me all the things that He has been doing for my family members over the years. Even as I type this He is still reminding me of all that He is doing in their lives, drawing them closer to Him in His love. Praise The Lord ❤️❤️❤️

So beloved, as you continue to pray over those you care for, for anyone, let this renew and refresh you. That God is still working on them, even if you can't see it yet. HE. IS. WORKING. So give thanks! Continue to pray for their hearts to become soft to receive, for their ears to hear, for their eyes to see His great love, and keep being that example of love to them. Give thanks that He hears your prayers; thanks for all that He has done and continued to do; thanks for them; thanks that He is pursing them and is working on them.

"I once was lost, but now I'm found"

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4 months ago

Sunday Service Heart Highlight

October 6th, 2024

Scripture & Service Highlight:

1 Timothy 1:1 NIV

"Paul, an apostle of Christ Jesus by the command of God our Savior and of Christ Jesus our hope,"

Take all of my hope and put it in Jesus, He supplies, He is my hope, my blessed assurance.

Jesus is my expectation.

Jesus is my source, my waymaker

Trust Jesus with everything

His promises are my hope/expectation

What people cannot do, God does


Some background information. This sermon was about our hope (aka confident expectation) being found in Jesus.

In The Bible, the word "Hope," sourced back to the root word in Greek is ἐλπίς. This word means expectation, hope. In The Bible it's commonly used as: hope, expectation, trust, and confidence. Which is how we come to know that our hope in Jesus isn't something flimsy, but rather its a confident expectation in who Jesus is! It's our confident expectation that what He promised to us will come to fruition because that's who He is. He is faithful to His word.

So, when we come to believe in Jesus, we are standing in the confident expectation of who He is. He is our Messiah, our Good Shephard, our Jehovah Jireh, our Savior, our Lord, our King of kings and Lord of lords. He is our Prince of Peace, He is the lamb slain, He is risen, He is the waymaker, He is the only way, He is our source, He is love! Jesus has so many names, and He has not failed in measuring up in any of them. He is our hope, in Him we don't have to be afraid or worried. When we keep our eyes on Him, when we continue to stand on what He says in His Word and in His conversations with us, we can stand confidently knowing that what He says will come to pass.

There is a great temptation from the enemy to allow our hope to be something flimsy and something to be left in our own hands or in the "it is what it is". That our hope is something we have to earn. Trust me, I know, growing up I believed I had to earn everything, that I couldn't rely on anyone else but myself if I truly wish to have it. I'm still growing to let go of the "hustle culture," and by no means am I perfect. But man, do I serve such a faithful and merciful God who patiently and lovingly draws me back to Him. Who reminds me that this is a relationship with Him, and that ultimately He is the one in whom I should place my hope in. Not in my own works, but in what He says about it. Beloved, God will show you the way if you'll bring to Him all your hopes and dreams. He'll even outdo them (Ephesians 3:20)! But we have to let Him be the source as we walk with Him. We have to let the work we do, not become something in which we honor ourselves in, but that we honor Him in (Colossians 3:23), knowing that in it He is bringing us all that we have need and want of. There is a balance, I'm not saying to lay your desires at His feet and just stand there waiting. Nor am I saying talk to Jesus about it then go off and do your own thing. It's a balance of putting your hand to the things at which He has called you to do. Knowing that this work that you do in His honor is moving you to what He is preparing you for. When we work with Him in where He is leading us, we are positioning ourselves to see the fruits of that confident expectation in Him. There are things that only God can do, and when we have the right mindset and position we are opening ourselves to see it. We will see Him bring that better job, that healing, that new home, that new level of relationship with Him. God is our source and we can trust and rely on Him. So as you bring Him your hopes and desires, allow Him to bring you the scriptures in which will set you in the right position to receive what He alone has planned for you.

(Definition and usage of ἐλπίς comes from

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4 months ago

Wednesday Service Heart Highlight:

October 9th, 2024

Scripture & Service Highlight:

Hebrews 11:1 AMP

"Now faith is the assurance (title deed, confirmation) of things hoped for (divinely guaranteed), and the evidence of things not seen [the conviction of their reality—faith comprehends as fact what cannot be experienced by the physical senses]."

By Faith Abraham chose to refuse and choose

We can do the same, by Faith we have the right to choose:

Abundance, life, health, how we respond, what we think, what feelings remain

~~~~~~~ By faith we choose. We can choose to get up again when we've fallen short. Because Faith tells us that we can repent, ask for God's forgiveness, and ask Him to lead us into the change that will bring us closer to Him and away from the old. By faith we can look at the circumstances and tell them that they have no control over us, because Jesus has already healed us. By His stripes we are healed (Isaiah 53:5), even when it looks bad. I have a friend battling cancer right now, at one point his skin got so pale that it looked like the cancer was winning. But no matter what, we all prayed and continuously spoke the word over him. Even more important, he spoke the word over himself. Even as he went to his appointments, had surgeries, took his medication, we all (including him) spoke FAITH. He is still fighting the good fight, and now his skin is back to normal, he's getting stronger, he's getting better! Praise God! All because he chose to refuse and choose. He is refusing to accept death and choosing to believe in the God who says that he is more than a conqueror, and that he is healed by the stripes of Jesus. I had another friend who passed away from cancer years ago. We also prayed with her, believed and chose to refuse, and choose to say what God says. Eventually she did pass, but with victory. She didn't surrender to fear, she didn't surrender to thinking that it was God's will. Instead she passed with peace knowing that God would continue to take care of her family and that soon she would be dancing with Jesus. She stood in faith and received her healing in heaven.

We have the right to choose by faith. To choose to believe God and what He says even when everything else looks the opposite. To choose life instead of speaking death, even in the face of death. The scripture says that faith comprehends as fact what cannot be experienced by physical senses. Faith is the evidence of things we cannot see. Fear and worry show up on the daily now, and it's our choice on how we will respond. Will we come to the Holy Spirit asking Him to bring us the scriptures that will bring us the faith that we need? Whether it be to grow in a relationship with Him or to face the current/upcoming situation. Or will we allow ourselves to be caught up in the storm, too panicked to hear Jesus saying, "Take My hand." Beloved, we must choose to walk by faith in both the highs and lows, because we serve a faithful God. God will not fail you when you choose to put your trust and hope (aka confident expectation) in Him. Choose to refuse the darkness that threatens to overtake you and choose to seek God for His guidance. For the faith that you need in order to continue walking in peace, joy, love, and victory in your relationship with Him.

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2 years ago

Elohim, the Everlasting Father

Isaiah 9:6

For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.

Philippians 2:5-10

5 In your relationships with one another, have the same mindset as Christ Jesus 6 Who, being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be used to his own advantage; 7 rather, he made himself nothing by taking the very nature[b] of a servant, being made in human likeness. 8 And being found in appearance as a man, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to death - even death on a cross! 9 Therefore God exalted him to the highest place and gave him the name that is above every name, 10 that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth,

Elohim, The Everlasting Father

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2 years ago
A Picture I Took On Easter

A picture I took on Easter

A Picture I Took On Easter

Hope everyone had a blessed one


A Picture I Took On Easter
A Picture I Took On Easter

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