Changes As Punishment - Tumblr Posts

4 years ago

Purrfect Punishment

With just a few days before Valentine’s Day, I couldn’t help but mentally scold myself for my behavior. I had a great relationship with my boyfriend James, but it seemingly wasn’t enough for me. My hormones got the best of me and I began to enjoy the company of other men. It first started out with simple flirting with other guys, but soon my interests moved towards hookup sites, where I’d tell James I was working late just so I could cover my indiscretions. It wasn’t even the fact that he wasn’t good in bed, we were often physically intimate with each other and thus very much enjoyed each other’s company. Something just wasn’t satisfying me as much anymore, so my thoughts and my body began to wander farther and farther from him. 

After foolishly leaving open up my laptop in the living room while I ran to the bathroom, James stumbled across the device after getting home from work. To his horror, he was greeted to the sight of all of my various secret sexting conversations with various men all around the city. Thinking back, I can’t help but wonder if my mind purposely forgot to close the laptop so he could find it. I knew my behavior was wrong and yet I couldn’t stop myself, maybe I needed him to find it so I could force myself to stop due to shame. 

Despite the possibility of my subconscious desire to get caught, I’ll never be able to forgive myself for my behavior. As I came out from the bathroom and took sight of his tear-soaked face illuminated by the computer that contained all my clandestine meetings, I felt so much shame and disgust with myself for hurting him like this. Understandably, James quickly kicked me out of our apartment while he attempted to process my behavior and figure out what went wrong. Quickly packing up a suitcase full of some clothing, I headed out with my head hung in shame as I searched to find a new place to stay for the time being.

Thankfully, I was able to score prime lodging in the form of my best friend’s couch for the time being, so I spent the next several days wallowing in self-hatred and longing for the ability to make things right with James. I wanted to fix this, but I knew it was going to have to wait given the poor timing. It was just my luck that he discovered my affairs the week leading up to Valentine’s Day, so I couldn’t help but curse my stars for such terrible timing.

As I cried myself to sleep one night, I couldn’t help but wish that I was back with James. I’d do anything to be back with him and show him that I understand that I hurt him. I didn’t want to hurt him, so I was more than willing to repent in any way he wanted just so I could have the chance to be with my boyfriend once more.

When I woke up the next morning, I couldn’t help but feel extremely strange. My skin felt incredibly itchy and warm and I felt very disoriented when I looked around from the couch. Everything seemed larger than it was the night prior, so I couldn’t help but twist my head in curiosity and try to figure out what’s going on. “Whoa, what the fuck is going on!” I say, my mind still somewhat groggy from just waking up. To my surprise, the words I thought didn’t come out of my mouth. Instead, my ears perked up in shock as a long “Meowwww” escaped from my mouth. 

Looking down, I gasped as I came to notice a pelt of hair now adorning my once relatively muscular and larger body. Spread out across the couch, I couldn’t help but notice that every inch of my body was now covered in a pelt of grey and white fur. Staring at my hands, I’m horrified by the sight of a furry set of paws. I groan as I already dearly miss the opposable thumbs I seemingly took advantage of. Twisting my body around, I stand upright and awkwardly stumble as I try to get used to my new stance as a quadrupedal creature. Feeling a weird sensation near my rear, I look behind me and take note of my new appendage in the form of a tail. I watch as it naturally sways in motion as I try to comprehend what’s going on.  I’m shocked and scared as to how this happened to me, but before I could even come close to trying to come to terms with my new identity and body, my ears go upright as I’m greeted to the screams of my best friend.

Looking towards the kitchen, I take sight of my friend, who seemingly just woke up as well based on the fact that he was clad only in a pair of briefs. “Get the hell out of here you dumb cat!” He screams, causing me to ignore my discomfort walking on four legs and instantly go into a fast sprint. A scared yelp comes out of my mouth as I search for an escape. Eventually, my eyes meet an open window close to the couch that I had been calling my temporary home. Eager to escape from the wraith of my best friend, my feline body naturally climbs up the couch until I’m close enough to quickly jump onto the window ledge and slide my thinner body through the cracked window.

Jumping down off the ledge, I expected some sort of pain as my four legs met the pavement, but I’m shocked to feel no twinge of pain whatsoever. Somewhat relieved to not be injured, I lean closer towards the buildings meeting the pavement as I try to avoid the sea of humans walking around with haste from destination to destination. Unsure of where I could go, my mind can only think of James, which I realize was luckily only a few minute walk from my friend’s house. Of course, the trek takes a bit longer given my smaller form, but in no time, I’ve reached the apartment complex that we used to live in. Waiting around, I cower by a mail dropbox on the sidewalk and wait for my chance to get inside.

Eventually, I watch as a woman carrying a handful of groceries finally comes along. I remember her as being an annoying tenant who lives a few doors down from us, but all of that is forgiven if I’m able to sneak my way in behind her. I wait as she gains access to the building and quickly props open the door with her heel so she can pick up her bags of groceries and head on inside before she gets locked out. Knowing that this is my only shot, I quickly dart past her as she struggles to grab every bag. Excited and hopeful that James can help me, I quickly traverse up the stairs and stumble over my paws as I walk toward the door of our apartment. 

Once I reach the door, I attempt to call out for James, desperate for him to hear my pleas and come to my rescue. However, I forget that my body can no longer produce words, so all that could come out of my mouth are a few varying meows. With no response, I lean against the door and use my front paws to slide up the door until I’m back on two legs. I slide my paws up and down against the door, with a scratching noise ringing out as my claws come out and sink deeper into the wood door. 

To my joy, I begin to hear footsteps heading my way until I see the shadow of two feet appear under the crack of the door. I purr in joy as the door opens and I’m greeted to the sight of my ex-boyfriend. He looks up at me in confusion, quickly saying “Well hello there, who are you huh?” and flashing an adorable smile. My body goes rigid as he picks me up and cradles me in his arms. “Let’s go find your owners ok?” he says as he closes the door behind him. Of course, his search for my missing owners is pointless when after an hour of searching, no one in the building is able to claim me as their pet. 

Defeated, he returns to his door and sets me back down on the ground as he looks at me with curiosity. “Well, what should we do with you now huh?” He ponders, trying to think about what the best course of action is. Thinking about it, I knew that there was a likelihood that he could either send me back out onto the street or call animal control to come get me. Worried about that possibility, I knew I had to act fast to try and get him to take me in for the time being. Leaning into my new cat identity, I walk over to his leg and nuzzle against it, feeling somewhat surprised as I purr in contentment at just how good it felt. James couldn’t help but chuckle at my behavior and quickly picked me up and looked down at me being cradled within his tattooed arms. 

“Well, since no one claimed you and you’re too cute to send away, I guess I can keep you for the time being. I’ll post some flyers around town as well, but until then, I guess you can stay with me…” He calmly said to me, which made me feel so calm as he spoke so softly. Leaning down, he kissed the top of my head and ran his fingers behind my ears, which caused a series of purrs to escape from my mouth. I didn’t know it, but James couldn’t help but feel quite happy to have stumbled upon this cat on his doorstep. Given his depression over the breakup, it was as if the universe had given him the perfect gift to move on from his boyfriend’s devastating revelation. 

Bringing me inside, he placed me on his shoulder as he gave me a tour of the place that once used to be my home. It was so strange trying to come to terms with the furniture that I once used daily now looking incredibly daunting and huge due to my smaller size. I was eager to find a way to fix this, but I soon found some problems due to my inability to verbalize my desires or search the internet. After a few months of unsuccessful attempts to get a release from my cat form, I eventually gave up on my quest for becoming a human again. It had been months by this point and I had slowly adapted to my new life. Over time, I forgot more about my old life as Travis, the human and began to accept my new identity as Leo, the cat. The universe seemingly punished me for my behavior, but I couldn’t exactly be mad at the punishment dealt to me. It definitely wasn’t the life I envisioned, but I could at least be thankful that I had the opportunity to be back with James again… one way or another.


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