soul-controller - Soul Controller
Soul Controller

An Ever-Changing Writer Creating Transformation Fiction. All Stories Are 18+

223 posts

Purrfect Punishment

Purrfect Punishment

With just a few days before Valentine’s Day, I couldn’t help but mentally scold myself for my behavior. I had a great relationship with my boyfriend James, but it seemingly wasn’t enough for me. My hormones got the best of me and I began to enjoy the company of other men. It first started out with simple flirting with other guys, but soon my interests moved towards hookup sites, where I’d tell James I was working late just so I could cover my indiscretions. It wasn’t even the fact that he wasn’t good in bed, we were often physically intimate with each other and thus very much enjoyed each other’s company. Something just wasn’t satisfying me as much anymore, so my thoughts and my body began to wander farther and farther from him. 

After foolishly leaving open up my laptop in the living room while I ran to the bathroom, James stumbled across the device after getting home from work. To his horror, he was greeted to the sight of all of my various secret sexting conversations with various men all around the city. Thinking back, I can’t help but wonder if my mind purposely forgot to close the laptop so he could find it. I knew my behavior was wrong and yet I couldn’t stop myself, maybe I needed him to find it so I could force myself to stop due to shame. 

Despite the possibility of my subconscious desire to get caught, I’ll never be able to forgive myself for my behavior. As I came out from the bathroom and took sight of his tear-soaked face illuminated by the computer that contained all my clandestine meetings, I felt so much shame and disgust with myself for hurting him like this. Understandably, James quickly kicked me out of our apartment while he attempted to process my behavior and figure out what went wrong. Quickly packing up a suitcase full of some clothing, I headed out with my head hung in shame as I searched to find a new place to stay for the time being.

Thankfully, I was able to score prime lodging in the form of my best friend’s couch for the time being, so I spent the next several days wallowing in self-hatred and longing for the ability to make things right with James. I wanted to fix this, but I knew it was going to have to wait given the poor timing. It was just my luck that he discovered my affairs the week leading up to Valentine’s Day, so I couldn’t help but curse my stars for such terrible timing.

As I cried myself to sleep one night, I couldn’t help but wish that I was back with James. I’d do anything to be back with him and show him that I understand that I hurt him. I didn’t want to hurt him, so I was more than willing to repent in any way he wanted just so I could have the chance to be with my boyfriend once more.

When I woke up the next morning, I couldn’t help but feel extremely strange. My skin felt incredibly itchy and warm and I felt very disoriented when I looked around from the couch. Everything seemed larger than it was the night prior, so I couldn’t help but twist my head in curiosity and try to figure out what’s going on. “Whoa, what the fuck is going on!” I say, my mind still somewhat groggy from just waking up. To my surprise, the words I thought didn’t come out of my mouth. Instead, my ears perked up in shock as a long “Meowwww” escaped from my mouth. 

Looking down, I gasped as I came to notice a pelt of hair now adorning my once relatively muscular and larger body. Spread out across the couch, I couldn’t help but notice that every inch of my body was now covered in a pelt of grey and white fur. Staring at my hands, I’m horrified by the sight of a furry set of paws. I groan as I already dearly miss the opposable thumbs I seemingly took advantage of. Twisting my body around, I stand upright and awkwardly stumble as I try to get used to my new stance as a quadrupedal creature. Feeling a weird sensation near my rear, I look behind me and take note of my new appendage in the form of a tail. I watch as it naturally sways in motion as I try to comprehend what’s going on.  I’m shocked and scared as to how this happened to me, but before I could even come close to trying to come to terms with my new identity and body, my ears go upright as I’m greeted to the screams of my best friend.

Looking towards the kitchen, I take sight of my friend, who seemingly just woke up as well based on the fact that he was clad only in a pair of briefs. “Get the hell out of here you dumb cat!” He screams, causing me to ignore my discomfort walking on four legs and instantly go into a fast sprint. A scared yelp comes out of my mouth as I search for an escape. Eventually, my eyes meet an open window close to the couch that I had been calling my temporary home. Eager to escape from the wraith of my best friend, my feline body naturally climbs up the couch until I’m close enough to quickly jump onto the window ledge and slide my thinner body through the cracked window.

Jumping down off the ledge, I expected some sort of pain as my four legs met the pavement, but I’m shocked to feel no twinge of pain whatsoever. Somewhat relieved to not be injured, I lean closer towards the buildings meeting the pavement as I try to avoid the sea of humans walking around with haste from destination to destination. Unsure of where I could go, my mind can only think of James, which I realize was luckily only a few minute walk from my friend’s house. Of course, the trek takes a bit longer given my smaller form, but in no time, I’ve reached the apartment complex that we used to live in. Waiting around, I cower by a mail dropbox on the sidewalk and wait for my chance to get inside.

Eventually, I watch as a woman carrying a handful of groceries finally comes along. I remember her as being an annoying tenant who lives a few doors down from us, but all of that is forgiven if I’m able to sneak my way in behind her. I wait as she gains access to the building and quickly props open the door with her heel so she can pick up her bags of groceries and head on inside before she gets locked out. Knowing that this is my only shot, I quickly dart past her as she struggles to grab every bag. Excited and hopeful that James can help me, I quickly traverse up the stairs and stumble over my paws as I walk toward the door of our apartment. 

Once I reach the door, I attempt to call out for James, desperate for him to hear my pleas and come to my rescue. However, I forget that my body can no longer produce words, so all that could come out of my mouth are a few varying meows. With no response, I lean against the door and use my front paws to slide up the door until I’m back on two legs. I slide my paws up and down against the door, with a scratching noise ringing out as my claws come out and sink deeper into the wood door. 

To my joy, I begin to hear footsteps heading my way until I see the shadow of two feet appear under the crack of the door. I purr in joy as the door opens and I’m greeted to the sight of my ex-boyfriend. He looks up at me in confusion, quickly saying “Well hello there, who are you huh?” and flashing an adorable smile. My body goes rigid as he picks me up and cradles me in his arms. “Let’s go find your owners ok?” he says as he closes the door behind him. Of course, his search for my missing owners is pointless when after an hour of searching, no one in the building is able to claim me as their pet. 

Defeated, he returns to his door and sets me back down on the ground as he looks at me with curiosity. “Well, what should we do with you now huh?” He ponders, trying to think about what the best course of action is. Thinking about it, I knew that there was a likelihood that he could either send me back out onto the street or call animal control to come get me. Worried about that possibility, I knew I had to act fast to try and get him to take me in for the time being. Leaning into my new cat identity, I walk over to his leg and nuzzle against it, feeling somewhat surprised as I purr in contentment at just how good it felt. James couldn’t help but chuckle at my behavior and quickly picked me up and looked down at me being cradled within his tattooed arms. 

“Well, since no one claimed you and you’re too cute to send away, I guess I can keep you for the time being. I’ll post some flyers around town as well, but until then, I guess you can stay with me…” He calmly said to me, which made me feel so calm as he spoke so softly. Leaning down, he kissed the top of my head and ran his fingers behind my ears, which caused a series of purrs to escape from my mouth. I didn’t know it, but James couldn’t help but feel quite happy to have stumbled upon this cat on his doorstep. Given his depression over the breakup, it was as if the universe had given him the perfect gift to move on from his boyfriend’s devastating revelation. 

Bringing me inside, he placed me on his shoulder as he gave me a tour of the place that once used to be my home. It was so strange trying to come to terms with the furniture that I once used daily now looking incredibly daunting and huge due to my smaller size. I was eager to find a way to fix this, but I soon found some problems due to my inability to verbalize my desires or search the internet. After a few months of unsuccessful attempts to get a release from my cat form, I eventually gave up on my quest for becoming a human again. It had been months by this point and I had slowly adapted to my new life. Over time, I forgot more about my old life as Travis, the human and began to accept my new identity as Leo, the cat. The universe seemingly punished me for my behavior, but I couldn’t exactly be mad at the punishment dealt to me. It definitely wasn’t the life I envisioned, but I could at least be thankful that I had the opportunity to be back with James again… one way or another.


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More Posts from Soul-controller

3 years ago



To me, there was nothing better than going to the gym. I got quite the kick out of flexing my muscles for all of the ladies and intimidating all of the other men who wanted to have bodies like mine. The lustful stares from all of the men who wanted nothing more to either be me or worship me were the fuel for all of my workouts. Nothing was better than pumping some iron, getting bigger, and knowing that I was the biggest man here.

Although, I must admit that I did have another pastime at the gym. Call me a stereotype, but I loved to make fun of the various chubs who couldn’t gain muscle or shed their pounds of lard. One particular guy that I loved to taunt was named Chris. The kid was in his mid-20s, which was apparent from the gut that he was sporting. It seemed like too many trips to college dining halls had started to affect the man’s body, so I couldn’t deny myself the luxury of rubbing that fact in. He definitely had potential to look as great as me one day, but his inability to lose any weight was incredibly hilarious as it meant no matter how hard he tried, he’d be stuck with such a chubby body. My daily ritual after a workout was to come up to him in the locker room, slap his gut, and call him “Porky” as I passed by.

However, I had no idea that this time was going to be different for me. It was a late evening in the gym, so we were completely alone in the locker room as everyone preferred to go out partying and going out. I mean sure, I loved to do that too but I wouldn’t let anything get in the way of my gains. Anyway, I came into the locker room after finishing my workout. It was a cardio day, so I was extremely sweaty from the hard work I put in. Deciding the best course of action would be to shower up afterwards, I quickly went over to my locker and stripped down to nothing. I grabbed a towel and slammed the locker door shut. I wasn’t sure if he was gay or something, but I used to catch the dweeb staring at me in the locker room so I decided to give him the full show. With a swagger in my step, I strutted past him as I marched towards the shower. However, when I did my usual routine of ridicule, Chris no longer just took it quietly. “You better watch what you say” he muttered under his breath, which only fueled me to continue my taunt. “And why’s that chubs? What are you going to do about it huh?” I asked, chuckling a hearty laugh as I saw the anger radiating off his wide frame.

Out of nowhere, Chris began to mutter several phrases under his breath. I attempted to listen closer, but it all sounded like some sort of foreign language that was a far cry from my few years of high school Spanish. “Hey asshole, what are you saying?” I angrily cried out, growing more and more uncomfortable as the words flowed faster out of his throat with an angry grit added to it.

Despite my attempts, he refused to break from his chant, which grew wilder and wilder as his voice grew louder along with it. At first I thought he was just fucking around, but when the lights in the locker room began to flicker, I began to grow fearful. Who was this kid and what kind of prank is he trying to play here? Before I could express my anger and demand once more to know what was going on, I felt my body grow rigid. I attempted to move and scream, but it was as if I was bound and gagged to prevent anyone from knowing what was going on. My eyes turned into saucers as I couldn’t comprehend what was going on. This dude had no muscle on his body, so how was he able to get control over me with no physical contact! While stuck stationary in the middle of the locker room, my eyes could only dart side to side as Chris began to move around me. He paced around me in a circle, his eyes squinting in concentration as his voice grew more and more into a joyful yet powerful shout.

As the repetition continued to grow faster and faster, I felt myself beginning to grow shorter. I couldn’t look down, so I could only stare in shock as the eye-level appropriate for my 6’4” frame was dropping by the second. Every attempt to scream and shout was completely muted as I felt a weird itch in the back of my throat. It honestly felt as if my throat was filled with cotton and every attempt to scream and shout only made it harder to breathe successfully. Not wanting to die by choking to death, I kept my silence as I watched myself grow shorter and shorter.

Along with this, I began to feel a light feeling spread across my body. The heft of my muscles and bulky build began to fade away until I felt as light as a feather. If I was free to move at my own volition, I was sure that I would be disoriented and swaying due to the weird sensations coursing through my body. By now, my height had shrunk to the point where I was right below Chris’ knees. Seeing him towering over me like this, I knew that I was quite fucked now. I groaned in pain as I began to feel my body contort in tandem with the weird hand movements that Chris was making while continuing to circle around me. Through some mysterious force, I could only watch as I dropped down to my knees and watched the tan color of my skin begin to fade away. The pigmentation began to change until I was left with an incredibly pale, almost white color solely placed around my thighs and legs. Before I could look any further, pain coursed through my body as my arms bent backwards around me. I wanted to scream and cry as the unbearable pain continued to tug upon my limbs. I couldn’t see it, but the pain in my arms began to fade as the two limbs fused together. The pain then moved over to the section of my legs touching the ground while in the kneeling position. Tears began to flow from my face as I felt the remaining section of my legs expand like chewing gum until they too also became attached to the continuous circle formed out of my two arms. Now off-kilter, I fell backwards and onto the cold floor, but every sensation felt weirdly muted. Out of nowhere, I began to feel an incredible pressure clamping down onto the top of my head. As my head collapsed into my torso, the last image I saw before everything went black was Chris’ gleeful smile. With these final moments, a dry wheeze escaped from my dry lips. As I fully crumpled onto the floor, I had little idea that that would be the last noise I ever uttered as a human.

When I regained my vision, I found myself looking directly up at the ceiling. The lights above me shined brightly, but any attempt to close my eyes or turn away was useless. In my new state, I soon discovered that I also no longer had any range of motion. By this point, I heard Chris’ disembodied chanting finally came to end. Out of nowhere, I saw as he leaned in and looked down at me with a wide smile forming onto his face. “Ah yes, thank you so much for all of those days of ridicule. Without it, I never would have attempted to learn about black magic.” He said, a villain-like laugh echoing through the empty locker room as he picked me up. My field of view looked up at him and grew shaky as I saw each foot lift up and run against what used to be my arms and legs. Despite my offkilterness, I couldn’t deny the waves of pleasure that reverberated through my body with just a single touch of my former victim. With his legs now running against me, I could only stare in complete shock as Chris used his arms and pulled me closer to him. By this point, the only thing I could see was the flab hanging off of his body and his head that showed up in between the valley of his flabby man-tits. Before I could comprehend what was going on, I felt motion as he began to walk over to the mirror. When he stopped his motion, I struggled but successfully began to move my vision elsewhere so I was looking straight ahead. However, as I looked forward and into the mirror, I finally saw what had become of me. I had become his new jockstrap! 

I wanted to cry, to begin sobbing for the chubby man to turn me back to my real body. However, I knew it was impossible despite my attempts. Jock-straps can’t talk, so I knew that was impossible as I was no longer given the gift of vocal cords. “I’m sure you’re freaking out, but please don’t be scared. I’m planning on taking good care of you Brycen” he said. “See, with this spell, I gain all of your knowledge while wearing you. By wearing you at every workout, I’ll learn how to become a fitness master in no time. No longer will I be the “porker” you once described me as. I’ll become the new king of the gym and gain the body I always dreamed of having.” 

As he mentioned those words, I began to feel a shift occur from within my brain. An intense sense of calmness began to overtake my mind as I began to comprehend what my new form was. With this new attitude adjustment, I found myself no longer worrying about gaining my body back or having muscles. As Chris’ favorite jockstrap, my only focus became about being worn and feeling the sweat soak through my fabric form. I was like an addict needing a hit, desperately craving for Chris to wear me and do an intense workout. 

My wish was seemingly granted as I felt my vision hindered by the pair of athletic shorts that he put over me. As he walked, I felt his semi-hard manhood throbbing against my fabric, which only made me more and more eager at my new possibilities as a jock-strap. Hopefully, after a good workout, I could expect Chris to wear me more and more as he gained the hunky body he’s always dreamed. Given that he’s my master now, I couldn’t deny that it would be a pleasure to help him achieve his dream. I’d be more than willing to help him with anything he desires, although I could appreciate him a bit more if he could give me a taste of bodily juices beyond just simple sweat...


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4 years ago

Hello Sir, I was wondering if you could help me out. I’m an average 36 year old 3/4 white 1/4 Mexican guy. I’ve always been jealous of my adopted Japanese 24 year old twink brother. Is there a way you can make me more like him or understand things from his point of view better? Thank you for your assistance!

Becoming A Younger Twin

It had always been a struggle for you to relate to your brother, especially given your older age of 36 while your youngest brother was only 24. The level of disconnect only furthered as you realized that you both grew up in different cultures and thus lost the ability to bond over similar life experience. You were close with your middle sibling, a 34-year-old biological brother named Dave, so you desperately wanted to form that same brotherly bond with your new sibling. However, after your family adopted Johnny, you found every attempt of yours to grow close to him failed. You guys were both very different in terms of personality and those previously discussed differences didn’t help at all in terms of mending the bridge between you and your adopted brother. 

However, after several years of attempting to grow close, you eventually gave up on forming that brotherly bond. It wasn’t that you didn’t want to grow close to him, the problem was that you never knew how to approach it so you could help relate with him. I could understand your annoyance with this problem, so it definitely makes sense why you reached out to me to help you out. Luckily, I’ve come up with a great idea on how to fulfill your wish… 

It seemed to me that the best idea to allow you to grow closer to your brother would be to turn you into his twin. No longer would you have to worry about the dynamic of being older or younger than him. Now, you’d both be on equal footing and have to go through the same experiences together in life.

As I declared my wish for you, the changes in your body quickly began. Moving away from your computer, you were left speechless at just how quickly I granted your wish. Looking into your wall mirror, you were happy to see your older body quickly youthened down to your new age of 24. Wrinkles quickly dissolved from your body as your skin began to radiate in its newfound youth. With your body finishing up the final stages of growing younger, any excess flab due to being a working adult quickly dissolved off of your body and left you with the same twinkish body type as your brother.

With your age changes completed, your body continued to tingle with magical influence, making you realize that my changes weren’t quite finished. Taking off your clothes due to the combination of the tingle and a radiating heat, you could only watch in excitement as your body began to inflate with muscle. A toned stomach quickly reformed as a six-pack of cobblestone abs pushed out and your frail arms buffed up into a decent yet intimidating set of biceps. You felt a searing pain radiate off your chest, and you could only look down and groan in pain as a large tattoo faded into existence on top of your growing pectorals.

Now, cosmetic changes continued as your hair grew shades darker from a brownish hue to a jet black color. Your hair then restyled itself into a more youthful style as well, which caused you to smile while running your thinner hands through the thick hair you now had. To complete your transition into Johnny’s twin, you stared in the mirror as your white complexion rapidly disappeared and was replaced into an identical complexion as your now-biological Asian brother.

The tingling sensation quickly dissipated from your body as you realized the physical changes had finally completed. Your eyes begin to look around the room and you stare in wonder as reality begins to rewrite itself and change to make it seem as though you’d always been Johnny’s twin. Your decor changes to better match your new life, with decorations popping into existence which celebrates your new heritage and just further showcases your new younger life. Unknown to you, your clothes begin to change as well to become better accommodating for your new life.

As I finish rearranging your room, you feel a slight static shock shoot through your brain when I send in tons of new memories that detail your journey to becoming the adopted child of the parents who used to be your biological ones. Although you were Johnny’s twin, memories inform you that you were now the youngest twin, being born just a few minutes after Johnny. I couldn’t help but add a little twist to your wish and make it so now you’re both a twin and the youngest sibling in the family now. With new memories also informing you of your new relationship with your once-biological brother Dave, you couldn’t help but smile as my reality rewrite made it so now you’re close with both of your siblings now. 

With my mental changes, I decided to leave in the memories of your old life this time so you’d always know who you used to be. Given your desire to become close to Johnny, I figured it would be a good idea to keep those old memories, so you could remember all of the brotherly things you never got the chance to do with him. It was my way of reminding you and encouraging you to do those things you’ve always dreamed of. 

Leaving you alone to fully comprehend your new life after finishing my changes, you couldn’t help but smile as you realize that your wish has finally been fulfilled. You had now been given the ability to become closer to him than ever before. By becoming his twin, you now could relate to him on a whole new level and thus form that brotherly bond you had spent years desiring.

As if on cue, you hear a knock on the door and Johnny’s voice is heard from the other side of the door. “Are you ready?” he asks, which causes you to dive deep into your memories and figure out what he’s referring to. Within no time, you remember your plans with him to go to the beach to be horny young men and try to pick up some potential suitors.

Wasting no time, you quickly tell him you’ll be down in a second and you look around in your new wardrobe to find the perfect bathing suit to pick up some lovers. Fumbling around in your dresser drawers, you eventually find a blue-striped speedo and decide this was the perfect choice. Putting on a pair of athletic shorts and a snug tank top that shows off your impressive build, you quickly bound down the stairs and head out with Johnny towards the beach.

During the trek to the beach, you felt so happy as you and Johnny naturally engaged in conversation and playfully treated each other as brothers like you’d always wanted. Time passed so seamlessly that you didn’t even notice as you traversed from the grassy pathway into the sandy beach. The only time when it was made clear to you was the moment when your flip-flops immediately allowed your toes to become engulfed in the hot sand. 

Heading into the changing room with Johnny, you quickly take off your shorts and tank top and shower off after Johnny finishes. As you head back towards the beach, your face permanently has a wide grin plastered over it as you can’t help but feel so happy about your new life. Not only could you be closer to your brother, you now had a rocking body and a new chance at enjoying your youth. And based on how great you both looked, it seemed like a no brainer that you both were going to have a great night as well...


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4 years ago

Ouija Boards Don’t Have A Sense of Humor

This idea was a request by @leothunder21. If you have a story idea you’d like me to write, feel free to send it in here! ​

You originally scoffed at the idea of playing with the board with your friends, but after a few drinks and an open mind, you eventually gave into their pleas. You weren’t a believer in the supernatural, so you found it hard to believe that using a ouija board would end up with any fun result. To you, it was just a dumb parlor trick that was able to fool the lighthearted and those desperate for evidence of life after death.

When the game first started, the group began by asking for any spirits to make their presence known. After a few attempts, their questions were completely ignored and elicited no response. To try and join in on the fun, you called out “Spirit, make yourself known!” and chuckled. Out of nowhere, the planchette quickly slid across the board, pulling everyone along with it in a single swoop. Everyone else gasped and cried out in shock, but you were not convinced. Assuming that it was just a joke, you cockily declared “Well, what do you want then?” 

You and your friends meticulously watched the board as the planchette dashed across the board letter by letter. “B-O-D-Y” it spelled out, which made you chuckle at such a predictable answer then. Your friends were still sure that the board was real and begged you to leave it alone, but you wouldn’t give it up. “If it’s a body you want, come and take mine then. I’m not sure anyone would want a body like this though, even a ghost has standards...” you stated. And it was somewhat true, you weren’t the ugliest guy ever, but you certainly weren’t in the top 100 guys that someone would wish to look like. Overall, you were quite average and your clothing didn’t help your case, which only emphasized your lanky body and average demeanor. 

Apparently though, the spirit talking through the board was willing to take you up on the offer. Your face quickly drops from a cocky smile to a look of amazement as a billowing plume of smoke manifested out of the plastic viewfinder in the center of the planchette. Your friends gasped in shock, but both you and your friends could do nothing as the smoke darted towards you. It took only a few seconds, but it felt like an eternity for you as the smoke shot down your nose and throat. You could only gag and choke on the smoke, but right as you felt yourself reaching the brink of asphyxiation, you suddenly drifted off into a state of slumber.

When you wake up, you find yourself laying on a dark black floor. Unsure what was going on, you frantically search around as you find yourself lost in a seemingly endless dark void. Upon a second inspection, your eyes suddenly recognize a form manifesting out of the void. Within several seconds, you watch as a hulking brute of a man materializes in front of you and gives you a devilish grin. “Well hello there” he said, his husky voice echoing within this darkness you now found yourself in. “Who are you? What do you want?” You respond, your tone pointed to tell the man you weren’t intimidated by him. “You know who I am, you invited me into your body” he chuckled, which made you begin to realize that this was some form of ghost. 

As a look of panic began to spread over your face, the man directed you to remain calm. He detailed his story about how he was an up-and-coming jock who was killed in a freak accident. For years now, he’d been searching for a host to help him have an opportunity at life once more, so he was ecstatic when you willingly offered up your body to him. When you asked him if he was going to take control of your body and leave you here, he chuckled and curtly stated that he had no desires to trap you deep within the trenches of your mind. Instead, the specter proposed a new deal that would be beneficial to the both of you. By accepting his deal, he stated that he would be able to help you become an irresistible man that would demand attention and respect. By merging your souls, you would be given the opportunity to be the assertive man you had always longed for. The spirit’s demands were fairly simple, where he would be allowed to have access to all of your senses and thus get to experience life once more (even if he was permanently in the passenger seat). He asked for the ability to mentally communicate with you when necessary, where he would only offer tips and tricks when it came to becoming a jock like he once was. 

You stood there, thinking about your possibilities. If you refused, there was always the possibility that the ghost’s demeanor would change and thus punish you for not agreeing to its terms. As you considered the deal, you realized that it wasn’t a completely terrible one. By letting this spirit take up a residence within you, you’d remain in control and become a buff jock like you always wished. On top of that, you’d be allowed to maintain your intelligence and personality to become a truly triple-threat with a killer body, a high IQ, and an approachable yet cocky personality. 

After a few more minutes of thinking it over, you looked at the spirit and placed your hand forward. “It’s a deal then”, you stated with a smile. The ghost returned the pleasantry and shook your hand and flashed a bright smile.

For moments, everything went dark, but things were happening while you remained unconscious. In the real world, your friends began to gasp as your body began to contort and twist in a gruesome fashion. Your body let out natural grunts and growls during the contortions, but that wasn’t all that was happening. Your arms tensed up as fists clenched, but to your friends’ surprise, your arms began to explode with muscle. With the visual resembling a balloon being blown up, your friends could only look in shock as biceps inflated into existence and forearms thickened to create two intimidating arms. The changes continued downward as your body continued to inflate with muscle. Your thin torso soon began to explode, with hefty pectorals manifesting within seconds and stretching your shirt to the absolute brink of ripping. One-by-one, abdominal muscles emerged and popped into place down your stomach. With these changes finishing on your torso, your stretched t-shirt ultimately lost the battle and ripped in several places.

With your torso now completed, the changes move a few inches south as it begins to localize around your dick. Even down to the equipment, you were incredibly average. This situation is soon remedied as your dick begins to lengthen several inches and gain a little bit of girth as well. The changes move to your backside, which is clear to your friends as they watch you slowly rise up on the bed. Your ass begins to inflate with a healthy mix of muscle and fat until you’re left with a brand new bubble butt.

The changes once again continue its downward movement, with your legs becoming the new focus. Your friends could only stare at your jean-covered legs, watching as the flesh underneath rippled and waved in a strange fashion. It didn’t take long before your thighs began to grow a musculature that would have only been possible after years of hard work in a gym. Finally, your calves also inflated as well to show that your new body was quite the runner. Much like your t-shirt, your jeans were ultimately no match for your wide thick thighs and ultimately caused the denim to shred. To finish up the physical changes, your body tenses up as your height quickly grows from a normal 5’8” to an intimidating 6’4”. In response, your jeans now look like a pair of capris and your t-shirt begins to ride up until it more closely resembled a midriff shirt.

Now that your body’s musculature had completely changed, a final wave of cosmetic changes began to spread across your body. Through the tattered shirt and ripped jeans, your friends watched as jet black tattoos began to manifest all across your body. Your nerdy friends gasped in response, immediately growing intimidated by just the sight of the fresh ink. As the changes begin to dwindle down, your hair starts to magically recede into your scalp until you’re left with a look of a freshly buzzed hair that only adds to your now permanent look of dominance. While the hair finishes disappearing from your scalp, facial hair also begins to push out of your pores. The wiry brown hair quickly grows out of your face until you’re left with a modest beard. To finish, a little bit of trimming occurs around your mouth with your mustache and goatee area.

Now that your changes are finished, it’s as if on cue when your eyes jolt open. As you return to consciousness, you grumble and groan due to how heavy you feel. “Gosh, that was such a weird dream…” you say, tilting your head in confusion as you hear the deeper voice coming out of your mouth. When you bring your hand up to your face to wipe your eyes and stretch your arms behind your head, your eyes go wide as you see the thick hands and tatted-up forearms and biceps you now had. Watching your biceps bulge through your ripped t-shirt, you grin as you realize that the ghost truly did follow through with his promise. “Thank you” you thought, hoping that the ghost was able to somehow hear your appreciation. You jump at first as you hear the spirit’s voice echo within your mind. “Thank you as well, I appreciate you doing this for me!” he says, a surprisingly cheery tone being noticed in his voice. 

Standing up, you stumble and attempt to remain upright as you attempt to get used to your new weight and center of gravity. You hadn’t expected such a change, but it was understandable given all of the muscles you had just been gifted. Your friends have become totally forgotten in your mind as you head into a bathroom to check yourself out. After flicking on the light and turning towards the mirror, you gasp at just the sight of your new body. Tired of seeing the tattered shirt, you grip the fabric and rip it completely off your body, revealing your inked and buff body. You shift in the mirror and take note of your beefy pecs and flex for your own satisfaction. As you feel your now-larger dick beginning to firm up at the sight of yourself, you decide that it’s best to go out and explore the town. No longer in the mood with playing childish games, you grab your oversized winter coat that now fits perfectly and head out into the night. With a body like this, you were eager to see what the world had to offer you now.

It had been almost a year now since the change and life had only gotten dramatically better for you since then. As it turns out, the spirit used to be a football player, so upon him bring up this fact, you asked him to share that knowledge. Your brain became overstimulated as years of experience flooded your mind. Various plays, tips on how to be the best player, and even experiences that the ghost had in his past life began to spring forth to the front of your mind. After returning to a normal state of consciousness, you decided that it would be a shame to waste this knowledge and ultimately tried out for the team. 

With this built body and his shared knowledge, you immediately made the team and eventually became the star player on the team. In less than a season, you turned a failing football team into a championship winning team. With your meteoric rise, the college bent to any whim of yours to keep you from leaving them. As a result, you were given a full ride scholarship and the full backing of the college as they vowed to help you go pro once you graduate. It was obvious why they would do that, given your meteoric rise and already growing social media following, the opportunity of you going pro would only positively represent and promote their college. The partnership with you and the ghost had turned out to be mutually beneficial for the both of you. Now, you both were looking to accomplish things that neither of you would have ever done solo... 


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4 years ago

Scent Of An Alpha

Hello there everyone, I hope you all are having a wonderful holiday season! This story was created specifically for @transformhim​ based on his requests for the Great Story Exchange of 2020. I hope you guys like the story and I hope it can give you some Christmas cheer in a not-so-cheerful time!

As I heard the knock of the door, I jumped up off the couch and rushed to the doorway. It was Christmas Eve and I had been waiting for weeks for my roommate’s present to show up. The present itself wasn’t something super expensive, but it something that I had heard my roommate Brian constantly talking about with his best friends for months now. Apparently, it was some sort of pheromone-infused cologne, which had given him the idea that along with his killer looks. The product itself promised that while using it, any user would find themselves completely irresistible to any woman they meet. I originally laughed at his interest in the product, since there was absolutely no way it would have worked. I had tried pheromone stuff as well to try and attract a guy, but it truly never worked and smelled awful. In fact, as a woman myself, Brian’s clamoring for a product to give him an edge with the ladies truly just made me less and less interested in him. Sure, Brian was definitely attractive, but the way he acted in public like a total douche truly made me despise him.


Brian and I had been best friends since elementary school as he was a sports star and I was always the head cheerleader for any sport he did. He had tried to make moves on me back in middle school, but I made it abundantly clear that he was not my type. However, Brian had no hard feelings and he began to treat me more like “one of the boys”, which surprisingly made me feel more comfortable instead of getting his wandering eyes anytime we chatted. We both got scholarships to the same school, so although I personally wasn’t a fan of the idea of living with a messy jock, it made economical sense to just get an apartment together and split the rent. Another plus to the situation is it saved us from having to deal with random creeps in a dorm.

Quickly opening the door, I grab the box from the delivery guy, sign for the package, and shut the door faster than the man could say a single word to me. After shutting the door and locking it behind me, I wedge the box between my arm and torso and head into the kitchen. Once near the counter, I quickly open the box and verify that it wasn’t damaged. “Insatiable: A Cologne to Bring Out Your Inner Alpha” was what I was greeted to once I ripped open the box. I laughed as I read it out loud, thinking about how stupid this item is. “Women don’t care about how you smell” I said, continuing to smile at the stupidity of this item. “They care about how you treat them and how compatible you are with each other” I continued with an eye roll and slight chuckle.

Continuing to make sure it wasn’t damaged, I opened the packaging and pulled out the rectangular glass bottle. Of course, to make sure that this product was clearly for men, it was a rigid and angular bottle. I continued to examine it and think about how it must smell. Curious about it, I decided to try it out and get a head start getting used to how bad the apartment is going to smell once Brian begins to wear it whenever he goes out on the town. I press down on the nozzle and I soon find that my curiosity has punished me as my nose was instantly hit with the scent of cedar trees and complete BO. Given how potent and strong it was, I wouldn’t have been surprised if the cologne company just rung out sweaty socks into a bottle and called it a day. I gagged and held my breath while I rapidly fanned my dainty manicured hand away from my face to get the foul odor spread elsewhere.

However, as I waved my hand, I noticed that these dark clouds of cologne were not dissipating and  moving away from me. In fact, it was moving in tandem with my shaking hands like it was glued to them somehow. Squinting to look through the cloud, I begin to feel a vibrating sensation as I watched my hands begin to bulge out. I couldn’t see clearly, but I could feel them growing wider and thicker through the heavy cloud. They were certainly no longer the well-manicured hands of a woman as I watched the red nail polish chip away until my nails were completely bare. Instead, they had grown larger and more callused as they took on the appearance of someone like my father, the definitely of a “working man”. I gasp upon closer inspection as I watched dark hair began to appear more and more prominently on my hands as well. The hair continued to spread up from my knuckles and up my hand as the cloud of smoke finally began to move along with it.

I cried out in shock as I watched the cloud suddenly begin to creep up each arm. My light toned arms began to bulk up as my forearms bulged out and my biceps grew larger and thicker than the lightly toned build that years of yoga had given me. Along with that, I watched as that dark hair continued to grow up my arms and my veins begin to appear more prominently along my forearms.

As the clouds moved up my now-thicker shoulders, they finally began to merge once more as the singular thicker cloud began to move down my torso. Confused and also afraid of what was about to happen, I quickly took off my shirt and bra as I ran into the mirror and watched the changes unfold. I gasped in shock as I began to feel a rough pull in my chest. Looking down, I watched as my once-prominent breasts quickly melted away. As they slowly receded, I watched as my wider nipples also began to shrink as well into smaller more masculine ones. After a moment, I waited before finally moving my hands towards them. As the cloud began to move down, I took the opportunity to look at my new chest. Upon inspection, I realized that it had slowly reformed into a set of fledgling yet still impressive pectorals. Lifting up my arms, I also began to look at the thick pelt of armpit hair now pushing out from my armpits. I tilt my head in and gingerly sniff them, gagging in disgust as I take in the new scent. As I smell it, I begin to recognize it as the potent smell of that cologne. The level of odor permeating from my pits makes it seem as if I had directly sprayed them with the nasty cologne, yet I know that I didn’t. Finally beginning to understand that this cologne is somehow turning me into a man, I groan as I start to think about just how naturally sweaty I’m about to become. My mind immediately thinks about any future workouts I’m going to have and I mentally begin to grasp the idea of having to lather on several layers of deodorant just to stay ahead of my sweaty pits. However, my wandering thoughts about my armpits quickly disappears as I watch the cloud move farther down my body. As it gets closer to my waist, I begin to fear for the upcoming changes to my sexual anatomy.

As my mind continued to grapple with the concept of having a dick, the cloud wasted no time as it continued moving down my body. A slight outward tug along the sides of my torso informed me that my once-hourglass figure was melting away as a new masculine form emerged. A searing pain on the side of my body also causes me to turn and investigate the source with the mirror. I gasp in shock as I look at the new tattoos that have just suddenly appeared on the side of my body. What once used to be a simple toned stomach now had changed as well. My stomach rolled in discomfort as the cloud continued to change my body. With each stomach rumble, I watched as abdominal muscles suddenly formed into existence one-by-one until I had a complete set of abs. I let out a little chuckle as I watched a V (which Brian had told me was the male equivalent of a female’s thigh gap) suddenly emerge on my lower torso as the cloud now firmly stopped around my crotch.

Both curious and scared at the events about to unfold, I dropped my shorts and underwear as I stared at my vagina for the last time. Within no time, I feel an inner tugging emerge from within my vaginal cavity. The tugging lasts for several moments as I watch a tiny nub of a cock head suddenly pop out of my tight slit. This tugging continues, but without any added pain, as the head continues to push forward and bring with it the shaft of my new cock. Inch-by-inch, I watch as it births itself from my anatomy until a thick 5-inch soft cock now slumps downward from my still partially female anatomy. Suddenly, I feel myself go light-headed as I feel a deep tug continue downward. Looking down, I watch as a ball sac slowly slides out of my shrinking slit. I grunt in a bit of discomfort as I feel my two testes push through the smaller slit and drop into my new ball sac. Now finished forming, my male anatomy becomes permanent as I feel my slit permanently close and disappear from existence.

Still a bit afraid of my new cock, I decide against touching it for the time being as the cloud continues down my legs. My curvy yet dainty legs slowly begin to change as well. I watch as the curves begin to fade as more angular muscles over-take and turn them into heavily muscular legs. My eyes continue to stare as the black hair returns and runs down my legs. My thighs, now muscular and incredibly hairy, are a far cry from the curvy yet firm feminine set I had less than 10 minutes prior. My calves bulge out as the muscles of a frequent runner emerge and grow incredibly hairy. Finally, I watch as the cloud reaches my feet as I can feel them grow more masculine. An obvious change occurs as I feel my feet grow a few inches, firmly making it so I can never fit into even my old tennis shoes anymore.

Quickly done with the feet, I watch in shock as the cloud rapidly slides up my body once more and now looks me directly into the face. I gasp and try to hold my breath as I watch it move towards me and engulf the last remnants of my old life. The tingle begins to radiate as I feel my hair begin to pull into my scalp. As I watch it move up my head, I stare at the darkening color begin to emerge from the tips and move up, consuming the bright blonde hair I once had. A baseball cap suddenly materializes and wraps around my head, completely covering my new hair. With no other distractions for me to look at, I’m left to stare helplessly as my eyebrows grow thicker and more prominent and my nose goes from dainty to wider and more angular. My lips grow more masculine as well as my lipstick fades away and my upper lip begins to lose its feminine shape. I continue to hold my breath, but I can tell soon that my attempts to not breath in the fumes will soon be futile if the changes last much longer. I move my hands towards my face and feel as facial hair begins to grow in. My chin grows less curved as a more angular shape emerges, completing my complete physical transformation into a man. Unable to hold my breath any longer, I’m forced to gasp for air and as a result, inhale a large puff of the thick cloud. As I breath it in, I begin to feel incredibly dizzy in my head. Trying to remain sane, I try to think about my old life and remind myself that I’m not a man and I used to be a woman 10 minutes prior. However, as I desperately try to search for any memories of my female life, I find myself drawing a blank. My confusion doesn’t last for long as memories begin to suddenly emerge to my consciousness. Thinking about them, I begin to remember my life and history of playing sports with my bro Brian. I begin to think about growing up, my first kiss with Cindy Wallace in 2nd grade, going on my first date when I was younger. Sleepovers I used to have at Brian’s house after our games also begin to appear in my head as I start to finally calm down. Unknown to me, each prominent memory changes to make me believe that I’ve always been a male. Instead of the name Natalie, the name Nate begins to come to mind anytime I think about myself and who I am. I try to fight it, but the calmness that these new memories provide doesn’t make me put up much of a fight as they overtake me and make me accept this new persona. As the changes begin to finalize, I grow lightheaded and my eyes suddenly close as I fall out of consciousness.

My eyes suddenly open and I feel as if I’m a brand new man. I stare at myself in the mirror and think about how hot I am. Unable to stop myself from my narcissistic self-image, I slide my hand into the pocket of my athletic shorts and pull out my cell phone. Quickly opening the camera, I take several pictures and quickly send them to some girls on Snapchat. I flex in the mirror as I think about how hot I truly am. My thoughts are interrupted as I begin to get constant dings as my eager classmates clamor to screenshot the photos and message me begging to take them out and give them a good time. I laugh thinking about it, it’s so amazing to be so irresistible. It’s especially funny thinking about how eager they are to get with me, even if it’s just for a quick fuck.

These thoughts are interrupted as a loud alarm begins to go off on my phone. I quickly turn it off and gasp as I look at the clock. Pissed at myself about being late, I scold myself and quickly throw on a pair of athletic sweatpants and a Nike shirt before heading out of the door. It’s Christmas Eve here, and me and my bro Brian were going to go bar-hopping to see if we can get each other some hookups and give ourselves a little Christmas cheer before we go work out tomorrow while the gyms are empty.

I’d ask for you to wish us luck, but I’m sure we’ll have no problem getting lucky…


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4 years ago

College is Transformative - Part I


It was a bright summer morning, but even though I’d only been outside for two hours at the most, my pale body was already baking in the August sun. My job for my college newspaper required me to travel through the football stadium and its parking lot with my camera to document the several forms of student engagement found during these big games. Given that I was a rather thin and reserved Engineering student who preferred playing video games than watching sports, I didn’t frequent these events too much, which made this experience feel even more foreign to me. Thinking back to how I was told about my assignment, I really begin to regret not putting up more of a fight to get someone else to take these pictures. But my classmate and the newspaper editor, Bridget, has too much power over me. “Matthew, I know that you’re not the sporty type, but I literally have no one else! This is a big game for the university, so it would be insane not to have any documentation of it. I promise I’ll make it up to you another time!” She pleaded, her sadness and dependency on me made it impossible to resist. I had an obvious crush on her, which made me like putty in her hands. Looking back with anger, I realize that she definitely took advantage of my crush given that she knew how much I hated sports.

Trying to make the most of such an early starting time, I used the first two hours prior to kickoff to get acquainted with the layout of the stadium and snap a few pictures of the various enthusiastic yet already-drunk patrons tailgating. I rolled my eyes at the various shirtless men covered in paint matching our school colors. “Yeah, this whole student pride aspect of this cover story is such bullshit” I thought to myself. “This is just an easy excuse for dumb jocks to show off their bulging bodies and get wasted with the various sorority girls wrapped tightly around their biceps…” I exhaled in annoyance and continued to travel across the hot pavement to take more photos.

After walking through a few rows and documenting the celebration, I finally came across some familiar faces in the form of some classmates. Although they were part of a fraternity, they were surprisingly nice to me, especially this dude named Tanner. We had taken a few classes together since he was also an Engineering major and he always seemed really cool. Although, I do think that he also kind of has some sort of crush on me given how he’s looked at me so intently at times. I don’t find guys attractive, but I will say that it was quite the confidence boost to think at least someone found me attractive. I walk up to them and introduce myself. “Hey there, I’m Matthew from the school paper. Do you mind if I take some pictures of your tailgate?”, I say, which caused Tanner to flash a smile towards me. “Sure thing man, but there’s one condition: you have to shotgun a beer with us.” I look at him with a look of discomfort, which he immediately sees. “Hey, it’s all good man. It’s just one beer, I promise you won’t get in trouble or anything. I’ll do one with you if that makes you feel better.” He says as he flashes his pearly white smile once again towards me. Suddenly feeling somewhat calmed, I shake my head in approval, which makes him hoot and holler in happiness.

Tanner turns away and reaches into a cooler to search for some cold beers while I take some photos of the other tailgaters in his area. Before long, he appears next to me with two ice cold beers. “You ready?” He asks. I nod in agreement as he continues speaking. “This beer is quite special, it’s a special frat recipe that I came up with actually”, he continues with a wink. After he says that, it’s clear that he’s trying to flirt with me in some kind of way. Before I can think about it much longer, he brings his beer up closer and I follow suit. He quickly whips out a pocket knife and pokes a hole in both cans. “Drink now!” he cries, which I quickly do as I chug down his homemade beer. I’m not an avid drinker, but there’s definitely something strange tasting about his beer. At first it seemed fine, but I began to notice some strange aftertaste the more I chugged. Looking over to Tanner, he finishes chugging his beer and turns to me and flashes a thumbs up. “You’ve got this man, you’ve got to drink it all!” I hear him yell as his cries of encouragement somehow manage to get me to completely down the entire can. I quickly finish and drop the can as I gasp for air. While I get reacquainted with the idea of breathing, Tanner quickly comes up to me and snaps a quick selfie on his phone. “Whew, that was… definitely something” I say, still a bit confused why I even agreed to do it. Tanner responds with “Hell yeah, it was awesome bro!” and hands me his phone, where I take a look at the photo.

While looking at the photo, I stifle a laugh at the sight of the photo. In it, I look completely out of place, as if I was somehow photoshopped into it. Standing next to Tanner, a blond 5’11” jock, was a tiny pale nerd, which made it look like I somehow accidentally stumbled into frame if it hadn’t been for the beer can up to my lips. Tanner is a blond fairly muscular dude with tanned skin. His blue eyes are the best part of his face, as they perfectly display his friendliness and approachability. But for some unknown reason, he almost always covers his eyes with various pairs of sunglasses, even while inside. However, that doesn’t stop people from approaching him, which only goes to be a testament to his innate sociability. 


On the flipside, my face screams incredibly average, as my widely spaced brown eyes and thin eyebrows only further display my pasty complexion. That would be the main focal point on my face if not for the huge bulbous nose that was crookedly bent time and time again from my various accidental injuries from school-enforced sports activities. Even my hair is a display of my plainness, as my dark brown hair lies flat and unable to be styled no matter how hard I try. Finally, instead of being shirtless like Tanner, I’m clothed in a grey shirt and some khaki shorts.

My focus on the photo is broken as I hear Tanner begin speaking once more. “You did great man! I didn’t expect you to chug that all the way through. If only you were a jock like me, we could do this all the time!” He said with a chuckle. I flashed a smile towards him and begin to speak. “Haha, yeah I’m sure we’d have some great times. If only that was possible!” I say, eager to just agree so I can get out of this conversation. As I talk to Tanner, I suddenly feel this incredibly radiating heat spread all over my body. Fearing that I was somehow getting dehydrated or some kind of heat stroke, I quickly ended the conversation. “Hey, I’m gonna keep walking around and head inside to take some pictures. It was great catching up though!” I say, before quickly walking away and deciding the best course of action would be to head inside the stadium to get some photos of the student section and possibly a drink of water.

I head up to the admission gate and show my journalism badge, where they quickly verify my identity and let me enter the packed stadium. Walking around, the place is in a state of complete pandemonium as drunk students bob and weave through the various lines in the concessions area. Trying to make the best of the situation, I laugh and start taking pictures displaying the students’ stupidity to showcase the “real” college experience like Bridget said she wanted.

As I’m taking my photos, I’m suddenly overcome with an intense pressure in my crotch. “Damn, that beer went through me fast” I think to myself, unsure how I could have suddenly digested that beer so fast given that I hadn’t drunk anything else this morning except for milk with my cereal. Deciding to try and ignore the sensation, I head up to the student section to start taking pictures of the various decorated students. However, this only lasts for a few minutes before the pressure exponentially grows to the point of heat radiating now solely from my crotch. I quickly run down the stairs and frantically search for a sign leading to a bathroom. Finally finding a sign pointing to a bathroom, I rush inside and slam the door shut.

Unable to hold my urine much longer, I run to the urinal and get my pants undone just in time to prevent me pissing my pants. I sigh in relief as I relieve myself and begin to look around the somehow deserted bathroom. “That’s weird, I would have expected the bathrooms to have long lines” I thought to myself as I continued looking until I turned to my left to face a wall-length mirror. “Oh hey, I didn’t see you there” I say, shocked at the pure size of that beast of a man. He was so big in fact, that I couldn’t even see myself in the mirror. Looking up and down and to the sides, I’m insanely confused by my inability to show up in the mirror even though I’m looking at it. “Hey man, could you move for a second?” I say, before clearing at my throat and putting my hand to my throat due to the random gritty tone my voice had. However, my confusion only grows as I watch the brutish jock of a man mouth the same words and do the same movements. My worry is further justified when I look intensely yet confused at the mirror once more and realize that he (or me?) is wearing the same clothes I was wearing...


Read Part II Here

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