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2 years ago
Their Feelings For You Pick A Card INFO
Their Feelings For You Pick A Card INFO

Their Feelings for You Pick a Card INFO ⇲

Their Feelings For You Pick A Card INFO

!! DISCLAIMER (must read before continuing) !!

I'll be going over your persons feelings for you + how they view you + their intentions + A CHANNELED MESSAGE WOO ♡ leggooooo

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Their Feelings For You Pick A Card INFO
Their Feelings For You Pick A Card INFO
Their Feelings For You Pick A Card INFO

⇢ ˗ˏˋ pile 1 ࿐ྂ !! TW SA DISCUSSED !!

Their Feelings For You Pick A Card INFO

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cards pulled: getting to know each other | chemistry | engagement | religious factors | soulmate | insanity | burned | sexual assault | teacher | loss of a loved one | religious devotion


their feelings ♡࿐ྂ

for a lot of you, this is a relationship that is still developing and your person is starting to get the idea that there is something deeper here. Like, maybe you guys have been talking about yourselves, your pasts, likes and dislikes and they are starting to see how compatible you are. With religious factors coming out I get either you two have compatible religious views, AND/OR this persons feels that you were divinely placed into their life. They couldn't avoid meeting you had they tried as it was an important factor in their next phase of growth. Especially with the soulmate card being on the back of the deck :) I feel that this person may not be exactly where they would like to be in life right now, they may have experienced a "rock bottom" recently, and is attempting to rebuild from that. I think they feel they aren't getting the support they need from everyone around them, but you are one of the only ones who makes sure they keep their head up and knows their worth no matter what anyone says. You make them feel like they can achieve their goals, the two of you fit well together, like the energy just vibes and mixes so effortlessly. No matter if their goal is a creative one, career one, etc. you are one of the main things that motivates them to keep going. They do feel gratitude towards you, you helped this person learn forgiveness. You showed them that their emotions did matter, and deserve their attention. On some level this person feels like they do not deserve you, they may have even told you this.

with the romance card coming out it's just them letting you know directly they do have romantic feelings for you just incase that wasn't clear already! lol. Truly, if this is not a romantic connection you're wondering about choose another pile. There is no room for other interpretations here. I think this person wants to be more direct with you, I know we aren't at their intentions yet, but they FEEL like they have a future with you, like they know this just has to go further. You have been there for them through this hard time, but they want you to be the one by their side when they "take off" I heard lol, maybe this person speaks like that or some are aspiring musical artists. I know that I said most of you are just getting to know each other and then all this deep stuff came out, but it's more like you guys have been around each other but hadn't REALLY paid attention to each other in a romantic way, some of you may have started as friends. Like, you have been there, supporting them, having fun with them and ya'll just vibed together so well that the feelings kinda smacked them in the face, like oh shit I think I actually want to spend more personal time with you. !! TW !! I have said before I feel that this person has been through a pretty rough time. I see for some of you this may have been sexual assault, possibly by an authority figure that your person really trusted. I feel betrayal when I tap into their feelings now, it's possible they didn't know at first that the assault was as serious as it is, and you helped them realize that. I get for some of you the situation is flipped and you are the one who experienced that, for both of you I am sorry, no one deserves to endure something so horrible. I am sending so much healing energy to you and your person.

for another portion of you, you helped this person realize they were suffering from religious delusions and they are thankful for that as well. They have so much love and appreciation for you pile one.

how they view you ♡࿐ྂ

cards: performer | bully | power | children | childhood trauma | balam | vapula | valefor | purson


I just keep hearing that you guys vibe so goooood they think you're so chilllll lol. That's the vibe the song gives me but I am still going to get some cards. When I listen to the song I think of two people laughing and smiling at each other in-between kisses in a hotel room. Cute energy :) with children + childhood trauma you two probably share a similar past, or that's how they see you. You can connect over the things you both have went through, and you build a bond with the trust you create by not putting each other through the same painful situations. This means they see you as someone who is showing them there IS good in the world, there IS someone out there for them that has good intentions. With bully + power they came out right next to each other lol. That isn't anything bad whenever they came out I heard that your persons see's you as a lil fireball haha. Maybe you aren't this way with everyone else but this person certainly knows how to get you worked up and they like to see your reactions. I think to them it just proves how passionate of a person you are + they like seeing you get reactive? to them :) (this is like playful teasing, I am not talking about your person making you intentionally angry). They think you have a big, bright personality that makes it hard for others to not notice you, you have strong boundaries and opinions and you've learned not to let others sway that. Your person admires you for this and thinks you are dazzling. Even though this relationship may still be in the earlier stages, this person has thought about the future and possibly having children with you. They see you as someone who shares their values in life, someone who they think would be a wonderful parent and partner in life. Your person thinks you are so strong for what you have endured in your past as well.

you are so fiery and excitable pile one they loooove this about you. You may be younger than them, and they enjoy that you bring a new, fresh perspective into their life. I think you guys are so funny together lol i've had a stupid grin on my face typing this whole part. They see you as an animated individual, and they like this too. You're like free entertainment to them pile one haha. They see you as someone they want to keep around for awhile, you bring enjoyment into their life. You make them feel like there is something to celebrate, or even better, that they themselves are worth celebrating. I like you and your person, you guys seem like cool peoples. Hell ya.

their current intentions ♡࿐ྂ

cards: romance (again and this is a different deck!) | leadership | torture


tbh this part might not be very long pile one, they have addressed the fact that they fuck with you heavy already lol, and that they want to keep you by their side through the tough times and the good times. So, I apologize if this sounds a little repetitive :). Yaaaaa with the song we already have some more confirmation for what was said before! I mean come on the first lyrics is "baby I love you" lol! I do get for some of you, if you have been through turbulent times with your person then they want to leave that behind you, they intend on doing so and they hope you will want that as well. They think the connection ya'll have is much more important than anything that could try to rip you apart. Even if it's your or their trauma attempting to sabotage the situation, they intend to grow past these triggers with you. Some of you REALLY needed some confirmation that this person has ROMANTIC feelings for you, they DO pile one, and the fact that it is showing up now in their intentions tells me that they are going to come forward with these feelings, get ready! PILE ONE OOOO with romance coming out AGAIN from another deck with leadership that just speaks for itself. Your person wants to take the lead in this relationship, and let you know what they want from you + what they want to give you. Don't worry about the torture card, I think this person just likes the playfully tease you to get under your skin :) they like knowing that they have this effect on you, and you on them.

channeled message ♡࿐ྂ

cards: ace of wands | 10 of cups | temperance | the lovers


I would do anything for you pile one, you are my world. I didn't think it was possible for me to feel this way about another person, or for that person to feel the same way about me! I have so much love for you pile one, you have been there for me through one of the hardest parts of my life, everyone else abandoned me except you. As long as you are by my side, I feel like I can accomplish anything, like we can accomplish everything. You helped me begin to heal my abandonment wound, by showing me that there isn't a mistake in the world I could make that would cause you to look at me any differently than you do. That has done wonders for my self esteem, and for the way I look at myself. You're so fiery, it's nice to see that someone could be so excited about being alive! You make me want to experience new things, it's like you lit the flame that had died out within me. Your passion ignites my passion. I don't know how but I love you already, I hope that doesn't freak you out! You make me so happy, I am willing to compromise on almost anything to keep you in my life. We balance each other out so nicely. It's like I can be the water to put out your fire, and you're the fire that gets my calm waters hot and boiling. You're so funny pile on I love when we get into the moment and are just cracking mad jokes, my face hurts I laugh so much with you.

I do have some anxiety about reaching out to you about my feelings, but this mostly comes from my own insecurities about myself. Sometimes I just don't feel good enough for you pile one you're so amazing I have no idea how someone like you could fall for a fuck up like me....I know you say I am not a fuck up but sometimes I still feel like I am, and get caught up in those thoughts. I try to remember what you told me in those moments and it helps me get out of my own head. Eventually, I will come forward and be direct with you, I think i'd go insane if I tried to keep all of these feelings to myself any longer.

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chloesworldiscool 2023 ©

Their Feelings For You Pick A Card INFO
Their Feelings For You Pick A Card INFO

⇢ ˗ˏˋ pile 2 ࿐ྂ

Their Feelings For You Pick A Card INFO

photo credit ♡

cards pulled: calling in your soulmate | trust | stay optimistic about your love life | wedding | forgiving and learning | government | fall of civilization | maritimer | enslavement | rise of civilization | wisdom keeper


their feelings ♡࿐ྂ

for my pile twos I get the idea that a lot of you are already committed to your person. if you aren't, then they do want to be committed. For those of you that are already in a relationship with your person, they have romantic feelings for you of course, and they see you as their soulmate. They feel like you flew into their life suddenly and knocked them out with your love haha! Like it really smacked them out of nowhere. Maybe when they met you they were still getting over an ex, and thought that love wasn't for them, like they could never get it right and them BOOM here you come, their literal idea of perfection. You occupy your person's mind often, they feel like ever since you appeared in their life you have been a constant thought on their mind. If your person did have some exes that were less than kind to them, your person feels like you have helped them heal through the pain that caused them. You helped them see that they needn't dwell on the past anymore when there is nothing that can be done to change it. Your person was stuck before they met you pile two, and then here you came to shove them in the right direction, lol you said it's time to moooooove! They appreciate you for this, very much so. If you two are separated by distance or otherwise they want to let you know that they miss you and think of you often.

they feel like the two of you have built a relationship on top of a strong foundation. You two have a friendship that could overcome anything, and that makes for a wonderfully strong relationship. You helped them trust themselves again, and others. Your person is really invested in you pile two, they feel that you can into their life to help them build an empire, for the both of you. They are bringing up the opposites of the rise and fall of something, traveling and exploring vs feeling trapped. They feel that you have shown them where they have been trapping themselves, and not listening to their own guidance. It's like their feelings for you brought on the destruction of what was untrue in their life, to shine light on the ashes and truth beneath the lies. This some deep stuff pile two! How did they make you feel?! You are so wise and smart to them pile one, they love and cherish your advice.

how they view you ♡࿐ྂ

cards pulled: imprisonment | religious devotion | military | communications | allocer | camio | amon | sallos | andrealphus


with the song, I get the idea that maybe your family or friends may not like your partner? Either that or they have some choice words for them. I think you and your person have been through some tough times together that only the two of you could understand the depth and love of. Here, your person is reminding you that you know what the truth is between the two of you and if you don't then all you need to do is ask them. They love you and care for you no matter what anyone else tells you about them okay?! This came out heavy lol. Anyways, your person sees you as someone so precious to them, like you could do no wrong in their eyes. They would love to sweep you away on your own and take you somewhere to be alone with them, away from everyone else and the world I heard. Maybe the two of you are a misunderstood couple, and your person wishes to just be alone with you so they can enjoy you in peace. That's another thing, they see you as their peace, as the person who understands them the most. They trust you pile two and they hope you trust them also. okie dokes pile two i'm getting that your person sees you as imprisoned somehow? For some I am getting that your family is controlling and keeps you under locks somehow, or tries to keep you from seeing your person. Maybe you grew up in a strict environment. For a small portion of you, you may be in the military and your person misses you. For another portion you could be on a religious trip. No matter what though, if you are apart from your person they are wanting to reach out to you with the communications card coming out.

your person sees how devoted you can be to a cause and they love this about you, you really put your all into the things that you do and they can tell. Your person sees you as someone who is both emotionally mature, and a bit distant. Sometimes you may tend to push your partner away to take space to analyze your emotions, or you could get a bit snippy when you are upset or overwhelmed. Awww I see that you are someone who has a special connection with them, you are their equal pile two, you guys fit together like two peas in a pod. You balance them out, and make them feel that they can start over whenever they need to. Your energy reminds them that life is not stagnant and we are always working to be our best selves.

their current intentions ♡࿐ྂ

cards: a time for healing | your commitment is being tested | meditate


one step closer - linkin park

I see that your person may think you need some distance right now, possibly you are struggling with mental health and need a moment to gather yourself. I see that if they could, they would like to take you out to try some fun activities to try and get your mind off of what is concerning you. They understand that if you guys have been getting into arguments lately that this is because of the stress you are under, they know that these conversations are only being brought up to make your relationship stronger. With your commitment is being tested + a time for healing your person's intentions are that they want to endure whatever this situation is with you. As the card states, they only see this as a test, one that the both of you will overcome together. They also intend to help you relax, as they notice that is something you are in need of right now.

channeled message♡࿐ྂ

cards: hold your vision | look at the bigger picture | 3 of swords | queen of swords | the sun


all the things she said (cover) - poppy

I think about you all of the time pile one, I cannot get you off of my mind. Your words, your face, your body, all of you. I want to help you get your mind off of things.....I have been thinking about just taking you away on a vacation for just the two of us. I want to see you happy, and smiling again pile two I can't stand to see you upset. Who cares what anyone else thinks? I make you happy and you make me happy, if other people want to judge us for being in love then let them. I hope they find something like we have one day. I know things are difficult right now, but I am here for you, I always will be. I am so proud of you for keeping to your boundaries and keeping your vision for our future strong. Let's just take a moment to look at how far we have come, take a moment to enjoy the moment with each other. I know you are sad right now, but you will heal, and I will be here with you every step of the way, healing right along with you. Clarity will come on the painful situation when it is meant to. Right now though, I want to help get your mind off of all of the things that have you down, I want to make you laugh come on pile two you know you want to. Let's have some fun, however you want to :)

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chloesworldiscool 2023 ©

Their Feelings For You Pick A Card INFO
Their Feelings For You Pick A Card INFO

⇢ ˗ˏˋ pile 3 ࿐ྂ

Their Feelings For You Pick A Card INFO

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cards: romantic feelings | true love | unrequited love | it is safe for you to love | secret admirer | secret society | healer | athlete | health issues


their feelings ♡࿐ྂ

well, the song is it's own message lol. We know that they want to get physical with you. Apart from that though, I get that you are a divine connection to this person. You get them closer to the higher power they believe in, and thus, to themselves. Ooooo this person sees you as an angel almost, like you come to them in their darkest moments to drag them back to the surface of reality. But now, instead of dreading waking up everyday, they now have a undeniable thirst for life, that you've woken up within them. This is a highly spiritual connection. I shuffled the song first, so i'm happy to see true love + romantic feelings also coming out! This persons feelings for you come full circle, they have both romantic and sexual feelings towards you :). with unrequited love coming out with it's safe for you to love, possibly this person hasn't outright confessed their feelings for you and they are afraid you do not feel the same. It's also possible that you had turned this person down before because you were unable to accept the love they were giving you. BUT I do see that secret admirer just popped out, so it's more likely that this person hasn't let you in on the extent of their feelings for you just yet. Good thing we're snooping just a lil lol. They feel like this situation is still unfolding, like the two of you have unfinished business together and only time can tell where this will go. It's kind of funny because it feels like they are hyping themselves up to tell you their feelings, the cards coming out are like "this is the only life I have and I will only take my soul and my memories nothing else" and "push the negative thoughts to the side making way for new possibilities". Like they're motivating themselves to just do it!

with healer + health issues your person may see you as a saviour almost, like you are able to tend to their wounds and nurse them back to health. Since your person has all of this built of tension + they seem to be keeping their feelings a secret, you two may be separated at this time. Some are not though! Your person does not want to give a whole lot but I do see that they have feelings for you that they do think are worth exploring, they are waiting for something though. This feels like something divine timing will take care of for the both of you, the only thing the both of you need to worry about is being able to be honest with each other about your feelings.

how they view you ♡࿐ྂ

cards: religious devotion | astral experience | discrimination | truth seeker | furcas | zepar | bael | gremory | paimon | crocell


okaaaayy wow, don't let this person hide you pile three you deserve better than that. But i've only pulled the song, I will check the cards also. Possibly if there was any kind of relationship to be had between the two of you, it was undercover, it wasn't official and this person did not want to put it out there. So yeah, with discrimination coming out, this person may be afraid that something about your guys relationship will cause them to be judged harshly. So, they want to keep what you guys have underwraps. With religious devotion, I see your person acknowledging that you are very devoted to any cause you put your mind to, they admire this about you. Maybe they see it as easier for you to do the things that you want to do without fear of judgement and they want to learn how you do that. You and this person may be meeting in the astral realms or in your dreams while you sleep, you may or may not be conscious of this. This is just another confirmation that your person sees this connection as highly spiritual, like a soul mate or twin flame!

yesss I love typing these as I live pull because I can see the reading coming together with the rest of the cards! We have the empress, the emperor and the lovers coming out here. They do see you as a counterpart of theirs, possibly the one they have been waiting their whole life for. But what they didn't realize, is that person would be you? They see you as beautiful pile three, and abundant. If you practice divination they love this about you and find your spiritual side endearing. You balance them out and vice versa, they are learning patience with you. I see them noticing your fiery side here, they see you as someone passionate and creative. You can keep up with their banter and it makes them want to explore your mind more. They are fascinated by you. With the hermit, they see you as someone more reserved, maybe a virgo or virgo tendencies. You are a wise, old soul who has plenty to share with the world. I am also getting that you sparked a spiritual awakening for them that caused their own hermit mode.

their current intentions ♡࿐ྂ

cards: step out of your comfort zone | confidence is key | emotions are running high | 6 of cups | the chariot | strength | queen of pentacles


so their current intention did sort of come out in their feelings section, a lot of the piles people have been mixing their answers in the other sections haha! But anyways, I see here they intend to come forward with their feelings. It seems like they are overwhelmed with the amount of tension that has built up by them keeping their feelings hidden from you. They have a internal need to express how they feel, and they are working up the confidence to do so! :). This is really good to see in the intentions as we have a lot of cards that indicate movement here. The chariot and the six of cups tells me that if you are separated from your person then they wish to be back together with you. With the chariot this is even better news because they are putting together a plan and making moves to get back into your life. They intend to show you the strength of their feelings for you, and they hope to be well received. With the queen of pentacles, they do have long term intentions here. They wish to nurture and grow the connection into something more.

channeled message ♡࿐ྂ

cards: ace of wands | queen of wands | 10 of swords + knight of cups | knight of pentacles.


we deserve a chance to openly express ourselves to each other pile three, I feel like there is so much that needs to be said and yet when I get around you I cannot find the words. Maybe you can't find those words either but I know we both have this feeling. I want to get to know you, all of the things that make you the way that you are, I want to be with you when you grow into what you're supposed to be. I want you to see me at my best as well. We both have so much that we could share with each other, you're so interesting to me. I love to see you talk about the things you are passionate about, it's one of the things that drew me to you in the first place. I love that you have such a dualistic personality, you can be so reserved but so passionate and fiery too. You really are a sight to be seen. I have been thinking a lot about how I want to share my feelings with you, I am so afraid you're going to turn me down haha, but even if you did at least I let you know how I really feel, I owe you that.

I am ready to start a new cycle with you, I want to be able to show you how good I could be to you....I know it's hard to believe but I think I will surprise you with how well I can love you. We need only to let each other in, and to let the universe take care of the rest.

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chloesworldiscool 2023 ©

Their Feelings For You Pick A Card INFO

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2 years ago

18+Sexual Chemistry W/Your FS!

So I’m back with another sexy PAC for you guys I haven’t done one in a minute and they’re my favorite types of readings to do plus I made a new sexy Oracle message deck I would love to try out with you guys! Anywho, here’s the sexual chemistry between you and your FS! *THESE PHOTOS AREN’T MINE. BREATHE IN, HOLD, & BREATHE OUT 4 Seconds each and once you’re centered choose between these 4 piles and get started with your chemistry with them. As always this is a GENERAL reading take what resonated & let the rest roll off to someone else! Thanks boos!

18+Sexual Chemistry W/Your FS!
18+Sexual Chemistry W/Your FS!
18+Sexual Chemistry W/Your FS!
18+Sexual Chemistry W/Your FS!
18+Sexual Chemistry W/Your FS!

Pile 1:

Aww so cute! You two mesh together when you guys have sex this is a very powerful sexual connection because you two feel like you become one when you have sex. It’s like Yin & Yang, perfect fit chemistry, you two are very attracted to each other. Physically and spiritually as well. Sex is an outer body experience for the both of you. It may be scary to some because maybe you’ve never experienced this type of wholeness before maybe your FS hasn’t experienced this, either way I feel it may trip you guys out the first time you actually have sex but in the best way it’s going to feel sorta trippy ha like the photo you were drawn too isn’t that funny? Your sexual chemistry with each other is like the sexual magic epitome. Sex helps you both ascend and heal, I think you learn a lot about yourselves & each other during sex. So romantic & intense. “I can stare at you all day vibes”. Eye contact is big here which gives me love at first sight type of vibes for some of you, also another confirmation with major physical attraction between the two of you! Your FS or both of you maybe voyeurs, you’ll get turned on watching each other Esp your FS they will get off just watching you doing you I mean even just you live everyday life will turn your FS I feel. They think you’re everything they want in a person. Staring into each others eyes during sex, falling deep into your cosmic pleasurable bliss, that’s the outer body confirmation again. Very powerful deep and intense chemistry you two got. Scorpionic vibes! You two like to masturbate in front of each other, or they touch themselves and you watch vice versa. I’m also getting big sexting vibes here, expect them nudies or expect to send them nudies boo cos you’re going to be so comfortable doing that with them. They’re you’re whole world, I feel. I think it’s the same with them as well, this is a HIGH VIBE soulmate for some! Sex in showers, tubs, jacuzzi’s, pools, beaches, it seems like this is a very wet chemistry as well you two love getting dirty while getting clean together. Okay for my feminine energies (Gender don’t matter, well Atleast not to me 🤷🏽‍♀️), you’re the more dominant party I feel and your FS is so loyal and submissive to you, literally you own them, they worship you. They see you as a badass and for those who are interested in BDSM they see you as their mistress (a dominant woman)! Femme Fatale vibes they look at you as a fucking badass bitch! Powerplay I’m seeing so I think for some it’s straight up femdom the rest I feel it’s a switch kind of thing where sometimes they’re the dominant one. You have total monopoly over their thoughts and actions especially in the bedroom! Intense and spiritual in the sweetest way. You two love playing the “So you got somebody” game. Cheating kinks one or both of you have where you have an affair with each other, go to the bar or club or whatever and act as if you don’t know each other and seduce each other even though you’re married (to each other). It’s very cute and creative. You two flirt with each other heavy, always something cute and charming to say to make the other smile and blush. I think that one or both of you like each others voices. Cat & Mouse chase me mind games. You both are so playful and mischievous even after you’re married you’ll still play hard to get and make each other work for attention and affection (not in a negative way, playfully). Very playful and sweet chemistry I think that’s a light way to approach your intense chemistry because no doubt this is heavy! Netflix & Chill sessions. Some of you guys may have started this connection off as a casual fling of friends with benefits situationship, but I’m seeing that sometimes you have an unemotional approach to sex where you disconnect emotionally idk if that’s another light approach or again you two just started off this way but I am getting a more casual vibe, no cuddles just sex type of thing. Shower Sex came out again🚿! Lots of shower sexy time for you two! Wet sessions I feel your chemistry is very moist 😂 you guys are always drenched in juices of all

Kinds if you get my drift 😜 😜. Ha again to my feminine energies, some or most of you are sleeping princesses and your FS don’t mind putting in that extra work, especially if you demand them too! Ayo! WORK THEY ASSSES THEY WANT TO BE DOMINATED BY YOU! You’re not to extra or loud or aggressive or whatever someone may have made you feel like you’re a fucking badass and your a FS wants you to embrace all those sides of you! Take it out on them lol I heard “please” they will be begging you to take out your dominance on them, tell they ass what to do and they’ll happily comply they want to be controlled by you, (in bed). Some I feel in life, BD/SM lifestyle (As a mistress myself trust it’s empowering for both parties). Oral sex again all this wetty wet wet confirmation between you two! Sitting on their face or them sitting on your face (BOTH)! Will be happening on way more than one occasion, they love eating you out or sucking you off and they enjoy it when you do it to them as well, very much mirroring energy you guys reciprocate energies. Both parties are satisfied I heard. Good! You both crave each other, like a drug, feening hard and I feel you don’t give a fuck who knows or who got something to say about it. Lip biting and aggressive makeouts, y’all are so into each other! Your sexual chemistry is very passionate not just for the sex but for each other! Adrenaline rushes get you both turned on, I’m not feeling big exhibitionist energy but maybe for one or two of you it’s here. Bad deeds get you turned on so dangerous can be your sexual chemistry too!(just be mindful bad deeds can have consequences, be safe period). Enjoy that adrenaline rush everyone I feel should have that! I feel like you both are restrained, your sexual chemistry seems a bit restrained on the intimate level because of a fear of judgement, maybe you or them got judged from someone who got to close and made you feel like shit so I’m seeing maybe this is why the FWB (Friends with Benefits) shit had appeared. You’re afraid of intimacy or your FS is so there’s som guardedness in your chemistry like you’re afraid to let lose or let someone see you, this makes me sad. You two are the “Get A Room” couple, you don’t care who the fuck is around you cannot and WILL NOT keep your hands off of each other. Always touching on each other and if you’re having a movie night or game night with friends best believe your FS’s hand is under the blanket; stroking or fingering you, grabbing your ass mid convos with someone, they don’t give a fuck literally they don’t give a fuck they just wanna touch you! Raw is your chemistry with your FS! No condoms (please be safe). You two love that skin to skin contact with each other I’m hearing that outer body experience again, I think sex opens. You two up and tackles that fear of intimacy maybe sex will help with that restraint? Lol this is my badass feminine pile because all the feminine energy is coming out lol, my sugar baby wifey’s you want to be appreciated, spoiled, pampered, fucked, married and claimed, MAKE THAT SHIT BE KNOWN! Your FS will buckle they whole life for you (if your the masculine reading this get ready for your wifey to turn you into a simp sorry but you won’t care TRUST! It’ll be too good for you to give a fuck about looking like a simp). Nudes and videos I said it didn’t I? Well if I didn’t here it Is and if I did CONFIRFUCKINGMATION!!!!!!! Expect nudes, videos, voice messages of them moaning, you make their dick jump and their pussy leak they want you to see it. Very sexy and badass dynamic. Even at work it’s going down! They will pop up at your job or you at theirs and pull each other away to the back room for a little work session of your own you little freaks! Yasssss 👏🏽

Quick little sexy message from them: “Lakes, Rivers, Ponds, Waterfalls, Oceans, Beaches. I will fuck you in every single body of water known to man beach sex is a must for us baby!(didn’t that come out in the dynamic??? I think it did something about water??? I think that it’s confirmation I’m not sure 🤔)! I love being tied, gagged & bounded. Cuff me to the bed, hang me upside down, constrain me so I can’t move a muscle so that I’m at your mercy. Kissing, biting, licking & tracing your lips is what I fantasize about. I love your lips they’re so mesmerizing & I get lost in space kissing you. My senses come alive. Electric! ⚡️. You’re a star! My own personal pornstar. Let’s record? Make our own movie. Rated EP for endless pleasure. For our eyes ONLY! I promise now smile for the camera sexy. (OOh sex tapes). I’ve never let this loose before. I’ve held back & kept it blocked, but with you, the animalistic beast has awakened in me & I’m ready to take it all out on you. I’ve been afraid before now I am free! (SEEEEEEEEEEE!!!! I was right! Sex will open them up and bring their guards down yasssss they answered the question I didn’t even ask to answer). Spit in my mouth, your spit tastes like jolly ranchers in liquid form, we’re some spit swapping freaks, 🤤. Swallow my cum, let me swallow yours, wet kisses, oral, wet everything open wide! (AGAIN WITH THE WETNESS)! Let’s get dirty while getting clean together, seems like we’re fucking in the rain isn’t that awesome? Your pussy as wet as the shower and I can’t wait to bathe in it babe Til then bye now” 💋- Yours.

(YOU. YOUR FS. & WATER! WTF IS THE DEAL?? I also think this shows how much EMOTIONAL your chemistry is with this person).

18+Sexual Chemistry W/Your FS!

Pile II

Dirty while getting clean, we’re starting off similar to P1, I’m seeing lots of water based sex, which makes me feel you two are very emotionally connected together, it’s not just a physical connection. So emotional sexual dynamic between you two. Sex on beaches, in pools, jacuzzi’s, sensual baths and showers, you two love rinsing off the day together and adding some sexy dirt onto each other getting dirty while getting clean get it? Huh? Huh? That was weird because I felt really pulled to say that your FS or you (both probably water gives me reflective mirroring vibes), are funny asfcc always trying to make each other laugh like get it get it babe with a little nudge. This is my Virgin pile (FEEL NO WAY I’M A VIRGIN TOO WE STILL EXIST & WALK THIS EARTH)! You or your FS is less experienced than the other so I’m getting a sort of learning dynamic between you two kind of like student/teacher sexual chemistry. Also I’m getting that for you and/or your FS there’s a lack of intimacy here with you two (you’ve never experienced true intimacy) therefore this connection you two are kind of opening each other to new experiences and new things, there’s a fear and hesitancy to open up (were you pulled to p1 it’s a very similar vibe but they weren’t virgins or Atleast I didn’t get that vibe it was the lack of intimacy thing, some guardedness). So your dynamic is rooted around fear it can also be fear of the lack of inexperience with sex as well that can be the issue but I’m seeing some type of guardedness because of lack of experience here for you guys in the sexual department. Again I’m still feeling heavy student/teacher vibes. One of you may be older than the other maybe? Yes sir! (Okay see P1 was about the feminine dominance, p2 tuh the masculine dominance is more prominent). To the masculine energies (GENDER DOESN’T COUNT)! You’re the master and your FS is your SUBMISSIVE! If you’re the feminine energy your FS is your DOMINANT. They will have a monopoly over your body and actions, they are your Dominus (master). You will do whatever they want and ask without hesitation or fear because they will make you feel protected and safe for you to give up complete control (if you’re interested in BD/SM your FS is a fucking Master, it’s a term in the BD/SM community). They’re very dominant, protective, possessive, & sweet. They love you 😍 and they want you to know that you’re everything to them, whilst fucking you like the slut or the whore they call you (not that they mean it literally just degradation). Powerplay here too so maybe you switch power (yasss I’m a switcher too). I’m getting bratty behavior though I’m hearing that song you don’t own me! I feel there’s some pushback but not in a bad way in a playful rebellious sort of way. Like make me. The more inexperienced party I feel is the bratty one. Wet indeed is your chemistry p2! Spit (again like P1 very similar in different ways). Sloppytoppy, you guys are messy mouth eaters (and you’re a god/goddess never change)! Wet makeout sessions, spitting in each others mouths during sex, you guys suck each other’s souls out of your bodies, gahhhhhhhhhhhhdamnnnnnnnnnn! You love tasting each other, being on each other’s taste palette, you guys are each others favorite meal. BOMB is your chemistry! You both have bomb ass sex together! You want a man? (BIG ASS DICK) woman? (Straight WAPING = Wet Ass Pussying) they’re a sex god/goddess! They will rock your fucking world don’t you worry about shit! You guys will have AMAZING SEX! (This is honestly the best card in the deck I made and it barely comes out)! “Oooh I’ve got something for you” vibes. My ladies reading it or my pussy havers you are the one who’s WAPING! Your FS loves how wet you are they think you got that wetty wet, they love getting you wet doing whatever they can to turn you on and get that pussy of yours leaking (too raw 🤷🏽‍♀️, sue me, sex isn’t rainbows and fucking butterflies). They love fingering you, whilst whispering in your ear dirty talking to get that water going. Some of you are squirters and some of you are creamers

Either way they fucking love it and want that forever, expect SLOPPY ASS HEAD FROM YOUR FS! (TO MY FELLAS DOING THIS TO YOUR WIVES GOD FUCKING BLESS YOU KINGS,STAY THAT WAY)! They love teasing your pussy to make it wet. Bright & early is another way to describe your chemistry with your FS. Sex in the morning as soon as you wake up, waking each other up with head, or sex, you guys love waking up to each other, you love to have sex to get your day started, it’s like better than breakfast. You guys are in a better mood and can handle the day better because of your morning sex routine. The rise & grind. My ladies you will be your FS slutty girl and fellas your wife is going to get super duper freaky for you and only you. I also think that one or both of you has a degradation kink in hearing you never knew you had so some of you may think eww now til that pussy or that dick hitting that spot now you their hoe and their dirty little bitch lol! You really come out the box for each other cos I feel like they feel the same way about you as well. They’re your slutty man or hoe too I think they will say it. You will always keep your legs open for them, missionary position here big time, you won’t want to keep your legs clothes because your FS is going to hit that shit just right, they’re a sex god/goddess, for fellas once she open her legs you in there, ladies once he looks at you a certain way then your panties coming off I heard Nicki Minaj super bass line. “He just gotta give me that look, when he give me that look then the panties coming off off uh”. Yeah YOU ARE A SIMP FOR THEM! (P1 is the opposite of you guys but similar). You do whatever your FS tells you to do and you do it without hesitation and/or fear so yeah you heal with them Frfr! Your sexual chemistry with your FS healing in an awakening sort of way. You guys love that mental stimulation you give each other here. Sex isn’t just physical at all. Lots of phone sex, maybe you or your FS travels much for work or you’re just separated for whatever reason, that’s not going to stop you from getting off, they will call you just to hear that wet ass pussy over the phone lol I heard that, (lots of husbands talking here I mean even y’all my male readers a lot of your energy here is potent)! I’m getting something about the voices maybe you like each other’s voice, voice kinks too? The moans. I heard that maybe they’ll call you just to hear you moan. Period just moaning or you like hearing them moan. Fucking in the kitchen. Classic. You two love having sex in the kitchen, whether your cooking, washing dishes lol I heard sweeping, jeez you can’t be in the kitchen together without some shit going down! Oral sex! This pile is my SOUL SUCKING PILE! You and your FS got some really talented mouths and throats regardless if you used em or not! Soooo ahem clear that throat because babe you bout to swallow your FS soul (all genders)! So much oral oral oral here ! Oral fixation you both have I feel. You guys are playful, you love to play fight and that leads to sexy bedroom scenes. I think you both like testing the others strength that’s the dominus and brat vibes I’m getting. Hunter/Prey vibes as well but nothing heavy! Kinky chemistry! Your FS is interested in BD/SM they’ve got kinks and fantasies they would love to act out with you it’s up to you to go along with it. (Freewill). Omg every deck I used your FS dominance is coming out. Your FS is a Dom Daddy whoever is looking for a husband. Your wifey is submissive to you male reader because you’re the dom daddy (I heard that in lady whistledowns voice from Bridgerton, lol maybe they like that show your wives). Anyways the dom daddy will berate humiliate and degrade you & you will let them (this is all sexually so don’t worry about anything else), because they will fuck you like the slut you are (their words not mine). Bitches fear the fuck up! Ooooh I heard legs hurting. They’re so sweet but aggressive and you fucking melt to that shit, I’m serious y’all are simps for your FS! STRAIGHT SIMPING DOG (randy jackson voice) I think your FS 👇

Goofy as fuck. They are into having threesomes with you, it’s not something I’m seeing that’s heavily influenced or anything but it’s a fantasy where they’re watching you and other people play around, they like seeing you in pleasure even if they’re not giving it to you, I am hearing moaning again it’s your moans they live for (women I heard your moan makes him harder than he has ever been)? Very guarded and non-committed chemistry I’m getting the beginning vibes for this because of the inexperience. You’ll both be thinking that you’ll want to see other people and just have fun fucking around (I’m not getting friends with benefits or anything casual, just fear to commit honestly). Tender and sweet is the chemistry you guys aren’t always touch and tough I’ve had enough all the time, you two make love and your bodies tangle meshing into one (p1 vibes again)!!! Unicorn sex very powerful 🦄 (cumming at the same time). You guys have a sweet and romantic dynamic as well not just kinks and jinks! (Your FS is goofy)! They keep making me wanna type jokes! Again there’s some type of restraint or fear here being afraid of being judged, someone must’ve judged you or your FS and that made you afraid to allow anyone else to get close 😞! It shows in your sexual life with your FS. You or them have a praise kink I think you both do again something about the voice! You two wanna be each others best and you want to hear it too! Period!

Quick Sexy Message From Them: “Fuck Condoms! I want that skin to skin with you babe. I’m not at all wrapping up with you! Raw dogging babe woof 🐶! Wanna wag my tail it’s not in the back of me though. I don’t usually do the freaky stuff. Just nice & regular, is that okay with you? (I think they’re afraid to let loose). Just basic positions & moves, making love is all I want. Vanilla can be fun too babe. I want nobody but you! I want nothing more than this! I am yours & I want to be official. (See that non committal stuff maybe you or it’s the fear of commitment but your FS wants to be committed to you). High? Drunk? So? That’s going to only increase & prolong the pleasure babe, no whiskey dick here with me. (They are a partier too maybe,that’s why you probably don’t trust them to be committed to you, but don’t you worry they will show you that they want to commit). Let me eat that food off of you. Pour that down my body and lick it off. Your tongue feels so good on me, let me eat you like food. Allow me to savor your body babe. Kitchen sex too! (Didn’t that come out earlier???? CONFIRMATION)!! I want to spoiled, pampered fucked, & appreciated. Marry me & be mine forever”. (That message I got for the males your wives are sugarbabies or they like to be spoiled and pampered and they want that commitment Frfr). - Yours xoxoxo

18+Sexual Chemistry W/Your FS!


Your womb is very healing for your FS ladies. Fellas your wife’s womb will heal you. Healing is a big ingredient in your chemical formula. Your womb is a healing haven for them, which makes me feel like your FS has been through some shit, shit that really messed them up mentally and spiritually but having sex with you heals them and transforms them, so you two may have sex whenever they get triggered. You make your FS feel safe and secured, they’re reborn after sex with you. I feel you’re reborn too but it has a more potent effect on your FS jeez this is stepping into traumatic territory and I don’t divulge into traumas as it’s not my place. You’re their home. They feel whole inside of you, complete. Sex is transformational for you two! That’s another ingredient in your sexual chemistry. Breeding is another ingredient. Your FS or you have a breeding kink, “You gonna have my baby” talk not just dirty talk though they will be manifesting it as they say it during the act. They want you to have their baby or you will want to have their baby so raw dogging and bareback sex is constant here. (PLAN B AND BIRTH CONTROL IF YOU DON’T WANT KIDS. Also talk to them about it). You having their baby or getting them pregnant turns them on like crazy procreating with you, they really fucking trust you (Very Diff from the last two piles). Spontaneity is another ingredient in your sexual chemistry, I’m seeing lots of surprise sessions quickies. I feel you’ll feel random rushes of horniness just thinking about them, you could be sweeping the floor at your house next thing you know you thinking about their hands all over you, so you find them and take them down, vice versa! It’s happening regardless doesn’t matter where or when morning,night,crowded, isolated it don’t matter you’ll both give into the urges and just take each other down! Very animalistic primal urges I’m getting. Tigers and lions I’m seeing idk why? Your FS is a brat-tamer very dominant which makes me think some of you are bratty especially when you want their attention and punishment, punishment is another ingredient. (Not abusive, sexual punishments). Spankings & consequences that you two discuss will happen whenever you’re being bratty to them. They’re aggressive but tender, throw you over their lap and spank you when you’re getting on their nerves. You definitely love them taking out their aggression on you for some I don’t think they do it to the point of hurting you (that’s not the point of bd/sm, people demonize it and it’s fucking lamé honestly, that’s my mfcn commuinity)! Switcher energy here! You guys both take turns with dominance. Sometimes they like being dominant other times they love being submissive and same with you. I’m feeling a lot of mutual and reciprocal energy as well, you guys treat each other as equals, you respect each other’s strengths, you don’t try to tone each other down or make each other feel bad for being dominant or aggressive instead you guys let each other be yourselves and openly and embracingly welcome it. You guys do position and location roulette. Start with missionary in the kitchen, end with Doggystyle in the bedroom floor. I feel you do that a lot like you guys are so passionate with each other to the point where it’s like you guys want to have each other in all the positions! Foodplay (now this came out in all the piles, lots of hungry FS’s). You guys will be eating off each other, feeding each other food and one lick off the finger leads to you guys fucking on the table. Food swaps through kisses 😘, very freaky. Cum swallowing and licking from both of you. Teabagging and face sitting! See very much what you do for me I’ll do for you (first pile I’m seeing like this 👏🏽)! You two will be eating each other the fuck up! Savoring each other and devouring each other down to the soul! Very erotic and passionately beautiful chemistry. You two love tying each other up, cuffs, ropes, chains, etc. You both are some rope bunnies & riggers, again I see you both reciprocating that with each other. It’s a lot of that. Sex swings too. They

Love tangling you up, rope play, you two have a deep bond, I also feel each sex session you fall deeper and deeper with each other. Pet play too bunny 🐰 to be specific maybe for one or two of you. You two will submit to each other there’s not a one person who’s more dominant than the other. You both Love restraining each other, even shibari rope play as well as harnesses too. You love eating each other up, you taste so sweet to each other. You’ll love going down on each other, kissing each other, licking up on each other, really savoring the other. You find each other tantalizing (I heard that word). Missionary positions. You will keep your legs open for your FS. You will definitely always be ready for sex with each other, your FS will keep their legs open for you too. Dangerous is another ingredient. You guys I feel like the element of danger and adrenaline (P1 vibes). I also feel like it can lean into painful extremes for the ones really interested in BD/SM,knife play, blood play, sex magic. (Only for some I’m not getting all). Your FS wants only you, they’re very committed and devoted to you, nobody gets their attention, energy or their time but you, anybody flirting or trying to get at them which I feel like happens a lot, they’ll swerve them, they’re only for you in their mind, heart, & soul. Morning sex. Sex that starts the day off for you both, waking up to each other, waking up inside each other. You two masturbate in front of each other or for each other, nudes & videos. Ha! I was right!! CONFIRMATION!! The brat card came out! You’re a brat and you have this “Make Me” attitude. You make your FS mad on purpose for punishment. Ladies, your FS love that WAP of yours! They like having sex in the shower because I think they have a fantasy of having sex in the rain. Shower sex (EVERY SINGLE PILE)! Getting dirty while getting clean together maybe something routine for you guys. You come home and see em’ in the shower you’re going in there and vice versa. Everything about you turns your FS the fuck on! You cough they’re Horny, you sneeze they’re Horny! You set them off in such a sexual way. They addicted to you, you’re their goddess ladies! They worship you! They want to serve you endlessly in bed and in life. Breeding kink came out again! Your FS or you (Both I feel) get turned on knowing that you can have a baby. “You gonna have my baby”. You two will be having the baby talk probably your first time you have sex. Females! Like P1 I’m seeing the mistress energy here but so was dom daddy see it’s both of you! You both are dominant and you dominate each other, successfully. You guys will really enjoying restraining and tying each other up because it came out again the rigger card. You and your FS are rope bunnies and riggers but equally! You both love tying each other up and getting tied up, very reciprocal relationship.

Quick Sexy Message from them: “I want to spoil you, pamper you, fuck you, protect you, marry you a& take care of you forever let me? (Your FS is a sugar daddy a rich older man for some of you, not super old just older/more mature than you & way more established ladies, fellas older or more mature established woman). Call me names! I want you to degrade & berate me. Humiliate me. Boss me around, do it! Make me yours! I am & want to be your loyal submissive. I humble myself before you. I am aggressive in the streets, Submissive in the sheets. Only for you! Forever for you! (Ladies, btw, when I say ladies I don’t mean gender just who’s looking for a husband, anyways he’s a soft daddy, fellas she’s a softie only for you). Expect me to send you nudes. (Didn’t I say this?? CONFIRMATION)! Voice messages of me moaning. Expect videos of me stroking when I’m thinking of you. You make my dick jump. Send some back? Sext nudes, & videos. I masturbate to your photos and videos, I know you do the same with me let me see it then, show me how much you really fuck with me. Let me tie you up, bound & gag you. I love seeing you helpless. I can do what I want to you and with you now, you’re at my mercy. Romantic bubble baths lead to us sensually bathing each other, which leads to kissing which in turn leads to me fucking you deep in the tub & the rest of the bathroom. You up for a quick bath? Fuck you! Make me! My bad attitude is so you can put me in my place daddy/mommy(this message is mostly for the fellas I feel). I am making you mad on purpose so punish me, MAKE ME BEHAVE. -Yours 💋

18+Sexual Chemistry W/Your FS!
18+Sexual Chemistry W/Your FS!

Pile V

Play play play! Very fun and playful energy I’m getting I’m also hearing a bit of a Neptunian theme, so maybe dreamy and fantasies. You two will love playing and acting out each other’s fantasies.Roleplay, sibling play (don’t freak out), doctor/nurse, cop/robber/teacher/student you get the gist, you two are always roleplaying and having sex as different characters you know how to keep your sex life poppin and fresh! You’re both all about bringing your fantasies and wildest dreams to life! Many sex games, I feel some of them are original just between the two of you and some others maybe you guys buy or download a sex game app or something. You two love experimenting with each other very open and very curious. For some of you even threesomes, I feel it’s a fantasy for all of your FS but only some of you will actually enact that dream. You two will try anything once this is that pile for me so far off of one card that’s the vibe I’m getting let’s see if I’m right shall we? I feel like you two are kind of like two sexual scientists, sexual theories and hypotheticals. Pleasurable orgasms another ingredient in your sexual chemistry. Back to back orgasms between you two I mean you both will be delivering the ecstasy to each other very orgasmic sexual chemistry there’s not a one time that you both won’t cum you’ll ALWAYS cum more than once together! Loud moans and dirty talking. “I’m cumming”! On repeat will be your neighbors or anyone in earshots favorite new song. Your FS is focused on your pleasure, your pleasure turns them on and makes them cum, so they focus all their lovemaking energy on you crossing that finish line first & over and over and over, (fellas if you cum you not done, she plans on draining your nuts dry). Even making out with each other is orgasmic jeez! 💣! 🥵! You two know how to send each other to fucking heaven! Y’all both got the keycards to each others heavenly mansions located in each others G-spots! “Say my name”. Praise kinks, I’m getting for both of you, you get off when they scream your name, vice versa. Your FS has money, they’re established and they have no problem spending their money on you (sugar daddy/mama). They’re into spoiling and pampering you. Buying you luxurious gifts. Luxury is another ingredient for your chemistry (even if it’s not at the moment, you’ll open up to luxury being a regular part of your life). Your Fs wants to take care of you, they’re a natural provider I feel that’s their love language gift giving and acts of service. If you don’t accept their gifts it hurts their feelings because they work their asses off so they can give you the world and if you don’t accept it even if you don’t mean anything mean by it they kind of take it as a slap in the face,like they worked hard for nothing try to look at it this way, don’t look at the money materially but the fact that they had you in mind when they were working for the money. Maybe that’ll make it easier for you to accept it? They will love spending their money on you, seeing you decked out knowing that they take care of you, that will turn them on, probably fuck you right in the store or dressing room, don’t matter who’s around. Sex on piles of money, again the role play, sex worker and stripper roleplay I’m seeing for you two! Strip teasing while they toss money at you. Giving you their money, they may have a gold digger fetish with you, I’m getting because you don’t want their money they want to spend it all on you! Very curious pile didn’t I say that? This pile, curiosity is a huge fucking ingredient in your sexual chemistry formula. You two try EVERYTHING together Atleast once, which is giving me major trust vibes if it’s everything, that means no holds barred! You have to really trust someone especially sexually so there’s a lot of that between you two. Kama sutra I feel you’ll try, sex bucket lists that you will create and definitely check off together, you two are just down for ANYTHING sexually with each other because it feels so fucking good! You two are sexually adventurous. Testing I would say that this👇

Chemistry between you two is, because I feel that for some of you, that you’re a virgin or you have little experience with sex (NOTHING TO FEEL ASHAMED OF, I’m a Virgin too it’s all good, prude nation rocks)! Your sexual chemistry will be bringing you two new experiences not just to you, to them too but because of your inexperience it’s going to affect you more potently, maybe some hesitancy or fear but I don’t feel it’ll last long again that trust is hella strong. You guys open each other up to be receptive to new sexual experiences, which is why I think that you’re so excited and passionate about making all of your dreams & fantasies come true. You’ll both be expanding you & your relationship sexually, this is the freakiest pile in my opinion, because EVERYTHING IS ON THE TABLE! You two push each others limits! Pain! You two are sadists or Atleast one of you has a sadist mind or fantasy. I’m seeing you guys like pulling out whips, chains, & flogs! Spanking and whipping, engaging in danger play knives and gun play, just really pushing each others limits here, my god this is exhibitionism at its finest! (SO FUCKING HOT, cos this is your FS so that’s even better)! I feel this pile again you’ll lose your virginity to your FS. It may be that some never experienced intimacy and this relationship introduces that to you both and one or both of you may get scared and hesitate especially in the beginning of your sexual relationship. Morning sex. (EVERY.SINGLE.PILE)! You two love waking up to each other and having sex to get the day started right I heard.Foodplay & kitchen fucking, I feel like you two won’t be able to make a meal to eat without devouring each other in the process, you find each other to be so delicious, especially in the morning I heard maybe some breakfast sex. You two like watching porn together, I heard for new ideas and arousal. You are both voyeurs, not one of you both of you. You’ll have sex right in the middle of watching porn together. You love teasing them with lingerie remember the strip teasing, I feel they wear lingerie for you as well. (Yes men & women can wear lingerie, jockstraps and shit). You both love turning each other on and teasing each other, that playfulness I heard. Really potent between you two. Bad deeds again that danger play popping up again, adrenaline rushes get you both hot and bothered for each other, doing bad things like having sex in public with the risk of getting caught, at work or something like that, just risky things I feel that you guys do with each other to really put a scare in each other but that scare is what causes the hottest sexual sessions I feel. Sex scratches and marks on each other, I feel you’ll love showing that off, both of you mostly you tho for some reason like you wear it as a badge of honor or pride (maybe cos you were a virgin before)??? I feel like you guys always leave your marks on each other period. They’re a soft daddy ladies, they are aggressive but they don’t mind in fact they insist on you bossing them around and dominating them, fellas your wifey is a soft mommy, she’s aggressive but you bring out the softness in her if that makes sense. Your FS has a degradation & humiliation kink, call them names and berate them (with love duh). They humble themselves before you I think because no one has ever dominated them before I’m getting those vibes they’re blown the fuck away and they don’t want it to end with you. They want you to make them yours, only for you they get this way, no wonder you feel pride and honor, they took your virginity so they feel that pride too and honor! Reciprocity! Devotion and commitment for your chemistry! This is the first pile where the devotion was this potent I mean Frfr you and your FS love each other and trust each other (friends first)??? You know FORSURE that you love each other and you want nobody else. They want nobody but you and nothing else besides what you create together and same with you! You have pride and honor standing by each others sides! Wow so beautiful 😍 like knights & queens. Hot & Steamy is your

Chemistry with your FS. Sweaty and intense, up against the wall animalistic and primal energies are ingredients in your sexual chemistry formula. Very aggressive with each other, it’s like you guys can’t wait at all, you want it when you want it, don’t matter where you are, you’ll try to pull each other to a dark corner but before you get there you’ll already be up against the wall kissing. Endless passion! You two will be ripping each other clothes off, no wonder they spoil you. Yasss hunty get spoiled you deserve it, that’s why you picked this pile duhh!! Wouldn’t be pulled to it if it wasn’t for you! Period! I said at work didn’t I? Well the card came out so what’s my favorite word during readings? CONFIRMATION! You guys don’t give a FUCK where you are or what’s happening, once that feeling hits or you give each other a look 👀…. It’s going down! You follow each others leads! Again THE TRUST IS POWERFUL! Another HUGE INGREDIENT! See because of the inexperience I’m seeing some restraint because of fear of judgement or maybe your FS is afraid you’ll judge them for having money, being older/more mature I heard buzzkill, having more experience than you either way there’s a fear of judgement here that’s causing restraint. They’ve been judged before sexually and generally by lovers I feel.(EVERY SINGLE PILE HAD THAT CARD TOO, Different reasons though)! Lots of restraint man damn! See fear of intimacy one or both of you have this fear and together you’ll overcome it. Lol so funny as soon as I turned the deck over for the next card guess what it was (this didn’t come out for other decks just yours oh p1 but in the message so yah y’all still more evolved). UNRESTRAINED! Seee!!! You guys help free each other! You’ll feel so liberated I’m seeing a bird flying out of a cage in my head so that’s how I think you’ll both feel like you’ve been set free sexually and entirely actually! You both been holding back and blocking yourself out of fear of judgment or anything else that may have caused you to shun your own sexuality or desires to bring someone close to you that’s over now that you’ve found each other! 👏🏽 very uplifting and ascending chemistry between you two.

Quick messages from them:“Dd/Lg,Mm/Lb,Cops/Robbers,Doctor/ nurse, teacher student etc, I am so down to play in your fantasy games.(DUDE!!! This is a whole new deck that I made today and it corresponded with all my other decks I made & used the same messages I mean the EXACT SAME MESSAGES! CONFIRMATION, ROLEPLAY is HUGE for you two very playful, making each others wishes and dreams come true I feel)! I am so fucking down to try EVERYTHING with you! My mind is open & my curious mind is insatiable. Let’s act out every single one of our fantasies. (AGAIN DIDNT THAT COME OUT EARLIER in another deck??? Yasssss your FS knows what they want fashooo with you). Bend that ass over for me! I love that ass on you, big or small I love it all, cowgirl upright, reverse, I love Doggystyle positions where I can watch that booty bounce from the back. IDGAF who’s around! Chilling with friends? Hanging out with the kids? Talking to family? Game night or movie nights with friends or family? IDGAF! They won’t know I’m touching you under the blanket, or grabbed your ass mid-convo. I can’t keep my hands off you, they always tell us to get a room, babe every room is our room. (They love that ass of you)! The way you tease and entice me is so damn irresistible, I can hardly contain myself, I live for the chase, my lil prey, know this; you can run but you can’t hide from me. So good luck hunting season has begun. (Hunter/Prey vibes, also it’s giving the vibes that they’re actively looking for you rn, this is my favorite pile honest to god! I truly adore your FS’s)!!! I love giving you hickies, painting your body with my love marks. Don’t you dare coverup! This is how everyone will know. That you’re MINE! (Possessive much 🥵). Don’t lie, you like seeing them on your body too! Lots more where that came from, lots more to come! I want to spoil you, pamper you, fuck you, protect you, marry you & take care of you forever, let me? Answer when I get there okay babe not to long now! (I think you two are manifesting each other frfr)!- Yours xoxoxo 💋.

Well that’s all folks hope you enjoyed my late night, sexy PAC’s they’re my favorite types of readings and hope you enjoyed my decks they were all custom made by channeled messages from my spirit guides! Hope this reading resonated! Remember LIKE|REBLOG|COMMENT. Let me know if you liked it my babes 💋 Happy New Moon! Hope you all get the fresh starts you need, (I was born on a new moon)!

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3 years ago


Hi everyone!! I’m so excited for this game!! I’ll basically be channelling a song from your future spouse, along with adding 5 interesting facts about them! This is a very quick and simple ask game, so please don’t expect a lot of detail. Feel free to add any details you’d like me to know in the ask. Please check my pinned post to see if it’s still open!!



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