Chapter I - Tumblr Posts
*+.Forgotten Sky.+*
Chapter I :
{Morning Sky}
You haven’t heard , have you? No? It doesn’t really surprise me… after all, you and I are just spectators of this world, able to see it both bloom and wither away. You’ve just got here… so please allow this humble narrator to serve you throughout this lecture and explain this situation.
At Glossopharyngeal Academy Hm? Yes, I am aware it’s a plenty weird name, but who am I to judge? I am merely the narrator… not the author. Complain to her if you can’t remember it later. What was I saying..? Ah yes. At Glossopharyngeal Academy, a name that only a drunk doctor playing darts on a human body could ever give to a school, a rumor has spread like a weed in a flower garden. It was based on the unfortunate death of a first year student by the name of Avery Shiloh, who was killed by a fellow classmate, that pushed her off the school roof in a fit of rage. This incident took place many years prior to our tale and it disappeared like thin strings of smoke in a storms ruthless winds, but somehow someone remembered it. The new rumor slowly began corrupting the whole school until not even a soul was unaware of the name of ‘Caelum’ and her story. Let me see if I can recall it…
Every morning, as the sun begins to arise, the figure of a black haired girl will wonder around the rooftop asking if anyone is there. But beware that if you don’t answer in her favorite language, you will suffer her faith.
Avery was- forget it. I am a respectable narrator, keep on reading for your informations. I shouldn’t chitchat with the reader.
Our tale has its beginnings in a chilly early autumn morning. The freezing air painting uncertainty in the students lungs. Strings of aa yet to be identified sensation sewing through their every muscle holding their members tight against their bodies. As much as they yearned to drown themselves in the cold and rigid new uniforms, to hide from that feeling, they didn’t. They couldn’t. It was just an irrational fear; ghosts, legends and monsters are just peoples’ imagination… right? And even if spirits were real, there’s no way they’re as people describe them… “How bad can they possibly be?” A thought that sung in the first years’ minds in unison. Even though the minds of two of the new students, played the same tune. A girl and a boy. And to respect the cliches.. the girl was scared of the possibility of ghosts in the school and the boy was swearing his eternal friendship with her.. or any other things other writers say. But leaving jokes aside, the truth is… the blonde boy with disheveled was the one scared out of his mind, shaking from each and every joint. If he didn’t have human form, he might be mistaken for a jelly during an earthquake. On the other hand, the girl, calm, more than a statue, was trying, not really that much, in all honesty, to make the jelly-human relax.
“Enzo, please, stop it. You look stupid.”
She says without too much emotion, for a few seconds placing her hands on Enzo’s raised shoulder, in a failed attempt to get him to stop shaking. She removes her hands to straighten her clothes some more, if that was even possible. Unlike our scared jelly’s, whose clothes divulged emotions happily, ruffled, his head dug in his shoulders and his pupils as contracted as they get, allowing their azure color to shine through, the girl didn’t show a drop of fear. Hair of the same color as Enzo’s eyes perfectly tied in a ponytail, not a rebellious strand dared to ruin. Neither did her uniform have any wrinkles, even the fibers seemed to be systematically aligned.
“W-W-What!? You’re telling me that you aren’t scared, no, te-terrified that we are… we are going to.. be in the same school with… g-g-ghost…!?”
Cries out Enzo, playing the buttons of his uniform in between his trembling fingers. Pinching the bridge of her nose the girl sighs, but before she’s able to add something, a voice gentle and steady covers the school yard.
“Good morning, my respectable students and parents. I am more than honored to welcome you to our school.”
All of the participants’ eyes dart towards the source of the sudden sound. A stage- it’s not really a stage.. How should I appraise it…? Should I be a polite narrator or.. say my true opinion…? Honesty is always the key.. right…? Anyhow, the cube with stairs that held the place of a stage. Everyone’s eyes dart towards the so called stage, but while doing it the girl’s eyes glide towards the roof by accident. Her blood runs cold, freezing in her veins. On the railing, dangling its legs carelessly, a foggy figure waves at the girl, after it’s saw the figure leaps backwards evaporating on the roof.
The eyes of the shocked girl widen, her eyebrows furrowing and lips parting slightly. A sharp breath, that felt cooler than the one before, cuts into her lungs.
“Are you o-okay…? G-Grace…?”
Hearing her name turns towards Enzo, who, at sight of the shock on her face, starts shaking even more. Grace murmurs a “yes” before turning her attention to the “stage” again.
Ahhh… I don’t feel like talking so much! What a sadistic author; not even having on mercy her poor and ever loyal narrator! Ugh… enough with the complaining.. or else I’m never going to finish this…
To no one’s surprise, the one making the announcement was the principal. A well respected and renowned gentleman, mainly known for his habit of implementing unusual rules, to keep the students in check. Most were reasonable.. some weird.. but some were… questionable… Some were saying he was nuts, while others said he was good and slightly (more) chaotic.
With the legend of Caelum covering the school like the thin layer of ice on shallow a body of water, under the merciless rule of winter, the principal’s punishments became harsher, bit by bit. Of course they were no longer go to the five classes while wearing a fish shaped hat to taking a test with the grade above.
I suppose I will allow you to discover the rest later on, because if I told you everything from the first chapter, I would lose my job, wouldn’t I?
Yay thanks for reading! See you next time!