Charlie Yuurivoice - Tumblr Posts

3 years ago


Hi hello so before you start reading I would just like to say this oneshot is one of my Valentine’s Day oneshots and it’s also based on the fact that I have a random hc for Charlie that he hates getting makeup done and nails so enjoy!


♡Charlie x reader♡


"Charlie don't move would ya?" Y/n said as they put Blush on Charlie's already blushing face "honey I don't understand why are we doing this again?" Charlie said as you almost got eyeliner in his eye "because you said I could for Valentine's Day that's why" Y/n explained to Charlie who was sat on his bed eyes closed, he sat still for a bit but then started to get all fidgety with his fingers making it sorta hard for you to do curtain things with the makeup such as the eyeliner at one point in time you tried to do his makeup but he flinched and the eyeliner got in his eye instead of on it, it was a not so good day for Charlie. "Ok so what colour do you want Char?" Charlie took a minute to look at the eye shadow palette "wait aren't you supposed to do Eye shadow first then eye liner?" Charlie asked in confusion Y/n looked up at their boyfriend and stared at him "you be quiet blondie and pick a colour" Charlie nodded his head and chose Y/f/c (your favourite colour) Y/n Applied the eye shadow to the brush then to his eye once Y/n where done Y/n told Charlie to open his eyes and he did it looked so pretty "what's next in the deadly list?" Charlie asked sarcastically Y/n thought for a moment before looking down at His hands Charlie followed your eyes and looked down at his hands you looked back up and gave a smirk "no we are not doing that shit nope" Charlie said putting his hands in his pockets "oh come onnnn it's just your nails" Y/n insisted  towards a defensive Charlie, he continued to shake his head "nope never I'll never allow it I love you so much but no" Charlie said to a stubborn Y/n "ugh fine Welp I guess we are done then imma go do possibly do Jessie's makeup now" Y/n said taking the bag of makeup and Charlie sat on the bed "Fine you can do my stupid nails only if you stay" Charlie finely stopped being so defensive and pulled his hands out of his pocket and put them out, Y/n gave him a smile a bright one, the one he loves so much on Y/n and only Y/n, the one that brought him so much comfort "so love what colour again?" Charlie took a look at them but looked back at Y/n "which one do you think won't show as much?" Charlie asked making Y/n look down and chose a black nail polish "I'll take it" Charlie agreed on the shade and watched Y/n open the bottle the smell hit him so quickly he coughed a bit "sorry I know the smell is shitty" Y/n apologize to Charlie for the smell "no no it's fine just hit me really quickly" he watched as Y/n put the black polish on his nails "now just it's gonna look a bit dumb but to make the polish dry quicker shake your hands around" Y/n said to Charlie who got confused at first but then did so. After some time Charlie took a moment before continuing again "my hands hurt already" Charlie complained Y/n laughed and grabbed his hand from shaking Y/n touched oh of his nails to see if it would smudge or a finger print which it didn't "now for a top coat!" Y/n said getting a matte top coat Charlie sighed "there's more? for fuck sakes" Y/n laughed and took their boyfriend's hand (in marriage) and started to paint and then let it dry after all of that doing Charlie's makeup and then his nails Y/n and Charlie cuddled up together Charlie giving kisses to Y/n here and there and Y/n making Charlie go red it was a wonderful Valentine's Day something that you could've (possibly) even agree on ♡•♡•♡•♡•♡•♡•♡•♡•♡•♡•♡•♡•"You know how much you matter to me right? Although I can't do much I swear to protect you for however long we stay together Y/n"♡

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3 years ago


♡Charlie x Reader♡ ♡•♡•♡•♡•♡•♡•♡•♡•♡•♡•♡•♡•

Hi hello so this idea for this oneshot all came from @kirikayku ,

The idea came from them and their headcanon on Charlie loving old school video games and I support that headcanon very much so here you go!

Also may I add that this is my longest fanfic I’ve made?


“Heyyy Blondie”

Y/n said gaining the attention of the blond boy named Charlie, Charlie looked over at his partner

“what’s up Love?”

Charlie asked looking at them

“Well I was gonna ask if you wanna go to the arcade with me?”

Y/n asked and Charlie’s eyes looked like they could glow as he go so happy to hear those words

“Fuck yeah I wanna go what kind of question is that love!?”

Charlie said very excited and Y/n laughed at how happy their blond haired boyfriend got

“Then get ready I’ll be waiting outside!” Y/n said as they walked out of the room,

Charlie then looked over at Jessie who had a smirk on her face


Charlie asked towards to the woman who was staring at him

“Go get ready you know how impatient Y/n can get”

Jessie said shooing him away.

“Fuck took you long enough”

Y/n said walking towards their Boyfriend Charlie scratched his neck awkwardly, after they started walking holding each other’s hands once they saw the arcade Y/n let go of Charlie’s hand and rand to the door opening it for him

“Ladies first”

Y/n said jokingly and Charlie rolled his eyes and gently grabbed Y/n’s hand and pulled them into the arcade.

“So what game first blondie?”

Y/n asked fallowing Charlie around who ended up spotting pac-man

“We or just me are gonna go play pac-man right now”

Charlie grabbed Y/n’s hand and held it till they made it to pac-man that about when Charlie let go of Y/n’s hand and put in a ticket and he started playing,

Y/n watched him play for a bit it was nice seeing Charlie happy and not his anxious and or tense rat side but he was happy.

Y/n watched Charlie for a bit more as he played the game getting farther and farther into it, Y/n looked around for a game or something to do that’s when they spotted a claw machine Y/n looked at Charlie was still doing freakishly good and then back at the claw machine

“hey hun imma go over to the claw machine”

Y/n said, Charlie looked over at Y/n but then back at the game slightly forgetting that he hadn’t lost yet

“Alrighty I’ll be here if I’m not here I might be at a different game or if I can’t find another game I’ll come to you”

Charlie respond Y/n laughed at Their boyfriend and then walked over to the claw machine and put one ticket in the machine and it started the claw machine had plushes that had candy attached to them,

By the second try on getting the f/a (favourite animal) attached with f/c (favourite candy) Charlie had walked over to Y/n making them look at him


Y/n asked Charlie let out a sigh and nodded Y/n laughed a bit and then gently patted Charlie’s head and then went back to the claw machine.

“HA! Got it finally that shit took so long”

Y/n said as the crane dropped their F/a and the F/c attached to it, Y/n bent over And opened the hatch thing and got the plush and candy untying the Candy off of the plush and then eating it but then Y/n looked down at the F/a and at Charlie who was currently trying to see if there was an old street fighter game,

“Hey Char?”

Y/n asked as they held the plush Charlie looked over at them

“Yeah what’s up love?”

Charlie asked back as Y/n held out the plush, Charlie looked a bit confused at first but then it hit him

“Are-Are you giving it to me?”

He asked in a confusing tone Y/n rolled their eyes

“No I’m going to give it Alphonse”

Y/n said in sarcastic tone

“Of course it’s for you moron”

Y/n said as they still held the plus out for Charlie to take

Charlie blinked and then smiled and took it

“Thanks love”

but then he held Y/n’s hand guiding them to the street fighter game he had spotted Earlier

“Oh so I try and be cute and such and now you wanna start a war blondie?”

Y/n asked as Charlie looked at them

“Yeah pretty much!”

Charlie said as he put two tickets in the game one for him and the other for Y/n

“You are highly aware you are gonna lose right Chuck?”

Y/n said in a cocky tone making Charlie roll his eyes slightly

“Yeah whatever you say Y/n”

Charlie said trying to sound intimidating but failing

“Oooo so scary Charlie saying my name instead of calling me ‘Love’ or ‘N/n’ oooo”

Y/n said jokingly making Charlie laugh

“Yeah that’s right fear me”

Charlie said as they game started Charlie was already Kicking Y/n’s ass and it was fun.

“That game was so rigged”

Y/n said as they took their tickets from the arcade Machine

“You’re just shit at fighting games like Alphonse”

Charlie said as he counted how many tickets he had at the moment, Y/n made a slight dramatic gasp

“How dare you compare me to that emo”

Y/n said jokingly crossing their arms and Charlie was laughing

“Right right sorry love”

Charlie apologize as he got to the last of his tickets

“I’ve got 130”

Charlie said putting them all in his gloved hands and Y/n looked down to find nothing their tickets where gone

“Wait where the fuck are my-“

Y/n said but then looked over at their boyfriend and put their hand out

“Give them back right now hun”

Y/n asked and Charlie shook his head

“What if I wanna buy you something”

Charlie said winning that ‘fight’ quickly making Y/n sigh in defeat

“But how the hell did you get so many not counting mine of course”

Y/n asked making Charlie think about the question for a moment

“Well I got about 50 on pac-man and then I won on street fighter about 3 times making that about 40 and then I went off to other games like Qbert and got about 20 there, and then some frogger which got me another 20”

Charlie explained to a now kinda surprised Y/n

“Alrighty so uh do we play more games orrr are we gonna get some things and then go?”

Y/n asked making Charlie think again,

He took a moment before gently getting a hold of Y/n’s hand and walking to the counter with them he took a moment again and looked at the options he had Charlie and you didn’t have much tickets but it was all together enough to get a bunch of candy and those jumping frog toys


Charlie asked gaining the attention of the worker, the worker looked over at the two and smiled

“Hello what can I get or help you with?”

The worker asked Charlie thought and then asked

“Can I possibly get a bag of f/c and another bag of some jellybeans?”

Charlie asked looking back at the worker, the worker nodded and grabbed a scooper thing and began scooping the candy the f/c being put into a different bag then the jellybeans,

Charlie gave the tickets to the worker and then took the candy saying ‘thank you’ and then held Y/n’s hand again and walked with them out of the arcade the smell of fresh air hit them both it was nice.

Charlie handed over the F/c bag to Y/n

“For you since you gave me that plush earlier”

Charlie said and Y/n took them from his gloved hands

“Thanks hun”

Y/n said and then the both of them kinda just stood there but Y/n broke that stand still issue by Kissing Charlie making him go into a bit of of shock but he kissed back they pulled away for air

“We should probably head back now”

Y/n suggested and Charlie being the blushing mess he was at the moment just gave a ‘mmhm’ as a response.




“Jessie we’re backkkk”

Y/n said as they walked through the door with Charlie the smell of pancakes hitting them both

“Are you making pancakes?”

Charlie asked as he walked towards to kitchen

“Mmhm just started so y’all can go and relax for a bit and I’ll tell ya when it’s all done”

Charlie just nodded and so did Y/n, they walked to there shared bed room and both sat on the bed and they started laughing

“How much you wanna bet she’ll burn the 4th one at lest?”

Charlie asked and Y/n scoffed

“I’d say she burns one by the 2nd one”

Charlie and Y/n laughed.

Charlie laid down gently pulling you down with him now cuddling you

“Love this day was probably one of the best days of my life thanks for it”♡


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2 years ago

THEM!!!!!!! 💕💕💕💕

silly rat boy w/ silly skater bf (he's names Hectór btw :})

Silly Rat Boy W/ Silly Skater Bf (he's Names Hectr Btw :})

once again this is a low effort drawing imma do a better one once I have motivation lol (FUCK I forgot Charlie's scar)

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7 months ago


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5 months ago


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9 months ago

guys…lets talk bout charlie…

Guyslets Talk Bout Charlie

this little rat boy….my fucking god ahshdvwjbw this man got my legs crossed, hands over mouth, pearls clutched, over here watching this with my bestfriend @nyxthewolf69 and when he kissed us wjevwubdsj shittt i live for this and love this lil rat…💗🥺

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5 months ago

Here's a late Charlie b-day drawing.

It's been a ride, I wanted to test my colour twitching out with this one.


Here's A Late Charlie B-day Drawing.

Here's A Late Charlie B-day Drawing.

Without colour twitching

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1 year ago


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