Charmed Remake - Tumblr Posts

6 years ago
Really Missing Charmed Cant Wait For New Episodes!
Really Missing Charmed Cant Wait For New Episodes!
Really Missing Charmed Cant Wait For New Episodes!
Really Missing Charmed Cant Wait For New Episodes!

Really missing Charmed can’t wait for new episodes!

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6 years ago

Mel & Niko (Fading Out)

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5 years ago

This episode of Charmed was amazing!

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5 years ago

I can't believe I got a shout out in this!!

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5 years ago

Charmed: Realities Collide (Fan-Made Promo)

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2 years ago

Charmed: A New Beginning


Charmed: A New Beginning

Ruby- Well this is it...

Rachel- Should we knock?

Raven- Um guys... there's no ramp....

Ruby- The ramp is on the side entrance... don't you remember?

Raven- I guess not... has it really been that long...

Rachel- We haven't been here since the accident.... You know....

Ruby- The ceremony gone wrong....

Rachel- Yep....

Raven- Do you think they will even recognize us?

Ruby- It's hard to say... I would hope...

Raven wheels Ruby up the ramp and they knocked on the door.

Ruby- Hello?

Rachel- Anyone home?

The door then opens...

Aaron- Cousins! What are you doing here?!?

Raven- Just stopped in to say hello...

Aaron- Wow you must have had a long trip... How's Florida?

Ruby- It's fine... How are you guys doing??

Aaron- Kinda crazy....

Just then they heard yelling from inside...

Phoebe- Maggie liason to me!

Mel- She doesn't have to listen to you!

Phoebe- Barbie will be making a move any time now I'm trying to help you!

Maggie- By making me drink some weird looking tea?!? No thanks...

Phoebe- It's for a vision quest...

Raven- Oh a vision quest.. I haven't done one of those in ages...

Raven said as she wheeled herself into the living room.

Aaron- Phoebe, Maggie, Mel... those are my cousins Raven, Ruby and Rachel...

Mel- Ruby?!?

Ruby- What?

Mel- Nothing... That’s just the name of my Ex...

Ruby- Oh....

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2 years ago

Charmed: A New Beginning



Nancy- You sure you're still ok with giving me some of you're blood?

Cole- I'm sure... Phoebe is going to kill me anyway... This way apart of me will live on...

Nancy- You know you're cousins are still on my earth... Do you want to come and say goodbye?

Cole- Parker and Abigail have no idea who I am....

Nancy- Well if you are truly going to die.. then might as well go see your cousins...

Cole- I guess you have a point...

*End Of Flashback*

Kaela was sitting in A3 talking to Paige.

Kaela- I want to thank you..

Paige- Thank me?

Kaela- For doing this for me...

Paige- I'm just showing you how to have better control of your powers....

Kaela- And I thank you for that because my boyfriend... Deav... He was trying to help me... before he was killed...

Paige- Oh honey... I'm so sorry for your loss...

Kaela- Is It worth it?

Paige- Is what worth it?

Kaela- Trying to find love with everything we have to do...

Paige- Piper struggled with that same question... Sure our life's are complicated but Love is always worth it...

Kaela- I hope you're right...


Barbie- They are on to me... I'll leave this realm.... But what earth should I go to now... I know I'll go back to earth 2... There's still some damage I could do there.... Maybe I'll take Leo, Chris and Wyatt with me... Yes... There's so much we can do together...

Abigail- So it is true!

Barbie- What are you doing here??

Abigail- You're not the only one who can travel through realms...

Barbie- So what are you trying to do? Stop me??

Abigail- Yes! You are making the world's shift the balance to evil... We need to keep it equal...

Barbie- Hahaha, I see you're Witch side has gotten the better of you...

Abigail- So what if it has? It's our actions that define us not our nature...

Barbie- I never thought I'd see the day where the great Abigail Cane would go soft... What happened to the strong Demon overlord??

Abigail- Just because I've come to better terms with my Witch side doesn't mean my Demon side is any less strong...

Barbie- Hmmm we shall sees...

Barbie waved her hand in front of Abigail's face.

Barbie- I see your worse fear is for your brother to go dark... Well my pretty... Just you watch as I make that happen...

Abigail- No!

Barbie disappeared in a cloud of black smoke.

Abigail- I have to find the Charmed Ones...

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2 years ago

Charmed: A New Beginning


Abigail arrives at A3 looking around.

Zach- Hey Welcome to A3, What can I help you with?

Abigail- Is Michaela here?

Zach- Yes, she's talking to Paige. If you want I can take you over to her?

Abigail- That would be great, Thanks.

Zach- Right this way..

Zach took Abigail to the table.

Zach- Kaela, Paige... this young woman would like to talk to you.

Zach said as he pointed to Abigail and walked away.

Abigail- Well it's nice to know there's 3 different sets of Charmed Ones one this earth...

Paige- I'm sorry, who are you??

Abigail- I'm Abigail, I'm half Demon and also half witch.. I came for you're help as Barbie is going after my brother Parker...

Kaela- Parker... I know that name... Didn't he used to date Maggie?

Abigail- Yes!

Kaela- And that would make you the Demon overlord!!!

Abigail- Yes, but I'm not truly evil.. I gave that up awhile ago...

Kaela- Yeah, Because you fell in love with Mel.

Abigail- Can we not talk about this now.. Barbie is on here way to our earth to turn Parker evil!

Paige- So is Parker a Warlock or a Demon?

Abigail- Half Demon, Half Human...

Paige- Boy does that sound familiar...

Abigail- I wish Cole was still here.. He would have been able to help.

Paige- Did you say Cole?

Abigail- Yeah he's my cousin...

Paige- I'm sorry but we have no choice...

Abigail- Don't worry, I know you had to do what you did to keep the balance.

Kaela- Speaking of balance... What happens if Barbie wins??

Abigail- The Mulitvervse would be dragged into darkness... She's trying her best to switch every magical creature to the dark side...

Kaela- That doesn't sound good...

Abigail- It's not...


Raven- I know I said I wouldn't tell Aaron, Alex and Asher that they became the Charmed Ones by mistake but don't you guys think I should at least tell them the truth about the Mulitvervse??

Rachel- I don't think they are ready...

Ruby- That would probably send them for a trip.. If I'm being honest... maybe it's best for them to find that out for themselves...


The Vera Earth

Ray- Did you find it?

Niko- It wasn't easy but yes...

Ray- Great, let's put it up on this wall right here...

Niko- Do you think they are ok in there?

Ray- Honesty, I hope so....

Charmed: A New Beginning

Niko- I've been worried about Mel...

Ray- Same, but at least we know where her and her sisters are and how to keep them safe...

Niko- We wouldn't have known if it wasn't for Diana...

Ray- Yes, If you are listening Diana... Thank you for you're help...

Just then Diana appeared in blue lights.

Diana- You're welcome

Niko- I have a question..

Diana- Yes?

Niko- Why do you orb differently then Harry?

Diana- Things work differently on each earth dear..

Niko- I guess... I'm still trying to wrap my head around this Mulitvervse thing... but why are the other to earth's in paintings??

Diana- That's just what the spell Did.. The Video realm was just a different gateway into each painting... That was Phoebes idea... but she hasn't told her sisters yet that they live in a painting... I told her she should but she didn't want to...

Ray- I can understand why... it's a lot to take in.

Diana- That is true...

Niko- So, how long are they going to be in there?

Diana- It depends on how long it takes for them to get the information they need...

Niko- I hope they get it soon... We need to stop Barbie from doing whatever she has planned.

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5 years ago


── 𝙄𝙛 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙪𝙨𝙚: 𝙡𝙞𝙠𝙚/𝙧𝙚𝙗𝙡𝙤𝙜

── don’t clame as your own.

©: @. caotichuman

(𝒄𝒓𝒆𝒅𝒊𝒕𝒔 𝒊𝒏 𝒕𝒘𝒊𝒕𝒕𝒆𝒓)

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