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The irony in the situation wasn’t lost on Olivia: she left Maywood bloodied and bruised, and now she was returning in the same state over ten years later. It wasn’t that she was coming home to be around her family or childhood friends for support -- it was the fact that Clarke wouldn’t ever believe she’d swallow her pride and return. It'd be the last place he'd think to look. Olivia spent so long telling him that it didn’t matter who asked her to move back, who missed her, that her life in Maywood was never meant to be permanent again. As it stood, she wasn’t sure if she was going back on her word just yet. Right now, she needed to put distance between her and, what he should have been for awhile now, ex. She also needed to hide out for a week, heal, and act like it was just an impromptu visit.
However, Maywood was a humble place with very few lodging options. She crossed into the city limits, eyes catching onto a familiar sign. There was at least one place that would do. She stepped up to the desk at The Primrose Hotel, slumped into her coat, and feeling numb. Her eyes shifted around the lobby before landing on a familiar face. She tilted her chin back a little at her high-school-boyfriend-turned-friend. She was too tired from driving nonstop to feel embarassed -- it wasn't like he hadn't seen her in a similar state. “Please tell me you have an empty room,” she forced a smile despite the split on her lip, “I’m not trying to sleep in my car for the next week.”

Ever since he arrived back from the university, it was his goal to keep their family business thriving or more than it was at the moment. And he didn’t disappoint them; due to the changes in their branding and customer service which became more personalized, their income increased from the previous years. However, it wasn’t all his, their personnel shared some inputs too that built a better management and staff relationship. His parents couldn’t be more proud with his accomplishment in just a short period of being the new manager, what more for the years to come? Well, he’s next vision for the hotel is to expand. Hopefully it will happen.
Today had been pretty hectic around the hotel, guests came in and out, availing different services and this was the only time it died down. Ready to proceed home, Daniel made his last round when he spotted the familiar female he hasn’t seen for quite sometimes now. He sighed as he tucked his hands in his pocket. “If I would have known you’re coming, I would have saved you a room.” But the entire hotel rooms were occupied and he didn’t really want to turn her away with that kind of state. “We’re full tonight but because you’re my ex and I still love you, I’ll let you use my room here instead.” He teased, remained their good relationship after the break up. His hand signaled the other staff to send the first aid kit to his room. “So, shall we?”

“Wasn’t exactly planning on coming back,” Olivia pointed out. Her expression was flat. She was too exhausted from driving non-stop to manage more than a weak smile at the joke. Dan was always a nice reprieve when things began to boil over in her life -- most of the times, he didn’t even realize it. She was always good at pretending like everything was fine, he still always managed to keep things light. There were times that she showed up to school sore, or with her hair shorn off like a sheep, and he knew exactly what to say. She appreciated that about him, even long after they broke things off, he was a balm for the unseen.
“Thanks, Dan. It’ll only be for tonight,” she said, shoulders slouching with relieve as she fell into step with him. Despite needing a room for the next week, she’d be damned if she showed her face to friends and family looking like this, she wasn’t intending on using his room for that entire time. For now, what mattered was there was a warm and safe place to stay for tonight. The rest were worries for the morning. “You changed it up,” she said as they walked together, “It looks really nice.”

“Ouch.” His hand crawled up to his chest, proving a point that he was hurt. “I thought you came back and chose this hotel because of me.” Since they started dating back then, Daniel knew she was going through something but not entirely certain on what it was, he tried his best to keep things positive for her. Complementing and accompanying her to a salon when she had a bad haircut, supporting her when he thought she was down. He would always be the light on her dark tunnel, the knight and shining armor that would protect her and the clown who would do anything to make her laugh. He can be anything she wants him to be. And for now, he will be her friend.
“Nonsense. When there’s an available room, I’ll transfer you but now, stay as long as you like, Liv.” He assured her, hand slipping at her back to guide her and maybe for support. She was obviously tired based on her posture. Before they could enter the hallway to the rooms, the staff held out the first aid kit he asked as he then turned back his attention to her. “Yeah, I did. It was about time to re-brand the hotel.” A soft smile lingered down his lips, delighted with her opinion and proud of his accomplishment. “I am glad you liked it. Does that mean I would be seeing you more here? or around the town perhaps?” The card was tapped, unlocking the room which revealed a nice, clean room.

“I mean, I did choose the hotel because you’re the manager if that’s any condolence,” Olivia said at the sight of Daniel’s hand clutching his chest. She moved down the hallway. Not completely sure where exactly his room was, but knowing he’d tell her to stop walking eventually. She had vague memories of the inside of the hotel from high school. It was definitely updated now. It had more of an open concept than she recalled.
Daniel’s fingertips were a whisper on the small of her back. She ignored the touch, not leaning into it or shaking it off, he didn’t mean anything particular by it despite the part of her that wanted to coil away. The paranoid thought of nothing being handed for free made her wonder if staying at the hotel was a good idea. Before she could dwell on it too far, he opened the door to his room. She tilted her head at the sight. Its neat and tidiness was a stark different from the wreck she left her apartment in. “Thank you for tonight. I’m not sure yet what I’m doing. I’ll definitely be here for the next week. I don’t want to scare the villagers,” she said, letting her purse drag on the carpet next to her, “I’m also not sure if I’d be able to stay here permanently again. We’ll see.”

[[Time Skip -- May 11th 2020]]