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Submitted Prompt: Rocketear Wake Up Call
In Rocketear, after Nino explains that he is Carapace and that Alya was Rena Rouge, Adrien is thunderstruck--
Not by the convoluted idea that consumed him in canon that knowing Ladybug's identity will guarantee that they would be a couple--
Not by the "injustice" of Alya and Nino "getting to know" each other's identities in a world-ending disaster scenario where Ladybug had no choice but to retrieve them together--
Adrien is struck by the fact that... His best friend was Carapace.
His friend was Rena Rouge.
Two of his best and only friends had become temporary heroes.
Two of his only friends had had to join the fight against Hawkmoth.
Two of his only friends were now in active danger every Akuma attack because they weren't just bystanders-- they were now active participants in the fights.
Adrien remembers Heroes Day, and how oddly Rena Rouge and Caparace had been interacting, remembered how they were both lost to Hawkmoth, how he had been... Not even horrified at their loss that day. He'd been frustrated, annoyed, and ... Relieved.
Relieved that there were less temporary heroes in the fight, because that meant Ladybug would be paying more attention to him.
Adrien had lost some of his best friends that day, and he had been happy that they were gone.
Adrien's mind was reeling, he was horrified at his actions, horrified at his mentality up until this moment, feeling his heart sinking lower and lower in his chest down to his toes as he realized how he had treated all of the temporary heroes, even the ones he knew the identity of, how he had treated his girlfriend when he knew that Kagami was Ryuko!
He'd been dating Kagami, and he'd still pursued Ladybug.
He'd even done it right in front of Kagami.
Adrien's mind was shattering, Adrien was second guessing and rethinking everything he'd ever done since he became Chat Noir.
This is wake up call that is long overdue, and he was slowly waking up to find his past was now his own nightmare of his own making--
So he actually listened when Nino trash talked Chat Noir.
Adrien actually heard how Nino saw his other self.
Adrien actually, finally listened to what others thought of his actions.
And the biggest horror isn't that Nino thought so low of him-- it's not even that it took Adrien this long to admit to even himself that he had been doing wrong.
It's that Nino thinks so low of him, saw him for the trash that he was--
And Nino wasn't even the target of Adrien's behavior.
First thing's first: Adrien had to set the record straight with what Nino thinks is going on between him and Alya; and Adrien can't even fault him for thinking that anymore, he had always gone out of his way to flirt with any girl or adult woman he saw when he was transformed! It had been fun-- but only fun for him.
Adrien's going to tell Nino straight out how he knows that Alya isn't cheating on him with Chat Noir: because Adrien IS Chat Noir, and he's going to prove it.
Then, once he's calmed his friend down, and called Alya so Nino would actually talk to his girlfriend about his insecurities, Adrien's going to do his own apologizing-- to Ladybug, and Kagami.